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03x04 - Guts + Fuel + Hope

Posted: 01/10/21 10:57
by bunniefuu
Brazilian walnut floors throughout, recessed lighting in both the living room and the dining room, postmodern, contemporary chandelier...

I'm sorry, I thought this building was empty.

We're showing units early, by appointment only...

Which room is the farthest from the front door?

The playroom. Or a study, if you two aren't...

Hey, I need you guys in there now. Why?

That's why.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on. Let's go. Go, go, go.

I don't understand. Who are you people?

Look, we don't have time to explain. Just stay in here, and don't make a sound, okay? For your own safety, lock the door behind you, don't let anyone in until we tell you to, and, uh, I'm gonna need your belt...

I'm assuming you have one... That purse, this squirt g*n, and these stuffed animals.

Thank you. Thank you, sir.

We'll be right back.

Honestly? I don't know. Just come here fast.

AbuStar Tower One, unit 4642.

It's safe.

You guys can come out now.

I called the police.

They're on their way. That's great.

When they get here, tell them to arrest these men, obviously, and if they have any further questions, to call Matty Webber at the Phoenix Foundation in Los Angeles.

Oh, and good luck with the listing.

Yes, it's a lovely home.

Bit of a fixer-upper, but lovely.

Cup of coffee...

Egg salad sandwich, a side of home fries.

Will it just be you again?

Looks that way.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised you're really good at this game.

Actually, w*r requires zero skill or strategy, as you see there. It's all luck.

But don't tell Jack. He thinks he has a gift.

Oh.It's really entertaining to me.

I guess I'll have to play him when he gets back from D.C.

If he gets back.

Only Jack could wind up having to explain to the Secretary of Defense why he stole some Russian weapons for an ex-dictator.

Well, I bet that meeting's not awkward at all.

Speaking of awkward meetings, you know it's after 1:00 in L.A., right?

Yeah, so?

It's Friday.

What's your point?

Did you tell him exfil got pushed and we left later than expected?

Oh. Must have slipped my mind.

So your father's just waiting there in that diner, like he does every Friday, hoping you show up? He said to drop by when I was ready, and I'm still not ready.

That's fair enough.

But you could have called, so he knew not to wait.

I waited 18 years for him, Riley.

So now you're going to make him wait that long?

Are we changing course?

Definitely adjusting our heading.

Sit down, Blondie, I can explain.

Something's come up.

Something very time-sensitive.

And with Jack in D.C., and Leanna on another op stateside, you two are my closest Phoenix agents to the problem.

Bozer, show our contestants what they've won.

Rebels are taking over the city of Tago in Georgia.

They're blocking supplies and humanitarian aid from reaching innocent civilians.

This was posted on the Web 20 minutes ago.

My name is Dr. Lena Nakani.

I am chief medical officer at Georgian Children's Hospital.

Two days ago, rebels entered Tago, forcing many to flee the city.

Supplies stopped showing up, including our weekly shipment of liquid oxygen.

Currently, we have 12 patients who require ventilator assistance to breathe.

Which means, if a tanker of oxygen doesn't arrive here in ten hours, these children will die.

I am reaching out to the international community for help.

If anyone sees this, please, they need you.

Okay, we're in.

Do we have any idea where this tanker is?

That's the million-dollar question.

Our intel suggests that the driver fled the v*olence and abandoned it.

The hospital can't get a replacement because the only oxygen plant in the area shut down after its employees stopped showing up to work.

So they couldn't find another driver?

They tried.

No one wants the job now that rebels have taken over.

And-and what about airlifting the oxygen to the hospital?

That would work if the rebels hadn't seized.

Georgia's anti-aircraft g*ns.

They're sh**ting down everything flying into the region.

Delivery by land is the only option.

Which is where we come in.

Correct. You two need to find that missing tanker and get it to that hospital, before it's too late.

The tanker itself is old.

It has no GPS locator.

So our best guess is that it was abandoned somewhere on the main road between the oxygen plant and the hospital.

You touch down in four hours.

That leaves you six hours to find a needle in a haystack, drive it past an army of violent rebels in time to save 12 innocent children.

No pressure or anything.Nope.

None at all.

Hey, guys, just a heads-up.

You should be entering rebel territory right about now.

You don't say.

Let me guess, text from your dad?

Yeah. Asking about lunch sometime next week.

And you're not even gonna reply?

Oh, come on, Mac.

Would one lunch be so bad?

Thank you, Riley. I've been asking him that same question for weeks.

Matty, maybe you can talk some sense into him.

You want me to advise my agent on his relationship with my boss?

Tempting, but pass.

Look, guys, I'm avoiding this lunch because I don't want to sit and make small talk and pretend like everything's normal when it's not.

And before you say it's payback, the guy left me.

I just... I'm not ready to forgive him yet.

I hear you, I hear you.

But this is a chance for you to work on your relationship, like I am with my father.

And I know you have unanswered questions for him, so something tells me there's a deeper reason you're avoiding him.


Check out Ms. Freud over here.

You gonna tell us what it is, Mac?

Or are you gonna make us guess?

Bozer, didn't you say that tanker truck was silver and blue? Way to dodge the question.

Yeah. Why?

I think we just found it.

Who steals a tanker of oxygen?

Pull up next to the cab, and let's find out.

Pull over. Pull over!

Okay, yelling at him didn't work.

So how do we make him stop this truck?

We don't.

We stop it for him.

Pretty sure that's Mac code for "I'm about to do something really dangerous."Yeah.

Get as close to the cab as you can, and don't swerve.

Okay. Don't swerve.

Don't swerve. Don't swerve.

I said, "Don't swerve!"

I'm not.

Drop it.

Drop it.

Thank you.

Now, what were you doing stealing this truck?

I'm not stealing it.

Then what would you call what you were doing?

I'm delivering.

Lives depending on this oxygen.

Where were you taking it, then?

To its original destination: The children's hospital.

Yes, it's true.

My son is, uh, is-is patient.

He... Look, he...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.No. It's-it's okay.

It's photo. My...

Photo, my son.

Before he was hospitalized.

When my wife and I learned that the shipment wasn't coming, I decided to...

Track the truck down and deliver it yourself?


Well, aren't you worried about the rebels?

They're k*lling everyone on sight.

I'm only worried for my son and the children in the hospital.

Look, sir...

No, my name is Vasil.

Vasil. I'm MacGyver.

This is Riley Davis.

We were sent by a government organization to deliver this truck to the hospital.

It's true?


This is the best news I've heard in days.

Please, please, can I come with you?

I-I can help you. Yes, you-you...

Uh, no, I don't think that's a good idea, Vasil.

This could get dangerous. Mac.

We can't leave him here, Mac. If the rebels find him...

Let's go save your son. Thank you!

Thank you. Thank you.

What was that?


You guys hear that?

Heard and saw, Mac.

It's the rebels. They're blowing up all the roads leading into the city.

Which is a huge problem, because we only have four hours until the oxygen in the hospital runs out.

Mac, we checked every road into the city and confirmed the rebels have blocked or destroyed them all.

All right, so if the roads are out, how are we gonna get this oxygen to the kids, Mac?

We'll make our own road.

We'll cut through those mountains right there, and we'll find a paved road on the other side of the rebels' perimeter.

I'm sorry, Mr. MacGyver, but that is just not possible.

I know this area very well.

It's very rough.

This vehicle will never make it.

You're right, we won't make it in this vehicle.

We'll have to give it an upgrade.

What is upgrade?

What you are doing?

I'm trying to stabilize this rebound clip.

You are using your cell phone?

Yeah, well, as it turns out, it fits perfectly.

I-I wish Vano was here to see this now.

He would say, "You are awesome."

Vano loves trucks.

So did I when I was his age. Actually, I still do.

You know what?

What do you say, when we get to the hospital, we ask the doctors if they'll him see the truck?

Oh, he would love that.

He, uh, has been in the hospital for so long.

Not to pry, but what's wrong with your son?

Ah, his lungs are not fully developed.

Doctors don't know why.

I can't imagine it's been easy for him.

No, no, it's been very difficult.

But luckily, there are still heroes in the world. Aw, no.

You're the hero, Vasil. You tried to drive this tanker through rebel-occupied territory by yourself.

I just did what any father would do for his son.

Okay, good to go.

Okay, if the truck is ready, you need to get moving.

Guys, you've got some time to make up, so you better go fast.

Guys, what part of.

"You've got some time to make up" wasn't clear?

We know, Boze, but if we drive any faster, then this tanker could start leaking, which is a problem because my build wasn't perfect.

There's lots of metal parts in contact with other metal parts, so if we do start to leak, any spark could ignite the liquid oxygen inside and...

On second thought, slow works.

Okay, I ran the numbers. At your current pace, you could still make it in time to save those kids, but you're cutting it close.

Yeah, how close?

Let's just avoid any more delays.

Heads up.

We got an unidentified vehicle moving towards you.

Most civilians have already fled the area, so unless you guys ordered Domino's, that's probably rebel patrol.

Have they spotted us yet?

I don't think so.

The terrain seems to have kept you hidden, but if you stay on that current heading, you're gonna run right into them.

Guys, there's a large cluster of trees northeast of your position.

You can make it, but you have to hurry.

This time for real.

Those trees right there.

Breathe, Bozer, breathe.


You're clear.

My heart is racing. Yeah, mine, too.

Time to get moving.

You've got kids to save.

That didn't sound good.

Yeah, we're stuck.

We're in a dried-out creek bed, and part of it collapsed under our front tire.

We hung the truck.

We... we don't have time for this.

How are we gonna do this, Mac?

Thing's got to be about 60,000 pounds.

Mac? Uh...

He-he don't answer you.

Yeah, believe it or not, that's a good thing.

Means he has an idea.

Put it in neutral and turn the engine over.

This-this is going to raise truck?

Yeah, it should. How?

Well, it's basically the same way a firefighter's lift bag works.

The operating pressure of the suspension airbag is multiplied by the surface area in contact with the frame, which gives you lifting force in pounds per square inch.

I-I-I don't follow you.

Yeah, yeah, you get used to that.

Oh, it's working!

This is miracle!

No, it's just physics.

We should be back on the road in five minutes.

I'm going to call my wife and check on my son, tell her we're coming.

Devoted husband and father. That's a good man right there.

I'm sorry.

You all right?

Earlier, you were saying you were gonna try and work things out with Elwood.

I mean, do you really think that he's capable of change?

Probably not. Well, okay, then why bother?

'Cause I don't expect Elwood to change.

I've accepted who he is.

Maybe I'm naive, but...

I still have hope our relationship can heal.

And I never want to regret not giving us a second chance.

There's a rebel patrol coming.

We must go now!

Tire's still an inch below solid ground, Mac.

You think we can make it? One way to find out. Let's go.

Great work.

You're back on the road and have just over two hours until the oxygen at the hospital runs out.

Since it should only take you 90 minutes to get there, I think we're all good.

Damn it, Bozer, why'd you have to go and say that?

This is problem.

Make that two problems.

Mac, they're closing fast.

Any chance you got a plan? Yeah.

Riley's gonna floor it.

You sure that's a good idea? I don't know, but it's not gonna matter if they catch us.

Yeah, good point.

Not that I'm complaining, but... why aren't they sh**ting at us?

They want our cargo intact.

The, uh, liquid oxygen is-is, uh, worth a lot of money on the black market.

What's what.

We sprung a leak. I got to go up top.

Are you crazy? We are doing 120 kilometers per hour.

Yeah, I mean, I'm not looking forward to it, but... if I don't plug the leak, we're not gonna have enough oxygen left by the time we get to the hospital.

And that's best-case scenario.

What is worst.

Well, a stray spark hits the liquid oxygen, and, uh...

How will you fix it?

Good question.

Wait a second, that water bottle over there... Can you hand me that?


Liquid oxygen is cryogenic, which means it's stored below 297 degrees Fahrenheit.

That valve is so cold right now, all I have to do is pour water onto it, and, uh, it should freeze instantly, creating a seal.

He say "should"?

Be happy. That's as much of a guarantee as you're gonna get from him.

Riley, on your right.

Mac, hang on to something.

Mac, you're about to have company.

I said no sparks!

Yeah, or you could say, "Thanks for saving my life."

Be careful, be careful!

Leak's sealed.

Ugh, damn it, I can't shake 'em.

Mac, now would be a great time to do something brilliant.

Working on it.


Okay. I think we're clear.

Okay, just stay on that road.

It'll lead you right to the hospital.

Yeah, until we run out of gas.

Uh, yeah, we just burned through all of our fuel, and...

No, no, I know a fuel station very near here.

Pretty sure, uh, no rebels are there. It is safe.

Okay? I take you.

Okay, take us.

What's on your mind, Mac?

That obvious?

Thinking about what you said earlier, about you and Elwood and second chances.

You know, there was actually a time when I really wanted a relationship with my dad.

But now that time's passed, because you're too angry with him.


Yeah, I just cannot seem to let this anger go.

When I was a kid, especially after my mom died, I idolized him.

He was smart and tough, and the way he made things out of nothing absolutely amazed me.

And then when he left without saying a word, it was like...

I tried to convince myself there was a good reason.

You know, like, maybe he had amnesia and couldn't find his way home, or he was framed for a crime and wrongfully imprisoned.

Then years passed, and eventually, I just gave up believing there was a good reason.

I began to forget what he once meant to me and started imagining he was a drunk or a criminal.

Picturing him as someone you didn't want made it easier to accept he didn't want you.

Been there.

But then 18 years go by, he comes back, and as it turns out, he runs an organization dedicated to saving innocent lives.

It was a lot easier when I thought he was a bad guy.

But you understood him then.

Now it's complicated.

And that scares you.

Guys, you got a truck. It's coming in hot.

Vasil, get to the cab now.

Get a move on, guys. They're right on top of you.

Don't move.

These don't look like rebels, Mac.

That's because they are not.

Vasil, what the hell is going on?

Remember when I told you liquid oxygen was worth a lot of money?

Well, it is.

And my friends and I are going to sell this truck and keep the money.

You set us up.

I'm sorry.

You son of a bitch.Riley...

You were right.

I was stealing the truck.

Local conflicts are good for that sort of thing.

You knew where we were taking it.

You said you were taking it there, too.

The on-board navigational system told me where the truck was going.

That's the only reason I knew.

And thank you for getting me past the rebels.

I could never have done it without you, MacGyver.

So your whole story was a lie, then?

I have a wife and three children.

They're not sick, but they are very much in danger.

That's why I need the money... To get them to safety.

So you're gonna let all those other children die?

I'm not proud of it.

But if the choice is between my children and complete strangers, what can I say?

Family first!

We got just over an hour till those kids run out of oxygen, Mac.

What are we gonna do?

I don't know.

You're not listening.

We don't have time to ask for permission from the minister of health.

I am talking minutes. Not hours, not days.

I understand that. But without her authorization, I...

Armenia's out, too.

Tell me someone has good news.


Turkish ambassador says there's a hospital just over the border, 40 minutes away.

They have a full tanker of liquid oxygen, but he's refusing to send any of his people into rebel-occupied territory.

What do I do? Am I allowed to thr*aten him?

Just hang up.

Mac, Riley, I don't know what to say.

We've reached out to everyone in your area, looking for replacement oxygen, and we've come up empty.

Any luck on your end?

Mac's phone is still on the tanker, so I traced it, but it's so deep in rebel territory, if we tried to go get it, we'd bet k*lled.

Does that mean we're out of options?

Not entirely.

If we can't bring the oxygen to the kids, we'll have to bring the kids to the oxygen.

What are you talking about, Mac?

I'm talking about a medevac.

A medevac? Oh, no, no, no.

A medevac? It's impossible.

These children are in no shape to be moved.

And even if they were, we have diluted the O2 mix as much as we can.

At most, we have 50 minutes before they start suffocating.

Look, I know that transporting them isn't ideal, but there's a hospital 40 minutes away in Turkey.

If we borrow vehicles, we should be able to make it in time.

Not with the rebels outside.

They will attack any convoy immediately.

I'm-I'm sorry.

Hold on.

Is that normal?

I'm afraid so.

Great. Where's your maintenance guy?

He says you're right. The, uh, lights upstairs flicker because we are running on backup power.

Uh, all life-saving equipment is on battery backup, but the nonessential parts of the hospital and the rest of the city use this.

He says that beyond this airlock is a compressed air chamber, which the city uses to create and store energy for when the power goes out.

This is great.

What does this mean?

This means we don't have to move the kids.

All we have to do is connect the outflow valve from this chamber to the hospital's oxygen converter, which should refill the O2 tanks and supply breathable air to the kids.

Why didn't the hospital do this immediately?

Uh, that's my fault. I just made that sound a lot easier than it's actually gonna be.

There's over a thousand PSI in there, which is like being a half a mile under the ocean.

If you go in there without protection, you won't last long.

And I assume you have a plan to make the necessary protection?

I do, but I'm not sure if it's gonna work.

Look, just so it's been said out loud, there's still time for that medevac if you leave now.

And to be clear, Bozer means right now, so it's decision time.

Mac, it's your boots on the ground, so it's your call.

Moving the kids has variables I can't control, which means more risk.

I say we stay and take our chances... there. Okay.

What do we need to do, Mac?

Follow me.


All right, so all this is to help you survive a room that might as well be half a mile under the ocean?

I mean, not forever, but yeah. How?

The same way an atmospheric pressure suit helps deep sea divers survive at the bottom of the ocean.

And that's what we're making?

A quick and dirty version of one, yeah.

Okay, this is the last canister we have, and it's nearly empty.

It's not enough oxygen to save the kids, and it'll give you enough to breathe for three minutes.

Is that going to be enough time?

It'll have to be.

Okay, ready on my end.

All right, airlock door closed, room sealed.

And you're sure your suit's airtight, Mac?

As airtight as I can make it.

Mac, how are you feeling?

Like Godzilla's stepping on my chest.

It's making it hard to breathe.

What's that sound?

That would be my suit caving in.

It's, uh... it's not gonna last long.

Yeah, well, neither will the air you're breathing, so keep moving.

Boze, I'm-I'm at the valves.

Uh, wh-which one am I hooking up to?

There are four rows of four, right?

Yeah. Okay, third row down, second from the left.

Riley, give me some slack.

Sorry, Mac.

No slack left.

What do you mean, "no slack left"?

The hose, it isn't long enough.

It won't reach. I can't connect it.

Mac, you gotta think of something.

Those kids are about to run out of oxygen.

Mac! I know.

I know you know.

Just saying.

Just going to take this off.

Just need to put this on.

I've got to figure out a way to extend the hose.

I could do it if I just... if I had another piece of tubing.

Wait a second, I do.

Mac, you don't mean your oxygen tube?

That's exactly what I meant.

No, no, no, no, no, Mac, listen to me.

You cannot cut your own oxygen supply.

The air in there is 78% nitrogen.

You inhale even one time, you'll get the bends and die.

Then I guess I'll just have to hold my breath.

The tube is long enough.

Mac, you can barely move in that suit.

If you hold your breath, you'll black out and die before you make it out of that room.

You might be right, Riley, but this is my only choice.

All right, I'm going to cut my hose, which means I'm gonna lose comms, so... see you on the other side, I hope.

The converter t*nk is filling.

Riley, what about Mac?

On my way.




Hey, hey.

Hey. I need... I need...

You all right?

I need to work... What do you need?

On my cardio.


It's nothing but good news.

U.N. soldiers are moving in with supplies and aid, and the rebels are about to get an unpleasant surprise.

Turns out Vasil sold them that tanker.

You traced my phone.

Hell yeah, we did!

Right back to the rebel stronghold.

Won't be long before this rebellion is put down.

But most importantly, all of those children are going to survive, thanks to you two.

We secured a nearby field for your exfil.

I'll send coordinates. Chopper will be there in 30.

See you tomorrow.

Copy that. All right.

Anything else you need, Matty?

Just for you to go home and get some rest.

Good work.

Now, that is one order I am more than happy to follow.

See you tomorrow.

Hey, Bozer?

I know you've been having a hard time lately.

Is it that obvious?

No, not to everyone, but... I can tell.

Jill was more than just a coworker she was family.

Yes, she was.

If you ever want to talk, I'm always available.

I appreciate that, Matty.

You know, these kids almost didn't make it because Vasil put his family before the lives of others.

What kind of a father does that?

A bad one.

Right. So with that logic, maybe a father who puts others before his family actually is a good one.

I see what you did there.

Look, we don't get to choose our parents.

We just have to accept them.

And trust me, I know you're scared of being hurt again.

I am, too. Still.

But I'm glad I took that chance.

And as brave as you are, I know you'll be glad, too.

Order up.

And here's your egg salad sandwich and side of steak fries. Thank you.

Not that it's any of my business, hon, but who is it that you keep waiting for week after week?


My son.

Could I get a menu? I'm starving.

Of course.

Sorry I'm late, Dad.

It was worth the wait.

French fry?

They're good.