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02x16 - For Whom the Bell Tolls

Posted: 12/27/20 09:24
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Station 19"...

I'm humiliated. You've humiliated me.

I'm so sorry. It's not good enough.

How long has that been going on?

See, I don't open up to many people.

With you... it's easy. Somebody call 911!

If you're looking for family to update, I'm his sister.

Updates are technically just for family members.

I was really ready to spend the rest of my life with you.

I get to spend the rest of mine with you.

Have you ever experienced pain or worry or loss?

Are we sure Vic's gonna want breakfast?

Well, she's come out of that room exactly once since she's been crashing here.

She needs to eat.

What do we say when we go in there?

Let's just follow her lead.

And, at the very least, shove some toast in her mouth.

Hey, Vic?

We just wanted to check in.

We... We have food.

Vic, we're coming in, okay?


Uh, she's gone.

Should we be worried?

I-I'm sure she wanted space.

Here. Um, maybe I should call her. You want me to call?

Uh... Or we can do it together.

Uh, no, y-yeah, whatever you want. Great.

You're right. She probably just needed some air.

How about I just text her?

She may not want to talk.

At some point... not now, obviously, but sometime, do you think... you and I should talk?

Let's just focus on Vic right now, okay?

Have you ever experienced trauma?

Have you ever experienced doubt?

Of course you have.

Everyone has.

Couldn't sleep?

He walked in that building and came out a dead man.

That could've been any one of us.

On any day, any call.

I know.

I know.

We all live through things that test us.

It's how we each cope...

how we process, that says the most.

Do we face our pain and own it?

Or are we more comfortable...

Good morning.

Um, your usual.

Yeah, I'll just have the one today.

Okay, my mistake.

What's your hubby up to?

He's at work.

Living in denial?

It's almost time for shift.

I-I lost track of time.

Haven't heard from you since the hospital. I'm sorry.

I've been helping Jennifer with the arrangements.

The department sent over a checklist a mile long.

And she, uh...

She asked me to give the eulogy.

Any advice?

Wrong person to ask.

Speeches are not my thing.

Funerals aren't either.

Everything okay?

The wildfire that hit L.A. earlier this week has progressed.

Crews are requesting backup supplies.

Seattle stations are organizing a caravan.

Well, I'll handle it... And whatever else.

I mean, you... you have a lot going on right now.

And the work will be good for me... for everyone.

Take our mind off things.

I appreciate it.

Hey, uh, you mind taking a crack at this eulogy for me, too?

Like I said, wrong person to ask.

Are you crying?


Then what's in your eyes?

I said I wasn't crying, and I meant it.

You don't need to feel embarrassed about this.

We're all a little messed up over Ripley.

My head's kind of all over the place, too.

You want me to grab you a tissue? Nope.

You gonna grab one yourself?

Negative, 'cause I don't need one. I think you do.

No, I don't, because I'm not crying.

Do we need to talk about this? Absolutely not.

But you always want to talk.

Yeah. Alright, Mom.

Love you. Bye.

You talking with your mom? With "I-love-yous"?

Chief Ripley kind of reminded me to appreciate the people I've got while I've still got them.

Also, now that things with Nikki are progressing, my mom has been saying "I love you" at the end of every call.

Kind of feels rude not to say it back.

Bishop, you okay? Don't forget this.


Look at that. Not even 10% contained.

I hope the winds don't shift.

Just got word...

California's requesting supplies.

This one's gonna get worse before it gets better.

We'll organize shipments for Seattle departments to take down to L.A.

It's like bad on top of bad, you know?

First, Ripley dies, and now this.

Seems like we all could have used a little pause.

Hey, how's Vic?

Uh, she split without saying goodbye this morning.

How are you doing?

Just my allergies are acting up.

Has anybody heard from Vic today?


You guys seeing these wildfires?

This thing just won't stop.

Yeah. Okay.

Okay, go on.

Get all your staring out of your system, and then let's move on. Okay?

Grieving Little Arm Candy's in the house.

Drinking coffee. Ready to move forward.

We all good now?

Great. Okay.

Back to your regularly scheduled programs, please.

Hey. You sure you want to be here?

I didn't come to work today 'cause I didn't want to be here, so...

How about I take you back home?

To Maya and Andy's, or if you want a change of scenery, come stay with me.

Why? 'Cause I shouldn't go home home?

Back to the place I spent so much time with him?

Back to the bed we shared?

You don't want me sleeping in that?


Sorry. That was... That was not fair.

I'd love to come crash after shift, but right now, I'm working, so...

Vic. We'll all cover for you.

If you have other stuff you need to be focused on...

You know, it's not a big deal.

Jennifer's handling all the funeral arrangements and everything, so...

You don't want to be involved in that, or...

Not really.

I mean, what does it matter?

It's not gonna bring him back.

And I'm not going to the funeral anyway, so...

Miller, you mind passing me that syrup?

Yeah. Thank you.

Vic, you have... You have to go to the funeral.

No, I don't. Yes, you do.

You can't just skip it.

Yeah, I can. And I will.

Uh, why hasn't Sullivan called for lineup yet?

I'm, um, covering for him today. Sweet.

Okay, so, we should just... start with chores, then, huh?

Oh, my God. Travis, I told you I was fine.

I didn't pick that word just for fun.

I meant it. I'm fine.

Yeah, and I want you to know that it's okay if you're not... fine.

You know, when Michael died, I was a wreck.

You know what helped me get through it?

His funeral, surrounded by other firefighters, by my friends.

The tradition was actually really comforting.

And I'm so glad you had that.

I know how meaningful that was for you.

You were his husband.

But me, I don't factor into this equation.

Funerals aren't designed for people like me.

There's no special seat for the secret...

Vic, you know you were so much more than that.

It'll be an important day... for Jennifer.

She was his actual family, not me.

She can walk front and center at that procession, not me.

I don't need that. I'm better off here.

And I'm done talking now.

Right in there, guys.


P.D. heard about the supply caravan and wanted to pitch in.

I saw the funeral's on Friday.

A bunch of us will be there to pay our respects.

Appreciate it.

I'm actually, um, heading to San Diego the next day. Really?

There's this tactical paramedic training program...

Really intensive.

Couple spots opened up last minute, and, uh, they recruited me.

Wow. That's... Congratulations.


Does that mean you're leaving Seattle?

Well, for a couple of months, yeah.

Could turn into more.

Jenna and I got the call yesterday.

It's really exclusive. Kind of a big deal.

You're going with Jenna?

That's... That's... That's great.

I'm happy for you. Yeah.

I'm happy for you, too.

And you and Sullivan. That's also great.

Me and... What?

Weren't you two holding hands at the hospital?

No. That's not...

I mean, yes, we were, but...

No. That's... No.

No! Oh, okay.

I guess maybe I misinterpreted. My mistake.

Station 19, respond.

Aid Car 19, civilian in distress. Uh...

You ready, boss? 'Sup, Tanner?

Who does that?

Who just up and takes a job in a new place without even telling the people closest to them?

I did, actually. Twice.

Kind of going on three times, now that I think about it.

When does Tanner go?

He said he leaves right after the funeral.

Hey, what's it like?

What's what like?

I've never been to a firefighter funeral.

I realize I don't know where to sit, when to salute, what to expect.

Expect... something beautiful.

It's sad and hard, but it's also really...

Well, the Honor Guard will be there. Right.

They, uh... They're the ones with the axes.

And Miller keeps talking about bells.

Near the end of the funeral, someone will ring twenty bells... five at a time...

To signify a firefighter's end of watch.

They ring them in every station, and it's to announce that... one of us has come home for the last time.

That is beautiful.

And sad.

My dad rang the bells.

The night of my mom's funeral, too.

We came home, he went up to their room, closed the door, and...

I heard him ringing a bell.

And I just sat out in the hall and listened as he rang it over and over.

Uh, looks like we're here.

Seattle Fire Department!

Dispatch said he called it in himself.

Maybe he lost consciousness.

Hello? Is anyone in here?

Seattle Fire Department!

Yes, help! In here!

Alright. Just give it to me straight, please.

Is it as bad as it looks?

How bad is it, really?

Nate, I can definitely say I've seen worse things than this.

I should've been more careful.

It's just that I-I like to do things myself, and I should've called someone.

Arm of the chandelier is penetrating pretty deep.

Looks like it's plugging the axillary.

I slipped, and, just like that, it was falling on top of me.

We are gonna get you out now, Nate.

My life flashed before my eyes.

You never see it coming, do you?

I mean, one minute, you're just doing what you do, and the next... it could just be over.

Well, it's not over for you today, Nate.

Okay? We got you.

This is gonna be pretty loud, Nate, so... just hold still.

Hold on. Hold on.

Yeah, got it.

Wait, you're not gonna take the whole thing out?

Well, it's plugging a vessel, so right now, we want it to stay put.



So, what's gonna happen at the hospital?

They're gonna take the whole thing out there, right?

One, two, three.

Nate, can you hear me?

BP's dropping! He's tachycardic, too.

Didn't even get him to the gurney.

Start another IV. Prepping norepinephrine.

Still dropping. Pushing now.

Come on, Nate.

Numbers are coming back up. Okay.


One, two, three.

Am I at the hospital?

Not yet, buddy.

But, uh, we need to get you there right now.

Why do I feel so weird?

You know, that's normal, Nate.

Your brain was briefly deprived of oxygen.

But for real, it feels like there's a brick on my chest or something.

He's losing consciousness again. Damn it!

Can I ask you a personal question?

Uh, it depends on how personal.

I'm pretty much an open book, but there are some things I like to keep private.

Like my birthmarks, for instance... Did you write a eulogy?

For your husband?

Look, I'm just asking because I'm trying to write one for Ripley.

Sorry. I can't help you.

Of course. No problem.

No, I mean I can't help you 'cause I couldn't help myself.

I couldn't bring myself to say a word at Michael's service.

You know who did end up speaking, though?


Yeah, he said some really wonderful things, actually.

Like what? I don't even really remember.

I just remember that it meant a lot, you know, for the Chief to take the time to get up there and say words about my Michael like that.

See, I need to figure out words that'll do that.

Especially for Hughes.

Oh, I thought you'd heard.

Vic isn't planning on going.

Fact. I'm older than you.

Are we playing a game?

Fact. Because I am older than you, I, by default, have had more life experience than you.

Okay. More experience to learn from.

Experience that lets me know things that you've yet to learn for yourself.

I feel like you're going somewhere with this, somewhere I'm probably not gonna like.

You need bagpipes. Pardon?

To drown out your thoughts.

They play at most firefighter funerals.

They're loud and a little startling at first, but then you start to feel their hum.

You feel it right inside your chest...

Yeah, I-I, um... I don't need bagpipes.

Oh, you will change your mind once you experience...

No, I d... I don't need bagpipes.

No offense, sir, but I also don't need your advice.

Not on this. Excuse me.

Our med kit's almost out of norepi now.

Don't say that like he'll need more of it.

Are you trying to jinx us?

Just want to make a note.

Aah, no, no. This can't happen again.

BP is 90 over 50 and dropping. He's bottoming out.

I'm worried about his airway.

We need to intubate.

At this rate, we'll get him to the hospital in about a month.

I would rather not try this at sixty miles an hour.

This has got to be the last thing that goes wrong with this guy, right?

And the tube is... in.

Bag him.

Okay. Let's load him up.

Quick, quick, quick.

I promised you it wasn't over today, Nate.

But you got to meet us halfway.

We should be good. Just keep bagging.

Try not to hit any potholes.

Pressure's dropping. Are fluids on full flow?

Watch the road. How much longer to the hospital?

Seattle Pres is about 6 minutes out.

Just make sure to keep an eye on his heart rate.

I said avoid the potholes!

We may need to use QuikClot. I got it, Warren.

It couldn't hurt to hang another bag.

Yeah, it wouldn't hurt you to drive better.

Are you kidding me, Nate?


Starting... Start the defibrillator!

Shock delivered.

Still in V-fib. Damn it.

Shock delivered.

Pull over, Warren!

But we have to get him to the hospital!

I've just started two-person CPR, and I only see one of us back here.

So either you put the Aid Car on cruise control, or you pull over now!

Come on, Nate. Come on.

He's asystolic.

Run saline wide open.

No, no, no, no, no. Andy, look.

He's bleeding from the impalement.

Every compression is pushing more and more blood out of his body.

We can't just stop CPR. I know. I know.


CPR isn't gonna bring him back if there's no blood left to pump.

We can't work with this thing in.

So we should remove it? He can bleed out.

I'll pack it right away. And then hold pressure.

Look, it's safer than what he's got now.

Whatever you do, do not stop compressions.

Warren. Yeah, I know.

I know. This is a lot of blood.

Just a few more seconds.


Got it! He's packed!

Holding pressure.

Normal sinus rhythm.

How far away are we from the hospital? About 3 minutes.

Can you hold pressure that long? Hell yeah I can.

Good, 'cause we're not making any more stops.

Just try not to hit any potholes.

Hughes? Brought somebody to see you.

I thought we could all maybe, uh, talk for a minute.

I've got to get these organized for Station 42, but be my guest.

Okay, I may not be someone that you're anxious to see right now, but when Robert called and said that you weren't...

Vic, you have to be there at the funeral.

You have to go. I have to get these MREs sorted before the guys from 42 show to pick them up, so...

Wildfire strike teams are usually 22 firefighters.

Three MREs a day, that makes 66...


Why don't you, um, stop for a second.


Look, you and Jen are the most important people in Luke's life...

You ever had one of these?

It's basically freeze dried food.

It seems pretty gross, but once you heat it up, it's not that bad.

Okay, Vic. He would've wanted you there.

I want you to be there.

I need you by my side.

You're gonna have an entire department of people there.

You'll have Captain Sullivan. You don't need me.

He'd want you there... Both of you.

Well, I'm not going, so...

Please? No, I can't. I can't.

Okay? I can't. I'm sorry.

I can't go stand through a day of being tall and polished and perfect a-and celebrating his life when...

You know, I need to get back to work, so...


Are you really still crying? I can't control it.

Wouldn't hurt to try. I am trying, but I can't shut it off.


And I hate that I can't shut it off because I am not a person who cries.

I suck my feelings up, I stuff 'em down, I embrace the pain, but today, I just... I can't make it stop.

So can you just stop making me feel bad about it?

I'm not trying to make you feel bad... Well, you are.

It's just a little distracting. Oh, my God!


What did he just say? What?

You two are sea anemones.

We're not enemies.

I-I know.

I said sea anemones.

Shady, little underwater invertebrates, and you got your tentacles waving all over the place.

What is he talking about? I have no idea.

Squishy, freaky sea predators.

When you strike, nobody ever sees it coming.

But when you're threatened, you close yourselves off into these tiny, little balls so that nobody can touch you.

And the only time you come out is to strike each other.

You two got together in a fishbowl.

And now you're wading through the open sea.

So no wonder you're having trouble right now.

No wonder you can't figure it out.

No wonder you keep stinging each other.

I hate to say this, but I think he's starting to make sense.

Maya, do you want to know why you're crying?

It's because you're sad.

There doesn't have to be any other reason.

You're sad today. We all are.

And you just so happen to be wearing it all over your face.

And Jack, you're not really annoyed with her for crying.

You're in a garbage mood because... the chief went down, and it's hard.

It's a tough one.

We all thought he was invincible, and he wasn't.

And it's probably stirring up some stuff.

So just take that in.

Let's sway in this current and not fight it and appreciate the fact that you two are still here today.

And you have each other.

I don't know where all that sea creature stuff came from, but, uh... surprisingly helpful, man.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

It all came from Nikki.

She's really observant and communicative, and somehow, it is rubbing off on me.

She sounds really amazing.

She is.

Blow your nose.

You finally went on that first date, huh?

Uh, we had plans, but I kinda canceled because grief isn't sexy.

Wait, then why are we taking relationship advice from him?

Because I am right.


Blow your nose.


34-year-old male found impaled in the chest by a chandelier.

He arrested twice en route...

V-fib the first time and asystolic the second.

We initiated CPR and intubated with a total of four shocks, epi, and a norepi drip.

Oh, and we removed his impalement.

That it?

We'll take it from here.

Thank you.

You know, I don't think I have taken a breath since we kicked down Nate's door.


Nothing. Just... you have no idea.

I... Today was already one thing after another, and I thought the call would take my mind off all the things, but apparently, I'm living in a world of whack-a-mole.

Is everything alright?

Ryan's leaving, and I shouldn't care, but I kinda do.

But I don't, because what's more important is I'm helping Vic.

Except I'm not because she's sneaking out of my apartment, leaving me with Maya, who I can't even talk to right now.

And... And then I get stuck with the guy who keeps dying.

Yeah. And someone I really looked up to did die, and...

You know, through all of it, all I can hear is the sound of those damn bells coming from my dad's room.

I'm 9 years old all over again, and a-all this stuff is coming up that I don't know how to...

I don't know how to clamp it down, I don't know how to make it go away.

One bleeder at a time.


One bleeder at a time.

I-It's something I learned when I was a surgeon.

When you open a patient up and everywhere you look, there's something bleeding or falling apar...

When it's damage control, all you can do is tackle one bleeder at a time.

Some call, huh? Ooh.

I don't think you'd believe me if I told you.

How's the eulogy going?

It's not.

I think I'm just too close to it.

Nothing sounds right.

Did you speak at your wife's funeral?

Yes, I did.

Or I t... I tried.

Started off okay, but then I just lost it.

Mm. Barely even remember now.

Um, I think I was...

I was really raw, you know?

Did you speak at your mom's?

I was 9, so I didn't speak.

I don't think I spoke the whole day. Mm.


I was raw, too.

Still am.


So, use it.

Be raw if you need to be raw.

Y-You don't have to write a word or read a word you write.

Just... get up there and talk.

Talk to him.

It doesn't matter, not when it comes from the heart.

I just hope Vic will be there to hear it.

Any update on Vic?

Afraid not.

She's really not coming?

There's still time... if you want change your mind, get dressed.

Nope, I'm good.

I don't think that's true.

How many different ways do I have to say it?

How many different times?

I'm fine. I'm good.

I'm coping. I don't want to go.

Nobody wants to go to a funeral.

But it is good to go.

It gives you clarity. It gives you closure.

Yeah, I don't need any of those things. I already got 'em.

No, you don't.

I just, um... I need you to back off of me, please.

You want me to back off? Yeah.

You want me to give you some space?

Okay, you've had days of space, Vic, and you're still...

You are in denial.

You are not coping.

Believe me, I know how hard it is to accept what's happened.

You know I do.

But trust me, when you lose a spouse like that...

No, but I didn't... I didn't lose a spouse!

We never got married, so I... You know what? I...

I didn't get to lose a spouse.

I didn't get to experience a marriage.

I was robbed of that.

Instead, I lost someone who...

I lost someone who... very well may have been the love of my life.

But he wasn't my husband.

I'm nothing to him.

Officially, on paper, I am nothing.

So... yeah, maybe I don't...

Maybe I don't want to accept that particular truth right now.

But you don't get to pretend like you know what that's like.

You don't.

You don't know what this is like, so stop parading around here talking about me behind my back to...

To anyone else in the station because I'm not acting like you want me to act.

I am not you!

Lucas is not Michael!

Okay, your husband died two years ago!

If anybody is in denial right now...

Say it. Do it.

Just... Don't. It's okay.

Say whatever you want to say.

You want to scream at me, wail on me? I don't care.

Just get all that anger out right now.

Because if you don't, it will keep bubbling up and it will come out worse in some other way, onto someone else. Oh, my God.

You can't see it right now, Vic... Okay.

But even getting mad... Just shut u... Shut up!

It's a healthy first step! Just shut... shut up!

Just stop talking to me.

And go to the funeral.

Just... Just go.

Excuse me. Are you Victoria Hughes?


I'm sorry, can I... Can I help you?

It's... It's probably weird that I, uh...

Dr. Bailey told me what you look like...

And I'm so sorry for your loss.

I'm s... Who... Who are you?

I'm Levi. I'm a-a doctor at Grey-Sloan.

I was, uh, with Chief Ripley when he collapsed.

We were both at the flower shop that day...

The day that he was going to see you.

And I wanted to give these to you.

They're the same ones that he picked out.

N-Not the same same, but, uh... anyway.

He wanted them to say... he was ready to spend the rest of his life with you.

So, I guess I...

I thought that you might like to see them.

Thank you.

Uh, I-I, um...

I really need to get back to the hospital, but it was really nice to meet you.

And I-I'm really sorry.

Hey, hey. Hey.

My badge. Where's my badge?

Hey, hey.

One bleeder at a time.

I have to go meet the procession.

You gonna be okay?


He hated being late.

I'm fine, Robert.


Alright. Okay.

May I join you?

God, Vic.

I am so glad you're here.

Dean says I'm a sea anemone...


Which I think just means I keep things in to protect myself, even when I don't need to.

I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about Jack.

You tell me everything.

I should've trusted you with my... poisonous anemone tentacles.

I know funerals are hard for you.

How you holding up?

Better now.

You made it.

I did.


And if, while on duty, I must answer death's call, bless with your protecting hand my family, one and all.

I have been thinking a lot about what to say today.

Chief Ripley was a boss to most of us in this room.

We looked up to him. We respected him.

As Chief, he gave everything to this department.

As Lucas, he gave even more to those he loved outside it.

To me, Lucas was a true friend.

We really saw each other.

We understood each other.

Strengths and flaws.

We fought.

We made up... Thankfully, not too late.

Sometimes you connect with a person, and you can't always explain it.

Over distance and time and impossible obstacles, you still find a way to each other.

It's so rare to meet someone who connects with you that way.

Someone who makes you want to face your fears head-on, eyes open.

And it's so hard to say goodbye to them when they go.

My last conversation with Luke, he told me not to say goodbye to him.

Instead, I said, "We're good."

I want to reiterate that now.

We miss you, Luke.

We wish you didn't leave us so soon.

But since you did, since you had to...

it's all good.

We're all good.

You were so good.

When a firefighter dies, the toll of the bell represents their last alarm.

The end of their duties.

The bell rings to say their shift is over.

They are going home.

I first met Ripley on his, uh, second call as a rookie.

Told him to grab that "left-handed halligan."

Fire must've been out for at least 30 minutes before he realized that it didn't exist.

To Chief Ripley.

To Chief Ripley. To Ripley. To Ripley. Ripley.

Yes! No way.

Come on. That's right. That's right.

College was not a waste.

It's all in the elbow, Dean. It's all in the elbow.

What am I seeing here?

Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?

You never go out in public without that thing on.

And you definitely do not go out drinking without that thing on!

I do now. I do tonight.

You know, we don't know what's gonna happen.

I'm alive. I'm here.

World's full of possibilities.

I think that calls for another round.

Uh, guys, how weird would it be if I accidentally scheduled my first date with Nikki for, let's say, right now?

That seems like a terrible idea.

How do you accidentally schedule a date?



Oh. Hi.


Everyone, this is Nikki.

Nice to meet you.

Well, this isn't intimidating at all.

Oh, there's nothing to be intimidated by.

Except for my quarters game.

Are you in?

I spent three years at Harvard, in which I graduated summa cum laude... Mm-hmm.

Broke the women's tennis record, and...

became unbeatable at quarters.

Let's get a drink.

Maybe not at a wake.

Let's. Lovely to meet you all.

Nice to meet you.

Yeah, I like her.

Your eulogy was really moving.

Really? I felt, uh, zoned out there.

You spoke from your heart.

It showed.

You're alright.


So, um, if Jack wants to come over tonight...

I'm okay with it, if he promises to pick up breakfast in the morning.

Thanks. I mean it.

But I think Vic should be the only one staying over for a while.


I think that's good.

Do you know where she is?

I haven't seen her.

She... She said she wanted to be alone.

Oh, those are beautiful flowers.

Thank you.

Uh, just you again?


When a firefighter dies, the toll of the bell represents their last alarm.

So, did I tell you the crazy thing Ryan said about me and Sullivan, of all people?

He said he thought we were together because of something he saw at the hospital or something.

Yeah, I saw that, too.

That wasn't anything.

We're not... I mean, I'm... I'm definitely not...



You sure about that?

Once the bell rings...

it can't be un-rung.

Just my usual, please. Got it.

Um, just so you know, I'm about to take off.

Phil will be taking over for me.

So if you need anything else or your husband's coming later, I could go ahead and put an order in now for you.

Just let me know. Okay, thanks, Cam.

You're welcome.

There's no more denying it.

The end is here.


I'm calling it. Let's get you home.

But it's so early. Hey. Two more of these.

Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no. None for me.

I-I got to get home to Miranda, you know?

I can give you a ride or call you one.

I don't know.

I've got, uh, some mistakes to make tonight, Warren.

Yeah. But, uh, I'll get a cab.

Don't worry. Go home.

Alright. Yeah, yeah.

See you later.

I'll take a beer.

How's it going?

I'm Jeremy.

I'm Travis.

I know.

You do?

Yeah, you're the one who's friends with Ripley's little side hustle...

Hughes, right?

She looked wrecked at that ceremony.

Come on, man.

Give me the scoop.

You need to stop talking right now.

Oh, don't tell me you're getting a piece of that, too.

The bell rings to say the shift is over.

Hey, uh, Cam?

Need something else?

You know the, uh... the guy I'm always in here with?

He's not my husband.

And I, uh...

I lied to you before when you asked where he was.

He wasn't at work.

He wasn't a-at work... because he died.

That's, um...

That... That sucks.

The bell rings to say goodbye.

Yeah, it super does.

The bell rings to say... it's time to go home.