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02x01 - No Recovery

Posted: 12/27/20 09:13
by bunniefuu
Last season on "Station 19"...

You have cancer, Dad.

I'm promoting Andrea to Lieutenant.

The two of you will be in running for Captain.

You can't just ram my car!

You can't just block my hydrant!

Does she always talk to cops like that?

Only the ones she went to prom with.

I was just dropping by to wish Andy luck today.

How neighborly of you.

You slept with Ryan?!

If we're gonna try this, I need to go slow.

I spoke to Ripley. I didn't support you or Jack for the Captain position.

Chief Ripley's operating from Base Camp three floors below the fire. Gibson here.

We've got a massive load of combustible materials on 26.

Mayday. Firefighter down.

Need immediate assistance. Hi. I'm Molly.

I'm the fire evacuation coordinator for my office.

You are a surgeon. Save the life you can save.

We both know that's not mine.

My breathing is shallow.

I think I need to see a doctor.

Andy... Doesn't need to be bothered.

I gotta go. Andy.


You be careful, too.

Pruitt, we got to get to Grey-Sloan, and we got to get there now.

Only a matter of minutes before this entire floor blows.

We didn't finish closing the fire doors.

No. Jack, what are you doing?! Jack!

Get off that floor!

You need to run... down as many floors as you can, okay?

Jack, talk to me!

The PASS device is an alarm, sewn into a firefighter's gear.

It automatically goes off if we're motionless for too long.

The sound... will haunt you.

Because it means there's a firefighter down.

It means someone has fallen.

It means what we thought was a rescue is probably now... a recovery.

It means...

we're about to say goodbye to one of our own.

Mayday, copy?! Mayday!

There's been an expl*si*n, upper floors of the building, a firefighter is trapped, he...

I need a RIT team. Right now. Over.

Negative. I can't send anyone up.

Chief, we have to get upstairs and help...

We have to help the people out here.

Triage has been relocated outside.

We're still pulling dozens of victims from the building.

The structure is not sound.

There's a full evacuation for a reason.

Hey, hey, hey. Get P.D. to move those crowds back.

And those news vans are blocking our Aid Cars.

Get them outta here! I understand, but I'm so close to the floor that exploded. I...

It's all hands on deck out here, Herrera.

I don't want to lose anybody else, and that includes you.

Get down here.

Gibson, are you there?

Jack! Answer me, man!

Hey! I need a gurney over here!

He's unresponsive, suffering from severe smoke inhalation.

We've still got a missing firefighter on 26.

Grab a jump bag and a backboard.

I'm gonna get back in there. Hey, hey, hey!

No one goes back in the building.

But, Chief, there's somebody still inside.

I can't just leave him. Is that Herrera?

We are in the middle of full-evacuation protocol.

Gibson stayed behind to contain that blast, sir.

Which I appreciate, but until the engineers give us the go-ahead, we have to assume the building will collapse.

I was... I was just with him. I can take the elevator back up.

We could be... Absolutely not.

Elevators are shut down. The building is off limits.

We have people... Chief... who need our help right here.

So, glove up and get to work.

And, Herrera, get your ass out of there.

Do you copy?

Screw that.

Got a patient here.

I need a gurney here now!

62-year-old man. Unwitnessed cardiac arrest, history of stage-two mesothelioma, ongoing CPR.

I need an IV started and a milligram of epi pushed now!

Hey. It's Andy.

I can't take your call right now.

Leave a message at the beep.

Andy? What the hell are you doing? There was an expl*si*n...

Yeah, that's why we're running down the stairs.

We gotta get out of here. Jack is still up there.

Hang on!

I'll go after her. No, we both will.

No, you get downstairs, find more people to help, and bring them back up here as fast as you can, okay?



Thought there'd be more. Excuse me?

Thousands of applicants. 28 recruits. Only 2 women?

Seems like they could've done better than that.

You should tuck in your shirt.

They're pretty strict about dress code around here.

Pretty strict about everything, actually.

Not that that's a bad thing. Strict is good.

Strict... saves lives, I guess.

I'm Andy. Maya Bishop.

Right, yes. Of course.

The Olympian!


What's the story there? No story.

It's who I was. This is who I am now.

What's your story? Same. I don't have one.

But your dad does, right? You're Herrera's kid?

If you already knew who I was, then why'd you ask?

I was curious to see how you'd answer.

A lot of people would lead with the fact that they're a legacy. Well... I don't.

Doesn't mean anything.


Instructor heading this way.

Just because we both have vaginas doesn't mean you and I have to be friends.

Sure thing.

Only... and, well, I say this from years of training by myself... There's safety in numbers.

And when it comes to us vs. All the rest of these guys... one thing that we should probably consider is sticking together.

We're sticking together, Herrera, whether you like it or not!

Breathe deep.

You know the drill. Breathe deep.

Excuse me. Were you upstairs?

Did you see my daughter? Her name is Molly.

She has dark hair. She said that a few of you were upstairs with her.

She was texting me, and... And then she stopped.

She was on her way down, and we agreed to meet at the red planters across the street.

That's w-where we always end our morning phone calls before she goes in to face her boss.

He's a jerk. Sorry.

I'm a mom. I have to say things like that.

Anyway, she never came down.

Here. This is... This is her.


Uh, I'm... I'm sorry, ma'am.

I-I don't know about your daughter, but I will keep an eye out.

It's okay.

Just a little further.

Ow. It hurts.

Yeah, well, your lung collapsed.

I gotta get you to triage so we can give you a chest tube, and then I can get back up to Montgomery before he, um...

Hey, you know what I just realized?

I, uh... I never got your name.

Molly. But everyone calls me... Molly.

Molly... great. Well, uh, I'm Ben.

Listen, I need you to talk to me.

Uh, tell me something about yourself.

I-I can name every state capital.

Except South Dakota.

No one knows that one.

Pierre. Easy.

Okay, well, uh, how about Jersey?



No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no.

Damn it.

You're turning blue. You're cyanotic.

I know you feel like you're suffocating right now, because... well, you kind of are.

Sorry, Molly, but you're gonna need to get that chest tube right now with, uh...

With what? With, uh...

Just hang on.

EpiPen. Yes!

Okay. I can use... this.

Just hold on, okay?

This should work. It'll just...

You're okay. You're okay. You're gonna be okay.

We've really gotta keep moving.

I should probably try to carry you from here, to keep that needle stable.

Travis? Travis?

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Trav. Trav?

It's okay. Okay. Oh, God. Okay.

Have a pulse. Please, have a pulse.

Pulse! Okay, Travis!

Travis, open your eyes. Can you hear me?

Open your damn eyes if you can hear me!

I don't know who you think you are, but you cannot talk to me like that.

I didn't talk to you like you were anything.

Except the guy who put the yellow caps on the 30-minute cylinders when they go on the 60-minute cylinders.

30-minute caps are red.

Sure, okay.

How about you take a step back, New Girl, and let me replace the cylinders in silence?

So you think I should be seen and not heard?

At the moment, yeah. I should know my place?

'Cause I'm the "New Girl"? Or just 'cause you're new.

Okay, I've got news for you. You don't know me.

You don't have any idea what I've been through...

My husband died two weeks ago.

We've all been through crap. Take a number.

And maybe take a little advice.

Dial it back a notch.

Or there's no way you'll make it through all this.

We'll get through this. We'll get through this.

Come on.

Oh. All right. All right.

We'll get through this. We will get through this.

We'll get through this.

We'll get through this.

We'll get through this!

It's Miller, right?

I heard you pulled off the sledge drill in just under three minutes. And?

And I'm probably gonna do it in about two.

Just, FYI.

Look, I don't know you. I didn't do anything to you.

And I'm just trying to read, so do you mind... crunching somewhere else?

I'm trying to get our trainer's attention.

But that's not gonna happen if you keep beating my time.

Not my problem. Will be. If I beat you.

It won't. Will, too.

Nah, it won't. 'Cause I won't care.

Bet you will. I bet you're wrong.

I bet you're more wrong.

Oh, my God, will you stop crunching that apple?!

Never mind.

You're not worth it.

Are you saying that it's not worth it to go back in after Gibson?

Not until we have the all-clear that the building is stable. But, sir...

Plus, there's still active fire in there.

Hey, hey. I got two men, third-degree burns, triage section C. Sir.

Red cards! Go, go, go! Sir. Sir!

You've got every first responder in the city on this right now.

You can spare me. No, I can't.

Look, the hard truth is, Gibson may not make it out, and I'm sorry for that. I am.

But I need you down here! That's my final call!

This is the floor.

Jack contained the expl*si*n by closing these fire doors.

The fire's probably burned itself out by now.

Or we're about to get swallowed up by a backdraft.

Either way, we gotta get in there.

Do we, though? Have to get in there?

Maybe it's safer if we wait for backup.

Vic went to get more help.

It's hot. I'm trying the handle.

It's probably the pressure, pulling it shut.

Or it's warped. Probably melted.

If it is hot enough in there to warp this door, maybe we should think about what it is we're doing here.

A backdraft could k*ll us instantly.

We don't even know if this building is still structurally sound... Then go.

If you don't wanna be here, just go.

I can't go any further. It's too much.

Please. Hasn't your dad been running hoses with you since you could walk? Come on. You can't stop now.

My dad's never run a hose drill with me in my life.

He refused to train me until I made it through the academy.

He said if I made it through this, then he'd know I was serious.

Well, has he met you? You're always serious.

No, maybe he was right. Maybe... this really is too much.

Herrera! What's the hold-up?!

Don't give it to him.

Prove all these guys wrong.

It's like the PASS device.

Once you stop moving, you're dead.

You can't afford to stop moving right now.

Keep going. Show them what you've got.

Come on.

Come on.

That's right, hand-over-hand, big pulls. Big pulls.

I'm not stopping till we get in there.

Okay, then let's get in there without using up all of our energy.

Tell me when. Go.

Ah. Come on.


We're in!

Yeah. One, two...

My God.

Come on.

Okay, we're gonna pause for just a second.

My mom, she probably thinks that I'm all alone, crumpled up on the floor, somewhere.

But I'm not, thanks to you.

Yeah, well, that's, uh...

That's true.

No, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

No more stepping on me! Warren?

No, no, no, no, don't stop to help here. Just keep going.

Montgomery's still upstairs! Yeah, Gibson's still upstairs!

Just keep going! Right now! Go, go! All right, all right.

Ah, see?

If it hurts, it means you still have enough life in you to care, which means we are getting you the hell out of this place!

Stop. Not a chance.


You gotta lift your knees up higher.

Train like we fight, fight like... Fight like we train.

Yeah, got it the first two times we ran your sadistic little gauntlet here.

It's for your own good. It's for your victims' own good.

You. Are very cranky.

Knees up, New Kid.

Okay, "kid" is worse than "girl."

I am not a child.

"I am not a child."

What was that?

That was me, mocking you.

Okay. Look, friend.

You barely got here a week before me.

You don't get to bark orders. You're new here, too.

Yeah, but I've been a firefighter way longer.

Seniority rules.

Okay? Let's do the stairs again.

Ugh. Who died and made you my boss?

I'm not asking again. Do the stairs.

You're gonna have to speak up. I can't hear you, Travis.


He's out cold. Okay.

The good news is, I can go faster now, because you are not gonna feel this.

Let's go.

It's like the expl*si*n just... took everything out.

You hear that?

Oh, no. That's a PASS device.

That's gotta be Jack's PASS device!

Hey, hey, hey! Hey!

We will get to him. But there is zero visibility.

We have got to treat this like any other call...

We can only go as fast as we can go.



We're here! We're coming to you!

Yes, there was an expl*si*n inside the building, but it seems it was contained to one floor.

Now, there are still firefighters unaccounted for... but, uh, it will be some time before we have complete information.

One more question. Now, uh... No, excuse me.

I have to get back to work. Thank you.

As you can see, firemen and paramedics...

How's he doing?

Pruitt's stable, for now.

Get ahold of her yet?

I think she's still somewhere inside the building.

So is my husband.

Hey, watch it!

What the hell? Is everybody still in this building?

Grab the bottom. Help me out.

Help me out! Yeah, yeah, okay.


Jack... Andy and Maya have Jack.

Yeah, but he's the reason why I got out.

Okay. All right, he's had my back. I can't...

How about you have Montgomery's back, okay?

He's the one bleeding out all over my boots right now.

How about that?! Let's go!

Yeah, all right. Okay, yeah. Ready?

One, two, three.

Ignoring a commanding officer.

Talking back to a commanding officer.

Str... Striking a fellow trainee?

He started it. He started it.

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.

Yeah? Just us.

I don't care.

I don't care who started it. I don't care why.

I don't care who was right or wrong.

I don't care if you find a way to like each other.

And I really don't care if either of you like me.

All I care about is how well you do this job, how efficiently.

Now, unless you can prove to me you can work things out well enough to accomplish that goal, I have absolutely no interest in passing either one of you out of this academy. Is that understood?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

We'll work it out, sir.

I swear. Or you won't.

That's fine with me, too.

Makes my job a whole lot easier.

Weed you two out right now.

Miller, Gelson, you can go.

It's actually "Gibson," sir.

Like I said, I don't care.

I need a gurney over here!

Her lung collapsed.

I relieved the tension with a needle to the chest.

She needs an IV!

Molly? Molly, you still with me?

Right here.

Any news on the rest of 19?

Well, I had to, um...

Montgomery is still inside. And, uh... And he's hurt.

He needs help. And the others?

Gibson's still in there, and Miller...

Miller went back in?

But everyone else... Aren't they all out here?

Molly! Mom?

Oh, thank God. What happened?

Mommy. I yelled at Mr. Sorensen.

I think... I-I'm gonna get fired.

He's the one who should be fired. Good riddance.

I didn't think I'd get to see you again.

You know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna call Mrs. Mitchell. Remember her?

The other day, she told me that she needs some help around the house...

I can get a new job by myself, Mom.

I know you can. I-I just want to help.

I really didn't think I'd get to see you again.

Oh, sweetie.

We really need to get her into the Aid Car, ma'am.

Mommy. I-I...

Thank you for saving my little girl.

We're going to Grey-Sloan Memorial.

You can follow behind us, if you'd like.

Her abdomen's rigid, resps are shallow.

She'll be lucky if she makes it to the hospital alive.

We'll make it.

Sound's getting louder! We're close!

We have to be close.

Penetrating wound to the chest... Guys!

Severe blood loss, pulse is thready.

Get over here, people!

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

It's a race against time! Get an IV and fluids going! Come on!

Hey. You get checked out, too.

You need hydration. Probably some O2.

Just need to catch my breath.

Any news on the others?

Herrera? Gibson? Anything to report?

The hell do you care?

What was that?

I said, "What the hell do you care?"

You were willing to leave us all in there.

You did leave us.

You evacuated the entire building with my whole team still inside.

It's protocol.

You could have made a different choice.

But you didn't. That's my report.

There was no other choice to make.

And you are loyal to your friends, but I don't get that luxury... Not in my position.

More than you could possibly know.

And Hughes?

The next time you come at me like that, you're fired.

Out of the way, damn it! Come on!

How are her vitals?

She's still unresponsive.

Agonal respirations. Poor cap refill.

What's her BP? It's dropping. 70 over 32.

Let's start another large-bore IV!

She's flatlining.

Grey-Sloan E.R. from Aid 19.

Copy 19. Over. We are inbound with an unresponsive 26-year-old female...

Ben, is that you? Miranda?

Oh, thank God you're okay.

Uh, we've been getting victims from the fire all night.

I'm fine. But my patient isn't.

Crush injuries to the chest and abdomen.

Bleeding internally. BP is bottoming out.

We'll be ready.

All right, let's get her inside.

Keep up the chest compressions.

Push another round of epi and set me up for an ex-lap.

Move it!

Hey. We'll do everything we can.

But she's not responding to meds.

Her trauma occurred over 30 minutes ago.

If she's been bleeding internally this whole time...

I was supposed to save her, Miranda.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Head inside to the waiting room.

I'll find you when we know anything.


Travis? What the...?

What've we got?

Penetrating sharp-force trauma to the chest.

Patient's in shock due to severe blood loss.

Coded twice on the way. Rhythm's back. He needs blood.

Okay, let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

Thank God you found Montgomery. I was tr...

What the hell?

Oh, damn it. I left my walkie inside.

Let's go back in and get it.

Uh, you go. I'll stay here.

You think I haven't noticed that you always find an excuse to stay in the Aid Car?

You never go in when we drop someone off.


I haven't been able to go inside of a hospital...

Not since Michael died.

And I know I got to get over it... I do...

But now there's a part of me that feels like, you know, once you go in, chances are... you probably won't come out.

What're you doing? Come on. In we go.

Look, I know... I know they heal people in there.

I do.

But I look at these doors and all I see is...

What? Death?


Are you looking at what I'm looking at right now?

That is one hot, hot piece of firefighter man candy.

Let's go, pretty boy. It'll be fine.

I promise.

On my count. 1, 2, 3.

There was an expl*si*n.

The fire jumped floors through the cladding.

He was by the window... That's how the glass got there.

Okay, thank you. Uh, everyone, I need a portable chest X-ray.

Let's get a trauma series and a blood gas, STAT.

Somebody page Pierce.

Hey, he's got to make it out of here, okay?

Of course. I promised him.

We're gonna do everything we can to get him out of here, okay?

Hey, I didn't catch your name.

Hughes. Hughes? I'm Dr. DeLuca.

Nice to meet you.

Now, were you in the room with him after the expl*si*n? No. I got him out.

Okay. Is that his blood on your face or yours?

No, it's... it's his.

Ah. Okay, Hughes.

Uh, look, why don't you go get cleaned up, all right?

This may take a minute, but, uh, we got him, okay?

Okay, his BP's bottoming out.

Scratch the X-ray. Somebody call Pierce.

Get her to meet us in the O.R., right now!

They said that they're working on her.

So, that's good, right?

I mean, that... That they're working, as opposed to doing nothing.

So that's good.

Thank you, again.

I mean, you're the reason that I got to see her.

So I'm... I'm just really grateful.

You do think that I'm gonna be able to see Molly again, right?

I hope so.

You don't understand.

I have someone here who's injured, and I just need information.

Please, I just need to know if he's all right.

I've told you, if you're not family or legal power of attorney, I cannot give out any information.

I'm sorry. Grant, hey.

Ben, thank goodness.

I came as soon as you called.

I-I don't even know if Travis wants me here, but...

No, he would. He... He does.

What happened?

Travis was injured. We don't know much yet...

He's in surgery. They just brought him up.

Surgery. Yeah.


What kind? For his heart.

He almost bled out before I found him.

I thought...

Wasn't somebody with him?

He always told me you guys work in pairs.

Did he just tell me that so that I wouldn't worry?

It's, um...

I was.

With... With Montgomery, at first.

But... then we came across, uh, another victim, and he told me to save her instead, and...

Sorry, wait.

You left Travis alone, and he almost died?

I couldn't carry them both, so...

Yeah, okay. I need a minute.

Security to waiting room.

Security to waiting room.

He's already scared.

There was no reason to do that.

You want to be mad at me, fine.

But ask Montgomery when he wakes up.

He told me to leave him there...

If he wakes up, you mean? Vic...

No, don't start with me, okay?

Travis is in surgery.

Who the hell even knows where Herrera or Bishop or Gibson even are. You have...

You have no idea how much these people...

How much Montgomery means to me.

So don't with your excuses, not when it's my friends who might not make it out of this alive. Just don't.

Maya! Help me move this thing!

You think if we follow the vent line, it'll lead us to Gibson? If we're lucky.

Can I touch it?

Excuse me? Your medal.

What is it, like a good-luck charm or something?

Could always use a little luck.

Come on. Just let me touch it.

This is 5 hours a day, 365 days a year, in the rain and sun and heat and cold, running 100 miles a week against thousands of other women just to qualify to compete in the 10,000-meter run with my best-ever time on a sprained ankle when I won this, not with luck, but with blood and pain and hard work.

This isn't a lucky charm.

This is a reminder of just how much tougher I am than any single one of you.

Yeah, but... can I touch it?

Was he kidding with all that or what?

Eww. Very eww.

I can't believe we're gonna be working with that guy.

What're you doing? Andy, what are you doing?

Shh! Quiet!

Hear that?

It's... It's coming from here. Come on.

On three. One, two, three.

Jack! Jack!

Jack! Hey! Jack!

Hey, Jack, can you hear me?



I told you to go.

Since when do I ever listen to you?

Thanks for finding me.

Don't make me do it again.

Deep breath.


You've already listened to my lungs. Keep that mask on.

I promise I'm okay.

You don't know that, because I'm the one doing the listening and you're the one doing the breathing and you can't hear what I hear, okay?

You don't know if I hear something bad.

Do you hear anything bad? That's not the point.

So that's a "No."

You're looking at me weird. Sorry.

So you know you're looking at me weird?

Kind of. Yeah.

I was trying to remember.

When I was in the vent, I couldn't move any further, and that thing's metal, you know, and I-I was cooking.

I knew it was over.

And all I wanted... was to remember you.

But I remembered you wrong.

I mean, something has... changed.

Maybe I've changed.

You look the same to me.

I was over at the truck, and your phone was going off nonstop.

Gibson, you look terrible.

Hey, Ryan, what's up?

What she wanted to be when she grew up.

You know how most kids, they just, they think they know... A dancer...

But Molly never knew.

How much she wanted to help people.

She got a lot of people out of that building.

She... She helped? Yes. She did.


Did you always know you wanted to be a firefighter?

Your guy in there?

And I'm pulling for Molly.

Just give it to us straight, man.

Uh, Dr. Pierce was able to remove the piece of glass, but it penetrated through.

So Dr. Pierce placed him on a cardiopulmonary bypass.

We performed a primary repair, Why wow?

You're not saying it's hopeless, are you?

No. No. It's... It's just his...

His injury is... very dangerous.

Either Travis makes it through surgery, flying colors,

Technically, it's possible, y-yes.

But I'll let you know more as soon as I can, all right?


Uh, why don't we go somewhere more private?

W-Well, you could just tell me now.


We did everything we could, but Molly's heart just stopped during the surgery.

Molly's injuries were very severe.

By the time she arrived here at the hospital.


It wasn't supposed to be like this.


Jack! You put me in that elevator, and you didn't even tell me that you had a plan?!

I kind of didn't.

You're supposed to have my back, and I'm supposed to have yours.

But I can't have your back when you send me away like some helpless little puppy.

And, no, no, I swear, I should punch you right now!

In fact, the only reason why I'm not punching you right now is because you look rough.

Like, really bad. It's making me feel for you.

It's annoying. But the moment you feel better... the moment that you start to...

Are you finished? You... You...

For now.

Thanks for not punching me.

Yet! Not yet.



Maybe... I was a little harsh before.

This... This has all hit me pretty hard.

But I know Travis means a lot to you.

But he means a lot to me, too.

More than you realize.

For real, though, do you, um...

Do you think Travis is gonna make it?

This is messed up.

I'm sure he'll be here.

You sing his praises, you've learned at his heels, you emulate him in basically everything you do, and he doesn't show up for this?

He gets caught up in his own stuff sometimes.

His only daughter is graduating the Fire Academy.

He's supposed to pin on your badge.

He'll be here if he can be.

I mean, he misses stuff sometimes.

You can't predict when there'll be a big call.

I mean, fires don't exactly wait around to ignite until after all the school plays or science fairs are over.

I'm just surprised, though.

I figured, of all the things, this one...

I'm already late. I really need to get out of here.

Everybody does, sir.

We got him in his holding cell here.

Mr. Herrera. I'm sorry.

They only gave me the one phone call, and I was gonna try my dad, but...

No, I know. That wouldn't have helped anything.

You're the only person I could think of who might...

Sir, I wasn't really stealing the car, I swear. I ju... You don't need to explain.

Please don't tell Andy about this.

Please? Ryan. You're out.

Nobody's pressing charges. Let's go.

Where is he?

Where's Dr. Bailey? Why isn't she here?

She got called away. Your dad's been in and out.

I guess it was a clot that blocked his heart?

He knew something was wrong, so he called me.

By the time we got here, we had to rush him to the hospital.

This keeps happening... He keeps dropping.

Is... Is he dying? Is that what this is?

I think... it's the opposite.

Dr. Walker, please dial 1975.

Dr. Bailey said the clot is from his chemo.

The treatment's wearing on his body, but his cancer is actually, uh...

I mean, when I asked her about it, she cracked an actual smile.

She said, with luck, he's a handful of treatments away from remission.

Really? Yeah.

It's good news, Andy.


When, um...

When he called you, you were at the skyscraper.

When you said goodbye to me... you already knew something was wrong with my dad?

I got my letter today accepting me into the Seattle Fire Academy.


That's it?

No cheers?

No "Yay, you did it! You're awesome! Aah!"

A little enthusiasm wouldn't k*ll you.

I'm happy if you're happy. Of course I'm happy.

It's... It's what I've always wanted!

When you were a kid, you wanted anything but this.

You remember what you used to say?

Remember when your dad left for 9/11?

Can we not talk about that, please?

"Doesn't make sense, why he has to get up every day and go do something that takes him one step closer to leaving me alone."

That's what you said.

Same thing applies here. It...

It doesn't make sense to me why you want to put yourself in that same exact position.

You're doing it to be closer to him.

You're not doing it for you. Shut up.

It's true.

I know it's hard to hear, but it's true. I said shut up!

I don't need you protecting me or... or whatever it is you think you're doing right now.

I want to go now.

I-I said, "Let's go."

It'll take me a minute.


Tell me you didn't hotwire this thing.

Ryan. I couldn't find the keys!

Your dad asked me not to tell you he was feeling bad.

So you had the chance to tell me, and you didn't take it.

I don't need protecting.

Your dad's resting now. Why don't you stay with him, and...

We keep doing this. I can go if you want, or stay... You try to protect me, I get mad, you deflect, and then I let it all slide, but nothing ever gets figured out.

Uh, I'm not deflecting. It's the same pattern over and over.

Look, I-I don't know anything right now, just that my dad's in a hospital bed, and...

God. I don't know.

Every time I'm here, I feel like I always wind up going home to find you and I...

Well, I think maybe, uh... that's a pattern that needs to stop, too.

We lose a lot on this job.

We lose our victims, we lose our friends...

Sometimes, we lose ourselves.

So how do we recover?

What does recovery take?

We should go.

Does it take time?


Not too tight! I still have stitches!


Missed you around here.

It's good to see you, man.

Does it take forgiveness?

Are you back back?

Almost. Another week.

Grant's been very strict in his quest to nurse me back to health.

Then shouldn't you be at home resting?

I will be, in a minute.

But I... I didn't want to miss this.

One thing's for sure... You can't force recovery, because even when you feel ready to be back on your feet, it doesn't mean you are.

I'd like to introduce you all to the new captain of Station 19,

Glad you're here, of course. Why don't we go around

an opportunity to shift a few things around and maybe give you guys a little... kick.

I'm all about efficiency. I like to make every minute count.

But the shift hasn't started yet.

We usually begin the day getting breakfast upstairs toge...

But first, let's line up inside for uniform inspection.

And when it's time to jump in...

I won't ask twice.

To tackle what's next...

you just better hope...

you're ready.