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02x08 - Packing Peanuts + Fire

Posted: 01/10/21 10:34
by bunniefuu
It's locked.

What now? Over here, come on.

Look, he's after me, not you. But, Bozer...

You'll be safer if we split up. Go get help.

I'm not splitting up. You need to go.

Bozer. Listen to me, just listen.

If we don't split up, we're both gonna die.

This is it.

You can do this.

Steady hands.

Clear eyes.

Full of heart.

Can't nobody... Bozer.

Bozer, when I text you, telling you to come and see me immediately, I expect that since I'm your boss, that you will come and see me immediately.

Sorry, Matty. My phone was on silent.

I was just, uh, training the robot's machine learning software.

I was about to win.

On the contrary, I was two turns away from successfully sinking your battleship for the 137th consecutive time.

No, this time I was about to... Bozer.


Sorry, Matty.

I'm sending you to a top secret Clandestine Services training facility for additional instruction.

What? She said...

Can it, Tin Man.

Am I being punished for something? New recruit training is something that everyone at the Phoenix has to complete, including lab technicians who apparently suck at Battleship.

But why would I need to... You know what? Never mind.

You want to stay locked in the basement like a mushroom, talking to an oversized can opener for the rest of your life, fine.

I won't let you down, Matty.

You won't have a job if you do.

Go, go!

Hey, kiddo.

Hi, Elwood.

Guess I got to work my way back to Dad, huh?

Let's see how it goes.

A lot warmer than I expected, huh?

You know? This, uh, this time of year.

Is it?

Knock, knock.


This is a good one.

Come on.

Who's there?


Cash who?

No, thanks. I'll have some peanuts.


Come on.

You always used to laugh at those jokes.

When I was eight.

You're never too old for a good knock-knock joke.

I'm not interested in talking about the weather or hearing a lame joke, all right?

Let's just cut to the chase.

What chase?

What, uh... what do you think I'm here for, Riley?

The usual. You want to tell me you've been working on yourself, that, that you've seen the light, that you realize what a jackass you've been my entire life, and now you want to make things right.

And this time, this time will be different than the last time you did this.

And the time before that.

How am I doing so far?

I really hope you didn't come all this way just to give me a speech about how worthless a father you've been.

Trust me, Elwood, that's old news.

I'm trying to make amends.

It's this program.

Has steps.

That's good, I guess.

So, if you've got any chances left to give me, you know... show you that I'm here to stay.

But only if you want me to stay.

That software's deeply flawed.

It's easily fooled when the subject's an experienced liar.

Maybe I should crack open the source code and make some tweaks. You could, yeah, but nothing beats the human eye.

Who's the subject?

No one important.

Just some footage I found in the Phoenix library.

I'm using it to give the software a little test drive.

You do realize the irony of trying to lie to me right now, yeah?

It was worth a shot.

So, this is family, most likely your father.

Can you just help me figure out if he's lying?

Of course.

Look, words are just words and mine can't be trusted.

I know this, but... if you can find it in your heart to give me another chance...

Okay, all I can see here is a father trying to get his daughter back.

And for the record, from what I can see, he's telling the truth.


Don't tell Jack.


What would you pick?

I don't know.

I guess I would just stick with my knife.

Oh, dude.

Come on, man.

It's a zombie apocalypse.

That little knife ain't gonna do nothing.

Come on, now. You can pick anything.

One thing. What is it?

Yeah, this thing's got me through a lot of rough situations.

I'd rather just stick with what I know.

All right, fine. What would you choose, then? Light saber.

You have to be clear about the boundaries...

What? Aladdin's lamp... Hey.

Where's Riley?

No clue.

Thought you said you were going to get her.

I was. Couldn't find her.

Why are you lying?

I'm not lying.

Fact that you say you're not lying is what makes me think you're lying.

That logic makes no sense if I'm telling the truth.

Don't Jedi mind trick me.

You just admitted you're lying, right?

What's Cage lying about?

Uh, where Riley is or something.

I don't know. I'm kind of confused at this point.

Sorry I'm late.


Hey, Jack.


If I can have your attention.

Meet Enzo Lemaire.

Another guy who doesn't like cameras.

Lemaire is a black market art dealer who traffics in stolen art, but the big issue is what he does with the profits.

He funnels them to a group on the terror watch list.

Good-looking and he creatively finances terrorism.

He sounds like a real catch.

The alphabet agencies have been chasing this guy for years with nothing to show for it.

Lemaire is paranoid and careful.

And he does all of his business through one man, the Pawn.

And who is this Mr. The Pawn?

Is that like his agent or his manager or something?

No, more like his authenticator.

The Pawn verifies each piece of art and then selects what he sends to Lemaire. Because of this buffer, Lemaire has been able to stay hidden for years until now.

We recently obtained two pieces of intel.

One: A way to contact the Pawn directly and two: A way to bait Lemaire from stepping out of the shadows.

Turns out Lemaire has a wish list of items that he would like for his personal collection.

We believe that if we approach the Pawn with one of these items...

Then this Lemaire dude will just magically appear.

Very good, Jack. Yes.

And we know where one of these items is.

Oh, it's The Tower of Blue Horses.

It's an important piece in the German Expressionist movement.

Seriously? What's important about it? Looks like some guy just painted a bunch of horses blue.

Except that "some guy" is Franz Marc.

Never heard of him.

Shocking, Jack.

This painting was recently found in a basement in Germany and purchased at auction for $25 million by billionaire Todor Janssens.

The painting is now locked away in his private gallery at his Belgian estate.

So, since you're telling us this, I guess Todor turned you down cold when you asked if we could borrow his Franz Marc?

Correct, and he also refused to sell it, which is actually good for us.

The art world is small.

If we showed up out of the blue with an original Franz Marc, Lemaire would definitely be suspicious.

Okay, so if borrow and beg are out, guess that leaves us with one option.

Steal. You going for the gold star today?

Mac and Jack will pose as art thieves, nick the Franz Marc, and deliver it to the Pawn.

Then we will dry out Lemaire and finally put him away.

Yeah, Operation Artsy-Fartsy.

I like it. Let's bounce.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm your Clandestine Services training officer, Cassandra Glover.

Over the next three weeks, you will all grow to hate me.

And I want you to understand right now how deeply I do not care.

I'm not here to be your friend.

I'm not here to be your mommy.

I am here to sharpen you into a tool the U.S. government can use.

And everything I do that makes you hate me may one day save your life, so when I tell you to do something, you do it.

Now, look to your right.

Look to your left.

Your other left.

Now look at me.

By the end of this course, one or both of the people next to you will no longer be here.

They'll wash out, and they'll never work for a government agency again.

You will train harder than you ever have before.

It will not be easy, it will not be fun.

You tripped over the tripwire, genius.

You're dead. Again.

While here you will all live off-campus under a cover identity.

Anywhere outside this facility, you are to maintain this cover always.

No one knows what we do here, which means, if you screw up, you will not call 911.

The police cannot help you.

Only I can help you.

You will complete all assigned work by the due date.

If you fall behind, you will be sent packing with a note to your superiors detailing all the ways in which you failed.

My advice...

Do... not... fail.

Okay, Team America, just 15 more feet and you're past the motion sensors.

Well, this doesn't feel stupid at all.

It's not stupid if it works.

Well, just 'cause it works doesn't mean I got to like it.

The combination of a large surface area and slow movement fools the sensors into thinking that everything's fine.

I feel like I'm in the world's worst ghost costume.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Okay, guys, just through that door.

Jack, hold up your motion blocker to hide Mac's movement from the sensor.

They're tablecloths, Nancy Drew.

Stop trying to make this sound cool.

You're sure whoever's in the control room can't see them?

I looped all the camera feeds in the west wing.

As far as the guards are concerned, they're looking at a bunch of empty hallways.

Okay, we're in.

Hello, horses.


Our Belgian billionaire's alarmed every piece of artwork in there.

If you don't absolutely have to touch something, don't!

Jack, don't touch that.

I know how to get past this.

Um, I need your shoelaces and, uh, and the boot.

"Jack, give me your new boot, Jack, give me your cell phone."

You know, a "please" would be nice.

Not like you were raised by a pack of wolves or something.

You have zero respect for my stuff, dude.

Oh, wait, wait, I see what you're doing, Dr. Jones.

Yeah, I'm with you. Let's do it.

That's it? Yeah.

Man, stealing modern art is easy.

And, you know, I really think I'm starting to understand it.

There's more to it than just hanging a boot on a wall.

Is there really?

Don't play around with it.

Get out your little red wonder knife, cut it out of there.

You don't cut an original Franz Marc.

Why not? Because it's a Franz Marc.

Oh, so what?

I don't know what color horses are in Franz's world, but in Texas, they damn sure ain't...

What did you just do?

Nothing, I just sat in this chair.

It's not a chair, it's art.

It's a chair.

It's-It's art. Get out of it.


Guys, you've got a bunch of armed guards headed your way.

Since when is a chair art?

Since it was made in the 18th century.

Oh, so if something's old, it's just automatically art?


I'm a millionaire two times over.

I got two La-Z-Boys at the house.

It probably makes a better doorstop.

Hurry up, man. Let's go.

You got it? You got it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Who puts an alarm on a chair?

You know, if the tables were turned, and you were a little bit more near my age, you would have sat in that chair.

You know, to rest.

Not an original Louis XV.

Since when are you the chair art expert?

I remember when you had an old toilet in your dining room... You remember that?

It was an antique prototype, made by Thomas Crapper.

I know. Crapper was a real guy.

Who just happened to make crappers?

Guys, you're gonna make me throw up, just get out of there.

So gross.

Okay, take a left at the end of this hall.

Yeah, take a left's not really an option there, kiddo.

Right takes you to the east wing.

I didn't prep those cameras.

Security will be able to see you.

We have no choice, Riles.

You're just gonna have to cut the cameras.

Cutting cameras means cutting comms.

You'll be working in the dark.

I do my best work in the dark.


Cutting cameras now. Be quick.

You think Riley's been acting weird lately?

You want to talk about this now?

She was acting weird at the briefing, weird on the plane, weird on the van ride all the way over here.

Jack, we should stay focused on the armed guards trying to k*ll us, and, uh, later we can worry about whether or not Riley's acting weird.

You know, after we escape.

Hmm. So you're saying everything's cool?

You've got some serious speed there.

I ran a lot in high school.

Track? Mascot.

You learn to run pretty fast when the swim team spots you doing the Macarena in a badger suit.

How about you? Let me guess.

You ran track all through school, probably won State.


Race me to the next checkpoint, Mr. Badger?

All right.

Hey, Mac, I don't mean...

Jack, get the door. Use a chair, just don't sit in it.

Oh, very funny.

Okay, guys, any time now.

You got to get out of there.

Yeah, that's what we're trying to do.

Oh, yeah.

I-I don't mean to...

I don't... I don't mean to beat a dead tower of blue horses here or anything, but I know Riley, man, and I know when something's really wrong with her.

You got to help me out here.

Huh? You got to help me out. Come on.

Okay, it's not the t...

You could be right.

But whatever it is, if Riley hasn't brought it up... maybe she doesn't want you to know.

Why wouldn't she want me to know?

Let me put it this way.

You are... the closest thing she has to a dad.

And there are just some things you don't tell your dad.

I tell my dad everything.

Tijuana? Except Tijuana.

The point is, Riley knows where to find you, and she ain't exactly shy.

So, if she wants your help, you'll know.

You had to sit in the chair, didn't you?

Hey, man.

Guys, if you hear me, I've got three more headed right for you. Uh, Mac, I don't think that zip line's gonna bear our weight there, homie.

Oh, it won't. Then how the hell are we gonna get out of here?

Anytime now.

Aim for the pool.

Don't... Chairs are not art, okay?

They're just not. They're just chairs.

All you do is sit in them.

I'm not exactly sure what the crime is here, Bozer.

It's not illegal to own surveillance equipment.

Fine, but this dude has high-end surveillance equipment.

Like the kind of stuff we use.

What's a civilian doing with that?

Well-well, maybe he's just a weird guy with a weird hobby, man.

He pulled a g*n, Jack. Is that a hobby, too?

It is, yeah. Some places.

Look, Boze, from this guy's perspective, he's standing on his own property.

When his dog starts barking like there's an intruder, he probably thought someone was there to hurt him.

Every newbie starts seeing secret agents lurking in the shadows, man.

Just take a deep breath, don't get sidetracked, focus on your training, and stay out of trouble, will you?


Just got word from the Pawn. His sources confirmed our claim about stealing the painting.

So we get a meeting? We did.

Riley just got us a time and a location.

Barcelona, so wheels up in 20.

Wrap it up in here, girls.

Well, you heard the lady. We got to jet.

Okay, no problem.

Good luck in Spain.

Oh... Oh, one more thing, totally unrelated.

Remember when we were ten, and we broke into my uncle's tool shed? How'd you get through that giant padlock? That is not totally unrelated.

I'm not gonna help you break into some poor guy's garage.

Have fun at training.

Yeah. Stay out of trouble.

What are you doing?

Nothing. I was just, uh...

Wait, what are you doing?

I was up early this morning, studying for today's cryptography exam, when I look out my window and see you sneaking out the house.

So you followed me?

More like seized the opportunity to sharpen my shadowing skills.

Anyway, it's your turn. What are you doing in someone's backyard?

It's, uh...

Well, uh... It's a long story.

Any story with some light B and E is worth a listen.

Okay. The other day, when we were running, I saw the guy who lives here take something out of a trash can and move part of the stop sign.

You think it's a dead drop?

Yeah. Which is why I followed him here.

And I saw surveillance gear in his garage.

The super high end stuff the government uses.

Look, I know this guy's up to something, I just need proof.

And you're here to get said proof.

Then, I guess we better hurry before he wakes up.

Guess we better.

Are we in the right garage?

It was right here.

He must've moved it. That's the only explanation.


It's hard to argue with that.

Okay, well, if this guy really is up to something, then, maybe his close encounter with you freaked him out, and he cleared whatever was in here.


I'm sorry. I thought I was in room 42.

No, Elwood. You're in the right room.

You just may be in the wrong town.


We're gonna chat.


My name is Matty Webber.

I employ your daughter.

Well, it's nice to meet you.

Save it. I'm not here to make nice.

Riley isn't just an employee.

She's family.

And I need you to understand just how much I'm willing to do to protect my family.

Look, Ms. Webber, I'm sure Riley's told you some pretty awful things about me.

And they're probably all true.

Actually, Riley hasn't told me a single thing about you.

Because you're not a part of her life.

Yeah, I know that.

But I want to be.

More than anything.

And I'm gonna do whatever it takes to earn her trust.

Maybe you're telling the truth, maybe you're not.

Time will tell.

But I promise you this:

If you're here for any reason other than to try to start a new relationship with your daughter, then you will see me again.

And that meeting won't be nearly as enjoyable as this.

We have an appointment.

Whoa... whoa, whoa, watch the hands there, TSA.


You must be the Pawn...

Not much of a talker.

Don't lean on that.


You avoided damaging the painting when you removed it from the frame.

Yeah, well, I'm always careful when I do that, you know.

Put that down.

Easy with the merch there, pal.

You break it, you bought it.

You know what I mean?

What is that thing, anyway?

Just another verification technique.

The forgers will copy the final version of a painting, but they seldom bother with duplicating the early sketches or paintings hidden underneath.

But you, gentlemen, appear to be in possession of an authentic Franz Marc.

My employer will be very happy.

Well, making him happy is the goal.

We're hoping this is the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.

I, uh, have been authorized to offer you $7 million.

$7 million?

It just went for 25 at auction.

But... we're willing to hand this over for free.

If we can get a face-to-face meeting with Lemaire?


The art world is very small, gentlemen.

And none of my friends or associates have ever heard anything about you until you... acquired this painting.

Well, until now, our operation has serviced a very small, select group of clients.

Yeah. Yeah, we just want to add Lemaire to the guest list.

Know what I'm saying?

Well, I will pass your proposal along to Mr. Lemaire, let him decide. Hmm?

We'll be in touch.

Well, that could've gone better.

What are you talking about? We nailed it.

Totally nailed it.

The Pawn's setting up a meeting with Lemaire as we speak.

From what I heard, all we know for certain is that the Pawn can't be trusted.

What is it?

Why are you making the "there's something wrong" face?

Stop the van. What?


What's the problem?

What's going on?

Whoa, where'd all their stuff go?

The painting we stole had a nail hole in the corner where it was attached to the frame.

This one does not.

So this is a fake?

Yeah. We just lost the Franz Marc, the Pawn, and our only lead on Lemaire.

You lost the Franz Marc. That's what you're telling me?

I mean, it was really elegant in its simplicity. The real Franz Marc, it goes into a machine, and then they show us an X-ray image, congratulate us on the authenticity, then pull out a fake. It's just sleight of hand, but at its finest.

Oh. I'm glad you're all so impressed by their con.

You know what would impress me?


Anyone... telling me how you plan on getting.

The Tower of Blue Horses back and bring down Lemaire.

Well, get this.

I pulled call detail records from the cell tower closest to our current location.

I found a single call placed to a second burner phone.

Time-stamped right after Mac and Jack walked out with the fake.

That must be the Pawn calling Lemaire to report the switch was a success.

I'd bet good money on it.

Riley, do you think you can pinpoint the location of that second burner?

Already done.

Tracked it to a mall in Hungary.

A mall that was closed for renovations in 2008, and never reopened.

Sounds like the perfect place to store millions of dollars in stolen art.

Baker, Michelle.


Bozer, Wilt.

Where's your new BFF?

I don't know, ma'am.

I thought this place was abandoned.

It's supposed to be.

Wait a second.

Lemaire isn't just storing his stolen art here.

He's selling it. This is an auction.

Good thing about malls: Multiple entrances.

I suggest we find one with less, uh, guys with g*ns?


But four people sneaking around in the parking lot's a little conspicuous.

I think we should split up.

Riley and I will go left.

And Cage and I will go the other way.

Keep your comms hot, and be careful.

What are you doing? Why are you being weird?

I'm not being weird, you're being weird. Super weird.

Now, did I do something to piss you off?

Because if I did something to upset you, just tell me and I'll stop doing it... At least I'll-I'll try.

There's nothing's going on.

All right? You didn't do anything to piss me off, I promise.

Perhaps we should focus on the mission, hash this out later?

Open comms mean Mac and I can hear every word.

Yeah, but Jack's gonna tell me about this at the house later on, so this saves me time. Shh.

Riley, when have you ever been shy about telling me when you're upset with me?

I'm allowed to have personal situations that don't involve you.

Ha. I knew it.

Something-Something's going on, isn't it?

Look, I just need to do this on my own, all right?

Can you, can you let me do that?

Can you trust me to do that?

Riley, you're one of the most capable people I know, and I trust that you can handle anything that comes your way, but by now I hope you realize that I am here for you I know.

In whatever capacity you need me. I know.

I know.

Do you mind? We're kind of having a moment here.

Put the g*n down.

Oh, hey, fellas.

It's cool, it's cool.

We-we, we worked it out.




Anything else to say?

So... somehow, you managed to follow me here.

A fatally stupid mistake on your part, but still... very impressive.

He had a partner, male, blond, late 20s.

Find him.

So, looks like you're getting the deal you offered, after all.

We pay absolutely nothing for the Franz Marc and you get to meet my boss.

So, you must be the great and powerful Lemaire.

Really been wanting to meet you, man.

Shake your hand, but I'm a little tied up here.

Drop the charade, whoever you are.

I know art thieves.

I've cultivated them.

I've trained them.

And you are not one of them.

I don't know, the little blue ponies your boys took off me would say otherwise, smarty-pants.

The time for lies is over.

I would like to hear the truth.

And we can begin with your real name and what agency you are working for.

My name's Kevin Perkins.

I'm wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys.

Bozer, where the hell have you been?

Glover's pissed and you're about to get kicked out.

Glover can do whatever she wants to me after I show her what I found.

What are you talking about?

I followed that guy.

He used the same dead drop in the trash can on the corner, but this time he left something, a flash drive, and I grabbed it. Look.

That's everyone here.

The whole school. This drive has intel on every trainee, every teacher.

This school isn't supposed to exist, and whoever this guy is, he knows all about it.

He's IDing operatives before we're fully trained.

Do you know what he could do with this?

He could expose every spy that's ever walked these halls.

We have to get this to Glover.

That's what I'm trying to do.

I'll take my flash drive back.


Look, he's after me, not you. But, Bozer...

You'll be safer if we split up. Go get help.

I'm not splitting up. You need to go.

Bozer... Listen to me. Just listen.

If we don't split up, we're both gonna die.

That's excruciating, isn't it?

I hope you know this can all stop if you just tell me who you are.

Tell me, can you?

Okay, well, if you want me to sing, you're gonna have to do a little bit more than tickle me, Elmo.

Perhaps your friend here will be a little more chatty, huh?

Very introverted.

She's very beautiful.

You better think very carefully about the next thing you do because if you hurt her, I swear to God, I will...

You'll do what?

You can do nothing.

You will hang there and watch, most likely.

There is nothing else you can do but hang there like a little, whiny dog.

Now tell me what I want to know...

Now is the time Jack would ask if you have any brilliant ideas.

Got one. Not sure if it's brilliant.

Get ready... Things are gonna happen fast.

Hey, baldy!

That was very brave.

And very dumb.

Where's your boyfriend?

Heads up!

Come here.

Did you hit him because he called me your boyfriend?

Good to see you, Mac.

Yeah, you, too.


You want to know who I am?

I'm the guy who just broke your nose.


Thank you.


Did he hurt you?

Yeah, no, I'm good.


Oh, Jack.

Is your leg okay? It will be.

I'll help you. Come here, come here.


Dallas Cowboys?

Ooh. America's Team, baby.

America's Team.

Thanks, Jack. You're welcome.

We have Lemaire in custody, Franz Marc is back in our possession, and we cut off a t*rror1st revenue stream.

All in all, I'd say the mission was a...

Don't do that. Work of art.

Maybe in a Jackson Pollock kind of way?

Please don't encourage him.

Congrats, but your success is not the headline here.

What do you mean? Our favorite lab tech just uncovered a massive spy ring.

Wait, Bozer?

Yeah. Karl Wiessler, disgraced BND operative, now works for a rogue private intelligence firm.

Wiessler was hired to identify undercover government operatives while they're still in training.

Thanks to Bozer, the entire operation has been completely shut down.

That is awesome. Go, Bozer. Yeah, I know. Where is he?

We should be popping champagne with him right now.

Bozer is right where he should be... in class.

He's still got two weeks left of training.

Ooh. He's gonna be the most popular one in school now.

Big man on campus.

Of course he'll have to walk by that giant bronze statue they erected of me there... I'm kind of a legend.

Didn't they kick you out after the whole septic t*nk incident?

I'll tell you the same thing I told my instructor:

I thought it was a dummy grenade.

And I didn't get kicked out, I... graduated early.

Does that mean you even graduated?

Can we change the subject, please?

Have you told Jack yet?

Not yet.

But you will.


I just need some time.

Good luck.

I'm glad you decided to meet me again. Me first.

The thing is... you haven't been my father for a very long time.

Mm. And there's someone in my life now who fills that role... better than you ever did.

Better than you ever could.

I hope you know how happy I am that you found that person.

Just... so sad that it wasn't me.

You're saying all the right things.

But I need you to understand, you can't get back what you threw away years ago.

And you can't take the place of anyone in my life.

I'm not here to hurt you, Riley, or to change your relationships with anybody else.

I just... want to be a part of your world.

A small part. Any part.

Whatever you're comfortable with.

Knock, knock.


Hey, you're not the only one who can tell a bad joke.

Who's there?


Dwayne... who?

Dwayne the bathtub already. I'm "dwowning."

It's really bad. You know, that is... that's pretty good.

I'm gonna steal that one.

No, please don't. Please don't.

Your turn.

Got it. Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Lettuce who?

Want to hurry this up?

You know how I hate returning to the scene of the crime.


I'm almost done.

What did you do? I leaned up against the wall.

It's not a wall... it's a 14th century Giotto di Bondone fresco.

Oh, well, gesundheit. And it looks like a wall.

I can't have this argument again.

Well, when's a wall not a wall?

Okay, which way is the pool?

Man, sometimes this job sucks.