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03x11 - Mac + Fallout + Jack

Posted: 01/10/21 10:52
by bunniefuu
Three, two, one. Vegas! Ah! Vegas!

Hold on. Let me try that again. No, no. It's a good one.

Let me see it. It's a keeper. Trust me.

And with that, the seven-year Manniversary trip to Sin City is officially underway!


I don't mean to dampen your mood, but pretty sure I met you seven and a halfyears ago, 'cause...

Yeah, but the Manniversary doesn't commemorate the first time we met, dude.

It's commemorates the first time you stopped being annoying, remember? 'Cause, like, for the first six months, I wanted to kick your ass.

Like, I really wanted to choke you out.

Remember? I'm glad you clarified that.

Anytime. Now, straighten your tie.

Let's go get a lint roller going or something.

I don't know what's going on here.

And where's your hat?

I thought we were doing the Rat Pack thing.

Let's go. I don't know about the hat.

But I do dig the Rat Pack vibe. I love the suits.

But why are we already wearing them?

'Cause we want to show up in style.

Like real men. That's what real men do when they go to Vegas.

Show that we mean business the minute our feet hit the Strip.

Real men show up in wrinkled suits?

I brought a portable steamer.

Oh. Yeah, I got it all covered.

All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy some well-deserved time off.

Yeah, until Matty calls us in for another mission.

I got that covered, too.

All I had to do was explain the sacred nature of the Manniversary, and she promised me she wouldn't call us unless we're the only ones standing in the way of the apocalypse.

I don't mean like the end of the world.

I mean the zombie apocalypse.

The real one.

Get fired up.

All right.


Baby, let's go.

First, we're gonna check in at the Excalibur, where I've reserved the much-coveted Lancelot Suite.

Then we begin our tour of the best buffets on the Strip.

Spoiler alert: There's eight of 'em.

Followed up by a ride on the fastest roller coaster in Las Vegas.

Wait, wait. Y-You want to ride a roller coaster after we've eaten at eight buffets?

Mm, I love a good challenge.

Then we put that big brain of yours to work on the blackjack table.

Nope. We talked about this. Counting cards is cheating.

If you get caught. We're not gonna get caught.

Stop interrupting. So, after we win big on the table, we're gonna celebrate with a 32-ounce bone-in, tomahawk porterhouse.

Yeah, and finally, ending our first night with a show, a show of your choosing.


I get a choice?

Yeah, as long as it's the Legends of Metal tribute or the Blue Man Group, which, really, I think there is no choice there.

It's Legends of Metal the whole way, right?

No argument there. Nice.

Does this itinerary involve any pool time I'd like to do some actual relaxing on this trip.

Ah, Mac, we're from SoCal. We can relax, soaking up rays by the pool anytime.

This is Las Vegas, baby. We got to turn it up!

Except we never do any of that, 'cause anytime we try to relax...

All right.

Right this way. Watch your step.


Okay. Open 'em.

I thought we were going to lunch.

Just a little detour. I wanted to get your opinion on this move-in-ready, one bedroom with covered parking, coin-operated laundry, in a very walkable neighborhood.

Are you moving out of Mac's?

Just tell me what you think.

I mean, it's great natural light.

But if you're seriously thinking of moving in here, babe, there needs to be new paint, new baseboards.

It needs work.

All easily done.

And I'm seriously thinking about moving in.

But only on one condition.

You move in with me.

I've never felt this way about anyone, Leanna.

And I'm ready to take us to the next level.

Are you?

Well, uh...


Not exactlywhat I was hoping to hear.

It's a big step, Bozer, and, uh, you know I'm not an impulsive woman.

You just caught me by surprise, so...

I need time to think about it.

Go. Yeah, yeah. Yeah...

Like five minutes? Ten.

Matty needs us.

Uh, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Sorry. We were just...

Not now, Bozer. With Mac and Jack off to Vegas, I'm sending you three on a time.

This is Naveed Bin Dajani, member of the royal Bahraini family and a suspected t*rror1st leader, thought to have over a dozen cells around the globe.

Phoenix just intercepted intel that he's been transporting data detailing his network's illicit finances to bankers in Western Europe.

Bin Dajani won't get caught with this data himself, so his niece, Princess Zahra, has agreed to play courier.

Everything we need to crush his network is in her hands, or rather, shall I say, around her neck.

Interesting place for a hard drive.

The data isn't on a hard drive. It's been encoded onto this.

Her diamond necklace? That's a seriously huge rock.

6.4 carats.

Worth 200 grand to any jeweler, but priceless to us because Bin Dajani used a new technology to encode his network's data onto the gem.

How is that even possible?

Colored lasers negatively charge tiny defects in the...

You know what? Ask Mac when he's back.

The bottom line is the tech works, and the data in her possession needs to be in ours.

Okay, so what's the plan?

The princess is meeting with her uncle's bankers in Zurich in 72 hours, but as a cover, her trip starts with a two-day shopping spree in Milan.

The princess booked a hotel suite where couture designers will privately show her their latest collections.

You three will infiltrate the suite, copy the data off the diamond, and then permanently erase it off the stone.

So we're stealing the information without anyone ever knowing what happened.

Yup. And we're going undercover as what, fashionistas?

Hell yeah!

Sounds like a trip to Rodeo Drive is in order.

Gonna need some new clothes to blend in with all the...

All you'll need are black polyester pants and a matching vest.

You'll be working as hotel caterers during the princess's private showings.

And how exactly are we doing this copying and erasing?

Our lab techs specially designed this diamond scanner and degausser.

So just connect the diamond, plug your USB into a tablet, and the encoded data will be uploaded to a Phoenix server, and then permanently erased off the stone. Okay.

Wheels up in 20.

Ciao, bellas.

That means bye-bye.




You okay?

I don't know.

I don't know. I think so.

What the hell is this place?

Some sort of prison?

Or worse.

It's no use.

The shackles are a carbon alloy.

They're what? They're really, really strong.

So I can't break 'em?

Well, you could've mentioned that before I wore myself out. Thanks a lot.

You know, I'm feeling really woozy here.

You know, like I got a hangover.

You feel like you got a hangover?

What is that? Yeah.

My head is throbbing, and... Yeah.

...judging by the taste in my mouth...

...pretty sure the filters in these gas masks were dipped in ketamine.

So they drugged us?

There you go. That makes sense.

That's how they knocked us out for transport right there. Oh, boy.

I'm getting a bad feeling about this one, buddy.

I'm telling you, man, somebody really planned this out.


They took our belts, they took our socks, they took our shoes why would they leave you that?

It doesn't make sense. Whoever did this, No.

If they wanted us dead, they could've k*lled us.

Shot us.

If they wanted intel, they could've chained us to a chair and interrogated us, not have us shackled in whatever the hell this place is.

You know what this reminds me of?

That movie, Saw.

Remember that one?

Like, at any time, I feel like that creepy clown's gonna come riding in here on a tricycle and ask us if we want to play a game.

Probably not, but I say we get out of here before we find out.

In case you hadn't noticed...

Yup, just what I thought.


We can't even reach the door, bro.

All right, first things first.

We ditch these chains.


Hey, uh, Jack.

Hmm? Come here.

The vent.

There's a camera in there. Yeah, I know. That's what I'm trying to say.

And so, how do you want to play this?

We act like we don't see it, or...?

Hey, hey, whosever watching!

Ha, ha, ha, we get it.

Very funny. Joke's on us.

I tell you what. Come in here, and we'll have a little chat.

Okay? We can work this out like adults.

This is ridiculous!

I'm glad we talked that out first.

Uh, it's worth a try.


Come on!

Wait a second. I know what this is.

This is an underground fallout shelter, which means we're still in the United States.

Yeah, but where in the U.S.? And that's not the only unanswered question. I'd kind of like to know why someone would do this to us, huh?

Whoever it was went to great lengths to set this all up.

Well, this is definitely not the five-star buffet at the Luxor.

Tell you that much.

Hey, Mac.

Why would there be an Indonesian food delicacy in an old, dirty U.S. b*mb shelter?

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these sago worms right here?

Sago worms? Yeah, whatever.

When's the last time you saw a bowl of these?

Huh? Uh, Jakarta.

Wait a minute.

You don't think this is somehow about my first DXS mission, do you?

This point, nothing would surprise me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, my man.

There must be some sort of mix-up, because we didn't order any barbecue worms at this table.

Your friend sent them over.

My friend?

Eat up, Jacky boy.

Thanks a lot, Hadley.

One of you, uh, DXS wimps is gonna be the first to try the sago worm.

My apologies on behalf of my partner.

His sense of humor is... unique.

Believe it or not, Griggs, I can relate.

Ten bucks says Dalton's too scared to try them.

No, I'm not scared, Hadley.

I'm just saving 'em for you.

The CIA's most un-dynamic duo in history is gonna want to have a little something to celebrate once me and my boy slap the cuffs on the target.

Ain't that right? You know, at first, I was excited to do a joint op with the DXS, but now I'm starting to wonder about you black budget boys.

One of you's too scared to try the local chow.

The other's too scared to carry a g*n?

Take it easy, man.

It's the kid's first op. Let's see what he can do.

But Hadley's right about one thing, MacGyver.

When you sit down with a t*rror1st, you should be packing more than a pocket knife.

All right, relax. It may be the kid's first clandestine operation, but it's not his first op.

You weren't there with us in Afghanistan.

And when the sago worms hit the fan, which they... often do, our best w*apon's gonna be right between his ears.

Trust me. Cut the chatter.

Samrozi's gonna be here any minute.

Once MacGyver's verified that that HQ-16 m*ssile system is legit, Dalton, you get Samrozi to give up the location of that w*apon.

And then Griggs and Hadley will move in and take him down.

And no mistakes. We got a lot riding on this.

That HQ-16 could take down a commercial airliner.

Oh. Okay. Here we go, boys.

Elvis has just entered the building.

Selamat siang, Samrozi.

Selamat siang, Nigel.

Apa kabar?

Me? Oh, I'm doing great.

Yeah. Thanks.

Uh, let me introduce you to my associate, Mr. Derek Smalls.

And this is Yovan.

Hey. Have a seat. Relax. Boys, have a seat.


Okay. You're just gonna... Oh, boy.

Sammy, you're just gonna dive right in there on those.

You got a little something for us or you just gonna sit here and gross us out?

Manufactured in 2011.

Four HE-frag warheads.

40-kilometer range. Fully functioning. No damage.

Way to go, Sammy. So, what's next?

A little in-person look-see at the merchandise?

You guys could text us the address.

We'll meet you there.

First, a question.

What have you been doing since last we met?

Me? Oh, I've been kicking ass down in South America, baby.


You know, things got a little slow around here.

We like to go where the action is.

You know? Ha.


Griggs, Hadley, do you have eyes on Samrozi?

Got him. Let's go!

Nice takedown, Mac.

Yovan's in custody, all thanks to the, uh, kid with no experience.

Do we have Samrozi? Negative.

We lost him in the crowd.

You know?

Like, we never caught Samrozi.

So you think ol' Sammy's trying to get back revenge, seven years later?

I mean, worms aren't exactly incriminating evidence, but...

Ah, you know what? Hey, hey. Samrozi?

This is enough. Come out from behind the camera and face us.

Be a man. Don't be a coward.

Okay? This-this is stupid.

Hey, hey. I got it.

Well, no, no.

Do it closer to the lens.

All right, all right. Yeah, yeah.

Listen, Samrozi, I want you to listen to me now.

You are a dirty little man.

No, no, you're a dirty, ugly, gold-tooth-wearing little boy!

And I want you to come down here so I can thank you personally for throwing me in here.

I'm gonna start by breaking every one of your fingers.

Then I'm gonna move up to your arms, your nose, your jaw. You're gonna be sucking soup through a straw for three weeks, you hear me?

Ah, gorgeous, Princess. Simply... gorgeous. You've said that about all your designs, Marco.

That's only because you wear them so well.

So, what were y'all talking about?

Uh, the op.

I thought maybe she was asking your advice about us moving in.

Bozer, I don't know what her plans are, but I'm friends with the both of you, so please don't make this weird.

Sorry, Riley. It's just... you know how I feel about her.

Yeah, I do.

But this is a big step. You got to give her some time.

So, how are we gonna get the diamond into the degausser if Zahra never takes off her necklace?

No clue.

You there. American expat.

Uh... canapé, Princess?

They're delicious.

You have an opinion about this dress.

What? No.

Well, you just looked at me and shook your head.

Everyone here tells me what they think I want to hear. What I want is truth.

So, this dress...

Yes or no?

It's a hard no.

Yeah, I mean, the beadwork's amazing, but the color palette? I mean, are you going to a tea party for fairies and unicorns? Uh, mm-mm.

Well, finally, I hear truth.

Thank you, Marco. You're dismissed.

Pack everything.

We're leaving. Yeah, great job, Bozer.

You just convinced her to cut her trip short.

Now what are we gonna do?

I'll take out the guards.

One of you grab the necklace.

Uh... wait.

Excuse me?

Uh, actually, Your Highness, I'm a designer myself.

I only moved to Milan to pursue fashion.

I do these gigs to pay the bills until I land my first runway show. My friends, they're models. I'd love to show you my designs.

I think you'll be blown away.

Can you have them here in an hour?

The earliest I can bring them is tomorrow.

But... it'll be worth the wait.

Why not?

We're staying.

Double-O-Boze from way downtown.

I just bought us another day.

By promising a fashion show?

How we gonna pull this off?

Didn't I just say Double.

It's in the bow tie.

So, come on down here and take your beating like a man, 'cause we both know, in your case, it'll be a major improvement.

Hey, Jack. Ready. Come on.

What are you cooking there, Mac? Home-brew thermite.

And it'll burn through chains. Let's do it.

And maybe our feet. Our feet? Come on, dude.

I need my feet.

How we gonna... run out of here without our feet?

That does not sound good.

What's that hissing sound?

What is it? It's tear gas.

One lives, one dies.

One lives... dies.

What is it.

I told you this is a horror movie.

Mac, you've been staring at that door for hours, man.

What are you looking for?

I don't know. I haven't found it yet.

You know, I am so hungry.

It's not hunger. What is it?

It's dehydration.Ah.

How long do you think we've been in here?

I don't know. Like, uh...

36 hours, give or take.

You use facial hair to tell time?

It's a little trick I learned in... sn*per school. It works, actually.

No kidding.

That's genius.

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...

Hey, if you're taking requests, a little Ozzy might... be nice.

Maybe some Motorhead. I don't know.

He's trying to keep us awake.

Yeah, I know.

I went through this in SERE training.

He's trying to break us. Question is why.


One lives, one dies.

He thinks if he... keeps us in here long enough, that we'll...

We'll what?

We'll what?

One of us is gonna sh**t the other one?

Mac, come on. That's insane.

The fatigue that you're feeling right now is only gonna get worse. The longer we go without food, without water, without sleep, the more our-our cognitive function will begin to-to, uh, deteriorate.

And we'll... we'll get delusional.

It's never gonna happen, Sammy.

No, we're-we're never gonna sh**t one another.

You hear me? Never.

I actually don't think that Samrozi's behind all this.

But what about the worms in Jakarta...? No, I agree, this is about Jakarta, but...

...all of this, this is straight out of the CIA's enhanced interrogation playbook.

Do you remember what happened after the cafe?

I'm gonna have to introduce you to Nikki when we get back.

She's a real egghead, just like you are.

You'll like her a lot. You know what?

I'll call her right now.Unbelievable.

That son of a bitch.

Let it go, Hadley. It's not gonna get you anywhere.

Fellas, what's going on?

You two getting a divorce? Come on, I thought you were, like, the Butch and Sundance of CIA interrogators.

Why aren't you in there working on Yovan right now?

Waller pulled rank, kicked us out. Did what?

Nine years we've been doing this together.

First time anyone's ever said we weren't fast enough.

I'm thinking about calling Ops Command.

Hey, man, you know I always got your back, but I'm not sure this guy's worth crossing.

You can make this stop anytime!

Hey, Waller...

Just tell me where to find Samrozi.

Is this normal? Not at all. Waller!

Waller! What the hell do you think you're doing?

He's playing games. Okay.

Look, we all want the same thing.

This isn't the way to do it. You're right.

We need an answer... now.Oh. Waller.

Put the piece away. I don't know!

Where is Samrozi's warehouse? Waller, put the piece away, man!

I don't know where!

Tell me now! I don't know!

All right, I've had enough of this. You are useless to me.

No. This is over. You hear me? It's over!

Get your hands off of me! Stop it.

I outrank you! That is an order.

You can file it under "Jack don't care."

Give me the g*n. Let go!

Get out.

Our after-action report was what kicked off the inquiry that got Waller booted from the CIA.

Oh, I agree that Waller became unhinged on that op, but if this is revenge, why now, like this?

I-I don't get it.

Hear that?

What is it? There's power running through one of those pipes.

Probably a topside generator for the HVAC system that's pumping air into this room.

That helps us how? It's probably gonna get us through that door.

Oh. That's awesome.

Yeah, but what's not awesome is the next part.

In order for this to work, I'm gonna have to cut power to the HVAC, which means this room is going to get really, really hot.

A trip to the sauna was on day two of the itinerary anyway.

What do I care? Just go for it, Mac. Do it.

That's the spirit.

Okay, big dude one and two, use your big muscles and move these chairs out of the way, okay?

I got a show to do.

All right, I got to do some final touches, and I'll be right back.

Bozer, when Matty finds out you spent 70 grand on the company card... her head's gonna explode.

More like the intensity of her gaze... will make his head explode.

She's only gonna get mad if this doesn't work.

And if it doesn't, you'll come visit me at the Burger Shack when I'm pulling the midnight shift to pay back Phoenix, right?


Or... maybe...

I'll be at our apartment... in my PJs... waiting for you to get back.


Did you just say... ourapartment?

Hey, guys.

Uh, maybe later?

Kind of need to focus on pulling this off, but... congrats.

And now, ladies, my latest collection.


I don't want to tell you what to think, but that dress on you is... sublime.

I don't know.

Mm-hmm. I think I know what the problem is.

It's the necklace.

Not that it's not gorgeous, but the dress overpowers the necklace.

Princess, diamonds are a girl's best friend, but... not in that dress.

But... these rubies... now, this would make it pop.


You don't take no for an answer, huh?

Oh, let me help.

And... matches your earrings.

I will put this right on the table for you.Ah.

Amazing. Now let's take it in the other room where everyone can see. This way.

Yes, yes.


How's it going, Riles? Okay.

The data on the diamond's being copied to our servers.

How's it going up there, Mac?

Yeah. Just hold still, would ya?

It's not that easy. I'm trying.

It's not that easy down here, either. Just hurry up.

Oh! Okay. You got it?

No, well, hold on, hold on.

Okay. All right.

You know, my faith in you i-is absolute, but I really don't see how a couple of butter knives are gonna blow up a steel door. They're not.

The electricity will heat up the knives, which will then heat up the door, and since metal expands when it's heated and it's harder than concrete, it, uh... yeah.


Now what?

We wait for the A.C. to kick back on.

Get in there and pick.Okey-doke.

Hey, hey, get back. It's gonna give.

You got to be kidding me.

This room is identical, and so is that door.

So... round two with the butter knives, or what?

The wires barely reached the first door, so... Mm, mm-hmm.

So how are we gonna get out of here?

One lives, one dies.

That's the only way the door opens.

You sure this is where Samrozi's keeping the w*apon?

I made it clear to Yovan, if he wanted to see sunlight again, he needed to help us find the HQ-16.

Okay. Let's go, let's go.

Okay, we found 'em.

Now, how do we sneak 'em out without alerting everyone on Samrozi's payroll?

Sneak? To hell with that.

I say we just drive the thing out of here, g*ns blazing.

Yeah, I'm with Dalton.

If I take out the guidance chips and the electronic fuses, these things turn into expensive paperweights.

See there? I told you.

The kid's brains are gonna come in handy.

Waller, you with us?

Proceed, but hurry.


That's what you're gonna use to disarm a high A metal toy?

This little toy has helped me defuse over 500 pieces of ordnance.

Guys, you have incoming. Two jeeps, eight men.

How much longer, MacGyver?

Couple minutes.

Here we go, boys. Stay frosty.

We're almost out of here.

Or we go say hello.

Griggs, let's go buy the kid those minutes.

I'm with you, pal. Got your six.

Good idea.

Good luck.

Move, now! At your ten!

That doesn't sound good.

Hey, Waller, Griggs and Hadley are taking a lot of heat out there.

I'm gonna go and provide support, ASAP.

Negative, Dalton. Stay with MacGyver.

This op means nothing if we don't neutralize that w*apon. Yeah, but...

Okay, Griggs, Hadley, Mac's almost done.

Time to wrap things up. Let's go.

Aw, but we finally have them on the run.

How we doing here? Yeah, done.

Copy. Exfil chopper two minutes out.

All right, Hadley, Griggs, fall back.

We're getting the hell out of here right now.

Copy that. Falling...

Respond. Fellas, can you hear me?

Guys, you there.

Dalton, you've got more bogeys inbound.

Get out now. Nah, we're not leaving without Griggs and Hadley.

Yeah, we don't have the whole family in the van yet there, boss.

Griggs and Hadley are dead.

Your position is about to be overrun.

Get to exfil.

No way. We're not leaving without them.

No! That is an order!

Griggs and Hadley.

Okay, so-so obviously someone blames us for their death.

But that means it can't be Waller, because we wanted to save them.

He ordered us out of the building.

In his mind, this is a friend of theirs.


Figure that out, maybe we can get that door to open.

I've had enough of this.


Here we go. Okay, come here, Mac.

Look, look, look, this-this has... got to be something, right?

You can make something out of this. A.

Unfortunately, after 40-plus years down here, it's empty.

But it is 50 pounds of solid steel.

Come on, Mac, I can see your wheels spinning, bro.

I know you got something. Just let me know how I can help.

Just tell me.Okay.

All I've got is a Hail Mary.

Whether or not it works depends entirely... on you.

Could you please check up on my necklace?

Riley, are you done.

'Cause you're about to have company.

Where is the necklace?

It's right there.



The diamond pendant.

What is this?

Riley, was that a thump?

Uh, yes. Yes, it was.

And, uh, keep stalling. Gonna need more time.

Well, hurry, 'cause there's only so many accessories we can give her.

Telling you now, Meghan Markle will be calling you asking how you look so good.

She'd be like, "How you look so good?"

You'd have to say, "Because, girl, I just do."

Just a little longer to finish erasing the diamond.

Okay. Okay.

I've seen this dress in every light, from every angle, with every accoutrement.

I'm taking it off.

But I want to show you some clutch purses...

Oh, oh, don't worry.

I'm buying it.


Let me help you change, Princess.

Where is Ahmed?

He was supposed to get my necklace.

He's in the bathroom.

Too many, uh, canapés.

Where is my necklace?

Oh, it's right there.

No, it's not here.

It's not here.

It's not here. It's not here.

My uncle will k*ll me if I lost it.

Oh, my gosh.

It was right here. He must have dropped it.

Princess Zahra, it's been a honor.

I don't want to take up any more of your time, so thank you again for this opportunity.

We're gonna go. Uh, you've been nothing but a blessing and a pleasure.

I wish you nothing but the best in life.

You're most welcome.


Ah, we're leaving.

I'll take this off your hands.

All right. Wait.

For the dress.

Of course.

You know, I got a feeling that one day soon, the whole world's gonna be talking about you.

Thank you.


Yeah. When she finally gets outed as a t*rror1st.

At least she'll be heading to a black site in style.


It's working.


You know, it's actually kinetic energy stored in the metal limbs of the crossbow that fires the bolt, not the elasticity of the wires.

Mac, will you stop?

Please, just stop.

I-I'm too exhausted for a science lesson right now.

Okay, bro?

It's working.Slowly.

But, yeah. Here, bring it back.



I can't breathe.

I think the impact broke some of your ribs, maybe your sternum.

I got a punctured lung.

Yeah, uh, yeah, actually, I think, I think it's...

I think it's worse than that.

From what I'm hearing, it sounds like you may have lacerated your aorta.

What's that mean? What's that mean?

It means that your lungs are gonna start filling up with blood, and you're gonna drown.

You can fix me.

I'm gonna be right back. Fix me.

I'll be right back. Come back.

Okay. I got to make a bore needle.

No? No. No, uh, needle.

Maybe I can, uh, use my knife to open your chest. No.

No. I'm not gonna do that. Ow!

Idiot! There's nothing here! Damn it!

Mac, please.

I know... I know what you can use.


You can use that. You can use that.


Absolutely not.

One lives, one dies.

Come on.

Mac, I-I'm dying.

You can't expect me to do that.

Bet you could. Come on, man.

Do this for me, please.


I'm so sorry.

Do it!

You got what you wanted! Now open the door!

One dies!

I'm unarmed and I can barely stand, and you can't even face me?

Guy I knew years ago wasn't such a coward.

Now open the door, Griggs.

You're not completely unarmed.

What about that knife of yours?

How'd you know it was me?

Only you would've left me with a knife.

Why all this?

You and Dalton, you abandoned me and Hadley in Jakarta.

You ran away.

What are you talking about?

We were told that you were k*lled in the expl*si*n.

I'm sure that's what you told yourself so you could sleep at night.

Dying... that would have been easier.

The blast only wounded us.

Samrozi's men grabbed us.

The bastard nursed us back to health just so he could t*rture us for intel on the Agency.

We were locked in a concrete box, kept awake for days, starved, beaten.

You and Dalton only got a taste, but for me... it lasted years.

And only after I gave up hope did Samrozi offer a way out.

One lives, one dies.Mm-hmm.

I thought I could be strong, but I broke.

And I shot Hadley.

I k*lled my best friend so that I could live.

And now, so have you.

So now you understand.

What now?

You die.



Okay, I know what you're thinking.

How did we pull this off?

Zip g*ns have been around for decades.

Compress a bed spring and a pipe.

You set a pin, and then add a projectile, like the lead slug from a b*llet, which, once you've removed it from the shell, leaves you with a blank for a p*stol.

But making a squib? Honestly, asking Jack to bleed into a bag was the hardest part.

The takeaway?

It's amazing how creative you can be when facing certain death.

Next time, we're faking your death, pal, 'cause getting k*lled hurts.

It hurts a lot.


I would, but I don't know if I could do any better than you did.

Well, thank you.

But I could probably use some acting lessons.

You know, playing dead's not nearly as easy as it sounds.

Griggs is still alive.

There you go.

You know, we only got a sample of what he went through.

That still don't make it right.

Hmm. What-what do you want to do with him?

We could leave him down here in this hole to rot.


Kind of.

You know, what happened to him and Hadley could've happened to us.

Any op can go bad.

Don't I know it.

See this is exactly why our yearly trips to Las Vegas are so important.

I mean, in this line of work, you got to celebrate while you can.

You never know what tomorrow's gonna bring.

You know, I think you've been trying to teach me that since Jakarta.

Have I?

Well, you're a smart guy, but it's never too late to learn something new, I guess.