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02x10 - w*r Room + Ship

Posted: 01/10/21 10:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on MacGyver... Matty?

No, no, no, no.

Don't do this. It's not up to me, Bozer.

I don't think I want to play.

Please, stay.

I don't want you to go.

Elwood. If you hurt Riley again, I'll be giving you a lot more than a wake-up call.

I was hoping, maybe, if you had time later, you'd let your old man take you out for some dinner.

Why are you following Elwood Davis?

You want him dead, you're gonna have to get in line.

Messing up my song, man.

Elwood... Come on, now, stop it.

Cut it out.

Don't be stupid.

Don't make me do this.

I'm-a hurt you.


Damn, that was a lot harder than I remember.

You been working out or something?

Little bit. Little bit, yeah.

Except this time, I'm not blackout drunk.

What the hell, Jack? You friggin' kidnap me and throw me in your trunk? I didn't kidnap you, Elwood.

I put you in protective custody. Oh, really?

From where I'm standing, the only thing I need protecting from is you.

You sure about that?

Who's the wannabe bald-headed tough guy, about yay tall with a scar underneath his chin right there?

Got no idea what you're talking about.

No idea. Oh, okay.

Then why'd he pull a g*n on me last night while I was watching you and Riley have dinner? Hmm?

You were watching me and Riley have dinner last night? Don't...

Don't focus on the wrong part of the story, Elwood.

This dude jumps in my car, flashes his piece and tells me he wants to k*ll you.

Now, personally, I'm okay with the idea.

But I know Riley wouldn't be, so... here we are.

Again. I'm gonna ask you one more time, and I want you to think really hard about it.

Who wants you dead?

I don't know, Jack.

Could be anybody. Okay, fine.

Until we figure this out, you're staying with me.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Hell no. Whatever this is, I'll handle it.

Oh, yeah. You handling it is what got you in this situation in the first place, Big Bird.

You know, Riley...

Your lovely, one and only daughter...

Swears to me, up and down, that you've changed.

But I don't know, man.

I don't see it, man.

You gonna have to show me.

All right.


Where in the hell do you think you're going?

In the car. You ain't going to the car.

You're not riding up front and risk getting spotted on the way to my place.

You're riding right back here. Come on.

Come on!

That the real reason?

Among the many reasons, Elwood.

Get in there.

I'm going.

Get in there.

Have a seat.

Cool place.

You're making a list, right now, chump stain, of everybody who wants you dead.

And I mean everybody.

I ain't trying to get myself k*lled for you.

I don't need to make a list, Jack.

I had time to think about it when I was bouncing around in your trunk.

Bald guy, yay high, scar on his chin?


Name is Dougie Luccano.

Guy's from the Bronx.

He lives about two hours up north now.

Huh? Why's he after you?

Let's just say, uh, we've done some business. Business.

What, building orphanages? Helping the homeless?

He's a small-time crook, Jack.

We pulled off a couple of cons. Yeah?

And which one of these cons has Dougie mad enough to put a cap in your ass right now?

About a year ago, we cheated some sports memorabilia guy out of an autographed.

Jackie Robinson baseball.

It was worth about, I don't know, 75 grand.

We were gonna sell it, pocket half each.

On the way home that night, that's when it hit me.

If I was gonna ever reconnect with Riley, then I had to change.

Not in a month or a week or even an hour.

I had to change right then.

So I, uh, took the ball, I tossed it in the Hudson.

Ran straight to my first AA meeting and I've been sober ever since.

You know, you can go to your first AA meeting without being so dramatic.

It was a big, life-changing moment for me, Jack.

Got a little, you know... carried away.


So you owe this chrome dome a $75,000 baseball that you don't even have?

Bedroom. Now.

Go. Go.

Hey... Whoa! Whoa, what's with the g*n?

And your eye?


Doesn't look like nothing.

What are you doing?

Thought it might be Dougie.

Elwood, this is MacGyver.

He works with Riley.

Mac, this is Elwood, Riley's dad, who doesn't have permission to be touching my stuff.

Nice to meet you. Yeah.

Nice to meet you, too.

Well, you two look busy. Hmm?

I was gonna talk. We can do it later.

No, no, no, no, no.

We-we can do it now. We'll-we'll step outside.

You... stay here.

And put that up.

You really think Matty's lying to you about knowing your father?

It was her on that film, Jack.

I'm almost positive of it.

Oh, man.

I have known her a long time, and if there's one thing I'm 100% sure of:

If she's lying, you won't know about it.

If Matty has intel on my father and isn't telling me...

Then she has her reasons.

Mac, look, ask yourself what's more likely.

Okay? Your secret agent boss is lying to you about knowing your father, a civilian who went missing, or you're kind of spun out, man, jumping at shadows.

Looks, I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Family can do a number on anyone.

Case in point, look at Riley and Daddy Dearest in there.

Okay? No, thank you.

That's why I'm a lone wolf, man.

Lone wolf?

Last week you tried to convince.

Riley, Matty and I that we needed matching leather jackets to help foster...

And I'm using your words here... Greater family unity.

Because it would.

What do you want me to say? Every lone wolf needs a pack.

Matty. I need to get to Phoenix.

All right, good, let's bounce.

Looks like she just needs me.

Well, I'll be there in the corner lone-wolfin' it up.

I got to get away from this guy, man. Come on.

You gonna leave him in there?

You're right, that's a bad idea.

Okay, I'll see you later.

Hey, hey, do me a favor.

Don't tell Riley about her pops, okay?

I don't need her getting all mad at me

'cause I agreed to stay away from her dad and then ended up...

Kidnapping him?

Yeah. Copy that.

Okay. Thanks.

This is one dysfunctional wolf pack.



Did we just...?


I don't think so.


So why are we in bed together?

You mean why are we handcuffed in bed together?

What the hell is this? Some kind of crazy final exam?

With real b*ll*ts? Look, maybe we should focus on escaping and talk about this later.

You're shot!

I thought I would feel worse.

You will if it doesn't just graze you next time.

Two hours ago, there was an accident on board a college research ship, the R.V. Bancroft, which stranded it in the Arctic Ocean 50 miles offshore. What happened?

expl*si*n in the engine room.

Blast k*lled the captain, four crew members and severely damaged the ship.

And temperatures are dropping fast. Okay, Zoe, I've tasked a satellite to keep us connected.

We shouldn't lose your signal.

Cage has you up to speed?

More or less. Zoe Kimura, meet Angus MacGyver.

MacGyver is an engineer here at the think t*nk, and our best chance at keeping you alive until help can get to you.

How far away is this help?

A Coast Guard icebreaker is steaming toward them, but it's 12 hours out.

What about aircraft?

It's negative 54 degrees.

Negative 56 now, actually. So too cold for planes and helicopters.

Okay. First step is gonna be keeping everyone on board warm.

The propulsion room housed the two main generators.

Both were taken out during the expl*si*n.

And for some reason I can't get the backup genny to start.

Okay, Zoe, first thing I'm gonna need you to do is to use the camera on your laptop to show me the backup generator.

Okay. We're gonna be doing this a lot, so got to make sure you don't run out of battery.

But I'll whip up something after we diagnose the genny's problem.

And it looks like it's right there.

Okay. Now, Zoe, what I need you to do is make me a list of everything on board that you can get your hands on... So that's gonna be supplies, uh, equipment, provisions, toiletries, everything... and be precise.

Six packets of ketchup is not seven.

Does that make sense?

Yeah. Sure, I-I can do that.

But why?

Because this is the stuff we're gonna use to save your life.

Life jacket. Check.

Plastic beaker. Check.

Coffee mug. Check.

Ooh. Uh, Zoe said she had a tin coffee mug on the ship, and this one is ceramic.

And everything we have here needs to be identical to what she's got on board.

Got it. I'll keep looking. Okay, Zoe, it looks like your generator problem is actually a fuel pump problem, so what we're gonna do is make you a peristaltic pump to manually feed fuel to the generator.

First thing you're gonna want to do is to detach the two wheels from the carry-on you have there, and then you're gonna... Mac.

Uh, yep?

Zoe, I'm so sorry.

I'm going way too fast, aren't I?

No. No, no, no. It's okay.

Um, I can keep up.

I just, um, I know we're running out of time. So...

Guys, can I have a second?

Thank you.

How we doing, Zoe?

...not great.

I mean, I-I-I'm having trouble focusing.

And, uh, my hands are so cold.

Plus, you're probably overwhelmed, exhausted and terrified.

And I only say so because I know that I would be.

Yeah, that just about sums it up.

All right.

All right, then. Let's take a break.

What? Uh...

Do we have the time?

Zoe, don't worry about the time.

If you're gonna be my hands on that ship, we both need your hands to be steady.

So, how about we just talk for a second?

What do you teach?

I'm a... I'm a glaciologist.

It's boring, I know.

Well, maybe to most people, but you are also talking to a guy who once broke into a lab at MIT to sneak a peek at a frozen ice core from Greenland.



How old was it?

They claimed 500,000 years, but I was not convinced.

It's not often I meet someone who can out-geek me.

Well, Zoe, I out-geek pretty much everyone.

Hey, can I tell you something stupid?

I mean, I did just tell you about the time that I snuck into a lab to ogle an icicle, so sh**t.

I'm seriously craving ice cream right now.

Ice cream is good. Why is that weird?

You know what? All right.

I am ready to build this pump.


What is step one again?

Removing the two wheels from your carry-on luggage you have there and I see on the manifest that you do have a tool kit, so you'll need a Phillips head screwdriver.

Got one of those right here.


These things come in handy, don't they?

Zoe... have no idea.

Is he really going to be able to save this ship?

There's no one I trust more. Save your screws.

You, uh, never really know when you're gonna need them.

Hey, you should let me dress that. Wait, we need to keep moving.

Look, I know spy school's got this reputation for being intense, but would they really sh**t at us?

My friend, Jack, warned me that training exercises were designed to feel just like the real thing, down to the operatives using live a*mo.

Live a*mo and some kind of narcotic.

I think they drugged us.

Look, we can't just stay out here in the open.

All right? If this is a test, there must be a way to pass.

Failing seems pretty obvious, getting caught, but how do we pass?

What's the first thing that Glover taught us about being behind enemy lines?

Find our way home.

We need to get back to the school.

Agreed, which means we need to figure out where we are.

That's the flowering dogwood, the state flower of Virginia.

Then they must not have taken us far away from the school.

Yeah, but maybe far enough.

They're using dogs to track us.

Are we gonna be able to outrun them?

I know I can. I hope you can, too. Come on.

You mind if I ask you a question?

I thought we agreed you weren't gonna talk unless spoken to.

Didn't you used to sell bathroom tile?

I got a promotion.

To a think t*nk? Just, you know what, shut up, Elwood.

No offense, you just don't seem the, uh, think t*nk type.

That's enough.

Look, I don't care personally how you put your money in your pocket.

I'm just glad Riley has you in her life.

Oh, yeah, and we both have you to thank for that, don't we?

Look, I knew the day I met you, you were gonna be the one to, you know, take over as her father figure.

Come on, Elwood.

You didn't lose her in one day, man.

You lost her little by little over the course of years due to your actions, man.

Not your words, your actions.

They're what made it clear to her she's not the most important thing to you in your life.

That's not very nice, Jack.

Yeah, well, I'll be happy to point out what a moron you are, Elwood.

Any time.

That's him.

That's Dougie. Also known as the chucklehead who was dumb enough to pull a g*n on me. Let's go.

Well, well, well.

p*stol Pete.


Dougie. Long time.

Where the hell have you been hiding?

Must've searched every racetrack in the country looking for you.

Yeah. Hundred bucks work for you, slick?

Finder's fee for bringing this degenerate to me.

I didn't bring him to you.

He's here with me.

I'm here to tell you to back off.

Or you're gonna have a serious problem. You understand me?

That sounds a little like a threat. You got good ears.

Still feeling tough?

Not as much, no. Good.

Because there's no need for v*olence as long as Woody here coughs up the 75 grand he owes me. 75?

Come on, Dougie. You know I only owe you half.

Half was a year ago.

Now it's the full amount.

Unless you have the ball.

Not presently, no.

I get the ball or I get the money.

And if I don't get neither, well, you have a daughter, right? Riley?

Maybe she's good for the money.

The ball or the money... by tomorrow.

Now, bend the generator's fuel line into a U-shape around the wheel and axle assembly.

Okay. Done.

How's this look?

Yeah, that's perfect.

You just built yourself a peristaltic pump.

Now, running the drill should push diesel along the fuel line and into the generator just like the fuel pump should have.

Just like that.

Wow. Here's to hoping mine does that, too.

Oh, my God. It worked.

It worked. We did it.

Oh, my gosh.

I can already feel the heat coming on.

Now that you got the power on I can see you a little better.

Hey, Mac.

Is that the fire alarm?

Go check on the other students.

Can someone go in the control room and see where the fire is?

I'm in the control room.

The computer's showing fires in the bow thruster room, the galley and the science lab.

Maybe it's just an error.

I'll go check the thruster room.

These rooms are right above the propulsion room where the expl*si*n happened.

Heat from the blast could've melted the insulation on the wiring behind the walls.

Turning the power back on shorted them out and lit the fires.

Okay, uh, not a false alarm. Real fires.

Very real and our fire suppression system didn't come on. Okay, so the ship must've sustained more damage than we thought.

If we don't put those fires out now, the whole ship is gonna burn.

We have enough extinguishers for the smaller fires, but the one in the bow thruster room...'s getting out of control.

Okay, that door right there.

It's watertight, which means it's also airtight.

If you can close it, then the fire should eat up all the oxygen and burn itself out.

Be careful, though. It's gonna be very hot.

Okay. That seemed to have worked.

And the other fires are going out, too, so...

...I think we're gonna be okay.

Most fire deaths aren't from burns they're from smoke inhalation.

So, without fresh air, everyone on board is still in danger, which means we're just gonna have to clean the air.

Cardboard boxes... box fans...

...carbon filters. I have an idea.

This ship is transporting activated carbon filters, which they're gonna use to clean the water at the research station, but we're gonna repurpose them and use them to make the air on board breathable.

Zoe, can you get to the cargo room?

The cargo hold is directly below the propulsion room.

The initial reaction must've caused this damage.

Mac, I can see the filters, but I can't get to them.

Uh, how far away are they?

15 feet, maybe 20.

I need the exact distance.

Riley, pull up schematics of that room.


I need space so I can build the ship.

Okay, which kind is it?

It's, uh...


It's this one. This is it.

I think. Dude.

Jack, I'm pretty sure.

If we're gonna pull off the fake, you need to be more than "pretty sure."

Jack, it was a year ago and I was totally loaded.

I didn't exactly snap a clear mental picture. All right?

It looks good.

Best I can tell.

All right.

What next? Google it.


Yeah, "how to convincingly counterfeit a baseball."

I-I don't know. This isn't my specialty, conning people. Okay? This is your deal.

Go in my room.

Go in my room.

Riley. Hey.

Hey. Come on in.

What happened to your eye?

Your eye. What...?

Oh, yeah. I, uh, ran into a doorknob.


How is that even possible?

Yeah. What-what can I do you for, Riley, is everything okay? Does Mac need me back at work?

No, Mac's good. He's busy building something.

Kind of flying solo on this one.

I just ducked out because...

I keep calling my dad and he's not picking up. Ooh.

Yeah. Well, that's not good.

You think he took off again?

No, I don't.

I think he's still in L.A.

You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would you?

Me? No.

No, you asked me to stay out of it.

That's what I'm doing. Staying out.

Boundaries is my middle name.

Jack Boundaries Dalton.

That's me. I wouldn't go that far.

All right. Well... thanks, anyway.


Just one more thing.


If you don't know where my dad is, why is his phone in your apartment?

Who are you, Columbo?

Hey, kiddo. You run into a doorknob, too?

You tracked his cell phone, huh? Of course I tracked his phone.

How do you think I got here?

Question is, what are you doing here, Dad?

What are you guys doing together?

I robbed a rare baseball worth 75 grand, and now someone's gonna k*ll me if I don't give 'em the money or the ball.

Well, I know you don't have the money.

So where's the ball?

In the Hudson. River.

It's in... it's in the Hudson River.

I never thought I'd see the day you two would be in the same room together.

Let alone work together.

So how can I help?

What's going on in here, brainiac?

Redecorating or what?

Uh, it's a long story, but basically, if I can't figure out how to grab those soda cans, through all the rubble, then 32 people on a boat in the Arctic are gonna die.

Hmm. Well, I would love to help, but Riley and I gotta fake a signature on a baseball or her dad's gonna die.

What? Yeah.

Are you...

Sorry, buddy, I don't actually have time for this right now.

It's too bad you can't just yank that thing off the shelf, the way Luke did on Hoth before that ice monster att*cked.

You know, he used the Force.

Wait, what did you just say?

Use the Force.

That's it.

That's it, I'm gonna use the Force.

Glad I could help. Forget that thing, Zoe.

Why, you came up with something else?

I didn't, Jack did.

He did? He did?

Yeah. Okay, in order to get those filters, we're gonna use the force... The force of gravity.

So I need you and the students to grab everything that you can, and move it to the stern of the ship.


So... what have you decided about leaving school?

I haven't decided yet.

I'm still not sure how I feel.

I know how I feel.


I just don't want to have lost the U.S. a good operative.

Even if that means I've lost myself a good friend.

Is that what we are, Leanna?


Aren't we?

I'm gonna go see if this guy has a first-aid kit.

Can you hear me now?

See, that was a joke, 'cause of that old commercial.

Thanks. Yeah.


"Five teams neutralized, three still in play."

Then we better get going before his friends come.

Come on.

Someone help me move this thing?

Is this really gonna work?

Uh, yeah, it should.

We just need enough ballast in the stern to raise the bow five degrees.

And if we do that, the filters should fall off the shelf and roll right down the hall to Zoe. Okay, Mac, everything that can be moved has been.

Okay, the rest is up to gravity.

It's working. Tilting.

Come on, come on.

Yes. Go get 'em.

We got it.

Now what?

Uh, now we build you an air filter.

Please hurry, Mac. It's really hard to breathe.

I know, but we're gonna change that.

Now, let's get to work.

Come on, man, when are we gonna use all this tea I brought?

You know, to stain it, make it look all old-timey.

This is a $75,000 baseball, Jack, not a fourth grade book report.

This UV laser is going to do 65 years' worth of sun damage in one hour. Okay.

I'll be right back.

Who is that again? That's Jill.

She new? Nope, she's not new.

You've met her numerous times. I have?

Once she's done aging the ball, we still need to get Jackie Robinson to sign it.

So, I'm aggregating 684 authentic Jackie Robinson signatures into one. Mm-hmm.

And when do we use the space laser to print the signature on the ball?

It's not a space laser, Jack.

And we need the signature to bend around the ball naturally.

The only way to do that is to use a hand.

The aggregated signature has loaded.

My hand is ready when you are. You just sit tight.

Once I'm done aging the ball, you can sign it, and I can get back to the w*r Room.

Or we can go to Vegas and count some cards.

Thanks, Jack.

For what?

For helping Elwood.

You know I'm not doing this for him, right?

Yeah, it's weird... it's like I get why you're doing it, I just don't get why I'm doing it.

I mean, this guy has not made one sacrifice for me.

Not one.

Then he shows back up in my life swearing he's changed, and the next thing you know, I'm helping commit baseball fraud.

It's like I'm ten years old all over again.

You helped him commit fraud at ten years old?

Don't answer that.

I remember when you were little, you wanted to do everything by yourself.

Didn't want help from anybody, and wanted to make sure we all knew it.

You were a tough little girl.

And you've become a real badass, Riley.


Even if the biological doesn't see it, the Wookiee does.

I'm gonna teach you some Wookiee right now.

He's getting it.

Hey, your air purifier is still working perfectly, and all 31 students are accounted for.

Thanks for, uh, keeping me company.

I really appreciate it.

Of course.

And the Coast Guard rescue ship is only three hours away, so nothing left to do now but wait.

Hey, what are you playing with over there?

It's an old habit.

One my boss banned, but you had paper clips on the ship, so...

Just something to keep my hands busy.

And clear your head?

Uh... you know when the Coast Guard told me that they were patching me through to an engineer, the last thing I expected was a cute science geek who would save my life with random objects.

I'm halfway a world away. You saved your own life.

Uh, so, the Phoenix Foundation.

What's that all about?

Uh, well, we are a think t*nk and we specialize in unconventional solutions to unconventional problems.

And after what I've seen today, you'd fit right in here.

Oh. Oh, yeah?

Don't tease.

This geeky grad student is buried under a mountain of debt and could use a job, preferably one on dry land.

Drop by when you get back to the States.

I'll show you around.

We could grab that ice cream.

Yeah, I'm gonna take you up on that.

Uh, MacGyver, did you hear that?

Hear what?


What is that?

Oh, my God.

The hull is being crushed inward.

There's water coming in.

Something's wrong with the door. Can you show me?

The compression gasket's torn, so even if you close it, it's not gonna be watertight.

We got to find a way to seal it now.

Okay, how?

I don't know just yet, but it's gonna be all right.

You know, I never thanked you for coming back for me.

You really thought I'd leave you?

I mean, you were really angry.

I was, but only 'cause I thought that... Sport bikes.

Coming up fast.

We're never gonna outrun them. Look, I'm pretty sure this is a training exercise, but if I'm wrong and it isn't, then we are definitely gonna die before we get back to school, so here's the truth, Leanna.

I was mad at you because I was hurt, hurt by what you did, because I thought that if you could do something like this to me, then-then you must not feel the way I do.

Leanna, I think you're amazing.

And the only thing that I want...

The school.

Exit the vehicle now.

Hey, so, that thing I just said, probably just the adrenaline talking, so don't feel like you have to...

I think you're amazing, too, Bozer.

Wilt Bozer.

Leanna Martin.

You just passed your final training exercise.


Uh, can you help me?

Okay, we've mixed the resin.

It's thick, like Play-Doh.

That's perfect.

Now spread it around the door's inner edge.

It's safe to use your fingers. Just make sure you get it all the way around the door jamb.

Are you sure it's gonna be thick enough to completely seal the door? Yeah, it'll expand when you add heat.

Uh, Mac, I think you need to see this.

According to this model, even if we seal that door, once the backup generator room floods, the ship will have taken on too much water. It's still gonna sink.

How much time do they have?

From the moment it fills...

45 minutes, tops. Okay.

Add the roughly ten minutes it'll take for the room to flood, plus the two to three minutes the students will have before hypothermia hits... Which gives them about an hour before that ship absolutely needs to be there.

Where's the icebreaker now? What's the time to intercept?

59 minutes, with some margin of error.

Okay. Putty's in place. What's next?

The last step... I'm gonna show you how to make this detonator so you can trigger the reaction remotely.

Got it.


Okay, hope this works.

Three, two, one.

Mac, nothing's happening.

Mine's not working.

Okay, check the connections on the remote and the detonator itself.

I-I don't know. Everything's connected properly. Zoe, just breathe I'm gonna walk you through the build again, Oh, my God, the hole's all right?

Getting bigger... There's water everywhere.

There's no way to stop it!

She's right.

There's gotta be something I can use to trigger this reaction remotely. What if we...

This is...

Damn it, we've used everything.

Wait. We haven't used everything.

What do you mean? What haven't we used?


We haven't used me.

I can seal the door from the inside.

So, you sat on this thing for a whole year?

Why didn't you sell it, take the money?

I thought about it.

I decided to get sober instead.

Okay. Well, this has been a lot of fun.

Now that you have your little ball, we're all good here, right?

With this? Yeah.

Yeah. Awesome.

It's been great doing business with you, Dougie.

Come on, Elwood.

There's still the matter of, uh, interest that Elwood owes me.

Come on, man, it's a baseball, not a mutual fund. I spent a year tracking this deadbeat down.

You cost me time and resources.

I got a reputation to protect.

You want to be square with me?

Do ya? Yeah.

I want another 10K.

I don't got that kind of money. I might be able to cobble that together...


I'm tired of people handling my problems for me.

I can, uh, pay this the other way, can't I, Dougie?

Wait, you mean...

...$10,000 beating?

That could take a while.

Hang on, now, no one is taking a beating.


One more thing, Dougie.

When we're done here, we're... we're done, right?

It's over.

Zoe, help is only 30 minutes away.

We can put you guys in the lifeboats earlier, we whip something up to keep you guys warm.

No. Going out there even a minute early would risk the lives of my kids, and I won't do that, not when this is a sure thing.

There has to be another way. There's always another way.

Mac... Something I overlooked.

Wait, Mac.

If I don't seal this door right now, the whole ship will sink before the Coast Guard gets here.

You did the math yourself.

There's only one number that matters anymore, okay? 31.

That's how many lives are outside this room.

No, I can't let you do this, Zoe.

Then come and stop me, MacGyver.

You know how I know this is right?

Because, uh... even though I don't really know you, I feel like this is what you would do if you were here.

So, uh... just said it needs heat to react, so if I light the resin directly, it'll burn, right?


Can we do this together?



Hope this works.

It will.

Uh, the water's rising really fast now.

Oh, God.

It's, um, colder than I thought it would be.

Colder than I thought, uh... anything would be, but, uh...

So... this is what you do at the Phoenix Foundation?

Save lives every day?

We try.

You did that, okay?

So don't forget that.

You did everything you could, and... so many parents... are gonna be so grateful.

You did this, Zoe.

I just talked to you.

H-hey, Mac?


I wish we could have met in person.

Me, too.

I w... I would've liked to see your think t*nk.

I'd like to share that ice cream.

Hey, you never told me.

What's your favorite flavor?

Rocky road.

That's mine, too.

I know a great place.

You would love it.

If you're in this room, you just passed the most intense training the U.S. government has to offer.

You are now entering a world of secrets and sacrifice.

As far as anyone is concerned, you were never here.

So look to your right.

Look to your left.

Your other left.

Say good-bye to these people forever.

For security reasons, you will never be allowed to see each other again.

Take it easy, big fella, take it easy.

I'm gonna get you set down right over here, okay?

Here we go, easy.

I'll be fine.

I'm fine.

You good? Oh, yeah. I just need to... sit right here... for another one or two...


Hey, Jack, do me a favor.

Yeah. I don't want Riley to see me like this.

So as soon as I can stand, I'm gonna... blow out of here for a little bit.

Okay. You tell her I'm coming back.

You understand? Yep.

Tell her I'm not running again.

Yeah, don't worry about it, I'll handle it.

Hey, Elwood, what you did was admirable.

You picked the right thing, not the easy thing.

And that's what an R-E-A-L dad does.

I'll make sure Riley knows that.

Thanks, Jack.

Just... sit tight.

That was way better than my high school graduation.

What's wrong?

It's almost midnight.

Two minutes until today becomes tomorrow and we're never allowed to see each other again.


I've been thinking about that.

Me, too.

No. I mean, I've been thinking about ways around it. What?

Look, if spy school has taught me anything, it's to always trust your instincts.

And every instinct I've got is telling me I can't let you go.

I mean... they did just spend three weeks teaching us how to set up and carry out clandestine meetings.

And how to secretly communicate.

If we get caught, we'll lose our jobs.

I know.

But it'll be damn worth it.

I thought you'd want to know.

The Coast Guard reached the ship.

Rescued all 31 people on board.

Should have been 32.



I don't really want to talk right now.

Then we don't have to.