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04x03 - Love Hurts

Posted: 01/02/21 13:21
by bunniefuu
JILLIAN: This person, or thing, that came out of our basement...


That's what k*lled our friend, Jason.

Somehow, I think I created him or invited him.

CARNACKI: When your father left, this figure became real, and losing Jason made you think about him again.

So do you think that this figure feels more real to you when you're in distress?

VANESSA: You shouldn't have gone to see the baby like that.

You crossed a boundary.

He looks just like me.

You and your husband, do you fight with him alot?

JILLIAN: I mean, all couples fight.

We have some things we have to figure out. (LAPTOP RINGS) but it's just part of being married.

Is it?

(WHISPERS) There is an ocean inside of you.


And you can rest at the bottom.

Find the silence there.

Use the silence.












Come on!

Come on! Come on!



Oh, shit!




WOMAN: Oh, my God.

Are you okay?

Hello, 911.

We just had a car accident.


JILLIAN: That's it? You can't give me more information?

Fine, okay.

Yes. Yes, I'm on my way.


Oh! Hey.

Hey. Sorry. I, uh...

What are you doing here? I was just outside and I, uh, saw your dog running around. Your door was open.

I didn't mean to...

Are you okay? Um...

Would you mind sticking around for a few minutes?

Yeah, yeah.

Sure, sure.

They, uh...

They didn't say how serious an accident?

Just that I should bring his clothes.

Well, sometimes they have to cut people's clothes off to get them out of the car, you know?

He wasn't wearing clothes.


They said it sounded like...

Like someone was after him.

After him?

Like chasing him.

att*cked him.

Like how someone att*cked your friend who got k*lled?

I don't know.

I think so.

Hey, why... Why don't you let me drive?

You seem kind of upset.

Yeah, um...

Yeah, thanks.

Hey, man.

You all right?

Yeah, yeah, I'll be okay. lan drove me.

Yeah, we were worried about you.



Thanks for bringing her.

Yeah, thanks.

Um, you should get back.

You sure?

No, you don't have to stay here.

I can if you need anything.

No. Nah.

We don't know how long they're gonna keep me here, so...


Yeah, well, um, you know where I live so...


Hey, feel better, dude.



I've never tried floating meditation before.

Is it relaxing?

It was.

Why didn't you tell me you were going there?

I don't know.

I should have.

Was there any reason why you felt like you needed to go there?



I wanna know.


You guys up for a little visit?

Nah, I don't need to watch it.

I was there.

You know, in most cases like this, we would wonder whether the goal was to k*ll her and you just happened to be there.

But all things being considered, it's much more likely the goal was to get you.

Who knew you were gonna be there?

Because this Vanessa Moss didn't really advertise this Jacuzzi closet anywhere.

In fact, she's mostly a doula.

Did I say that right? "Doula"?

She delivers babies.

A doula?

McPHILLIPS: Yeah, this whole floating meditation mumbo jumbo, the clientele is mostly word of mouth.

Did a friend refer you?

You're in her phone.

There's one linked contact.

Who is Sarah Winters?

I did some work for her a while back. I mean, she...

Yeah, I guess she knows Vanessa.

Do either of you know the person in this video?

Or have any idea why... he would look like a Dr. Seuss character gone wrong?



His mask, it's, um...

It looks like this character that Jill created when we were kids. She just...

She used to do these drawings.

FRASER: Come again?

TOM: Okay, there are a lot of these drawings in our basement, right?

So, if this person was hiding there then he probably saw them and made himself up to look like that, or something.

I mean, this... This person's obviously insane or on dr*gs. PCP, something.

He got shot multiple times, it didn't even slow him down.

McPHILLIPS: But why is he interested in you two?

FRASER: Why does he try to k*ll you, but make a point of letting your wife live?


Hey, Unagi.


TOM: Hello.

I really think we should go to a hotel.

I have to show you something first.



You really didn't see that guy's face?

Did you or didn't you?

Do you know who this person is?

Do you know why he's dressed like this?

He's me.


Come on, I wanna show you something.


GIRL: Hey, Mommy. Hey.

MAN: Hope you're ready for breakfast.

WOMAN: Yes, I'm starving.

Looks delicious. Thank you.

MAN: You're welcome.

WOMAN: Hmm. What's happening?

MAN: What are you looking at, sweetheart?

GIRL: It's my favorite YouTube video.

WOMAN: YouTube video. MAN: I had no idea.

You guys okay on drinks?

GIRL: I'm good.

He was there to protect me.

Protect you? From what?

Anything painful.

I know it sounds crazy.

When I was little, I used to lie awake at night thinking about all the bad things that could happen.

To me, to my parents...

After my dad took me to the circus, I came up with Pretzel Jack.

l used to draw my stories about him and put them under my bed.

When my dad left... that's when he became real.



He walked out of a little door in the back of my closet.

Like that one.

He slept under my bed.

And then a few months later, Mom and I moved away.

It wasn't like I forgot about him, it's just...

It felt more and more like a dream.

Except now he's back.

What is that?

It's him.

From back then.

I don't know what that is.

Pretzel Jack k*lled Jason, Tom. And that woman.

You know, you saw him.

Jill, I saw... a maniac in a mask or something.

So did you.

No, it wasn't a stranger. I felt it.

You felt what?

Some awful connection.

Like... family.

It was almost comforting.

Jill, you were in shock.

It was Pretzel Jack.

Somehow he's real.

And he was trying to k*ll you.

Okay, let's just say all that's true.

Why would Pretzel Jack want to k*ll me, huh?


I just told you my secret.

I'm naked here.

You tell me yours.

Why didn't you tell me about the kid?


JILLIAN: Sarah Winters called, and I answered.

I heard the baby crying.

You have a kid with this woman, Sarah Winters.

Tell me I'm wrong.


TOM: The time you and I reconnected, but when you and I got together for real, Jill, we ended it.

Wasn't till later I found out she was pregnant.

Jill, she's married, okay?

Her husband thinks that the kid is his son.

She doesn't want him to know.

Her husband thinks the kid is his?


But he's your son.


Pretty sure that's my kid.

How old is he?

Eight months, one week.

Why the f*ck didn't you tell me then?

Because, you know, Jill, I remembered about your dad wrecking marriages, screwing up kids.

I f*cked up, okay?

JILLIAN: Why was it so f*cking easy for you to lie?

TOM: It wasn't f*cking easy.

You've never been all the way in this, Jill.

Like, any little mistake I make...

Little? ...that could be the reason...

Little mistake?

TOM: / know. I know how f*cked up itis that I did this to you.

Then why did you do it?

Because I love you, Jill.

You wouldn't have loved me back if you knew.

I don't know how we can be together without hurting each other.

Stop. Stop. No.

Jill, yes, yes, we do. We know.

You know how to do this, Jill. I don't know.

I don't know how we fix this.

Let's work on this the right way.

What? What do you mean?

I mean, where we're less likely to hurt each other.


Where do you want to go?


CARNACKI: I don't normally accept patients back after they've fired me, but considering you're in crisis, I am going to refer you to a trauma therapist I know, as well as a very good marriage and family therapy guy.


Nice to meet you.

CARNACKI: And you.


Let's just address this other thing first.

Imaginary friends do feel real to the children who invent them.

That's the point.

I already had this conversation.

Look, um... (CLEARS THROAT)

We're in the middle of a... perfect storm right now, relationship-wise.

I f*cked up.

I kept a really, really huge secret from her, and I want to make it right.

Okay, here's the thing.

What is love?

Real love.

It's two people saying, "Here I am.


And what do we ask of our lovers?

Cherish us.

Protect us.

"Here is my soft underbelly.

"Are you gonna hurt me?

"You gonna cut me open, spill my guts?


"are you going to show me your soft underbelly?"

Okay, but wait. Going back, because this is important, this Pretzel Jack thing is not an illusion.

It's... We, um...

You and I both agree that there's someone out there who wants to hurt us, or at least hurt me, and that person has made himself up to look like Pretzel Jack.

No, no, he hasn't made himself up to look...

It's something else, which is why what I saw as a kid is relevant now.

Babe, we both agree that it's not safe for us, okay?

Can we just stay there? Right, but...

Okay? We're not going back to the house after this. We're gonna go get a hotel.

Yeah, okay, that's fine, but you have to listen to what I'm saying, it's related.

Let's throw away this question of what you saw as a kid, just for right now.

Why are you both acting like I am a kid?

CARNACKI: Funny you say that.

Funny that's how you perceive you're being treated.

Who has imaginary friends?




This is not good for me.

This is not good for any of us.


It's maintenance guys.

Tom, I'm not crazy, okay? I'm not crazy.


No, no, no, don't.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'm just going to tell whoever it is making that noise out there to keep it down.

It's Pretzel Jack.

Jillian, I'm going to prove to you that it isn't.

If I open this door and it's not Pretzel Jack, will that reassure you?




No, no, stay away from him.

No, no, no.

CARNACKI: You need to leave, sir.

Do you want me to call the police?

Turn around and crawl right back out that window just the way you came.



Come on!

JILLIAN: Go, go, go, go!



We should call the cops.

Trust me.

Come inside.

Jill, let's go.

You made him real.


You're special.

You have a condition. Jill.

I know because I have it, too.

I'm just like you.


Here you go.

For you.

(SIGHS) Okay.

So, first off, we don't have alot of time, so be open to what I'm telling you, crazy as it sounds.

Because the longer that you resist, the more danger everyone around you is in, especially him.

And whatever you do, stay calm, ‘cause your distress is like the f*cking Bat-Signal, okay?

He's out there, and he'll come when you call him, whether you mean to or not.


What did you tell him?

Everybody has their own emotional stuff, right?

You know, anxiety issues, hang-ups, fears.

But for you and I, that stuff... can become real.

Pretzel Jack is my stuff?

IAN: Right, exactly.

I mean, everybody has secret doors, right?

But you and I can open ours.

Now, I don't know what issues you might be dealing with, but, uh, if I was to guess, I would say that Pretzel Jack is something like your emotional defense system.

How? How is that possible?

I don't know, but I'm guessing Tom triggered it last night, right?

Anyway, it's probably not the first thing you've manifested.

For me, it started young.

I mean, these things we make as kids, they're...

They're like old toys, right?

You know, may be weird and beat up, but they're comforting.

TOM: Jill.

What's more likely here?

That there was a maniac in our basement who saw your drawings, or that you and our neighbor can mentally manifest your feelings?

When I was 12, I went to the National Science Museum.

I saw a jar there with a sort of a brain tumor in it.

And it occurred to me, this tumor is exactly like what we have.

Only our tumor isn't going to k*ll us, and it isn't inside the skull.

It's on the outside just...

Just walking around.


Your tumor?

Yeah, that's what I call it.

So, what? This is just, um, some coincidence that you happen to be our neighbor?

It's not a coincidence.

I mean, put yourself in my shoes.

You live your whole life feeling like you're alone in the world, and then one day you wake up and you realize somebody else shares your condition...

How? How do you realize that?

IAN: Because I can feel her.

She can feel me, too.

She just doesn't know it yet.

If that's true, you should have told me up front.

Yeah, I should have.

I'm sorry.

But I was worried I'd scare you off.

Maybe you would have, but that was up to me, not you.

TOM: Jill.

Say I did create him.

How do I k*ll him?

IAN: Sorry, it's, uh, so Spartan in here.

You guys' bedroom is a little more domestic, huh?


So, how do you k*ll them?


It is possible, though, if you want to do it physically, you're really gonna have to, you know, take them apart.

I'm talking fully smash the head, cut it off, throw him in a meat grinder, fully incinerate him.

That might do it.

But here's the thing, right?

You don't have to k*ll Pretzel Jack.

You just learn to control him.

He's a part of you. He's like your hands.

Plus, you can manifest other tumors whenever you want.

You just gotta be careful.

It takes something out of you.

I get that you might be having a little trouble swallowing all this.


So, how about I show you?

Show us?

Name an animal.

Something small and light.

A werewolf.


We're already talking about impossible things.

Why don't you make a small, light werewolf?

A cat.

Make another cat.

I love cats.




Oh, what the f*ck?









IAN: It's a Lykoi.

Werewolf cat.

It's an actual breed.

I didn't just, you know, make it up.

Google it.


This power, you can learn to control it.


So, now what, there's just a weird door in your bedroom forever?

IAN: Well, once you learn how to really control it, you know, you can uncreate your doors.

But baby steps. (CHUCKLES)

But I...

I can control him.

Yeah, you can.

What about range?


Does... Could he be anywhere, or does he have to be within a certain proximity for him to, you know, respond to how I'm feeling?

IAN: In my experience, you have to be within a few hundred miles for it to work.

So what would happen if I just got on a plane and went to Japan?

Well, he'd, uh, just stand there, like a car in neutral waiting for you to come back, or until he just withered up and died, which happens eventually.

Either way, it wouldn't fix your problem, because you'd still be at risk of manifesting anew one at any moment.

The point is, we gotta figure out what to do about this one.


Maybe if we could...

(MUTTERS) draw him out and trap him.

Then at least you'd have time to figure out how to control him.

And how would we do that?


IAN: When Pretzel Jack goes after somebody, what does he think he's protecting you from?

JILLIAN: Disloyalty.



TOM: Okay.

Let me get this straight, the only way to not get me k*lled is to try to get me k*lled?

Is that what we're doing here?

Hey. Relax. I've done this before.

You're in good hands.

I think we should have waited longer to get married.


I think we should have gotten to know each other better, first.

We've known each other for over 20 years.

We knew each other more than 20 years ago.

There's a difference.

Can we not do this with him here?

It's not supposed to be easy.

He's here to help.

If you want to draw him out, you have to get hurt.

You have to get really hurt.

You have to be willing to go where it hurts.

Can you do that?


TOM: Okay.

I wish I could tell you she started it.

That's not the truth.

I was in their bedroom taking measurements,

and I heard this laughter coming from outside.

She was out there with her kid, her daughter.

She looked so happy.

And good.

And I knew the marriage wasn't good.

Few days later, when we were alone in the house, it just happened.

It was never illicit, the way you imagine it might be with a married woman.

It just felt comfortable.

She never wore... (PHONE VIBRATES)

Supposed to turn your phone off during therapy, right?

Hey, keep going. You're doing good.

You're doing really good.

I don't know where I thought it would go.


Now she's raising our son.

And I don't know him.

He'll go his whole life without knowing who I am.

I wanna be his father.

I want to teach him the things my dad taught me.

But now someone else will teach him different things.

I think of you that way, Jill.

I think of you as someone to be a parent with.

But I'm afraid that's not what you want.

I'm afraid you'll sabotage it.

You draw a border around yourself.

I'm worried there's no room to include anyone else.

Even a child.


I'm afraid that, deep down...

you're like your dad.

I guess that makes two of us.

Don't stop now. This is good, we're almost there. Keep going.


You're f*cked up.

I love you.

No, wait.




I'm sorry, he gave up.

He shouldn't have. We were really close.


Hello? Who is this?

MAN: Jill, I, uh...

I needed to talk to you. Hello?

Jill, it's me. Dad.

But not over the phone.

I need to see you right away.

Jill? Jill, are you there?

Who is it?

It was my dad.

IAN: Your dad?


IAN: What did he want?

I don't know.



Stay calm.

If you're calm, he's calm.


Deep breaths.




Tom, it's me. Open the door.



We need to talk.