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02x04 - Lost and Found

Posted: 12/27/20 09:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Station 19"...

I'd like to introduce you all to the new captain of Station 19, Robert Sullivan.

I'm not retired, regardless of what Sullivan thinks.

How come I've never been here before?

I don't have a lot of people over.

Chief Ripley said you were a prime candidate for a promotion.

Andy and I support each other. We don't step.

Everyone else is telling you to stand down.

I thought I could save him. But you didn't.

I just submitted my Lieutenant's application.

I'm still your daughter, even if I don't live here.

So you're mad at me for almost dying?

You quit on Warren. You quit on me.

If you need professional advice, there's an FD Peer Support program at the Civic Center every week.

Take it there.

You know that feeling in your gut, the one that says something's about to go horribly wrong?

All right, this is about to go horribly wrong.

Tonight everything is gonna be all right.

That's instinct, and it's a firefighter's greatest asset.

This is why I stick to beer.

Nuh-uh, beer is for frat boys, Especially on our first night out.

Mm, the three of us plus Mr. Station 23 man-blanket?

You know, they should have sent Sullivan to 23.

Let him fix the stations that are broken, not break the ones that are working.

You're too hard on him.

What? Excuse me?

If you can't trust your instincts, you're in trouble. He's not that bad.

He's like a coach, just pushing us to be our personal best.

His style isn't terrible just because it's different.

You begin to question everything, including yourself, and we can't have that.

Time to get to work. Work?


Bishop and I have made a decision.

It is time for you to get back out there, maybe meet someone you don't work with or live next door to.

We're gonna wing. No way.

Please, please, please let us wing.

I live to wing. I wanna wing!

We have to trust and trust blindly...

I-I didn't order this.

The gentleman over there said to tell you, "If the lady wants a beer, the lady should have a beer."

Trust fully...

Oh. Oh, that was way too easy.

Now's the part where you just talk to the boy.

Trust completely... And say what?

"Hi, my name is Andy.

I want to put your face on my face."

Or, uh, maybe just, "Hi, I'm Andy."

And see where it takes you.

Looking good, Mr. Herrera.

Just in time. Come here.

I need you to hold this rig in place so I can attach the ladder.

If I let go before you get ahold, I'll glue my fingers together.

We still on for your checkup tomorrow?

Just a few more and you're done.

You don't have to pick me up.

Oh, so... Andy's picking you up?

When she came by the other day, she asked me not to waste away.

That seems like sound advice.

I'm not wasting. I'm waiting.

My medical evals have been consistent.

Matter of time before I'm all cleared.

You want to get back to active duty.

Sure as hell don't want to retire.

I can't keep sitting on my porch just...

Building toy firetrucks?

Miniature scale models.

Have you talked to Andy about this?

Would you stop fidgeting, Tanner?

The whole thing's gonna fall apart.

Andrea and I don't really talk.

I don't really talk about me much, I guess, so...

Unit 18 requesting back-up for a 191 at 1304 Elkins Avenue. Over.

Copy, Dispatch, 18 en route.

I got to run.

You should talk to Andy. Pick you up at 8:00 a.m.?

I told you I can handle it myself.

What the hell is this?

Brought the bagels.

Uh, this place is amazing!

Where's Gibson?

Uh, not here. Were...

Were you just using my kayak?

No, I brought my own kayak.

Hey. Hey, sorry I'm a little late.

I had to pick up the cream cheese.

Don't panic, no chives.

What is happening? Jack invited me over.

Jack doesn't live here.

He just hangs out here. A lot.

An abnormal amount, really, for someone whose name is not on the lease.

What's wrong? This is my house.

We can eat on the deck. The deck is still my house.

So... So, it's...

Whatever. It's fine. It's fine.

Just anything but onion.

Yes. Yes!

Ugh, after last night, this is exactly what I needed.

Andy, Maya, and I went out, and I think Andy might be getting her groove back.

She had this guy buying her drinks left and right...

Oh, sorry.

You, um... Is this something you'd rather not hear?

No, I am happy for Andy.

Wouldn't mind talking about something else.

Oh, is Vic making you uncomfortable? Is that it?

Oh, what if she kayaked up to your house unannounced?

Sure, sure. Yeah, Tuck and I will fly solo.

Love you.

Everything okay?

Uh, Miranda. She's been stressed lately, so I've been trying to help out, but nothing seems to be working, so now I'm getting stressed.

Well, that sounds healthy.

Yeah, how's Grant been adjusting to you being back at work? We're good.

Really good. So good.

So good you got to say it three times?

Grant's driving me crazy.

I mean, not "crazy" crazy, but crazy, you know?

Um... nah.

He's just... He's really... attentive, but, you know, it's like we went from getting to know each other to sponge baths. Not the sexy kind.

So, you know, whatever fun, steamy steps there are before the sponge-bath stage in the relationship, we skipped those.

Usually takes a while to rip off those Band-Aids, but those Band-Aids were ripped and changed.

He literally changed my bandages.

Look, man. He's just... Just worried about you.

Yeah, and I told him I'm fine.

After Miranda's heart attack, she told me she was just fine, but I worried.

And you guys got through that?

Yeah, man. Look, it all boils down to trust.

I trust that no matter what, we'll work our way through it.

Uh, to be clear, you two are a little too perfect to be likeable sometimes.

It's kind of gross.

Hey, so, uh, I was kidding earlier about Gibson, but I kind of wasn't.

All this time he's been spending at my place, it seems a little like...

It seems like he doesn't want to be alone or something.

Or that something could be that you have the coolest place out of all of us.

Sorry, no offense to Chez Bishop.

Oh, or you mean Hacienda Herrera.

Okay, well, y'all can call it whatever you want.

What I want to know is were you entertaining visitors last night?

What happened after I left the bar?

Oh, come on! Supremely handsome guy!

You mean supremely handsome Brad?

Who may have scored some digits?

You gave out your number? Okay.

Okay. She... did it. Hey. Digits are a good start.

You guys were right. I just needed to trust you, and look what happened. Good things happened.

I mean, I think it's a sign. From the universe.

To keep putting myself out there and see what comes back.

I've got to trust. The universe.

So I'm gonna.

Okay! Great!

That's good.

It's not like she brought the guy home.

We may have overcorrected. Yeah.

19, lineup. Now!

I've been watching you these past few weeks.

Captain Herrera did his job well.

Each of you is good at what you do.

Interchangeably good at all the same things.

You make a perfectly nice team.

But I'm not interested in perfectly nice.

I'm interested in exceptional.

So I've decided to assign you specialties.

Specialties, sir?

I want each of you to learn a new skill-set so that you and you alone can bring that skill-set to any call at any time.

Do we get to pick or... Miller... Water Rescue.

We do not get to pick.

Bishop... Incident Operations.

Hughes... Crisis Management.

Gibson... Tactical Force Training.

Warren... Hazmat Training.

Montgomery... Urban Rescue.

And Herrera... Recruitment.


Herrera, you don't seem particularly enthusiastic.

Recruitment's more of a sit-behind-a-desk kind of thing, and I'm not exactly a sit-behind-a-desk kind of person.

You'll be great at it. Trust me.

Stay calm. Stay focused. Let's go.

3, 2, 1.

Let's go!

Don't move. Hands.

Let me see your hands. Clear!


Secure the suspect.

Mr. Collins, we have a warrant for your arrest.

Bag the contraband. Folks, it's your lucky day.

As long as no one else here has a felony warrant on them, we're only gonna need statements from you, then you can go. Officers?

We sure this is everyone?

Whoa, don't sh**t.


Hey! Why am I not surprised?

What's going on here?

Uh, uh, Ryan, it's good to see you.

You know this guy? Yeah.

That's my dad.

What do you want to know? I'll sing. I got info.

I'll share it. We're good, Greg.

We're after someone else this time. You lucked out.

All we need is a statement from you, and you're free to go.

How'd you know I was hiding?

Favorite cigar was still smoking on the table.

Figured you couldn't be far.

Please state for the record what you were doing here.

I mean, I guess it kind of seems pretty obvious.

Just answer the question.

I was trying to make a little more money to send to your mother.

And I was up, by the way. 300k pot.

That would have covered everything I owed, and I was this close. I was just about to...

How'd you hear about the game?

Word travels. To Florida?

Which is where you said you were this whole time.

I didn't want to leave. Your mother kicked me out.

When did you get back to town?

That's not gonna be in my statement, is it?

I don't know.

N-Not long ago. Two, two and a half...



I was gonna surprise you when the time was right.

Well, consider me surprised.

Henderson, get this guy's contact information.

I'm done here.

Wait, is that it?

Wait, hey, Ryan. Hey, bud...

Really good work here, by the way.

It was really well organized.

As busts go, it was right to the point.

Well done.

Recruitment. I am a recruiter now.

When there are options out there like "Smoke Jumping" or "Wildland Fires"?

What happened to trusting the universe?

I know. It's just hard when the universe is Sullivan.

We should establish some ground rules for when we have people over now that we're living together and you're giving your cell number out all over the place. Not all over the place.

Just once to Handsome Brad. That's it.

So I don't mind if Handsome Brad is walking around in his undies.

I do mind if anyone nakedly sits on any of the furniture. No one's nakedly sitting anywhere.

He hasn't even called. Cart way before horse.

Please, he'll call.

Herrera speaking.

No, she does not live here.

Sorry, Brad who, now?

Uh, what did Sullivan assign you again?

Incident Operations, but, you know, I mean, that's not all that exciting either.

What? Are you kidding? That's hands-on, decision-making, in the field, moment to moment.

You can't get more exciting...

It was one of the first specialties assigned to me by my C.O.

Put me on the officer track. Officer track?

Well, that's...

Reported structure fire for Ladder 19, Engine 19, Aid 19...

Bishop, you're starting your specialty training today.

4024 Lanewood Avenue. We encounter problems, I want to hear your solutions.

Show me what you got. Sir, we have Lieutenants for that.

Then pretend you are a Lieutenant today, unless, Herrera, any objections?

Uh, no. No, sir.

We've got an active structure fire in a derelict building.

Building's owner says it was set for demolition in a few days. Assuming it's empty, Bishop, what's the approach?

Uh, if there's no civilians in harm's way, we mount a defensive attack.

Stay outside, surround, and drown.

No need to risk any lives.

All right, that's the plan, folks.

Surround, drown, and get back home.

Sir, I think we should do a sweep, clear the area, and keep it clear.

Smoke is heavy, but with no visible flames on the roof, so the fire's trapped inside.

Looks like the inside's a hot box.

Bishop, you hear this? Yes, sir.

Your recommendation, go.

We should have Herrera and Warren start defensive operations.

Montgomery and Hughes prep the pump.

I will handle the hydrant.

Miller and Gibson will take a 360 for recon.

If any fire's spread, I'd like to know how much and where.

Great. Also, we can... You heard her. Let's go.

Hurry up, Bishop.

You think Sullivan told Bishop to pair us up together today on purpose?

I don't know. Probably.

You gonna go to that therapy thing he was talking about?

So I can listen to a bunch of sad people talk about how sad they are just to make me sad?

No, thanks.

But you're feeling okay about today, even though it's your first big fire since the skyscraper?

I know how hard that can be.

I'll feel a whole lot better if you'd quit asking me about it.

Look, Travis, I am sorry.

I'm sorry that I yelled at you the other day.

No, I mean, but that's how you feel, so no need to rehash.

No, I mean it. I mean that I-I'm sorry...

Yeah, no, I heard you. Vic, I got it loud and clear.

You know I'm not gonna apologize for putting a victim's life in front of my own.

That's why we're here. It's what we do. That's the job.

I'm done talking about it. You seem to be good here.

I'm gonna go see if Herrera needs any help.

We're almost ready here on the pumper, Bishop.

How's that water coming?

Sir, we have a problem.

There's no water coming through the main line.

What? The hydrant's dry.

The building was scheduled for demo.

It must have been shut down.

So we have no water. What's your solution?

Call public utilities, use the engine to wet down surrounding structures.

If our 360 comes back that the building's empty, we let it burn.

Get to it.

Gibson, Miller, how's that 360 looking?

Sweeping the perimeter now.

Listen, man, we... We got to talk about you coming by my place all the time.

Look, don't get me wrong. I love to hang out, but I'm just not wild about... Squatters.

I wasn't gonna be that harsh.

Hey, what's going on?

Got a shopping cart full of plastic bottles, tin cans, placed at the entrance...

Those are makeshift burglar alarms.

People are in here.

Listen up, everyone.

Prepare to wet down the surrounding structures in case we got to let this one go.

No, no, no. Wait, sir, you can't.

Hey! What?

Say again, Gibson? You can't let it burn.

We got civilians inside.

There's someone coming out of the building.

Montgomery, Warren!

Somebody take him.

He doesn't like being carried, but he'll get over it.

It's okay. We're here to help you.

Hey, what are you doing? Are you coming?

There are five more kids in here about to burn alive.

Little help?

Finished my paperwork.

Mind giving me a lift downtown?

Get out of the car.

Well, it's locked. How about that?

I know you probably feel right at home back there.

Hang on. But you got to go.

Hang on. Listen, listen. Just a second. I'm trying.

I'm really trying to straighten out my life.

I didn't want to come back to you until I was on my feet.

I've heard that before.

A few times. I know.

I know you don't trust me.

I'm... I'm gonna earn that trust back, son.

You can't get back something you never had.

All units in the area of Hannah and Lake Forest, be advised, 52 in progress. Please respond.

Hey, that's, um... that's just a few blocks from here.

I'm not taking a criminal on a call with me.

That's a 52, right? Robbery in progress, as in it's happening right this second?

Can't waste time arguing, kid.

18 to Dispatch, en route.

That's it. Now we're talking.

Hit the sirens. Make your papa proud.

Stop talking!

How am I so much faster than you?

It's your job. I don't even have a job.

Hey! What's your name? Zoe.

Zoe, believe me, my team knows how to rescue your friends safely, and it is not safe for you in here.

You think? I know where they hide. You don't.

We sleep in here in the day.

When I smelled smoke, I could barely wake up myself.

We have to find them.

Check out those rooms ahead.

You got it. Warren, through here. I'll stay on her.

Captain, this is Herrera.

Don't give me the status update, Herrera.

Give it to your Incident Commander.

Bishop, do you copy?

Tell me what's happening.

We've still got about five potential vics inside, all kids, I think. This place is a maze.

Requesting backup. I'm sending an additional unit.

Miller, Hughes, Gibson, you're up.

I need an ETA on that hydrant.

We're almost out of water on the engine.

Dispatch is in contact with utilities, sir.

We're working on it.

Hey, rig a line to the next nearest hydrant.

Go, go!

Pick up the pace! Over here!

We got 'em.

Sean, you okay?

I'm good.

Hey, don't touch me. I don't know you.

Easy. Come on.

All right, there's no time for intros, kid.

Come on. Put me down!

Come on! You're leaving, too! Drop me!

No, no, no. We... We still need to find Tori and Brian.

Here, use this.

Big, deep breaths, then we're going.

Montgomery, Warren, talk to me.

We haven't found anyone else yet.

But without water, we need something to buy us more time in here.

Sprinkler system.

It's off, but it's got its own water supply.

We just need to find the access valve.

Copy that. We'll start looking.

That valve you need, I'm pretty sure I've seen it.

In the breaker room! Come on! Enough! We will find it!

We'll find your friends, but first we need to get you out of here.

I swear, if you don't come with me right now, I will throw your scrawny ass over my shoulder and carry you out.


But not before I get you that valve.

Montgomery, Warren, backtrack to me.

Our runaway's run away again.

Get away from me. I'm fine.

Just let me listen to your breathing, all right?

Get off me! I don't need you!

I'm not gonna hurt you. Just... Just let me help, all right?

Don't! Okay, okay, okay.

It's okay. It's all right.

I got you. You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be all right.

I've got you. I've got you.

Miller, we got to get back inside.

This was about 10 minutes ago? Yeah.

I just came off of my lunch break.

I was about to open up the shop when this guy, he grabbed me and clocked me with a...

I don't know. Something metal.

Any idea what it might have been?

I'm a little out of sorts, here.

It was a pretty hard blow.

Next thing I knew, I opened my eyes, he was gone, along with all the cash from the register.

Can you describe the suspect? White, mid-30s, about 5'7", 180 pounds, black jacket, red stripe along the left side, dark jeans, red shoes.

Thank you for your time.


How'd you get out of the car?

It's not my first time in the back seat.

Hey, he looks a little shifty, don't you think?


Maybe 'cause he just got robbed?

There's that. There's also the fact there's no forced entry, which is strange

'cause he said he was about to re-open the shop. Were you listening in?

Plus, I noticed that the security camera over the front door is conveniently turned off.

He has a head wound, which could be self-inflicted.

How was his description of the suspect?

Suspiciously vague or suspiciously specific?

Not everyone's up to something, Greg.

Not everything's a con where someone's trying to take advantage.

It's possible the guy just had a bad day.

Ryan, I-I thought I taught you better than that.

Hey, hold it! What are you doing?

He's... He's running. Aren't you going after him?


Stop moving. All right, get him up.

Let's go, pal.

You knew.

Before you did.

Chip off the old block.

Can I take a look? I told you, back off.

I'm not gonna ask you questions, Sean.

Good. So you can leave now.

I didn't say that.

You got a burn I need to dress so it doesn't get infected.

And I'm not going away until I feel good about your oxygen levels.

What do you care anyway?

I'm nobody. And I don't need help.

It's pretty scary, huh?

Being all on your own?

The worst is at night, right?

Real late, when it's too quiet to think about anything else?

Hold these.

You can't do everything on your own, as much as you might want to.

Put the ointment on twice a day, don't bandage too tight, and use the slick side of the pad so it doesn't stick to your skin.

All right?

You know, I hate asking for help.

I never ask for it, actually. Even now.

You don't have to do this on your own.

You can trust me.

You said...

You said don't do the bandage too tight.

You want me to show you?

Gibson, I need you back by the ladder.

I got to go.

Look, hang tight, and when I get back, I'll finish showing you how to do it, okay?

Okay. Okay.

On my way.

Come on. We need some water. Give me some water.

Why are you still over here?

Uh, waiting on water, sir.

Waiting? You should have delegated that job.

We're pulling children out of a building right now.

I ask you to lead, and you station yourself over here to wait?

I'll head over to... Don't bother.

You got preoccupied with one small piece of the puzzle.

As a leader, you need to be looking at every piece all the time.

I'm resuming command.

It's close to here, I swear. It's in here somewhere.

Hey! Careful there!

I live here, remember?

Can you check to see if anyone found Brian or Tori yet?

Miller, are you and Hughes inside the building yet?

Yeah, we're here. We're making our way towards you.

We're in the front of the building.

We're looking for two more kids. Names are Tori and Brian.

Copy that. And heads up, we're trying to reactivate the sprinkler system, so don't be surprised by a little rain.

Okay, I appreciate you bringing us here, but you and I are leaving right now.

But my friends are still lost here somewhere.

I am turning these sprinklers on.

Hey! Is that the valve?!

Montgomery, give me a hand.

We've got to find these kids fast.

The smoke is getting thicker.

Yeah, with fires popping up all over the place.

Tori! Are you Tori?!

Brian? Are you Brian?

Herrera, we found them, but we're losing visibility in here.

I can barely see my drop-bag line.

They found them? Are they okay?

We could really use those sprinklers.

Stand by.

They're too weak. They can barely stand.

Come on, Andy. Come on, Andy.

Did you see that?!

See what? You saw it?

Hey, there's some kind of accelerant in the pipes!


Herrera, do not activate! I repeat, do not activate!

Get down!

What the hell just happened? I don't know.

Miller, Hughes, do you copy?

Yeah, we're here.

And we're okay.

Damn it, I'm out. You?

I'm about to be.

This is Miller.

Hughes and I are here with two civilians.

We're trapped. We do not have an exit.

Repeat, we do not have an exit.

Miller, I'm gonna get you one.

This is Herrera. My team can't get out either.

Damn it!

Dispatch to 19. Utilities says the main line will have water in less than two minutes. Over.

Bishop, talk to Herrera and make sure we know where we're going once we have water, you understand?

Everyone grab a hose! Move! Move! Move!

Dispatch says we have water coming in two minutes.

Andy, what's your position? Breaker room.

Alpha-Bravo corner of the building.

Any windows? Negative.

Can you hold your position?

Yeah. Two, three minutes tops.

Stay low. We're coming in to get you.

Copy. Warren, what happened?

Fire kicked up and knocked her off her feet, and she's suffering from smoke inhalation.

She needs as much air as we can give her.

We're surrounded, and these walls are turning paper thin.

Then we use that.

It's not load-bearing. We can chop our way...

Vic! Fine. I'm fine. I'm fine.

No, no, no. No, no. You keep that on.

I can't bust through a wall to get us out of here.

You need it more than me.

It's okay. It's okay.


Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Come on! Get your head down!

Go, go, go, go, go.

Montgomery, you got your penlight? Yeah, just a sec.

I want to make sure there isn't anything obstructing her airway.

Montgomery. Montgomery!

You all right? Yeah.

Airway's clear.

Switch, Ben.

Switch! Switch right now!

You're okay, okay? Just breathe.

Don't panic. You're okay.

We're here. Nobody's gonna leave you.

Nobody's gonna leave you alone.

We're running out of time in here.

We need those hoses.

We should have flow any second.

What happened in there with the sprinklers?

Doesn't make any sense.

Right now, all that matters is getting our people out.

We need to douse this thing in record time.

We should decide who's gonna go in after Herrera's team first.

I'll do it. I'll go.

We have water!

Move in!

Sean, the one with the wrist burn. We tried to treat him, but as soon as you left, he took off.


You first.

Why are you still here?

Why wouldn't I be?

You just made a really big bust.

We caught the bad guy. I caught a bad guy.

'Cause you taught me how to think like one.

It's not something to be proud of.

Look, I understand if you don't want to see me, but you have to understand that I want to see you.

You're my kid. That means something to me.

Sure. Okay.

"Sure. Okay." You think I'd lie about that?

The way I see it, you were at that poker game to make some quick cash because you probably owe someone a lot of cash, per usual.

We bust in. You got scared.

You knew people would come to collect unless you were escorted away from the scene in a squad car.

Nobody will touch you if you're hanging with me.

You're not here because you want to catch up.

It's because you're scared.

Cop's cheaper than a bodyguard, right?

That's what you think of me? You think I'm here to use you?

Do I have any reason to think otherwise?

You're right. I am scared.

But not of some bookie. I can square my own debts.

What I'm scared is of you thinking that I don't care about our family.

I made plenty of mistakes. I sure did.

But the one thing I did right is you.

Ryan, you're a decent guy, despite me having brought you up.

If you want to talk, you can reach me here.

And, if you don't want to talk, I will still be around.

It was really nice... today, getting to see what it is you do, Ryan.

How are you? Breathing easier?

Yeah. But, um, not really.

We're gonna get packed up and sent away.

Only plus is if they send us to the hospital first.

At least we get a free meal.

Ask for the extra jello behind the nurse's desk.

There's always a stash.

I told them they could trust me.

It was my job to take care of them, and...

Look what happened. You saved them.

You ran inside a building you had no business being in, by the way, just to get them out.

You were very brave.

Not too many people would do that.

You do.

You could, too. Please.

People like you don't want kids like me on your team.

I'd be lucky to have a kid like you on the team.

Call me when you can.

Tell me how you're doing, okay?

Maybe you can come by the station once you're recovered and see what we do.

Here's my cell.


Ah. You'll call?

You're kind of clingy.

But I might.



I assigned you Recruitment because you're the most passionate about this job of anyone here.

It's contagious.

Good work today.

Thank you, sir.

Captain, the accelerant in the pipes...

Do we know what it was? Antifreeze.

Yeah, the building owner confirmed that they put it in the systems to keep the water supply from freezing over.

It's rare for it to ignite like that, but it can happen.

Don't beat yourself up over it.

Not something we could have predicted.

Go on. Say it. You were right.

About? All day, asking me if I was fine, going on and on about how it was my first big fire call, and I wasn't fine.

I froze.

Took one look at you with that girl in your arms, and I was... right back at that skyscraper.

Sullivan mentioned this FD group therapy thing the other day.

Hughes clearly thinks that I should go, but I don't know, man.

I'm not really game to sit around and just share how I'm feeling.

But you shared it with me.

I mean, you were there, so...

So... does that make me your work wife?

Never mind. Sorry I brought it up.

Trav, I am really touched.

Never mind.

I gave Brad my dad's number.

I don't know why that was the number that popped into my head.

It was your home phone. Yeah, my old home phone.

My dad's home phone.

Yeah, that's kind of what I meant by "was."

Oh, God.

Do you he's actually been talking to Brad?

I mean, he does that. He'll talk to telemarketers until they hang up on him.

Hey, why so glum, chum?

Herrera has a right to look like a deflated balloon, but you? I don't like to lose.

We didn't. We saved all the peoples today.

Well, I wanted to wow Sullivan, and I definitely did not.

Keeping focused when you're running a call like that, everything coming at you at once, it took a while for me before I was fully...

You know, it's fine. I don't want to dwell.

Just don't be so hard on yourself.

You know, nobody's great their first time out.

You'll get there eventually.


I mean, you may be right about one thing, though.

As much as I hate to admit it...

Sullivan may have some methods that work.

I think I found my first recruit today.

Wow, you work fast.

Zoe, not Brad.

'Cause Brad's probably on the phone with my dad right now.

I never should have trusted you girls or the universe.

Well, you know, if you can't even trust yourself to give out the right number...

I'm gonna have to go over there, aren't I?

To my dad's house?

Yeah, probably.

Everything good?

With... With you and me?

Yeah, why wouldn't it be?

No reason.

Look, for what it's worth, I thought you did great today.

You can't always tell when your trust in someone gets broken...

And it's made all the difference.

Didn't think I'd see you here.


How's the sharing?

Well, there's... a lot of it.

Uh, I'll introduce myself for those of you joining us for the first time.

I'm Lucas.

And I've been with Seattle FD for a little over 15 years now.

I've seen a lot, been through a lot, but an incident I experienced a couple of months ago, it's... it's sticking with me.

Most of you were there at the skyscraper downtown.

I can still smell the smoke.

I can hear the sounds of that expl*si*n.

I am...

by the choices I had to make.

That's why this place is so important to me.

It's why each of you are... Are so important to me.

We rely on each other.

'Cause this job makes us more than colleagues, more than friends.

We're family.

How to rebuild the trust that's been lost.

Hey. Hey.

Spotted you sitting in the back with Montgomery.

Uh, for the way I spoke to you the night of the skyscraper.

If I was part of making that incident harder on you, I appreciate that, Hughes.

I understood where you were coming from.

You know, I really... I really expected to hate being here today, but I actually really liked.

Thank you, I think.

Oh, no. No, I'm sorry. I mean... I mean...

I mean that about what you said.

It was depressing, but in a good way.

Okay. No. God, no, sorry, sorry.

I mean you were great.

That was, uh... That's all.

What you said, what you shared, was... great.

Well, uh, maybe you should get up and share a little, too, next week.

I'm sure your experience would help a lot of firefighters.

Yeah, I don't know. Maybe.

Well, um...

Have a great rest of your night, Chief.

But you can usually tell when it's starting to grow stronger.

The shopping carts, the cans, It was just something I picked up.

From when?

Look, I know you don't like talking about your past.

I know that it's hard for you, but I...

I knew there were kids in the building because I used to be one of them.


Finally, I found myself in this one group home with a lot of other kids.

Trust peeks through in different ways.

A gesture, a question, a confession.

I used to get night terrors.

Woke up screaming almost every night, freaked all the other kids out.

Except one.

She was like, uh... my one friend I could count on.

Don't get a lot of those in life, you know?

What the hell, man?

I owed you a punch.

So you give it to me now?

You never told me any of that.


Just ask already.

To move in.

Isn't that what you've been angling at for weeks now?

You know me too well.

I mean, I thought I did.

Trust is delicate.

He was all smiles, charming everybody, says he wants to make things right.

But you don't believe him.

If my dad's back, he's up to something.

Your dad's back?

I'm... I'm sorry. I was just...

No, it's okay.

I should leave you two...

No, hey, hey, hey. Game's not over, Tanner. Sit.

How's everything, Andrea? How's work?

Trust is sharing parts of yourself you think others will run from.

It's... fine.

And weird. I... I really dislike Sullivan.

I basically always disagree with him, except even when I disagree, he winds up being right.

About the calls, the decisions, about me, a-and I dislike that even more.

New captain makes my daughter question herself?

All there is to it. I'm gonna have to go down there.

Dad, no. It's not really Sullivan.

It's me. I... I can't trust myself the same way anymore.

It just feels like every turn these days is a setup to fail.

Watch him.

But there's always a catch...

We haven't seen much of each other.

Haven't even talked since the storm drains.

And that was... not really talking.

Maybe we should talk sometime, catch up.

Not on a porch.

Andrea, it's for you.

It's that guy you went out drinking with, Brad.

He's very talkative. Did you know he raises chickens?

Please, talk to him so I don't have to anymore.

I should get going.

Because in order to gain trust...

Oh, yeah.



You got to give it.