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02x01 - DIY or DIE

Posted: 01/10/21 09:03
by bunniefuu
103 miles off the coast of Florida, there's an island that'll always hold a special place in my heart.

Now, everyone loves the landscape, the food, the music.

But what I love most are the people.

The Cubans learned how to make do with what they had.

And maybe that simplicity of life is why everybody seems so happy here...

Well, almost everybody.

You keep punching on the kid, I'm gonna get jealous over here.

Where's the love?

And you swing like a little girl.

Oh! Yeah, that was more manly.


Why are you looking for this man, huh?

He's dating my sister.

Oh, my cousin?

Mi madre?

Okay. Okay, papa.

Since you don't seem to know nothing, huh, perhaps I go back to your friend...

What's so funny, huh?


What's so funny, huh?

You know, you could've hit him with your fist.

I know, but a headbutt sends a much clearer message. Besides, I was only taking all those punches to give your big, swollen brain enough time to figure this out.

Which I did. You're welcome.

Yeah, well, it took you long enough.

Next time, you make a blade out of a button.

Maybe I will.

Hey. Hey, cowboy.


Oy! My turn, sweetheart.

Listen up, now.

This lunatic tried to k*ll us, so we locked him up.

So he sent another lunatic to trash our headquarters and s*ab our friend. You listening?

And then just when we thought we were done with this wannabe super-villain, he eats half of Paradise Lost to fake his own death and escape from supermax.

So, as you can imagine, we'd like to have a little word with him about that.


We know Murdoc was here. Where is he?

Buenas dias!

You Miguel?

Hey, where you going?

We just want to have a little chat.

Hey! Hey!

Now what?

This, right here. Oh, come on, man.

What are we supposed to do with this?

Well, as long as it runs, right?

Get it going.

Be honest.

This is what your heaven looks like, isn't it?

This is Cuba, Jack. Everything's improvised.

Yes. Say your prayers, Jack's driving.

Mueve tu trasero!

Move! Out of the way! Move!


Jack! Hit the brakes!


I said, hit the brakes!


What brakes?!

Ah, crap!

This is gonna hurt!

Are you sure this is necessary, Bozer?

You did two weeks of rehab, your stitches are healed.

I watched you walk down the hallway to get into this wheelchair.

Hospital rules, Riley. Sorry.

Ooh, sorry about that.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Okay... How clumsy of me.

Sorry. Okay, okay.

I'm getting up, all right? Okay.

Finally. Oh...

Look who's better already. Hi.

Yeah. It'll take more than a knife-wielding psychopath to stop me.

I mean, not much more, but...

How was Cuba? Mm...

No bueno.

I mean, our intel was half-right.

Miguel did help Murdoc get into the country, but he was just picking up some cash he had hidden, and then he disappeared again.

Minor setback aside, I did get to, uh, Evel Knievel a seawall, which was nice, and pick up a box of these bad boys.

What do you say, hero... cigar?

Uh, thanks, Jack, but the last time I smoked a cigar, I nearly threw up.

I'm good. Thank you.

I knew I should have asked the girl first.

Oh, you're gonna end up back in that wheelchair, bubba.

Mac, is that the watch?

Yep. "The watch"?

That watch changed Mac's life.

It's the reason he fell in love with building stuff.

It was his father's.

My first real memory of my dad, actually, was him popping this thing open.

He used to explain all the little parts...

The cogs, the springs, the gears...

They all come together to make something greater.

He didn't keister that thing, did he? Jack...

That was a movie. That was a good question.

No, it wasn't. Anyways, with this watch, my dad taught me that, with the right parts, you could make anything.

Even time.

And it was about the only thing he took with him when he left.

So you found his watch, but not him?

Well, we-we tracked him from his last known location to a hostel in Barcelona, then to a crash-pad in Kiev, which led to a cabin in Patagonia...

Which is where we found this. Yeah, and then that's when Matty called us back in to deal with this pain in our ass, Murdoc.

Your dad loved that watch. It's hard to imagine him leaving it behind.

Yeah, I know.

When we just weren't talking, that was one thing.

But now...

I mean, not knowing where he is, it's...

Yeah. My dad's not winning any.

"Father of the Year" awards either.

But if he just disappeared, you think something happened to him?

I don't know. That's the worst part of it.

It always has been.

When I was a kid, I used to wish I would find out that he up and left, started a new family somewhere, so at least I'd have an answer.

But now...

...all I have are questions.

Jack, turn the car around. Matty needs us.

I know that everything we do here is highly classified, but what we're about to discuss does not leave this room. Clear?

But-but isn't that what "highly classified" means?

Jack... Okay, if we say yes, will you tell us who she is?

Samantha Cage, CIA.

The accent says otherwise.

I was SAS 4-Squadron before the CIA offered me a job.


That's the covert ops unit of Australian Intelligence, yeah?

That's right. I'm impressed.

You don't even know what that is, Bozer.

True. But it sounds secret agent-y.

Agent Cage's specialty is intel extraction.

What Riley can do to a computer, she can do to a suspect...

Hack their hard drive. Oh, that's adorable.

But yours truly is already well-trained at interrogating hostiles.

If I need info out of somebody who's being stubborn, I can usually just rearrange their face.

Oh, that's adorable, but, you see, I prefer methods that actually work.

Such as?

Let's just say I can be your best friend or your worst nightmare.

So why are you here?

Hey, the last time Matty introduced us to a new face in the Phoenix, I wound up with 20 stitches.

What's this about?

Two years ago, I sent a SEAL team on a classified mission to the Middle East.

Mission went sideways, team was ambushed.

Everyone got out, except one...

Lieutenant J.G. Samuel Diaz's transport was hit by an RPG.

His body was never found.

He was considered K.I.A., until now.

Ten days ago, Diaz's parents were contacted by a small t*rror1st cell claiming that their son is still alive, and demanding $5 million for his release.

So, they had him for two years, and they're just now asking for ransom?

My superiors had the same question: Why now?

I think they've been moving Diaz from one spider hole to another to keep us from finding him.

When the search died down, they decided they want to cash in.

Maybe. But every agency in the Five Eyes has looked into this.

Not one could find proof of life.

The official position of the U.S. government is that this is a hoax.

A terror cell looking to capitalize off of a dead SEAL.

But if they're wrong, then Diaz is still alive, and no one's coming to save him.

Nobody but us, right?

When the CIA denied my official request to lead a rescue mission, I followed a few leads on my own, came up empty, and then decided to call an old friend.

Even if this is a hoax, I need to see it through for Diaz's parents.

They're so desperate for answers, they've set up an online funding page, hoping to raise the $5 million.

...losing a child.

Samuel needs our help now, all of our help, to bring him home safely. I want us to run the rescue mission that our government won't.

Okay? But since this has already been refused through official channels...

It's gonna have to be way off the books.

And you can't order us to help, so...

So we all need to volunteer.

Look, I...

I know you guys just met me, and I'm aware that this is a lot to ask, but I wouldn't be here if I had anywhere else to turn.

I hate asking for money... but this is our son.

And no matter what, I will never give up on my son.

I'm in.

Leave no man behind.

Yeah, I'm down.

All right. I'm in.

Yeah. Let's bring this guy home.

Agent Cage, looks like you got yourself a team.

Thank you.

Thank you.


We're flying over Egypt.

Jack hates Egypt.

We had a... thing in Cairo, and he's clearly still working on it.

Sounds like a story I should hear.

No, no, sorry. No.

We don't talk about Cairo.

He knows that.

We never talk about Cairo, especially not when we're flying directly over Cairo. Just shut up.

You shut up. I'll get it out of you eventually.

People always tell me what I want to know.

Yeah, well, pack a sack lunch there, sweetheart.

It's gonna take you a while.


Hey, you know what, when we get back, we're gonna have to talk to Matty about designating that area a "no fly" zone.

What, the whole country? Sure, why not?

Tell you what, throw in the border countries, too, just to... be safe.

So, whose watch is that?

Old watch, new band, and every time you want to know the time, you're checking your phone.

Matty's right. You're good.

Hey. As long as we're playing 20 questions there, missy, you sure are going through a lot of trouble to find a missing Navy SEAL.

And there's not even proof he's even alive.

I'm yet to hear a question buried in all that innuendo, Jack. Oh, I think you know what the question is. He's working his way up to asking if you and Diaz were together. Ah.

So just because I want to save a man means I must have been sleeping with him.

I don't fish in the company pond.

I never get into relationships with men... or women who I work with.


Ah. This is as far as he'll take us.

That's fine by me... This hay smells like the south end of a northbound mule.

Plus, I'm getting eaten alive down here.

I forgot how much I hate the creepy-crawlies in Turkey.

We almost got stabbed, and that's what you're worried about?

I didn't say I was worried. Dude, you're wearing a purse. Guys, let's move... we got to find another vehicle fast.

Okay, Mac, Jack and Cage are past the first military checkpoint, but they're still 30 miles from where the terror group is holed up.


So, now we provide overwatch until they get there. No, I mean, so, what did you find out about Cage?

Don't act like you didn't do some digging.

Digging into her was like trying to dig up concrete with a spork.

She w SAS.

She does work for the CIA.

But everything else was TS/SCI.

Sensitive Compartmented Information.

Above Top Secret.


More walking.

So, uh, what's the story, Ms. Cage?

If you and this Diaz kid weren't dating...

Which you've made abundantly clear...

Then, uh, why are you doing all this?

Diaz was part of the first SEAL team the CIA paired me with. 2013.

He could tell I was new to the sandbox, and he had my back... He saved my life more times than my ego would like to admit.


Samantha, you do realize that there's a chance that this ransom is a hoax?

Two years is a very... Yeah, it's a very long time.

But either way, his parents will get the truth, and I'll get a chance to find the bastards trying to profit off his death, and break their bones.

So, what's this look like?

You know what, I think I actually can fix this.

Yeah? Yeah.

Looks kind of beyond repair.

Unless you got some bubble gum and a paper clip.

Right, Mac? Or an M-134.




Where did you learn that?

The Army?

A 12-year-old kid in Havana.

We got company, y'all.

Jack, give me your g*n.

Huh? Give me your g*n. Give me your g*n. Get down.

Quick, let's go before they realize I speak in an accent.

That was one badass Jedi mind trick there, lady. Come on.

Nice work.


Hey, Matty, we got eyes on the compound that Riley tracked the t*rrorists to.

Yeah, it's a two-story building with bars on every window, and what looks like heavy-gauge locks on every lower-level door.

All the security upgrades you'd want if you were holding a high-value American hostage.

So, how are we supposed to get in there?

Yeah, and how are we getting in without them hearing?

Breaching any of the windows and doors is gonna make a lot of noise.

I think I know how we're gonna do this. Follow me.

I need you two to grab the back of the pole so that you can anchor me.

Anchor you for what? I wouldn't ask that. Trust me.

I've learned just to have blind faith.

Maybe you should shut your eyes... that'll help.

All right.

All right, so, you guys are gonna walk the end of the pole away from the building, put as much pressure on it as you can, then run straight towards the building, pushing up.

I'm gonna feel a whole lot more comfortable if I understood what we're actually doing, you know? Oh, uh, you guys are gonna help me overcome Earth's gravitational pull.

So three forces to consider.

Obviously, gravity second one's friction...

Never mind. Let's just do this. Come on.

Here good?

Jack, you ready? Yeah.

Three, two, one.

Let's clear the place.


Yeah, we're clear down here.

Hands in the air!


...they definitely got the "don't move" part down.

And I think I know why.

Two sh*ts, center mass. Each and every one.

Look at that. They couldn't even get a shot off.

Whoever did this was fast.

Could've been three or four K*llers the way they got the jump on 'em.

But hey, hey, hey.

What's missing?

Shell casings. Yeah, they picked them up.

We're not dealing with rookies here, Mac.

These guys are pros.

Yeah, but which pros?

Foreign agents or a rival t*rror1st cell?


There's a room behind here.


Well, someone was here, but we can't be sure who.

Yeah, we can.

You sure about that?

331 was Diaz's BUD/S class.

He was here. So now a new group of bad guys has our good guy, and we have no idea where they're taking him.

Or what they plan on doing with him.

So Diaz is alive, but the bad guys who had him are dead?

Then who has him now?

Worse guys.

How'd they even know where Diaz was?

It doesn't matter. What matters is we find him.

Not that you guys can see, but from where I'm sitting, they left some big cyber footprints.

Mac's phone just did a digital handshake with a Wi-Fi router.

And that same router just shook hands with four burner phones just over 23 hours ago.

Well, can you trace those phones and find out where they are now?

It's a fortress.

It's probably got a moat and a drawbridge.

Look at that thing, man.

Actually, it's a hisar.

It's one of the castles built by the sultans of the Ottoman Empire between 1299 and 1453 A.D. Great.

Did you just mansplain to him?

It's not mansplaining if it's man to man... it's just...


And don't worry, he's gonna do the same thing to you, trust me.

Not if he wants to keep all his fingers.

Well, I'm not trying to...

I just know a lot of stuff. Okay, so, Jack might be wrong historically, but he's right tactically.

Whatever this place used to be, it's a fortress now. Well, I think you mean a "hizzar." Hisar. And if we had proof.

Diaz was alive in there, we could call for reinforcements.

So we just need eyes on the inside.


Ah, no, no, stay. Mac, what are...

No, no, just let him be weird.

Trust me.

Okay, here. Jack, I need a cell phone.

He needs a cell phone. Let's go.

I'm not getting this back, am I?

Here you go.

Now, we just need to get it into one of those windows.

I can do that.

Uh, guys, guys. Guys! Guys!

I played, uh, soccer from the time I was four all the way through college.

Yeah? Yeah? And I was the kicker for my middle school football team, okay?

I once had six field goals in one game.

That's a division record. Sweet.

You did say middle school, though, right?

Hey. Lady... Hey, you're drawing attention...

"Lady"? Settle this like adults, okay?

Okay, fine.

Not exactly what I had in mind.

Give me that thing.

You know what, Jack? No, no, just one more.

This is serious. My turn, Beckham.

Be my guest.

Okay, Riley, let's see if this video is good for something aside from making me nauseous.

Hold on. I think I got something.

That's him.


He's alive.

What about the people holding him... Can you help us I.D. them?

Yeah, most of them are wearing keffiyeh to hide their faces...

There's one.

Looks like he might be the guy in charge.

That's the Ten of Spades.

Yeah, now is not the best time for card tricks, Jack.

No, it's not a card trick, Riley, okay?

When they sent us to Iraq in '04, they gave us all decks of cards so we could memorize the faces of high-value targets.

Iraqi Minister of Defense was the Eight of Hearts.

S*ddam was the Ace of Spades, and that barrel of monkeys right there, he was the Ten.

Tahir Ali al-Tikriti: Acid Ali.

A commander in the Iraqi Republican Guard and the last uncaptured w*r criminal of S*ddam's regime.

We've got everyone else in the deck, but the Ten of Spades was never found.

If we play our cards right, we can get him right now.

Now that we have proof of life, I can get a SEAL team here in six hours.

I don't think we have that long.

I was able to stabilize a little more of the video.

And I don't think our Ten of Spades is planning on demanding ransom.

Guys, we don't have time to wait for the SEALs.

He'll be dead in two hours.

We have to rescue Diaz now.

Before they k*ll him with the whole world watching.

Riley, we need a map of this place.

A map you can get on Wikipedia.

I'm getting full schematics of all defensive upgrades since this hisar was built.

How come everybody knows that but me?

Okay, almost there.

Almost? Do I need to remind you of the clock we're on right now, Riley?

No, Jack. Do I need to remind you I'm hacking the secured network of a foreign government in a language I don't speak?

No. But also...

I'm in.


So we're looking at a 6,000 square foot building, with two levels, not including the basement.

And 13, 14, 15 rooms, which is bad because Diaz could be in any one of them.

There's a room in the center of the basement no windows, one door.

Perfect place for a hostage.

Best way breach is gonna be to parachute under the cover of night.

Except we don't have a parachute, a plane, or, you know...

Don't be negative, okay? I'm just spit-ballin', okay? Okay.

Hey, uh, Riley. My Turkish is a little rusty.

Can you translate that text?

All right, it says, "The foundation was repaired in 1998 using the beam and base underpinning method."

Thank you, Bob Vila. How does that help us?

Well, the Ottomans did build a lot of their castles on top of even older Roman ruins.

Does he always give a history lesson?

Yes, but that's a good thing, because it always leads to him saying... I have an idea.

And there it is. Beam and base underpinning is a method of foundation reinforcement, used when the ground beneath the building is unable to bear the load.

Riley, switch the satellite to radar imagery.

Are those...?


Catacombs, technically.

The Romans built them everywhere.

So instead of going in from above at night, I'm going in from below right now.

The closest entry is three miles away.

What's your plan? To just walk in and carry him out?

Oh, no. Walking would be too slow.

I'm gonna have to swim.

But I'm gonna need a big distraction up top to cover what I'm doing down below.

We just touched down, Bozer's en route.

Copy that.

I was able to get enough clothes for Jack, Bozer, and I from a local farmer.

How's it going here?

Yeah, good. I'm just finishing up with this thing.

What is this?

It's a, uh, diver propulsion vehicle.

Well, it's my quick and dirty version of one.

It's how I'm gonna get through the three miles of catacombs so quickly.

But the catacombs aren't underwater.

No, they're not, not yet.

Jack, how's it coming over there?

Oh, well, it stinks to high heaven, but it's getting really thick. Look at that.

Well, you're not supposed to inhale the fumes, "A," and "B," thick is good. That means it's ready.

That looks like C4. Uh, it's not exactly C4, but it's not too far off, either.

I couldn't find what I needed laying around, so I had to make do.

Here you go.

And Jack... Don't agitate the expl*sive.

Yeah, I got it. No. It's not shock sensitive.

I was just gonna say, "hurry."

As in "hurry." Go. Go.

Where exactly do you want me to put this thing again?


Equi... what?

In the middle, between the two I-beams.

Yeah, yeah. Okay.

"Equidistant." Why didn't you just say "in the middle"?

Hey, Mac, wait. Uh...

Look, I-I dig your whole hero vibe. Really, I do.

But you and Jack have gone above and beyond and it really should be me going down there.

I promised I'd get Diaz back, too.

Besides, if this breaks down, I'm the only one who can fix it.

Okay. Your Campbell's Chunky Boom Boom's in place.

What's next? Uh, yeah, just help me get down here with all the stuff.

We've got 30 minutes till they live-stream Diaz's m*rder.

You sure that's enough time? It's gonna have to be.

That shaped charge is gonna punch a hole in the dam and it's gonna flood the catacombs.

Then after about 20 minutes, that pressure's gonna widen the hole.

Then the whole damn dam comes down.

And if I'm not back by then, or if I'm wrong about any of this, Diaz and I both drown.

See why it should be me?

Jack. Yeah, it's coming.

Mac? Good luck down there.

All right, Mac.

Turn right...

Now. And in 60 feet you'll be in position.

You're now in the corridors right beneath the compound.

You see a tunnel leading off to the east?

Catacomb, but, yeah.


137 paces down that hall puts your right beneath Diaz's cell.

All right.

Front entrance has three guards, all armed.

Two on the roof, two in the courtyard.

Copy that.

Stay put and stay safe, Bozer.

We don't need anybody else putting any more holes in you, man.



Well, that didn't go as planned.

But we got their attention, now let's keep it.

Jack and Cage have them distracted.

Mac, you're up.


Okay, Mac. You're now right beneath the room.

What are the exact dimensions again?

Ten by ten.

Hey, but Mac, how does that help you blow a hole in the middle of the floor?

I'm not blowing a hole in the middle of the floor.

I'm bringing the floor to me.

Lieutenant Diaz. My name's MacGyver.

I'm with the U.S. government.

And I'm here to save you. Thank you.

Don't thank me, thank Agent Cage. Samantha?

She's here?

If you want to see her, I suggest we get moving quick.

What? This is our way out?

Yeah. And you're just gonna have to trust me.

Take those.

Okay. Package is in hand.

Yeah, copy that, Mac.

Ready for...

Mac has got the package, and he's heading for exfil.

Hey, we're about to bail on this party, Cage. You ready?

Oh, yeah. Cover me.

Drop them!

Get on the ground.

On your knees. Man, I ain't getting on my knees.

So you're the Ten of Spades, huh?

You know, we've actually met.

Have we? Yeah.

Well, not-not formally. It was right around the time you and your boys were invading Kuwait.

I was put on special assignment by the U.S. government to take you out, and I don't mean for a cocktail.

I guess your mission was a failure, huh?

Well, combination of bad intel, and the fact that you're a real flake, man. You didn't even show up.

But it's a blessing in disguise, 'cause now, here we are, you know, sharing all this quality time together.

Actually, I have to be somewhere, so our quality time is over.

It was Mr. Bozer in the dining room with the candlestick.

Bozer, what the hell, man?

Uh, don't you mean, thank you?

Uh, no. I mean, "What the hell, man?" I have a plan. A plan?

What plan? You were on your knees with your eyes closed.

I told you to stay outside.

Uh, yeah, and if I had, you'd be dead, and then we'd be missing the member of our crew with the dope karaoke skills.

I just saved your life, Jack.

Well, I guess maybe you did, didn't you? I did.

Come here. Uh, I did, didn't I?

Ah! So Mac's not the only one you owe a Wookie life-debt to.

No, no, no, don't-don't talk about Wookie life-debts.

Okay? That's real serious. Oh, okay.

Save it for Comic-Con, boys.

I got an exfil team standing by.

Okay. I'll get the legs. Yeah.

This is it.

It's too high.

What's that sound?

That is the sound of the dam finally breaking.

Guys, let's go. We got to hurry.

Any chance you got a rope up there?

Next best thing, bud.

Meet me halfway.

Come on!

All right.

Lieutenant Diaz is home with his family right now, and as far as I'm concerned, the three of you are heroes.

But... not everybody agrees with me.

And those who don't feel that you three broke the rules and you need to be punished.

Oversight has informed me that I need to officially warn you both about your role in this mission.

An official warning? That's it? It's just an official warning?

Dude, I got so many warnings on my record, I've lost count. Oh, man.

It'll go in your permanent file.

So what? Okay.

Not sure why you'd wear this as a badge of honor, Jack.

But, yeah, you're right.

It's a slap on the wrist for you two.

Well, yeah. What about Cage?

Unfortunately, the penalty for Cage is more severe.

The CIA is officially discharging you, effective immediately.

You may be brought up on charges.

Could mean jail time.

Well, I knew that was a likely outcome.

But you went anyway.


And I'd do it again.

So now that you're unemployed, would you like a job?

What? Hey, whoa. Now wait a second.

That is a group decision.

Okay, we're a team, need a big group dinner, maybe get around a big table, with some... I like it.

What do you say? Well, a job wouldn't mean much if I'm in jail.

Don't worry about that. I have a plan.

When do I start?

Right now.

That really hurt, though. Relax.

See, because this wasn't an official mission, I was under no obligation to hand over any intel that we may have gathered or prisoners that we may have captured.

So, whatever intel we get from him today, we're gonna use that as leverage.

So, you're going to offer the CIA a trade.

They get what's in his head, and I get all charges dropped.

Just hope he's as valuable as we suspect.

You and I both know that men like this have secrets.

The trick is getting it out of 'em, and knowing you, that shouldn't be a problem.

Good luck.

You okay?


Glad to be back home.

What the...?!

Hola, Senor Boze. What the hell?!

You look like you could use a shot, my dude.

Am I being punked? Where are the cameras?

Who did this to you? Jack did this, didn't he?

If you mean the Jackster, hells yeah.

We had the most intense road trip while you were chilling in the ICU.

Me, J-man, and Mac... three bros on the open road. Hey, what in the world... I learned how to make the perfect Cadillac margarita...

What'd you do? I reset him.

Millions in hardware and R&D, and Jack turned him into a frat bro.

Looks like he's been playing beer pong all morning.

We got a lot of reprogramming to do. A lot.

Come on! So disappointed in you.

I think I smell alcohol on your hard drive.

Here you go, man.

Thanks. Cheers.

Miss Cage is pretty great, huh?


Mm. Well.

I mean, I think she's awesome, but I just kind of figured you'd be all...

"Man, that gol-durn girl's gonna be

"messing up our mojo, man.

We got to get her out." Okay, all right.

I don't sound like that, least.

I don't know, man.

I like her. She's cool.

Yeah. Yeah.

So you're gonna get all worked up about her messing with our mojo later then? I reserve that right.

Of course, yes.

I do think we should probably tell her about the whole Mad Murdoc situation, since joining our merry little band's gonna put her right in the crosshairs. You know what I mean? Agreed.

Although it's not like we have a whole lot of... actionable intel to share.

What do you mean?

We know he's not in Cuba. That...

True, but it never hurts to have another big brain in there cooking up ways to find him.

Let's not forget, he is a full-blown psychopath.

And he's not the only one we need to find.

We are gonna keep looking for your old man, aren't we?

I guess.

Come on. What do you mean, you guess?

Seeing that video of Diaz's father made me wonder.

Would my dad do something like that for me?

Well, that's a wrong question.

Would you do something like that for him?

Look, man, the truth can be complicated, especially when it comes to family, but that's a two-way street, bro.

Hey, maybe he gave up on you all those years ago, and maybe he had a very good reason for that.

But either way, that's no reason just to give up on him now.

Come on.

He is your dad and...

You ain't got but one.

You've read my material.


Hey, Jack?

Yeah? Come here.

Is that you? Yeah.

On my tenth birthday. This is...

This was taken the day my dad left.

Well, he hid it in there for a reason. It's got to be a clue, right?

I don't know. But I'm gonna find out.