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03x06 - Murdoc + MacGyver + Murdoc

Posted: 01/10/21 10:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on MacGyver... Take this, and then make sure you bring it back to me.

Get down!

What the hell is going on?

And who is this guy wearing my George Washington mask?

Stay. I still don't know your name.

Murdoc. Dad!

Daddy has to make a quick stop.



Heard you been looking for me.


Someone told me you're back in town.

I really do hope we can see each other.

I can't believe you still have this thing.

Frankly, I can't believe you're still living here.

Hello, MacGyver.

We really got to go through the motions?

We both know how this is gonna end, okay?

No matter how many blows you land, I'm gonna pull out my g*n, and you'll do exactly what I say.

How about we just skip to that part, huh?


Any chance I could get a glass of water?

If you're gonna k*ll me, do it now. Don't drag it out.

k*ll you? I'm not here to k*ll you, MacGyver.

I'm here 'cause I need your help.

So I guess that's a no on the water, huh?

See, my son Cassian was kidnapped.

Yeah. One of the members of my failed little Collective took him.

Thought you k*lled all of them.

Oh, I tried. But wouldn't you know?

The one guy whose ticket I didn't punch nabs my kid.

I should have started with him, hmm?

Is this filtered?

Are we here to talk about my water or your son?

Cassian's kidnapper is a guy named Benjamin Liu.

Liu's former Chinese secret police.

Very dangerous. He's very violent.

The things I used to respect about him.

Anyhoo, Liu's ransom demand just came in.

$5 million, or Cassian dies.

You have $5 million. Why not pay the ransom?

Paying him won't bring Cassian home.

This isn't about money.

Liu is trying to lure me out so he can execute me.

Then go save your son. You're more than capable.

Thanks for the compliment, Boy Scout.

But, see, I went to do that very thing yesterday, and it turns out Liu is keeping Cassian in a place that might as well be a fortress.

You are the magic key that's gonna unlock all the doors.

No, I'm not.

This is about Jill, isn't it?

I knew my k*lling her was gonna be a sticking point for you.

But we are talking about an innocent child, MacGyver.

You really gonna let a ten.

You see? Knew you were gonna be on the fence about this.

I appreciate your position.

It's a toughie.

But you see, MacGyver, I care about you so much that I went ahead and made it a lot easier for you to make your decision.

I knew that would help you change your mind.

You get the text from Mac, too? That's why I'm here.

So he calls a meeting, then doesn't show up?

Hola, amigos.

Where's Mac?

He just texted me to meet him in the w*r room.

What, he's not here yet?

This is weird. I am calling him.

Went right to voice mail.

Well, that's got to be him right there.

Nobody has this number but us.

Hey, what's up, man?


Hey, guys. Sorry, I got to leave town for a while.

I got to go do something with someone.

What's going on, dude?

"Someone"? Come on, MacGyver.

I'm not just someone.

Hello, team Phoenix.

Boy, have I missed you guys.

Especially you, Bozer.

What are you doing with that lunatic?

Now, now, now, Jack.

There's no need for name-calling.

I was just about to get to that.

See, MacGyver and I, we're going on a little road trip.

Just the two of us.

None of you are invited.

Murdoc's son has been kidnapped.

So I'm gonna go help him find Cassian.

I knew you guys would be worried when I didn't show up for work, but trust me: I'll be fine.

But I need you guys to promise that none of you will come looking, okay?

No one in this room is gonna agree to that, Mac. No way.

I promise not to k*ll him, so long as you all stay very, very far away.

But I catch so much as a whiff of a tail or Jack trying to sneak up on me, I'm gonna break that promise. Are we clear on the rules?

I don't follow your rules, 'Doc.

Jack, do not follow me. Promise.

I'm serious.


Did we just enter The Twilight Zone?

Why in the hell would he be working with Murdoc?

The only way Mac would go anywhere with Murdoc is if he didn't have a choice.

What are you saying, Matty?

I'm saying that I think Murdoc has someone that Mac cares about.


Bozer. On it.

I ran a trace. They're in Long Beach.

Long Beach. Okay, good, good. Matty, tac team.

Hold on, Jack.

Dalton, stand down.

Hey, he's in real danger right now, Matty.

Do you not get that?

But you heard what he said.

And we don't have all the info yet.

Solomon said Nasha got on a plane yesterday headed for L.A.

Mac didn't say anything to me about Nasha coming to Los Angeles. That's 'cause he didn't know she was coming.


Someone mirrored Mac's phone and was texting Nasha pretending to be him.

Murdoc catfished Nasha.

We can't go after MacGyver until we've taken away Murdoc's leverage.

You're sure this is where Liu is keeping Cassian?

Oh, yes.

My sources were highly motivated to tell the truth.

Said he's being held on the first floor.

Looks municipal. Former federal building?

Former Russian consulate. The Russkies fled after the Soviet Union collapsed.

The building changed hands for several years, and Liu acquired it.

Okay, Boy Scout, time to do your thing.

Dazzle me.

Well, Liu has surveillance cameras covering every ground-level approach, which means our best bet is going to be a breach from below.

It's a consulate, which means that there should be a secret escape tunnel or a rabbit hole that diplomats would use in case of attack.

It does, indeed. If my sources are to be believed...

And again, they were highly motivated to tell me the truth...

...the tunnel's been plugged for decades with over seven feet of poured concrete.

Not even you could quietly get us through that with the amount of time we have.



You're stumped?

Hate to say it, MacGyver, but #disappointed.

What about the windows?

What is it?

There were guards everywhere the other day.

Where are the guards?

I don't think walking right up to the front gates in full view of all these cameras is a great idea.

Evil before beauty.

That explains it.

Double tap to the chest.

Single to the head.

That's quality work.

You smell that?

I don't smell anything.

Come on.

It's chemical.

It's probably the a*mo.

That stiff just had a recent lead transfusion.

No, it's not cordite.

It's something else.

Look, none of these men had their weapons drawn.

Whoever did this caught them by surprise.

He was here.

Whoever k*lled these men has my son.


Nothing. I just... think I caught a little human emotion on your face there.

Any of these dead guys Liu?

Uh, no.

Well, then, isn't it possible that Liu escaped with Cassian before the sh**t could get to him?

Let me see that little knife of yours.

Wait. Chop-chop, Boy Scout.

What are you doing?

Ballistics analysis.

Hand-pressed 45 grain hollow point.


So I know who k*lled these men, who has my son. Who?

My wife.

Okay, I got behind the phone Mac used to call the Phoenix, and I found a ton of files, including this.


Help, please!

Son of a bitch.

Please, help!

That's why Mac agreed to help.

Riley, can you tell where this was recorded?

No. Metadata's been stripped.

We have no earthly idea where Nasha is. This-this...

Hold on. I think I got something.

That's him. 9:17 a.m.

That what time Nasha left LAX with Murdoc.

Riley, what time did Mac call the Phoenix?

10:49 a.m.

So taking into account drive time, that leaves Murdoc roughly 45 minutes from the moment he picked up Nasha to stash her somewhere.

Okay, so 45 minutes means this is our search area.

That-that-that's half the city, including downtown.

And all we have to go on is that Nasha's in a room with one cinderblock wall.

That's like every hipster apartment in 60 square miles. Yeah, I know, right?

Yeah, well, it's all we've got right now, so everybody needs to get their head in the game.

Now, what do we know that can help us to shrink that circle?

Okay, Murdoc would need to control the location where he stashed Nasha.

He'd want to be close to freeways.

And he wouldn't want any neighbors.

I know Murdoc is good, but how the hell did he set this up so fast?

Hey, I have an idea.

Why don't we sit in here and do nothing?

Stop it.

Okay, Matty, I'm sorry, but let's do something, anything.

Let me get out of here. Come on.

Fine. Start a grid search at the airport and work your way out from there. Go.

Yeah, let's go.

Well, guess who was right.

Five days ago, my darling wife, Amber, escaped from the Serbian prison she called home.

Whatever happened to Cassian's mom being dead?

I lied. That really surprise you?

Only thing that surprises me is someone agreed to marry you.

She was in the same line of work.

We had a similar passion for homicide.

Anyway, how the hell did she get into this building?

I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out.

And you're certain that Amber won't just call you and tell you everything's okay?

Cassian's safe, he's with her? Where he is?

We tried the whole co-parenting thing. Didn't really take.

Can't imagine why.

Here's a little tidbit, Christopher Robin, if we're being chatty.

Most people don't like sarcasm. I do, but if you're gonna dig, use something else.

All right.

You said you'd release Nasha after Cassian was safe.

Well, problem solved. He's with his mom. He's safe.

Now, let her go!

Safe? This woman is me but with a temper.

And what happens if she slips up and goes to prison again?

What happens to Cassian?

I don't know. Just call her and work something out.

The last time that I brought up custody with her, she said she'd cut my eyes out if I mentioned it again.

This is the most messed-up child custody battle ever.

Which is why I really, really need you to get my son back.

So, come on, time to shine, Boy Wonder.

Bring me my son, and don't forget.

Nasha's life still depends on it.

Why do you keep doing that?

I know what it is.

What are we looking for? Diplomats' escape tunnel.

I told you it's plugged up. Yeah, you did.

Oh, God, what is that awful smell?

Highly concentrated muriatic acid.

How the hell did it get down here?

Your wife brought it.

It's how she got into the consulate undetected.

Most people who paid attention in science class know concrete is alkaline, which means even a weak acid will eat away at it, but spray a strong acid, like muriatic acid, on the surface, and the porous substance will liquefy.

Scrape away the sludge, reapply the acid, and you can eat your way through any amount of concrete, so long as you have lots of acid and lots of patience.

It would have taken her hours to cut through this much concrete. Truth.

I used to respect that about her.

She could take hours to m*rder somebody.

I never had that kind of patience.

Well, unless she left a trail of Reese's Pieces, we're done.

And things are about to get a whole lot worse for your little Nasha. Oh, no, we're not done yet.

That's it.

A bank?

Yeah, it's how we're gonna find your son. Trust me.

Mr. Carter, my name is Roberto Cortes. I'm the manager.

I hear you're thinking of transferring a sizable sum to our branch.Mm-hmm.

My business partner here and I are looking to expand our company south, and we're interested in learning more about your bank.

And what business are you in?

Waste removal.

Ah, keep our hands right where I can see them, far away from that pesky silent alarm under the desk.

We don't keep a large amount of cash on hand.

Okay, A, that's a total crock, and, B...

We just need to see your security footage from about an hour ago.


Go ahead, turn it around.

So how's your day going so far?

I mean, besides this part of it, of course.

Think I found it.

There she is, my better half.

All right, just need one more thing from you.

Could you please press that silent alarm?

Crystal Danver. Is that an alias? Ooh!

It's one of her favorites.

What? You are good at this.

I mean, really good.

Do you ever consider, you know, switching sides, playing for the fun team?

Joining up with the man who m*rder*d my friend and kidnapped my girlfriend? Hard pass.

Well, consider it an open invitation.

You ever change your mind, just...

Let me guess, speak your name three times in a bathroom mirror, and you appear?

Or text. Either works.

I want to ask you something.

Chitchat. Go.

Why did you m*rder Jill? Why not me?

You're really gonna ask a sociopath his motive for m*rder?

That's cu...: That's so cute. Next question.

She was a good person. She was just doing her job.

And I was doing mine.

And now you've made it my job, too.

It's the only reason I agreed to rejoin the Phoenix.

So good to know I'm your inspiration.

I want to be your Mona Lisa.

Amber and Cassian are at a motel.



Don't take it personally. She hates everyone.

Amber, honey, it's me.

Can we talk.

God, she used to be a better shot.

This reminds me of our first date.

Oh, yeah, you wore that dress, the red one. I love that dress.

Be honest, you missed me.

I did.

Cassian's gone.

Where is he? I don't know.

What are you talking about? You took him from the consulate.

Where is he, Amber? He was hungry.

I went to get some food.

Oh, you left him alone here? For five minutes!

I didn't know Liu was tailing me.

That's the dumbest thing...

Hey, hey, take a breath, everyone.

Amber, what happened?

I went to the bodega down the block.

When I got back, Cassian was gone.

No sign of him. Only this.

"I have him. Contact will be made in two hours."

That was 40 minutes ago.

What happened to your face? Not all those are from me.

Mm, no, my pal here got a little cross.

You know, you're a little slower than you used to be.

Old age catching up?

See, I was just thinking the same thing about you. Oh, and your aim sucks.

Always good to see you, Cupcake.

Oh, no, you don't get to call me that anymore, Cookie.

Remember? You lost that privilege.

As fun as this is, I think we should focus on Cassian.

Oh, yes, let's focus on our son, Cassian.

Why did you go after him, Amber?

You never had any interest in him until now.

Three years in prison will change your perspective on... everything.

All I did was sit in that cell and think about what a horrible mother I'd been, and it broke my heart.

At least we can agree on one thing.

You are a horrible mother.

I made myself a promise:

I was gonna escape that hellhole, find Cassian and start over.

It's a good thing I did, considering the poor job.

Papa Bear has done protecting him.

I'm sorry. Everything I have ever done has been for Cassian.

Bravo. Father of the year.I...

I think this is heading into less productive territory.

Yeah. We're here.

You k*lled my men, wasted my time and pissed me off.

I should just m*rder the brat now and be done with it.

If you lay a hand on my son, I will skin you alive.

That's not an idle threat. I've seen her do it.

Guys, threatening the man who has your son is not a smart idea.

Just tell us what you want, Liu.

Who is this?

A concerned party.

Well, Mr. Concerned Party, you tell the happy couple that I'm giving them one last chance to get Cassian back.

But the price has gone up. $30 million.

Where are we supposed to get that kind of cash?

Not my problem.

Call this number when you have it.

You have 48 hours, or I'll start sending you little pieces of him.

Matty, we just finished checking all 15 warehouses in the industrial park in Koreatown.

Try Echo Park near the stadium next.

Copy that, Matty, but are you sure you don't want to bring the cops or-or the Feds in on this?

More bodies sure would help speed things up here.

True, but it might tip off Murdoc, and there's no telling how he would respond.

Yeah, I-I get that, Matty, but Nasha could be anywhere in the area we haven't searched yet.

I don't know, Jack. Something Bozer said earlier kept bothering me.

Like, how Murdoc pulled this together so fast.

And then I realized he couldn't. There wouldn't be enough time.

Unless he knew where he was gonna put Nasha before he grabbed her.

That's a good point.

A place he was already familiar with.

Right, so I looked up every alias Murdoc's ever used.

Yeah, that nutcase has gone by a lot of different names.

35 that we know of, but only one of them's got a commercial real estate license in L.A. County.

"Brian Paiement."

And he's got a piece of property just north of L.A.

It's close to the freeways, it's away from prying eyes, and it's got a large warehouse on the lot.

That's got to be it.

Jack, I'm texting you the address.

Okay, we're on our way.

Nice work, you two, nice work.

Getting our hands on $30 million in under 48 hours would be a challenge even under the best circumstances, but given the fact the cops are now looking for the two dudes who just held up a bank...

Been reaching out to my contacts.

There are no jobs paying 30 mil.

There's only one way to get this much money this quickly.

Steal it. Steal it.

Well, yeah, but who has that kind of cash just lying around?

You know, we're not that far from Medellín.

What, Reynaldo?

He moves tens of millions every day.

You k*lled Reynaldo.

Oh, no, no.

I k*lled Jose.

That was you? Oh...

Everyone was talking about that one.

My God, you k*lled him, what, with the, one of the little golf pencils, right?

Well, technically, it was two little golf pencils, but yeah, that was me.

That's impressive, Cookie.

Thank you.

Who's Reynaldo?

He washes cash for over a third of the scumbags in South America.

His armored truck drives around Medellín doing pickups from his various cash businesses.

And when he's done with today's pickups, we'll be there to steal the truck.

Welcome to the dark side, Boy Scout.

Drop the keys!

Keep those hands where I can see them, boys.

As I was saying.

Do you know who you're robbing?

Whom."Do you know whom you are robbing?"

And, yes, we do. Now, shut up and sit quietly, or your day is gonna come to a messy end.

I don't mean to rush your process, but we do need to hurry.

Hold the g*n port on that side with that.

When a large volume of air is forced into a small space...

Say, the back of an armored truck...

The pressure inside builds.

Are you sure this is gonna work?

Wait for it.

Seal the g*n ports with burning thermite, continue to pump in air, and eventually the pressure will become too great for the closed system, and...

...the weakest point will give.

You've broken so many laws today, MacGyver.

I am beyond impressed.

Just hold up your end of the deal, or the last one I break is gonna be putting you into the ground.


We are just under 700 pounds, but we're over $31 million. We're good.

We have your money, Liu.

Where's the location for the exchange?

You ever get the feeling everything happens for a reason?

Like, in a cosmic sense?

Yeah, I'm not really, I don't know, into discussing philosophy with the man who's using my girlfriend's life to blackmail me, so let's just finish this.

I keep feeling like maybe this whole ordeal could be a second chance for me and Amber.

You want to hear about how we first met?


It was a chilly evening in Moscow.

The sunset sparkled off the spires of Saint Basil's Cathedral.

As I peered through the scope on my M40 sn*per r*fle, I spied a glint of gunmetal on the adjacent rooftop.

And there she was, a vision in tactical body armor, aiming at my mark. She was trying to snake my hit.

We both fired at the same time. Our slugs hit simultaneously.

Afterward, we couldn't agree on whose k*ll it was, so, you know, we decided to split the money and a bottle of vodka.

Your first date started with a homicide?

Maybe prison did give her a change of heart.

She seems different.

When we get Cassian back, I don't know, maybe there's a future for the three of us.

On the lam, of course.

Is that really the life you want for your son?

Children belong with their parents.

I mean, you of all people should understand that.

Yeah. Stable ones.

That doesn't include you and, uh, Bride of Frankenstein over there.

If I were you, I'd want a safe environment for my son.

Oh, yes, with the white picket fences, the latte shops.

Turn on the news, Boy Scout.

No place is safe for anyone anymore.

Maybe, but you can reduce the risk.

We can help.

You and your band of merry do-gooders want to raise my son?

Anything to get him away from you.

Got the location for the exchange.

It's a bit of a drive. We should hit the road.

Jack? I think I found her.

Man, if Mac was here, he'd know how to...

Hey, hang on, now. Bozer, you know Murdoc.

There's no way he'd make it this easy.

I'm surprised the door wasn't booby-trapped.

I got to think of something.

Give me your shoe.

Are you... are you serious?

Are you a team player? Come on, let's go.


I knew it. He's got one of his a*t*matic toys guarding the place. Okay.

Give me your other shoe.Man...

All right, you look left, I'll look right.

It's like getting a sn*per to expose his position by giving him a target.

You get it, yeah?

There. Up in the rafters. That's where it's firing from.

Now we know where it is, but how do we get up there and disarm it?

I'll handle it.

All clear.

Nasha, can you hear me? It's Bozer.

Bozer? Please, get me out of here.

Uh, Jack?

What's that sound?

The r*fle's booby-trapped.

Disarming it must have triggered something else.

Nasha, what's going on in there?

I don't know.


The air's being sucked out.

We got to free her before she suffocates.

What would Mac do? What would Mac do...

That's the question you should be asking yourself.

Okay, I have an idea, but you're gonna have to move away from that thing.

Tell Nasha to sit tight.

Nasha, don't move.

We're gonna get you out, okay?


It's getting hard to breathe.


Don't worry, I'm gonna get you out of here.

It's gonna be all right.

It's okay. Let's go. Let's go. Come on. I got you.

Come on.

Matty, we got Nasha.

She's safe.

Where's Cassian?

First the money, then the boy.

It's all here.

Go ahead. Look for yourself.

We're good.

All right. You have your money.

Now, where's the kid?

He's a quarter mile down the road in an abandoned tire plant.

If he is hurt even one little bit, you know I'll find you.

No need for threats.

The boy is in perfect health.

Pleasure doing business with you.

Now, if you'll excuse me, we need to get going.


Shall we?

Amber, why did he just call you "Cookie"?

Thanks for the cash, Cupcake.

And the laughs.

Felt like old times.

What about Cassian?

You wanted him. He's yours.

So much for reconciliation.

How could she do this?

Was it for money?

"Till death do us part."

That's what she said.

I'm gonna make that true.

Look, as long as Cassian's safe, we've won.

Thanks for the insight, Boy Scout.

I don't need your words of wisdom.

I just need you to let me know when Cassian's safe.

Sorry, honey, but I need closure.



In here! I'm in here!

Hold on one second, okay?

Where's my dad? He's close by.

And you're gonna see him very soon.

You're safe now.

I need you to step away from the vehicle, please.

Come on. Hands!

Listen, Murdoc, we can work something out.

T-Take the money.

MacGyver, do you have Cassian?

I got him. He's okay.

Excellent news. Well, not for you.

Not much surprises me anymore, but you just did.

I'm no one's moral compass, Amber, but...

Seriously, what the hell's wrong with you?

I guess I wasn't cut out for motherhood.

Is that really so surprising?

Just get it over with.

Pull the trigger, Cupcake.

I should, Cookie.

God, I really should, but I won't.

Well, you always were so sentimental.

Oh, this isn't about you.

You are dead to me.

It's about Cassian.

I can't tell my son that I k*lled his mother.

Then what happens now?

You disappear.

You never go near Cassian again.

Because if you do, I think you know what will happen.

You think you're fit to raise a child?

Actually, no. But...

Thanks to this little jaunt down memory lane, it's become quite clear to me what's best for our son.

What does that mean?

None of your concern.

Run along, now.


Oh! Hey.

Oh, buddy.

I was so worried about you.

Are you okay?

You don't look so good.

I'm fine. Inside.

Now that I know you're okay.

Where's Mommy?

That's a good question.

Mom had to go on a business trip, a... very long one.

The biological got away.

But Liu and his friends didn't.

I got the money back, too.

You also got Cassian back.

I think it's time you upheld your end of the bargain.

There's no need.

Your friends proved more than capable.

It's gonna be all right. It's gonna be all right.


I'm surprised you didn't go on this business trip with her.

Stay here one second, pal.

I've been thinking about what you said.

Our little guy would be safest with your people.

I want what's best for my son.

That is, if you think Matilda would be open to an arrangement.

He goes into federal protection.

You go into federal custody.


I suppose we can make that work.

Oh, my two favorite people in the whole wide world.

You here to take me to my new home?

Not quite yet.

Your cell at the supermax is still being prepared.

We've come to tell you that Cassian has been officially placed in a loving home.

With a family that will give him a chance at a normal life.

Well, Matilda, from the bottom of my heart...

Thank you.

Now, what's his address?

I'm gonna need it to stay in touch with...

Never gonna happen.

But... if you're a stellar inmate...

And I mean stellar...

Then perhaps I can arrange a heavily supervised visit.

Heavily supervised.

Thank you.

Of course you're invited, too, Boy Scout.

I mean, Cassian sees you like an uncle now.

Which makes us like brothers.

You come across as pure evil, a dark and twisted soul, but...

I think there's a shred of humanity still left in there.

You say that to the man who k*lled Jill and abducted Nasha.

That's true, but if you hadn't let me call Phoenix after you grabbed me, they never would have found Nasha.

So I'm wondering if a part of you wanted them to save her.

You always were a smart one, MacGyver.

Knew I should have never given him that damn phone.

Oh, well.

We made a fantastic team, didn't we, pal?

Maybe we could do it again sometime.


Well, my door will always be open.

Not technically.

Technically, my door's gonna be locked real tight.

But metaphorically, metaphorically, my door will always be open to you, MacGyver, when you need my help.

Oh, Angus.

Please tell the GF it was nothing personal.

Even Lois Lane knew the dangers of dating Superman.

So should Nasha.

Nasha, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I'm fine, Angus.

It's over.

Everything's going to be okay.