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03x12 - Fence + Suitcase + Americium-241

Posted: 01/10/21 10:51
by bunniefuu
I'm not gonna ask you again. Where is the map?

See, you already said that you weren't gonna ask again the last time that you asked again.

You look smarter than your friend.

I mean, I would never say that.

I mean, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

Shut up. Where is the map?!

All right, all right. Hold on. Calm down.

Let me ask you a better question.

How many grenades were on your vest a second ago?

'Cause I counted three, but now I only see two.

What my very smart friend is trying to say is let us go or no one leaves this room alive.

Damn straight.

Hey, good work, Boze.

Now put the pin back in there and let's get out of... What are you doing? Oh, no.

I think I lost the pin.

You what?

Yup, it's gone.

I think it fell into that drain.

But you can do something, right? Uh...

What do you mean, "Uh"?


Ew. Don't touch it. I know.

But wood is a very versatile material.

It's got a high tensile strength, meaning it's difficult to pull apart, and it's got a high compressive strength, so it won't break when you put pressure on it.

That actually gonna work?

Probably not, because wood doesn't have a high shear strength, which is a material's ability to resist two forces pushing in opposite directions, like scissors, or say, a grenade trigger switch.

How fast can you get to the door?

Do I have any other options?

Hold your hand on that all day.

But my hand's already cramping.

And you already know my family got a history of arthritis.

Then this is our only option.

This should buy us some extra seconds.

Now, roll it to the end of the room, and then we run. Fast.

Okay. On three.

One, two, three!

Mac? Mac? You here?

Man, what the hell?

I was cooking us dinner. Is that supposed to be food?

I'll never understand how someone who can disarm a b*mb with a paperclip can't cook a simple meal.

Yeah, well, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.

Isn't that right?

Yeah, yeah.

So why'd you go all Top Cheftoday?

I know the last week hasn't been easy for you, with Leanna having second thoughts about moving in with you, so I thought a home-cooked meal would take your mind off it.

Thanks, Mac, but I'm fine.

I can honestly say, after a little reflection, this one was for the best.

She'll come around.

Matty needs us in the w*r room.

Well, let's pack some of this up to go, then.

Uh, how about we don't? Just leave that there.

You know... leave it. You sure?

Yeah. Oh, I'm sure.Okay.

Yeah. I mean, I bet underneath the burnt, there's some pretty good stuff. I bet you're wrong.

What's that burning smell?


You know, sometimes I think I need to keep you two under 24-hour surveillance.

It's a little creepy knowing that's actually an option.

Just takes one phone call.

So, what do we got today?

This is surveillance footage from the Westwood Vault Company, inside one of their most private and secure vaults in California.

This footage is two hours old.

The four in the cat masks are a notorious group of thieves responsible for over a dozen high-end robberies in the last year.

Today they were trying to steal five million in gold bullion.

That woman in the cat mask...

She's their leader, Charlotte Cole.

Turns out Charlotte has been living quite the double life.

By day, she's a married mother of two who works as a sales rep for an L.A. medical company. But by night she moonlights as a master thief.

Well, it's a solid cover. Who would suspect a young mom of leading a g*ng of thieves?

And a job in sales means no one would wonder about her travel.

If Charlotte and her g*ng are already in custody, what do you need from us?

I need you to become them.

24 hours ago a criminal known only as The Fence contacted Charlotte to hire her crew for a job.

The Fence is a very high-value target.

He has the honor of landing on almost every intelligence service's wish list.

Is it weird I've never heard of him?

You know, I was just thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to say anything.

Actually, no.

The Fence has made it a priority to remain completely anonymous. We have no photos of him, no voice recordings, nothing.

All we know is that he hires high-line thieves for one-off jobs to steal valuable items, then he funnels the profits to over a dozen t*rror1st groups.

You want us to go to Charlotte's meeting with The Fence.

That's correct. I want you three to pose as the thieves, with Riley as your leader, the new Charlotte Cole.

Wait. Doesn't The Fence know what the cat mask g*ng looks like?

No one knows what they look like, no one except for us.

So we go to this meeting and take The Fence into custody.

No. You go to this meeting and you accept whatever job the Fence offers you.

Then you will pull off the job, deliver the stolen goods, and the minute he takes physical possession, we slap on the cuffs.

You want leverage to squeeze the Fence for everything he knows about the terror groups he's funding.

That is correct. We take down The Fence and who knows how many enemies of the state he takes down with him?

Do we know what he wants them...

I mean us, to steal?

We don't. Could be anything.

Precious metals, electronics, exotic cars.

We just don't know yet.

So where are we meeting him?

Well, that's the first thing we need to find out.

Charlotte Cole, we're here with an offer.

Give us the location of your meeting with The Fence, and in return, we will only hold you and your crew for 48 hours before wiping your records clean and releasing you back into the wild as the fine, upstanding citizens who will never break another law again.


We'll consider this a life-changing mini vacation.

That's the carrot.

What's the stick?

Refuse to give me the location of your meeting, and you will disappear down a dark hole where there are no clocks and no calendars to track the years you will be spending down there.

It's your choice.

Five seconds. Go.

Considering you're holding all the cards, and I'm not a fan of dark holes, how about I make this easy for you?

Smart lady.

There were supposed to be four of you.

He wasn't pulling his weight.

We parted ways.

I trust he isn't a man who talks.

Not anymore.

Charlotte Cole.

Your reputation precedes you.

As does yours.

Well, then how I conduct my business is not going to be a surprise.

My terms are non-negotiable.

We work together one time.

I give you the details of the job, you pull it off.

Once I acquire the goods you're paid, we part ways, and we never speak again.

Unless you give me a reason to continue the conversation.


Fine by me.

So, what are these goods?

There is a briefcase being smuggled into the Russian tech giant.

Silver Wall Technologies, Moscow office, for an off-the-books sale.

I want you to acquire the briefcase before it changes hands.

I recruited you because you've broken into Silver Wall once before, yes?

I've been inside.

Anything you can tell us about it?

Plenty. But I don't share trade secrets.

Fair enough.

The sale goes down tomorrow at 4:00 in a secure sub-basement lab in the R&D wing.

4:00 pm, tomorrow, in Moscow?

Is the timing gonna be a problem?

Depends on the job specs.

I just gave 'em to you.

You seem to be missing a few key details.

Your group's good.

Fill in the gaps.

I got a gap.

What's in the briefcase?

A dirty b*mb.

A nuke?


We steal diamonds, gold jewelry, bearer bonds.

We've never stolen something like this.

"Never have" is different than "never will".

What category are you in?

We haven't talked price.

One million dollars to expand your horizons and steal the briefcase.

So... what do you say?

High-risk item, ultra-secure building in a foreign country on a nearly impossible timeline.

Two million.

Not a penny less.



You just bought yourself a w*apon of mass destruction.Mm.

Okay, Matty, we need to call an audible and shut this thing down now. The Fence just hired us to steal a dirty b*mb out of a Russian tech giant in Moscow.

That's a negative on the audible, Mac.

Getting authorization to deploy boots on the ground in Russia could take days.

By then the dirty b*mb will be in the wind.

No. We have to stick to the original plan.

Hey, Matty, I'm on the Silver Wall company website now.

Looks like they're throwing a gala in their building to celebrate some new product launch.

And guess what time it starts.

4:00 p.m. tomorrow.

You know, a gala sounds like great cover for a sale.

Buyer and seller could use an invite to this shindig as their way into the well-guarded building.

Get me an up-to-the-minute guest list for that gala.

Uh, look at this.

Silver Wall created a defense division last year.

It might be possible that one of their employees is the seller.

It might explain why they have a dirty b*mb and why the sale is going down in one of their ultra-secure labs.

What kind of damage are we talking if this nuclear w*apon goes off?

Well, technically, a dirty b*mb isn't a nuclear w*apon.

It's radiological material strapped to a conventional expl*sive. So, b*mb goes off, if it spreads radioactive dust.

Depending on the element deployed, it can affect thousands.

A dirty b*mb is hard to track and easy to hide. We cannot let this slip through our fingers.

Uh, guys, we might have a problem.

I can't find schematics for Silver Wall online and I can't get past their network's firewall.

So now I have no idea what the building looks like or what kind of security they have.

So this heist is gonna be completely by the seat of our pants?

Well, if we can't get eyes inside, I guess it's gonna have to be.

What if I get us eyes that have already been inside?

Beautiful home and family.


I told you where my meeting with the Fence was.

We had a deal.

Why are we here?

Did the Fence tell you what he wanted you to steal?

I never ask a client what I'm hired to steal and they don't tell me.

Cleaner that way.

Do you know the building you were supposed to hit?

Was gonna find that out at that meeting I could never make it to.

Silver Wall Tech in Moscow.

The Fence said you had been in there before and that's why he hired you.

Yeah. My crew pulled off a job inside Silver Wall six months ago.

So why are we here?

We're here because I'm extending you a new offer.

Help us to break into Silver Wall, steal an object, and get out undetected and you go free.

But refuse, and I will march you straight up to that front door and tell your two adorable children exactly who their mother really is: A dangerous thief who will miss both their high school and college graduations.

You really don't mess around, do you?

Okay. You got a deal.

So, now what?

We get started.

Who exactly are you guys?

Let me take you through what we have so far.

As you can see, the schematic is incomplete.

We only have the most basic description of the interior based on a handful of marketing photos we found online.

The sale is happening at a gala tomorrow.

So you going in as bartenders or cleaning crew?

Cleaning crew.

Forged ID badges linked to dummy employee accounts will get us through lobby security.

Bozer will be waiting in the getaway vehicle while the rest of us head inside.

Once we pass through the lobby, we're gonna head down what we believe is the main corridor.

According to The Fence, the sale's happening in a sub-basement.

Hold on.

Getting down into the sub-basement means bypassing multiple layers of security.

How are the buyer and seller gonna do that?

We have reason to believe the seller is an employee of the company.

And you guys are what, some private group or government, maybe?


I suggest you spend less time guessing who we are and more time planning how you're gonna help.

Marker, please.

Your idea to go through the lobby is good.

But at the end of this hallway there's a security door, kind of like a bank vault, and your cleaning crew badges aren't gonna swipe you through.

So what's your plan?

I can make a powerful electromagnet to slide the metal bolts, force the door open.

Once we pass through the door, we're gonna head...

Sorry. They got you.

What do you mean, "they got you"?

This door you just snuck through leads to a security checkpoint, so what I mean is... they got you.

But we won't be going through that door.

See, the cool thing about this building is it's full of secret hallways and rooms.

So instead of going down this main hall, we're gonna take this side hall which leads to a service elevator, and that... Wait, w-wait... The service elevator doesn't go down to the sub-basement.

No, it doesn't.

But it does go down to the service level, where, at the end of this hall, you're gonna find another door marked "maintenance closet."

Inside here you're gonna find more than just cleaning products.

There's another security door with a card reader that leads to a restricted hallway that only the top brass has access to.

Clear frame.

We're good.



At the end of this hall there's a staircase which leads you to the sub-basement.

If the meeting's happening in an R&D lab, it's gonna be a little more tricky.

Why would that be a little more tricky?

There's a pressure plate security system protecting the hall that leads to the R&D labs.

The slightest shift in weight sets it off, sending Silver Wall security running.

The only way to disable it is with a retinal scan.

And the computer that's controlling it is air gapped, so no hacking it remotely.

Well, getting past the pressure plate can't be impossible.

You did it.

So what'd you do... Steal someone's eyeball?

Not quite.

And how long did that take you?

Seven minutes.

If three of us go in, that's

21 minutes, at best.

I don't think we have that much time.

We won't, but it does give me an idea.

Using parts from the cleaning cart, I'm going to build us a sled that will suspend us over the pressure plate... transferring the weight of our bodies into the force keeping the wheels and cart tight against the wall.

You can really build that?

Let's go get that briefcase.

You guys are fun.

Don't worry, I got it.

196, 197, 198, 199... and the guy with the silly hat is the 200th guest to enter.

All right, we're in.

You getting this, Matty?

Yeah, I got it.

What is that thing?

It's an IMSI catcher.

It poses as a cell tower and forces all phones in the area to connect.

It allows us to tap into all the local cell traffic.

Hopefully, we can use this to sift through all the texts and ID the buyer and the seller by using a keyword program.

Then, once we have their numbers, we can track them visually and send Phoenix agents to pick 'em up later.

You guys have just under an hour until the sale.

Should take about 30 minutes from the front entrance to the lab, so plenty of time to get in position.

Let's get ready.

I've got a question I've been dying to ask since L.A.

Why are you still living the secret cat burglar life when you have a family at home?

People tell new mothers that they shouldn't give up their hobbies.

That continuing them only makes you a better mother and wife.

Being a thief has always been my hobby.

But it never... scratched that itch I had for something a bit more challenging.

Doing this does.

You ever consider ignoring the itch and... going straight?

Right after I got married, I tried.

But I missed it.

Besides, I'm really good at it.

Maybe you should consider a hobby that doesn't put you behind bars for more than a decade.

The keyword logger just got a hit.

I think we have a problem.

This text was just sent and it came from inside Silver Wall.

"Ten minutes to clear.

Minimum safe distance two miles."

Minimum safe distance... What does that mean?

The Fence's intel was wrong.

This isn't a sale. It's an attack.

You mean someone just triggered the dirty b*mb?

The Fence hired me to steal a dirty b*mb?

Yeah. And it's gonna go off in ten minutes, so let's get inside now.

But getting down to the lab is gonna take

30 minutes.

What are we gonna do?


All right, Matty, we're in.

Charlotte and I are headed to the lab, Riley and Bozer to security.

We're down to nine minutes, so whatever you're planning...

Do it fast.

Got it.

Nice job, Bozer.


Double-O Bo.Jack would be proud.

I'm okay.

Okay, Matty, security's ours.

Found them. They're in the elevator.

Mac, hallways on the service floor are clear to the maintenance closet.


How we doing on the vault door behind it?

Still working on that, Mac.

There's a reason why this wasn't the plan.

Seven minutes, Mac.

You know, you don't have to come with me.

Would I have time to reach minimum safe distance if I took off now? Maybe, but it's not just the initial expl*si*n you have to worry about.

When a dirty b*mb explodes and the particles scatter, wind becomes the big concern, because it can blow the radiological material in any direction.

Well, sounds like I don't have much of a choice.

Mac, you got two guards headed your way.

What are you doing? I'm trying to make something to knock 'em out with.

Well, that happened.

My husband and I take Krav Maga at this great place in the Valley, if you ever want to join.


Got it.

Riley, any chance you can turn off this pressure plate for me?

No. I tried.

What are we gonna do?

We don't have time to build your sled thing.

Mac, you better hurry.

Pretty sure security just realized something's going on.

You got a half a dozen coming your way.

Matty, we're in the lab.

Got eyes on the briefcase.

It looks like someone took out a security guard before we got here.

Be careful, Mac. Whoever knocked out that guard and set the b*mb could still be down there.

Copy that.


Talk to me.

Okay, we've got a brick of plastic expl*sive strapped to a detonator.

Nothing too fancy. What worries me is that the radiological compound is Americium-241.

And that's bad?

It's not something you want inside your body.

If this goes off, it could k*ll thousands.

Let's make sure that doesn't happen.

Sounds like a plan.

Less than a minute.

Okay, I need your help.

You see that? That's a mercury switch.

It will complete the circuit and detonate the expl*sive if we lift the briefcase.

Okay, what do you need me to do?

You have steady hands, right?

Not sure how steady they are right now.

Gonna have to do.

I need you to lift the expl*sive, 'cause the wiring is tucked underneath, and I can't reach it. But don't tilt it, or it will complete the circuit and...

Boom. Right.

Got it.

Are we alive?


b*mb's disarmed. You can put it down.

Security is heading your way. You guys pack it up and get out of there. Okay, Matty, we're heading out.

I could not have done that without you.

What the hell are you doing?

What I do best.

Matty, Charlotte has the b*mb and is getting away.

Tac team one, at the warehouse, go.

Move, move.



Go. Go.

All clear.

Tac team two, at the house, go.

Clear! Clear!

Clear! Clear!


Hey, no one's here.

There was no way to keep a lid on what went down at Silver Wall.

The Fence must know something went wrong.

Find me Charlotte's family, and find me the plane she took from Russia back to the U.S.

Convincing Russian authorities to release my agents gave Charlotte a head start, and we have got to make up that time.

All right, Matty, we're here. We sure this is her plane?

The pilot positively ID'd her from her photo, but he had no idea where she was going.

Oh, and there's more. Charlotte's family is gone.

Got to assume she got them into hiding.

Okay, well, if Charlotte called her house, then maybe we can trace that call to a cell phone, find her current location. Riley?

No. We can't.

These phone records are showing a dozen calls from a burner phone to Charlotte's husband's cell, but he never answered. I'm guessing it was Charlotte.

But now we can't track it. Burner's been shut off.

It's a dead end.

So The Fence and Charlotte are gone, and now there's a dirty b*mb loose somewhere on American soil.

This is the nightmare scenario we were all so desperately trying to avoid. Wait a second.

Uh-oh, Matty, Mac's got that look.

That "I've got an idea that may or may not work" look?

Oh, yeah. That's the one.

Look, we may not be able to trace Charlotte's burner phone, but we might be able to track the dirty b*mb itself.

You can do that?

Yeah. Or, at least, I think so.

The shielding on the briefcase was terrible.

It was leaking radiation. Not enough to k*ll you or anything, but it should be enough to put us on the trail. I need your cell phones.

I hate to sound like Jack, but I just upgraded.

Okay? I'd like to get this back.

Phones ain't cheap, Mac.

You didn't get the insurance?

I never get the insurance.

Do you?

Well, yeah, ever since I met him, I do.

What you doing, Mac?

Okay, so, fun fact about cell phone cameras:

They can see way more of the electromagnetic spectrum than we can, including gamma rays, which is what the dirty b*mb is giving off.

Hold up, what are you saying...

There's a app that lets you track dirty bombs?

Actually, kind of. The DoD developed a software for radiation detection devices that are basically handheld computers attached to cameras, which are exactly what cell phones are.

So all we have to do is download that software and I should be able to make a portable radiation detector.

That's a great idea, Mac, but getting authorization from the DoD to use their software could take hours.

Hours that we just don't have.

So, Riley?

Music to my ears, Matty.

One boss-approved hack of the DoD coming up.

Okay, Matty, I'm in.

I'm downloading the software now.

Yeah, we picked up her trail. Let's go.

Yeah, okay. Thank you.

Okay, Mac, NEST is on alert and choppers are in the air sweeping for anomalies in the radiation background map.

They made a radiation background map of L.A.?

Yeah. Every major city in the U.S. has been mapped by helicopter to measure background radiation levels.

So if a nuclear device enters a city, it has a chance of being found, because it appears as an anomaly against the recorded background.

Now, this map acts as a baseline for my little device here, so we can pick up on low levels of leaking gamma rays coming from Charlotte's briefcase.

That way we can track her.

Looks like gamma ray levels are increasing.

Take a left up here, Boze.

Mac, NEST is confirming a gamma ray anomaly just ahead of your current location.

You found it.

Up here, pull over.

She's got to be close.

We got eyes on Charlotte but not the b*mb.

Gamma readings just dipped.

Not sure why.

Maybe a combination of shielding and distance is dampening the signal.

She looks nervous. Not that I blame her.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that dirty b*mb.

All right, Matty, we got visual on The Fence.

What's happening? Not a whole lot of exchanging going on at this exchange.

Riley pretended to be Charlotte, so The Fence is expecting Riley.

Who are you?

Hey, Matty, we just got another group show up to the party. I'm sending you a picture now.

That's Darren Farragut.

He's a domestic t*rror1st, currently number eight on the FBI's Most Wanted list.

Last year he published a manifesto detailing how he plans to overthrow the U.S. government.

The Fence wasn't just buying that b*mb from Charlotte.

He's flipping it straight to the end user.

If Farragut gets his hands on that b*mb, there is no telling where in the U.S. he'll use it.

We need a plan. Fast. Be right back.

I got an idea.

One that involves our emergency roadside repair kit?

Where's my merchandise?

Answer my question first.

My name is Charlotte Cole.

You hired me to bring you this.

Now follow through on your end of the deal.

She's lying.

I'm Charlotte Cole.

I've got the briefcase you hired me to steal.

And I have no idea who that woman is.

Matty, we have visual confirmation that Charlotte has the dirty b*mb.

And to buy us some time, Riley just walked off to bluff.

The Fence and Darren Farragut.

Guys, we cannot lose that briefcase.

If The Fence or Farragut disappear with it, there's no telling what city it could blow up in.

And we also need to make sure it doesn't blow up right here.

Agreed. That's why we need to hold off on the tac teams.

Adding more g*ns to this situation could end very badly.

Does this mean you have a plan?

I have half of one.

I'm gonna recover the b*mb in that suitcase using a much, much smaller one, except the only thing dirty about mine is the trash it's made from: Aluminum foil, corroded battery acid, a plastic bottle, and an old tire.

I don't know what game you're playing, but my people broke into Silver Wall and stole the dirty b*mb.

I've got it right here.

Whoever this woman is, she's not Charlotte Cole.

Whoever this woman is, she has no idea what she's talking about, and I think she'd be wise to walk away right now.

I'm Charlotte Cole.

I have the dirty b*mb.

And I don't want anyone to get hurt.

I don't know which one of you is the real Charlotte Cole, but I have a way to find out.


Charlotte, what's going on?

I think we just ran out of time, boys.

She's the real Charlotte Cole. k*ll her.

Get the case!

Give me the case, or your family dies!

I'm friends with Charlotte, come on!

Go, go, hurry! Come on, let's go!

Go, go, go, go!

Let's get out of here now.

Freeze! Drop the g*n!

Guys, get back. The case is leaking.

Matty, the case was hit.

NEST team, go now. Mac, is there anything you can do to contain that leak?

Yeah, I can, uh, I can use cement or-or the lead lining... No, it's okay.

What do you mean it's okay? The dirty b*mb isn't here.

I stashed it on my way in.

I know you might think I have a casual view of the law, but you don't really think I'd hand radiological material over to a t*rror1st, do you?

I only stole the b*mb from you guys

'cause I didn't know who you were.

Figured I'd hand it over to the government when I landed, anonymously.

Then, when I got here, The Fence called me and...

And told you he had your family.

So I set the meet, I built the fake b*mb, and came here.

So, what was your plan?


Guess I was inspired by you.

The real dirty b*mb is in a mailbox down the road.

So, in a way, I already handed it over to the government.

Hey, guys, no cuffs.

She won't be a problem. Go say goodbye to your family.

We'll get 'em home safe.

I'm sure you will.

You guys seem all right.

Maybe she'll try and stay out of trouble now.

Maybe, but what's the fun in that?

Perfect timing on the paella, Mac.

We'll make a chef out of you yet.

At this point, just not burning the kitchen down is enough for me.

Hey, I, uh, I didn't say this earlier, but I appreciate you trying to make me feel better about Leanna.

Knowing you got my back makes it easier to handle, so... thank you.

You don't have to thank me 'cause you'd do the same for me.

We're both here for each other, but you know that.

Yeah, I do know that.

I also know you got a possible pie crust emergency on your hands.

What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Uh-oh. You got it.

Here you go. Thank you.

Looks like a celebration.

Well, it should be. You guys took down a domestic t*rror1st, The Fence and his whole organization, and because you were able to stop that dirty b*mb in Moscow, saving thousands of lives, Russian intelligence was able to track down the employee at Silver Wall who tried to set off that w*apon.

No kidding.

There's even more good news.

Charlotte's back home with her family.

Seems the U.S. government has taken a professional interest in her unique skill set.

Instead of sending her to prison, they're putting her on a Red Cell team to help test our nation's secure facilities.

Hmm. Okay, that makes me happy.

She might've just found her true calling.

Mac, did you actually cook this?

Well, I was, I was in the kitchen while cooking was happening, but, nah, it was mostly him.

He's being modest. Mac baked the bread and the pie.

You know, baking is pretty much just math and chemistry, so it's actually pretty fun.

Well, when you retire as a spy, I look forward to visiting you at your bakery.

I don't know, something about a retired Mac covered in flour doesn't sound right.

Yeah, unless he's using that flour to make rocket fuel or something.

You laugh, but you could do it.

I think, yeah, you just put the flour in...

It was a joke! It was a joke!

Right on. Copy that.
