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02x11 - Lost Boy

Posted: 01/02/21 13:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Colony"...

I knew Maya. Maya?

I wouldn't have survived it without her.

She died for what she believed in.

My sister did steal that file.

Yet you did not go to the authorities.

They came here looking for you.

What'd you tell them?

I don't know. I'm scared.

Katie, I have an unmarked dark SUV headed south toward you.

I love you.

I wanna fight.

You're staying here.

That's because when they look at you, all they see is their son.

I see so much more.

We are under attack, but our enemy didn't come from the skies.

Our enemy was already here.

The RAPs only needed one resource in order to maintain control, and we surrendered it to them, without a fight.

Make no mistake.

Our occupation is rooted in moral compromise.

Men and women who have told themselves that the only way to survive is to join the enemy.

That the treasons they have committed against their own kind are justifiable.

That they had no other choice.

Without this resource, without their human collaborators, the RAPs would be powerless.

We are the architects of our own oppression.

But we all have the power to disarm the enemy, to starve them of the collaborators they need.

We only need to unite behind the law of our bloc.

If you collaborate, you die.

We're good.

Make copies and have them distributed.

I want this hitting the streets just as the news starts to spread.

Thank you.

Cheers. Cheers.

We've been preparing for this moment for a long time.

Today we hit them where they live.

To liberty.

To liberty.

To liberty.

Without their human collaborators, the RAPs are powerless.

We have been the architects of our own oppression, but we all have the power to disarm the enemy, to starve them of the collaborators they need.

We only need to unite behind the law of our bloc.

If you collaborate, you die.

To liberty.

To liberty.

To liberty.


It's good to see you.

You've already taken the hardest step.

You came here.

Now you only have to focus on why you came.

To end the Occupation.

There's another soldier I'd like you to meet.

Uh, Patrick, this is Bram.

Hey. Good to meet you.

Everyone's gonna work in pairs today.

Maybe you could partner with Bram?

No problem.

To liberty.

To liberty.

To liberty.

Let's get ready.

One line.

Have your ID ready. Okay, move on.

Raise your arms, please. Okay, you're good.

Let's go. Next. Let's go.


Okay, good.



Give me your bag.

Identification. This way.


Get back in line.

Come on.

You're clear.

Got the mirror? Keep going. Move.

Check under the front bumper.

Have your ID ready.

That's good.

You got it? Yeah.

We need to move.

Here it is.

All right, let's go.


Move your feet.

Did you hear that?

Whoa! That's a nice one.

Next time, I'll teach you how to snap off a real curveball.

Hey, how you doing?

I know we haven't made it easy on you since you got back.

It's better than Santa Monica.


I'm not the one you should be worrying about.


He's been sneaking out at night.

Where is he now?

He's doing inventory with Mom.

What are you doing?

Came to ask you why you've been leaving the bunker.

What the hell is wrong with you?

I was careful.

If you got caught... I know!

You don't know what you don't know.

I only went out once.

Who is she?

A friend.

A girlfriend?

I don't know.

But it's worth risking our lives for her?

She's dead.



Will you tell me?

She was at the camp.

I was alone, and I didn't know if I'd ever come back.

And then I met her.

I think she liked me.

What was her name?


What happened to her?

The guards shot her for stealing.

Ah, Jesus, Bram.

I snuck out to see her mother.

I needed to tell her what happened so she wouldn't be stuck wondering.

But she was a mess.

You should have told us, Bram.

When was I supposed to do that?

You don't talk to me!

I wanna help you.

Help me with what?

Hurt them for what they did.

For what they're still doing.

Is that what you think we're doing down here?

Your mother and I are not fighting with the Resistance.

We're trying to escape the bloc.

But we're living with Broussard.


It's complicated.

You listen to me, Bram.

I was on the inside.

This isn't a w*r we can win.

We resist by surviving.

And I'm gonna need your help to do that.


Everything okay?

Bram's been leaving the bunker.


He met a girl in the camps.

Fell in love.

She was k*lled.

Oh, my God.

He felt obliged to tell the girl's mother.

Does he know how dangerous...

He does.

But he's angry.

You think he heard you?

I hope so.

What he really needs is a hard reset.

We all do.

And that means getting out of the bloc.

I'll take him on a food run tomorrow.

Be good for him to feel useful.

Never dull, is it?

No running, sweetie. Thank you.

Hudson. What?

Get out of the pool. Why?

Just get out of the pool, right now.

Come on.

Sylvio? Martha?

Stay away from the door.

Let me in.

Hide. Don't come out until I tell you to.

Just listen to Mom. Everything's gonna be okay. All right?

Go, go, go, go!

Get in the house!

Aunt Maddie? It's Bram.

Please let me in.

I'm alone. Please open the door.

What's going on? I don't know.

People are sh**ting g*ns and running. It's chaos.

What are you doing here?

Looking for you.

You got out of the camps?

They just released me.

And you came here?

I tried to go home, but the Occupation took over our house.

There was an attack...

What attack?

Your mom.

She's part of the Resistance.


The Occupation came to arrest her, and your dad took everybody to hide.

Why are you holding a knife?

I just... I heard g*nshots, and...

There's some kind of attack happening.

I think we need to get out of here.

You have a car, right?

We're safer in the house.


Hey, little guy.

Where were you?

I was away for a while, so I came back for a visit.

Hudson, come here!

I thought we could take a trip to the flats together.

It's not safe here.

Please, Aunt Maddie, I just got back from the camps.

If the Redhats catch me while this is going on, they won't care what my story is.

I'm not trying to draw attention to myself.

I'm staying in the back.

How'd you get through the gate?


The Green Zone gate.

To get up here. You have to show ID.

What do you mean?

If they knew who you were, they would have stopped you.

Because of your mom, your whole family's on the list now.

I didn't go through the gate.

You didn't?


Move out. Get to the gate.

Hands where I can see 'em, now!

My name is Maddie Kenner.

My partner is Nolan Burgess, the Deputy Proxy.

I know who you are, ma'am.

What is going on? There's been an attack.

What kind of an attack?

These your kids?

My son and my nephew.

Look, please, just let us through the gate.

Hey, show me your ID.

He doesn't have it. I drove him up here.

Why is he sitting in the back?

He's keeping my son company.

The Deputy Proxy will be waiting for us at his office.

Call whoever you need to, but we are going through your gate.

All right, can you step out of the car, please, ma'am?

Excuse me?

I need you to step out of the car.

Please, ma'am.


I'll be right back, okay?

Have your ID ready.

What are you doing?

I need to know you're not under duress.

I think we all are.

That kid in the car, the older one.

Is he really your nephew?

Yes. Why?

t*rrorists dressed as servants have att*cked residents all over the GZ.

The t*rrorists, they're all kids in their late teens, early 20s.

You're safe now.

So is your son. My men have the car covered.

That boy in the backseat... is there anything I should know?

He's my nephew.

He's been with us all day.


I just want to get out of here and see Nolan.

All right.

Get out.

Get out!

Good morning, officers.

The ambassador is ready for you, sir.

From my palace to his, then.

Mr. Ambassador. Mr. Snyder. A pleasure.

Please come in.

Oh, you have to give the Governor-General's office credit.

They do provide excellent lodging for their out-of-town guests.

I understand you are now an out-of-town guest as well.


Technically, that's true.

I must admit to a certain fondness for Los Angeles.

I always loved visiting... before.

I share the sentiment.

I've lived here for a long time.

You must understand that I've come to Los Angeles only to gather information.

Others will be reaching the conclusions.

Of course. I just wanted to be sure that you had all the information.

On what subject?

Proxy Michael Alcala.

Oh, please.

Mr. Snyder, tell me you did not come here angling to return to your former post.

Oh, I've had many posts in my career.

"Proxy Governor, Los Angeles" is not one I care to return to.

So the Governor-General sent you here because she wants Alcala removed?

Just think of me as a concerned citizen.

One with real apprehensions about the current proxy's ability to govern the bloc.

Removing him would reflect poorly on the Governor-General.

He was her predecessor's choice, not hers.

The Los Angeles bloc... needs to start projecting stability and competence.

Removing yet another proxy would send the wrong message.

A worse message... than if this bloc suffers another disaster?

We all want to avoid unrest.

Say we're able to bring things under control here.

Can the Governor count on you as an advocate for Los Angeles?

All I want is a healthy... and productive Los Angeles Colony.

But you need to handle things on the ground.

Or else there will be nothing that I can do.

I understand.

The Minister of Intelligence is next, right?

Yes, sir.

I'll be at least an hour.

Go pick up that file from Helena's office.

Wait! Wait!


Oh, shit.

Keep looking!

This area is off-limits!

Mine's open!

Over here.

Please. Please, please. Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t, please! Got one.


Oh, I'm okay.

I'm... I'm...

I'm, uh... I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Where did you leave it with King?

I honestly believed that we had him as an ally.

Everything that we built was just set on fire.

Who knows how the Hosts are gonna react now?

Can we trust Alcala to respond appropriately?

Of course not.

He called me from his bunker throwing Homeland under the bus.

He's happy to drag everyone down with him.

Then we need to put him under your thumb.

Which means that we need leverage.

Do you think that I haven't looked?

No, I'm sure you have.

But I might know a way inside.


By taking a closer look at an old friend.

Nolan Burgess.

I'm worried about Bram.

Me too, love.

But Dad's gonna find him.

We shouldn't stay here.

Why not?

What if Bram gets caught?

He's not gonna get caught.


Everyone's out looking for you.

Your father, Morgan, Broussard...

I'm sorry.

Where did you go?

What were you doing?

Okay, come on.

Come on.

I got you.

Is Bram okay?

He's home.

You go hang out with Charlie for a minute, okay?

I got to talk to your brother. Okay.


Do you think I'm a good person?


What happened?

I made a mistake.

I shouldn't have gone.


Whatever happened up there, it doesn't... matter.

But I need to know so that we can... make it right.

Is he here?

Yeah. Oh, God.

Are you trying to get us all k*lled?


He's lucky to be alive.

Even luckier he didn't get caught.

I know, but he wasn't.

It's a w*r zone out there.

There are Redhats and drones everywhere.

What happened?

Attack on the Green Zone.

The Red Hand, apparently.

They went house to house like the Mansons.

It was a m*ssacre.

Where the hell are you going?

Bram? They k*lled everyone!

Who did? The RAPs.

After we blew up the ship, they hit the camps with some kind of w*apon, and it just disappeared.

You blew up the RAP ship?

We did it together.

Me and Maya and the others. My friends.

The Red Hand are your friends? They're murderers.

They're the ones that att*cked our house.

They tried to k*ll your brother and sister.

Because you were a collaborator.

I collaborated to keep us alive!

Hey! Stop it! Enough!

They wanted to make a difference.

To stand up. They wanted to fight.

He did this because of you.

Bram, I need to know what happened.

I don't know.

You went up to the Green Zone.

You were part of the attack.


You went to someone's house.

Were you alone?

I was with Patrick, and there was a guy in the house.

Did Patrick hurt him?

He had a g*n, and he k*lled Patrick.

So you k*lled him?

I wanted to, but I couldn't.


I appreciate the visit, Alan.

I appreciate you taking the time, Mr. Ambassador.

Thank you.


How can I assist you, Mr. Ambassador?

I need a secure line.

I will send my preliminary report tonight.

And we will speak more when I return.


This is Ambassador King again.

I think I'm in danger.

This is the Security Directorate.

Uh, yes, I'm in the Green Zone of the Los Angeles bloc.

Something is happening.

What is your location?

House two-four-zero.

All right, Mr. Ambassador.

Stay with me. I'll get you through this.

There's someone on the property.

Go to the master bedroom.

All right. I'm in the master.

There's a safe. Do you see it?

Yes, I see it.

The safe's code is... enter-one-six-five-enter.

I'm in.

There's a shotgun and a box of shells.

Take them out. Move to the first floor.

There's a secure room in the rear of the house.

Someone's at the door.

All right. I want you to load the shotgun.

Take a shell.

Holding the brass end, push it into the loading flap until you hear a click.

All right, I'm... I'm loaded.

Pump the shotgun to chamber a round.

They're inside the house.

Try to find a place to hide, Mr. Ambassador.

Wherever you can.

A security team is on its way.