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03x01 - Improvise

Posted: 01/10/21 10:59
by bunniefuu
Previously on MacGyver...

No one's ever survived me before.

I still don't know yourname.

I've always been partial to Murdoc.

When I asked you if you knew my father, you lied to my face.

So I quit. You can't quit, to me.

Director Webber sent me here to speak with Oversight.

Then you got him. Dad?

I can't work with someone I don't trust.

You're quitting?

Effective immediately.

Come on! Pull!

Okay, pull! Come on.

Pull! Come on. Pull!

That's it, that's it.

Pull! Pull!

That's it!

That's it. Come on, one more.


Pull! Okay!

Okay, okay. Some slack. Give him some slack.

Good. Who's thirsty?



Thought you were gonna talk to everyone about my nickname.

Oh, what.

Yeah. Makes me sound like some kind of wizard.

Ah, well, maybe you are. I mean, you, you spin a wheel and make water come out of the ground.

Yes, but remember, it's not the spinning wheel itself that brings up the water.

It moves the impeller, which then imparts rotation mechanical energy to the water, and that makes it rise.

Seriously, MacGyver. How can we ever thank you?

No. It's me who should be thanking you.

You've given me a home over these past few months.

And a purpose.

And something else, perhaps.

You know how they say the world is a small place?

Well, my father showing up here, 8,000 miles from Los Angeles, is no coincidence.

What are you doing here?

We need to talk.No. I don't think we do.

Jack's in trouble.

How long have the Russian Military Police been circulating this?

About 12 hours.

Who are these men?

I have no idea.

All I know for sure is two weeks ago, Dalton dropped off the grid. He vanished.

Figured he just needed some time, some space to wrap his head around you being gone.

He's, uh, he's had some trouble adjusting.

Then he popped up in these photos, with those men.

And now he's wanted by the Russian authorities for breaking into a military installation.

Yeah. And for stealing enough firepower to start a small w*r.

Well, these men, whoever they are, they have to be forcing Jack to do that.

That's why I'm here. I need your help.

He needs your help.

If Dalton gets caught, he'll spend the rest of his life in a Siberian gulag.

That's if they don't k*ll him first.

You're leaving?

I have something I have to do.

Do you remember the friend I told you about?

The one that I met in the Army?

The one who loves Bruce Willis.

Yeah. That one.

Um, he's also the friend who's saved my life more times than I can count.

Well, he is in trouble.

And so, I have to... uh, I'm-I'm coming back, but I just have to go make sure that he's safe.

And then, I promise, I'll come back.

You don't have to make any promises.

Sorry, son.

We got to go.


So this is your father?

Let me guess, he told you he didn't have one.

Little privacy, please.

Right. I'll-I'll just be outside.

It was a pleasure to meet you.Dad.

What? I'm just being polite.

Well, it's not working, so go.

Take this.

And make sure you bring it back to me.

I promise.

I will.

Nice job, comrade.

Can't believe that actually worked.

If the only two lines of Russian I've been able to memorize didn't do the trick, we'd be... I believe the word you're looking for is dead.

All right, Riley, we're in.

Standing by.

Here we go.

Okay. I found the server stack with the surveillance footage of Jack and his new mystery friends.

Starting the download now.

Bozer, repeat exactly as I say.

Okay, that didn't work.

Get out of there now. Now!

I want you to have my children.

Yo, Mac.

How's it going, homie? How's Nigeria, huh?

Hot, I bet.

But-but probably not as hot as when we had to cap that wellhead. Remember?

Ooh, ooh. That was hot.

Yeah, uh, things around here are a little different.

Uh, on the upside, it's been 32 days since I've had to visit a cell phone store.

Which is nice, and-and a personal record.

Um, yeah, anyway, I just, I just wanted to, uh, leave you a message again.

Make sure you were okay, everything was cool.

And, uh, I don't know, let you know I understand why you left.

Totally. I-I get it.

Guess I just wish you would've given me a chance to convince you to stay, or taken me with you.

You know, dealer's choice.

The flight deck says we're five hours out.

You always talk to people while they're sleeping?

I saw you close your eyes when I came out of the cockpit.

Nice try, though.

You used to do the same thing when you were eight.

I'd come in your room, and you'd pretend you were reading.

I let it go, because I thought you were learning something.

Yeah, well, I actually used to keep a book on my bed so you'd think that while I was playing Sonic on my Sega Genesis.

Ah. You were pretty good at that, as I remember.

You know what? Let's not do this.

Do what?

Act like we have fond memories.

I'm here for Jack, not you, so the less we talk, probably for the better.

In case you were wondering, I liked the beard.

You shouldn't have shaved it.

I wasn't.

After Mexico, I-I figured you might, you might need a new one.

It's got everything your old one had and a lot more.

I'm good.

Anyone home?


What's up?


Man, it's good to see you again.

Good to have you back. Oh, man.

It's good to be back.Hey.

It's been a while. Nice to see you. You, too.

It's good to see you again, Blondie.

Matty. How are you?

Better than Jack. Seems our boy went and got himself into some serious trouble.

Yeah, I know. I heard. Do we know where he is now?

Unfortunately, we do not.

Okay. Um, any idea why he'd be willing to break into a Russian military depot and steal a bunch of weapons? Again, no.

But I will say this:

Ever since you left, Jack just hasn't been himself.

Director Webber's being kind.

His behavior's been erratic.

Questioning orders, second-guessing operational objectives.

Yeah, but like, way more than usual.

Then one morning, he just didn't show up for work.

Well, then, yesterday, he popped back up on our radar when Jill intercepted these photos being sent around by Russian Military Police.

Yeah, I saw them.

Jill, any luck I.D.'ing the other guys in the photo? No.

Not from the photos, which is why Bozer, Leanna and Riley were sent to infiltrate the weapons depot, to download the raw surveillance footage.

And that's what Riley's going through right now.

We're hoping to get a clear shot of at least one other face.

Guys, I got 'em.

Right there.

What, you recognize him?

That's Roman Mareks.

No, that can't be. He's dead.

Okay, I guess I'll be the one to ask who...

Roman Mareks was... Is, apparently...

The former dictator of Belarus.

Nine years ago, he was violently overthrown by a team of CIA operatives.

Up until now, we thought he'd been k*lled in that raid.

This is much worse than we feared.

Why? Because the CIA team that kicked Mareks out of power was led by Jack.

At the time, Mareks tried to bribe Dalton.

Recruit him. Offered him millions for his services.

Given Dalton's recent behavior and his attitude towards me, maybe he finally decided to take Mareks up on his offer.

We found the 18-wheeler right where Jill said it would be.

But... there's no sign of Jack, Mareks or any of the stolen weapons.

Well, that's not a surprise.

A man like Mareks isn't gonna stay in one place long, and he's certainly not gonna drive anything as conspicuous as an 18-wheeler.

Welcome back to Belarus.

It's good to be home.

Once we cross the border, we're gonna need to ditch these vehicles, or we're gonna get a lot of unwanted attention.


Agreed. Okay, good.

Hey, guys, over here.

What do you got? Tire tracks.

Mareks must have moved whatever they stole into a smaller vehicle.

He's many things, but an idiot isn't one.

These tracks could belong to any full-size truck with four-wheel drive.

Okay, this has been bugging me since we got on the plane back in L.A.

But... does anyone else feel like something's not adding up?

I mean, why would Mareks get into business with the guy who kicked him out of power?

That's a good question, Boze.

And I have another.

Jack refused the bribe nine years ago, so what made Mareks think he'd play along now?

Hold that thought, Matty. Mac, where you going?

Back in Afghanistan, I taught Jack a little trick we'd use to spot dead drops for allies.

Wait, you think that mirror turned away from the road is Jack's way of leaving behind a subtle "X marks the spot"?

Uh, yeah. Couldn't it just be a bent mirror?

Could be, but it's not.

Jack left this for us.

Maybe, or maybe Mareks knew he was being tracked and had his men ditch their phones.

Yeah, or maybe it's our only lead, so maybe we should let Riley check it out.

All right, well, this phone's only called seven numbers.

Six of 'em are burner phones.

Probably all used by Marek's men.

Well, this seventh number is by far the most popular.

It's been called over a dozen times in the last 24 hours.

Who does it belong to?

It belongs to Serhiy Yaroslav. Oh.

He's quite the heavy hitter.

Former Ukrainian spec ops.

Yaroslav went into business for himself

15 years ago.

We need to find this Yaroslav.

Currently, he's in Roslavl.

That's about two hours west of us.

Yaroslav knows what Mareks is up to?

Only one way to find out.

Show me the money!

I'm serious, Mac, if you were a free agent, you could name your price right now.

He's right. Two weeks after you left, Matty gave every Phoenix agent with any kind of field experience a bunch of junk and five minutes.

All they could make was more junk.

We're serious, no one can do what you do.

Matty's little "make another egghead spy" project died miserably.

And up until Jack disappeared, she benched us.

The last two months doing intel gathering.

I'll be honest, I started taking naps in the afternoon.

Brought a blanket and everything.

Jill's been busy, though.

Matty's got her running a task force looking for Murdoc.

Presented Matty with a game plan, setting up surveillance on old contacts.

She's got some promising leads.

Other than teacher's pet making grades, it's been boring.

And what about Jack?

Well, he didn't handle your quitting too well.

Guess you could say he lost his purpose.

Up until you left, Jack had one job:

To protect you.

Even though you were on the other side of the world, he still made sure to keep an eye on you.

Yeah, the one thing that made him happy was the thought that you were happy.

He said you met someone. Someone special.

Who is she?

Yeah, Nasha.

Hmm, Nasha? Yeah.

She's a schoolteacher. You'd like her.

Hey, you can't blame yourself.

All right, you leaving had nothing to do with what's going on.

He's right. Jack's a big boy.

He makes his own decisions.

He'll be the first one to tell you that.

Yeah, but the last video he sent me, I could see that he wasn't in a good place, and, uh, I didn't respond.

Why not?

Because telling him I'm not coming home wasn't what he wanted to hear.

He hates me.

He doesn't hate you. He's just upset.

You don't have to sugarcoat it 'cause I'm your superior.

Okay, he hates you.

But you did lie to him for the majority of his life.

I can't decide if you're speaking truth to power or being insubordinate.

Can't it be both?

It's just, I-I thought that our reunion would be, at the very least, civil.

You know?

It seems my son's forgiveness is proving quite hard to come by.

All the more reason to keep trying to earn it.

Why are men like this always surrounded by big scary guys with big scary g*ns?

Because it isn't deep-frying potatoes.

This is the big leagues. Actually, sir, I used to fry potatoes, and it wasn't that easy. I know that.

That's why I rejected employing you... twice.

The hell? Then why am I here?

Because Matilda Webber can't take no for an answer.

Not to interrupt a pointless conversation, but can we get back to how we're gonna separate Yaroslav from his muscle?

We're not gonna get to him.

We're gonna wait for him to come to us.

Do you know who I am?

Save the threats.

Recognize this?

It's a sat view of your compound in the Ukraine.

See this badass plane right here?

This is China's J-20 stealth fighter.

One of the only two prototypes in existence.

Which is interesting because the Chinese government just lost one six months ago.

No one knows who has it or where it is.

So you have a choice to make.

Tell us what we want to know, or we can call the Chinese government.

What do you want to know?

Roman Mareks has contacted you 12 times in the last 24 hours.


Mareks wants to buy an army.

I have 3,000 highly trained mercenaries ready to deploy immediately.

And just so I know, in case I'm ever in the market, what will 3,000 highly trained mercs set me back?

$50 million.

Mareks said he'd take them all.

Said he'd reach out when he had the funds.

Matty, the good news is we found Yaroslav and we broke Yaroslav.

That's great.

But it sounds like there's bad news, too.

Yeah. Mareks is shopping for an army, and Yaroslav was gonna sell him one.

So, Mareks plans to overthrow the current dictator, get his old job back.


It begs a few questions, like what role does Jack have in any of this, and also, how is a guy who just fled his country with nothing gonna come up with $50 million?

Actually, I can answer both those questions.

According to the unredacted file, one of the parameters of Jack's mission to overthrow Mareks was to steal the dictator's fortune in uncut diamonds from his palace, and hide them in country. Let me guess, the value of these stones is $50 million?

Actually, just north of $57 million.

Jack is taking Mareks to the diamonds.

Which explains why Mareks approached Jack, and how he was able to afford this army.

But that still doesn't explain why Jack agreed to help him.

No, it doesn't, but it gets worse.

Because three months after Jack hid the diamonds in Belarus, the CIA sent in another team of operatives to pull them out.

Does Jack know he's taking Mareks to a hiding spot that was cleared out nine years ago?

Unfortunately, he does not.

That puts us on a tight clock.

Once Mareks discovers his fortune is missing... He'll k*ll Jack.

Uh, guys.

Sounds like antiaircraft fire.

Oleg Vadim, Belarus's current dictator, just issued orders to sh**t you guys down.

Look, Mac, you know I hate second-guessing you, but are you sure this is our best option?

Unfortunately, Bozer, it's our only option.

Mareks is already in Belarus, which means we're already way behind. If we want to save Jack, we got to get to the hiding spot first, which means infil by land is out.

We'd never catch up.

Hey, guys, don't worry. We're well above the range of their antiaircraft fire.

I'm not worried about those of us staying on the plane.

I'm worried about the two lunatics who are about to go... Bozer. We're gonna be fine.


We're gonna be taking fire the whole way down.

To maximize our chances of actually reaching the ground alive, don't deploy until 2,000 feet.

That's not gonna make for a very fun landing. That's true.

But if we deploy too early, there won't be much of us landing at all.

I'm hit. Repeat, I'm hit.

Okay, maybe Bozer was right.

Only lunatics will jump into a cross fire.

I'm tangled up! Can't pull my reserve!

As soon as I cut your main, pull your reserve!

Good job, Blondie.


All right, guys. Maintain your heading.

You're almost there.

It's just over the next hill.

Something wrong?

We're not gonna talk about what just happened?

You already thanked me for saving you.

No, I tried to thank you.

You hand me back my knife and walk off.

Where I come from, that's called a brush-off.

You mean a blow-off.Whatever.

All I'm saying is, ignoring me every time I try to engage with you is getting a little tired.


How about we find a way to separate Jack from Mareks and then we go home and never speak again?

Guys, this little therapy session is gonna need to be put on hold.

We're tracking a truck.

It's headed your way. Ten miles out.

If you would like to save Jack, you need to come up with a plan right now.

Get Jack.

I'll distract them. Meet you at exfil.

Mac. What are you doing here?

The CIA hid the diamonds nine years ago, so if you go into that church, Mareks is gonna k*ll you.

Seriously? Yeah.

Okay, well, that is the last thing on my list of stuff I want to have happen today.

What's the plan? Get the hell out of here.

Yeah, lead the way.

Mac is back!

You have no earthly idea how good it is to see you again, homie.

Yeah, feeling's mutual, pal, but I got to ask you, this working with Mareks, what's that about?

Uh, it's complicated.

That's a terrible answer. It's the truth.

And I'll be honest with you, it's been a dark few months not having you around, brother.

You've really brightened my day here.

He lied.


Dalton. Dalton, I know you can hear me.

Yo, Mareks. How goes the diamond hunting there, kid?

You know they are not here.

Yeah, I know.

It kind of sucks for you, huh?

Coming all this way for nothing?

Dalton, when I find you...

You'll do what? You'll do what, huh?

You'll bend over and kiss my keister?

Pucker up, tough guy. You're a loser.

And by the way, the deal's off, so adios.

Dalton! Dalton!

Where is he? I-I don't know.

Are you sure this is the spot?

Yeah, this is the dropped pin. This is, this is exfil.

He should be here by now.

Yeah, only one slight little problem, dude, he isn't.

We've wasted too much time. Let's get out of here.

Are we really just gonna leave without him?

Come on, man. At least give him a call.

Go on.

Yeah. Where are you?

He's with me.

And soon... you will be, too.

And you will learn the penalty for trespassing in my country, whoever you are.

Hey, hey, this is Oleg Vadim, right?

Uh, Jack Dalton here. Nice to meet you.

I'm the guy that deposed Mareks for you.

No reason to thank me.

You're welcome. You know, I was kind of thinking since I'm the only reason you're even in power in the first place, maybe you could do us a solid and-and not k*ll our friend. Sound good?

That wasn't supposed to be a joke.

Vadim, what do you want?

There will be no deals.

Enemy combatants who trespass into Belarus are ex*cuted without exception, which means I'm going to k*ll your friend.

Look, Vadim, I'll make this simple.

You turn over our friend unharmed and we'll give you Roman Mareks.

Roman Mareks is dead.

No, no, no, no.

That's where you're wrong there, homeboy.

Mareks is very much alive and well.

And he's currently planning o-on buying an army of mercenaries to drop by your palace, say hello, spill your blood and get his old job back.

You're lying. No, no, no.

I'm not lying. Check the news.

That Russian depot that was just raided?

That was Mareks a-and his boys stealing g*ns.

Lots and lots of g*ns.

When Mareks gets that army to go with those g*ns, how long do you think it's gonna be before he's knocking at your door?

The good news is, none of that has to happen because we can deliver Mareks wrapped in a bow.

You bring me Mareks in two hours.

I'll send coordinates for the handoff to this phone.

But mark my words, you try anything, your friend will die a very painful death.

Very painful. Got it. Thanks.

Bye. Well, he's about as charming as Mareks.

Matty, Bozer, you get all that?

Yeah, Mac.

We heard everything. Us, too.

Mac, uh, you just agreed to trade Mareks for Oversight, which is great but for one little problem. Yeah, I know.

I know.

We just got to catch him before he flees Belarus.

Where is he now?

He just passed the city of Orsha.

Heading east towards the Russian border.

Wait, wait. Hey, wait. Check out that bridge right there. He's gonna have to cross that if he's gonna make it to exfil in Russia.

Yeah. A bridge is a good choke point.

Oh, yeah. Only one problem.

That particular bridge just happens to be one of Oleg Vadim's military checkpoints.

Which means it'll be guarded.

If Vadim gets his hands on Mareks before we do...

The deal will be off and your dad will be...

Dead. I did the math.

Four soldiers on the bridge that I count.

Yeah, all right.

All right, we're gonna need to deal with them before Mareks arrives or these guys are gonna call Vadim and this place will turn into a big ole pie fight we'll never get Mareks.Yeah.

So, how you want to handle this.

Any ideas?

What would your friendly neighborhood Spider.

Crawl along the bottom of the bridge.

Attack from below with his webbing.

Is that what we're gonna do?

All except for the webbing.

Wait. I wasn't serious, man.

Well, I was.

Hey. Hey.

Could you give me that wire?

Okay, so, Spider-Man would already be on the bridge by now, but give me a break.

His wrists sh**t synthetic webbing with a tensile strength and elasticity that defies the laws of chemistry and physics... and biology.

My point is, a mechanical ascender with a blocking system is the next best thing.

It may be slower than Spidey, but it'll get the job done.

You got to admit you missed the hell out of this, didn't you.

You and me doing something incredibly stupid and dangerous that'll probably get us both k*lled.

I know I have. You really think that's helping?

Probably not.

Okay, sorry, yeah.

I'm just really happy.

Okay, that's great, but I want you to be helpful, so, uh, hand me that wheel right there.Yeah.

Matty, bridge is secure.

Just in time. You got Mareks approaching.

Save Jack or stop Mareks?

That's not even a choice.


You lunatic.


I'm alive.

You're alive.

You know, after Cairo, I feel like I'm playing with house money.

Well, eventually, your luck's gonna run out.

Yeah, well, not when I have you around.


Hey, Matty, Jack is safe, but Mareks got away.

Did he? Leanna.

No, ma'am.

Leanna, take your passenger to the coordinates I sent, hand him over to Vadim, and then get back Oversight.

Copy that.

So it's over?

All right, bud, now you can tell me, what were you doing working with Mareks in the first place?

Oh, well, I wasn't trying to.

A-At first, I was on a whole 'nother mission.

Which was?

Oh, I was gonna hunt down and capture Walsh.

Yeah, I-I kind of figured if I collared your old man's ex-partner, I don't know, he'd just retire.

And-and then you could return to the Phoenix.

Okay, actually, I-I get that, but how does Mareks fit in to all this?

Before I found Walsh, Mareks found me.

So you decided to work for him?

He showed me pictures of you in Nigeria, dude.

He knew where you were, and he said if I didn't help him get back his $50 million, he was gonna send somebody down there and turn your lights out.

You agreed to, uh, work with him to save my life?

Eh, more or less, but then I realized, I could turn lemonade into lemons.

You know what I'm saying? I mean, for the first time in my life, I could see ten moves in front of me. I-I knew that if pictures of me working for Mareks got out in the world, then Phoenix would see that, and they'd realize I was in trouble and...

They'd send Oversight to get me.

Exactly, yeah.

Exactly. You know, you did save my life, pal, but I could argue that I'm saving yours as well.

Rescued you from a life of misery, wasting your talents.

Hey, hey, I'm serious, man, the world needs you, Mac.

And you owe it to the world to work for the Phoenix.

You need to put this personal BS with your old man to the side and realize this is exactly where you're supposed to be, on the razor's edge with your boy, cheating death.

Oh, and you missed this a little bit, didn't you?

Huh? Yeah, I did.

Good to see you still alive, Jim.

Good to still be alive, Matty.

Thanks to Angus.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard that before, appreciation for your son saving someone's life.

You trained him well.

No, Jim. All we did is point him in a direction.

I can train operatives to work in the field, and I can train operatives to work as a part of a team, but I can't train operatives to do what he does.

And without him, the Phoenix just isn't running at its full potential.

I agree.

That's why I hope we can sit down and talk with him.

Frankly, I don't think that's gonna be enough.

There's a lot of baggage between you two.

Baggage that he might not be willing to ignore, or forgive.

Are you asking me to quit?

I'm asking you to think beyond yourself and your feelings, to think of the greater good, of the Phoenix.

Advice that you've given me many times.

Well, I agree that we need Angus, and if it comes to that, then...

I'll make the necessary arrangements.

Good. I'm glad to hear that.

There's one more thing, and you're not gonna like it.

You owe Jack an apology for thinking that he flipped.

Not to mention, a debt of gratitude for helping to save your life.

Where's Angus?

Careful, babe, you smile any harder you're gonna hurt yourself.

I can't help but smile wide.

My girl's full of surprises. I had no idea you could fly.

You're like Bruce Lee with a pilot's license.

My uncle taught me.

He had a farm, he needed help crop-dusting.

That is hot. Hot!

Here you go. Yeah. Thank you.

Where's Mac?

Uh, he's not coming, Bozer.

He's not coming for now, or...?

He's going back to Nigeria.

Wait, no, Mac wouldn't just up and leave without a good-bye.

Oh, he left a good-bye.

It was, uh, oh, it was just in writing.

He-he left a note that said that he didn't want to say good-bye again in person

'cause... well, 'cause it hurt too much last time, so...

I'm happy to report that my friend Jack Dalton is safe and sound, so...

That is so good to hear.

Uh, what about your father?

Did you guys have any chance to talk?

No, we were kind of busy, so...

But you can sit down now, right?

Well, no, actually, I can't

'cause I got a little flight to catch.

You're coming back!

Yeah. It's where my home is now.

Excuse me, Angus MacGyver?

Yeah. I was told to give this to you.

By who?

Call airport security, now.

We X-rayed it.

There's a phone inside.



Hey, Mac, what's... going on I...

I don't know, you tell me. I just got a phone delivered with your number. Where are you?

Heard you've been looking for me.

Mac! Jill?

Jill. Jill!

I'm sorry. Jill is unavailable right now, or ever again.

But let's not cry over spilled milk or blood, shall we?

Can I just say how good it is to hear your voice again, Angus.

Someone told me you're back in town.

I really do hope we can see each other before you leave again.