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02x20 - Skyscraper - Power

Posted: 01/10/21 11:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on MacGyver... Everything's a puzzle when it comes to my father. Always has been.

Look at the numbers on the tattoo on his arm.

I think he's trying to tell you how to find him.

Need I remind you what would happen if these people escape with a handheld EMP?

Drop it. Now!

This dude's not crazy enough to trigger an EMP while he's still on the plane, is he?

Riley! Take the shot!

Have you ever made a mistake in the field, Jack? Sure.

What happened on that plane sure wasn't yours. I hesitated, Jack, and the guy got away. That's textbook definition for "it's my fault."

This mistake ended in the loss of an EMP.

The next mistake you make like this could end in the loss of everything.

Hey, Mac!

You home?

Hey, man.

Where you at?


Hey, Mac.

Mac, what are you doing?

Hey. You alive?

External force is always zero.

What kind of weird dreams you having, dude?

I was giving a lecture, on the, uh...

Lagrangian formulation of quantum field theory.

To a class full of ten unicorns.

Hmm. Well, aside from the unicorns...

Which are wicked awesome...

Sounds like a frickin' nightmare.

What time is it?

It's 11:00.

What? Yeah, you know, I-I figured you were pulling another all-nighter, looking for your mystery man.

It's been weeks, and you still haven't found anything.

I'm starting to get worried.

You're burning the candle at both ends here, and for what?

For what.

Let's go.

Actually, I found something.


Yeah. What?

A name. Charles Pfeffer.


Charles Pfeffer.

This is great.

All right.

Let's just go track down this fella.

Already tried. Turns out, 72 years ago, he got off a boat at Ellis Island, got a New York I.D. and then... well, he just disappeared.

There's no employment or housing records.

Any living family? Anything like that?

No. No family, nothing.


I thought I'd made a major breakthrough.

It turns out it's another dead end.

What are you talking about? This is great.

This is just another bump in the road, and a good opportunity for the both of us to start thinking outside of the box when it comes to looking for your dad.

Did you just find a silver lining in a dead end?

I'm an optometrist.

"Optimist." Whatever. Yeah.



Let's go, we're late.

Unicorns. Really?

Yeah. They were wicked smart, too.


Okay. Now that we are all finally here, remember that EMP that we lost?

Of course. Well, we've just been given an opportunity to get it back.

After your encounter with these guys on the back of that C-17, the whole group fell off the grid.

But 12 hours ago, we intercepted chatter suggesting that they're setting up a sale.

The EMP is about to switch hands.

Do we know who the buyer is?

And what they want it for?

Unfortunately, we do not.

However, we do know exactly when and where the sale is going down.

Thatlooks an awful lot like a parking garage.

That's because it is a parking garage, Dalton.

And this particular parking garage is located in Seoul, South Korea.

The sale's being set up for tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m., which means you four are wheels-up in 20.


This is our one shot to grab that device, and a bit of redemption.

Make it count.

Faster, Jack, they're getting away!

Why do I show you two racing through Seoul at 90 miles per hour?


Do you copy?

H The buy went bad.

Yeah. Uh, short version, it wasn't so much of a sale as it was a fatal ambush where the buyers k*lled the sellers and then split with the EMP.

We're tailing them now.

Watch it! Good. Whatever you do, do not lose sight of that device.

Riley, Bozer, I need to know exactly who we're chasing.

Get me intel.

Copy that, Matty.

Just as an FYI, it's a bit of a mess over here.

I'm not asking you to clean it up, Boze.

Just search it.

We're on it.


Riley! Take the shot!

You okay?

Better than he is.

That was him, wasn't it?

You need a minute?

We don't have a minute.

Look, I know this one's personal for you, Riley.

I remember the way you felt when we lost the EMP.

It's nice of you to say "we," Bozer, but Ilost the EMP.

Ever since he jumped out of that plane, I haven't stopped thinking about all the ways it could be used.

All the lives it could cost if that gets deployed.

That's on me.

Listen, we're gonna get it back.

I know we are.

I never thought I'd get a second chance to get that EMP back.

I'm not going home without it.

Ooh. Ooh, you know, these G Wagons can get it.

This is some pretty precision driving.

Spec ops, ambush tactics.

I don't know who these dudes are, but they're well-trained.

That's the airport up ahead.

And it doesn't look like they plan on sticking around Seoul much longer, does it? No, it does not.

Put on your safety belt.

It's on. Put it... oh.

Well, I don't suppose you could whip up a set of wings for this van real quick.


But I just thought of something way faster.

Surprise, surprise.

Hands up, gentlemen. We are officially commandeering your vehicle.


I'm... really... really, really sorry about this.

Where are we going? Follow that plane.

Let's go!

Fellas, you don't want to get in here?

Come on.


Hey, there we go.

Hey, don't look at me like that.

When I tell people I was in a high-speed jet chase, I'm gonna need some selfies as proof.


Hey, there we go.

Aw, that's a good one.

Hey, uh, Matty, any idea where these guys are taking the EMP?

I've got our techs working up a list of every high-value target that one could reach with that kind of jet and a full t*nk of gas.

Military bases, nuclear plants, industrial centers, basically anywhere that an electromagnetic pulse could fry sensitive electronics and have a devastating impact.

I'm using the jet's current speed and heading to eliminate certain targets, but... there's still dozens in range.

In other words, you don't know nothing.

Why don't you just say that... "I don't know nothing.

Your guess is as good as anybody else's."

If you're trying to piss me off, Dalton, you're doing a bang-up job.

Thank you. All right, look, if we can identify these guys, it'll help us determine what their target is.

Riley, any luck with the sellers' tech?

Nope, not yet.

The sellers' phones are heavily encrypted.

I'm gonna need some more time to I.D. the buyers.

Riley, Riley, time is not something we have in abundance, okay?

A-And quit calling them "buyers."

Making them sound all regal and cool.

They're the "sh**t everybody, steal the EMPers," that's more accurate.

Thanks, Jack. Very helpful.

You're welcome.

Hey, uh, Matty, these guys have definitely changed their heading.

Yeah, I see it. We're recalculating projected flight path now.

What the hell is that?

Probably the elderly couple whose plane we just commandeered?

Oh. Oh, oh, my gosh, I forgot all about them.

I'll go back there and make sure they know we're not t*rrorists.

Hold on, I'm not gonna let you do that by yourself.

Ow! Oh. What are you doing? Give me that.

I-I just came back here to tell you guys not to worry.

We're the good guys. Good guys?

Yeah. You're hijacking our plane!

"Hijack" is a very strong word, sir.

You forced your way onto our plane, you told our pilot where to fly what do you call that?

Yeah. Yeah. That's the definition of hijacking.

Thank you very much, Merriam-Webster.

What are you, what are you...? Okay, okay.

M-Maybe we did hijack...

...the plane just a little bit, but it's a matter of national security.

We work with the U.S. government. You understand?

Hey, sonny, I wasn't born yesterday.

No, sir, that-that's very apparent, but it doesn't change the fact that he's telling the truth.

Yeah? We-we work for Uncle Sam.

We're ex-military... Oh, no.

He's lying, Saul. Hit him again.

That's not very nice. Now, now, now, you just wait a minute.

You're not gonna do it, give me the bottle, I'll do it.

Ah, now, now, wait a minute.

Just stop it. If you guys are really.

U.S. agents, where's your badges?

Badges would be nice...

Yeah, we don't exactly work for an agency that goes around handing out I.D.s, but I promise you both, we're the good guys. Huh?

Well, why should I believe you?

Because I have a g*n and didn't sh**t you.

Now-now that's a fair point he's making there.

Oh, Saul, are you out of your mind? It's a very...

What? You're always so trusting.

Stop attacking my character.

Oh, what about that time you trusted your friend Gary to paint the house?

Gary gave me a good deal on that paint. Because it was lime green.

There's no such thing as a good deal on house paint.

Oh, g-go away. Yes, sir.

Listen here, Edith, you stop pushing my buttons.

Guys, Riley just broke the sellers' encryption.

Okay, I got a bunch of e-mails here between the sellers and a potential buyer setting date, time, place.

This has got to be them.

Anything in there I.D. the buyer? No, but it looks like the sellers were trying to do just that.

They were tracing the buyers' IPs, trying to slip them spyware.

They weren't able to figure out who you guys are chasing, but then again, they didn't have access to the Phoenix database.

Matty, you seeing this?

One of the buyer's IP addresses matches a laptop.

Phoenix previously linked to someone named.

Javier Morales.

Morales is a former major in the Unidad de Operaciones Especiales, Spain's version of the Navy SEALs.

Yeah, I called that.

The way they took out the sellers had special ops written all over it, man.

Any idea why this Morales would want the EMP?

It's hard to say.

Half his file has been redacted.

The other half is a laundry list of medals and citations earned in hot spots on almost every continent.

But those files end two years ago when Morales left the military.

What's he been doing since then?

Well, it looks like he went into business for himself.

And he's been busy recruiting operators from elite units all over the world.

So you're saying Morales built himself a dream team of highly trained operatives?

That's a commando Legion of Doom right there.

Okay, so now that we know who we're chasing, anyone want to guess where they're going and why?

Guys, Morales's jet just started gaining altitude.

Can you confirm visually?

Yeah. Matty, these guys are climbing fast, but the real question is why.

They're gonna jump.


That's a spiral climb.

We did dozens of them in Jump School.

You got your jump wings.

'69 Fort Benning, 75th Infantry, "C" Company.

Fought about two tours in Vietnam.

So you were Army Rangers?

Rangers always lead the way, son.

Yes, sir.

Anyway, I'm taking Edith to all the places I wrote her letters from during the w*r.

Those guys you're following, they won't be on that plane much longer.

He's right, you know.

Yeah, Matty, these guys are circling which means they have a specific landing site in mind.

Well, you're over Shanghai now, so maybe their target's in the city.

Mac, Jack, I've got a visual on six jumpers.

Looks like they're headed for Dizang Tower.

Guys, track Morales's jet and have local authorities meet it wherever it lands.

You don't just halo jump onto a 128th story building just to say you did it.

Whatever Morales plans to do with that EMP, I think he's about to do it now.

Riley, I need eyes inside that tower.

Bozer, I need you to make me a list of everything in that building worth all this trouble.

We got to get to the ground now.

We got to get to the ground, like, right now.

They already have a really big head start on us.

Let's go, Captain. Get us down.

Sorry to be the lone voice of reason here, fellas, but we are nowhere near a runway.

Well, it sounds like you just became the master of improvisation.

Get us down, Captain, right now.


You and Edith should get buckled up.

We're gonna put this thing down and it's gonna get bumpy.


Wow, that was easy. What'd you tell him?

I told him that your wife's having a baby at the hospital.Oh. Thanks for the ride.

Jack Jr., here we come.

Hey, Riley, we're about five minutes out from, uh, Dinzang, uh... Dizang.

We're about five minutes out from the tower.

Did Morales and the Funky Bunch show up yet?

I just got into the tower security system.

Looking now.

Got them.

They're in the northeast stairwell heading down.

They just passed the 100th floor.

Bozer, how are we doing on that list of potential targets? Uh... good.

A little too good, honestly.

The whole building is filled with high profile targets.

There's a Japanese embassy, a military tech company, six hedge funds, over a dozen banks.

No way to know what Morales and his men are gonna hit.

This might narrow it down.

They just exited the stairwell on the 90th floor.

Yeah, okay, and do we know what's on the 90th floor exactly?

No clue. It isn't labeled on the building's public directory.

That's because the entire floor is a private residence.

Belongs to a man named Ralph Jerico.

You mean Ralph Jerico the billionaire?

Yeah, man. How many non-billionaires do you know that own their own floor of the building?

The man's made his fortune in international finance.

He has homes all over the world, but guess which home he's in this week?

The one on the 90th floor?

Bingo. He's in town for the Chinese Economic Summit.

Yeah, so, what's the deal, Matty?

Are these cats working for Jerico now?

Are they trying to help him steal the EMP.

As far as I can tell, Ralph Jerico appears to be an honest businessman.

Uh, guys, Morales and his men definitely don't work for Jerico.

They just took out two of his guards.

And now they're putting a shaped charge on his front door.

So what is this? Is this, is this a hit?

Maybe not.

Jerico's known for not trusting banks.

He keeps the majority of his fortune in portable assets, preferably gold and diamonds.

Looks like he just had a huge new safe installed with biometric and electronic locks.

The kind of lock you need electromagnetic pulse to beat.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

So this is a heist?

It looks that way.

And I don't know about you, but I don't want to see what a man like Morales can do with millions in untraceable wealth.

Guys, they're putting all their electronics in a Faraday bag.

They're gonna blow the EMP.

Hold on to something now.

Seriously? They're about to send this whole building to the Stone Age.

Heads up, people. An EMP just went off inside Dizang Tower and I've got two operatives inside.

The tower may be dark, but the city is not.

I want live feeds from every surveillance, traffic and ATM camera in the area and I mean now. Riley, Bozer, what's your status?

We're 20 minutes out, Matty.

Hey, hey! Pick a lane, man!

You know, uh, depending on traffic.

Okay, Riley, I really need eyes inside that building.

We are flying blind here.

Yeah, I'm trying, Matty, but everything in there is fried.

Every camera, every television, every computer, everything we could've used to get our eyes in that building is dead.

It would take a miracle for us...

Okay, then you're just gonna have to pull off a miracle, Riley, okay?

Our boys are outgunned, outnumbered and literally in the dark.

And our best hope at helping them survive this is you.

Hey, oh, wait a minute.

So you're telling me all my great airplane chase selfies are just gone?

Yes. An EMP doesn't just turn off the power, Jack.

Oh, man. It burns the wires right off the silicon.

So, anything within the blast radius that's electronic is dead forever.

It's not cool, dude. But, hey, we're doing silver lining today, right? Huh?

For once it's not my fault you need a new phone.

Oh, it's your fault, Angus.

It's always your fault.

All right, so we're 40 floors below Jerico's penthouse.

Okay, so the elevator is dead.

Morales and his slow bus armada are gonna have to take the stairwell.

The problem is we have no earthly idea which stairwell they're gonna take, man.

You know what, I don't think he's gonna take any of them, at least not yet. What makes you say that?

Well, think about it.

Commandos coming down, fully tacked up, carrying bags of gold and diamonds.

Not exactly low profile.

They'll wait for the stairwell to clear.

Then they'll make their move.

Exactly. Which will give us plenty of time to go up there and head them off.

Yeah. Well, w-wait, hey, man.

I ain't running up 40 floors.

Yeah, you are, man.

Fighting the sea of scared people the whole way up.

You know what? Actually, it's gonna be easier if we can see.

Let me make something real quick.

Yeah. That's perfect.

Hey, you know what this is reminding me of?

You know, I was thinking about it but I wasn't gonna say anything.

A bunch of t*rrorists taking over a high-rise so they can pull off a bank robbery? It's...

No, no, no, wait, wait, wait.

If anybody's gonna say it, it's gonna be me.

Knock yourself out.

It's Die Hard, baby.

Oh, my God. "Welcome to the party, pal." Crazy.

That's crazy.

Well, hold on now.

Hey. We're still on the mission.

Act professional.Right.

But let's make Bruce Willis proud.

Let's do it.

Hey, Matty.

I think I just thought of a way to deliver up that miracle you asked for.

Now, it's entirely theoretical because it's never been done on a scale like this before, but I think I can...

Riley, don't explain.

Just type fast because I think.

Morales's ride is on its way.

"Come out to the coast. We'll get together, have a few laughs."



There's nobody here, man.

They must have already hit the safe and split.

Well, you were half right.

The safe's still intact. They didn't even open it.

What? Yeah.

Well, if they didn't grab Jerico's diamonds, then what'd they take?

Whatever it was, they're about to fly away with it.

Exfil wasn't on the ground, it was on the roof.

The roof?

No way we're making it to the roof before that chopper does.

Step aside.

That worked in Die Hard.

Yeah, 'cause that was a movie.

In real life, skyscraper windows are heavily reinforced.

Well, I can't tell Riley we lost that EMP again.

I'm a father figure.

Well, they're gonna be coming down the staircase now.

We're not gonna make it, Matty. We're still two blocks out.

Actually, scratch that.

They didn't make it.

Matty, it looks like someone just cancelled their Uber.

That's gotta be Mac and Jack.

Which means they just bought me more time to pull this off.

Yeah, true, but they also just announced their presence in the building.

Morales and his men are gonna be gunning for them.

Let's just hope Mac's plan has a step two.

Knowing Mac, it will.

He just hasn't thought of it yet.

I think we just figured out what stairwell they're in.Yep.

Now we need to quickly, quickly come up with a way to stop a commando death squad.

Come on, Jack! What would John McClane do?

Hey, how about you lure them down there, I figure out what they took, and steal it back?

I love that. Yeah, all right.

Okay, okay. Hey, Morales!

What's the problem? Did I ruin your little roof party?

I tell you what, come on down to 87 and we'll hug it out.

Very McClane.

Just a fly in the ointment, Hans.

Just a monkey in the wrench.

Hey, hey, hey. Just a pain in the ass.

We don't have time for the whole thing.

Yeah, sorry.

One, two, three, four, five.

One more step and he's dead.

Okay, we're here, Matty.

Looks like security has evacuated the tenants, but I don't see any sign of Mac, Jack, or Morales's men.

Me either. Riley, how's that miracle coming?

Uh, Matty, she just threw open the door and ran out of our SUV.

Well, hopefully whatever it is she's doing gets us eyes inside that building.

I need to know what's going on in there right now.

Don't do anything stupid.

Take one more step and I pull this trigger.

Look, no one wins if the kid gets hurt.

Put the g*n down.

I'll do it. Back off. Back off!

Go! Go!

Come with me.

Okay, base antennas are set.

All I have to do is daisy-chain the surrounding buildings'

Wi-Fi and... Anything I can do to help?


Riley, Bozer.

Hey, you copy?

Hell yeah we do, Jack. Where are you guys?

Uh, 87th floor. I-I think I'm playing cat and mouse with these hombres.

I just wet-noodled one and took his walkie. But, uh, I have no earthly idea where Mac is.

We, uh... we had to split up.

Did you get the EMP back?

Well, no, not yet.

What about Jerico's diamonds?

I don't think this is about diamonds, man.

Jerico's safe was locked up tight.

Morales must be trying to steal something else.

I just, uh...

Well, I've been a little busy to figure that out.

Actually, I think I may have the answer.

Ralph Jerico just might be the most heavily insured person on the planet.

Home, fire, earthquake.

Even a kidnap and ransom policy he took out on his only child, Ethan.

As a condition of this sizeable K&R policy, Jerico had to agree to chip his son with a GPS locater.

So Morales uses the EMP to knock out the chip so the kid can't be tracked.

This is bad.

Because if they get Ethan out of the building...

Hell yeah this is bad.

We may never see that kid again.

Hey, let me go!

Hey. Hey. Hey.

You don't have to fight me. I'm on your side.


Now, what's your name?

Ethan Jerico.

And if you hurt me, my dad will destroy you.

First of all, I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm here to save you. You're welcome.

Second of all, your dad is Ralph Jerico?

Duh! Who the hell are you?

I'm MacGyver. I'm here to rescue you.

MacGyver? That doesn't sound like a real name.

Let's see some I.D.

That's the second time today someone's asked me for I.D.

Look, Ethan, you're just gonna have to trust me.


Hey, man, you want the guys with the big g*ns to find us?

Aren't you just another guy with a g*n?

No. Kind of the opposite, actually.

This is all I carry.

You know those guys have g*ns, right?

Like, like big g*ns, dude.Shh.

Yeah, I noticed.

Okay, look, I'm gonna get you out of here.

But to do that, I got to think.

And in order to think, I need to know that when I turn my back, you're not gonna scream.

Or run. Because if you do either one of those, those guys with the big g*ns are gonna catch you again.

And I promise you you don't want that.

So... we cool?

No, no, no.

I-I know my son's chip is offline.

I got an alert the second it happened.

I pay your company a lot of money to know exactly where my son is at all times, and to keep him safe at all times.

No, no, I-I don't want excuses. I want answers.

You're gonna tell me where my son is right now.

Excuse me, Mr. Jerico.

I'm sorry, sir, but this is for you.

This is Jerico. Speak.

Mr. Jerico, my name is Matilda Webber, and I work for the United States government.

20 minutes ago, a team of six armed men knocked the power out in your building and abducted your son.

Is this a ransom call?

Absolutely not, Mr. Jerico.

I have two operatives working inside the tower to save your son, but we're working with limited information.

So I need you to help me figure out exactly what these kidnappers want.

Tell me everything that you know about a man named Javier Morales.

Okay, if that's who's behind this, then... I know exactly what he wants.

So, Morales is doing all this to bust his little baby brother out of prison?

Not just any baby brother.

We're talking about Rodrigo Morales.

The man is an enemy combatant wanted by 16 different governments.

He and Javier used to run their little commando unit together until Rodrigo got busted trying to topple the Nigerian government.

These do not look like nice people.

How does Jerico fit into all this?

Rodrigo is currently locked up in a Nigerian supermax prison.

Nigeria is also a country where Ralph Jerico has significant business holdings and political clout.

Morales contacted Jerico asking him for help, and Jerico refused.

I guess Morales is done asking nicely.

So one phone call from him could end this whole thing?

Yeah, which means releasing Rodrigo back into the wild, which ain't exactly a good thing... he's a rowdy one.

Matty, did you at least call Jerico, tell him not to make any phone calls till we confirm they've got his son?

There's no sense in giving Morales what he wants if he doesn't even have the kid.

I convinced Jerico to give us a half an hour, but unless he has proof that his son is safe in 29 minutes, 18 seconds and counting, he will make that phone call.

So, I need to know where Mac and Ethan are right now.

I know that, Matty. I'm not stupid.

But I don't know how to find him if I don't know where to look.

Hey, Matty, remember that miracle you asked for?

Check this out.

Did you just X-ray the entire Dizang Tower?

Sort of.

Since every cam in the building's fried, I used Wi-Fi signals from nearby buildings to build a radar image of what's going on in there.

You mean like the thing Morgan Freeman did in The Dark Knight? Yeah.

Before you ask, that was real.

Yeah, whatever. Batgirl, use the Bat-thingy and tell me what floor he's on, pronto.

Unfortunately, this technique doesn't give us enough resolution to make out faces.

But those guys definitely have machine g*ns.

And that guy's holding the EMP.

So, if I had to guess, those two blots heading straight down an elevator shaft are Mac and Ethan.

Looks like they're headed for the lobby.


I'm thirsty.

Can I drink the stuff in the bottles?

Only if you want to go to the hospital.

It's not soda, it's hydrogen peroxide and bleach.

When they mix together, they form something called chemical luminescence.


So, what, this is, like, your thing?

You-you make weird stuff out of other stuff?

That's lame. You're lame!

Hey, maybe try being slightly less rude to the guy saving your life.

Tell you what, MacGyver.

When you actually do something cool, I promise to be impressed.


Now what?


Okay. Good?

All right.

Go ahead.

Ooh. Yippee-ki-yay...

Shh! Got a kid present.Sorry.

Who the hell is this old fart.

Watch mylanguage? You're the adult.

Yeah, well, watch your mouth, Curlicue.

I take that back. Bozer, I found Mac and the kid.

We're in the lobby headed out front.

Pick us up.

Guys, looks like Shanghai SWAT just got here.

Yeah, well, in that case, Matty, tell Jerico his kid's safe.

With four minutes to spare.

What the hell? What the hell is going on?

That's not Shanghai SWAT.MacGyver...

Hey, change of plans, Matty.

Morales's boys just took the lobby.

And we just lost our only way out.

Mac, they are securing every door and stairwell, cutting off all exits.

Once that is done, they are gonna go room to room until they find you.

Then I guess this is where we make our stand.

Well, that's fine with me.

I don't mind making a stand.

But let-let's come up with a plan so it's not our last stand.Yeah. On it.

Um... look, we're gonna get you out of here, okay?

You're gonna be with your dad soon.

Not that he'd even notice.

He's too busy flying all over the world, building his empire.

Yeah, well, just 'cause your dad's busy doesn't mean he doesn't care about you.

He had me chipped by the same people that put locators on his cars.

I'm just another possession to him.

When I was your age, my dad walked out on me and he never came back.

And I was angry, just like you are. So, what?

Now you're gonna tell me that my dad really loves me and it's all gonna get better someday?

No, I'm not gonna tell you that.

I'm just gonna say that I know how you feel.

It sucks and I'm sorry. Fellas.

Fellas, fellas.

No one likes an ill-timed heart-to-heart more than me, but we have some very aggressive company coming this way, and I got one clip left for this bad boy, so unless they attack all lined up in a row for me just to take 'em out at once, this amm*nit*on limitation's gonna be a problem. Capisce? That's it.

That's it.

Ah? We're gonna take 'em all out at once. It's brilliant.

Huh Y-You want to fill us in here?

All right, so...

This is a light ballast.

I need as many of these as we can find. Okay, okay.

Here. You take that. You want me to do this?

Yes. Take it. In the lights. Go.

Oh, yes.

Yeah, uh, obviously, I understand what you're building, as usual, but... but what about.

Small Fry here? You know?

It's a teachable moment, here.

I know what a Faraday cage is, dumbass.

Hey, watch your mouth, kid.

Starting to like this kid.

And, uh, yes, Ethan, it is a Faraday cage.

Which will shield whatever's inside of it from the electrical energy outside of it.


But I-I don't understand how a far away cage i-is gonna stop a group of highly-trained K*llers from bearing down upon us with... with a*t*matic weapons and ill intent.

You let him carry a g*n? Watch your mouth.

It's a Faraday cage, Jack, and it's not.

It's just gonna keep us from getting electrocuted.

Electrocuted? Yes.

But I-I thought you said the EMP knocked all of the electricity out of the building.

No. It fried all the electronics in the building.

The city's electrical grid is still going strong.

And since we are on the first floor, which means... we still have power.

Oh, good. Let's k*ll those bastards.

Easy there, Chucky. No, no, I'm with him.

Relax. We're just gonna knock 'em out long enough for the cavalry to come.

You Webber's people?

Where's my son?

We don't know.

All right, your half hour's up.

I'm making the call.


Dad, I-I don't know if you can hear this, but...

I got separated from the guys who were trying to save me.

I'm hiding.

In an accounting office on the first floor.

Are you there.


What happens if your Faraday cage doesn't work?

As a friend once said, then the rest of the day is gonna suck.


There they are.

Don't move.

Now! Now.

Now that was cool! Hell yeah it was!

Language. Hey, have you heard him talk?

He's a little wolf cub.

Damn right I am. See?


Daddy! Ethan!

Oh, gosh!

Oh... Daddy.

Oh. You okay?

Yeah. Yeah?

Oh, I thought I lost you.

You probably would have... if it wasn't for this guy.

That's MacGyver.

He's really weird, but... he's also kind of cool.


Thank you so much for saving my son.

Of course. If there's anything I can do to repay you...

Uh, no.

You don't owe me anything.

Actually, you know what?

There is one thing.

Spend more time with your son.

Make him a priority.

He's a good kid.

He's got a mouth on him, but he's a good kid.

But for him to grow into the man that you want him to be, you gotta be around.

So try not to lose him again.

You may never get him back.

Trust me.

Thank you. See you around, Curlicue.

See you around, old fart. What?

It's not that...

I got the EMP back!


Mac fried it to smithereens, but I did get it back.

Bravo. Hey.

Yes. Bravo.

Yeah, a-and happy trails, Morales.

I can't believe none of you guys got that reference.

What reference?

Die Hard?

"Happy trails, Hans!"

Yeah, never seen it, Jack.

Wait a minute. You've never seen Die Hard?

Of course I've seen Die Hard, Jack.

Just wanted to see if I could make your head explode. Almost did.

It was pretty close.

After today, I got a whole new respect for John McClane, I'll tell you that much.

Should I get the fire pit going?

Maybe order some food?


I'm tired.

Gonna hit the hay.

Get some sleep.

Sleep, huh?

Sure you're not just gonna spend another night hunting for your dad?

Jack didn't tell you?

Photo was a dead end.

He did. But since when has a dead end ever stopped you?

Fair enough. You got me.

I was gonna go through the whole dossier all over again.

I just don't understand why my dad would go through all the trouble of sending me the photo if there wasn't some puzzle hidden in it I was supposed to figure out.

And then I wonder, why all the cloak.

If he had something he wanted to tell me, why not just pick up the phone and call?

Well, that question I can answer.

Your dad always believed the best way to learn something was to figure it out for yourself.

Like the time I asked for a computer and he gave me two college-level books on how to build my own?

This may sound weird, Mac, but...

I always thought that stuff was your dad's way of saying "I love you."

Never thought about it like that.

And do you remember what my dad used to say?

Every night?

"Go to bed. Now.

And if you can't sleep, pretend to"?

You should really listen to him.

Pops has always been a wise man.