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05x04 - Banh Bao + Sterno + Drill + Burner + Mason

Posted: 01/10/21 08:27
by bunniefuu
Did you think about what I suggested we try?

- I did.

- Are you nervous?


Just didn't think you wanted to try that. You act like you've never done it before.


Look, if it goes wrong, it's just really hard to look each other in the face the next morning.

TAYLOR (OVER RADIO): I have weapons manifest, but my cover's blown.

(a*t*matic g*nf*re)


TAYLOR: Coming in hot!

The trick is to relax.

Don't clench.

That's easy for you to say.

Is there another way out?



MACGYVER: As you know, reinforced glass is resilient to impact. But creating a temperature differential... fire, then ice... will create just enough strain between the layers that a high-velocity impact over a small area - will be magnified.

- Let's go.
So, do you want to do it?


For the love of God, man, just tell her you'll meet her bloody parents!


- Okay, Mom, Mimi, - age ...

- Well, says she's .

Well, she lies about being vegan also, apparently.

Uh, she loves horror movies, though.

Your dad is Danh, uh, .

He, um, uh...

Oh, he loves tennis and he hates dumplings.

All they care about is if you love me.


Let's go.


Uh, Simon.

Simon's your brother, he's , medical examiner.

Golden child.

He hates Jim Carrey, but he loves Ace Ventura.

I don't get that.
What about me?

Am I your, uh, boyfriend, guy you're dating or your lover?

First off, "lover".


Second, let's avoid labels...

it complicates things, okay?

Besides, I'm not worried about how you fit in.

I'm worried about how I fit in.


Is that you, baby?

Get in here.

- I thought you were burglars.

- Hi.


It's lovely to meet you, ma'am.

_ BOZER: You don't think it's a little weird Mac hasn't met Desi's parents yet?

Uh, no.

I-I think it's weird you've been texting him about it for the last hour.

I'm being a supportive friend.

How about you be a supportive friend and help me with this security upgrade?

- Fair enough.


Hey, Matty.

How's the science fair?

Riley, I need that supplemental background check you worked up on Eli Brown.


The kid must've nailed it.

geniuses from ten different states, and Eli beat all of them with a ' Chevelle that runs on hydrogen fuel cells.

Of course, now we have every tech company in America down here trying to recruit him.

Copy that.

Sending now.

That thing is an abomination.

He's turned a -horsepower V- American classic into a bloody golf cart...

probably sounds like a weasel dying when you hit the gas.

You know, Matty, I'm not sure about this...

recruiting civilians, let alone a child.

MATTY: He's not a child.

He's a genius who could probably turn you into a cyborg - if you paid him enough money.

- Yes, he's been expelled from his last six schools.

He's got a complicated past...

makes him a perfect recruit for the Phoenix.


Phoenix Foundation.

Okay, uh, let me guess.

You guys want me to make prosthetic wings for injured bald eagles at your exotic bird sanctuary.

If it helps to save the world, then sure.


I'm Matilda Webber.

I was hoping to speak with you or your parents.

Foster parents.

They're not here.

They travel for work.

Oh, foster mommy and daddy not here to watch you win first prize?

I always win.

So no big deal, right?

WOMAN: Hey, Eli!

Come on back...

there's someone I want you to meet.

Yeah, yeah.




Look, I got to get back in there to collect all my trophies, crush other kids' dreams, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

You guys seem nice, but I have no interest in saving the world.

You have bigger plans?

I'm gonna make a billion dollars before I turn .

That's cool, but...

a billion dollars doesn't go as far as it used to.


Then I guess I'll make $ billion.

Start there.

Hey, maybe I'll buy your foundation.

Help you out.

Now I like him.

_ Is that you and Desi in kindergarten?

I can't remember.

All righty, then.

Mom just said she could do the splits, and I thought she was joking, - and then she did the splits.


In the kitchen.

I put her in yoga twice a week after she threw out her back.


When did she throw out her back?

It's fine now. I took care of it.


Your brother's on the phone a lot.

He doesn't like me, does he?

- That's a tell, right?

- No, it's...

I hope you're hungry, Mac.

We like to judge all of Desi's boyfriends by how many spring rolls they stuff into their face.

All of Desi's boyfriends?

Ah, so many names.


Can you just at least let me get drunk before you humiliate me?

MIMI: We've been trying to get Desi to settle down for a while now, but...

we've just learned...

not to get too attached.

DANH: Our kids are just very different.

Simon was always very studious, honors at medical school, doctor, - great career...

- Yeah.

Yeah, it's, um, been mentioned.

Many, many times.

Desi's more "just go with the flow", but we're very proud of her for being, what, a security guard now?

I work in private security, Dad.

I don't chase skateboarders around a strip mall.


I really hate not being able to tell them what we do.

I have to run back to the office for a while.

Tell Mom and Dad to start brunch without me.



- Where... ?



- Where's Simon?

We can't start without Simon!

He had to go back to the office.

And actually, we are gonna go make a quick stop to the market to grab some bánh bao buns.

You guys know how much I love bánh bao buns, huh?



Noticing a distinct lack of buns.

Do you want to tell me what's going on?

My brother's been distant lately, and I needed somebody with an objective opinion to tell me that my training was making me paranoid.

But even you said that he was acting weird.

I think he's in some sort of trouble.

Well, you could've just said that.

I really did want you to meet my parents.

I swear.

Just two birds, one stone, that's...


- I'm sorry.

- It's okay.


No excuses.

You said you would do it, and when you didn't...

It's Simon.

I can't make out what they're saying.


MACGYVER: When Thomas Edison invented the microphone in , he had no idea that something called a "power drill" could be used in the same way a century and a half later. By harnessing sound waves through a drill bit, using a plastic plate, you can bounce a tiny magnet around a coil of wire to create an electrical current, which then feeds into a Bluetooth speaker, thus your very own listening device. That's a drill.

(WHISPERS): I know.

It's a morgue drill...

and you touched it.

- Gross.


MAN (MUFFLED): You think this is about you?

(OVER SPEAKER): We're not going to start with you.

You screw this up, we go visit your mom and dad.

Well, well, well.

Back for more, huh?

Well, when I see potential, I don't give up.

Well, a lot of therapists and foster parents told me I had potential.

What do you bring to the table?

Focus, teamwork, friends, a lab...

full of people just like you, so you don't have to work alone anymore.

TAYLOR: Matty?

A word?

- I'll be right...

- Please?

Don't leave.

I'll be right back.

Are you serious, Russ?

I just had him.

I was talking to him.

- You distracted me...

- Jogger in blue.

That's the third time.


- We're being watched.

Nobody knows we're here.


Unless it's not us.


In the car!



- Hey, hey, hey, whoa!

- Help!

- Hey!





Get in!


Any idea who those chaps are, why they're after you?

No clue.



God, Desi, where...

Who was he, huh?

That guy that just left.

MACGYVER: Simon...

we heard what he said about your parents.

If you're in some kind of trouble, I want to help.

Well, that's new.

Thanks, but I'm handling it.

- Doesn't seem like it.

- What are you doing here, Desi?

Why do you suddenly care about the family?

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Let's just take a breath.

Look, I get it, okay?

Congratulations, you're the golden child.

I don't give a crap about that right now.

That guy, he threatened our parents.

I'm not the golden child.

I just didn't take off like you.

- I served my country.

- And I took care of the family.

And you never wanted my help!

- Okay, Desi?

- What?!


Just take a breath, both of you.

Because your parents are in danger, so you're gonna have to work together.

Simon, please, trust me when I say that your sister can help.

We can help.

We can.


In order to explain this, I need to pull the files, introduce you to Mr.


All right, who's Mr.




- Oh.

This day, huh?

All right, tell them to prep a safe house.

"Safe house"?

Like a spy safe house?

What is it you guys do again?

So I hit a few different indexes.

Ran Eli's social, came back legit.

But it came from a database of numbers assigned to people in WITSEC.

Hang on.

You were in witness protection?


His papers were doctored to hide him in the system.

His foster parents, caseworkers, none of them had a clue.

Wait, why was I in witness protection?

We don't know yet.

All we know right now is clearly someone from your past isn't finished with you.

BOZER: That has to wait.

Cameras show an SUV matching the description of the guys who grabbed Eli pulling into the lot right now.

TAYLOR: How on earth did they find us so fast?

They'd have to track you like we do.

Have access to traffic cameras, CCTV.

Right, well, I'll distract them.

I assume you can drive?

Let me help.

I have an idea.

Well, you seem to think he's got what it takes.

Let's see.


The cool thing about most cars' auto-park feature is that it's easily hacked.

It's only a small jump from auto-park to auto-drive.

Your phone, please?

♪♪ Maybe there are two Macs, God help us.

Well, can Mac make a self-driving car in under two minutes?

- Definitely.

- Uh, come to think of it, yes.

How much time do I have?

Negative time, great.



Breathe, Eli, okay?

Take a breath.




Start with the basics.


see if you can turn the air conditioning on remotely.

Right... air conditioning.


Well done.

All right.


Working to k*ll the brakes.

Revving the engine.






Now, show me what you got.


Thank you.



Riley, I'm sending you the plates now.

I want you to start in the law enforcement databases.

I mean, these guys tracked us in record time.

Who else could've accessed the traffic camera logs so quickly?

Oh, man.

Hey, Matty, you're right.

That car you just stole, those guys with g*ns...

they're Feds.

Eli, you're being hunted by the FBI.


Lao came in last week.

Postal worker.

Preliminary ruling was su1c1de.

But I think it's m*rder.

DESI: Why would anybody want - a postal worker dead?

- SIMON: I don't know.


There's no reason why a hanging victim would have bruising above his head and on his back.

Or burst capillaries around his eyes or mouth.

Maybe the cops didn't find anything suspicious at the scene, but were they looking?

I mean, really looking?

All I'm saying is, as a medical examiner, I know every body tells a story.

And this one...

it doesn't point towards su1c1de.

So you delayed filing the cause of death.

This guy shows up.

He's threatened me a couple times now.

He says I have to sign off on "su1c1de" or...

He knows where Mom and Dad live.

You know what, I have an idea.

Simon, you're gonna contact the guy.

No... way.

- It's too dangerous.

- You don't think I can handle myself?

Do you have combat experience?

Des, he's gonna be fine.

We'll have his back.

So, here's what I'm thinking.

Simon contacts the guy, says he'll I.D. the cause of death as su1c1de, but he needs a few hours to process the paperwork.

Now, that window of time allows us to comb the crime scene for the smoking g*n that we need to put this guy away.

Does that work?

I'm in, if you are.

All right.

Let's do it.

So, what exactly would a government tracking device look like, in this case?

Well, Sherlock, anything you wouldn't normally find in an engine.

I suspect today's provided at least a little more excitement than you would normally expect from a think t*nk.

I thought you guys just sat around a WeWork, philosophizing about world peace.

This is legit.

Maybe after I make my bank, we will work together.


There you are, you little bugger.



There it is.

Anybody think legitimate FBI agents would be hunting Eli, g*ns drawn?

RILEY: Well, considering the agent who signed out that vehicle was suspended from field work, I'm saying they're dirty.

TAYLOR: Right.

So, years ago, someone placed you in WITSEC.

They created a whole new identity for you.

The only thing they didn't falsify was...

your Social Security number that remains anchored to you for your whole life.

Now, you were a... child then, so not much use for your Social.

Until now.

Recruiters have been pinging that number nonstop.

It's no longer dormant.

Somebody's been waiting a very long time for you to surface.

RILEY: There were a number of FBI agents connected to Eli's sealed WITSEC file.

The list is two pages long.

Well, we desperately need someone connected to the original case to tell us how Eli wound up in witness protection, but...

every last one of those names could be dirty, for all we know.

BOZER: There is one name from the case that's no longer with the agency, so, in theory, we know we can trust him.

Elliot Mason.

Oh, no.

Mason's not gonna help us with this.

And even if he were in a particularly magnanimous mood, we don't have the slightest clue where to find him.

Actually, I might.


Hello, Mason.


Let me see your hands.

Well, it took you long enough.

That ridiculous cell phone trace of yours was screwing up my reception.

If you knew that we were tracing your cell phone, why didn't you ditch your device?

'Cause I thought it'd be beneficial to all of us if we met one last time so that I could tell you to your face.

My son is dead.

MacGyver's father is dead.

I have no interest in coming after you.

In fact, I have no interest in you whatsoever.

I have a few beautiful chapters left in an otherwise very simple life.

So, thank you.

Now, get out.

Well, even if you have a simple life, you have a very complicated past.

♪♪ Xiang.



I'll never get over that eerie feeling of being inside a m*rder victim's home.

They always smell like iodine from Forensics.

Smell stays with you.

You visit a lot of m*rder scenes in the world of private security?

Look at all these friends.

Who would have had a motive for k*lling Mr. Lao?

Maybe he saw something on his mail route he wasn't supposed to see.

Or maybe he had some gambling debts.

DESI: Or maybe it was something more personal.

This Vietnamese market.

Mom and Dad used to shop there all the time.

SIMON: They still do.

Who do you think takes 'em every Sunday?

You've got that look.

Well, take a look at these photos.

They're not just casual sh*ts of food and random people.

DESI: They're with all the owners of the stalls.

Like Mr. Lao had a personal relationship with them.

There's a shell corporation that connects Mr. Lao to the license of the Vietnamese market.

- But we're not sure what that means yet, and...


Oh, you will not believe this.

Mr. Lao wasn't just a mailman.

On paper, he was a multimillionaire.

All the land that Vietnamese market sits on, Benjamin Charles Lao inherited it years ago.

And he never sold it.

He probably wanted to preserve it for the community.

He had offers.

Over a dozen real estate firms bidding on that property over the years.

Who made the last offer?

Port Madison Inc.

- Some real estate firm out of Sacramento.



There's all kinds of lawsuits and criminal investigations around them.

A massive land deal they can buy up at auction.

Sounds like a motive to me.

DESI: But how does that help?

We still need physical evidence of the k*ller, and this whole place has been scrubbed down to make it look like a su1c1de.


Oxygenated bleach?

No way.

Check for a laundry room.

I'll check the kitchen.


Did you hear that little dig he tried to get in earlier?

You know, I brought you to meet my family so I could have a little emotional backup.

I thought you brought me here for my objective opinion.

I lied.

Well, you're gonna get it anyways.

And you're not gonna like it.

I would be more a part of their lives if I could just share mine.

It's not the job that's getting in the way of you being a part of their lives.

Found it.



You two nerds want to fill me in?

Oxygenated bleach is the only kind that actually removes blood stains completely.

But it also stains certain types of fabric and wood.

Mr. Lao didn't have any wounds that would bleed.

So the blood that was cleaned up must have come from the k*ller, which means there was a struggle.


So his DNA is around here somewhere.

We just got to find it.

I've known you since you were five years old.

But before I get started, there's something I must tell you.

Your parents, your real mother and father, are no longer with us.

I'm sorry.

They passed.

Tell me about them.

They were Chinese nationals living here in the United States.

They had connections to the Chinese Defense Ministry.

Were they smart?

They were, yes.

They were brilliant.

They were kind.

They were generous.

I would even call them heroes.

They loved you.

My partner Joshua and I were counterintelligence to the FBI.

Parents secretly came to us with intel regarding a Chinese mole in the Bureau.

In exchange for that intel, they wanted to defect.

Instead, we convinced them to work for us.

My parents were spies?


And I regret it.

Because if they defected, they'd be alive today.

But we needed their help.

We had a mole, but we didn't know who.

Your parents were collecting encrypted communication between themselves and the mole.

I think they discovered the mole, but the mole discovered them.

They could have called me or Joshua, but they didn't trust anybody in the Bureau.

So they picked you up, and they bolted.

They hid out for three days.

By the time I got to them, they were on the run again.

When I finally found them...

... it was too late.


I tried to save them, but...

But the mole k*lled them.

MASON: Yeah.

I put you in WITSEC.

I buried your identity.

I altered your file so that no one in the Bureau, not even the traitor, could find you.

I even lost touch with you.

Then again, we never found the mole, either.

But if anybody's looking for you, it's got to be him, and he'd be pretty high up in the Bureau by now.

You saved my life.

MATTY: What does the mole want with Eli, Mason?

I mean, what are they after?

There's one loose end.

The encrypted communication between his parents and that mole.

It's on a burner phone.

Would expose his identity, his entire network.

We never found it.

He was on the run with his folks for three days.

Hiding out.

They would have kept that phone as collateral.

They would have stashed it someplace.

So, the mole thinks Eli might remember where.

I was five.

How am I supposed to remember where my parents stashed a phone?

We have to find that phone, or these people will never stop hunting you.

In psyops, we learn that memories are deeply linked to the amygdala, the physical senses... sight, taste, smell.

Recreating those senses can...

You can get even deeper memories.

If we take Eli back to the location where his parents were m*rder*d...

Then you can walk him backwards and help him remember where his parents might have hidden that phone.

That might work.

I'll draw you a map.

No, Mason.

We can't solve this without you.

I mean, nobody knows this case better than you.

I told you, I'm done.

You owe us.

You burned our servers.

You k*lled Charlie.

In payback for the death of my son.

And then I saved MacGyver, so in my book, you owe me.

Think of your son.

He's dead.

I never stop thinking about him.

Then do you think your son would have wanted you to help Eli?





This table was bumped to the right.

The indentations in the rug are a couple inches off.


This chair has an indentation in the rug slightly to my right, and this table, slightly to my left.

Okay, so...

Simon, can you stand right here?

Desi, you're the k*ller.

So, k*ller enters the room, immediately grabs Mr. Lao, pushing him back into the table.

It knocks it back a little bit.

Now Mr. Lao fights back, grabs the k*ller, pushing him back through the table and the chair.

Now, where do they go?



Their momentum carries them back into the mantle.


Then they fall, but where?

Didn't you say that Lao had, uh, bruising above his hairline?


They bounce off, stumble backwards.

Lao hits his head on the leg of that table.

Based on the angle of descent, the k*ller would have fallen...

into the vent.

Many HVAC systems use an electrostatic charge as a filter to pull out fine particles from the air of your home. All sorts of materials interact with this sort of charge: water, metals and, as we all know from winter days... (SIGHS)


Red hair.

That's what I call a smoking g*n.



Quick, Des, get their plates.


What kind of think t*nk teaches you that?

Sedan's registered to Port Madison Inc.

- They found you.

- Simon, go to the police.

Tell 'em what we found... the blood, the hair.

Mac and I will go get Mom and Dad.


Any of this look or feel familiar to you?

Is this where my parents died?


Physical locations can be a strong trigger for memories.

MATTY: Eli, I want you to go stand next to the tree, okay?

And just like before, slow your breath.

Now I want you to touch the tree.

Feel the bark underneath your fingers.


What do you feel?

I'm sorry.

Um, look, I didn't even know I'd met my birth parents.

I don't think this is gonna work.

TAYLOR: Look, memories can be hazy.

But violent, stressful acts are so well coded, so written into our beings forevermore, they're indelible.

You know this.

You've lived it.

Eli, you can do this, okay?

Close your eyes and take a breath.




It was dark.

It was dark, - and my parents were arguing.

- I'm going...
The more small details you can recall, the easier it'll be for you to remember the big things.


I had ice cream.

My face was all sticky,
- and so were the sleeves of my shirt.

- MATTY: Okay.
That's good.

Let's stay with the ice cream.

Eli, think about the flavor.

The scent.

It was strawberry.

Strawberry ice cream from this place with a black-and-white sign.

I loved it there 'cause you could hear the train whistle.

MATTY: A train whistle.



Think about outside the ice cream parlor.

ELI: I wanted to go back - to a yellow brick building.

'Cause it was safe there. But my mom said no, and we got in the car.

Go faster, go faster.

They're gaining on us.

I think they're gaining on us.






You were the one chasing us.

You're the reason my parents are dead.

I'm the reason you're still alive, kid.

No, it was you!

- Listen to me.

Listen to me.


Yeah, I was there!


Yes, I was there.

I was alone without backup.

Joshua was following one lead.

I was following the other.

By the time I got here, your parents were already dead.

I had one split-second decision to make: - save you or chase that SUV.

- No, no, you're lying.

- You're lying!

- Save...

save you or chase that SUV.

- Shut up!

You're a liar!

- Let him go.



MACGYVER: They must have been keeping surveillance on your brother, and when he didn't go home, - it rang alarm bells.





Mom, listen, you and Dad need to lock the doors and hide until I get there, okay?

Where's Simon?

Is he with you?

I'll explain everything later, okay?

I promise.

Just do it.

Riley, get me every ice cream parlor between the family's permanent residence in Pinecliff and this location.

He said he'd been to that ice cream parlor several times.

Copy that.

Eli said he wanted to go back to the yellow brick building.

That's a place where he felt safe during the chaos.

That must have been where the family was hiding out during this ordeal.

Okay, adding to the search.

Hostels, motels, apartment buildings with a yellow brick exterior, located near an ice cream parlor within driving range.

Got it.

They must have been at the Pinecliff Road Apartments.

The building's closed now.

It's being refitted for condos.

Located near a creamery that's since been closed down half a mile from a train station.

Well, I'll be damned.

After years, this kid is gonna get to finally close the book.

Yes, he will.

Let's go tell him.


He's gone.






- Eli!

- Help!

They got him.

Let's go.


I had every faith our roads would intersect again.

Now all we have to do is get into that big old brain of yours, see what you remember.

Sound like a plan?


Oh, Desiree, you should've announced yourselves!

Your father could've k*lled your friend, your friend...

I'm sorry, what's your name?

Uh, MacGyver...


No need to apologize.

What you said to your mother on the phone was very upsetting!

And why is he barricading my door?!

There are some violent people after us.

After you.

- After us?

- I'll explain later.

- Where's my Simon?

Is he safe?


Mom, Dad, go hide.

Don't come out no matter what you hear.

Please, go!

Come on, come on.

- Mac.

- Come on.


RILEY: Security camera across the street gives me movement on the third floor.

TAYLOR: Question is, which one?

Can't just start banging in doors.


Somebody spilled some varnish.

I need your light.

Good boy.




Somebody forgot to check their blind spot.


You know me well enough, partner, to know I'm not bluffing.

Nobody gets out of here alive until I get that burner phone.

- (g*n CLICKS)

- So, where is it, kid?


Call the police.

Get back upstairs.




Take what you want!

Just get out of here and leave us alone!


What are you doing?

Do not touch my dad!

Let's go.

Move it.

You okay?





Who the hell are you?

- Aah!


Is that my mini vacuum?



I can, I can fix it.

I swear.

I do it all the time.

♪♪ JOSHUA: I walk out of here with the burner phone, and you can have the kid.

That kid does not remember where the burner phone is, Joshua.

Well, he better think real hard.

MASON: I'll trade you.

The kid for me.


What am I supposed to do with you?

MASON: Bring me in.

I'm a wanted man.

You'll be a hero.

Me for the kid.

Come on.

After all these years, you still think you're the smartest one in the room?

MASON: I made you an offer, Joshua.

You're in charge here.

Eli, get down!




- ELI: Hey, hey, hey!



Is he dead?



I'm all right, kid.




You got what you want.

One more thing.

Can I have my own office?

You'll be in the lab with everybody else.

It's a very, very nice lab.

But don't ask about the salary because it's terrible.

What about Mason?

He just disappeared before I could even say thank you.

Mason isn't exactly in the FBI's good graces.

But he did give me this.

When your parents were on the run, they loaded their burner phone with everything valuable to them, from encrypted communication with a Chinese mole to photos of their one and only son.


So, that lad is our future at the Phoenix, is he?


Oh, whatever.



Remember when you missed that championship goal and you kicked a dent in your dad's car?


You used to be...

so small.

And now you're so... not.


I'm sorry I don't come around more often.

I just...

MIMI: You're busy.

Don't apologize.

And after we saw you do what you did today...

We know, whatever it is, it must be important.

And dangerous.

We're sorry we ever doubted you.



How about I stick around for a couple days?

I'll take you guys to the market.

Or maybe some yoga and do some downward dog.


You can invite your new boyfriend.

He's very...



Yeah, he is.

(EXHALES): Oh...