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07x12 - Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself

Posted: 12/31/20 08:25
by bunniefuu
Who can tell me the biggest mistake people make in a crisis?


A failure to plan.

Crisis management isn't about planning.

It's about action.

Snap decisions in the moment.

An ineffective communication strategy.

Student #3: Telling the truth.

[ Laughter ]

People think we lie for a living.

But in fact, the truth is often our greatest w*apon.

Anyone else?

Woman: Not knowing they're in a crisis.

Very good.

Miss... Keating.

Annalise Keating.

♪♪ [ Indistinct conversations ]

Ms. Pope.

Ms. Keating.

That was a very informed answer earlier.

Spoken from experience?

I'm a defense attorney.

I taught at Middleton Law School for years.

Professor Keating...?

I'm sorry.

Oh, no.

I'm happy that my own business never caught your attention.

[ Laughs ]

I'm representing a class-action case that has the potential to reform our entire justice system.

I have about 100 plaintiffs -- all mostly poor, people of color -- who have been incarcerated due to underfunded public defenders.

The case was just shot down by Pennsylvania courts.


I wish you a lot of luck.


People's constitutional rights are being violated every single day in every courtroom across the country.

Luck is for cereal with marshmallows.

[ Laughs ]

I need your help.

I'm not sure how I can.

I'm not a practicing lawyer.

Annalise: I don't need another lawyer.

I need this case to be fast-tracked to the United States Supreme Court.


I don't know if you've heard, but I've been out of the White House for a few months now.

The news said you left on good terms.

I did.

But I'm sort of enjoying my break from politics.

Who's talking politics?

I'm talking justice.

Ending the new Jim Crow.

Here, read this case file.

I -- Just look it over.

You can say no then.

Ms. Pope.

Our country's in crisis.

Together we can fix it.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Abby: I've rescheduled Party-boy Banker for tomorrow, so today we just have Senator Embarrassing X-Ray and the oil lobbyist with the little money-laundering sitch.

Huck: I'm also converting all the machines to a stronger encryption protocol.

So that'll take us offline for a few hours.

You just have to tell me when.

We were thinking maybe Friday night.


Did you hear anything we just said?

Quinn: Uh, today is X-Ray Senator and money laundry oil lobbyist.

Tomorrow is Party Boy Banker.

Abby: Also, Charlie reached out to a couple of PI's for extra help with all the tails we're running.

We'll want to sit down with them.


So, maybe next week, or...?" Sure.

Sooner would be better.


Charlie can run point on that, right?


I'll check.

I'm sorry.

Was there something else?

You're Googling Liv again, aren't you?

She's teaching college.


Well, you know what they say.

Those who can't do...

[ Laughs ]

You're bad.

Liv's worse.

Good riddance.



♪♪ [ Inhales deeply, exhales ]

♪♪ [ Camera shutter clicking ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Marcus: Annalise Keating.

The Annalise Keating showed up in your classroom.

Olivia: So you've heard of her?

Liv, it's Annalise Keating.

Annalise Keating the top defense attorney and badass professor from Middleton University in Philly?

Of course.

I applied to law school there because of her.

She's a beast.

Google says she's a criminal.

She's been accused of some things.


But haven't we all.

She wants my help on a case.

Class-action suit.

Defendants are incarcerated due to over-- Overworked public defenders.

Yeah, I read about this.

I brought the idea to Fitz, but we got sidetracked with another project.

You taking it on?


[ Laughs ]

Are you serious?

Black men going to prison because their constitutional rights have been violated?

Yeah, I'm serious.

Marcus, I'm not in the game anymore.


You're a school teacher.

Watch yourself.

I just don't think I can do it.

Then don't do it.

Do nothing.

Waste your life.

I got to go.

Marcus, why do you -- Why do I return your calls?

Show up for drinks?

Come over to watch the game?


After everything that happened, why are you here?

[ Exhales ]

We're black, which means I'll always be here for you, and I'll always root for you.

That's how we do.

♪♪ [ Camera shutter clicking ]

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ [ Knock on door ]

It's a good case.

Your brief is strong, the injustices are clear.

It's evident these prisoners' constitutional rights are being violated.

Some of their stories are quite moving.

I sense a "but" coming.

But there is one problem.


Annalise Keating can't be the face of this.

I did a little research.

m*rder*d husband, stint in jail...

I was wrongfully accused, just like many of my plaintiffs.

Your tenure at Middleton was nullified.

You were almost disbarred for alcoholism.

I'm sober now.

Ms. Keating.

You'd be the national press' featured entrée for almost a month of news cycles.

Arson charges for dinner, m*rder for dessert.

Even if I was able to spin this rather colorful history of yours, you'd still have to pull off a miracle to get the Supreme Court to come anywhere near this case.

So you're saying I'm a hot mess.


I thought you were able to move mountains.

That's why I came here looking for you.

Your reputation was supposed to speak for itself.

Have a safe trip back to Philadelphia.

♪♪ ♪♪ [ Knock on door ]

If we're gonna work together, then there is one thing you need to understand.

This is my town, my game, my rules.



♪♪ [ Camera shutter clicking ]

This isn't a good idea.

I know.

He doesn't want to see you.

I know.

I had nothing to do with this.

We never talked.

I know.


How can I help you, Olivia?

Class-action suit.

100 plaintiffs.

Constitutional rights are being violated.

I'm familiar.

Why do you need our help?

It's a big case.

A huge fight.

I can't do it alone.

Olivia Pope asking for help.

That's a first.

I did not come here for forgiveness.

I know you don't like me.

But I also know that you want to change the world, that it sickens you that there are people in this country who are literally punished because of disadvantages they were born into.

That is why you started this institute -- to give them hope that their American nightmare can become an American dream.

That's what you've done.

That's why I'm here.

So, yes, Olivia Pope is asking you, Fitz, for help.


♪♪ [ Camera shutter clicking ]

You got here early.

I'm not early.

[ Laughs ]

Meeting doesn't start till 9:00.

That's right.

Which makes you early.

I'm not early.

I'm ready.

Good morning.

Marcus: Good morning.

Miss Pope, it is such an honor.

This is my associate Michaela Pratt.

I cannot even begin to express how much this means to me.

[ Hushed voice ]

Except you just did.

It's nice to meet you, Michaela.

Annalise, this is Marcus Walker.

Welcome to D.C., Ms. Keating.

Thanks for having me.

Morning, everyone.

Mr. President.

Morning, sir.

You must be Annalise.


Hello, Mr. President.

Call me Fitz.

No, thank you, sir, Mr. President.

Hi, there.

I'm -- [ Mumbling ]



44 -- 44th President.


That's me.

Olivia: Mr.

President, before we get started, we wanted to thank you for agreeing to help.

This is issue is -- An important one.

I know.

Fortunately, President Grant thinks so, too.

Michaela: President Grant?

That'd be the other President Grant.

She agreed to meet with us?

She has.

[ Gushes ]

Olivia: That's fantastic.

Marcus: If we can get the White House behind our case, then the Supreme Court will add us to their docket, no question.

Let's get to work.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]


Come in.

It's so nice to see all of you.

Fitz, Marcus.

Marcus: Madam President.

Ms. Keating, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Is this your first time in the White House?

It is.

Thank you for meeting with us.

Thank you for coming.

I'm anxious to hear about this case of yours.

Mellie: All of these people are innocent?

Annalise: Who knows.

They were never given a fair defense because they couldn't afford one.

If we're able to get the Supreme Court to hear their case, if we're able to win it, we can change the system, and we can do it now.

You and I are in agreement, Ms. Keating.

The system does need to change.

[ Inhales deeply ]

But it's not gonna happen this way.

Madam President, it's a solid case, if only the White House put pressure on the justices to hear it.

Don't get me wrong.

I like the case.

I just don't like the court.

You put this case before the current roster of judges, you won't win.

David: There are rumblings that at least a couple of the more conservative judges may be considering retirement.

Marsh, maybe Kensington.

This time next year, you could be facing a whole new ball game.

Next year?

Fitz: We don't even know whether these judges are gonna retire.

You're gonna delay justice for these people based on a rumor?

Based on certainty.

The certainty that if we move forward with this now, we will be shut down.

And all the work that you have done will be for naught.

All the work I've done?

Let me tell you about the work that I've done -- Madam President, may I speak to you privately?

Fitz: Olivia, let's not -- No.

It's okay.


Please, uh, everyone, give us the room.

Mellie: Ms.

Keating, thank you.

I'm so sorry we couldn't be more accommodating.

Madam President, thank you for your time.

[ Door closes ]

Why did you agree to take this meeting if you knew you were going to say no?

[ Scoffs ]

First of all, I agreed to this meeting as a favor to Fitz.

And secondly, I didn't say no.

I said not now.

This is not the time to punish me.

You really think I'm that small?

I think you're putting the brakes on something you should want.

And there has to be a reason.

I want this case to move forward in a year when it actually has a chance of succeeding.

The only reason you want this case to happen now is because you need a win.

You need a win while there's still a chance for you to scrape back some influence in this town.

Beyond the occasional teaching gig, that is.

Madam President, I don't -- Go ahead.

Tell me I'm wrong.

It wouldn't be the first time you stood in this room and lied to my face.

♪♪ We're going to the Supreme Court with or without you.

You do that, you will find yourself an adversary of the White House.

♪♪ Wouldn't be the first time for that, either.

♪♪ [ Door closes ]

Ooh, that was fast.

Did the radiologist say yes to the payoff, or are we going to have to turn the screws a little?

I couldn't tell you.

Sounds juicy, though.


Sure is quiet around here.

Everyone call in sick, or...?

We're running down cases.

So can I help you, Jake?



What am I supposed to call you these days anyway?

There's a case making its way towards the Supreme Court, Perkins.

President Grant would prefer that it stall out before it gets there.


You're coming to us when you have B613?

I thought you'd take a personal interest in this case.

What's the case?

It's a criminal-justice reform class-action championed by none other than Olivia Pope.

Yeah, well, that's going to be a big no.

I have no interest in anything having to do with Olivia Pope.


Your RSS feed begs to differ.

How many articles about Olivia have you read this month?



[ Chuckles ]

You're spying on my Internet history?

You and about 300 million of your fellow citizens.

Look, here's the deal.

If Liv's able to score a win with this case, it'll clear a path for her right back into the halls of power.

Are you really gonna tell me you're willing to stand by and let that happen?

The President refused to help?

President Grant has made her decision.

Nothing we do now will change that.

She made that crystal clear.

That's it?

That's what I get by having Olivia Pope on my team -- resignation.

You were supposed to convince her.

What happened when we left the room?

It doesn't matter.

It matters to me.

What'd you talk about?

What do you think we talked about?

We talked about you.


You think the President doesn't get a full briefing on every person who sets foot in her office, especially when that person's got a past like yours?

Annalise, she'd made up her mind before you even opened your mouth.

That woman is impossible!

Fitz: She's passionate about the case.

And I'm not passionate about the case?

It's not my fault Mellie has chosen to be petty.

It's not Annalise's fault either.

Maybe I could go back and try to change Mellie's mind.

Or maybe we don't need Mellie.


Cut out the middle man.

Put pressure on the Supreme Court ourselves.

The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection under the law.

Which is simply impossible if public defenders are unable to meet the same standards as their privately paid counterparts.

The Supreme Court must act to correct that injustice...

You need a majority to win a case in The Supreme Court.

But to have it heard only takes four judges.

Stupid "rule of four." Justice Gutierrez has already expressed his support for Team Liv.

She only needs three more.

Luckily, Kensington and Marsh are super into states' rights.

There's no way they'd entertain this case.

Which leaves these six.

We get four of them on our side, and Annalise Keating is done.

Woman: Of course Justice Ribas believes in the right to counsel, but the Constitution doesn't say anything about the right to good counsel.

She's a strict constitutionalist.

You don't say.

Public defenders are overworked and underpaid, resulting in an inordinate amount of plea deals.

Innocent people are willfully going to jail simply because they're poor.

There's no doubt the system is broken.

But should the federal government get involved in a state program?

Absolutely not.

Which is why we'll rule to send the case back to the Pennsylvania circuit court.

Justice Bass: I'm sorry, Mr.

Walker, but I have a more pressing matter to attend to.

Your Honor, what could be more pressing than 90% of defendants being unable to afford competent counsel?


Excuse me.

♪ In my house ♪ Hold tight.

Justice Bass?

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

Three down.

One to go.

So it all rests on -- Quinn: Justice Mark Spivey.

Of course.

He's always the swing vote.

A wild card.

There's no telling what he'll do.

And he never reveals how he's ruling beforehand.

Marcus: Just got off the phone with Spivey's law clerk, and he agrees with you, Liv.

With a little more media push, he can be swayed.


Let's set up a sit-down for me and Noah Baker.

Annalise: I don't think that's a good idea.

No, you're right.

It should be a woman.

Maybe Francesca Hunter?

No, I mean I don't think it's a good idea for you to do the interview.

I should do it.



It's my case.

Put me on camera.

If I do that, they will tear you apart.

Bring up all your past sins.


Bring it on.

I'm tired of hiding in the shadows.

Truth is our greatest w*apon.

You said so yourself.

Truth can be unpredictable.

At this point, what's most important is staying on message and selling this to Justice Spivey.

Just like you sold it to President Grant?

Are you questioning my tactics?

Should I be?

How about you both do the interview?


Excuse me?

Annalise, you can convey the passion behind the case.

Tug at Spivey's heartstrings.

And if the interview begins to take a turn towards personal issues, then Ms.

Pope, you can steer it back to what's most important -- this case.


That's exactly what I was gonna say.



[ Hushed voice ]

Thank God.

Olivia: If we do this right, this interview could be the push that Spivey needs to hear the case.

I'll set it up.

I'll call Spivey's people to make sure he's watching.


Please tell me you know a good hairdresser.

[ Chuckles ]

You're telling me Spivey is clean?

No weird porn searches?

Not even a creepy library book?

Guy's so clean it's freaky.

If we can't hamstring Spivey, we could be in trouble.

Liv's k*lling it in the media.

The public wants reform.

Olivia thinks she can get away with ramming it down the Supreme Court's throat.

I mean, why not, right?

She's gotten away with everything else.

That's Liv, though.

Nothing ever sticks to her.

There's got to be dirt on Spivey somewhere.

Maybe he's just a man of principle.

Or he's smart.

Quinn: Charlie's right.

He is smart.

Smart enough to store his dirty laundry on a separate server.

Find it.

Thank you.

[ Hushed voice ]

They haven't found anything on Justice Spivey?

They're still looking.

[ Exhales ]

They're good.

We'll get something we can use to nudge him over to our side of the fence.

Our side of the fence.


Yes, ma'am.

What about her?


She will find a way.

Even if we get Spivey on our side, Olivia will find a way to turn the tide against us.


It's what she does.

She wins.

Not without the White House in her corner.

Pay attention.

We are in her corner.

I let her resign.

I let her keep her dignity.

Everyone still thinks that Olivia Pope is Olivia Pope.

Competent, trusted, right hand of the King.

Because I let her stay Olivia Pope.

I didn't crush her.

And this is my reward.

[ Laughs ]

No good deed...

You had to help her.

If the public knew the true circumstances behind Olivia Pope's dismissal, it wouldn't have simply hurt her.

It would have hurt us, too.

A flesh wound.

We would have found a way to deal with it one way or the other.

At the end of the day, we would've been fine.

[ Inhales deeply ]

[ Exhales ]

We will be fine.

Ma'am, if you're suggesting that we leak that information now -- Us?

The White House?

Leak Liv's firing?

That would be beneath us.

But you are working with her old team, yes?

I am.

♪♪ Is it beneath them?

♪♪ Yes, Madam President.

♪♪ So she shows up at his house at 2:00 a.m.

with the other girl in the back seat?

Yes, girl.

Then, they started fighting.

It was all some straight up ratchet mess.

That's how your family do though.

[ Laughs ]

No, that's just one cousin.

They are not all like that.

Everybody got one hood cousin.

Or aunt.

Or uncle who used to be a pimp.

And then found Jesus.

Oh, I got two of those.

[ Laughter ]

Can you turn that up?

Man: Sources are saying that former Chief of Staff Olivia Pope's interest in the criminal-justice class-action suit is based on a personal vendetta against President Grant due to Ms.

Pope's being ousted from the White House.

Audrey Campo: I can neither confirm nor deny rumors that Olivia Pope was fired from the White House.

But I will say that President Grant will not be working with Ms.

Pope on any recent or future endeavors.

Annalise: You said you left on good terms, that I was the problem with this case.

But really, it's you.

You lied to me.

Can you give us a minute?


Is it true?

I didn't lie.

My resignation was complicated.

Sounds like more spin to me.

You came to me asking for my help -- Because I thought you had a bite behind that bark.

But instead I found a siddity phony who judged me from the minute she laid eyes on me.

I never judged you.

Oh, you judged me immediately.

Just like a white man in a boardroom looking down on me because my hips are too wide and my hue too dark.

Oh, so we're going there.


You think we soul sisters just 'cause you rented out a hair salon for a few hours on the black side of town?


I've dealt with plenty of bougie-ass black women just like you.

Spent most of your life in boarding school, Ivy League Universities, with a horse between your legs and a silver spoon in your mouth.

You're not the only one who knows how to Google.

You called me a hot mess, remember?

But it sounds to me that despite all of your failed attempts to stand above me on your little pedestal, we're the same.

So keep it real, Olivia Pope.

Why'd you leave the White House?

You know, your skin tone and measurements aren't the reason people don't like you.

It's you, Annalise Keating.

You are a bully who insults people and then wonders why they won't help you.

But hey, you're just trying to keep it real?


How's that working out for you?

Can't be that great if you had to haul your broke ass on the Megabus to beg for my help.

You may think you know who I am and what I'm about, but don't get it twisted.

We are not the same.

So allow me to reintroduce myself.

My name is Olivia Pope.

And I don't have to explain myself to anyone.

Especially you.

Kevin, you can come back.

We're done.

Don't worry about your wash and press.

I'll be sure to put that on my siddity-ass, no limit, platinum card.

I'll pay for my own damn hair.


Man: Still no comment from Olivia Pope on the allegations that she was fired from the White House.

Insiders in Washington are left speculating about what could've happened behind the closed doors of the Oval, how Pope became a pariah, and why she lied about it in her resignation announcement.

The White House...

Can you believe this?

The White House is playing dirty.

It wasn't the White House.

...With more questions than answers...

This was you?

Well, Quinn technically.

Me by proxy.



So that's a yes.

It wasn't personal.

She needed to be stopped for the greater good of our nation.


She's trying to reform our justice system, which as Attorney General of the United Sta-- Mellie wants the same reform.

Just on a safer timeline.

Sure, but maybe playing it safe is the problem.

I respect President Grant's reasoning, but a "safe timeline" is not sending someone away for 20 years on a simple possession charge.

But there was a narrative that is now being called into question.



It's okay to miss her.

...With the White House, or a calculated move...

I don't miss her.

I just don't trust her.



♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Olivia: What is it that you think you're gonna get out of this?

Quinn: Right now, at the moment, I'd be happy just to find my keys.

Oh, would you look at that.

[ Keys jingle ]

Now, move, please.

You're on the wrong side of this fight, Quinn.

[ Scoffs ]

I'm on the only side that matters -- my client's.

Your client?

The White House?

That's who you're working with to deny the rights of 90 wrongfully imprisoned people, right?

I'm not the media, Liv.

You're not going to spin me.

You're not here because you care about those people.

You got kicked out of the game and you want back in.

Don't pretend you have anything on your mind other than you.

[ Laughs ]


Is that funny?

It's not funny.

It's ironic.

You're not here for your client.

You're here for me.

You're here for revenge.

And so what if I am?

I'd say I'm more than a little bit due, wouldn't you?

You said your QPA would be about justice.

Don't let go of that.

Don't compromise yourself just because you hate me.

You're really gonna want to walk away before I do something I regret.

You already have.

You took the case.

I guarantee one way or the other, you will come to regret it.

♪♪ You need anything?


Do you need anything for your interview tomorrow?


You're not gonna win this thing.

I'll do what I can with the interview.

But I can only spin so much.

It won't be enough.

She has problems.

Big problems that she needs to return to Philadelphia with as soon as humanly possible.

That woman -- I think the only one with big problems here is you.

[ Scoffs ]

Fitz, I'm in no mood.

Neither am I.

You know how important this is.

You know how long it's taken for us to get here.

And I am very sorry, but Annalise Keating -- Oh, for the love -- This is not about Annalise Keating.

This is about Olivia Pope.

Where the hell is she?

You saw the news.

It's over.

I don't accept that.

You don't accept that.

A couple of reporters going on TV saying mean things about you?

How unique.

How different.

Rare air you're breathing right now.

Olivia Pope versus the White House?

That's new.

You forced to work with someone you can't stand, someone you disagree with, someone who calls you on your crap?

Done it before, Liv, sailed through it before, and you never folded.

Not once.

So why now are you sitting there, acting like -- Because I'm not that person anymore.

I'm no longer the woman you...

Things are different now, Fitz.

Why did you take this case?

[ Scoffs ]


Answer the question.

Because it matters.

I took this case because it matters.

Because you want to change the world.

Because I want to change the world.



There you are.

♪♪ You're still you.

They just don't see it.

You just don't see it.

♪♪ ♪♪ [ Camera shutter clicking ]

What is that?

Just a little something that might make you feel better.


Abby: What?

Charlie found dirt on Spivey.


Oh, this is good.

There's a reason this guy kept his secrets buried deep.

The White House will control Spivey with that information.

Liv is never gonna know what hit her.

She is done.

[ Exhales sharply ]


Abby: I don't know.

It's just -- I'm all for playing dirty.

But we're gladiators, right?

When we play dirty, it's for a good reason.

This is a good reason.

Of course it is.


[ Door closes ]

♪♪ Quinn: I think you'll be happy with what we found on Justice Spivey.

Pretty much speaks for itself.

This is good stuff, Perkins.

I knew you'd come through.


You never told me -- why's the President so against a case like this getting to the Supreme Court?

You thought this was about the case?

No, I...

We got the chance to finally check Olivia Pope.

It's what we all wanted, isn't it?


Of course.

You have a good day, Perkins.

♪♪ [ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Whispering ]

You sure this is a good idea?

[ Whispering ]

Not really.


Pope and Ms.

Keating, thank you for joining us.

Now, before we get into this case, there's a new story we can't ignore and we'd very much like to get your response to, Ms.


Were you fired by President Grant?


I was.

Why were you fired?

Difficult challenges mean difficult decisions, having to choose between the bad or the worse.

Stakes are high.

Inevitably someone gets hurt.

That time it was me.

Do you regret how you handled anything, specifically while you were in the White House?

I regret that my relationship with President Grant dissolved to the point of my dismissal, that ties were severed between the people I am closest with.

People I have served.

People I have mentored.

People I still love.

But I am a fighter.

So I don't regret the fight.

I can't.

It's who I am.

It's what I do.

And luckily, I am not alone.

Next to me is one of the most courageous fighters I have ever met.

I am just as proud to be in the service of her fight to get this case heard by the highest court of the land as anything I have ever done.

And while I understand the interest in me, I have lost very little compared to the men and women -- many of them innocent -- stuck in prison for decades because of an inadequate defense provided by our legal system.

So I respectfully ask the public, including you, Francesca, to shift focus to what matters -- the fight to reform our criminal-justice system.

And the woman who is leading that charge, fighting that fight for all of us.

Annalise Keating.

♪♪ All right then.


Now is the time.

We can't wait another political season, another month, another day.

There are people rotting in prison because of a judicial system that's messed up.

All we're asking is for an hour of the court's time to hear our case, make a decision.

Help us do that.


♪♪ Carol: I think what Ms.

Pope and Ms.

Keating said about the current state of our justice system was exactly right, Mike.

It is a travesty -- plain and simple.

And if the Supreme Court doesn't hear this case, it'd be a damn shame.

Damn right.

Hopefully Justice Spivey agrees.


Oh, no thank you.

Oh, I-I...


I didn't mean to -- It's fine.

Don't let me stop you.

[ Chuckles ]

Popcorn and wine together?

Yeah, it's kind of my thing.

Looks like a Megabus special if you ask me.


More like a siddity snack.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Phone ringing ]


[ Phone rings ]

Any update on Spivey?

Yeah, he saw the interview.

It didn't change his mind.

He won't hear the case.

[ Exhales ]


I'm sorry.

We have a very conservative bench right now...

After all of that, to be so close and still...

I'm sorry.

Mike: They only need four justices to get the case heard.


It's the rule of four.

So Bass and Gutierrez -- they'll vote for this in a heartbeat.

Michaela: I wanted to be President.

Growing up, it's all I thought about.

Or at least a senator.

I had this vision of D.C.

as a place full of attractive young people, going to fancy galas, and trying to do good in the world.

Instead, it's like an uglier Philly with a bunch of narcissistic, power-hungry cowards.

Hey now -- who you calling ugly?

[ Both laugh ]

Well, I didn't say everyone.

[ Mid-tempo music plays over radio ]



[ Chuckles ]

That's why I've been coming here since I was 16.

You're from here?

This is the neighborhood.

Good for you for getting out.

[ Music continues ]

You know, I may live and work in the other D.C.


But everything I've done, everything I've worked for, I've done because of this place -- Because I grew up around the hardest-working people in America, who got the worst treatment, and I want to do something to change that.

I'll never stop working for them.

Just like you'll never stop fighting for your case in whatever way you can.

This place has my heart.

Unless it takes my liver.

[ Music continues ]

Anyway, we had a crap day.

Sorry for making you come to a place like this.


I'm liking this bar.

[ Phone ringing ]


Cool name.


I should get going.

Uh, we're -- we're probably heading home tomorrow, and, so, I need to pack.


Thank you for the drink.

[ Music continues ]

[ Knock on door ]

[ Sighs ]

Spivey's decision wasn't based on the merits of the case.

Charlie found it.

I gave it to Jake.

I'm sure he used it.

He must have.

There's no way Spivey saw that interview last night without being affected by it.

If you could find a way to make that story disappear, maybe you'd get a different result.

To be clear, I did not do this for you.

You were right.

I did say my QPA would be about justice.

Now, it still is.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]

[ Knock on door ]

Olivia: Justice Spivey?

Ms. Pope.

Now, should I tell you up front that your visit is futile, or would you like me to pretend for a while?

I don't want you to pretend.

I do want you to change your vote.

I can't do that.

Actually, you can now.

Six years ago, your son k*lled a woman in a hit and run.

You paid off the only witness.

How did you get this?

I got it from the same people who gave it to the White House yesterday.

Mere hours before you made up your mind.

I am guessing that is not a coincidence.

It was an accident.

He -- he wasn't drinking, he wasn't texting, he wasn't...

He was 16.

It was an accident.

You people are using this to blackmail me?

I'm not trying to blackmail you, Justice Spivey.

In fact, I want to tell you something the White House forgot to mention.

The witness you paid off died two years ago.

The payment you made could still take you down.

But without him around to talk, it's easy to bury.

I'm good at that kind of thing.

The best, actually.

I can fix it for you, make it all go away, get you out from under the White House.

I only ask one thing in return.

That I hear the case, that I side with you.


That you listen to your conscience.

Like I said, I didn't come here to blackmail you.

I'm done trying to influence people with anything but the truth.

And the truth is, if your son had stood trial for his crime, I know that you would have wanted him to have the best representation possible.

The families of our plaintiffs want the same thing for them, too.

Don't they at least deserve the chance to have this case heard?

♪♪ Julia: Reports this afternoon coming out of the Supreme Court...

The class-action lawsuit spearheaded by former White House Chief of Staff Olivia Pope, along with Philadelphia attorney Annalise Keating, has just been added to the court's docket.

Justice Spivey apparently making an impassioned plea to his fellow justices, asking that they not only consider the case, but fast-track it as well.

The stunning decision is not only a victory for Pope and Keating, but is also being hailed as a significant step forward in the effort to reform America's criminal-justice system.

♪♪ Olivia.


I guess this makes you exactly what I thought.

What would that be?

A miracle worker.

[ Laughs ]

[ Sighs ]

So what now?

You go on to your teaching gig?

I go on to the Supreme Court?

Is that what you would like to happen?

Not exactly.



♪♪ Is this your way of saying you'll join me?

♪♪ Is this your way of asking?

♪♪ Let's go.

♪♪ [ Camera shutter clicking ]

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪