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02x14 - LNWILT

Posted: 01/03/21 11:21
by bunniefuu
Dylan, this cart goes to 63rd and 6th as soon as the C-4 is loaded.

But we got a problem with the propane.

I'm gonna need to switch it out.


This is the FBI!

Stay where you are!

Don't move!

Put your weapons down!

We have you surrounded!

- We got a runner.

- On it.

Headed past 50th, towards the embankment.

Mind if I join the party?

Better late than never.

Well, you took off running.

I didn't get a chance.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Are we calling dibs or...


Alex, what is it?

What's wrong?


You were saying something about "better late than never"?

Ugh, I forgot about the FBI's physical-fitness requirements.

You may have gotten your badge back, but you still have to work for it.

- Aha.

I was wondering when the bat signal would go off.

Your car or mine?

Six-hour drive.

If you're offering...

You know, you'd think a top-secret task force like ours would have some perks, a helicopter maybe.

Well, there are perks.

We both get to work with our ex-boyfriends.

Oh, yay.

What about Nimah?

Heard from her?

What, since she wasn't arrested for aiding and abetting a domestic act of terrorism?

No, I haven't, and I don't think that anyone else should, either.

Shelby, she's part of the team.

We can't ignore her.

We can try.

Just for that crack, you're driving.


_ Hey.

Where are you going?

_ D?jà vu.

For you, sure.

For me, it's a whole new world.

Hey, I finally get to see The Farm, the place you've talked about for way too long now.

It's really not that special.

You told me they have a spa.

That was a rumor.

Oh, my God.

Do I have something in my teeth?


He's here.

- Who, Ryan?

- Not Ryan.


So what?

Alex, I am a big girl.

Besides, it's not like we had some horrible fight last time we saw each other.

We're Facebook friends.

We wish each other happy birthday.

Come on.

Let's say hello.


Well, hey.

Fancy bumping into you.

Shelby Wyatt, what are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

You know who I am.

Why would I answer that question?

Well, you know who I am.

Why would I answer that question?


Who are you, and how do you know each other?

Well, even though we've never formally met...

I think you've formally met enough of my family.


This is Caleb's brother, Clayton Haas.

- Don't ever say that name.

- Excuse me?

You say that name, and...

And I hear you saying my father's name in places that no child should ever have to imagine their father's name being said, and then come the images and...


I'm Clay, not Clayton.

And this moment that's happening right now, I have gone out of my way to ensure that it doesn't happen in my life.

I need to make a call.

Caleb has a brother?

And a sister.

She's nice, though.

Well, at least she was the last time I saw her.

That was before I...



Let's drop it.

Claire, we need to talk.


So, this is The Farm.

You don't seem excited anymore.

I can't say that I am.




- Alex.

- Hey, D.

How are you?

- Good.

- You remember...

Corporate goddess and badass agent Shelby Wyatt?

How could I forget?

We're about to become old friends.

So, what do you think happened?

Another t*rror1st event?

Well, If Alex is here, there can't be one far behind.

- Funny.

- It's good to see you again, Alex.

You, too.

You changed your hair.

It looks good.

I didn't, but thanks.

Good afternoon.

Thank you all for coming.

We have a lot of ground to cover in a short amount of time, so let's get started.

Madam President?

Terrorism is never spontaneous.

Every act takes planning and preparation.

It take money to fund it, strategy to ensure it goes off properly, technology to be current, arms for fear and control, the media to ensure that most people see it, political parties who gain influence from it, fundamentalists who take credit for it, and, finally, the power players who benefit from it the most.

When these eight pillars come together, they create a perfect storm, which is what we saw on 9/11, in the Moscow theater siege, at Bataclan, and, last month, at the G20 Summit.

Whatever this shadow group was planning by stealing those drives is still unknown.

Luckily, only one country's got out...


We call this information "the cache." Four years' worth of intelligence about this country.

Now, that cache was accessed two days ago.

Someone downloaded security and maintenance patterns for domestic cargo flights.

And at 4:00 a.m.

this morning, an RNX cargo aircraft went down just outside of Annville, Kentucky.

You need to figure out if these are connected, what it's a part of, and who's responsible.

But you're not looking for the person who sabotaged the plane.

You need to find and identify the collaborators...

Who paid for it, who's behind it, who benefits from it, and why.

What you're doing goes beyond the FBI and the CIA.

It's illegal and sanctioned only by me because we don't know how far this group has infiltrated our own government.

I'm putting my Presidency on the line.

My son, Clay, is in charge.

As my top political strategist, he knows how to see what's coming and how to plan for it.

Listen to him.

Learn from him.

And, whatever you do, watch your backs.

These people are not playing around.


What's up?

I'm sorry.

I didn't know who else to call.

What's going on?

Someone's trying to k*ll me.

N-N-Not just me.

All of us.

Home sweet home.

Dayana, if you don't mind, I would love to have my old roomie back.

By all means.


Back corner.

Okay, so...

I guess it's just you and me.

This isn't summer camp.

We don't need to share.


Single's over here, Nimah.

Hey, listen.

Leon's gonna meet us later.


Don't tell the others.

Okay, so, I guess I'll just solo Harry and Sebastian's old room upstairs.

So you kept in touch with Nimah?

Well, I figured she could use a friend.

She came over for dinner a few nights ago.

You cook in that tiny studio?

It's a loft in Ballston now.

You moved?

I didn't know that.

I didn't think you cared.

I didn't.

I mean I don't.

I-I mean...

Whatever you want.

Whatever I want?


You cannot seriously ignore me.

I mean, we're both adults.

I'm not ignoring you.

I'm simply disinterested in communicating.

Hey, look, I know it might be a little weird, us both being here, but your mother asked me to come.

I did not volunteer.

So if you could maybe just be a little bit professional.



Did you just say that?

'Cause I'm pretty sure that your definition of that and mine do not line up very well.


All I'm asking is a little courtesy.

A smile, a handshake when I say hello.

I've gotten far on the Hill because of my honesty, directness, my humility.

I can smile and shake hands with people I dislike and disagree with on a fundamental level.

But they never mistake that smile for approval, which, if we're being honest, direct, and true to character, is what you're really seeking from me.

I told my mother I would take this job on one condition...

That you were not a part of it.

But since she needed your help during the G20 crisis, she's afraid to let you out of her sight now.

That is why you're here.

Not for any net gain you bring this group of far better operatives than you.

You're here because you know too much, and you must be babysat till it's over.

So, sit, baby, wait, and stay out of my way, okay?

Welcome to the bunker.

What you're working on is beyond codeword-classified.

It doesn't exist.

Here, two stories underground, you should have the privacy you need.

Can anybody tell me what this is?

A canvas on which we can paint our hopes and dreams?

It's a smart board.

It's a roster with each position to be filled by the names and faces of our collaborators.

Each time information from the cache is accessed, it gives us a unique opportunity to identify one or more of these faces.

When we find every single one of them, we'll bring them down, once and for all.

It begins by analyzing the crash of RNX's cargo flight 284.

Who benefited from this crash?

That's where we start our investigation.

Every conspiracy that I've ever been around ultimately has the government behind it.

So which party or politician benefits the most from the fear and panic caused by a plane crash?

This was a cargo plane, not a civilian airliner.

No one's gonna panic over some missing deliveries from Nordstrom Rack.

Politicians aren't corrupt just because they wield power.

I don't think that pillar's holding this up.

The single biggest beneficiary from terrorism, dollar for dollar?

That would be the defense industry.

You think defense companies see a huge increase in orders for weapons after a cargo plane crashes?

Look, the type of government contracts that occur after an act of terrorism are not to be ignored.

Alex, back me up here.

Well, I don't think that pillar holds up.


If you can't reach consensus, how are you gonna convince my mother?

A sentence I haven't said since high school.

Leon didn't sound like himself.

He sounded desperate.

As desperate as this?

"I'm being hunted." What is this link?

A recruit from The Farm died in a car accident...

Drunk driver.

But Leon thought it was a conspiracy.

He's been texting odd stuff like that for days now.

Look, I've been the paranoid one no one believes.

Let's set a time to meet.

You want social control?

That is media.

From personal experience as "America's most hated," I know these are not people who care who they hurt for a story.

I know the press has been cruel to you, but it's not the right path.

Is that your role in this, Nimah, poking holes in everyone else's theories without pitching any of your own?

Not having a solution doesn't mean she's wrong.

You still don't have it.

Okay, Doogie Howser.

We get it.

You know my brother...

You're gonna have to find deeper cuts than that if you want one I haven't heard.

Jimmy Neutron?

Wesley Crusher?

Clay Jong-Un?

Oh, no.

They're bonding.

This is an interesting theory.

Why don't you bring it up?

You guys, we've been at this for hours and still no answers.

Well, Nimah has one.

No, I don't.

Guys, we can do this.

Let's just focus.

But we don't need a cheerleader right now.

- We need results.

- Really?

A cheerleader?

Is this how it's gonna work?

Endless debate without any action?

There are horrific plans in motion as we speak, and we're doing nothing to stop them.

Since you were so good at stopping them last time.

Well, I'm glad you're finding time to get a jump-start on your mother's State of the Union.

You must be way ahead of the game.

You said you were supplying me with a group of highly-trained professionals equipped to take down an unfathomable conspiracy.

Instead, I'm a hall monitor in high school.

It's day one.

They're adults.

Day one or day 100, they should be able to work together.

They need more than a boss.

They need a...

drill sergeant.

It came to my attention that you needed some help, so I called on an old friend to offer his expertise.

Follow the money.

When that plane crashed, people profited.

That was Nimah's theory earlier.

Airline stocks were shorted in huge volumes on September 10th.

And if you look at yesterday's index, the same thing happened with RNX.

So how do we "follow the money"?

The old-fashioned way...

Human intelligence.

Two days ago, a hedge-fund manager named Sean Gregory got sloppy and made a small fortune for his firm by short-selling RNX, the shipping company whose plane went down.

It has all the classic hallmarks of inside-information trading.

Only this time, those insiders may be responsible for the very act of terror from which they profited.

So we go after Gregory.

Gregory ex*cuted the short, but we need to find out who gave him the tip...

The collaborator, which is going to require you to do the one thing you haven't been able to do yet...

work as a team.

And if we can't.

Well, there's no endorsement card at the end of this rainbow.

If we're exposed, POTUS goes down, I go back to jail, and you all come with me.

So, who's ready for a little "Mission: Impossible"?

Our target, Gregory Investment Partners, or GIP.

Our villain...

Sean Gregory, the portfolio manager who made $112 million for his clients off of shorting RNX stock prior to the crash.

One of his clients tipped him off.

We're gonna find out which one.

Three clients filed to cash out immediately after the short.

All three of them will be at a GIP party tonight.

You're gonna find them, work them, get their reasons for cashing out.

Whoever lies is our man...

or woman.

So get changed.

It's black tie.

Dayana will stay on site, providing support, while we do the rest.

Shelby will be herself, an heiress searching for investment options.

I'll be on site as myself, as well, making sure nothing goes wrong.

Alex and I will be posing as private security, pitching Sean Gregory on our company's services.

Care to make an exchange?

And Ryan will pose as one of the fund's clients.

You look good.

That hasn't changed.

Nothing's changed.

It's all changed.

I can't find an excuse not to come.

- Well, I'm glad you are.

- Me too.

One small problem.

There's a closed guest list, and I'm not on it.

Yes, you are.

You just don't know it yet.

Hey, where are the Navigators?


- Thank you.

- I never knew that.

Excuse me?

Logan Martin?

You work for Omaha Pension, right?

So do I.

I, um...

I just started, and I would love to get the inside scoop on everyone.

You want to grab a drink at the hotel lobby where it's quiet?

Shelby Wyatt standing by.

Ms. Wyatt's assistant standing by.

I'm not used to parties like this.

Oh, a room full of people who think they're the good guys, when, in actuality, they're destroying America for their own gain?

You fit in just fine.

Dayana online.

Logan Martin is taking a nice propofol-assisted nap in the backseat.

So, you're clear to go, Ryan.

Jon Jeffries, Omaha Pension.

Thank you, sir.

Omaha Pension is now represented.

Alex, Owen, you ready?

Standing by.

Thank you.

You were in a cell just a day ago.

This must be surreal for you.

Not as surreal as having you as my partner.

But I don't expect you'll be on the task force much longer.

Sean Gregory's coming in hot.

Put a pin in it.

- Mr. Gregory.

- Mr.


Thank you for making the time.

Ms. Parrish.

Always wanted to meet the woman who saved New York.

How do you like our little party?

Well, it's nice to see how the other percent lives.

Well, if you invest in my company, you could see it more often.

Well, we were hoping you'd invest in us.

I already have a private security firm.

Yeah, but do they have the FBI and CIA on their r?sum?s?

It'll take us just five minutes on your systems to convince you that you need us.

My office is just down the block.

Happy to take a breather from this and watch you try and convince me.

Good choice.

Let's go.

Shelby, Nimah, Ryan, any eyes on the three clients?

Remember, one of them could be our collaborators.

I've spotted someone.

I'm moving in.

Just spotted one, too.

Moving in.

- Emily Meyers?

- Do I know you?

I'm a new investor with the firm.

Sean told me to come find you.

Now's not a good time.

I'm Sasha Barinov.

I'm covering this for the Journal, Life & Arts.

Can I get a photo of the two of you?

I-It's for...

It's for the Instagram, not for the paper.

I don't have a photographer present.

Maybe later.

A new investor in a rented tux?

I would have walked away, too.

This isn't rented.

I just...

lost weight.

Who are you talking to, Ryan?

Sasha Barinov, from the Journal, you said?

Repeating my name.

I read "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," too.

But you haven't said yours.

Jon Jeffries, Omaha Pension.

I heard you guys are having a tough quarter.

And which section are you asking that for?

Arts or Life?

Unless you want to blow this op, maybe turn off the charm?

You fish, Sasha?

I fish.

I love it.

I was down in Cabo a few years ago, I caught a roosterfish.

The thing was the size of a dog.

I got some pictures of it if you want to see?

Uh, sure.

Yeah, that'll work.

Bore her to death.

I know what you guys want...

and you have a good pitch.

But I'm happy with my security.

Oh, we are, too.

It was so easy to crack.

This is our client list.

And we didn't even use our best cracks.

You're highly vulnerable, Sean.

You need to delete this now.

You can delete it yourself.

We don't care about your clients.

We just want to make you one of ours.

I have to talk to the partners, but if you get us a proposal, a follow-up is not out of the question.

Sounds great.

Now, why don't we go and enjoy the party, hmm?

Okay, so, why don't I head over there with you while my colleague whips up that proposal?

Just don't like to let a potential client go.

You don't mind, Alex, do you?


Of course.


Just go easy on my firewall, would you?

I got you, Sean.

Owen and Alex got Sean's finger-scan.

As soon as it gets to you, log into their system and download their trade history.

Already on it.

Plan trade data coming in.

Alex, I've put us on closed comms.

I got an answer from Keyes about the recruit Leon mentioned who died in the car crash.

They didn't.

Everyone from The Farm is still very much alive, except Leigh, of course.

Now, apparently, Leon has been on Keyes' radar for a while now.

Keyes thinks that what happened to him at the G20 changed him and that he hasn't been the same.

I'm worried.

Me too.

- So, are you a client?

- Potential client.

Sean's wooing me.

I'm here via courtship.

Shelby Wyatt.

Like McGregor-Wyatt?

That's right.

I thought you were FBI.

No, I am.

Everyone in my family couldn't get over an heiress - taking a government salary.

- Yeah.

- What are you doing here?

- Well, um, I was...

Is GIP under investigation?

Changed my mind.

I do feel like dancing.

Excuse me.

You've just helped me.

I thought you would want to see me go down.

I don't want the mission to fail.

You worked at the Children's Defense Fund.

You wrote for "The Daily Show." I mean, you may have graduated from Quantico, but you quit three months later to write speeches for Eric Garcetti.

This type of thing is not for you.

You want to shape the law, not break it.

You read up on me?

Your father used to talk about you.


I think it's only fair if in the morning, you respectfully decline working on this team any further.

You want me gone, I'm gone.

Why would I withdraw?

Being here is like printing money.

Unless you want to lose out, I'd go all in.

Yeah, but I can't be the only client looking for the exit after this week's windfall.

Excuse me.

I have to go.

Emily on the move.

She got a text to go up to GIP's office.

Dayana cleared my mark.

I can follow.

She's my mark.

I got it.

It's not your mark if she left you behind, Owen.

Looks like ditching me at the office is about to pay off.

I see Sean and Emily meeting, moving closer.



- Okay.

We got to go.

- No, no, no, no.

You tell me why you're here or I'll flag security and bring an end to whatever it is you're doing here definitively.

Oh, if you had a cover to be on this floor yourself, you would have done that already.

Well, I'm here on company business.

So am I.

- Which one?

- Both of them.

Okay, well, I will show you mine if you show me Langley's.

Funny, I've played that game with you before.

Whatever you show me, it'll definitely not be yours.

Stop me if short-selling stocks based on t*rror1st activities rings any bells?

I can neither confirm nor deny...

Get up.

We will accomplish so much more together.

Okay, hot.

But is now really the time?

I do have a hotel.

Why do you keep talking?

No, no, no, no, no!

Less handsy!


Kiss me.


I am so embarrassed.

Please don't tell anyone.

I'll definitely lose my job if they find out about us.

- And, as I'm a man, I probably wouldn't.

- Yes.

Thank you so much.

This'll never happen again.

Speak for yourself.

Great idea...

Two operatives in plain sight.

We should pose for pictures.

Well, small talk's what parties like this are for.

You know what jeopardizes missions?

Personal vendettas.

- I have no beef with you.

- And Alex?

Is that why you left her up there?

Prison was my choice, to protect my daughter.

But Alex was the reason I had to make it.

But that doesn't make her responsible for it.

Sasha on your six.

Oh, you brought a friend for more fishing tips?

No, I just caught something myself.

Jon, this is Ilene Landry, from Omaha Pension.

That's where you work, right?

Oh, Jon, I'm sorry.

We were supposed to have that drink.

We got to do that.

I'm gonna bring him back.

Just a little drunk.

That's odd.


I'm cross-referencing GIP's clients' trades with other terror att*cks, and nothing is lining up at all.

I need to get out now.

With the proceeds we reaped from the RNX crash, you can more than cover my withdrawal.

This only works if the other investors don't get spooked, Em.

Pulling out now...

Looks like one smart investor capitalizing on a freak windfall.

How did you ever think to bet against RNX anyway?

They pissed me off.

They lost my mother's birthday present.

So I decided to make a run on their stock price.

They're not funding the AIC.

They're running a Ponzi scheme.

I got to go.

What are you doing up here?

How did you get in?

This floor's restricted access.

Emily Meyers, right?


Sean left me here to finish up a proposal.

You're still up here, Ms. Parrish?



We need immediate help getting out of the GIP.


I'm close to the exit.

I'll head over.

But we'll be done for before you even hit the pavement.

Just a last-minute check to finish up the proposal for you.

Were you eavesdropping on us?


There you are, been looking all over for you.

Oh, hello.

Sebastian Chen.

I'm Ms.

Parrish and Mr.

Hall's partner.

They do data hacking.

I mine AV weaknesses.

And right here, right now, your AV system is completely corrupted.

We'll send you our proposal.

- See you later.

- Get in the elevator, take it to the next floor down, take the stairs to the fire exit.

They'll have security waiting for you in the lobby.

- What about you?

- I have my own route.

It was nice seeing you, love.

So you caught a criminal, just not the right one.

So, the cache led us in the right direction, just to the wrong target.

We'll do better next time.

You're not getting a next time.

That's it?

It's one try, and it's over?

You succeeded in proving you're nothing but petty teenagers.

Other than that, you failed.

We just uncovered the next Bernie Madoff.

They're guilty of fraud, money laundering, perjury, and theft, just to start.

So he's not the link to the AIC, take the win, have him arrested.

We can't do that.

We don't want the real criminal to know what we're doing.

These people are real criminals.

Okay, let's just treat this like a textbook RICO case.

- It seems easy enough.

- You were brought in to fix this, fix it.

I can't.

It was broken when you selected these people for your team.

You can't succeed with traitors in your midst.

And that's all I see.

I'd rather go back to jail than spend one more day here.

If anyone should be leaving, it should be him, no?

He's right.

I shouldn't be here.

I shouldn't be here.

No, you shouldn't.

Clay hates me.

Nothing's gonna change that.

He doesn't hate you.

He blames you.

It's easier to blame someone.

What's hard is to understand someone.

To understand that we all live with the pain of what's happened to us.

Clay blames you for what happened to his father because it's easier than living with the fact that he wasn't perfect.

Clayton was my biggest mistake.

Clay doesn't know that.

He thinks you're the mistake.

And you?

What about your mistake?

Nimah, I love you.

I do.

And I don't love a lot of people, because I don't have a lot of people.

I have Alex and you, and that is it.

But what you did at the G20.

I mean, how...

How am I supposed to love that?

How can I even understand that?

Because I am not my biggest mistake.

Neither are you.

Thank you.



I figured you'd know where to go.

Earl Grey.

Whole milk.

- Mm, sweet, you remembered.

- I did.

I'd say it's on you, but your credit cards are maxed out.

I checked.

I also checked some other things.

You're no longer in Her Majesty's service.

Of course I am.

What, you think they'd tell you?

I spoke to Charlotte Bishop.

She said it happened right after The Farm.


They threw me out after I exposed their mission here.

Well, now you have your answers, Alex, so I'll...


I know how you feel.

- No, you don't.

- Yeah, I do.

I was kicked out by the CIA and the FBI.

The great Alex Parrish has never been unmoored.

You're a national hero.

You'll always be wanted somewhere.

Me, well, truth be told, MI6...

didn't really want me.

They just wanted to use me as long as they needed.

Even Charlotte couldn't get me back in there.

So I took a job.

It was private security for Barclays.

That's why I was at the G20.

Nothing glamorous.

I was just polishing the boots of some blowhard banker.

And after we got through that calamity in one piece, I thought MI6 would welcome me back with open arms.

You know, I'd saved some lives, at least.

Part of a team that tackled the biggest hostage crisis the world had ever seen.

But your country covered it up, so what proof did I have?

I was left with nothing, so I've been doing what I can to prove my worth...

on my own.

Look, I know the information that Lydia has released from those drives is being used for dangerous purposes.

You were chasing that stock tip.

So was I.

And you figured that out on your own?

It's a brilliant ploy, I must say.

Profit off of terror.

So, you know, any smarter, they'd be making money on both sides of the trade.

You're a good agent, Harry.

You deserve back in.

We could really use someone like you on the team.

Well, I'm not for hire, Alex.

Everyone is.

We both know that.

What's this for?

You said both sides of the trade, right?

- So...?

- So...

We know what happened the day before.

What happened the day after?

Fine, but I am submitting my receipt for the Acela to you.

That bloody train cost me an arm and a leg.

Here we go.

I've been fully briefed and so has the President.

She's rather disappointed.

I'm not entirely surprised.

We try things all the time that fail.

But the President's told me that it's Clay's decision to make.

Any last words?


I would have chosen something a tad more poetic.

What's ENGIN?

The missing piece we never thought to look for.

When you look at all the trades surrounding the RNX crash, there was one big one.

Someone took a major position in ENGIN Industries shortly after the crash.

Why does this matter to us?

Because ENGIN is an avionics start-up, and the cargo plane that crashed was carrying a prototype of its new technology.

Any loss of pressure, the system automatically uses real-time information to find a crash site where there'd be no casualties on the the ground.

It saved lives.

The government just signed a billion-dollar contract with them this morning.

Meet Christian Kelly.

Mr. Kelly is an independent investor, who just reaped a $200 million windfall off of the crash.

And he didn't do it using a hedge fund.

He invested in ENGIN Industries personally, four days ago.

And a search into his trade history indicates that this isn't the first time he's profited in the wake of a terror attack.

And all of that money is in an off-shore account waiting to be used.

We found our first collaborator...

Christian Kelly.

I'm actually impressed.

How did you put this together?

I had help.

Harry Doyle.

I think he would be an asset to this team.

No, after what he did last time, there's no way I'm gonna let him back on the inside.

So, what now?

We take out Kelly?


No, Kelly's just one spoke in the wheel.

You take him out now and the others will scatter so far, you'll never find them.

He's right.

This is just the first inning in a long game.

We wait...

until we have all the faces on that board.

I'm sorry... about what I said before.

I was speaking out of anger, and I don't want to do that again.

I want to do as much good as I can to make up for all the bad my daughter did.

If you'll have me.

The game begins again tomorrow.

Get some sleep.

You'll need it.

All of you.

You did change your hair.

I did.

I knew it!

Why would you lie about that?

I don't know.

I just...

I didn't like that you noticed, and, I mean, Shelby didn't even notice.

You didn't call.

You didn't either.

I thought you didn't want to talk to me.

What, because you gave me the ring back?

Because I wanted more time...

to figure out how to move forward.

But here we are...

pushed together again.

There's just so much between us...

so much weight.

All of us have so much weight between us.

So, how are we supposed to move forward?

We help each other carry it, I guess.

I love you, Ryan.

I know.

I just need more time.


I'm going on a walk.

You want to join me?


I haven't seen this place before.

They have a spa.

I think that's a rumor.

I say we look for it anyway.


Let me just get my coat.


Good evening.



Catch up, okay?


My fianc?e says I'm too tough on you.

Maxine Griffin.

Founder of The Roster, a networking and visibility platform for professional women committed to helping each other rise.

My father tell you that, too?

I'm a member.

I'm sorry...

that you have to deal with me, with any of it.

I know what it's like to lose a parent, and...

I'm sorry.

I should have just stopped at "I'm sorry." Unlike most people in America, I believe in freedom of speech.

Keep going.

I make mistakes.

I make a lot of mistakes.

But being an FBI agent is not one of them.

I do not make mistakes in my job.

You can trust me.

I will be professional.

I will, too.

Maxine wants to know if you want to come over for dinner next week.

That's a little weird.


Freedom of speech?

I totally agree.


if you don't mind, I will just tell her you're busy.

That's perfect.

Good night.

Ryan Booth.


You look into what I was talking about?

We confirmed it at the highest level.

Everyone in our class, except Leigh, is still very much alive.

You talked to Keyes.

That's what you did.

Why would you trust someone on the inside?

He's in on it.

Leon, um...

have you talked to someone?

Like a shrink?

I'm not crazy, Alex.

No one is saying that you are, okay?

Just maybe what happened to us stayed with you.

And we're just worried about you.

Yeah, well, you should be worried about me getting k*lled.

We are.

We're all burnt out, so we get it.

The Company has people.

We could get you help.

I asked for your help.

You brought me nothing.

You believe their lies.

- Leon.

- No, it's fine.

You can't help me.

I understand.

I'm on my own.