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03x02 - Bravo Lead + Loyalty + Friendship

Posted: 01/10/21 10:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on MacGyver... Hello?

Jill I just got a phone delivered with your number.

Where are you?

Heard you've been looking for me.


I'm sorry.

Jill is unavailable right now.

Can I just say how good it is to hear your voice?

I really do hope we can see each other before you leave again.


I should have protected her.

There's nothing you could've done.

I know.

And that's what hurts the most.

I brought Jill into the Phoenix.

I recruited her straight out of college.

You know, she turned me down for this job?


But I convinced her that her place was here.

Because I saw something so special in her.

I saw such a bright future for her.

And now Murdoc has taken all of that away.

Jill was like a daughter to me.

She was one of the most idealistic and determined people I had ever known.

I'd like to say something at her funeral, I just... I don't know what.

How about you start with that?


I want to find him.

We want the same thing, Mac, but there's no predicting Murdoc.

He could be anywhere in the world by now.

Tell Oversight I'll rejoin the Phoenix, on one condition:

I want access to every resource this agency has.

I'm gonna use them to hunt down Murdoc.

South of the border.

I'm still not in hell.

I'll be damned. Ryan Thorpe.

In the flesh.

Ooh, been too long, baby.

Ten years.

Yeah, well, you look great. I-I like the new wheels.

Thanks. Yeah.

You okay?

Oh. Not really.

But it's nothing we can't talk about over a couple beers. Come on.

The beers will have to wait, Jack.

I need your help.

Caleb Worthy's in trouble.

My picture's everywhere.

I had to flee the city into the hills.

I'm sending my coordinates with this video.

If any of you guys are listening... Jungle Book.

Worthy sent me that video 42 minutes ago.

Sent it my old e-mail, the one from Delta days.

Soon as I saw it, I got in the car, came right to you.

How in the hell did Worthy go get himself in this kind of trouble?

He was on a contracting job down in Honduras.

Apparently, a group of insurgents had been bombing railroad depots, and the crew Worthy hooked up with was hired to protect the tracks.

Only, Worthy was caught on video setting up an IED seconds before it went off.

No, t-that's got to be some kind of mistake.

W-Worthy's no t*rror1st. The kid's a w*r hero.

Yeah. Well, we know that, but the Honduran government does not.

They've ordered him shot on sight.

Jungle Book, huh? Those are two words I never wanted to hear.

That's a call to action, right there.

No kidding.

If he's bringing up our old oath, that means he thinks he's not coming back home.

Oh, he's coming home.

Hey, listen, Ryan, I am so sorry I haven't been to see you since we all got back...

I could've picked up a phone, too.

After everything we all went through...

...who needs the memories?

So can't the State Department or the DoD help us out with this one? No.

He wasn't working with the U.S. government on this one, so they're not gonna be any help at all.

And now that he's been labeled a t*rror1st, the State Department won't touch him. Jack.

Worthy's only hope of surviving this is you.

Not sure what's more unsettling, us being late to a meeting Matty called, or Matty being late to a meeting Matty called.

I'm not late, Bozer.

I've been waiting for you guys.

Matty, what are you doing in D.C.? Does this have to do with finding Murdoc?

I wish. Had a meeting on the Hill.

The in-person kind, apparently.

That's correct, Riley.

And before you start digging for more info, that's all I can say.

So swallow your questions, Bozer, and let me explain why you're here.

I'm taking the training wheels off.

It's time to let the Teen Titans loose on their own op.

I'm Raven.


Beast Boy. Beast Boy.

Okay, you two got this psychic connection thing going.

It's really creepy, and I don't watch Teen Titans 'cause I don't watch cartoons.


Wait, is being Beast Boy bad?

Not bad, Bozer, just annoying.

Which is actually perfect, because right now, you're really annoying me.

So if you don't mind, I'd like to get this briefing started.

I don't, if, uh, Maven and Firestarter don't mind.

Raven and Starfire. Raven and Starfire.

Oh, whatever.

Matty, you were saying?

Meet Terry Penn.

Known in the underworld as a "connector."

Let's say you're a t*rror1st from the East Turkestan Liberation Organization in China and you want to reach out to the Italian Mafia to hide one of your guys in Paterson, New Jersey.

How would you do that? You'd contact Penn.

So he's like a scumbag Linkedln?


Phoenix just intercepted chatter that Penn is gonna be in L.A. later today for a meeting.

But something must have spooked him, because he just cashed out a bunch of offshore accounts, and chartered a plane to get him out of the country just three hours after he arrives.

My guess is he's about to go off the grid for good.

Which leads me to your assignment:

With all the people that Penn knows, his cell phone is a veritable who's who of the underworld.

Huge get for law enforcement.

And you want to be the one doing the getting.

So... what's the play?

We put Riley in position and she hacks it?

I hope that isn't your plan, Matty.

His phone's got no USB or headphone jack.

It runs a propriety O.S., it's got end-to-end encryption built into all apps.

It'd be almost impossible to get behind, even for me.

Which is why you're not gonna hack it.

You're gonna steal it.


A little grand theft cell phone.

So where's this heist going down?

In his fancy hotel room?

Or are we hitting him in transit?

Neither, Beast Boy.

You guys are gonna intercept Penn here.

Whoa, that... that's the Sparkman house.

The who.

The Sparkman house.

Sparkman's this crooked Internet mogul who made a fortune mining Bitcoin.

His place in the Hollywood Hills is the place for the hottest parties.

Hot parties that a lot of shady people attend.

Riley, Leanna, you're to go to the party as guests, get close to Penn, shadow him and then look for an opportunity to steal his phone.

And what am I doing?

You're gonna outfit.

Riley and Leanna for the op, and then you're gonna help run the w*r room. And remember:

This might be one of the hottest parties in town, but it's also one of the most dangerous.

With Penn in attendance, that means a lot of very violent men and women will be there as well.

So be ready.

Thanks for calling me back, Steve.

Jack, it's Mac.

Who's Steve? Oh, hey. Hey, Mac.

Uh, Steve is my financial advisor.

We're just doing the biannual check-in on the state of my 401K.

Dude, you spend every dollar you make almost in real time.

I got to go, Mac. I'm sorry. What's actually going on?

Money never sleeps, dude.

Stevie, did you got my message?

Yeah, yeah. Just increase the credit line on all my cards, okay? Max them out, ASAP.

Uh... don't ask, just do it.

What's up.

Don't ever do that again, man.

Oh, you almost gave me a heart attack. Huh?

Popping out of thin air like that?

That was some Matty-level Houdini stuff right there.

It was, it was kind of nice.

Wait a minute. She isn't here, too, is she?

Matty? No. It's just me.

Oh. Okay, good.

Look, after our phone call, I got a little concerned, and after tracing your phone didn't work, I called Riley, asked for a favor, she looked into "Steve the financial guy."Uh-huh.

You drained your bank accounts, you maxed out all your credit cards.

You're lying to borrow the Phoenix jet.

What is going on? Nothing.

Why can't you look me in the eye and tell me that?

A friend of mine's in trouble. Okay, Mac?

Okay? A man who saved my life is about to lose his, okay?

Yeah, okay, well, you could've told me that.

Yeah, I could've, but I don't know where you stand, man.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means you left, then you're back. Then you left, again.

All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right.

But I'm here now.

In fact, that's why I was calling you earlier.

I asked Matty to reinstate me.



What happened to you going back back to Nigeria and Nasha and...

Yeah, I know. Nasha and I are gonna figure out the long distance thing for a while, but I'm back, so anything you're doing, I'm going with you.

We'll ask Matty for help.

Nah, nah, she can't do anything. Hey, man, if your buddy's in trouble, I'm sure she'd be willing to help.

She can't help. And why not?

Because the U.S. government cut Worthy loose.

Wait a second, Worthy, from your old Delta unit?

Yeah, and no one's gonna stick their neck out for him.

No one but me.

An-And hopefully my old Delta team.

That's why I need the resources, so...

I got to bounce, dude. I got some recruiting to do.

You mean wegot some recruiting to do. Now, Mac...

Hey, look, if Worthy's your family, then he's my family, too.

If you've ever taught me anything, it's that family is everything.

I didn't even think you were listening.

Let's go get 'em.

Okay, kid, I'm almost in.

Roger, Jack.

Bravo 2, this is Bravo Lead.

Confirm as*ault team in position.

Roger, Bravo Lead. Bravo Team in position.

All right, gents, let's party. And remember, flashes only, please, no frags.

I don't want my bits and pieces becoming, you know... bits and pieces.

As soon as you confirm the hostage location, we'll join the party.

Worthy, you just keep watching our backs.


Mi nombre esJack.

Who the hell are you?!

My close friends call me six in the center, up against the post.

It's a family name.

Okay, boys, grab the hostages. Let's get out of here.

Bad news, bad news! Hey, hey.

These guys got friends. A lot of friends.

Okay, so, did y'all find anything out about Worthy?

We did.

We have security footage of Worthy near a Honduran train station right before the bombs exploded.

The video quality's not great, but unfortunately, what's on it's even worse.

No. No way.

Worthy would not do something like that, trust me.

Okay, then what was he doing with the device, Jack?

He was probably trying to disarm the damn thing, Riley.

Yeah, but there's no way you can tell that from the footage, Jack, the picture quality's garbage.

Can't tell anything from that footage.

And while we're playing "Stump Jack," any idea what he was doing with this guy?

Let me see.

That's Jacob Lawlor.

He's, uh, well decorated.

Now he's a freelance contractor.

Does a lot of work in the area.

Worthy was hired on Lawlor's crew to protect the tracks, not blow 'em up.

Guys, I got to go.

I'll try and clean up this footage.

Maybe it'll give us some answers.


You really think you're gonna be able to reassemble your old Delta unit?

Aren't those guys retired for a long time now?

Trust me, dude, they're in.

I know it's been ten years since our last OP in Bogota, but once they see me, they'll know what's up.

I think.

All right...

Okay, how's it feel?

Can you move in it?

Yeah, it fits great.

It's comfortable, too.Good.

I lined it with ballistic mesh fabric, then adjusted the cut for maximum maneuverability.

Mm. Sexy and functional.

And I got more.

A little something from my nine millimeter spring bag collection.

Oh, yeah, that's my type of clutch.

Great job, babe.

Ah, thanks. Well, I can't take all the credit.

Mac designed the internal mechanism right before he left for Nigeria.

Hey, how's the phone coming, Riley?


A convincing fake takes time.

When I'm done, all we'll have to worry about is getting it close enough to swap it out.

With Raven and Starfire in the field and Batman running the w*r room, what could go wrong?

Wait, are you... are you saying you're Batman?

I mean, come on. I'm way more Batman than Beast Boy.

So are you changing your character name, Bozer?

Such a Beast Boy move.

You know how psyched I was when Matty first hired you?

Hella psyched.

But now that I see that you two have become BFFs, I'm revising my opinion.

Such a Beast Boy response.

What Pretty much.

Deacon lives the closest, so we're, uh, we're picking him up first.

You used to talk about Deacon all the time.

He was a... Toughest SOB to ever wear the patch.

Man, he's the real deal.

Julie, please put that water p*stol down.

I have asked you and asked you.

Now, come on, help me out here.

Joel, put your pants on, man.

Let's go. Let's saddle up. We got to go.

Come on, come on. Tie the shoe.

We got to go, please. Help me out here.

Deacon. Yes?


Hey, hey, not in the face. Not in...

Julie, you are k*lling me today.

Are you kidding me, Joel?

Please, please stop that.

How you living, man?

Dalton, I heard a rumor you're working for the CIA now.

Any truth to that?

Yeah, I left the Agency awhile back.

I, uh, work at a think t*nk now.

Oh, a think t*nk, huh? What is he, the t*nk part?

Hey, uh... do you keep in touch with Worthy?

Not as much as I should have, man.

Any idea why he'd take up this contracting work?

Yep. Money.

His kid needed surgery, It was expensive.

Oh, man, you should've called me, bro.

I would've helped.

I know. I know you would've, Jack.

Anyway, surgery went well, kid healed quick, but it depleted his bankroll.

So he took the job in Honduras? Yup.

Said he was gonna refill his bank account.

It'd be quick.

And then he was gonna hang up his spurs for good, but it's not the way it went down.

That's why we're here, man.

We're going to get him and you're coming with us. Let's go.

So, you see, Judy, I thought it would really be fun to get the guys together for a little, uh... Fishing trip. trip. That's right.

No big deal, just some typical male-bonding stuff.

Okay. I'll be back soon, darling.

Hunting trip will only be a few days.

Hunting. I thought it was fishing.

It's both. It's one of those package vacation deals.

Judy still hates you.

Ah, she's about as warm as a stepmother's kiss.

You know, I thought after ten years she'd be over the whole Jell-O incident, man.

No. The what?

Yeah, our last harmony retreat, there was some...

...Jell-O involved.

Okay. So next stop is your demo guy, Fitzy Sheng.

I wonder what Fitzy's been up to.

Oh, I don't know, but whatever it is, I'm sure it involves really big explosions.

Really? Yeah.

We're gonna get along.

It took me over a week to build that bridge.

Poof. Gone in two seconds.

Life, huh?

Choo-choo train philosophy fits you. I love it.

But now that we've seen that and acted interested, you in?

I promised Rachel that this was gonna be the biggest expl*si*n I made once I was out.

But if Worthy's in trouble, I know she'll understand.

I'm in.

All right, then.

One more.

Yeah, time to get the big boy.

...which is why we're here, Sid.

We need your help bringing him home.

You in, big boy?

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, sweetheart.

Let's move it. I got a thing.

I'm in.

Let's go.

I got to say, I'm amazed.

Every one of these guys put their life on pause immediately to go save Worthy.

Yeah, well, Worthy's the only reason these guys have a life to pause.

Come on, come on!

Thorpe, where you hit? My back.

Let's go. I can't feel my legs.

Go, go, go! I can't feel my legs.

Fire in the hole!

South of the border...

...still not in hell.

Worthy. You're an animal.

Just get me home, Jack.

You just got us all home, brother.

You just got us all home.

Oh, my back.

My shoulders are k*lling me.

You must be Lawlor.

Nice to meet you. This is Mac.

Hey. I'm glad you called, Dalton.

Could use the extra manpower.

Honduran police have upped their efforts to find Worthy.

Yeah, has he, uh, reached out to you guys? No.

All right, come meet my fellas.

Hey, Riles.

We just landed in Honduras, meeting Worthy's old crew now.

Mac, don't give them any intel.

What I wrote an image-processing algorithm to clean up some of the artifacts on the footage.

Part of it's been erased.

Good news, Caleb Worthy didn't blow up the tracks.

Lawlor and his men did.

We checked Lawlor's accounts.

Looks like he was taking payments from the government and the insurgents. He was double-dipping, taking money to protect the tracks and blow them up.

Real great guy, that one.

Worthy must've figured out what he was doing and tried to stop him, which means that.

Lawlor doesn't want to save Worthy, he wants to silence him.

Hey. We're rolling out. Jack says you need a ride.

Yup. Mac, we good?

Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

We got a problem?

No, just some logistics. Let's get out of here.

All right.

All right, we're in this one.

Line up, boys, let's go.

I mean, I didn't know what to say.

Dalton, crazy SOB, looks up, says to the shepherd, "How much for the whole herd?"

Jack, top five Bruce Willis movies?

Excellent question. You know, I could break BW's catalogue into four main periods, really, I mean, you got your...

Die Hard 2is one of them, though, right?

It is great, but I don't know if it's top five.

But you remember the plot?


Specifically the part about the soldiers that Bruce meets?

Who are you?

I know the plot to every single Bruce Willis movie ever made.

Who do you think you're talking to?

I don't think they're slowing down to let us go pee.

Uh, hey, fellas, um...

You, uh, remember Cambodia?

Come on, Fitzy, hurry.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

How'd you know Die Hard 2, baby!

Man, I haven't felt this sore since Kandahar.

What? Munoz, you slept through damn near half that op.

I wasn't sleeping, Fitzy, a frag blew me headfirst into a wall.

Yeah, I was unconscious.

Call it what you want.

Yo, how much further to Worthy?

Yeah, let me check my phone.

Oh, ha, ha, very funny. Who took my phone?

Oh, you cannot be serious.

Oh, please tell me you're kidding.

I must've lost my phone when we were running from Lawlor's guys, man.

Oh, we missed you, Dalton. Stand down.

I ain't... That phone...

Had Worthy's location on it.

All right, we need transport, fast.

How'd I lose my phone?

Okay, I got an idea. Anyone got their tags on them?

What are you doing?

Bypassing the ignition.

We could've used this kid back in the day.

All right, Jack, the eye in the sky says the road up ahead is clear, free of hostiles. Over.

Copy that, buddy.

Appreciate you having our backs, that's for sure.

You know, just because Lawlor found the phone, it doesn't mean he found the video.

No, Lawlor is a pro, man.

I'm telling you, he found the video. I...

I can't let anything happen to Worthy.

What is it about Worthy?

I've never really seen you this...

He saved all of our lives, for one.

The last time I saw Worthy, we had just gotten back from a tough rotation.

And if anybody knows what I'm talking about, it's you.

It was a gruesome deployment, you know what I mean?

Now, I got home and I couldn't adjust.

I mean, I-I-I couldn't even leave my house.

You know, my girlfriend at the time, she bailed, she couldn't stand watching me walk from tip to tail of that house talking to myself, crying all the time, you know, nightmares.

I was in a dark place. I was in a really, really dark place, and I couldn't turn it off.

What's up, Jack?

Sup, man?


What's with the robe, dude?

Getting all, uh, emotional on me?

No, man, I'm just, you know, decompressing.

Oh, well, decompressing seems kind of... uh-uh...

Depressing. Brought you a pie.

Blueberry peach, from your favorite place, man.

So, um... what's up? Come on.

Why you living like a sullen vampire?

What's going on? Wendy left me, Caleb.

Said she couldn't even stand being around me.

Hey, hey.

It's her choice, man.Yeah.

You got to respect that. Yeah, okay.

But I'm sorry.

How's your head?

Lots not good.

I've been there.

Hey, look, I wanted to, um, I want you to be the first to know that I am gonna get out.

Wow, you do something like that, you have two years before you make Major.

Yeah, but, see, um, in two years, uh, my kid is gonna be, like, one-and-a-half, so... Your kid?

Olivia's pregnant.

Come here.


I'm so happy for you.

There's gonna be, like, a little one of me running around in a couple months, dude. Oh, you sure the world's ready for that?

We gonna find out.

It's just, um...

The whole kid thing, it, um, it gets you thinking, you know, it just...

I mean, that grenade in Bogotá, couple inches left or right and...

I never even found out that my girl's pregnant.

I don't want Olivia telling our son stories about a dad he never met.

I get it.

For now, I need you to concentrate on yourself.


Each day is like a little mission, okay?

Now you string enough of those little missions together, that's a life.

You got to keep making yours count, man.


You're the bravest man I know.

Don't waste it, all right?

Worthy got me off the couch that day.

After he left, I rejoined the CIA.

Uh, one thing leads to another, next thing you know, I'm in the sandbox meeting your scrawny ass.

He really... he saved my life that day.

Fair enough.

All right, ladies.

Now remember, you're actresses hired to work this party.

Get in good with Penn and steal his phone.

Your camera is online and I've got a clean image.

Guys, I see Terry Penn.

Straight ahead.


I'm Roberta. I'm Lilian.

Great party, right?

Actually, I'm looking for somebody.

I'd say you found someone.

Two someones.

So what do you do?

Okay, the charm offensive isn't working.

Maybe if you spill something on his jacket, he'll...

Oh, my God, you're freezing.

She has the chills.

My audition. What am I gonna do?

She has this really big audition tomorrow, huge, and if she gets sick, then...

Hey, do you think maybe she could borrow your jacket?


Here you go.

Thank you.Mm-hmm.

So did you say you were a producer?

You look like a producer.

Well, these are the coordinates that Worthy sent.

I don't see anybody.

Maybe Lawlor didn't find Worthy's video.

Okay, that's it, gentlemen, we're on, let's go!

I got eyes on Worthy.

So does Lawlor.

You were right, Mac.

Lawlor's playing both sides.

This ain't good.

Uh, Riley, I think you got a problem.

What is it, Bozer? You got a four-man team coming in the back, and I don't think they're there for the cocktails.

Listen, we're government agents.

We know who you are.

Come with us if you want to live.

Okay, let's party.

Flanking right:

Cerveza, Fitzy, Lanier.

Show them what that g*n can do, big boy.

We'll come down main street, clean it up and save Worthy.

Hooah. Hooah.

Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Kid's got an idea.

We are going to bring the noise.

I knew I liked this kid. Yeah, just don't bust your phone out around him.

See what I mean?

You ever put something back together the way it was before you broke it?

Where's the fun in that?

All right, everyone, take some of these.

Put them in your ears.

You will need them.

How-how... Just put them in there, put them in there.

Fall back! Fall back! Fall back!

Hey, Worthy.

Jack. Jack, what the hell is that sound?

That's the sound of salvation.

It's a clean shot, through and through.

He'll be fine.

Hell of a reunion, fellas.

Save that for American soil. Let's get out of here.

All right, let's go.

Go, go, go. Go, go, go.

Okay, Thorpe, we got Worthy.

We're on the move, but we're taking fire.

We need cover, fast.

Go west, young man.

Three klicks, I'm looking at some kind of structure there.

Copy that. You're the man.

Okay, I got to ask.

Why do your friends back there want you dead?

So I put a mafia don in contact with a lady friend who I thought moved stolen jewelry, but turned out to be an undercover FBI agent.

And now the don is on trial, and blaming me for the whole mess. So to thank me, he greenlit me. If you're marked for death, why show your face at a party?

'Cause a person who RSVP'd yes to that party owes me almost 100K.

Money I really needed to drop off the grid and stay off. Well, look, you hand over that phone of yours and we'll make sure you live through this.

I can't give you my phone.

The only thing you got that we want is that phone.

So give it up or get the hell out the car.

Leanna, slow down. No, wait.

What are you doing?

They'll k*ll me.

Fine. Fine, take it.

It's no good to me anyway if I'm dead.

Riley, Leanna, you're insane... Brilliant, but insane.

All right, now, follow my directions and I'll get you to safety. Take your next left, now.

This must be the place Thorpe was talking about.

I guess this is where Dalton's Heroes make their last stand.

Okay, Leanna, you're doing great.

Now take your next left and then an immediate right.

Ladies, what the hell have you done?

That's a good question.


Trust me, Riley. I got this.

We trust you, Boze. But whatever you're planning, you need to do it now.

Get out, Penn.


Well played, Bozer. Ha, ha.


Not enough.

It never is, big boy, never is.

Okay, so what's the plan?

Fitzy, you got any det cord left?

Uh, yeah, uh, less than 20 feet.

That's not a lot, but we can make it work.

Make it work for what?

Bangalore Torpedoes.

You want to help me build some?

Hell yeah.

You know what this reminds me of.


Cairo? Yeah, Cairo for me and Mac was like, uh, Djibouti for all of us, you know, the grim reaper was in the neighborhood, he just had the wrong address?

South of the border...

...still not in hell.

That's right, still not in hell.

Guys, I want to thank you.

All of you. I'm sorry I got you into this.

No. I'm sorry.

I should've told you to stick it when you refused money for your son's surgery.

Hey, hey.

None of us are ever alone as long as we don't turn our backs on each other.

Right. That's right.

Look, uh, you guys have been through a lot together, and I know I'm not exactly part of the team, but what do you say we show these guys we're not going down without a fight?


They're here.


All right, boys. Fire in the hole.

That's it, I'm out.

I'm out.

I'm out, too.

We have them surrounded.

Okay. Move in.

This is it, boys.

Blood makes the grass grow.

Let's go!

Get to the trees!

That's got to be Matty.

Nobody's got better timing.

Well, sure it is. She wants to make sure we survive this so she can chew us out.

Hey, turn up.

So, look.

I've given it some thought, and if you want me to be Beast Boy, I'll be Beast Boy.

Well, actually, we've given it some thought, too. Mm-hmm.

And it's cool if you want to change your name.

So I can be Batman? We were thinking more like Robin.


Yeah. Robin.Mm-hmm.

Oh, since we're changing names.

Leanna, coin flip for Wonder Woman? Nah.

No, you can be Wonder Woman.

I'd rather be Catwoman, anyway.

Catwoman. Oh, Catwoman! Okay.

Can we go back to why I can't be Batman? I want to be Batman.

I am the Batman. Look at the voice.

No, don't do that.

That's why you can't be Batman...

Hey, who wants some good news?


I just got word that the Honduran government has arrested Lawlor and his men.

And they've confessed to blowing the tracks and framing Caleb Worthy.

Which reminds me, Worthy. Next time you see an expl*sive lying on the ground, why don't you leave it to somebody who knows what the hell he's actually doing?

All right.

I want to tell you guys: I love you.

I'm grateful. You dropped everything to pull my butt out of the fire.

I'll never forget it.

And, h-hey, listen.

I know, ten years ago, we went our separate ways.

That-that happens.

Let's try not to let that happen again.

Okay? I-It's too good to see you guys.

Keep each other countable.

Maybe we should also keep each other accountable.


Accountable, accounts receivable.

You get what I'm saying, man, just, it's...

I-I think that we should get together at least twice a year.

Make a commitment.

Right here, right now.

'Cause this kind of bond, it doesn't grow on trees.

As a matter of fact, trees ain't...

Dalton, I think we got your point.

Twice a year, every year.

Yeah, I'll stop there. All right.

What about the new member of our group?

Right? Yeah.

I mean, if you want in.

Hell yeah.

To Dalton's Heroes.

Dalton's Heroes.

Ooh, I like the sound of that.


Hey, hey, Mac. Y.

Well, yeah.

This whole situation has helped me realize I shouldn't have waited ten years to let those guys know how I felt about them, and, uh...

...well, I-I just, don't want to make that same mistake twice.

I-I wanted you to know I really appreciate you always being there for me.

You're... a good dude, man. Huh?


There you go.



And, um, and not returning your phone calls, that's messed up. It's not gonna happen again.

Eh, don't worry about it. Just...

Let me know you're okay next time. It'll take two seconds.

Will do.

Hey, guys.

Hey, there she is. Welcome to the party, girl.

I wanted to thank you for saving everybody's bacon. Y-You're...

Jack, you know how you don't like to talk about Cairo?

Yes, ma'am.

Let's add Honduras to that list.

Yes, ma'am.

Where's the rest of your boy band?

They're all outside.

Come out, so I can introduce you.

Okay, I'll be out there in a second. All right.

Open a cold one for me.

Ooh, we gonna get loose tonight.

I like it. Take...

Let go of it, dude. Okay, well, just...


I'll grab you one.

You look happy right now.

Is that a problem?

Well, no, I'm just wondering why.


Maybe it's because my best agent is back.

Thank you.

Welcome home, MacGyver.