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02x22 - UFO + Area 51

Posted: 01/10/21 11:26
by bunniefuu
You hear that?

Darrell Waltrip.

Rusty Wallace.

Jimmie Johnson. If you listen close, you can still hear them there. That's amazing.

I didn't know that you were blessed with the ability to hear into the past. Look, I got a lot of gifts you don't know about.

You go ahead and mock me.

This is, this is hallowed ground right here, dude.


Hey! Get off the track now!

Unless you want to become part of this hallowed ground, I suggest you listen to what he says.


Aw, man. Did you see the splits?

You were right about turn three.

I can't believe taking it on the inside actually dropped my time.

You know, normally it wouldn't, but since air resistance is proportional to the square of the velocity, going high into the wall of wind would've increased your drag through the turn and then slowed you down.

You shaved two hundredths of a second off my best lap time on this track.

Sure you don't want to come pit for me?

Ah, man.

Travis, I'd love to, but... my day job keeps me pretty busy, unfortunately.

Change your mind, you let me know.

Not many people understand fluid dynamics well enough to disagree with me on how to maximize velocity through a turn and be right.

Travis, I hate to ask.

But it's my lifelong dream to get behind the wheel of 850 horses.

You think I could just sit in her for just a sec, take some, take some selfies? Why just sit?

Wouldn't you rather take her for a spin?

"Take her for a spin"? You mean drive it?

Get in, man.

Oh, so much speed.

You, uh, you okay there?

Yeah, I got a little technical problem.

I think it's these skinny jeans, man.

Just got a text from Matty. No. No, no way.

No-no-no text from Matty, not right now. No way.

Nothing is gonna stop me from living out my childhood fantasies.

Okay. And I'm just quoting here, "Something crashed in the Nevada desert and we cannot identify what it is."

Matty found a UFO?

Yeah, but you...

No, no, no. I-I...

Can I take a rain check on this big boy?

Yeah. Anytime, sure. Whoa, whoa. Rain check.

Okay, okay.

We'll rain... I got you, I got you.

We'll rain check.Yup. There you go.

Yeah. To be continued.


We'll see. Okay.

What do you think we're talking about here?

Huh? One of them big musical suckers like Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

Or no. Ooh! Ooh!

One of those, one of those fighters, yeah, from Independence Day.

Or-or, maybe, maybe, maybe a Cylon Raider, all metal skin, gooey inside, ooh.

What do you think? What do you think?

I think it's probably the same thing I've told you a hundred times since we left the track:

It's man-made. It veered off course. No, no, that...

Listen, listen. That's what they want you to believe.

Don't be brainwashed, buddy. You're too smart for that.

If I see Tommy Lee Jones or Will Smith coming up to me with that mind-erasing flashy thing, I'm clamping these peepers tight shut like this.

I'll make myself pass out.

Well, it took you long enough, blondie.

I was beginning to think you accepted that job pitting for Travis Long. How did you know that he offered me a job? Right. I know everything.

Now get in here. Yes, ma'am.

Where do you think you're going?

In here to hear your briefing on finally making contact with an alien life-form.

Nope. You're not assigned to this.

Not... not assigned?

Now wait a minute, Matty, I just passed up the opportunity to drive a real live NASCAR

'cause you said there'd be a real live UFO.

So... So what?

Well, i-if you didn't send for me, why am I here?

You were Mac's ride. His ride?

Look, this mission has Jack Dalton written all over it.

36 hours ago, a mysterious object was spotted streaking through the sky over the Nevada desert. Civilian reports of a UFO were initially dismissed, but then a local rancher stumbled upon a crash and found the object.

Cops were called in, then the military, who quickly retrieved the object and brought it to a lab for analysis.

So what is it? Nobody knows.

The military has their top scientists on this, but we still don't know what it is, who made it or why it fell from the sky, which is why they've reached out to Phoenix for help.

So you want us to go in and get it?

Do we know anything about this thing?

Do we even know what it looks like?

No. The military is keeping a very tight lid on this.

Look, everything that they've told me, I've just told you.

Which is why I'm bumping up both of your clearances to give you temporary access to everything that I have.

So you don't have to go through me for approvals.

I'm guessing there's a clock on this one? Yes.

Look, we don't know what this thing is, but we expect that someone's gonna come looking for it and we better know what it is before they ask for it back.

And guys.

Be careful.

Aren't we always? No.

But I'm hoping this time will be different.

I see you're not wearing your dad's watch.

Well, no.

I put it up on eBay.

Mac, I know it's been tough, but giving up is not something I've ever seen you do.

You sure about this? Oh, yeah.

I mean, not really.

You know what?

If my dad really wanted me to find him, he would just pick up the phone and call me like a normal person, not send me cryptic messages or sneak weird presents under the Christmas tree.

If he wants to talk, he knows where to find me.

Dr. Herman.

I'm MacGyver. This is Riley Davis.

Look, let's be clear.

We're not going to be friends.

Our superiors, in their infinite wisdom, believe a combination of new school and old school will yield results more quickly.

And I'm sure you're both the brightest bulbs at whatever absurdly named agency they pulled you from, but I've been back-engineering recovered technology for over 20 years, so... Doc.

Just here to help, okay?

Great. Then keep quiet and try and stay out of my way.

I'm briefing the secretary of defense in four hours and I need to focus, not babysit a couple of kids.

Einstein wrote the Annus Mirabilispapers when he was 26 years old, so maybe give us a chance?

Another two sets of eyes couldn't hurt.

Guess we'll find out.

I'm not gonna touch it.

Gosh. Okay.

No visible seams, so no way to determine how it was made or what it does. Jack is gonna be pissed he missed this.

Yeah. What tests have you done so far?

You're gonna run an optical emission spectroscopy test?


It is a test that removes a small amount of material from the object by irradiating the surface with a laser, which could damage the object.

I'm aware.Right.

But I've tried everything else and this is the logical next step.

Y-You know what, before we fire up the laser...

...may I suggest something?

Yeah, yeah.

There's... you hear that, right?

Yeah. Shaking it?

That's your big idea?

Riley, can you run a search for a DARPA project involving military situational awareness sensors suspended by weather balloons? You're wasting my time.

I already had that same idea.

The file you're looking for is classified.

I-I put in a request for a clearance waiver which is being fast-tracked.

Got it.


You two have the clearance?

I know, right?

It's amazing what they let kids have nowadays.

Unfortunately, none of those DARPA sensors look anything like our sphere here.

So, lost that lead.

Well, if you don't have any more helpful ideas, maybe we can start making some actual progress.

Okay. Let's try the laser.

Riley, do you think any...

Bozer, I don't have time to talk right now, okay?

I need some advice.

Then you came to the right place, Ms. Davis.

You're talking to "Dear Bozer," a "Dear Abby" -like column I wrote in high school.

I was... Bozer.

Again, time is a factor.

All right. So, here's the thing.

Matty gave us super security clearance for this op and I kind of just used mine to look through a full CIA file for what she may know about Mac's dad.

You did? Yeah.

So now I have this file that could answer a lot of Mac's questions about his dad and explain Matty's involvement.

So, what do you need my advice for?

Just give him the file. Well, yeah, a few hours ago, I would've.

But Mac just told me he wants to move on and let the whole search-for-Dad thing go.

He even put his dad's watch on eBay.

Whoa. Yeah, I know.

Now you see why I'm asking for advice.

So do I give him the file and drag him back into his increasingly unhealthy obsession or do I let him move on and pretend like I never saw it?

Yeah. That's a tough one. Hey, Riley, we could use another set of hands over here if you don't mind. Yeah.

Bozer, I got to go.

Think about it, okay?

Okay, Matilda, what's going on? First of all, you're a dream k*ller, a dream k*ller for pulling me out of that NASCAR, then you freeze me out of the UFO mission, and now, you drag me... me... Down here to interrogation.

And you know how long I've been waiting for you down here?

Sit down. I prefer to stand. Thank you.

Mac and Riley were sent as technical consultants, Jack.

Your technical expertise ends at making microwave popcorn.

Okay? Your skills just weren't needed on this op.

Oh, come on. I've been with Mac plenty of times where my skills weren't needed for the miss... mission, but... they've always seemed to come in handy anyway.

Now just tell me what's going on.

Why do you got me in here right now?

Because I think it's time you and I had a talk. A talk?

What talk can't wait till after I get to see a real live UFO, you fun I know that you broke into my house, Jack.

You cracked my safe and you took photos of my classified CIA file.

And I think it's time you and I had a little chat about that. Now sit down.

Doc, before we fire up the laser, I just got to ask one more time, are you sure about this?

'Cause I'm having second thoughts. I'm not.

It's my call.

This is the test we're running.

Now, stand back.

Don't say it. What... I...

What just happened, Doc.

Well, the laser caused the sphere to emit a powerful pulse of energy that somehow shut down everything in the lab.

In technical terms, I think we just pissed it off.


Huh. What is it, Mac?

The laser just activated something inside the sphere.

Is it pulsing?

Yes, I see that, too.

Looks like it's putting out some kind of signal.

Whatever it is, I think it just phoned home.

Okay, maybe I did break into your house.

But in my defense, I wouldn't have had to do that if you would've told Mac the truth.

Only a child blames someone else for their actions, Jack.

You are a grown man.

What... says the kid playing hide-and-seek with valuable information on Mac's father.

Is that what you think I'm doing?

Yeah. Seriously? Did it ever occur to you to come and ask me what was going on?

It wouldn't have done any good you wouldn't have told me anything.

Well, I guess we'll never know now, will we?

Because instead of coming to see me, your brilliant idea was to break into my house and smash all my stuff.

I didn't smash all your...

I didn't smash all your... stuff.

I-I feel really bad about that. I'm sorry. I-I...

You know, we-we had a plan.

It just went sideways, that's all.

It always does with you, Jack.

And you know what the worst part is?

You dragged Bozer, Jill and Elwood into this.

Yeah, I know about that, too, Jack.

I didn't drag anybody.

You might know everything, but you're not right about everything.

You want to know what the worst part about all this for me is?

After all these years we've been working together... don't trust me.

Not when it comes to sensitive information about this family...

Only when I can't, Jack.

And after all these years, you should trust me enough to know that everything I do, every decision that I make, is for the good of this family.

You operate on instinct, Jack.

You always have.

And I love that about you.

I don't have that same luxury.

It's my job to see the big picture.

Stop seeing the big picture for a second.

Answer me a yes or no question:

Did you know Mac's father?

All you need to know is that everything I've done, I did to keep Mac safe.

Uh, I don't like the look of this, Mac. Agreed.

We are not safe here. We need to leave.

What are you talking about? Take a look.

Ever since you decided to zap the sphere, it's been sending out a signal with our GPS coordinates.

Which means whoever built this thing is probably gonna be coming to get it back. So... if we want time to figure out who made it, we should probably get out of here.

Whoa! Wh-What the hell are you doing? I'm dampening the signal.

The chemicals soaking this coat will block the sphere's transmission, meaning whoever's looking for us won't be able to track us.

Like when Schwarzenegger wrapped his head in a wet towel in Total Recall. Exactly.

Ooh, I've been spending way too much time around Jack. I can relate.

But did it work? Yeah, like a charm.

The waveform flatlined. I got no signal.

Nice. All right, let's get out of here.

I'm sorry.

We lost the signal.

So find it.

What are you doing? You can't leave.

That is a piece of unidentified high technology that now belongs to the U.S. government.

Y-You can't just wrap it in a wet rag...

We got to get the hell out of here.

Probably tracking all radio traffic and cell signals, too.

I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I need your phone, Mac.

I'm gonna need yours, too.

Is there a back way out of this place?

This is a secure government facility.

Our guards are more than prepared...

Anything else you want to add today?

Look, Doc, we don't know what this thing is or who lost it, so we don't know who's out there sh**ting people to get it back.

I don't want to find out the hard way.

So I'm gonna ask you one more time, is there a back way out of this place?

That way. You sure that signal dampener of yours is working?

Yeah, as long as the coat stays soaked, they shouldn't be able to track us.

But they can track us the old-fashioned way.

Come on, let's go. Let's go.

Doc, go!

Get back to the trucks and find them.

How's he doing back there? Yeah, not great.

I managed to stop the bleeding, but he's gut shot.

He needs a hospital. Yeah, that may be hard to come by out here.

Even if there was a hospital nearby, those guys know they wounded one of us.

It'd be the first place they check.


So where we going?

You know what?

Keep heading south on that road right there.

And turn off your headlights.

If they have air support, they're gonna spot us.

You want me to drive with the headlights off out here?

We don't have a choice, but if you keep your hands steady, this is a straight shot to Groom Lake. Groom Lake?

Why does that sound familiar?

It's a military base, top secret, fully operational, lots of medics and armed guards who can keep out just about anything. Should be safe there.

You're talking about Area 51.

The one and only.

Jack is gonna be pissed he missed this.

That's assuming we make it there.

Think you can fix it?

b*llet hole in the radiator? Probably.

But the head gasket that melted when the engine overheated?

Not unless you want to watch me make a forge and start smelting metal.

You lost me at "smelting."

So what are we gonna do?

Considering they're doing a sector by sector grid search for us and we can't call AAA, I think we're heading to Area 51 on foot.

You got it? Yeah.

Got it? Yup.

Is it gonna work? It's gonna have to.

All right, we're moving out.

How you doing back there, Doc?

I'd love to say my condition is improving, but it's not.

And all I'm doing is slowing you down.

Abandoning people in the desert is not what we do.

We're gonna get through this together.

Is he always this optimistic?

Mr. Can You bet.

Jack, you came storming in here ten minutes ago, said we had to talk, then proceeded to pace in angry silence.

So... are you gonna share, or just wear a hole in the linoleum?

Matty knows we broke into her house.


She does! Oh, man.

What's this "we" garbage?

That-that was all you, man. Does she know I know?

I mean, does she know that I knew and then slow played the investigation?

It's Matty, man. She knows everything.

She's a friggin' Jedi. Oh, man, this is bad, like, badbad.

What did she say? Is she gonna fire me?

Don't skimp on the details, Jack. All right, look, look, look.

All I know for sure is that-that she is fully aware I'm the one that broke into her house, and she knows, well, everyone that-that I recruited to help me, and she's not real happy about the whole thing.

Oh, man. But I told her, I said "everything I did, I did to protect Mac."

And what did she say to that?

Well, she said everything she did, she did to protect Mac, too, so...

And what did you say to that?

Well, nothing, really.

What does that even mean?

I-I don't know, I don't know.

But if this woman is hell-bent on keeping secrets, there ain't nothing me and you can do about it, I'm telling you.

Why, is there something...

Is there something you're not telling me?



I don't... Mm-mm.

Why is your face making that face?

Everybody's face makes a face, that's why they call it a face.

But your face is making the face that says

"I know something very important, Jack, and I'm not telling you," which is bothersome for me.

So do yourself a favor, spill the beans.

As they say, you know, "come clean,"

"let the cows out of the barn."

It'll make you feel better.

You can whisper it if you want.

Mac, look.

Yeah, I see it.

You know, when I was a kid, I used to think sh**ting stars were alien spaceships passing by the Earth.

Maybe they were.

Oh, come on, you don't really believe that, do you?

I do.

Most scientists do.

There's 20 trillion stars out there, most of them with planets.

It's statistically impossible for life not to exist.

That doesn't mean that aliens have ever visited Earth, though.

No matter what Jack has told you about faster-than-light travel.

Sorry to interrupt.

Are you sure we're going the right way?

Yeah, I mean...

I mean, I was before you asked me that.



Guys, we got to stop.

Much as I don't want those guys to catch up to us, I don't want to be lost in this desert.

I'd say we should stop and ask for directions, but you know.

Maybe we can ask the stars.

Celestial navigation.Yes.

Uh, am I to believe you just happen to have a sextant on you?

Not, but if you give me a minute.

Okay, let's say you canmake one.

But you'd still need to know the coordinates of Area 51 to have any hope... 37 degrees, 14 minutes and six seconds north by 115 degrees, 48 minutes... and don't look at me like that.

I was a really dorky kid, I know.

So for those of us who didn't major in advanced abstract dorkery, what's a sextant, again?

And, with the least amount of sciencey words possible, please?

I can try.

A sextant is an ancient navigational tool used by sailors to chart their course through the night sky.

All we got to do is measure the angular distance, of a few well-known stars, do a little math, obviously, and we should be able to calculate our exact location.

But I need a watch. What am I doing?

Where'd you learn how to do all this?

My dad taught me.

Okay, we are approximately

37 degrees, 12 minutes north by 115 degrees...

47 minutes west.

And if Polaris is there, that means we go that way. That way.

You guys are so cute.

All right, let's get out of here before bad guys come and k*ll us.


Stop the car.

They can't have got far.

I think I know just where they're headed.


Uh, hello?!

Not the welcome I was expecting.

Yeah. Where is everyone?

If either of you make a joke about alien abductions... Shh.

You hear that?

Yeah. Yeah, I hear it.

All right, this way.

Look at this guy, look at him.

Why don't you die?!

Game over.

Who are you?

How'd you get in here?

Uh, I'm MacGyver, this is Riley, Dr. Herman.

We are being chased by a group of armed men, and they're not that far behind us.

He needs your medical team, he's wounded.

And I need to speak to your C.O., ASAP.

We don't have a medical team here, or a C.O.

Only personnel currently stationed at this facility is u-us.

What? What... how-how is that even possible?

That's classified. Well, our security clearance is high enough to give you both a nosebleed.

So why don't we just cut the formalities and you guys tell us what's going on here?

Okay, well, I guess the brass got tired of everybody knowing where we test our new jets, so eight months ago, everything and everyone in Area 51 got moved to a new location.

So you're telling me there's no doctors on this base?

And the only soldiers here are...

The two of us.

So the backup we thought was here isn't.

Which means we are completely on our own.


Let me guess, you brought me in here to yell at me again, this time in front of an audience?

No, Jack.

Mac and Riley just called in.

They had some unexpected visitors at the lab.

Not little green men.

Operatives sent in to retrieve the object.

Are they safe?

For now, but they're being hunted.

By who? We don't know yet.

Our techs were able to access the security cameras at the lab and bring up surveillance footage right before they cut out.

Edgar Porter.

Former wet works operative turned hired g*n.

He and his men were sent in by some shady weapons manufacturer out of the Eastern Bloc to retrieve a new piece of tech they were testing.

Yeah, something tells me they don't come in peace.

They left eight dead at the lab.


Mac and Riley managed to escape with Dr. Herman, and the device, but Dr. Herman got shot.

Now, they're alone, outnumbered, and in desperate need of backup.

Okay. I need a TAC team.

You got one, armed and ready, meeting you on the tarmac in five.

Where are we headed? Groom Lake.

Mac and Riley are holed up at the base there.

"Groom Lake"? Area...

Jack, we don't have time.


Got it.

That's all you got to defend this place?

Two pistols and a can of Mace?

Things have really quieted down since they took everything offsite.

The last excitement we had was, like, what, a month ago?

Y-Yeah, some tourist managed to make it past the ground sensors, take a picture of the front gate.

All it took to get rid of him?

A little harsh language. Okay.

Do you guys at least have a decent medical kit around here?

If I don't get him antibiotics soon, he's gonna go septic.

We'll worry about this later.

Somebody just tripped a whole bunch of our perimeter sensors.

That must be our friends. And I can assure you, they're not here for an alien-themed photo op.


These guys are armed and dangerous.

They will k*ll us on sight to get what I have in here back.

How long do we have before they're knocking at your door? Uh, I'd say about

15 minutes, max.

Is there anywhere more defensible than this hangar? Something with thicker walls, sturdier doors, no windows?

We have to hole up somewhere until help arrives.

Why is there a morgue in Area 51?

For this.

Say hello to Marvin.

We like to give our visitors a little scare.

Yeah, or a heart attack.

No, no, no, it's just-just rubber.

Like your head.

Hey, you guys want to take a selfie? You can totally do it.

Personally, I'm just interested in finding a way to stay alive until help arrives.

Well, then, you're in the right place.

This area is reinforced steel, and has its own security system.

Nobody's getting in here.

That's perfect.

Find it! Yes, sir. Go, go.

So what is that thing?

Honestly? No idea.

All we know for sure is that the bad guys really want it back.

Take two of these...

...and promise not to die, okay?

Can you guys grab the, uh, table right there, and put it up next to the door for me? No, no, no.

No, that's reinforced steel right there.

Those windows? They're bulletproof.

Nobody's getting in here.

Except for maybe bad guys who don't like to lose.

So can we play it safe, and hedge our bets?

Uh, Mac?


What the hell is that thing?

Still not sure.

Whoa, whoa, Mac. What are you doing?

They're gonna see the signal. Yeah, but I have to test a theory.

I think the current flowing through my welder is somehow interacting with the sphere, causing it to vibrate.

Okay, I didn't think that thing was actually from space until just now.

Oh, no, this is very much man-made.

I mean, unless E.T. started labeling his microchips in Chinese and English.

The metal skin must be one of the new gallium alloys that can be reshaped on the fly with an electric current.

That's why the sphere doesn't have any seams.

The electromagnetic interference from my welder disrupted the current in the sphere's surface.

Which changed the atomic bonds in the solid metal and made it melt into a liquid.

Exactly. I think I know what this thing is.

The liquid metal skin, it allows it to reshape itself mid-flight, which means it would be radar-invisible and able to penetrate heavy armor.

Well, that explains why it wasn't detected flying over American airspace.

So, is it some kind of drone?

No. Considering it has an advanced guidance and targeting system, and room for an expl*sive payload, I don't think this is a drone.

You think it's a m*ssile.

Yes. A highly sophisticated, virtually unstoppable one.

Or at least a prototype.

Something like that could change the balance of power in w*r zones around the world.

That explains why your friends want it back.

Which is why we absolutely must not let them take it.

Okay, so I guess you better stop staring at that thing and finish welding that door, right, Mac?

Change of plans.

If these guys want the sphere back so badly, well, we'll let 'em have it.

Sir, the signal, it's back on. Where?

It's coming from over there.

Sir, through here.

It's all clear.

Behind you, sir!

You're only delaying the inevitable.

We're gonna sh**t our way out of here, k*ll you, all your little friends, and walk out of here with that device.


You mean thisdevice?

Well, you can put this on the list of things I never want to do again. Hey, it worked, didn't it?

They're in there unconscious, and we're alive.

Mr. Can-do did it.

Just keep heading south, and get off at the second exit.

You can't miss it.

I called ahead.

They're prepping an O.R. for Dr. Herman right now.

Thanks. I appreciate it.

And I'm sorry.

I know this wasn't what you expected when you woke up this morning.

You kidding? This is the best shift we've had in years.

Aside from the almost dying part.

All right, later, boys.

Hey, wait, let's trade numbers. I'd love to come visit you in L.A. Mine's 702.

No, that's... Wait, I didn't...

I didn't give you the rest of...

God, she's hot.

As you may have noticed, I am not a humble man.

But I owe you both an apology.

And my gratitude.

MacGyver, you went up against a team of armed K*llers with nothing but a Swiss Army knife, and survived.

No, he didn't just survive, he kicked their butts.

Don't forget that part.

I'm very glad Phoenix sent you both.

Thank you for...

If you really want to thank me, do it after we get you to a hospital, and they save your life.

You got it.

Is that...

It's a Phoenix chopper.

Greetings, Earthlings.

Hey, buddy. Sorry you missed out on all the fun.

Man, I'm just glad you're still alive.

Though, to be honest, I am a little jealous you went to Area 51 without me.Yeah.

Well, look, it wasn't like I planned it this way.

Never is.

But listen, I do have a surprise waiting for you at the morgue.

What, like an alien surprise?

No. These guys are very human, and probably still very unconscious from a concussion grenade I whipped up.

But they are in Area 51.

Wait... there's a morgue?

It's all clear!

Well, well, well.

If it ain't the big bad wolf.

Smile for me, Porter.

I got a little wall of shame going.

There he is, the tough guy.

Well, take your time now, fellas.

I could be in here all day.

Area 5-1. Whoo.

Hold that.

Oh, you got me, you crafty little grey-skinned devil.

You got me good.

What's that.

Road trip?


Hang on, sweetheart.



Oh, no, you stole Marvin?


"Stole" is a little harsh.

What, I look like a thief?

No, I prefer to think of if more as he chose to come with me.

Didn't you?

Yeah, see there? Mm.

Did you tell Mac about the file yet?

No, not yet. We were waiting on you.

Figured we should do it together.

Yeah. Yeah, let's do this.

Him, too? Oh, hell yeah.

Let's go.

Aha. Hey, hey, hey.

What are you looking at me like that for?

Well, I just got a call from Travis Long.

Something about you flipping his car.

I didn't flip his...

You know, Travis is blowing that whole incident way out of proportion.

So there was an incident?

An incident where you got banned from the track?

I didn't get banned as much... as I got an invitation to... never come back.

So... And, uh, we need to drink to that.

Thank you.


Jack's got an alien in a NASCAR helmet, and you guys look like you're at a funeral.

What's up?

We got something we need to tell you, Mac.

Okay, so here it is.

Matty and I got into it today.

Full-on. Man, it-it... it wasn't pretty.

She knows I broke into her house looking for intel on your old man.

And when I asked her point-blank if she knew him, she wouldn't answer.

But we've known for months that Matty's been hiding secrets about my dad.

Look, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm never gonna know why she was investigating my father.

Just like I'll never know why he took off when I was a kid, or why he stayed away for so long.

So, I've been doing a lot of thinking and... it's over... I'm done wasting my time and energy searching for someone who doesn't want to be found.

It's time to move on.

Look, Mac, if you want to move on, I support you... we all do.

But before you make that decision, you need all the facts.

You should know I used my upgraded security clearance to look through Matty's file on your dad.

And... well...


If there's still a part of you that wants to know the truth, the answers are right there.