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02x13 - CO2 Sensor + Tree Branch

Posted: 01/10/21 11:19
by bunniefuu
Please, put that down.

Trust me, you don't want to play with it. Yeah.


Just hand it over.

Just hand it over, okay?

Just hand it over.

Hand it over, little monkey, okay?

Hey, little man.

Hey, man, look what I got.

A ripe, delicious thingamabob.

All his monkey buddies are eating these outside.

They're going crazy for 'em.

Hand that detonator over, and this baby's all yours. Hmm?

So good.

So juicy. Mmm.

Oh, y'all eat these things?

How are they not extinct?

How are you not extinct, Jack?

What kind of Darwin Award nominee puts down a detonator in a room full of expl*sives?

The kind with only two hands who had to zip... oh...

Zip-tie a rebel leader in a hurry, Riley.

That's who. Okay.

I just set the detonator down for a second, man.

How was I supposed to know some cappuccino monkey was gonna go picking it up?

Capuchin. Ah, I think it's cappuccino.

It's capuchin.

Guys, it's a monkey.

You know what?

Good news is: Safety's still on.

So we're not in any real danger, unless he somehow figures out how to...

...arm it. Uh-oh.

Hey, I... think we better give Curious George something else to be curious about before he pushes that button and ends us all right here. Yeah, yeah, like what, like what? I don't know.

Hey, buddy.

What's this?

Yeah. Yeah.

You like that, don't you?

Want to trade?

Yeah. Uh-huh.

Just like...

We're safe.

Safe? What is safe about giving a knife to a monkey?

Do you have any idea what that could do?

I don't know, Jack. What?

You probably just started Planet of the Apes, man.

Hey, guys. I just...

I wanted to say thank you so much for all the flowers and the gifts.

And, Bozer, you're right.

The leftover Christmas pastrami is surprisingly good.

So the, um, the doctors have approved my travel request.

I'm gonna be flying home to Australia tomorrow to be with my sister, while I'm finishing PT.

I'm gonna miss you guys.

All of you.

So take care of each other.

Especially Jack.

And if you can...

...find Murdoc for me.

I told her that was the plan.

Amen to that.

How's it going over here?


I mean, I kind of thought you lost your mind when you said that 11 digit number etched into that gear was a clue that might help you find your dad.

But then, his super weird Christmas present shows up, proving you right but leaving me with even more questions.

Yeah, like, why do the numbers on this guy's arm match part of the number on the gear?

Yeah. And who is this guy?

And what does he have to do with your dad?

Look, all I know for certain is he's not in any database.

What does Matty think about the dossier?

Uh, I don't know.

You haven't shown her?


Why not? When it comes to analyzing confusing intelligence, no one is better than...

Because I think she's involved.


I thought I'd found proof that she knew my dad, so I confronted her about it.

She said she didn't.

I think she's lying, but at the same time, there's no way to know.


This is a lot to process, Mac.

Now I understand why you're not upset you lost your knife.

Didn't lose it.

Gave it away.

Besides, it was just a knife.

Uh, no.

What we use to carve the Thanksgiving turkey is "just a knife."

This was the vintage pocketknife that your grandfather gave you.

Fair enough.

But since its final act was to save my life, and Riley's...

...I think Grandpa would be proud.

I'd be happy to order a replacement knife for you.

Or you could just ask my replacement to order one.

Dude, for the millionth time, you're not being replaced.

That is a vehicular combat drone for DARPA's Korman Challenge.

The competition's been going on for years, and nothing from our lab has ever been replaced because of it.

Well, I should hope not.

Those weapons are utterly useless in a laboratory setting.

And have you tried talking to it?

It has absolutely no personality.

That's because it doesn't need one.

The goal of the challenge is to prototype a fully autonomous military vehicle, not a lab assistant.

Your skill sets don't overlap in any way.


This guy could someday do for ground troops what Predator drones have done for our Air Force.

If we could beat the CIA this year.

And the NSA.

And the DoD, JPL...

Which we absolutely will.

Have some faith, guys.

This is our year. Hey, guys?

I know you're busy getting ready for the competition, but Jack is... acting weird.

To be fair, it would be weird if he wasn't acting weird.

Yeah, Jill. By now, you should know that's kind of his default setting.

Right. No, this is weird weird.

Even for Jack.



What's going on, Jack? Who's this guy?


No. Worse. Way worse.

Meet James LeRoy.

"Jimmy" to his friends, and his enemies.

Sorry, did we just get a new mission?

No. He's not a mission, Riley.

That right there is my old high school nemesis.


Look who finally decided to listen to me and go to his high school reunion. Good on you.

Apparently, the same guy that used Phoenix resources to dig up dirt on an innocent civilian.


Who said he's innocent?

That guy right there spent four years ruining my life, always one-upping me.

When we both went out for class president, he won.

We both go out for starting quarterback, he won.

And when we were both up for "best hair," guess what?

He won?

That's right. He won.

And senior year, when he beat me out for homecoming king...

I was never the same after that.

Well, you do know that homecoming kings hold no real power, right? Just sayin', this punk really shook my confidence.

Well, he may have, Jack, but this was years ago. Decades.

Centuries, even. Yeah...

Oh, very funny. No, no.

Go ahead. Laugh it up at my expense.

I'm telling you, this was a real turning point for me in my life.

Who knows what I could've accomplished if it weren't for that guy, right there?

If you hate the guy so much, why are you even going to the reunion?

Well, I wasn't, but then you fools all signed up for this robo-apocalypse contest, and I don't want no part of that.

Jack. The Korman Challenge is a friendly competition.

Yeah, I'm sure that's what Miles Bennett Dyson said when he activated Skynet and unleashed an army of Terminators.


Matty even know you guys signed up for this contest?

Can someone please tell me why I'm waiting on you guys? I mean, we're all loaded up, ready to leave for Virginia, and we're just missing the team that's, you know, actually competing.

And, Dalton, your cover I.D. is bathroom tile salesman.

If I find out that you leaked Right.

Classified info to impress some divorced ex-cheerleader from Bumblesticks Musical High School, then you're gonna wish it was the robot apocalypse.

Ten years ago, DARPA scientist Martin Korman had a dream: To create an autonomous medevac transport that could rescue wounded soldiers from the b*ttlefield without risking additional troops.

So he created the Korman Challenge.

To bring the brightest minds together, with the hope that one day, someone would fulfill his dream.

But one aspect of the competition has always remained the same.

Our team has never won.

But this is our year.

Yeah. Yeah.

The year that the Phoenix takes home the blue ribbon, and all the black budget funding that comes along with it.

So tighten every single screw, and double-check every line of code, because everything on this vehicle must be absolutely...


No problem. We can totally fix that.

No mistakes today, people.


Now, go win that challenge.

Can you hand me the needle-nose pliers right there? Yeah.

Here you go.


Pliers and a folding chair?

The Phoenix Foundation really works with some cutting edge tech.

Good to see you again, MacGyver.

I came by to wish you luck.

Allie Winthrop.

How's life at the CIA's Special Research Division?

Oh, you know. Another year, another kickass prototype.

Meet Bruno, the Battle Ready Unmanned Networked Operative.

See you at the finish line, MacGyver.

May the best bot win.


I'm not sure this is gonna be our year.

So, when did you two hook up?


Yeah, fine. That happened.

Korman Challenge bonus points.

Why didn't you tell me, man?

Because it wasn't like that.

It was a few years ago.

It was my first time here.

I really liked her.

And I thought she liked me.

Right up until I saw her going through my drone's design specs on my laptop.

She was snooping on your laptop?

Yeah, well...

I guess for some people, winning is the only thing that matters.

Jack Dalton.

Oscar Himenez?

I knew it was you.

You don't look a day older.

You look great, man.

I love your hat. Tina Pham!

Yeah. Give me some hugs, girl.

You look amazing. It is so great to see you guys.

How long's it been since, uh...

Homeroom together. Yeah.

Remember that? That's right. Who else was in there?

Jimmy LeRoy?

No, I don't think Jimmy was in there.


Hey. Hey, you.

You remember Jill? Hi.

Son of a bitch.

There he is, there he is. He's aging better than.

George Clooney.

We're going up. Boom!

All right. Hey, man.

What's up, Karl?

You still into Dungeons & Dragons?

That's cool.

Good to see you. Hi. Hey, how are you?

Next contestant to the starting line.


Phoenix Foundation.

And the name of your entry?

Dalton's Nightmare.

It... it's kind of a inside joke.


It's a 20 mile course. Your vehicle earns points from speed, accuracy, and the ability to differentiate between targets.

This is a live fire exercise, so I'm gonna have to ask you to... Oh.

All our weapons are state of the art, less lethal technology:

Taser cannons, beanbag rounds, pepper spray grenades...

I don't like g*ns.


I'm still gonna have to ask you to step behind the safety line.

All set?

All set.

If your robot doesn't win, you're all fired.

Best of luck.

Be advised, this is a live fire exercise. Weapons hot.

Ready. Set.

Okay, this has to be a rules violation.

I don't think this is part of the contest.



It's not me. I'm locked out. Bruno won't respond to any of my commands.

Has this ever happened before?

Never. I don't know what's going on.


Any chance that thing has an off switch?

High-impact polymer armor, and a gas-electric hybrid engine with a 600 mile radius.

I-It's like a Predator drone on wheels run by an on-board artificial intelligence that's just gone completely insane.

Well, technically, A.I.s can't go insane.

This is more like when an aerial drone goes rogue because its code has bugs.

They call it a "flyaway."

Okay, maybe now's not the best time to nitpick terminology.

I ran Bruno through 10,000 simulations without a single glitch.

Bruno destroyed eight other drones and tried to turn us into human roadkill. That's a bit more than a glitch.

Guys, the only thing that matters now is stopping Bruno before he hurts anyone else.

We can't stop him if we can't even find him.

So how do we do that? Head for McLean.

Virginia? You think he's headed to CIA Headquarters?

If Bruno ever malfunctions, he's programmed to go into safe mode.

As long as the onboard GPS still works, he should be driving back to my lab as we speak. Running home to mama.

It's cute when a puppy does it.

This? Not so much. Okay, Allie, I've got birds in the sky, Jeeps on the ground and satellite views from here to McLean.

There's no sign of your lost dog.

How do we get eyes on it?

I'm not sure we can.

Bruno is radar, sonar, and thermal invisible.

He's got visual camouflage, and he's programmed to use dense foliage for cover.

And good luck following the right set of Humvee tracks on a military base. Say, Allie.

You didn't want to maybe put in a master k*ll switch just in case, you know, this happened?

Of course I put in a master k*ll switch.

It was the first thing I tried when Bruno took off.

But the code is corrupted. It's-it's not working.

Wait a minute, Allie, you said that Bruno is a gas.

Then I think I know how to find him.

Hey, Matty, would you tell all of our search vehicles to turn off their engines.

Because we'll find Bruno faster if fewer people are looking for it?

Yeah, well... actually, we're not gonna be using our eyes.

We're gonna be following our noses.

Allie, can you take over the wheel?

Oh, yeah. Bozer, can you get me a screwdriver from back there?


You're using the A/C system's carbon dioxide sensors to build an electronic nose so we can sniff out Bruno's exhaust.

It may not be the cutting edge tech you're used to, but... it should still do the trick.




Hey, man.

Bring it in, brother.

Bring it in.

All right, all right.

All right. How are you?

How are you? I'm good. I'm good. Yeah.

You look good. You look good.

Thanks. Been a long time.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you believe this, huh?

Together again, like nothing's changed. Right?

How you...

How you been?

Oh, oh, great, man, great. Thanks for asking.

You know, I, uh, I sold my business last year for ten times my initial investment.

We used the proceeds to start a nonprofit.

We just opened three schools and a hospital in Africa.

The wife, you know, she's still modeling a little bit here and there, but her natural foods company just went public, and the stock is... up through the roof, man.

Oh, wait, my kids... I got...

That's-that's Jimmy Jr. There, ace left-hander.

The Blue Jays are already scouting him.

Don't get me started on that.

And, uh, my little bell, Melody, she starts Harvard next fall, man.

So I got no complaints, brother.

No complaints at all. What about you, Dalton?

Where has life taken you?

I'm a highly trained government operative who's fought terrorism on multiple continents and saved the world over a dozen times.

Get in here, man.

That's you. There he is.

There he is. The old class clown.

That's great. I love that. Yeah.

I love that, man. Yeah.

But no, seriously, how's the bathroom tile biz?

Of course.

Of course he's healing sick kids and building schools in Africa, and his wife is a supermodel business mogul, and his kids are Ivy League bound and athletically gifted.

Of course.

What are you doing with your life, Dalton?

What are you doing?

Hey, Jack.

Hey, man.

Good to see you again.


Look, I know I'm not in the position to criticize anyone else's work right now, but are you sure this contraption of yours is gonna work?

Left, Allie, left.

Oh, right. Take a right.

Bruno should just be straight up ahead.

Riley, we got eyes on Bruno.

Follow our signal.

I see your signal.

More importantly, I see his signal.

I'm gonna try to hack in and see if I can shut him down.

Well, hack fast because Bruno just left the reservation.

We're in civilian territory now.

Guys, that was the exit for McLean.

What happened to "he's programmed to go home"?

I don't know. He is programmed to go home.

Damn it, guys, I can't get any kind of access.

If you use my login credentials, it should give you admin privileges.

I tried. The admin's been changed.

I can't hack in because someone else already has.

Whoever they are, they still have control of Bruno.

So if Bruno isn't going home, where the hell is he going?


Hey, Jimmy.

Hey, I thought maybe you'd left.

Yeah, actually, I'm on my way out.

I got to go. You know what they say.

"Bathroom tile never sleeps."

I've actually never heard that one.

Hey, come on, man, why don't you stick around for a little while? Place won't be the same without you here.

At least let me buy you a drink to make up for that.

Make up for what?


Hey, come on, man.

You don't owe me anything.

You were crowned homecoming king fair and square, you old dog.


Except the part where I snuck into Mr. Haddon's office after school, and stuffed the ballot box.

Wait a minute. What'd you say?

Yeah, I stuffed the ballot box.

You stuffed the ballot box?

Well, yeah, man. How else was I gonna win?

Everybody loved you, Jack.


I mean, yeah, man, I know, it was stupid.

But we were always neck and neck, and you had just kicked the winning field goal for us at State, so...

You're not mad about this, are you?

I mean, I hope not.

I've been dying for years to get this off my chest.


No, man.

Come on, not at all.

No, I mean, what kind of pathetic loser obsesses over something like this for all these years, right?

Like, this one single event might've changed the course of his entire life?


All right. All right, all right. Yeah.

Hey. Why don't you come back in the gym?

I just bet Ahmed 50 bucks he can't do a backflip anymore.

I think he's gonna try it.

It's gonna get ugly. Yeah, I'd love to, man, but I have a bathroom tile emergency I have to deal with.

Oh, right, right. 'Cause, uh, "Tile never sleeps."

Hey, you stay in touch, Jack.

Let's not wait another ten years to catch up.

Yeah. Yeah, that's a promise, brother.

Don't tell me, let me guess.

You started the robot apocalypse.

Yes. We have a runaway robot.

Well, I called that one, didn't I?

But a human is in control.

Someone h*jacked a fully-loaded military drone, and we believe it's headed for the Pentagon.

Mm-hmm, and does this someone have a name yet?

We're working on it.

Riley traced the signal to a network in Oklahoma City.

And you're my closest agent.

By the time you get there, we should have exact coordinates.

Okay. I'm on my way.

Go Longhorns!

You can't think of any way that someone could've gained access to Bruno, like a-like a breached firewall, or a phishing e No. No.

I'm insanely paranoid.

And my security protocols are better than the NSA's.

Well, somebody got in.

We need to get them out. Riley, what if we just shut down all the cell towers?

Cut them off from Bruno?

It's the first thing I tried.

But 300 milliseconds after I k*lled the towers, Bruno switched over to a Chinese spy satellite.

I'm trying to hack into that now, but it could take hours.

We don't have hours. The Pentagon is only

30 minutes away. And even if you k*ll the satellite, I programmed Bruno to adapt.

He'll just switch to ad hoc cellular, unsecured Wi-Fi, infrasound.

Actually, I have an idea.

Allie, pull over now.

First and ten from the 28-yard line.

Now, what is the offensive coordinator gonna call here, Bob?

With the league's best running back, you'd assume they'd run, Jim.

But down two touch...

Hey, what the hell are you doing?

Okay, go, go, go! Get back here with that!

Hey, Mac, didn't you hear what I said? If you jam the signal Bruno is using to receive commands, he'll just switch to another. Yeah.

We're not gonna jam his signal, we're gonna mess with his mind.

Hey, I need Allie's help. Uh, so can you just... switch with her?

Uh, you couldn't have mentioned the need to switch drivers before we pulled onto the road again?

Have you met me?

I am just making this up as I go along, man. Go.

You got it? Yeah.

Hey, would you, uh, clip and strip this coax cable for me? Yeah.

We're gonna use it to run power to the dish.

I'm sorry.

Look, this is not your fault.

Even the best system can get hacked.

No, no. I'm not talking about Bruno.

I mean, I-I am sorry about Bruno, and, you know, deeply ashamed.

But I was talking about... when we first met.

Don't worry about it. Because believe it or not, that's not the biggest lie you've ever told me.

Wait. Wait.

When did I lie to you?


You know, the part where you said you liked me, but you really just wanted to sneak a peek at my plans?

Mac, I wasn't lying.

I mean, sure, I'm competitive, like, super competitive, like, it's a problem how competitive I am.

Which is why I couldn't help but take a peek at your design specs.

But I wasn't lying when I said I liked you.

'Cause I did.

I still do.


That's cool.

That's, uh...

I-I really don't know what to say about that right now.

But, uh... let's go stop your k*ller robot.


Good idea.

So what's the game plan, Mac?

You gonna k*ll him with pay.

You are not too far off.

See, all computers work by moving electrons through really, really tiny little wires.

So... if I can create enough radio waves, a whole bunch of them, I can mess with those moving electrons... Corrupt Bruno's data, overload his computer and crash his network.

Exactly. And hopefully, without him crashing into anything else.

But in order for this to work, we got to be within 160 feet.

So you know what to do, Boze.

Absolutely not.

Go-go really fast. We got to catch up to him.


You sure this is the address Riley sent?

A hundred percent, Jack.

Hacker's I.P. traces to an office on the fourth floor.

All right.

So, how was the reunion? You don't sound like a man that just got revenge on a hated high school nemesis.

Yeah, and how is a man who just got revenge on a hated high school nemesis supposed to sound?

I don't know. Gleeful?

Yeah, well, it didn't actually go down the way I thought, but revenge is a dish best served cold.

I'll fill you in later.

Any idea what I'm facing here?

A murderous hacker collective?

A sleeper cell of foreign agents.

Could be any and all of the above.

What is this, operation needle in a haystack?


Will you please check that address one more time?


All right. Almost in range. Get closer.

Okay, but I want to go on record that this feels like a terrible idea.

Hey, Mac?

Whoever's controlling Bruno just decided we're a threat.

Oh, man, I hate being right.

Just keep your foot on the gas.

Okay, we're in range. Allie, now!

Where's she going?

I, uh, I wired this dish directly to the van's battery.

But it's currently drawing more amps than we can output, so, uh...

...once we run out of juice...

You're about to say "Bruno wakes up," aren't you?

Yeah. Keep this focused on him, all right?

Mac, go around the front and check the...

Is this bad? I think this is bad.

Allie, get out of there before the door close...


Oh, no.

Allie! Damn it.

Any chance you got a credit card on you?

Uh, yeah.

It's gonna be okay, man.

We're gonna get her back.

You're damn right we are.

I lost Zoe, we almost lost Cage.

We're not gonna lose anyone else.

Guys, we've got a big problem.

You mean besides the hacked military combat drone headed for the Pentagon with Allie trapped inside?

Unfortunately, yes.

The Air Force just scrambled three F-22s with orders to destroy Bruno on sight.

You guys have, like, 20 minutes, tops, to get Allie out of there.

Matty, you got to call that off.

Mac, I tried.

Homeland Security thinks this is the best option.

Well, then, we got to give them a better one.

In the next 20 minutes?

And if we can't?

We got to hope Jack's gonna be able to find whoever's controlling Bruno before it's too late.

Riley, this place is absolutely ginormous.

Any chance you can tell me how to find this scumbag?

Sorry, Jack.

I can tell you where he is on the network, but not in the real world.

You're just gonna have to search that place one I.T. tech at a time.


I could use an old high school trick.

Okay, people, everybody out!

Big fire coming this way.


Hey! Is minimum wage worth dying for?

I don't think so, not last time I checked.

Sir, you like being on fire?

No, no, no, no. That's right.

No time for eye contact, sir, think of your family.

And then there was one.

What's up, dude?

Riley, coming your way.

Hey, wait a minute. Don't I know you?

Did you go to my high school or something?

No, Jack, you didn't go to school with him, but you have seen him before.

That's Martin Korman.

Founder of the Korman Challenge.

The geek from the robo.

Why would you sabotage your own thing, man?

Because it's not my thing. Not anymore.

What do you mean?

I wanted to build unmanned ambulances to save wounded soldiers, but the government just wanted another w*apon.

They want to take the human element out of w*r.

Well, mister, I was the human element in w*r.

Believe you me, it's not pretty.

Anything we can do to get the soldiers off the b*ttlefield is a good thing, right?

Not if we can't control what we put in their place.


Robots can be hacked. Human soldiers can't.

When I tried to explain this to my superiors, they pulled my security clearance.

Forced me out. I had to make them see the mistake they were making.

And since v*olence seems to be all they understand...

What did you program that thing to do?

Unfortunately, I can answer that.

I just got into Korman's computer.

He sent Bruno commands to fire everything it's got at the Pentagon.

Well, if you're at Frankenstein's computer, Riley, can't you just shut the monster down?

No, I can't. He sent his final command, then severed his connection to Bruno, making the drone fully autonomous.

And I can't hack Bruno remotely.

I've tried. Okay. Okay.

Okay, Dr. Frankenstein, on your feet.

Don't mess around, I'll put one in you.

Let's go.


Come on, Bruno, let me in.

Whoa, whoa, why are you loading your cannon?

Clear out! Clear out!

Get out of the way!

Move, move!

Matty, was that...

No. You still have nine and a half minutes before the F-22 is in range.

Okay, Mac, as Jack would say, time to be brilliant.

So, what you got? At this exact moment?

Absolutely nothing.

Guys, I have an idea.

I can modify Korman's code to reinstall the k*ll switch and shut Bruno down for good, but...

I-I can't deliver the code remotely.

What does that mean?

Means you're gonna have to physically upload the code by plugging a USB drive directly into Bruno.

That's insane. Agreed.

But right now, insane is all we've got.

Mac, do you think you can do this?

What, climb on board an out-of-control military drone and find a way inside in under nine minutes?

Guess we're gonna find out.

Andrews, this is Lima Juliet Niner-Four.

I am three minutes to intercept.

Weapons hot. Preparing to...

W-Wait. What's that Camaro doing?

All right, download complete.

I got your k*ll switch, Riley.

Just plug that USB into Bruno, it should shut him down.

You want to switch drivers in a speeding car again, don't you?

Unless you want to jump onto the back of a h*jacked military drone at 80 miles an hour.


Foot on the gas. All right.

Oh, my bad, my bad. All right, hold on.

Yeah, I got it now. Oh.

Lima Juliet, we have confirmed that the civilian vehicle has vacated the area.

You are clear to arm your missiles and make your run.

Roger that, Andrews. I'm armed and coming around to engage the target.

Allie! Allie, can you hear me?

MacGyver? How did you get up there?

I'll explain later.

You're a lunatic, you know that?

Yeah, well, I'd like to remain a living lunatic, so in order to do that, I need to give you this flash drive.

How do we do that?

Okay. There's an air vent on the back near the driver's side.

I mean, if there was a driver.


Okay, there you go. Got it.

Plug and play. Whoa!

Is there, like, a... status bar or anything?

No. No, I don't think it's gonna work!

Matty, call off the air strike now!

Bruno's offline. I repeat, call off the air strike now!

Air strike, abort.

Repeat: Abort.

Roger that. Mission aborted.

Cut it a little closer there next time, MacGyver.

Some of us are actually still breathing.

Hey, you okay?

You jumped out of a stolen vehicle onto a k*ller robot, and stared down an F-22 with orders to fire.

Yeah, I also smashed my phone.

Why would you do all that for me?

Well, it's pretty simple.

I don't like seeing people I care about die.

You still care about...?

Even after everything I've done?


Although, you could work on being a little bit less competitive.

Nothing wrong with a little healthy competition.

The key words being "little" and "healthy."

Korman's been remanded for psychiatric evaluation to see if he's fit to stand trial.

Nothing crazy about wanting the world to be a more peaceful place.

You mean except for the part where he h*jacked a military drone and tried to attack the Pentagon with it to make his point?

Yeah, except for that part. Shut up. You shut up.

Well, however it works out in the courts, at least we know Martin Korman won't be allowed near a computer for the rest of his life. Is it weird that I'm kind of offended that he didn't hack our drone?

Super weird. Yes.

At least we'll always have this, right?

It's all that's left of Dalton's Nightmare before Bruno blew it up.

So the government spent a half a million bucks on a paperweight?

Trust me, it's not the worst purchase they've ever made.

Come on, pizza's on me if anyone's hungry.


I'm in. Now you're talking.

All right. Hey, Mac, hang on a second.

Got you a little something.

I know I'm not your grandpa or anything, but...

But you're almost old enough to be?

You looking to get popped in the mouth?

Saw an opening.

Stop that. That's enough.

I will. Open it.


Aw, man.


Yeah. Yeah, well, I kind of realized it was probably my fault that you lost it in the first place, so...

Seriously, man, this means a lot. Thank you.

Ah, you're welcome. This is awesome.

Oh, I, uh... got something for you.

Same thing. Tradeoff.

Hmm. Thanks.

So, you never told me what happened at your reunion.

Oh. Oh, yeah.

So, so check it out.

Jimmy finally admitted that he cheated to beat me out at homecoming king.

Cheated how?

He stuffed the ballot box. Can you believe that?


And after he unburdened his soul, what did you, what did you do?

Let him off the hook.

You did?

Yeah. Yeah, to be honest with you, I'm glad he cheated.

I mean, if I'd have won homecoming king back in high school, I might have peaked.

You don't want to be peaking in high school, dude.

But losing gave me the sense that I have something to prove, you know?

It kind of fueled the rest of my life.

It's probably why I joined the Army, became a Delta, applied for the CIA.

You know, losing that stupid homecoming king crown, which means nothing, was probably the best thing I ever could have done for myself.

These are all great things.

I just, I wish you had said something sooner.

You won by a unanimous vote, Jack.

All right, Jack!

Man, y'all didn't have to do this.

Oh, so you don't want the crown?

You kidding me? Of course I want it.

Come on! Put it on, Jack!

Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!

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