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02x16 - Hammock + Balcony

Posted: 01/10/21 11:21
by bunniefuu
Hurry up, man. My legs are going numb.

You got to pull harder this time. Come on.

Why don't you just suck in your gut?

You made it through fine before.

No, no, that ain't the problem. It's that gi... Oh!

That giganto hard drive we stole off the Iranian secret police is still in my pocket.

Come on, man. I don't want to go out like Winnie the Pooh here.

Dazzle me with some brilliance, will you?

Okay. Okay. This might work.

Pee your pants.

Pee my pants?

Yes. It'll reduce the circumference of your waist.

I don't care how much science you throw at me.

I ain't gonna be remembered as the agent who got stuck in a wall and peed his damn pants.

I'd rather you just punch me in the face.

Yeah, that might loosen me up, like-like banging a jar of jelly on the counter or something.

You know, I don't want to eat my teeth, but like a short right cross or something.

Oh, so much for getting this done before the secret police found us.

Okay, okay, no more messing around.

Punch me in the face.

I'm not gonna hit you. Come on.

I'm giving you permission. Just do it!

Mac, they have literally released the hounds, and all the parts of me I care about most are on the other side of this wall.

It's a block and tackle. Put your hands through.

Yeah. Okay. Here we go. All right.

Now, the pipes are gonna act as a pulley, increasing mechanical advantage...

Mac, Mac, I don't care how it works. Okay? Just pull.

Pull, okay?

All right.

Oh! Oh, wait.

Is it too late to pee my pants?

You don't need my permission.

Are you sure about this?

Yeah. Yeah, just pull and twist, trust me.

You know, when you asked me to come over to help you out with something, I assumed you had a computer problem, but this is... extremely weird. No.

Weird is being asked to lubricate yourself to get through a hole in the wall.

What? Forget it. Look, I've been throwing this shoulder out since fifth grade. I'm barely gonna feel it.

Now stop being a nervous Nellie and just...

I'm so sorry.

Are you okay? Yeah, you did great, Janet.

That's not my name. That's super.

Super. I'll see you back at work.

Are you seriously not gonna tell me why we just did that?

Sorry. No, no. It's just... need-to-know, super spy stuff.

Okay? Later.

Adios. Adios.

That means "good-bye." Get out.

How's your shoulder?

A little better every day.

I'd still love to thank the guy responsible.

Any news on Murdoc?

No, not since Henry Fletcher's body was found, but our techs are still working the crime scene for leads.

Knowing Murdoc, you won't find any.

Are you experiencing sympathy pains?

I'll have you know I dislocated my shoulder practicing kenjutsu.

Honing my skills, trying to keep this little team of knuckleheads safe.

So, you hurt yourself playing with swords, and we're supposed to feel safe?

Oh, I wasn't playing with 'em.

You know what? I'm sorry I asked.

Now let's move on to why you're all here.

Meet Boris Mitrovic.

He's Serbian w*r criminal and Interpol's Most Wanted since 1999.

For nearly two decades, they've been trying to get near this guy and have failed.

Then, two months ago, they caught a break, and they almost caught him, but the raid went sideways.

Marko Mitrovic...

Boris' right-hand man and oldest son...

Was k*lled, but, unfortunately, Boris escaped, and has since fallen off the face of this earth.

He could be anywhere.

But since he's responsible for hundreds of deaths, he is definitely someone that we would like to have a word with.

Which brings me to Boris' other son, Omar.

Kid looks pretty slick.

You sure he's from that family of Quasimodos?

Omar is the baby of the Mitrovic family, and the apple of his daddy's eye.

So if anyone knows where Boris is, it's him.

How do we get close to Omar?

So here's the interesting part.

Omar is not like his father or his brother.

He rejected the family business, choosing instead to spend his nights and his daddy's dough throwing lavish parties at the family's ultra-secure compound.

Other agencies have gotten agents in, but the ones that have gotten in...

They never made it out.

So... you're sending us in next?

Well, fortunately for us, I don't need to do that.

So, two months ago, Omar started dating social media maven Mia McQueen.

Wildly popular, she's got something like

4.2 million followers on social media and a clear aversion to wearing clothes.

Last week, the couple tied the knot in an impromptu wedding at the family compound.

Because what girl doesn't want to get married in a bikini while drunk?

Well, let's not judge, because their rash decision just became our big break.

Mia is making Omar leave the compound to take her on a honeymoon.

The newly minted Mr. And Mrs. Mitrovic just booked ten days at Château Elan: An exclusive, off-the-grid resort in French wine country.

This gives you ten days to go undercover as guests, become Omar's best friend, and get him to spill the beans on his daddy's location.

You know, it's too bad I'm out of commission on this one.

You know, partying with the rich and semi-famous...

That's a Jack Dalton specialty.

You were never going, Dalton, okay?

This is a hot spot for hip, young couples, not senior citizens.

That's not very nice.

Don't laugh at that.

Bozer, Riley, congratulations.

You two just got hitched.

Mac, you will be fake-married to an agent on loan from the CIA.

Oh. Does this agent have a name?

She does.

Meet Leanna Martin.

Bozer, you might recognize her from spy school.

Uh... yeah, I kind of think I remember her. Great.

Then you can introduce her to Mac, because she'll be here any minute.

Ooh. Can't wait to meet the new Mrs. MacGyver.

Uh, Agent Martin.

Good to see you again.

You, too, Agent Bozer.

Right. Great, great. Uh, I'll just show you the lab, then. Yeah.

Uh, this is amazing. You're amazing.

How did you manage to get assigned here? Me?

I thought you set this up. Wasn't me.

So either we just got extremely lucky...

Or someone's onto us.

Does anyone here know?

That we've been secretly dating, even though we were directly ordered never to see each other again for reasons of national security? Just Riley.

You didn't tell MacGyver?

I thought he was, like, your best friend.

He is, but he's also a terrible liar.

Matty set this up.

Assigning my secret girlfriend to go undercover as my best friend's wife is exactly the kind of mind game she'd play.

Wait. We're not...?

No. It's you and Mac, but at least we get to see each other, right?

While your boss may or may not be toying with us to see if we'll slip up and expose our relationship so she can have us court.

Sounds bad when you put it that way. Hey, I really want to kiss you right now, but... we can't.


Right. Of course not.

Okay, let's go get married to other people.

Now gaze lovingly into each other's eyes.

More lovingly. Even more.

Come on, guys, think soul mates.

Bozer, as your wife, I think we need to have a chat about your girlfriend.

Leanna is amazing.

Like... wow.


Hey, what are the odds this happened by chance?

I mean, you think Matty knows about me and Leanna and set this up to out us?

Why would she do that?

Maybe she wants to fire me, but knows doing that would piss Mac off, so she's trying to trick me into breaking the rules so she has cause.

Uh, I don't know, Bozer.

That's pretty paranoid.

Either way, you have to pretend like you're not in a relationship.

Are you sure you're okay with this?

This is great.

Um, Eskimo kisses.

Do Eskimo kisses. Yes.

Yup, totally cool with it.

Okay, where's my other happy couple? Get ready, lovebirds. You're up.

You're gonna have to work pretty hard to out-cute these two.

So... you two getting along?

Having fun?

Talk about lucking out in the fake wife department.

She's fantastic, am I right?

Yeah, I guess she's okay.

What's wrong?


That's not a "nothing" face.

What does a "nothing" face look like?


Get your butt in gear.

All right.

Bitter and demanding.

She's got the wife part down.

Uh, coming, honey!

Oh, boy.

Hey, would you guys mind checking in? Yeah.

I kind of want to talk to him.


All right, I just want to let you know, I have no intention of making a move on my wife.

What are you talking about? You kn what I'm talking about. Your spy school girlfriend.

I'm sorry I didn't make the connection before.

She's incredible, right? Without risking you punching me in the face, she's more than incredible. It's cool.

You know, I can handle my best and very single friend spending time with my incredibly hot girlfriend.

All right, now you're making it weird.

Nah, man.

I'm good, okay? This is just an assignment.

It'll be over soon.

Good. Stay focused, because I think the assignment just arrived.

Hey, guys, time to meet the happy couple.

It's been so long... Looks like the happy couple's not so happy.

Uh, Boze, call my phone, would you?

A weekend? What, you mean two days?

But you promised!

Please, don't make a scene.

I'll make it up to you, baby, I swear.

Don't "baby" me. It's ten days.

Ten... days. I know...

Are they arguing about what I think they're arguing about?

Yeah, afraid so.

Omar just cut their trip short.

Looks like our ten-day window just shrank to two.

Two days to get lover boy to give up the location of his t*rror1st father?

Is that even possible?

With ten days, it was a long shot. With 48 hours?

I don't know.

Come on. We'll talk about it in the bar.

That's a big glass of wine.

She's pissed.

Yeah. Not exactly a good time to make an introduction.

Riley, any chance.

Not gonna happen.

Can't get onto either of their phones.

Omar's digital security is stronger than the four thugs he brought with him.

If we want him to talk about Dad, we're just gonna have get him to tell us himself.

Well, back to making a conversation with him, then.


...we can bring the party boy to us.

Hey. This Chardonnay's great and all, but y'all got anything stronger?

Oui, monsieur.

We also make our own champagne, cognac and single malt whiskey.

Perfect. Two sh*ts of whiskey.

Back in my club days, this was my move.

Get the party started and let the ladies come to me. Ah.

There were club days?

You had moves?

Bozer thought he had moves. They never worked.

That's only because I was dead broke.

Now we got Matty money.

Keep 'em coming. You know what?

Just leave the bottle. Yeah, just give me that.

Thank you. Yeah, hear.

Are we sure that drinking on the job is a good idea?

Absolutely not.

That's why I bought this.

Hey, how you doing? Hey.

Oh, eye drops. Nice. Actually, alcohol dehydrogenase.

And for those who had a public school education?

Alcohol dehydrogenase is the, uh, enzyme that breaks down the booze in your bloodstream.

But with a few household items, and... an hour that I spent in the lab, I was able to make enough to make sure that none of us actually get drunk.

All right.



Cheers. Cheers. By the way, the hangover's gonna make you wish you were dead.


Can you play this for me?

Thank you.

What's that?

You'll see.


Do one more.

You want another one? Come on, one more.

So, first you have me dislocate your shoulder, then you ask me to bring you the blueprints for some random house in Hancock Park.

I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but... what's going on?

Come here.

Does that wall right there look different than the others to you?

Yeah. The studs aren't doubled where it connects to the load-bearing wall, so it was probably added after primary construction, like... a remodel.

Then that's where it is.

Where what is?

Her safe.

Yeah, come on in, Elwood. What's up, man?

Got your message.

What's going on? Riley okay? Your daughter's fine.

Don't worry about that. I called you here, because I know you've dabbled in the fine art of safecrackery.

Am I right?

Who's this?

That's Jane. Jill.

Jane, Jill, whatever your name is...

It's Jill. Just Jill. Jill.

Great. Fine. Fine.

For the record, my B&E days are long behind me.

I don't do that anymore.

What if it's for a good cause?

What cause?

Yeah, Jack, what cause?

And what safe? And what is Riley's dad doing here?

What the hell is going on? What she said.

I need help breaking into.

Matty Webber's personal safe in her house.

Matilda Weber?

Riley's boss? The woman who threatened me in my hotel room?

I don't think so... She scares me more than you do.

She's not just Riley's boss.

She's also mine.

And yours.

Hey. Hey. Might I remind y'all that y'all both owe me a favor?

What? What?

Yeah, I saved your pitiful life.

And you, you... dislocated my shoulder.

You asked me to!

Yeah, and a true friend would have said no.

Why didn't you just ask MacGyver to help you?

Or Riley.

Or anybody but me? Because... if this little operation goes belly-up, he doesn't want them getting in trouble. Whereas you and I?

Totally expendable.

There is something in Matty's safe that I desperately need to see for Mac's safety, for your daughter's safety, and for the safety of everybody we work with, do you understand me?

So who's with me?

Come on, show of hands, get excited.


Oh, great. Good.

Glad to have you both on board.


I'm pretty sure we need a plan.

You mind if I tag these? Uh, you better.

Of course. Tagging you.

I'm sending it to you right now. Perfect.

So cute.

Honey, you ready?

Let's go party, people!

I'm on Mia's phone.

Any luck getting Omar to talk about Dad? Not yet.

But I invited them to dinner. We have all night.

We didn't get to do any of this at our wedding, 'cause we got married in a pool.

So let's agree every time someone clinks a glass, everyone needs to kiss, okay?


All right. Yeah.

Sounds fun.


That's cute.


Uh, yeah, I guess us. Our turn?

Come on.

Oh, look at that.

Or... Yeah. Why not?

Clink again. Why not? Why not?

Let's keep clinking, huh? Clink it up.

...but then we arrived, and she was so sweet to me.

It was amazing. That is awesome.

That's so sweet.

I met his parents right before we got engaged.

I was so nervous.


But now his mom and dad actually like me more than they like him.

Funniest thing.

So, how'd it go meeting Omar's parents?

Uh, I haven't.

Yeah, his mom's dead. I think.

Oh, my gosh.

Yeah. Sorry.

What about his dad?

I don't know. We've only been dating, what, two months?

So, let me get this straight.

You cut your honeymoon down from ten days to two?


Wow. She must've been pissed.

She was. Believe me.

You know, I want to make her happy.

But I need to keep my father happy, too. You know?

Oh, yeah, but come on, what's he gonna do all the way back home in Serbia?

Oh, he could do a lot, even from there.

But he is not back home in Serbia.

Oh, he's not?

Oh, no.

You wouldn't believe where he is.


Did you miss us?


Let's go back to the room.

Perfect timing. Guys, we are going to go back to our room. There is a... movie we need to watch.

And we're doing all of this all over again tomorrow. Yeah. Yes we are.

Sounds good? You know it. Yes.

Good night, guys.

Good night. Good night.

Good night.

Seriously? We got to do this again?

Yeah, hello?

Where are you guys?

Asleep, like every normal person at 6:00 in the morning.

Well, your targets aren't normal.

They're already up, dressed, and on their way to go work out.

We just went to sleep, like, two hours ago.

What are these people made of?

I don't care what they're made of.

I care what's inside Omar's head.

You've got 24 hours left to get his father's location.

So go make it happen.

I thought your miracle drops were supposed to keep us from getting drunk. Well, they did.

They converted the alcohol into the chemical that causes hangovers.

Like I said, you skip the drunk and go right to the hangover.

I think I want a divorce.

I feel like Jack's phone after Mac builds something out of it.


You guys ready for headstands?

I feel my brain bouncing in my head with every step.


Hey. Hey. Glad I caught you guys.

Yeah. You guys up for some oysters and vodka later?

They're Mia's favorites. Ha! What a coincidence.

It's our favorite, too.

We had a raw bar at our wedding. Ah.

So, is today really your last day?


But trust me, the six of us are gonna make the most of it.

You can't stay longer? Just call up your dad.

Convince him to let you stick around.

Everything okay?


I'll catch you guys later, okay? Yeah.

Hey, guys, I think Omar just made us.

Hey, Mia, you all right?

Definitely just got made.

Omar just texted Mia "Stay away from our new friends.

I don't trust them."

So now we've got less than 24 hours and Omar's not even talking to us. Yeah, that about sums it up. We need a new plan, fast.

All right, honeymooners, I want to hear your plan for getting back into Omar's good graces and getting his father's location, and I want to hear it now.

Hate to say it, Matty, but I don't think we're gonna be able to make nice in under 24 hours.

Maybe we don't have to.

Maybe we can find a way to interrogate Omar right here, right now.

We just need a window of time where Omar's completely alone.

Let me check their schedules.

All right, looks like Omar's got a 90-minute in-room massage in 40 minutes.

Couples massage or solo?


Mia signed up for Pilates.

Nice. Looks like we found our window.

With Omar's g*ons posted up outside his suite? Exactly:

Outside his suite.

Leaving me and Omar all alone inside.

You? Who says you're going?

Omar booked a female masseuse.

And Riley's got to be our eyes.

Plus, I was number one for interrogation in our class.

Yeah... I remember.

Okay, but we still got two problems:

One, what's to stop Omar from yelling for his guards once you start asking questions? And two, how you gonna get that kind of sensitive intel out of him in just 90 minutes?

Actually, I think I just solved both.

I just need some stuff from housekeeping.


88 seconds.

You still got it, you old crook.

Sure this is the same model Matty has?

It's, uh, kind of important.

Yeah, 100%. You know what else is important?

Finding a way to beat Matty's security system that was installed by the same company that did the CIA headquarters.

Jack, there's no way I can wipe her cameras or stop her alarms using an off-the-shelf laptop. Yeah, that's exactly why we're not gonna use an off-the-shelf laptop.

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no, no. Y...

Absolutely not. Come on, Janet.

The Phoenix has all the computing power we need.

Yeah, but I'd have to be in the lab to use it.

At Phoenix. Where Matty works.

I'm not saying there's not gonna be a risk, but it's the right thing to do, believe me.

Says no one, ever, when contemplating a crime.

Since when are you a member of the ethics police, Elwood?

I second his concern. Guys... w-would Maid Marian and Little John turn their back on Robin Hood?

So, in this scenario, you get to be the hero, huh? Uh, yeah.

And Matty is the Sheriff of Nottingham?

Exactly. Look, just because something's illegal that doesn't mean it's bad.

We're the good guys doing a good thing.

And as long as Judy's in the lab when we break into Matty's, everything'll be fine.

Relax. Come on.

All for one and one for all.

Do you think he knows that's...

Don't tell him.

Am I gonna interrogate Omar or clean his room?

Technically, with this chloroform, you could do both. Chloroform?

Won't that just knock him out? Not if you're careful.

Before sodium pentothal was invented, chloroform was actually used as a truth serum.

It's all about the dose.

Too much, and you'll knock him out.

Too little, Omar'll realize what you're doing, and his guards will come crash the party.

Okay, my Mia impression worked.

Concierge believed I was her and let me cancel Omar's in-room massage.

Leanna's clear to swap in as a masseuse.

All right.

Ready to become a whole new woman? : Okay, we did not learn this in spy school.

Nah, this is what got me in the door.

Before Phoenix, I was trying to break into movies.

Thought I'd be the next Steven Spielberg.


You never told me that.

Well, when you're trying to impress a girl, you don't normally want to bring up things you've failed at.

I hate that you're going in alone.

I'll be careful.

I'll be on the comms the whole time.

I promise you I got this.

And I know you've got my back.

All right.

Time for your close-up.

Bonjour. I'm here to give Mr. Mitrovic his massage.


Just a little, uh, aromatherapy to start.

This is a very special blend of the oils.

Just breathe deep and... relax.

That's strong.

Okay, guys, Mia's in the gym.

That's 90 minutes on the clock.

How are you feeling?

So relaxed.

What's in that stuff?

Never mind that. Uh... we are, uh, going to try a relaxation technique.

Just listen to my voice.

Let the words wash over you as you sink deeper and deeper.

Tell me about your wife.


I love her so much.

She's the most important person in the world to me.

Is Mia the only family member you're close with?

What about... your father?

Why are you asking about...

Omar, you can trust me.

I just want to know where your father is.

Just tell me, and this will all be over.

I know you hate being locked away in that compound.

Wouldn't life just be better if he were out of hiding and you were finally free?

I'm more like him than you think.

But your father's a ruthless w*r criminal.

A m*rder*r.

Like father, like son.

How do you think I became second in command?

The police didn't k*ll my brother.

Then who k*lled him?

I did.

Okay, this is no longer an interrogation. This is now an extraction.

We have Boris's right hand.

We're bringing him in. How am I supposed to extract Omar with four armed guards outside the door?

All right, Leanna, knock him out, then meet us at the balcony, all right? But it's a balcony.

Yeah, but just go with it.

Hey, Leanna, look down.

Omar's out cold. What now?

Tie one of these ends to your railing.

What the hell is going on?


Good work. Do you think the guards heard?

Yeah, I think they heard.



Come on. Riley, meet us in the parking lot with a set of wheels. We're coming in hot.

Well, that didn't go as planned.

It never does. Matty's working on exfil now.

We'll question Omar on the plane and try to get his daddy's location before he has a chance to run away. Speaking of running, how's our French country-style wine truck gonna outrun Omar's g*ons in those?

Oh, I know.

Go, go, go! Let's go, go, go!

Open! Open the door!

Open it!

Okay, Omar's still out cold.

We got exfil coordinates yet?

There's a airstrip 15 miles north.

Matty's got a plane en route.

Well, once we're airborne, Leanna can continue her interrogation.

Come on. Guys, stop the car.

Everyone split up and box him in.

Okay, Julie, we're almost in position. Come on!

Okay, now, all set, Jules. Cut the alarm.

If you're not gonna get my name right, just call me Maid Marian.

Copy that.

Okay. Hey, Elwood, from here on out, we's using code names.

You call me Little John, we're gonna go again.

How about Friar Tuck... Is that cool?

How about we get in, we get out, and you lose my number?

Yeah, yeah. How's it going there, M&M?

I turned off the video cameras and cut her system's link to the LAPD.

I'm turning off the alar... Yo, Specs.

I need a thermal sat view of France, now.


Marian? Did you not hear the "now" part?


What I don't think Marian's gonna be able to turn the alarm off.

Well, maybe that's for the best. You said yourself in order for this plan to work, we were... She had to be in the lab for my old plan to work. Right.

Now I got a new plan. Ha-ha.

So what's the new plan, genius?

If we can't slip in without the Sheriff knowing, we're gonna have to make this look like an old-fashioned smash and grab.

Get to work, Friar Tuck.

The hell are you doing with that?

Making it look real.

Let's go. Clock's ticking.

I don't want to grow a conscience over here.

No sign of Omar.

Do you guys see him?

Yeah, we can't see anything.

Matty, a little help?

Okay, thermal images up.

Bozer, Leanna, Omar's on your ten and about a hundred meters away.


On our way.

Um, Director Webber?

Guys, you've got company dead ahead.

I don't know who they are, but there are a lot of them.

You've got to grab Omar before he gets to them.

Stay there!


Who are your friends, son?

They're not friends.

You are very beautiful.

For now. Lay a finger on her and I'll...

Now is not the time to make a threat, my friend.

Not before we get acquainted.

I think you two already know who I am, but...

I don't know who you are.

So, please, introduce yourself.

Name and agency will be sufficient.

One way or another, we will find out.


...a little more pain will loosen your tongue.

At least he hasn't found their comms.

Matty, are you getting this? Every word, Mac.

Okay, speech recognition confirms that's the voice of Boris Mitrovic. So, Omar was using his honeymoon as a cover-up for a face-to-face with his father.

We can't just stand out here and do nothing while th... Mac, Riley, you need to stand down.

You're outnumbered and outgunned.

I have a tac team in the area.

They're en route and 30 minutes away.

Matty, we don't have 30 minutes.

You guys charge in there, I can lose four agents.

And if we don't, then you lose two.

Riley, stay here on comms so the Phoenix tac team can actually find us.

And whatever you do, don't go near that cabin.

Did he just do that thing where he runs off without sharing his plan?


Never gets less annoying.

I used to cook sarma for my boys.

Traditional, passed down from my father to me.

From me to them.

Marko, my firstborn, he loved it the most.


Let me k*ll them now.


Dead, they cannot tell us what I want to know.

Though... we only need one to tell us who sent them.

So, k*ll whichever one you want.

Who are you?


I'm MacGyver.

He's with these two. They're working together.

Hey, Omar. How you doing?

Better than Mia, I imagine.

We have your wife.

My people scooped her up after your security abandoned her to chase after you.

But, don't worry, you can get her back as long as you're willing to deal.

The answer is no.

No deal.

Hold on.

What kind of a deal?

A trade.

I give you back your beautiful wife.

You give me my friends and your father.

Save your breath. My son would...

How do I know you'll keep your word?


Hand him over, Omar. Then the family business is yours.

Omar... Don't you want power?

I mean, isn't that why you k*lled your brother?

Omar, what the hell she is talking about?

She's lying, Father. She...



Look me in the eye.

Tell me.

Tell me the truth.

Son. Omar...

Yes! Okay?!

I was sick of never being good enough for you.



I was beginning to think I had overdone it with the chloroform.

So you just knocked everybody out?

For eight hours.

You two were holding hands when we found you.

Paramedics tried pulling you apart, but Bozer's fingers wouldn't budge.

Wait, did the paramedics tell Matty about... my fingers?

I don't think so.

But she did get Leanna a car.

Straight to the airport, then right back to the CIA.

Sorry. Matty's orders.

Oh, Matty also said to call her ASAP.

Leanna, it was a pleasure meeting you.

Bozer, good luck with that phone call.

Well, I'm pretty sure we're already busted, so...

I guess if we're both court-martialed, at least we'll get to see each other at trial.

Now I kind of hope we are busted.

When I say ASAP, I mean ASAP, Bozer.

Yes, ma'am. Sorry about that.

So, you and Leanna, huh?

What are you, uh... what are you talking about?

I've known about you two since before Riley found your secret Snapchats.

You have? Of course.

Why do you think I brought Agent Martin in on this op?

What, did you think I was playing some sort of twisted head game with you?

Uh, that thought had crossed my mind. Mm-hmm.

Oh, please, Bozer.

If you ask me, this whole spy school

"good-bye forever" policy is just dumb.

We always work better with people that we care about.

Now get your keister home, lover boy.

911, what's your emergency?

Hi. I need to report a break-in.

Okay, ma'am, what's the address?


Never mind. I was mistaken.

Oh. How was your little couples retreat there, lover?


Exhausting. Yeah.

Yeah, well, that's marriage for you.

It wasn't real. I know that. How could it be, with you stomping all over Bozer's game like that?

That's not cool.

You know about him and Leanna?

I do now.

Oh, come on, man. He's been drooling all over the place ever since she got here.

I just did the math.

How's your arm?

Hurts, but it was worth it.

Hey, I want you to check something out.

Oh, yeah? What's this?

It's a photo of a document I found.

And just so you know, the original is back in Matty's safe, at her house.

This is Matty's un-redacted personnel file.

Yep. And check out what she was doing back in January of 2000.

This means...

Oh, I think you know what it means, bro.

Matty lied to me.

She did know my father.