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07x02 - Pressing the Flesh

Posted: 12/29/20 08:24
by bunniefuu
We're running out of hotels.

Have you seen my purse?

- Fivestar hotels.

- I could've sworn...

We're not gonna take this show to the Super 8 next, are we?

'Cause something tells me you like the fivestar service you've been getting.

You're giving yourself five stars now?

You can tell me I'm wrong.

I'll be in touch.

- Your assistant...

- What?

Your assistant will be touch.

My assistant handles my schedule.

So, then, dinner, a night out?

Maybe your assistant can schedule me in?

I'm just saying, this fivestar service could extend to outside the hotel room, too.


my assistant handles my very busy schedule.

If I'm having a day, if my tea isn't sitting on my desk, piping hot in the morning, if the President ignores something I've said in the afternoon, if the state dinner I'm throwing for the head of state who's in town is a bust in the evening...

that is where you and your fivestar service come in.

I'm really not sure how to make myself any more clear.

So, is that your way of saying you don't need a date for the state dinner tomorrow night?

'Cause II was kind of hoping that...

Goodbye, Curtis.

Of course, the state dinner tradition dates all the way back to 1874, when President Ulysses S.

Grant welcomed King Kalakaua of Hawaii, which, as we all know, later became our 50th state.

Now, at that dinner, there were just 36 guests eating 29 courses, if you can believe it.

Tonight, President Grant will be playing host to 120 guests eating just five courses at our state dinner for the President of Bashran.

Excuse me, what's this tarp?

That's the old pool built by President Franklin Roosevelt.

It's under construction.

As some of you may know, President Roosevelt had polio, so he actually used the pool t...

It's Olivia Pope, everyone...

- our very own Chief of Staff.

- Hello, hello.

You all picked a very busy day to visit the White House.



Vice President.

I wish you'd stop doing that.

- Doing what?

- Being so formal.

I'd like this to be informal...

colleagues, but friends.

I see.

You're here to complain?

We were friends once, weren't we?

- But now what am I to you?

- At this moment, we are preparing to host the president of a country who just caught us spying on him...

not a great place to start when the point of tonight's dinner is to talk this man into giving up his nuclear capabilities.

Add on top of that, the fact that Mellie doesn't have a a First Lady.

So the questions I've been forced to field...

have been about china patterns, about centerpieces, and I am not a wedding planner.

So, what are you to me... another person in my office about to bother me about tonight's dinner.

Unless... and I would love this...

you can tell me you're here about something else.

Out with it.

It's about tonight's seating arrangement.

Goodbye, Cyrus.

I'm sitting next to Fenton Glackland...

Fenton Glackland...

which I assume is no accident.

You assume correctly.

Why, Olivia?

What sin did I commit?

What gods have I offended that I've been sentenced to sit for two hours next to Fenton Glackland?

Or is it because I'm gay, and he's gay, and you think we speak some secret gay language?

You're next to Fenton because he's one of the biggest campaign contributors we've got, and he made a special request to be seated near you.

Olivia, we're talking about a man who wore flipflops to his TED Talk.

Look, we've all got our work cut out for us tonight.

Did I mention Mellie's trying to charm a dictator into a nucleararms treaty?

The least you can do is chitchat with a billionaire tech mogul whose support we depend on.

He's a Sasquatch...

a libertarian.


Last election cycle, he donated on both sides of the aisle.

Down the line, when you're mounting your own campaign, Glackland could be a useful person to know.

You want me to be your friend, Cyrus?

This is me being your friend.

Get out of my office.

You want four tickets to the state dinner that's happening tonight.

That's the one.

Yeah, I can't help you.

On the phone, you said it wouldn't be a problem.

Because I thought you were asking to be my date, which would be fine, but I only get a plusone, not a plusfour.

David, we need clients... highprofile clients...

the kind of clients that attend state dinners.

Those people came to OPA because they knew Olivia Pope.

If we want them to come to QPA, then they need to know who we are.

If you all need to be there that badly, why don't you just ask Olivia?

Olivia has a lot on her plate right now.

And I don't?

Abby, I'm the Attorney General of the...

Of the United States of America.

Yes, I know, and you are also my friend, and I bought you lunch, so you owe me.

We have lunch together all the time, which I always buy, so technically, you owe me.

You know what?

Let's not get into who owes who.

Abby, I don't know if you recall, but you used to work at the White House.

Yeah, that's the key phrase, "used to." You don't think that the idea of me showing up at the White House and begging the Social Secretary for scraps is a little sad?

Is it more sad than the idea that I can be bought with a plate of lomein and an egg roll?

They are very good egg rolls.

We're in!

Four invites to the state dinner, all courtesy of David Rosen.

- Who's Kevin Dunwoody?

- Kevin Dunwoody is you.

We had to give you both fake identities.

You're not Rihanna or Adele.

The White House isn't gonna issue invites to "Huck" or "Charlie." I don't know if I see myself as a Kevin.

- You want to be Kevin?

- I don't want to go at all.

This is a huge opportunity, and we cannot afford to pass it up.

Plus, I'm the boss, and I say we're going, - so we're going.

- Fake identities?

Infiltrating secure government buildings?

It does sound a bit like the good ole days.

Start right in on the nuclear treaty.

- Should I go with "Mr. President" or...

- President Rashad.

He's going to try to steer you toward the Joshua Stewart debacle, seek some sort of apology for spying on his country but...

What's one incident when a nuclear treaty equals peace in the Middle East?

We've only got this brief meeting and the state dinner to convince him to take a bold step.

Got it.

President Rashad, welcome.

Madam President, thank you.

Being invited here, as well as having your undivided attention, is a great moment for my country.

As it is for ours.

Thank you, everyone.

Thank you.

I do appreciate you making the trip.

I hope we can make this an historic one, and start down a very important road towards a nuclearfree Bashran.

It is an important road.

And a difficult one, no?

Considering that your country started this nucleararms race decades ago and then escalated it by handing out nuclear capabilities to our enemies, forcing Bashran to spend precious resources just to protect ourselves on the playground.

- Yes, well...

- And as you also know, it is different for a leader, like myself, to feel secure when your CIA provides amm*nit*on to rebel factions who want to remove me from power.

But before you tell me that you're simply trying to spread democracy, when, really, you're spreading lax moral values and a godless obsession with sex, let me just note that I would be delighted to discuss the ways to remove all nuclear weapons from the entire planet...

starting with countries who have the most...

like the United States, for example.

That would be historic.

Wouldn't you agree?

Now, how about that tour?

Okay, I've flagged people on the guest list most prone to scandal.

We should make sure to hit them up tonight.

They're our priority.


You okay?

I don't want to go.

I'm not very good at...

small talk.

Well, you know, you don't really have to say much.

Just ask one or two questions, get them talking.

The best way I know how to get people talking is...

is to hurt them.

But you only hurt people who don't want to answer your questions.

These people tonight...

they like to hear themselves talk.

And they love talking about themselves.

Ask a question, let them talk.

You'll be fine.

Do you miss it?

The White House?

I was a big dog...

effecting policy...

that affected 300 million lives.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it...


But, you know...

I prefer being a gladiator.

I welcomed this man into America's house.

This was a mistake.

He's unreasonable.

True, but that doesn't negate the fact that we need President Rashad to sign this treaty.

How soon do we think Bashran can get their hands on a nuclear w*apon anyway?

Thank you, Yvette.

The CIA Director estimates anywhere - from five months to a year.

- That soon?

Mellie, Rashad's cooperation is imperative.

Tonight's dinner is crucial.

What do you say we skip the dinner?

Go to Georgetown, have some drinks, - meet some guys.

- Madam President, if we can focus...

It would be so much fun.

Think about it.

I mean, it doesn't have to be Georgetown.

We can go wherever the hot single guys in D.C. hang out nowadays.

Madam President...

That is the problem...

Madam President, always Madam President.

I am not complaining.

I wanted to be first, I fought to be first, and, of course, I knew the cure for sexism would come with side effects.

But, my God, Liv.

It never turns off.

You never stop being President, not for one minute.

It's all missiles and treaties and worrying about the safety of the nation every minute of the day.

You feel like you're losing who you really are.

You feel like a prisoner.

You feel trapped under the weight of the power and the responsibility.

It's crushing you.

If only the world would allow you to do this job and still be you, right?

Being a woman doesn't make you original.

You sound just like Fitz, who sounded just like every other President.

But I'm not.

I'm not just POTUS.

I am Single Female POTUS.

Do you know what that means?

It means I'm a human chastity belt.

Men have, historically, always had trouble getting turned on by powerful women...

the idiots.

And when that powerful woman is the leader of the free world?

Olivia, there is a famine in my lady bits.

My vag*na is beautiful, she is welcoming, but she is getting treated like a m*rder house.

- I can't get anythingin there.

- Okay!

So that is a colorful visual I did not need.

You know what I need?

I need a vibrator.

The President needs a vibrator.

Can I get one?


Can I go into a store and buy one?


I can't order one online.

I don't have a credit card anymore.

I'm definitely not gonna ask the military valet who attends to my personal items to go and pick one up for me.

I can't ask any staffer, really, because, I mean, think of the political tea the Democrats could spill.

The headline...

"Staffer forced to purchase sex toys for President Grant." You want to talk about the crown jewel of the American prison system?

I can't even smuggle an orgasm into this place.

I just keep thinking...

how would Ken Burns immortalize this moment in your documentary?

Well, I hope that he would use a reenactment.

It's lonely.

I know.

I really do know.


this is the job.

You have to do the job.

I know.

I will work on President Rashad at dinner.

If I can't get laid, I can, at least, do something about nuclear proliferation.

Let's go make some world peace.

One of his startups is developing "insectbased meal replacement shakes." Did you know our friend Mr. Glackland eats bugs?

Literally eats bugs.

Over here.

What's that?

This is the most important piece of equipment we have.

No B613 command center is complete without it.

Tiny pleasures.

President Rashad.

He's being difficult.

Mellie's gonna work on him at dinner.

Maybe he'll soften.

I doubt he will.

If he doesn't, we're going to need a little help getting our treaty signed.

A little help.

We're talking about...


Hold him upside down, see what falls out of his pockets.

Think you can do that?


This was the only place he felt free, you know.


the guy who built this place.

Outside, he was confined to a wheelchair, but in here...

in the water, it's like he could fly.

Hard to believe now, isn't it?

Let me know when you've found something.

They say you can see the castle from every hole, but I can only attest to the view from the sand trap.

In life, as it is in golf.

Excuse me, I, can't take another minute.

I beg your pardon.

Fenton Glackland.

I'd say I'm at your service, but considering the amount of money I've given, I think you're technically at mine.

Mr. Glackland.

Your reputation precedes you.

It's only sugar.

Passed a churro cart on the drive over, - and I couldn't resist.

- A churro cart?

You realize the chef tonight has three Michelin stars.

And welldeserved...

I've eaten at all her restaurants.

But her portions?


If you're the least bit hungry, I suggest, filling up on apps.

Truly, I'd assumed that the firm had closed its doors when Olivia Pope left for the White House.

Unfortunately, that's a popular misconception, and one we're eager to correct.

- Stuffed date, my dear?

- Ooh!

What a gentleman.

Tell me, how long have the two of you been married?

Actually, we're...

We're about a year and half in, right, Kevin?


Year and a half.

I found a poodle on the side of the road once.

I tried to massage its heart and keep it alive...

didn't work.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Our next three lunches are on me.

How does that math work?

It should be at least one lunch for every ticket.


You already had the plusone.

You wouldn't really make your date pay for her own meal, would you?


No, I suppose not.

You know, I think I see Senator Powell over there.

I should go say hello.

- What happened?

- She didn't want to talk.

I told you, I'm not good at this.

Try talking to someone you might have something in common with, like...

There are lots of military people here.

Try one of them.



You're here.

You're all here.

Yes, we are, but I don't want you to worry.

We're not going to embarrass you.

Huck is on the leash, this baby is staying in, so no broken water on this very nice carpet.

And Charlie isn't even Charlie.

He's Kevin.


Give me a sec, okay?

What are you doing here?

I was invited here.

You know Sarah Jacobi?

She works at Defense...

- You need to leave.

- That would be rude to Sarah.

If you're here trying to make some ridiculous point...

No, I'm here trying to ridiculously impress my date.

You want to meet her?

She's great...

She's smart, and, get this, she doesn't even have an assistant.

Happy for you.

You don't look happy.

I don't have time for this.


Very busy, I know.

Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States accompanied by President Rashad of Bashran.

And may this evening begin a new era of peace and prosperity for Bashran, and a friendship which endures well beyond our time.

Kind words from an elegant host.

Kind words from a President with a clear agenda, one that is your country's best interest.

Your best interest, perhaps.

I'm trying to avoid a largescale w*r in the Middle East.

You're trying to put a feather in your cap and get a political win.

Securing a nuclear treaty would be an achievement far beyond feathers in our respective caps.

What you're seeking you don't want, I assure you.

We have an expression in this country.

It's called "mansplaining." If I agree to this treaty of yours, I'll be considered weak.

Support for the wellfunded, welltrained radicals who want me out of power will grow.

I'll be exiled at best and assassinated at worst, and instead of dealing with me, you'll be dealing with a hornets nest of antiAmerican g*ons with access to radioactive materials.

We can help you sell the idea of peace to your people.

I can make visit to your country...

talk to...

The godless white lady coming to save us?

I don't think so.

Maybe if they got to know me better?

You have a fair point.

You charm and intelligence are powerful weapons.

I can see that now.

But I'm afraid they're not enough.

Let me mansplain more.

Like I said, the moment I say the word "treaty," I'm either dead or exiled, especially now that Dakal is developing its own weapons right next door.

So I'm afraid your dream is thwarted by my reality.

Please tell me you've got something.

Our friend likes 'em young.

That girl can't be older than 16.

When were these taken?

Last night at the Embassy.

Rashad's security detail snuck her in the back.

Any photos inside the bedroom, proof that money exchanged hands?

- Nothing I caught on camera.

- Keep looking.

In Bashran, sexual deviants are either imprisoned or ex*cuted.

My guess, he'd rather sign a treaty than be dragged from his palace and hung from a crane.

Your wish is my command, boss.

- Coffee?

- None for me.

Thank you.

I will, thanks.

You know, Congressman, it's so funny you mentioned polo.

My husband's family are mad for the game.

Isn't that right, Kevin?

- Indeed.

Quite mad.

- Really?

You're not related to the Atlanta Dunwoodys, - are you?

- Um...


Kevin's family's all California based...

Stanford alumns, the lot of them.

You know, I'm told Santa Barbara has a lovely polo club.

Yeah, but the 1911 is the best sidearm ever built.

It won two world wars.

New w*r, new w*apon... the M9 is more resistant to sand.

And it's a lot cheaper.

Yeah, certainly doesn't hurt, right?

You, served?

I don't know.

You don't know if you've served?

Is that baklava?

What'd I tell you?


She should skip the gold leaf and double the saffron foam.

- I'm embarrassing you.

- Not at all.

I'm eager to know how the cake fared against the churros.

You know what I did today?

Invented a hovercraft powered by cockroach parts?

I bought a Cèzanne...

$105 million.

Well, ducky for you.

Which Cèzanne?

I don't remember.

But my buyer assures me it's quite famous...

a boy, a vest...

something like that.

"The Boy in the Red Vest"?

Yeah, that sounds right.


one of his most...

You spent $100 million on a painting, and you don't even know what painting it is?

It's for my office.

You see, my businesses earn over $1 million an hour.

That's over $17,000 a minute.

So there's nothing I hate more than people wasting my time.

But I found a solution.

A billion dollars of artwork hangs in the foyer of my office...

Warhol, Picasso, Monet, soon this Cèzanne.

After people walk past all that, they tend to get right to the point.

Which is how I like it.

- I can imagine.

- The problem is, what good is that collection when I'm out here in the world?

You see, we've been at this dinner nearly two hours, and you still have not asked me why I am here.

Mr. Glackland, why are you here?

Because I like to work with experts, and you're an expert in politics.

The real expert's sitting at the head table.

I'm the one who rode in the sidecar, went to prison, then lost.

Don't sell yourself short.

You've seen it all, played every angle, seen every mistake.

Okay, I'm an expert.

What do you want to know?

If I wanted to run for governor...

where, exactly, would I start?


You want to run for Governor.

Ladies and gentlemen, with our dinner service complete, we would like to invite you all to join us in the East Room for a musical performance.

- No, no, no.

- We're not going there.

You're giving me the private tour.

Forced music appreciation?

Hold the performance.

You want the good news first or the bad news?


She's not a prost*tute.

That's the bad news.

What's the good news?

You can corroborate this?

Is the performance about to begin?

Not quite.

You'll forgive the intrusion.

I felt it was best we spoke privately.

Her name is Yasmeen Talebi.

That's what the Admissions Office at Dartmouth thinks, anyway.

What they don't know, but you do is that her name is Yasmeen Rashad, daughter of Amir Rashad, your late brother.

I'm told she's a...

English major with a minor in Gender Studies.

I don't imagine that would go over very well in Bashran.

Neither do you, I'm assuming.

If you did, you wouldn't have changed her name.

Mr. President...

actions speak louder than words.

You may preach nationalism, rail in your speeches against the corrosive effect of the West on your values, but sending your niece to the States, enrolling her in a prestigious college under an assumed name, offering her a future she wouldn't otherwise have at home...

that tells me who you are, who you really are...

your character.

There are some in your country who want to drag the world back to the 12th century.

Don't let them do that.

Sign the treaty.

Do for your country what you've done for your niece.

You're right, Ms. Pope.

Actions do speak louder than words.

And this...

This tells me that your country is still sticking its nose - where it doesn't belong.

- Mr. President...

Ambassador Marashi warned me about you.

"Watch out for Olivia Pope," he said.

"She's the devil." Don't let your pride get in the way of progress.

You threatened his child...

his son.

That tells me everything I need to know about your character.

So you can forget about your treaty.

My staff and I will be leaving immediately after the performance.

You're making a mistake.

Good evening, Ms. Pope.

So, I said to myself, if there's this much waste in San Francisco, imagine at the state level.

I mean, their systems are obsolete.

Plus, I'm running out of companies to found.

I saved the best for last.

Of course.

This is it?

The seat of power, the center of the known world.


Not what you expected?

Well, it's a little...

a little smaller than I thought.

But I guess people were stunted by calcium deficiency back in...

- 1909.

- We don't really let people...

you know...

I could get used to this.

Screw governor.

Maybe I should drop a few mil and make a bid for Prez.

Get up.

Get up!



You ignorant, entitled...

This is the most venerated office in the country...

The democracy that defined modern democracy.

The chance to sit at this desk is an honor and a privilege, not some cr*cker Jack prize that gets handed out to any Forbes 100 upstart who can "drop a few mil" when they're getting bored.

FYI, that Cèzanne that you bought just to prove to everyone how important you are?

It's worth all that money for a reason.

Cèzanne's work shaped the next halfcentury of modern art.

But you don't care.

You can't even pretend to care, which is why you'll never win an election, certainly not for Governor.

And for President?

Don't make me laugh!

So, it's time to call it a day.

I'm leaving.

I'm s...

so sorry.

Mr. Glackland, the Oval...

it's very close to my heart.

There you are.

Here I am.

I thought you might've left.

I've been networking...

haven't had a moment to breathe.

Now's your moment.

I love this song.

We are doing so well, I feel like celebrating.

Do you think they have any of that cake left?

Do you want me to look?

Because that sounds like a job for your husband.

- Kevin.

- What?

Never mind.

I thought he was Kevin.

He is.

Everyone is acting so weird tonight.

Huck, We need you in there, man.

The evening's almost over.

Come on.

You were hitting it off with that one Army guy, weren't you?

I was...

till I saw his service medals.

And, what, too many medals of valor?

They were in the wrong order.

They're supposed to be in order of precedence...

personal awards first, then unit awards, then nonmilitary awards, then...

Huck, get to the point.

I don't think he's actually in the Army.

I snuck a picture of him, and I'm running it through the military database now.

Wait, didn't they take your phone at the door?

- Yeah.

- Then how did you...


You need one?

Forget it.

So, who is this guy?

I don't know.

But he's never been in the Army, which means he's not who he says he is.


Neither are you and Charlie.


Because we're a couple of K*llers.

Looked like a hasty exit by the Bashranis.

Do you think that's gonna impact pending negotiations?

Where's your date?

Where's Sarah?

You're changing the subject.

Don't make me have you escorted out of here.

That would cause quite a scene.

Also, can you imagine tomorrow morning's news cycle?

Journalist gets kicked out of state dinner for just doing his job.

So this is your job now?

This is you with your journalistic hat on now?

President Rashad didn't just leave here because he wanted to be in bed by 8:00, Olivia.

Something happened.

This is me doing you a solid.

I'm giving you a chance to make a comment for a story I'm running with in eight hours.

There is no story here, Curtis.

The state dinner is over.

Guests typically leave when it's over.

Big surprise.



It's your knack for spin.

It is astounding.

It's not spin.

It's the truth.

Do you even know the difference anymore?

Whether it's acting like you don't know what's going down at this dinner or pretending like you're okay with scheduling our little hotel room meetups through your assistant.

You are all about spin.

Be real with me, Olivia.

Or are you afraid of doing that, too?

You don't know the first thing about me.

Maybe I don't.

But I'd like to.


We have a problem.

President Rashad.

President Grant sent me to stop you.

She wants to talk, oneonone.

I don't know you.

She thought it best to keep her advisers out of it.

She said you'd understand why.

Wait here.

This way, Mr. President.

First you spy on me, then you blackmail me, and when that doesn't work.

You assassinate me in your own house?

Do you Americans have no shame?

Do you?

Worrying about the Americans when your concern should be for your people, groveling for their approval...

while your own country burns.

You're Bashrani.

Threat neutralized.

I'm fine.

I'm fine!

The NSA will be coordinating with your team directly, President Rashad.

We'll find out how the assassin got into the dinner and who he's working for.

- The moment you find something.

- You'll be the first to know.

I already know who's behind this.

The radicals in my country have been trying to force me to bend to their will for months.

But now they've shown their true desire...

to k*ll me.

They may fail today, but tomorrow...

Mr. President, we're here to help.

If there's anything more we can do...


Olivia, could you give the President and me a moment, please?

Of course, Madam President.

Your fears are by no means unfounded.

I know them all too well myself.

Four to six are the magic numbers around here.

Four to six credible death threats are lodged against me every single day, according to my friends at the Secret Service.

Those fears...

They come with the job.

You think I'm afraid of dying?

- I didn't...

- Failure, Madam President, is more terrifying than any possible fate.

Failing my people, leaving them behind, hopeless and weak before I can finish, bestowing upon them a lifetime of discord and anarchy...

That's what I fear.

Not death.

Then you have the opportunity, Mr. President, right now, to make sure that that never happens.

Your treaty.

Our treaty.

It's not that simple.

It could be.

It could be your greatest achievement.

Ensuring a better future for your country?

You do that, and it sounds to me like you don't have anything to be afraid of anymore.

I would need an assurance...

one, in particular.

Name it.


My country's most aggressive enemy.

If I'm to sign this treaty, then they have to do the same.

If not, it's pointless.

We'll bring Dakal to the table, then.

Leave that to me.

Madam President, do you have something...


I would've offered, but I assumed you didn't drink.

It's an old habit from university days.

I try to keep it discreet.

No fun to drink alone.

I assume, um...

Ms. Pope has told you about Yasmeen.

Your niece.

She has a picture of you hanging on the wall of her dorm room.

She calls you...

an inspiration.

I wanted her to know that her future's not limited by the traditions and laws of her old country, that she can be anything she wants to be.

You certainly don't need to explain...

You are...


It's an honor sitting here, next to you, right now.

I should go.


look forward to the two of us working together.

As do I.

Thank you, President Rashad.

I should've made more of an effort to mingle or whatever.

I'm sorry.


You saved a head of state instead.

You did good, Huck.


What was that earlier, the hand holding?

I was moved by the music.

Yeah, well, let the music move you and you alone.

But why, when you're there, right next to me?

Because we're friends...

Friends who do not hold hands.

We're good together, Abby.

Look me in the eye and tell me we aren't.

I have to go.


You're awfully quiet.

You're never quiet.

You told everyone we were married.

- So...?

- So, we're not.

It's a really conservative room, Charlie.

It was easier to tell them what they wanted to hear.

Why's that such a problem?

It's a problem 'cause we're not married and we should've been by now.

You said you were okay with waiting until we got the firm back up and running.

I was.


But maybe it's too late.

What are you saying?

I'm saying Quinn and Charlie were a good match.

But the New Quinn of Quinn Perkins and Associates?

She doesn't need a Charlie.

She needs a Kevin...

Kevin who can go to dinner and schmooze and comes from a good family that plays polo in Santa Barbara and fits into that world without having to pretend that he belongs there?

II can't.

Not for long, anyway.

The ruse won't hold, and I think you know that.

You just don't want to say it.

Screw you!

- You're dumping me?!

- What?

We're having a baby!

I am not dumping you!

You're dumping me!

Why the hell would you even think that?!

You hit me!

Because you're saying stupid things!

I don't love Kevin.


I love you.

I'm marrying you.

And I'm not waiting another damn minute.

We might have to wait a few minutes, because I haven't applied for a marriage license.

- Do you want to get hit again?

- Not particularly.

Sir, a package came for you.

I didn't know what to do with it, so I put it in your office.

It's a nice painting.

It's not...

a painting.

It's the painting.

It's the "Boy In The Red Vest" by Cèzanne.

He shaped modern...


Never mind.


And there was a note, too.

Sarah, right?

You're Olivia Pope.

I know.

I've heard such good things about you, Sarah.

It's nice to meet you.

Can I borrow him for just a second?

Thank you.

That was unexpected.

I'm ready to give you that comment now.


Only it's for a different story...

a new story, a better story, the story of how President Grant is going to bring both Bashran and its neighboring country of Dakal together in one room for a nuclear summit.


that's huge.

It's unprecedented.


cause for celebration.

And which hotel gets the honor of hosting this celebration?

None of them.

You're taking me to your place?

Stop talking.
