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04x04 - Bizarre Love Triangle

Posted: 01/02/21 13:22
by bunniefuu
Are you an only child?

Yeah, I was. You know, I am, too.

Only children, scientifically more imaginative.

Especially those with unreliable fathers.

ILDA: Your dad, is he the same Bill Hope that does the neighborhoods? Willow Court and all that?

JILLIAN: Yeah, that's him.

After my dad took me to the circus, I came up with Pretzel Jack.

When my dad left, that's when he became real.

It's him. From back then.

IAN: You weren't the only kid who had to invent a sidekick slash guardian.

What was his name? Tall Boy.

Everybody has their own emotional stuff.

But for you and I, that stuff can become real.

(GROANS) JILLIAN: How do I k*ll him?

IAN: It is possible, but here's the thing.

You don't have to k*ll Pretzel Jack You just learn to control him.

If you want to draw him out, you have to get hurt.

You have to get really hurt.

You have to be willing to go where it hurts.

There he is.

Jillian, stay calm.

If you're calm, he's calm.


Deep breaths.





What are you still doing up?

I don't feel good.

What doesn't feel good?

I miss Dad.

Get in bed.

(SIGHS) It's not even dark.








Let's go.

You see what you did?


What? You tamed it.

Your anger, your... your stuff, all of it.

It's yours. It belongs to you.

You can do whatever you want with it.

There's nobody else like us who...

Who has what we have.

So, what now?

Well, now you just stay calm.

But I can control him.

I mean, if I wanted him to come sit at the table with us, I could do that?

Well, that would take some training, but, yeah.


Train him like a dog?

No, like I would have to train you to develop...

Like, how... How do I put this?

Like fine motor skills, to learn to really control him, and then when you mastered that, then, you know, it might be safe to actually un-create him.

Un-create as in... k*ll?


How does that work?

Does he just keel over or disappear?

Let's just say you don't want to be too close to him when it happens.


JILLIAN: What the f*ck? TOM: Would you just go?

IAN: Who is that?


IAN: Jillian.



Hey. Jill.


Shit, he's awake. Shit.



Just... Just stay calm.

Deep breaths.

You need to focus. Breathe.

Yeah. Yeah, that's good. (BREATHING DEEPLY)


Oh, shit.

Hello? 911? Sarah, we have to run!


We gotta go!


OPERATOR: (ON PHONE) 911, what's your emergency? Hello?





JILLIAN: Oh, f*ck. f*ck, f*ck. He's gonna f*cking k*ll them.

IAN: Not if we get there first.

JILLIAN: I tried to control him. It didn't work.

You can learn how to do this, okay?

I'm gonna help you.

And remember, none of this is your fault.

Yes, it f*cking actually is. No, it's not.

Remember, focus. Calm.

Yeah. Deep breaths. You can do this.

Why the hell did she come to our house?

The woman? Who is she?

Trust me, you don't...


This way.

Why did a clown come out of your basement and s*ab me in the f*cking leg?

I can't explain it. Okay, well, try.

It's someone my wife knows.

Hello? Hello?

(GRUNTS) Downstairs.


Someone your wife... Someone your wife knows?

That's not an explanation.

I don't have a good explanation, okay?

All you need to know is that something is stalking us, and we need to get out of this situation.

Yeah, no shit. Okay.

If you would have picked up my calls, you would have known not to just show up.

If I had picked up your crazy, unwanted phone calls... Crazy?

...then, yeah, I would have not been stabbed by a clown.

Thanks, Tom, I'll remember that next time.

So it's crazy I want to see my son?

He's not your son. Can we just stop?

Appearances aren't gonna save your marriage, okay?

That may be true, but he's still not your son.

Yes, okay, I was unhappy in my marriage.

I had an affair with you, and I realized that I didn't want to lose my marriage, okay?

I'm sorry if I made you believe otherwise.

Oh, no, this isn't about you.

I'm not doing this because I'm interested in you.

I love my wife. I would never cheat on her, all right?

This is about me finding out that you were pregnant and doing the math and then you shutting me out, Sarah.

Yes, okay, I was scared that if I found out my son was yours that I would lose my family.

So I kept a secret to save my marriage.

Does that sound familiar?

But things are different now, Tom.

I'm happy. I love my husband. I love my kids.

That's why we're having another baby.


Listen, it's been eating me alive as well, and that's why...

I got the test done, and I got the results back, and that's why I came to your house today.

He's not my kid.


BILL: Jill! Jill!






TOM: Shit!


Okay. Here. Okay.




You're gonna wait here. No.

I'll bring back help.

I promise.




Shit! Shit!

Come on!




Maybe he got out?

This way.




Oh, my God.

No! Tom, no.

Jill, Jill, look, there's nothing you can do down there that you can't do up here, and you gotta do it right now.

Jill, Jill, look at me. Look at me. Look at me!

I'm gonna help you, all right?

I know how to help you, and I can do it, but you got to do everything I tell you to, you understand? (BREATHING HEAVILY)

Do exactly as I say.

Look at me, right in my eyes.

Connect with me.

Concentrate only on what I'm saying to you and do not look away.


IAN: You created him, right?

With your own pain and your own fear.

Those feelings are in you, all through your body, running through you like blood.

Now imagine that you can send those feelings anywhere you want to in your body.

You can send them to the top of your head or down to your belly button, anywhere else.

I want you to focus all your energy on sending them down to the palms of your hands.

Do that... Now.



IAN: Everything you used to create him, send it all to the palms of your hands.

Are you doing it?

(GROANS) What's happening?

It's okay. Don't worry. Don't worry.

I'm gonna help you, okay? It's all right.

(BREATHING HEAVILY) Send it all to the palms of your hands.

You're sending him there.

You're sending him down to the palms of your hands.

So you're holding him in your hands, yeah?


Yeah, that's good. More, more.

Closer, closer, closer.

Almost, almost. (GASPING)

Yeah, yeah, there. There.

Now focus on letting go.

Now let go.



IAN: Good. You're almost there.

I'm gonna help get you there, okay?

Now listen to me, I'm gonna say the word “crush,” all right?

And when I say “crush,” you're gonna clench your hands.

You're gonna crush what's in there, and you're gonna k*ll it, all right?

But something's gonna happen to you.

It's gonna hurt for a second.

You're gonna feel like you're the one being crushed, but you cannot stop, you understand?

Do not stop, all right?

You ready?

Okay, here we go.

Three, two, one...

Crush. (ECHOING)





Oh, my God. (COUGHING)

Oh, my God. Are you okay?


What just happened?

You did it. (GROANS)

No, I didn't.

Yeah, you did.

I reached through you...

We did it, together.

(PANTING) Doing it alone would have k*lled you.

It's over.


Thank you.


Oh, this... Gown is really annoying me.

It's... It's like the tie is all tangled.

Can you just... Do you mind, um, taking a look for me?

I can just get the nurse.

No, no, that'll take three hours. Can you just...

You guys, can you just give us a minute? Yeah, sure.

Yeah. No, the gown's fine.

Do you even know who I am?

You're the woman my husband has a kid with.





It's not Tom's?

No, he just wanted it to be.

He still thought it was, and he didn't tell me.


Tom knows now that it's not his?

You know, I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but he doesn't love me, and he never did.

That doesn't matter.

What matters is that he lied.

What matters is that he lied.

We all lie sometimes.

It doesn't mean you don't love your partner.

I know Tom loves me.

I've been married for 15 years, college boyfriend.

Trust gets broken, but you can rebuild it.

It's a belief.

You can decide to have it or... Or not.

What if you can't?

But you can. You're in control of you.

You can decide to trust or not to trust.

What if you can't?




Hey, you okay?

Where's Tom?

I have no idea. He just...

I... don't know.

I need to get out of here.

Can you, um...

Can you give me a ride?




I, uh, brought you coffee.


Where's Jillian?

She left.



My husband's on his way.


Good luck.


JILLIAN: Pull over.

You okay?

My inheritance.

My father used to build these neighborhoods all across the state.

Homes for families.

There aren't any families there now.

It's a... A ghost neighborhood.

I want you to show me how to control it.

You sure?

It's not easy.

I'll do what it takes.



I just, um...

I can't go home right now.

I know the perfect place.

FRASER: Where you going, Tom?



This is yours?

It's my family's.

I used to come here during the summer.

Doesn't get much use now, but I never had the heart to sell it, so...


Are you okay?

Just, uh...

A bit dizzy.

It's been a long day.

It's catching up to you.

Let's... Let's go inside and get some rest.


(COUGHING) Oh, hey.

Hey, hey.

Hey, you're okay. You're okay.

It's all right.

Hey, this is normal.

You're gonna be fine.

All right?

You okay?

Yeah. Here we go.

Let's go inside and get some water, yeah?


I haven't been here in forever.

JILLIAN: This place seems so familiar.

FRASER: What happened at the pool?

I told you, I don't know.

So you don't know who this guy is that att*cked you and Sarah Winters?

No. No more than what I said.

Where's your wife?

I don't know.

Are you protecting Jillian, Tom?

What... What are you talking about?

Hey, Tom.

Do you think that your wife is capable of hiring someone to k*ll for her?

Is there any reason that your wife might want you dead?





I can't remember the last time I threw up.

What you did today, it depletes you.

You need to recover.

It's not just that.

What is it, then?

I don't know, it's like a part of me is just gone, and there's nothing left to keep me up straight.

Is that crazy?

Of course not.

You k*lled a part of yourself today.

Once you learn to control these things, it'll be easier to let them come and go.

But now you need to sleep.

Let's try and get as much rest tonight as we can.

You're gonna need it for tomorrow.



Thanks. Of course.

Here, uh...

Here you go.

That should be fine.

That's great. Thank you.


Have a good night.

Thanks. You, too.



TOM: Jill?

Tom, this is Bill Hope, Jillian's father.

I've been trying to get a hold of her, but she won't talk to me.

I promise you I'm not trying to pull anything here.

I just have something very important to tell her about... About our family.

Can you please let her know that her dad needs to talk to her?

I'd like to tell her in person, if possible.

I'm staying at the Mill Road Inn, room 1085.

Ican... I can come by tonight or tomorrow, or she can come by here if that's better.

Please, I need to talk to my daughter.




IAN: Not the kid you were expecting...


Jill, pick up. Come on.



You left her alone.

Doesn't mean I have to.

I'm not gonna fail her like you failed her. lan...

For once in your life, do what's right.

You know, when I first moved in with you, I really looked up to you.

It took me way too long to realize how you were always trying to cut me off at the knees.

Cut you off?

I protected you.

Did I say anything when the dog disappeared or when that... That bully from school went missing?

Well, you're nothing if not a good liar.

(STERNLY) Leave your sister alone.


Made you happy to keep her from me, didn't it? lam glad I did.


Have always been...

A bad seed.





Hey! Open your eyes!




(ECHOING) lan!

Open your eyes! lan!


IAN: As much as I hate to admit it, it's got to come from you, right?

If she has it, too.

Uh, what?

It's your seed, assh*le.





We have some cleaning up to do.




Bill, it's Tom. You there?











Morning. Morning.

You, uh... You feeling any better?



Thanks. What's this?

This is herbal tea.

It has turmeric and cinnamon and lemon balm and red raspberry leaves and ginger.


That's, uh... That's alot of ingredients.

Yeah, well, it's really good for you.

You're gonna need every little bit of strength for your training.

Thank you.

I really appreciate it.

Yeah, of course.

How is it?

It's good.


I made it just for you.

Every time you leave me, baby I said every time you go I wonder if you're coming back to see me

{ wonder where you go, yeah Maybe it's my mind that deceives me Thinking you're out havin' fun with someone else Baby, my insecurities feed me Baby, I just need some help Whoa Whoa I said where do you go?

Where do you go?

Whoa Whoa I said where do you go?

Where do you go?

‘Cause there's only so much I can do To not think of you I said where do you go?

Where do you go?

Whoa, every time I'm with you baby I don't even look at the clock