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02x07 - Duct Tape + Jack

Posted: 01/10/21 10:33
by bunniefuu
Hey, Mac, when we jumped out of that plane, I thought you said you had a plan.

Surviving the jump was the plan.

Now we just need a new plan.

Hell yeah, we do.

'Cause it looks like we landed on the forest moon of Endor.

It's not gonna be long before the Ewoks pop out, start trying to eat us.

For the thousandth time, Ewoks don't eat people.

Want to bet?

Why do you think they made that giant bonfire in Jedi, huh?

To roast marshmallows?

I'm telling you, man, Chewie, Luke and Han were on the menu, dude.

They weren't gonna eat 'em.

They were gonna sacrifice them to C-3PO because they thought he was a god.

Sacrificing them and cooking them's the same thing.


Those aren't Ewoks.

No, they are not.

If I had to guess, I'd say those are the pals of the Bosnian drug runners whose org chart we just stole off that plane.


Oh, no.

Oh. Huh. They brought a chain saw.

Oh, how sweet.

If a tree falls in the woods, you're hard of hearing.

I mean...

Can you hear it? Do you hear it?

Something about hearing. What is it again?

While you figure it out, would you hold onto that for me?

I need two hands.

Okay. Take it.

Did you just make a Tarzan swing?

Technically, it's a rope pendulum made using fisherman knots. Whatever.

Can I call it a Tarzan swing?

If it gets you on there, you can call it whatever you want.


I'm thinking ultramodern furniture in the minimalist style with a touch of Indiana Jones, like overstuffed leather pillows.

Oh, come on, Bozer.

You're giving Jack way too much interior design credit.

I do agree with you about the leather.

But, like, a ton of leather.

Like, if a Whitesnake concert threw up on a condo.

Come on, Ri. Seriously.

Whitesnake? That's what you think of me?

I mean, that is what everyone thinks of you.

You wear a leather cuff, like, all the time.

Even to formal occasions.

It has significant... You know what?

If you guys don't stop Jack bashing, I'm just gonna uninvite you all right now.

Oh, come on, Jack. Don't be like that.

Bozer and I have never been to your place.

We can't help but wonder what chez Dalton is like. Exactly.

We're just excited you finally asked us over, even if it is for a midweek Bruce Willis marathon.

Let's go.

Okay, now, I don't have a big patio with a view of the L.A. skyline, but I think you'll find the Dalton digs are a little slice of heaven.

Dispatch, I'm still waiting...

Jack, why is your door open?

Looks like you've been robbed.

Oh, man.

They took my TV?!

I just figured out how to work the remote.

Well, if it makes you feel any better...

...they left the remote.

Jack, I tried calling you, but it kept going straight to voice mail.

Yeah, that's because somebody took apart my phone to make a tracking d...


What happened, Janese? I-I came in this morning to drop off your mail, and I found this. I... I thought I was doing a good job checking on the place twice a day.

I feel like a terrible neighbor. I'm so sorry, Jack. No, it's...

I'm sorry. It's not your fault, okay?

Nobody saw anything out of the ordinary?

Uh, Tommy thought he heard noises late last night. I think it was around...

Carrying a flat-screen down a fire escape...

That can't be easy.

Other than the TV and coffee table, what else is missing, Jack?

Well, they took my Telly Savalas painting, which had cultural significance.

Took all my books.

My CDs. I had so many CDs.

Can we go back to the Telly Savalas...?

And my cigar box.

No, they took my cigar box.

Mr. Dalton?

Got a list of items I'd like to talk to you about. My stolen stuff?

Yeah. Actually, no.

We're gonna get to those items in a minute.

There's some other stuff that's still in the apartment that kind of caught our attention.

Come here for a sec?

You own a samurai sword?

It's called a katana.

And y-yes. I got it on a trip to Japan.

A business trip.

And a two-handed broadsword.

It's, uh... it's another business trip to Scotland. Big Braveheart fan.

And there's also a World w*r II-era.

Russian sn*per r*fle we found in your closet. Hey.

Those claymore mines stashed under your bed?

They're replicas. They're not even real.

You know, I'm the victim here.

Instead of listing all the stuff I still have, why don't we focus on what I don't.

Jack. Jack.

It sucks.

I know. But I-let's look at the big picture here.

All right? It's just stuff. Yeah.

I know, Riley. It's just stuff.

It doesn't matter except for one thing.

The cigar box.


What was in the box?

I'd rather not say.

Matty needs us.

I'll just tell her you got some things going on.

Yeah? No. No, man, it's fine.

All my stuff's long gone by now, man.

What does it matter?

Let's just go save the world again.

I'm so sorry, buddy.

Three months ago, a corruption scandal forced the president of Ecuador to resign.

The very next day, Colonel Diego Zarate marched 4,000 troops into the capital and declared martial law. Yeah, this is all over the news.

I tell you what.

You point me in the right direction of this Zarate, and I'll put my boot right in his butt.

You seem grumpier than usual, Jack.

Something you'd like to share? No, I'm...

I'm all good here. Okay.

Seems unlikely, but whatever.

Now, as much as this will disappoint Jack, I'm not sending you to Ecuador to plant your boots anywhere.

I'm sending you there to save democracy.

Ecuador is about to hold a special election to pick their next president. Let me guess.

This Zarate's positioning himself to be that guy. If democracy falls in Ecuador, the entire region's in danger.

Unfortunately, that's correct.

And our only hope in stopping Zarate and saving the country is this man.

Hector León, former Ecuadorian soldier turned opposition leader.

León served as a UN peacekeeper. Iraq, Bosnia, Somalia...

You name a hot spot, he's been there.

When Zarate seized power, León was the first to speak out against him.

Now he's the only candidate brave enough to stay in the race.

León's got the people, and he's projected to win by a landslide, but only if he's still alive on election day.

Zarate's trying to k*ll him.

Well, that's one way to save money on attack ads.

So far, León's done a good job of hiding from Zarate's death squads.

But sadly, now he has a new problem:

He's actually dying.

Hmm. He does look pale.

Sounds short of breath.

Is it heart disease?

Try heart failure.

If he doesn't get a heart transplant in the next 48 hours, he'll die.

So, what do you want us to do? Find him a new heart?

There's a part of me that would just love to see what you would do with the marching orders, "Find me a heart."

But, fortunately, Jack, I've already found one.

The problem is it's not in the right place.

I found a donor heart and a surgeon in Pasto, Colombia, and I secured an operating room in Quito, Ecuador.

Mac, Jack, you'll head to Colombia and escort the doctor and the heart across the border.

Riley and Cage will slip into Ecuador, reach León, and get him to the secured hospital, where you will link up with Mac and Jack.

We do our jobs correctly, León and his new heart will become one before Zarate even finds out he's sick.

Everyone's got a job but me.

You forgot to say what I'm doing.

You're staying home.

I've got a tac team heading to Germany on another mission, and they need disguises.

On the bright side, Boze, you won't have to witness.

Jack commit verbal atrocities to the Spanish language.

Hey, I'll have you know my command of the Spanish language is fantastico.

My accent, perfecto.

And don't make me enojado.

You wouldn't like me when I'm enojado.

You're making me enojado right now, now get out of here.

León's corazón won't be transplanting itself.

Adios, muchacha.

So, are you gonna tell me what's in that cigar box?

Or am I gonna have to guess?

My dad's dog tags.


My dad's dog tags were in that box.

He gave them to me when he died.

They meant the world to him, so now they mean the world to me. It's...

Man, I am so sorry.

No, man, it's all right. You didn't know.

Don't worry about it.

But believe me, I get it.

Having that one thing to remember him by.

It's important. Yeah.

Yeah, and since losing those tags, I've been thinking about him a lot.

You know?

His time in the Air Force during 'Nam.

He flew 72 pararescue missions, all in active w*r zones, all to rescue downed pilots.

My dad saved a lot of lives, man.

He was a real hero.

Yeah. Well, he was...

Ah, he was my hero.

You know? It's...

Sounds like an awesome guy.

Just wish I could've met him.

Yeah, I do, too.

You would've liked him.

And, oh, my gosh, he would've liked you.

Just as long as you didn't take apart his ham radio, though.

He-he loved his ham radio. Oh.

Yeah, that would've been tricky, 'cause you know how much I love taking apart ham radios.


I'm guessing your dad and I's relationship would've been very complicated. Oh, yeah, to say the least.

And I can't help but think that this...

...this mission to save León is exactly the kind of thing he would've done.

You know?

Sounds like it.

You know what? How about this? Hmm?

We get León his heart, and then we hightail it back home, and we hunt down your dad's dog tags.

Cool. Okay. Yeah, yeah, that sounds like a plan.

That'd be cool. All right. Yeah, man.


Hey, look, this has got to be her.

Yeah, yeah. And there's the heart.

You guys from The Phoenix?

Yeah, I'm MacGyver, this is Jack.

Dr. Alejandra Rosa.

Let's go. We've only 12 hours and the clock's already ticking.

Quito, here we come.

Hey, it's gonna be a bumpy ride, Doc, so my heartfelt apologies in advance.

Puns, huh? He do that a lot?

Yeah. He thinks it lightens the mood.

Oh, I know it lightens the mood.

I'm beginning to wish I hadn't cheered you up.

Matty, package in hand. We're on our way.

Good job, guys.

Cage and Riley are on the ground in Quito, and should have León in hand soon.

Please hold and someone will be with you shortly.

Is this what is meant by the expression "watching paint dry"?

Yeah. I guess sometimes it's not just an expression.

I find over 418,000 references to watching paint dry.

All of which equate the experience to excessive boredom, yet I find this fascinating.

Are you still on hold with the police?

How long's it been?

Almost three hours.

A department break-in isn't exactly top priority.

I recommend he hang up and redial 911. A 10-72 or 10-79 would yield preferred results.

You want me to call in a b*mb threat?

Have you fried your circuits?

It would certainly guarantee an immediate response.

Please hold, and someone will be with you... Sorry to pile on, but I ran a check on eBay and craigslist, like you asked... nada.

None of his stuff was listed.

You should have seen the look on Jack's face when he realized he'd been robbed.

Dude's saved my life more times than I can count.

This just... seemed like a way I could finally pay him back a little.

Sorry, Bozer. I wish there was more I could do to help.

Actually, you are a forensic tech, and these masks do need four hours to dry.

Want to go on a field trip?

That depends. Did Matty bless whatever plan you're hatching? No.

But you're off the clock so what you do isn't Matty's concern.

And Sparky here can look over my masks for me, so Matty doesn't even need to know that I'm gone, right, buddy?

I will gladly watch the paint dry for you, Bozer.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Let's go.

Hey, Matty.

Mac and Jack have the heart and the surgeon.

They're en route and six hours away.

How are you and Cage doing?

We're just pulling up to León's place now.

That's León.

What's happening?

Get it on the screen.

Ten minutes ago, León collapsed in his safe house, and one of his aides called 911.

EMS arrived five minutes later and they must have recognized León, because when they called dispatch, they referred to him by his name.

So his illness is no longer a secret. Does Zarate know?

Not only does Zarate know, but according to our intel, he has troops mobilizing.

If you two don't stop that ambulance before it reaches the hospital...

It won't be León's heart that kills him.

Border crossing's coming up, Mac.

You almost done back there?


Just making sure the heart's well-hidden.

Last thing we need is a couple of drug-sniffing dogs finding it.

Hey. We got five hours till we're there, and this heart still has 11 hours ticking on it, so we're gonna get to León with plenty of time to spare.

This isn't about the heart, is it?

On the night Zarate took over, my brother went to a peaceful protest and... never came home.

They found his body two weeks later.

Zarate's police declared his death an accident, but I know it wasn't.

Zarate has m*rder*d everyone willing to stand up to him.

I'm sorry.

My brother believed León was the only one who could save our country.

That's why I volunteered to save him.

Bravery must run in the family, then.

Honestly, I don't feel brave right now.

I'm feeling pretty terrified.

Hey. How you doing?

Just take a few deep breaths.

There's a lot of trade between Ecuador and Colombia, and our cover IDs are solid, all right?

They'll probably just wave us right through.

It'll be all right.

Okay, okay, okay.

Uh, Mac, What if instead of wave us through, they search the truck, man?

Yeah, maybe we'll get lucky.

When have we ever been lucky?

That one time in Madagascar.

Name two times.

Let's just hope Riley and Cage are having an easier time of it.

I'm trying to hack the ambulance's Bluetooth, so I can take it over remotely, but...

But the vehicle's too old.

Exactly, so I'm hacking the stoplights instead.

Ambulances don't stop for lights.

But they do stop for traffic jams.

This isn't a computer problem, this is a people problem.

We've got to get ahead of them.

Take a left.

So this is your solution? A game of chicken?

It's not a game. They're medics.

Dedicated towards saving lives.

They're not gonna let anyone get hurt.

Out! Fuera, por favor.



Let's get him.

Señor León.

Mi nombre es Riley Davis.

We have León. We're five miles from the surgery center.

No, no, no. Change of plans.

That place is crawling with Zarate soldiers.

I found a new operating room, but it's 11 miles away.

New facility, very private.

None of Zarate's radio communications have ever mentioned it, so it looks like he doesn't even know that it exists.

I'm gonna send you GPS coordinates now.

Oh, and, Cage, you're gonna have to keep a low profile for longer than expected.

Mac and Jack ran into a little trouble at the border.


Break that finger.

I'm getting sick of people taking my stuff, man.

Muy, muy sick of it.

Jack muy, muy enojado.

I get it, pal, but don't Hulk out on me just yet.

Let's see how she does first, okay?

They gonna let us through, or...?

Yes, but the captain claims there's a new toll for crossing the border.

By "toll" you mean they can take whatever they want.

Man, first my TV, now my heart.

A guy can only take so much of this, Mac.

We can't lose them. We got to follow.

Hey, hang on, now.

You're showing a lot of heart, I like that.

Sorry. I had to do it.

But to get back to that truck, I'm gonna have to go through four armed soldiers.

I don't like the odds, but I'll do it, man.

Just say the word. No, no, no.

We don't need our truck, we just need a distraction.

And keep your eyes on that one, 'cause that's the one we're getting in.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here, stay back, stay back.

He's up to something.


Did you just make tear gas?

Yeah, it was the best I could do on the fly.

Can either one of y'all tell me which jeep the heart's in?

Yeah. Hey, Matty, um, yeah, it's MacGyver. Yes, Mac.

I'm very familiar with the sound of your voice, especially when you're about to tell me that something's gone terribly wrong.

Yeah, so, quick version:

We went through a checkpoint and Zarate's men took the heart, put it in a jeep, and sped off in a jeep, but we don't know which jeep, so we're kind of hoping that you...

Are you seriously telling me that someone stole your heart?

See? She does it, too.

Uh, Matty, Dalton here.

Technically, the heart's not stolen.

Not yet, seeing as how we can kind of sort of see it.

It's in the back of one of the two jeeps directly in front of us, but the problem is, they look exactly the same, so we were kind of hoping, you could pull one of your fancy satellite tricks, and, uh, track it down for us real quick, huh?

Sure, Jack.

I'll just flip on my "find my missing heart from space" app.

You know, I just downloaded it, bundled with my time travel and invisibility apps.

Well, that's using your little nugget.

Save the witty comeback, Dalton, and get that heart back, fast.

If León dies, any hope of a free and democratic Ecuador dies with him.

Matty, has anyone ever told you you give the greatest pep talks?

Time to eenie-meeny-miney, Mac. This road's about to go moe.

The left. The one on the left.

How can you be sure? The jeeps are identical.

Oh, I wasn't sure. We just needed to make a decision, so I made one.

Hey, just in case, Matty, track down that other jeep with one of those fancy new apps you just downloaded.

Will you? Very clever, Jack, but I'm already on it.

Now why don't you show us all some of that top-notch pursuit-driving you're always bragging about.

I'm trying, but this in line six ain't cranking out the horses I need to close the distance, man. Excuse me.

Come on!

Right here. Maybe I can slow 'em down.

What? Whoa! Whoa!



Fill me in first, at least!

I'm driving over here! Well, you'll get over it, won't you?

Mac! Yeah, yeah.

Hey, keep it steady.

It's not here.

It's not here!

So much for going with my gut.

At least now we know which jeep it's in.

I'll take care of Nurse Ratched here, you get us a room. I'm on it.

I can't believe that worked.

Ms. Davis... where are we?

A plastic surgery center.

One Zarate doesn't know about.

This is where you're gonna get your new heart.

Would you hand me those?

You really should be resting.


What are you writing?

The speech I was planning on delivering on election day.

Just some words to encourage the people to ignore Zarate's threats, be brave, and to vote to save our nation.

If I'm not here to deliver this speech, promise me you'll get it published for all to see so that someone else might continue the fight.


Hey, Riley, um, any chance you know Jack's alarm code?

Are you in his condo?

Yeah, and in ten seconds, I'm gonna have a real problem.

Did you try J-A-C-K?

I tried Jack, Dalton, Bruce and Willis... nothing... but I thought you might know how to hack this type of alarm code.

It's a... Spartan 3450.

I clocked it when he invited us over the other day.

Okay. That's not creepy at all.

Here. I'll give you the override code.

Hold the six for three seconds.

Hit nine, five-one-one, pound.

And hold the six again for another three count.

It worked.

Thanks, Riley. Really glad you knew that off the top of your head. Yeah.

But also totally creeped out.

Bypassing security systems was a hobby of mine when I was 12.

I was a difficult child.

No kidding. Your mom deserves a medal.

Thanks, Riley.

Okay. So what fancy forensic device should we start investigating with?

First tool you use at any crime scene.

Okay, so, let's assume the fire escape was our perp's point of entry.

What gave it away?

Easy on the sarcasm, Nancy Drew, okay?

I'm just talking this through.

Okay, but there's no way he got the TV and the coffee table out that way.

Lobby security footage didn't show anyone leaving with Jack's stuff.

Then I'm wrong, but he would've had to make two trips.

That's pretty bold.

Unless he had help.

But you know what's weird?

Besides us here investigating a crime the police are way more qualified to handle?

Jack's alarm never went off, so unless our robber was like Riley and knew the override code off the top of their head...

Which I doubt... they would have needed Jack's real code.

Didn't you say Jack's neighbor was watching the place for him?

Yeah, but Janese didn't strike me as the B and E type.

But her son might be.

Guys, they should be right in front of you.

I'm on it.

Uh, we're fresh out of tire irons.

I mean, I could... Get down!

Hang on!

So I'm guessing that incredibly loud beeping sound's a bad thing, huh?

Heart rate's down to 41 beats per minute and dropping.

Fall from the jeep must've broken the artificial pump.

So I was right. This is, uh... this is bad?

Yeah, this is bad.

Without the pump, León's heart's gonna be dead in minutes.

Hey, Matty, we got León settled at the hospital.

How long before Mac and Jack arrive with that heart?

It's gonna be a minute.

Right now, there's a bit of a problem.

34 beats per minute. 32. Guys.

Find everything you need there, hoss? Unfortunately, no.

The box is too high-tech, and as much as I love duct tape, it ain't gonna fix a pump.

The pump circulates the blood, so, no pump means no blood, and no blood means León's heart dies.

Where the hell we gonna find another pump way out here?

Alejandra, what's your blood type?

A Positive.

I'm AB Negative, so neither of us are compatible, which leaves...

I have an idea, but you're not gonna like it?

You're O Negative... Universal donor.

How do you know? We work together.

You don't know mine? Okay, but I don't see how my O Neg's gonna help fix a broken pump.

Oh, it's not. The pump in the box is beyond repair, but the pump right here... is working just fine.

Yeah, and I'd like to keep it that way.

We're gonna use your heart to keep León's beating. To what?

Oh, this just got really weird.

There are times... well, just a few here and there...

When I wish, well... when I wish I never met you.

Lot of people say I wear my heart on my sleeve, but this is a tad literal.

Stand you up. There you go. Sorry.

You'll be all right.

I know it's too small to carry all three of us, but it's the only vehicle I could find.

Actually, I can work with that.

You can?

Hey, if I see any of Zarate's g*ons, I'll just put 'em under cardiac arrest.

Is he really gonna do this the whole way?

Safe bet would be yes.

I'd sing you guys a song, but my heart isn't in it.

Oh, God.

Tell me where you hid it.

Jack's stuff... Where is it?

We have you on video, Tommy. Jack hid a drop cam in his apartment.

Please don't tell my mom.

Jack really didn't have a drop cam, but thanks for confessing.

Wow. Jack wasn't kidding.

He really has a Telly Savalas painting.

So you just took his things and kept them?

You didn't sell anything?

Tommy didn't steal this stuff to sell it.

He stole it because he wants to be a badass, maybe show off to impress some people.

My friends were over one night, and we saw Jack get home.

They dared me to rob his place, and...

I was just gonna show 'em the stuff to prove I did it.

Sounds like you need new friends. Listen, my mom's working two jobs.

She's stressed as it is.

If she hears about what I did...

Might be a way we can fix this without bothering your mom.

Okay. Whoa.

Jack, you look really pale.

Yeah, I know. It's not my, uh, best look.



Okay. We got León. We have the heart.

All set, Doctor.

Looks like somebody forgot to pay their electric bill.

This is a great time for a good heart pun.

Just let me think of it. I got it.

Seriously, you got to stop. Okay.


I'm watching the electricity go out all over Quito.

You guys still have power? We're in the dark. So is the whole block.

If the power's gone out all over, that's got to be Zarate.

He's the only one with access to the grid.

Zarate can't find León so he's cutting the whole city's power hoping to stop the surgery.

Hey, Zarate cut the power so he could...

So he could stay in power.

Someone help.

Dalton into a chair before he hurts himself.

Look, the colonel is clearly willing to do anything to k*ll León.

He's shutting down the city's power grid, and he's sending men to all the hospitals and clinics to find him. No problem.

We got Mac. Mac can fix anything.

You can fix this, right? Huh?

All you got to do is... All I got to do is quickly whip up a way to perform a lifesaving heart transplant. Yeah.

In the dark. Yeah.

But, uh, you're right. No problem.

No problem at all.

Guys, León's fading fast.

I need to operate now, but I can't perform surgery without power.

Just scrub in and start your prep.

I'll have power back by the time you're ready.

You will? How? Uh, not sure yet, but by the time you're ready, I'll have it figured out. Mac?

What the hell is going on in here?

Is that Hector León?

"The smallest acts of courage, when done together, "can move mountains.

"Stand with me now, and let's build Ecuador a new future together."

Hector León wrote this speech for the people.

If he doesn't get into surgery now, he won't be alive to deliver it.

You can call the cops, or...

Or you can help us save him.

What do you need us to do?

Scrub up. I'm gonna build us a generator.

Everything okay?

I don't know if I can do this.

Of course you can.

You've done this surgery before, dozens of times. I know, but it's not just one man's life in my hands this time.

It's the lives of everyone in my country.

You know, before I did...

...well, whatever you call this, I disabled bombs for the U.S. Army.

And all throughout training, I wondered what I would do when other people's lives were actually on the line, when my decision was the difference between life and death.

And... the first time it happened, I was shaking worse than you are right now.

What did you do? Well, I took a deep breath, and I admitted that I was terrified.

And then...

I pulled on my b*mb suit, and I did my job anyway.

Look, you've come all this way to save your home and to fight for someone you believe in.

Personally... I think your country's in good hands.

See what I mean?

Well, the heart's in León and beating strong.

Alejandra's closing him up right now.

How are you holding up, big guy? Well, I mean, I'm... down a couple of quarts of O Neg, but nothing that chugging a few cans of... whatever this is can't fix.

Yeah, that's actually pretty bad for you.

I'm gonna cook you up a nice, juicy steak, get your iron levels up.

Oh, no, you can't cook.

I'll... buy you one.

Then we're gonna go find your dad's dog tags.

Yeah, yeah, I've been thinking about that, actually.

After all this, you know, I'm kind of realizing that... even though my dad's dog tags meant the world to me, it wasn't the most important thing he gave me. Yeah?


I think the same goes for you, too, buddy.

Thanks, man.

Means a lot. Yeah.

It's truly heartwarming.

Oh, there it is. That's the last one.

You officially just k*lled it right there.

We're never doing heart puns again, but, uh...

Thanks for the heart-to-heart.

Well, the surgery was a success.

Yeah, but we're too late.

It's election day, and Zarate's about to declare victory on television, because nobody even knows León's still alive.

I think I can fix that.

Ooh, you hear that fire in his words?

He's got that Dalton blood pumping through his veins, boy.

That's not how... blood works, Jack.

Good work, Doctor.

Thank you, MacGyver.

Thank you for everything.

What's next for you?

I think I'm gonna stay here for a while.

Help León get our country back on the right track.

Well, I'm sure he could use someone like you.

Good government takes a sharp mind and a steady hand.

Once the truth about Zarate's attempts to k*ll León got out, the people did more than just vote.

They took to the streets.

Zarate has now been arrested by his own forces, and will now stand trial for treason.

...have arrived in Quito to meet with León and his advisors.

And there is already talk of programs for the economic development of rural areas, and greater education spending throughout the country.

On a side note, many experts are still...

Welcome home, Jack.

What's going on? Jill and I tracked 'em down.

Who's Jill?

With the blonde hair... I'm kidding.

That means a lot.

Thank you.

You're a good friend.

She find out who stole 'em?

Uh, we found it all down at the pawnshop.

No clue who stole it.

Well, that's some serious detective work right there.

Yeah. Yeah, hey, my DVR is still chockfull of Bruce Willis goodness, if you want to pop a squat and tear through some of his early work.

Uh, I'll take a rain check.

You sure? Huh? Yeah, I'm positive.

Hey, if you haven't seen Moonlighting, you're really missing out, bro. Yeah, I just got something I need to handle. Yeah, yeah.

I understand. Next time, man.

Yeah, next time. Mi casa es su casa.

One more.

Thank you.

Hey. Looks like it's just you and Willis.

Hey. No problem.

See you later.

All right.

I thought I lost you, Pop.

Bruce... ooh, pull me out of this one.

I need the good stuff, baby.

You're 15 minutes early. You said if you're not 15 minutes early, you're late.


I don't get it. I...

I mean, I robbed your friend, and... now you're trying to help me get a job?

When I was about your age, I fell in with the wrong crowd, just like you, and I started getting into trouble, just like you, and I would have kept getting into trouble if it wasn't for my best friend, MacGyver.

He reminded me who I really was, that all I needed to be was me.

Which is what I'd like to do for you, Tommy...

If you're up for it.

Now, listen, Mr. Lind is gonna be tough on you at first, real tough, all right?

I was on mop duty for a month when I first started working here, but then you move up to fries, and I'll tell you what, it's a pretty great feeling.

If you're really lucky, you get to go to the drive-thru, Uh-huh. And holler at all the girls.

Did you ever get any numbers?

Not one.