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02x08 - Crash and Burn

Posted: 12/27/20 09:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Station 19"... Windstorm's on the way.

It's supposed to get pretty ugly.

Warrant was issued this morning. So, what are you gonna do?

I've never seen myself as a person who will ever actually get married.

Hey! Sorry!

Screw you!

Hey, Gibson... enough!

When did this start? Right after the skyscraper? Let me sleep!

Shannon, let's take care of your leg, okay?

Still no service. We won't be safe here much longer.

Screw dispatch. We got to get out of here.

Maya Bishop will be promoted to Lieutenant.

There's an opening at Station 23.

Hey, it's Andy. Where are you? Call me.

When you've crashed and burned, you might wonder, "How did I get here?"


Herrera, wake up.

But that part doesn't really matter.

What matters is what you do next.

We were in a crash.


Hey. You with me?

I'm here. I'm here.

Will you let it overwhelm you...

How long was I out?

Couple minutes, I think.

Little longer than me.

We have a couple problems.

Or will you rise?


Are you all right back there?


I feel sort of... like, outside of my body.

I'm pinned pretty good here.

I... can't... get good leverage.

I'll help. Just... Just give me a minute.

Is anyone else cold?

Because I am.


Okay. Let's say all the things aloud so we understand what we're dealing with here.

You're pinned.

Shannon's leg needs a hospital.

We're stuck. On our side.

In a ravine.

During a windstorm.

We can't call for help, and no one even knows we're out here.

It's driving me crazy I can't check in with Miranda.

I can't get ahold of Andy, either.

She'll check in when they get to a landline.

Yeah, nobody's got any signal right now.

But, Bishop, you made Lieutenant.

Savor it.

Fall into the warm embrace of these mashed potatoes.

I made Lieutenant at Station 23.

The people there are...

The worst. - Meatheads. Unshowered.

Thanks, guys. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

They are.

I mean, you have actual knowledge about 23.

Dish, please.

Nothing to dish.

You were seeing what's-his-name over there.


Mayhorn. Mayhorn.


You were seeing Mayhorn?

"Seeing" is a strong word.

I saw him once.

Thought you said it was three times. Oh. All right.

You know what? It was a month or so ago, and it was nothing.

Not... that there's any reason for any of you to need that information.

Never mind.

Me. I need information.

Mayhorn likes 23, right?

I mean, tell me all the reasons he likes 23.

I'm sorry. I got nothing.

Where's Gibson? He's gonna want a drumstick.

I believe he's, uh, resting.

I'll fix him a plate.

You don't want to see Hangry Jack.

Hey, how is Gibson lately?

Does he seem on edge to you?

You noticed? Kind of hard not to notice when he's throwing Greg Tanner against a wall over a poker game.

I'm worried.

Is he getting enough sleep lately?

Odd hours, for sure, but I didn't think he was bringing all that to the Station.

I've seen this many times before. It's dangerous.

And it likely won't resolve on its own.

So, what do we do?

I'm just worried about sticking around here.

You gotta turn me in.

I've caused enough trouble.

You're right.

You agree with me?

First time in a long time, huh?

But... storm's not over yet.

We're still grounded. Can't do anything this minute.

Come on.

Poor Herrera, stuck on Aid Car duty and missing out on all this confectionery glory.

Do you... want to get married?

To you?

Or ever?

I mean, are you pro-marriage or anti-marriage?

Is being anti-marriage even a real thing?

Marriage isn't everyone's endgame.

Yeah, see, I don't... I don't get that.

Being married to Michael was great.

Why wouldn't... Grant want that?

Well, there is such a thing as too much too soon.


Live in the now. Forget about the later.

Hey. Can we chat for a minute?



Almost there.

Shannon? How you doing back there?

Oh, just peachy.

You guys?

We're, uh... Yeah. We're peachy, too.

You have concussion symptoms?

Nausea? Dizziness?

Only a slight headache.


Once I'm unpinned, I'll go for help, all right?

Set up some flares.

And you'll monitor her leg, minimize the bleeding.


We do all that, we're good to go.

Okay, here we go.


Okay. Let me help you down.

Wait. Let's go. It's time to move.

Andy, wait. I can't. We just agreed that...

I can't move my legs.

I can't even feel them.

I can't feel them.

Can you wiggle your toes?

You tell me.

It could be temporary.

You know, it's probably temporary.

All right, I'm gonna take a look at your eyes, Shannon, okay?

It could be swelling around your spine.

That will go away.

Or nerve damage, which can heal, or...

Or I have a significant spinal injury and may never walk again.

We're jumping the g*n here.

We're not specialists. We can't diagnose you.

My back's on fire.

When I'm done here, I'll grab you some Fent.

Equal, round, and reactive. That's great.

Doesn't feel too great. I know, I'm sorry, but that's normal after all you went through...

Compartment syndrome and a fasciotomy.

I'll grab you some pain meds, too.

Did you lose consciousness at all, Shannon?

No. I was awake for the whole thing.

Wouldn't want to do that again.

Well, your vitals are good, you didn't lose consciousness.

That's all good news. You're a tough cookie.

Yay. No likely concussion.

Her C-Collar must have protected her head.

How's your headache? The same.

What about you?

You know, you're more susceptible to drowsiness, on pain meds and lying down like that.

You were out longer.

You could easily have an intracranial bleed or something.

I know, but unless there's a brain surgeon wandering around out there, not much we can do about that.

I've got some re-perfusion here.

A good amount of re-perfusion.

Copy. I'm gonna irrigate and re-dress your leg wound, okay?

Okay, thanks.

Then I'll locate the flares and hike up to the road for help...

Oh, no.

Talk to me. What's happening?

Uh, just a little smoke coming from the engine.

I'm on it.

You hate inventory that much?

No, just trying to overcome this Friendsgiving food baby while distracting myself with work and groaning.

Groaning helps.

I got service briefly, and a text came in from my buddy Karev.

Grey-Sloan lost electricity and Miranda is trapped in an elevator.

I'm worried out of my mind.

I know we're on a sabbatical, but... she's trapped in an elevator.

I'm sure she's busy rocking the whole superhero vibes that she got going on.

Prying open elevator doors, doing whatever it takes.

She's Dr. B. She's fine.

I just... I just wish I knew she was fine.

Like I said, groaning helps.


Smoke's out.

How are the conditions out there?



The, uh, team's looking for an update.

HQ's working to get reception back up.

The wind's still 85 miles per hour.

The calls are prioritized so we know exactly which to hit first.


Thanks... for the update.

So, uh...

Mayhorn, huh?

Oka... Hughes? There you are.

So, I'll be sure to disseminate that info to the team, Chief.

Do me a favor and round up Montgomery and meet me in the Beanery.

This was the best stuffing I've ever had.

Better than Mom's.

Don't tell her that.

As much as I hate to remind you, you are harboring a fugitive here.

Can I ask you something?


That one Christmas, we had way more stuff than other years.

How'd you pull that off?

I was about to file for bankruptcy, so I figured, why not liquidate on gifts for my family?

What about those two months you were driving that baby blue Cadillac Seville, and then it was just gone?

Yeah. I was just, um, holding that.

Holding it, huh? Yes.

For some friends.

Why the sudden curiosity?

I don't know.

I'm just... not sure when we'll see each other again.

For real, though, you want some more stuffing?

I'm good.

Pruitt wants to see us in the Beanery.

Would you like to... To get a seat at Reception?

Yeah. I'll do that.

What did Pruitt want to see us about?

No clue.

But he probably doesn't want to see man-bits. Zip up.

Sorry, I was... We were...

Oh. No. No, I connected those dots.

But I was trying to talk to him, and then you got into my head about living in the now, and the now that I wanted to live in was less about talking and more about...

Man-bits! I got it. All good.

Not all good! We needed to talk.

But instead, you had hotty hot spur-of-the-moment sexy time because of me.

So you're welcome.

The engine's all good, so we don't need to evacuate.

Do you need more Fent?

I'm fine.

How steep was that climb out there?

I'm guessing 65 degrees, maybe 70.

That's almost unclimbable without gear.

I have to try. Once I find the flares...

My leg is kind of throbbing now.

I'm upping her pain meds.

Heart rate's erratic.

Her leg needs re-dressing. She needs to be monitored.

That settles that.

You stay here.

For now.

Until her heart rate evens out.

It's our only option.

Well, my wife is no longer trapped in an elevator.

That's good, right?

Yeah, what's not good is that she never even mentioned being trapped in the first place.

We're in a windstorm!

Lines are down, trees are falling.

I am still her husband, I still worry, and I should...

I should know these things.

Has it dawned on you that maybe that's how she feels when you come home from work every day and tell her about all the dangerous things that you survived at work that day?

Great. You're all here. Now listen up.

He seems mad. Why does he seem mad?

Because I am mad.

Because the firefighters standing in front of me are not the firefighters I raised.

The firefighters I raised communicate.

They have each other's backs.

And when one of our own shows clear signs of struggling, we help.

Because if we don't, it puts civilian lives at risk.

There's something wrong with Gibson.

And I suspect all of you have noticed that something's off.

Hell, I've been here half a day, and I could tell you that.

A sleep-deprived, troubled firefighter is a liability.

Snap out of it.

Help isn't just gonna magically appear.

It's on us to do something about it.

Right now.

Radio case is crushed.

If it's a loose fuse, maybe I can tighten it.

Who identifies the bodies?

When people die out in the woods?

Nobody's dying here today, okay?

Who usually does it, though?

Like, my Gammy's all I have, so she'd probably have to do it, right?

She's 89.

God, that might k*ll her.

Hey, y-you don't... you don't have to think about that.

I'm asking because...

I want to be wearing the necklace she gave me if it happens.

I mean, If I'm not wearing it, she'll think that I don't like it, and... she's really sensitive about stuff like that, and I-I...

I just want to make her feel good so that maybe...

maybe if I am dead... it won't k*ll her.

Shannon, this is what we do. Okay?

We face impossible situations, and we overcome them, okay?


Damn it.

The motherboard is fried. There's no fixing this thing.

So, let's see if we can fix you, okay?


You're bleeding a lot more than I'd like.

It's time for a re-dress.

Wind's starting to die down.

Ry, you've been a gracious host.

I appreciate it.

And it's time for you to turn me in now.

There's this really beautiful maple tree out there.

Funny. I've never really stared at one before.

At a... At a maple tree?

There's a bunch of maple trees by that bus station on 10th.

It's... It's a pretty quick walk from here, actually.

I know what you're doing.

This is my mess.

It's time for me to face it.

I bet buses will start running again soon.

Storm's gonna keep the cruisers busy for a while before they go out on any kind of regular patrol.

The thing I really like about maple trees is how tough they are.

They can survive almost anything, but still, there's... something about them that just draws you in.

Something nice.

They can surprise you, you know?

What the hell?

Your concussion's making you groggy.

You got to fight it, okay?

Stay awake.

I need something to focus on to...

To keep me awake.

Talk to me. What about?

I don't know. Do you have any pets?


Me either.

Any hobbies?

I make smoothies.

Already asleep.

I don't know. Uh, talk to me...

about your wife.

She loved roller skating.

Roller skating?

There was this rink in Auburn where she liked to skate.

So, that's where we had our first date.

I think I would've followed her anywhere.

But out on that rink...

I was ridiculous.

Limbs flying everywhere, bumping into the walls.

No game.

And somehow she married me, anyway.

7 feet between you and the ground, with wheels glued to your feet... it's terrifying.

I'm lucky I never broke a...

broke a leg.

After Claire's accident, work was everything for me.

Kept me sane.

This job is keeping me sane.

I don't know what I'll do if I can't... if my legs are... if they are...

Andy, I-I don't know if I...


If that's the case... And that's a big "if"...

There are other ways to help people.


You'll be okay.

If the situation was reversed, if you were staring down the barrel of not doing this job w...

would you be?

Would you be okay?

She's in cardiac arrest.

It could be an electrolyte imbalance.

We'll make it through this... All three of us.

You hear me?

Damn it! Hey.

Looks like we drew the short straw.

We're on Friendsgiving cleanup duty.

All right, come on.

What's going on, Dean?

Just hear us out, okay?

Please, Jack. Sit.

I'm good standing.

What is this? We're worried about you.

Okay, does anybody want to tell me what's going on?

Let's talk about what's going on.

I hear you haven't been sleeping much.

What do you mean, you hear?

You've all been talking about me?

We're worried. That's all.

Oh, you're worried, Bishop?

I was joking about you trying to take my job.

That... That was a joke.

Now you're trying to tarnish my reputation?

Jack, come on. That's not fair. "That's not fair"?

What's not fair is all of you ambushing me, over what?

A little irritability?

Irritability? Jack, it appears you're suffering from PTSD.

Who the hell are you to determine that?

You're not a doctor.

I am. Oh...

Now, I don't know the details, but I would recommend you talk to a professional about those details.

I don't need that. You don't have to suffer through this...

Who the hell are you to even say, huh?!

You're... You're so healthy?

You've been kicked out of your house.

Dean, you've been kicked out of your own family.

And I... And I'm sorry, Captain.

You don't even work here anymore!

Hey, Gibson...

And, Hughes, you of all people want to talk about my deepest, darkest places in front of everyone?

Everybody, we've got communication back.

We're officially un-grounded. Great.

We can finally start taking calls and help people that actually need help...

Wait. There's more.

Aid Car 19 never made it to Rainier First hospital.

No one's heard from them in over an hour.

Our first call out is a Search and Rescue for Herrera, Sullivan, and their patient.

Let's go!


What are you doing? I'm gonna find those road flares.

I need to hike and get us some help.

We decided you'd stay here.

Yeah, but that was before Shannon coded.

She's stable for now, but if she codes again in the field, it'll be harder to get her back.

She needs a hospital.

This is my window, while she's stable, to go set the flares.

It's more dangerous in the dark.

The winds have quieted. That'll make the climb safer.

Plus, in the dark, the flares are more visible.

Smashed... soaked.

The... These all got destroyed in the crash.

I got one that's still viable.

This'll burn for 30 minutes at least.

I'm going. Wait.

Rainier First will have noticed we didn't arrive by now.

Help will come.

Shannon doesn't have that kind of time.

She's already crashed once.

Chances of it happening again are high, and again, and again after that, and without electrolytes, that'll k*ll her.

You know that.

Then you have to climb carefully.

If you lose consciousness or if you get hurt...

If you fail...

I won't be able to go out after you.

Then I won't fail.



Get up.

Get up.

Get... up.

Herrera, what's your status out there?

Still climbing.

Herrera! I have to get back to HQ.

19 is currently without a Captain.

Now, I hate to ask, but can I rely on you to suit up as Interim Captain on this call?

I know it's your daughter out...

All right.

Let's go! Let's go!

Stock that thing like it's an Aid Car.

Be prepared for anything.

Copy that. You got it.

We're gonna retrace the steps of the Aid Car all the way from the incident site to Rainier First.

I'll drive. No, you won't.

As Interim Captain, I'm benching you.

From this call and all calls until you get some help.

That's insane. It's Andy out there.

I'm your only Lieutenant here.

I don't have time to explain it to you gently.

You're out.

Bishop! You're up as Lieutenant.

Whatever you need, sir.


Montgomery, stay with Gibson.

Keep your eye on him.

Everybody else, let's not keep Andy waiting.

Let's roll!

Flare's set.

We've got 30 minutes of burn time.

I'm headed back.

There's Jack's locker. He's gone.

Damn it.

I can't believe this.

It's Jack. Leave a message.

Jack, hey, it's Travis.

Please give me a call, let me know you're all right.

I'm gonna go.

Give you... some time to cool down.

Except there's a windstorm, so I can't really go.

Windstorm's basically over, so...


Then... okay.


You're right.

There's something we should talk about.

Trav, am I supposed to guess what's on your mind here, or...?

I'm upset.

And I... And I don't want to be upset, so I keep trying not to think about it, but the more I try that, the more upset I get.

About what? I like marriage!

I had a great marriage, and I want another great one, sometime.

I don't know when, but I just...

You never told me that you were so against the idea.

Well, you also never asked.

It's information that you might want to know before you get close to someone.

We don't all get to wear our feelings on our finger, Trav.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means I don't have to share every single part of myself with you.

We're talking about the rest of our lives.

I didn't realize this was a thing for you.

I need a minute.

I think I really am gonna take a walk.

You're gonna walk out in the middle of this?

Really, Michael?

The name's Grant.


This isn't working.


And I don't think...

I don't think we can make this work.

I mean, we can keep talking, but... something between us is just... something's not right.

I think you've felt that, too.

Let's just keep our eyes peeled for debris, skid marks... anything.

The roads are a damn mess. Everything is.

Andy switched with me. I mean, she took Aid Car.

And now she's out here.

Andy's smart, and Sullivan's basically indestructible, right?

They know how to survive.

I just want to get to them.

We all do.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh, not now.

Come on.

Herrera, she's coding again.

I need you back here... Fast.

I'm almost there!

Do not move!

You can't risk further paralysis by disrupting your spine.

Okay, Shannon, if you can hear me, you're gonna... you're gonna feel a shock.

But y-your heart's gonna f-feel better.

Oh, damn it!

Defib's not an option.

This is gonna hurt.

What the hell are you doing?

Precordial thump. This is my third one.

No, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, stop!

You did three of those?

Did you twist your spine?

She was coding again. I had to.

Defib won't help. She's asystolic now.

Has your numbness crept any higher?

Push more sodium bicarbonate.

You shouldn't have unstrapped yourself.

Has your numbness crept any higher?!


Pulse is thready.

No, you don't give up yet, Shannon.

Stay with me until we get to the hospital.

One IV drip, and you'll feel so much better.

That road flare is gonna bring the cavalry.

If you could just... not die.

Just... hang on.


No, this is not the end of the road for you, Shannon.


Come back.

Is it possible that we've already driven past them?

Why would you say that? I'm just...

How does that help?! He's just trying to explain why...

And I'm just trying to concentrate!

Okay, stop it! Bickering doesn't find anyone any faster!

Unless anyone sees something relevant, shut up!

Herrera. No.

You should save your energy. You might need it...

Shut up!


She's gone.

How did this happen?

Her leg was a ticking time b*mb.

After her cardiac arrest, without a hospital... it was a matter of time.

It's been at least 30 minutes since I set the flare.

It's probably out.

And it was our only one.

No one's gonna come for us.

Aid Car 19, hold your position.

We're on our way to you.

You did it.

You got help to us.

Not in time.

We talk a lot about bravery on this job.

But on some occasions, a firefighter goes beyond the call of duty.

Now, that kind of bravery... we call that valor.

And I could not be more proud to award this Medal of Valor to Lieutenant Herrera for her bravery, her strength, and her exceptional service the night of the windstorm... A night we will all remember.

Sadly, Captain Sullivan was unable to be with us here today.

But he wouldn't be with us at all if it wasn't for the heroics of one woman on this stage.

My daughter, Andrea Herrera.

I, um...


Thank you.

Look, I know the windstorm was tough.

You don't feel like you deserve a medal or praise or...

Can you please slow down? Just stop a second.

Nope. Got to get home. I have some drinking to do.

You wanna keep talking at me? You can do it there.

That's four months of therapy together, three times a week.

And now, maybe, if you could just... give me your signature?

I can return to active duty.

Jack, you know I can't do that.

Is it because you'll miss me? 'Cause I can still swing by.

You're still not sleeping.

I slept.

Not a full night's sleep... Without a sleep aid.

I like my firefighters well-rested.

Funny thing... So does the department.

And whatever is keeping you up at night is something you haven't dealt with.

Not fully.

Not here, with me.

You speaking to Dean yet?

He's your best friend.

I know you feel he betrayed your trust.

I can't restore you to active duty without a support system.

Yeah, what kind of support system helps you by turning you over to an institution?

To a complete stranger, when maybe what I needed was some damn stability?

Why don't we talk about that?

You know, when I said that meeting me after every therapy session was unnecessary, I meant it.

And when I said I didn't mind, I meant it, too.

Did she clear you for duty?


You'll get there.

You coming tonight to the party?

I can give you a ride.

Also negative.

Oh, come on! Your messy hair can come, too.

It'll be fun. Snacks and drinks on me.

No, I'm not ready to see anyone.

It's been four months.

I said no.

I feel bad you're missing out on Herrera's celebration.

Don't. I love stale bagels and lukewarm coffee.


It's nice.

Being out.

In public.

With you.

Not having to worry about running into anyone.

It's kinda hot, right?

You realize it's our second time here.

Is this, uh... is this our place now?

Our place?

Can we say we have a place?

You know, I thought my bed was our place, since that's where we spend most of our time together.

And I very much enjoy that time.

But I also enjoy this time.

And maybe... maybe we can have more of this time in the future.

What do you think?

I think... we should get the check.

Excuse me.

Uh, whatever it is you're doing in there, please don't.

Sorry. It was not...

It... It's not what it...


I think we ruined our place.

Mm-hmm. Totally.

Thank you.

You have vinyl records now?

Who are you?

Andy Herrera, Medal of Valor winner, record collector... Oh, okay.

No more medal talk.

And they're Maya's mostly.

This one is all you.


Hey, Dad.


Your apartment is lovely.

Just the right amount of space. Mm.

Maybe I should take a look around, too.

Find a condo, sell the house, you know?

H-Hold on. Sell my childhood home?

With the porch and the yard and...

You know what I think?

They need more ice in the kitchen.

Sorry we're late. No worries.

Uh, it's called making an entrance.

O... kay.

Single now, and I can't cozy up to any hot new strangers at this party, because there is literally no strangers.

Hey, Captain. Hey, Montgomery, I've never heard of this person.

Who is Cardib?


Come on. I'll explain it all over pigs in a blanket.

"Cardi B."

Oh, thank you.

So, where is your better half?

She's still in surgery, but I'll see her later.

At home.

My man.

Damn, it still feels good to say that.

You're just bragging about that happiness.

I might have to make some moves to keep it that way.

What kind of moves?

Well, you know, Miranda has her stress issues, and I don't want to be a stressor, so... might be time for me to quit firefighting.

He shouldn't have dropped that on you like that.


Like, "Oh, hey, I'm about to liquidate the place you called home your entire life.

Pass the cheese?"

Maybe, um...

Yeah, never mind.


Nothing. No, what? What?

Tell me.

Maybe you're taking your dad's news extra hard because you're frustrated about something else?

Something else like what?

Like... the medal you don't want to talk about?

Or maybe I'm just a little mad right now.

About both things.

And a little drunk.

I'm not, like, drunk drunk.

Just drunk-y.

And mad. Okay.

So, you're, uh, drunk-y mad.

How do you always do that?

There were a hundred people at that ceremony watching me freeze on that stage.

You're the only one who gets why.

It makes me feel... naked.

Naked, huh?


You just had a little private party for two with Ryan, didn't you?

What are we high-fiving?

Surviving a crash...

I convinced Nurse Adam at rehab to give me an hour.

Nurse Adam is tough.

Yes, she is.

That was no small feat.

Clawing your way out of the wreckage...

Captain, hi.


You're at our place.

I hope you don't mind.

I didn't want to miss the chance to toast Herrera.

Good to see you again, sir.

Ryan Tanner.

Officer Tanner.


Uh... I don't have a free hand to shake.

It makes you stronger...

Oh, I... Let's come in.

Let's pop that champagne.

It changes your perspective...

To, uh, new beginnings.

To new beginnings.

And opens you up... to brand-new possibilities.

Cheers. Cheers.