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02x12 - When It Rains, It Pours!

Posted: 12/27/20 09:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Station 19"...

Jenna, this is my friend Andy.

Medic One. I'm considering going for it.

You got my support.

What happened between us the other day can never happen again.

So now you're having second thoughts?

I kept quiet, and you couldn't, and now I have to answer for it to your peers.

They're my friends. They're my subordinates!

You have to celebrate the closing.

It's my call. No, you're too close to this. The call is mine.

You're my best friend, but she's my world.

I don't need you to talk to me ever again.

I want you settled down with a family of your own.

I may just have to go on a few dates.

When the danger's coming at you, you need to make a choice.

Where do you focus?

Everything all right?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry.

It's a reflex. It's okay.

Your mom told me all about what you do.

What made you choose firefighting?

How do you proceed?

I don't know if I chose firefighting or it chose me.

Either way, is it your endgame?

Do you run? Uh, what do you mean?

Do you hide? I mean, realistically, how much longer can you be in the firefighting business?

Or do you stand your ground and commit?

It's not a business. It's my job.

Your mom said you had other ambitions.

I mean, not that there's anything wrong with fighting fires.

No, no, there is not.

But you've got other options, right?

Why would I need other options?

I mean, you're not gonna fight fires forever.

At some point, you're gonna want to settle into something a little... safer.

Uh, did my mom mention that, too?

She's such a force, an icon.

A true inspiration.

What is it like being her son?

I love her.

Love her. Love her.

I would love to get to... Check, right?


Easy... the coffee!

Ah, who cares?

Well, you will when you taste it.

I used my travel milk frother.


Maybe I should invest in a heavy-duty one for the condo so we can sip this caffeinated decadence over nightly sunsets.

Pruitt. Oh, I'm sorry. That was forward.

No, no, I appreciate you being direct.

And so I will be, too.

I have no interest in watching sunsets every night from your condo.

Oh, all right. Then, uh...

I want to watch them with you, but I want to do it from cruise ships.

Alaska. Tahiti. Greece.

Or from my son's house in Oregon.

Have you ever seen an Oregon sunset?

I have not.

They are breathtaking.

Seattle FD has, uh, been my life for a really long time.

It's also kept me tied down here.

Well, then, maybe it's time for you to free yourself up.

Hawaii Air runs a 7:45 flight to Kauai.

Let's hop it.

Celebrate you selling the house. Uh...

Hey, Dad?

You got a minute? I was just...


Hi. Hello.


This is Reggie.

Real estate agent Reggie?

You must be Andy.



I was just swinging by to see the old place one last time.

I didn't realize you were... busy.

Stay for coffee?

Reggie brought her milk frother.

No, no time for frothing.

Work time. Shift time.

Don't wanna be late. Okay, bye!

That didn't sound like a "where's the fluffy cat" sneeze.

It sounded like an "I'm patient zero and need to go home right now" sneeze.

No, it was just a regular textbook sneeze, sneeze.

You should go.

No, I don't want to go home.

I still have one of Ripley's T-shirts there.

Okay? Oh, God.

He accidentally left it, and, oh, my God, it smells so good, but now I don't know what to do with it, and if I go, I have to decide.

Deciding sounds... important.

Yeah. Yeah.

So you should go home to decide.

Okay, if I give the T-shirt back, we have to talk, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that, because he might say the thing that he didn't want to say before when we fought, and I'm afraid I might not want to hear it.


And I might say something that I don't mean to say, but I don't want to throw the shirt out, either, because did I mention...

Did I mention how good it smells?

You know, letting go can be really hard sometimes.

Okay. You know, a-and the longer that you're in it, the deeper the commitment, and that... That can be even harder.

You're saying I should... I should toss the shirt.

Or toss... Or toss Ripley?

No, hang on. It was just one fight.

Now you think we should break up.

That's... That's not what I'm saying.

Okay, you know what? You talk in circles, Freckles.

It's confusing for a woman with a fever.

Hughes, go home before you infect this entire place.

What? Captain's orders.

Montgomery, sanitize.

And they were cuddly, he was in his bathrobe, there was chest hair, and a milk frother.

Nice! Go, Captain!

I mean, if it makes him happy.

No. No, no, no, no, no, not... not nice.

Not sweet. Frothing.

There was naked milk frothing!

You actually walked in on them frothing away?

Well, it was after, but...

I think it's great that he has a sunset companion at his age.

Did I mention she was wearing his Station 19 crew shirt?

Ooh, that's not cool. Crew shirts are sacred.

That changes everything.

I should get my mom to set him up.

None of her picks would put on a firefighting shirt, because they're definitely not into firefighting.

How many you up to now?

I'm three for three.

I got another one tomorrow.

And the sooner I get through her setups, the sooner I'll hold up my end of the bargain, then she'll have to hold up hers.

That'll happen.


Hey, Gibson!

What is my little sister doing here?

Oh, you know. Thought I'd just come by, see the place, laugh at you.


Definitely gonna do some of that.

You know, typically, you don't have to sand quite so, uh... forcefully.

Keep that up, you might start a fire.

Some places are sacred, you know? Mm-hmm.

Like this... this is our station. Yeah.

And a giant RV just slammed right into it.

Or like my house and my dad.

Real Estate Reggie just slammed into that!

I walked in on him with his lady friend this morning, and...

I wasn't prepared to start my day like that.

You think this is funny?


Your reaction is funny.

Stop laughing.


I'm sorry. I'm trying.

Just cut him some slack, all right?

Your dad's living his life.

She was wearing his crew shirt.

Hey, now.

I forgot all about these.


These... These pencil marks.

When I used to visit my dad here as a kid, he'd measure my height.

He told me that I had to be this height before he would seriously consider me to be a firefighter.

"A" for "Andy," "R" for "Ryan."

He would tag along sometimes.

He always liked recording how much taller he was than me.

Well, you've grown up a lot since then.

Except for when it comes to your dad.

Or your truly terrible sanding.

Oh, great! Warren, I was hoping to find you. You got a minute?

Uh, it's gonna have to be on the move.

I'm already running late. All right.

I was talking to my friend the other night...

A coworker, actually.

She just got EMT-certified and was saying how much it's helped her on the job.

Got me thinking, since you were a doctor, maybe you could help me...


As much as I would love to, I am on a really tight schedule right now...

Prepping for Medic One, just took my physical during lunch, and, uh, now I'm late, and I really don't have time for this conversation.


But, uh, I am sure that there are plenty of people around here who can lend a hand, you know, like, uh...

Hey, like Andy.

Just... Just ask her.

Talk to Andy. Right.

Leave a message at the tone. Thanks.

Montgomery, this is your fault.

I'm blaming you.

I ran into Ripley on my way out, and I sneezed in his face, and all I wanted to do was yell "T-shirt."

I-I don't know.

If he and I can't even talk to each other, then maybe you're right.

Maybe we should break up.

I-I cannot believe you are not answering your phone when I need you to talk me off my fever ledge.

You're a jerk.

I hate you.

You okay?

No, I am not okay, Josh.

How much further?

We're 12 minutes from the hospital, tops.

I'm using the GPS. I'm taking the side roads.

Oh, God. Oh, God.

Hold on! I'll help you!

Just hold on!

Aw, damn it!

Of course it's dead.

Sir! Sir, don't move!

You've been in an accident. Is your shoulder hurt?

Aah! I'm okay. You got to help my wife.

A possible torn rotator or dislocation.

Did you hit your head? Can you tell me your name?

Josh, but, please...

Your pupils are dilated.

Are you feeling dizzy, Josh?

Can you tell me what year it is?

Please! Emmanuelle is pregnant!

She's pinned in there. She can't get out.

Hi, Emmanuelle. You doing okay in here?

Uh, yeah, I-I think so. I'm, uh, I'm stuck.

Damn it.

Uh, how... How far along are you?

My water broke. We were on the way to the hospital.

Oh, that's pretty far along.

But I don't want you to worry, okay?

I set some flares, and my med kit's not the biggest, but I think I've got all the essentials we'll need.

Who are you?

Oh, sorry, sorry. I'm Vic. I'm a firefighter.

Oh, thank God.

Is anyone else coming?

Well, I called 911, or I tried to before my phone, uh, died, but they can track even a partial call.

They'll, uh... you know, they'll ping the towers, and more help will be here any minute.

What if the call didn't go through?

Let's just focus on taking care of you two right now, okay?

What were Miller's parents like?

'Cause his sister's basically Carbon Copy Dean.

You good?

Yeah. Why?

'Cause you're doing the quiet thing.

What quiet thing?

See? Quiet thing.

Okay, is it me or us that's making you quiet?

We haven't really talked more since I hung up on you for a baby.

Yeah, it's not that.

It's not. I swear.

It's just, seeing Dean with his family lately has got me thinking about mine, wondering who they are and... and where.

N-Never mind. It's nothing.

I thought you said your parents got married six months after they met.

My last set of foster parents did.

Bio parents are more of a black hole.

You do know there's this crazy thing called the Internet where you can stalk basically anyo... Yeah, I don't wanna stalk.

I'd rather just forget about it.

Bishop, Sullivan wants us on maintenance.


Not cool?

All good. Let's go maintain.

Sir, it was only five minutes later than I said I'd be back. Hmm.

My physical for the Medic One application ran late this afternoon. That's all.

But it doesn't mean that I'll be any less focused on my duties here at 19.

I-I'm sticking to a very tight schedule...

Home, Medic One studies, here.

All right, I-I'm even doing nightly video chats with Miranda and Tuck.

I-I can juggle it all.

Give or take five minutes?

Sorry to interrupt.

It's all right. Warren, dismissed.


Quarterly stats and, uh, I need your rubber stamp on some incident reports.

Just set 'em over there.

Something else I can help you with?


From the drive-in on Broadway.

I remember you always liked that place.

I, uh, got some fries and some onion rings, too.

Um... I know you don't typically eat with the crew, but I thought maybe... you've got time for a quick bite with me?

Emmanuelle left her phone at home.

Mine was on the center console, but I-I haven't seen it since the accident.

Yeah, I'm not seeing it, either.

But like I said, someone's gonna come for us.

Meanwhile, keep yourself dry.

But what if they take too long?

She's wedged in there so tight.

Oh, her injuries look superficial, and her heart rate and BP is remarkably low, considering.

Never mind me.

Yes, mind you!

Mind my wife, too, please?

It's the baby I'm worried about.

Blue's so little.

Blueberry. It's our nickname for the baby.


We don't know if Blue's a boy or a girl.

Please don't say there's anything wrong with Blueberry, please.

Today was supposed to be Blueberry's birthday...

It still is, Em. Right?

Of course. Right.

Hey, hey, hey!

You try running one more time, and I will kick your ass to county jail.

Are we clear?

Oh, hi, Ryan.

Busy day?

Not not busy.

Still free after shift, though.

Are you asking me out this time? Depends.

You interested in a second date?

Not not interested.


We have a situation.

Did Andy call you? What did she say? Was she upset?


Andy walked in on me with Reggie.

And we weren't exactly dressed yet.

Oh, no.

Now Reggie's trying to convince me to go to Hawaii, as if I can just commit to a spur-of-the-moment trip just like that.

And Andy ran out of there so fast.

She always goes to you when she's upset.

Is she okay? Should I try to talk to her? I...

I... haven't heard from her.

At all, actually.

Hawaii sounds fun. You should go for it.

I'm sorry, but who are you?

Oh, hi. I'm Jenna. Jenna.

I work with Tanner here.

We cover the Shoreline beat together.

And, uh, he doesn't know this, but I'm the best second date he's ever gonna have.


After he accepts my invitation.

Can I ask you a question?

Yes, my deodorant failed. Is it obvious?

No. I mean, yes.

This is more of a hypothetical.

Isn't Andy the one you go to with these kinds of questions?

Stay with me, Montgomery.

Say you have this friend who is struggling with something and you can tell that it's really upsetting him.

You even have really great ideas about ways to help, but they just seem to not want to hear them.

I mean, do you push? Should you push?

Okay, so, you know how this bolt that you're tightening has a breaking point?

So do people.

You know, if someone doesn't want your help, you trying to force it on them is actually the opposite of being helpful.

It'll annoy them, and then they'll... leave you mean, feverish voicemails on their drive home.

I thought we were talking about my friend.

Why are we talking about your friend? Stay with me, Bishop.

Okay, but I really just need to know... I know.

I think the real question that you need to ask yourself is, why do you care so much?

Mom wants to know why you wore your bad jeans on your date with Taylor.

She said they made your legs look too skinny.

Not the jeans' fault, I guess.

How do you know that, and how does Mom know that?

Every girl she sets you up with has a mom who's friends with Mom.

They talk.

Everyone knows everyone's business.

The deal was that Mom sets up the dates and I go out on them, and I'm doing that.

Yeah, and as much as I am really enjoying the show knowing how much you hate it, truly I don't need Mom and Dad's help that bad.

They're treating you differently than they treated me, a-and that's... It's not fair.

Yeah, you're just now realizing that?

They've always treated you differently.

You're the oldest. You're their son.

I'm just the kid sister they still treat like a baby.

Don't let them do that.

Well, I could just crash at your place.

Jack is super fun to look at.

Uh, no. No. That will never happen.

Mom's never gonna be happy if you're just phoning it in.

And neither are your dates.

You know, we women, we're not dumb.

We know when someone's just going through the motions. Mm.

For real, though, is Jack single?

Okay, okay, you're doing great.

It's just a contraction. It's totally normal.

Josh?! You okay out there?

Gah! I'm good!

Your contractions are coming sooner, but we've still got plenty of time.

I just need to try and make sure you stay as warm and dry as possible.

Don't want you getting hypothermia.


I, uh... I got a blanket in the back of my car.

Do you think you might be able to grab it for me?



You did hit your head, didn't you, Josh?

Possible grade 3 concussion.

What's happening?

Hey. Emmanuelle?!

No, easy, easy, easy.

She's fine, but you passed out on me, Josh.

You held out on me, too.

You got a nasty cut on your scalp.

You got any neck pain?

No, I feel fine.

Is he hurt?

No, he's all right.

And this time, he's gonna do exactly what I tell him to do, right, Josh? Yeah.

Okay, good. Okay.

So, you're gonna sit up with me real slow, okay? Okay. Okay.

All right. All right.

All right, I'm okay.

I want you to stay that way.

Okay, you're gonna sit right down next to me and Emmanuelle so I can keep an eye on both of you at the same time. Okay.

All right? Okay.

I'm the one stuck in here having contractions, but all I want to do is take care of you.

No, I'm... fine.

I'm fine.


Hey, hey, eyes open! You need to stay awake.

Okay. Okay?

Uh, uh, how did you guys meet, huh?

It was raining, actually. Okay.

Kinda like today.

Do you need something?

Do you?

I talked to Maya.

She didn't give me a lot of details or anything, but I just wanted you to know that you are strong, and you will get through this.

Thank you.

That... Actually, that really means a lot.

If I can help in any way, you have my full and complete support.

Well, I'm sure I'll get over it.

I know I'm probably overreacting.

She just didn't have any pants on, you know?

And neither did my dad, and once that visual is burned into your brain, that's hard to unsee, you know?


Yes, it is.

Ah, when I say I went on a lot of dates, I mean, I swiped right so much, I forgot left even existed.

How did this nice story about the day we met turn into a list of all the women who came before me?

'Cause none of them were right.

And they all led me to you.

Okay, fine.

You're right. It is a nice story.

Nothing ever seemed to work out, so I finally just gave up.

You gave up?


A week later, Emmanuelle walked into my life.

Well, actually, he bumped into me in the flower stall in the Pike Place Market.

She was so beautiful.

I was soaked, wearing sweats and no makeup.

So by the time of our fifth date, I knew.

Fifth date? That's pretty specific.

Don't most people say they know on the first date?

No. It was our fifth.

It was our first fight.

It was big and loud and in public.

Ooh, I'm having another one.

Okay, uh, Emmanuelle, is it okay if I take a closer look this time?

Yeah. I guess so.

It's all right, baby. It's gonna be all right.

It's gonna be okay. Okay.

What is it?

You are starting to crown.

Oh, no.

So, uh, I'm just gonna get a few things ready, and, uh... just in case.

And in the meantime, I need you to do me a big favor.

What's that?

Don't push.

Hey. I was thinking we could call that social worker who took our Safe Surrender last shift.

I bet she'd have the resources that could help with...

Why... Why are you still on this?

I-I... I don't know.

It seemed important to you, so...

So... So, what?

This isn't as easy as ripping off a Band-Aid, Maya.

You know, it's complicated. It's personal.

And it's not a door I can close once it's open, and, honestly, you're making me regret having even told you.

I was just trying to help.

Okay, then forget I mentioned anything, and let me do my job, okay?


Yeah, um, I appreciate this, but...

I know, I know.

You and I haven't, uh...

We don't really do this together anymore.

No, we don't.

You know, it's funny.

Once you're Chief, you don't have many peers, even fewer real friends, but I keep...

I keep wishing lately that I could talk to someone who really knows me and...

You know, I never got to tell you how sorry I was.

I-I never got the chance...

You know what? Never mind. This...

This was a bad idea.

I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Sully.

What's her name?

You still got all the same tells.

So go ahead. I'm listening.

Okay. Okay...

Wow. This is harder than I thought.

Um, basically, I screwed up, and I-I know I screwed up.

How big a screw-up?

Is it someone in the department?


Something's going around.

I had to send Hughes home earlier, and...

It's Hughes.

Man, it just... It just happened.

I mean, it took me completely by surprise, her, too, I think, and, Sully, it's... It's so good and new.

Except that when it's this new and you have a fight, it can be so bad, especially given the obvious circumstances, and I just... I really...

I don't know what...

I don't know what to do here.

Shouldn't have said anything.

If this is real for you, don't waste your time talking to me.

Find her and tell her exactly how you feel.

Thank you.

But for the record, this conversation never happened.

And if it comes down to it, I will protect her, not you, understand?

Civilian in distress for Ladder, Engine, Aid 19.

Partial 911 received, mile marker 22 off of Interstate 5.

And that's lunch.

Unknown number of victims. Sully.

I know that number.

It's Vic.

Listen, everybody, Hughes is in the field, and she is in need of assistance.

That means we move double time!

You know your assignments. Let's move!

Chief? Let's go.

Hey. Hey, somebody's coming!

Is... Is that your backup?

Hey! Stop!

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!

They didn't even slow down!


Oh, God!

Hey, don't push. Don't push.

How are you gonna do this?

Don't worry. I've done this before.

Oh, really? You've delivered a baby on the side of the road in the rain with the mom-to-be trapped inside a car wreck?

Every birth is special.

Oh, God. I have to push.

I can't stop it. It's coming.

I have to push. All right. All right. Okay, you got this.

You got this.

You got this.

Look at the bright side. At least the rain has stopped.

Oh, I can't do this.

I can't. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

I can't. Shh, no, no, no. It's okay.

It's gonna be okay.

We got to get you out of here.

We got to find a way.

It's not working.

That's okay. We'll figure something else out.

You're awfully quiet over there, Josh.

How you doing?

I'm fine.

You're lying.

I can always tell when he's lying.

No, I'm fine, Em. I just... I can't use my hurt arm, but it doesn't matter right now.

What else can I do? How can I help?

The car has her pinned.

The seat's broken, but maybe I can find a way to force it back to give us more room.


To what, have the baby?

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Where's the help you called?

No, I want to deliver Blueberry in a hospital.

Just hold on tight to the armrest, okay? Hold on tight.

Do you want me to come in there, too, to help with the seat? Not... Not with that... arm.

We bought this minivan to carry our baby in, not have our baby in.

Josh, I need you to help keep Emmanuelle focused, okay?

You guys learned breathing techniques, right? Yeah.

Can you just, uh, help her focus on breathing?

This can't be happening.

No, this can't be happening. Not like this.

It's okay, Em. Let's just breathe. We'll breathe.

But what if something's gone wrong?

What if Blueberry's hurt?

There are no obvious signs of trauma.

Our car is a pancake!

It rolled, more than once, across an entire street!

There was trauma!

What if Blueberry's not okay? What if our baby's hurt?

You've got this, Emmanuelle.

No, I can't do this. No, I'm scared. I can't push.

I'm too scared. I can't do this. No, you can. You can. You can.

No, I can't!

Uh, you guys got a fridge in your kitchen?

Yeah. Why?

Okay, now, I want you both to imagine opening that fridge, got it?

It's important. I promise.


All right, now, see the carton of eggs?

I want you each to take out an egg and imagine holding it in your hand.

Okay, it's smooth, right?

You feel that? Yeah.

Okay, now imagine shaking that egg as hard as you possibly can, and now imagine cracking it open.

I don't understand. Why... Why are we doing this?

Because no matter how hard you shake it, that egg, when you crack it open, how does the yolk look?

Like... a yolk?

Exactly, yeah.

It's yellow. It's round. It's intact.

It's totally fine, okay?

And that baby is strong as an egg yolk and very well protected, so even though your car was rolled and you were bouncing all around, Blueberry was floating, okay?

And so I don't want you to worry about Blue.

I don't want you to worry about anything.

Just... Just breathe, okay?

Okay. Okay.

Okay. Okay.

All right. You're doing great. Here we go.

How much further?

Uh, we're almost there.

Vic wasn't feeling good, and I told her to go home.

She could've slept it off in the bunk room, but...

But I'm sure...

I mean, you know, she's fine.

If anybody can handle herself, it's Vic.


I'm here, baby.

Okay, we're gonna breathe just like in birth class, okay?

Remember? So, it's in through the nose... out through the mouth.

That's good. That's really good.

Okay, now, when the next contraction hits, it's gonna be time to push again, okay?


You're awesome, Em. Just keep breathing.

Just keep breathing, okay?

I can't.

Something smells really bad.

That's gasoline.

Josh, I can't move right now. Can you take a look?

Okay, okay.

What's going on? What do you see?

Oh, there's gas.

Um, it's leaking pretty fast.

Leaking where, Josh?

Well, it's... I mean, it's, uh...

It's sort of going across the road kinda towards the... Oh, God.

Oh, no, no, fire! Oh, no, no, no, no...

Josh, there's an extinguisher near the back bumper.

I need you to pull the pin on it and start spraying down the flames.

What?! Yeah, go, go!

Okay. Oh, God. Okay, okay.

Okay, it's time, Emmanuelle.

I need you to push now. You can do this.

Josh, it's the only extinguisher we've got!

Be careful not to use too much.

Okay, keep pushing, Emmanuelle. Push!

Okay. I can see... All right, I can see the head!

I can see the head, Emmanuelle! Keep pushing!

Keep pushing! Good, good, good! Good!

It's running out!

Push, push, push!

Good! Good!


It's a girl.

It's a girl.

It's out!

Take the baby. Take her. Just save her.

Just leave me here.

No, Josh, Josh, get away from the car!

No, I am not leaving without them! Josh, get away from the car!


This way!


Took you long enough!

We've got two, uh... Three victims over here.

Wife is pinned inside the car, husband's concussed with head and shoulder wounds.

Somebody get me a warmer for a newborn baby right now!

All right, anterior instability with deep contusion with possible damage to the axillary artery.

Tell me you did not try to set this shoulder back yourself.

Look, we need to numb this up and reset it back at the hospital. No, No, no. Hold on.

Please, all I want to do is see my wife and kid.

Are they okay?

They're in good hands.

This ought to help with the pain.

Can't you just reset it now?

Trust me, you do not want me to reset this before we get you...

My wife just gave birth in a car fire.

Fix my shoulder now, please.

Try to keep it limp. Okay.

I'm gonna move real slow.

Okay, now, there we go. Now, I'm gonna wrap this, and we're gonna get you back to the hospital, all right?

W-Wait, hey, hey, w-where are you going?

Where are you going?

Look, I know you're just doing your job, but all I want to do is see my wife and kid.

Thank you.

Em? Em? You okay?

Yeah. She's doing great. So is Blueberry.

I love you, sweetie.

I'm so glad you're okay and the baby's okay.

We made it.

I love you. I love you, babe.

And I am so mad at you.

You ignored your symptoms when you had a head wound?

You don't get to sacrifice yourself.

Not for me, not for Blue.

You've got to take care of you, for both of us.

We both need you now.

I know. I know.

I'm still mad at you.

Hey. Hey.


So, you and Andy, you go back a ways.

Oh, yeah, I mean, you know...

Listen, if your hesitation about tonight is because of her...

Who says I'm hesitating?

Her dad's visiting you at work.

She "runs to you" when she's upset.

I mean, it's clear she's important in your life, but if she is still a thing for you, my invitation for tonight only stands if she isn't.

I think we're gonna reopen the roads and be on our way.

Sounds good.

Uh, Warren mentioned you're looking into EMT training?

Thinking about it. Jenna's certified.

She mentioned how it's helped her out a bunch, so...

Haven't I told you you should get certified about a thousand times?

Yeah, I know.

Guess I just wasn't that interested before.

So, she's a cop.

Seems like work's the only place to meet someone sometimes.

Look, I know we agreed it's not a big deal if we see other people, but, um, so you and I are on the same page, I have a second date with Jenna, and I think it's unfair to her if you and I are...

Sure, yeah.




Yeah. Good luck.



All done here?

Yes, I am.

Your temp's pretty high. I feel great.

I saved people, and I delivered a baby like a baller.

That's the adrenaline talking.

I'm awesome.

You are.

I'm still mad at you. Yeah, I know.

Hey, I can... Hey, I can treat myself.

I don't need you. Noted.

I don't.

Okay. Okay.

Ooh, starting...

I'm starting to feel that fever now.

You're not still thinking about your dad's, uh, morning delight, are you?

I'm happy for him. Okay.

I want him to move forward.

I don't know why it's bugging me so much.

It stirred up dust, hm?

I don't want to get in his way.

I think it's just... weird to see him moving on.

The only other woman I've ever seen my dad with in that house was... my mom.

It's hard... to let go of your past sometimes.

Why do you think I moved all the way to Montana after my wife died?

Funny thing is, I had to come all the way back to Seattle before I could really start letting go.

Have you?

Let go of the past?

Getting there.

No, I will not make you a peanut butter sandwich, and more importantly, what are you still doing here?

Hey, I may never leave.

This place is way better than hanging out at Mom and Dad's.

Amazing pantry, great lounge.

This is a workplace, my workplace, and you can't camp out here.

Well, then you better stop phoning in dates, or you're stuck with me.

I have no interest in a woman that wants what Mom wants, which is for me to stop being a firefighter.

If you put some real effort into showing them how great this place is, one of them will actually listen.

And you'll both live happily ever after in the firehouse, making little fire babies.

That was a nice family.

Cute kid, too.

See, now you're doing a "quiet" thing.

Okay, I shut you down before, and maybe I was a little unfair.

Yeah, you were.

I know I can be pretty relentless, and sometimes it can be a little bit too much.

Way bit too much.

And if you were just some friend that didn't want to take my advice, that would be one thing, but...

So I'm not just a friend? No.

I don't know. Just forget it.

You're sorry you told me something personal.

I'm sorry I bothered to care.

I never asked you to care.

You don't think I know that? I don't know.

I literally have no idea how to read anything you do.

It's not that complicated.

I just don't get why you'd even try to...

Because... Because maybe I do care, and it's really annoying, because you are the last person that I ever wanted to start caring about.

Wow, okay, uh...

Not gonna lie, that stings.

What now?

You wanna kiss about it?

God, no.

Just let me know if there's anything else you need, okay?

Actually, there... There is.

Uh, we had our first fight, but we didn't finish it.

Well, we don't have to finish it now, Vic.

You're wrong, because if an argument's all it takes to tear us apart... You're sick. You're sick.

You should just rest. But I have your shirt!

My shirt?

You left your s-stupid shirt here, okay?

And I don't want to give it back, but I swear to God I will if we can't straighten a few things out.

Get what things straight?

I am sick of the secrets.

And I'm tired of hiding, but we have to.

Unless we don't. I don't... I don't know.

But if we can't even fight and make up, then there's no point in you being nice to me or bringing me tea, because we won't survive, in which case you can just take your nice-smelling shirt and go.

I don't want my shirt back.

And mad or sick or tired or any other way you feel, I don't want to go.

I don't want to let you go.

What if you get sick? I could be contagious.

Oh, you are.

Once you really commit to something, there's no turning back.

You got to own your part, show your cards, be honest.

Hey, Dad. Sorry I missed you.

Listen, all I want is for you to be happy.

So if Reggie makes you happy, then that's great.

I'll call before I stop in next time.

Okay? Okay.

Love you.

Push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Follow through on your commitments.

Try something new.

Let go of the past...

and dive in to the future.