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02x04 - Are You Listening?

Posted: 12/27/20 08:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Shut Eye"...


Can you just take a breath?

My family is falling apart. I cannot sleep.

So I don't have time to take a f*cking breath, okay?!

This is destroying us.

I need you to do something about it!

We should discuss consummating the marriage vows tonight.

This house is still marime.

In my family, the mourning period to purify a house is 40 days.

In the Ranko family, we mourn for a fortnight.

A fortnight it is.


We share something... special.

She thought that maybe you and I could learn from each other.

What was your name, again?


It means "peace."

Of course it does.

I need 5 grand.

What for?

It's what it costs to keep her apartment.

f*cking comes out of nowhere, doesn't it?

It goes good, it goes bad, goes every which way.

And then it goes away.

If I do this... this is my shop.

And you don't get a cut.

I don't work for you.

I work with you.

We are partners.

Convinced me.


I am in the wrong business.

A little smaller. I got it.

But not too small, otherwise it won't seal.

Dad, I got it.

It's the one.

So that's it? We're done now?

No. No.

You didn't think you'd get off that easy, did you?

I've been thinking about that little scam you pulled with your Aunt.

Mom already gave me hell about this, Dad.

I'm not giving you hell, Nick.

I want to give you an opportunity.

I don't know if Mom told you, but we're opening up a new shop, expanding the Haverford empire.

Mom will run this one, and I'll cover the new shop we're leasing at a strip mall.

Fonso's mall?

Yeah, as a matter of fact.

I thought that you were done with Fonso?

Dad, I'm not deaf, okay?

I'm done working for Fonso, if that's what you mean.

We just pay rent.

This is our shop, Nick.

I don't know.

It's... It's kind of the weekend, Dad.

I'll pay you.

You're old enough to, uh, make your own money now.

How much?

How much? Whatever the hell I say.

Get your ass in the car. How much.

Oh, hey, can I give you a hand?

I'm almost done.

Good news... we got the couch back.


Let me take this out for you.

I got it.

Listen. I started the hose, refilling the pool.

It'll take a couple of hours.

Uh, just try to keep an eye out.

Turn it off before it overflows.

Where are you gonna be?

Uh, we're heading to the new shop.

I talked Nick into helping me set it up.

Right. Your grand plan.

Our grand plan. Our grand plan.

Where I've been given the role of Madame Linda, Palm Reader.

I know it's been a while since you've done your own readings.

No, no, no. I'm not afraid to do my part.

I... I... No, I didn't say that.

I'm afraid that you have no idea what you've gotten into.

Oh, I can handle Fonso.



Good morning, Mrs. Marks.


Good morning, LaLa.

Good morning, Drina.



Hi, Grandma.


Tonight's the big night, so we've got you a little something special for the occasion.

Go ahead, open it.

What's the matter? Go on.

Don't be rude.

Ooh, sexy!

Oh, it's elegant. Nice, right?

She should look good.


Let me talk to her. Mm-hmm.

Excuse me.

Your wife's getting on my nerves.

Now, what's the matter with you?

I was gonna give her the present.

I'm the man of the house now.

You just worry about doing your duty.


There's no way I'm putting that on.

Put it on. Don't put it on.

You're married now.

And marriages must be consummated.

This is the custom.

Breaking news.

Customs suck.

Why do you think I push you so toward custom and tradition, hmm?

Because you're old.

Well, that might be.

But with age comes wisdom and experience.

Which youth can choose to learn from.

Or choose to suffer without.

In our tradition, it is the male that wears the crown.

That provides for the family.

That fights for the family.

That guides the family.

And the sooner you accept that, the better.

We can never be the king.

This is our tradition.

But it doesn't mean we cannot rule.

Be a good Roma wife.

And one day...


The family is yours.

Grab what you can.

We provide a valuable service.

If people didn't want what we had to offer, they wouldn't pay for it.

We help them focus, to achieve their hopes and dreams.

With the help of a $500 candle?

The more expensive it is, the more they value it.

Son, $500 is a small price to pay to make your dreams come true.

This is not my style.

I pretty much stick with Tarot.

But we're bringing on some new psychics soon, for seance work and crystal ball sessions.

Press it.

I'll be damned.


I used to make a lot of money with this deck.

Playing poker?

Any fool can gamble.

Can you teach me how to do that?

No, no, no, no. Maybe later.

I'll finish unpacking these boxes first.

And you're here for a Couples Reading, right?

Yes, we are.

We're actually getting married in the fall.

Oh, well, then. Congratulations.

You're smart to do this now.

The first time I got a look at my husband's palm, we were already married.

The things I saw.

You two have quite a chemistry.


Have you ever used sandalwood oil?

I think it would be a nice enhancement for your reading.

When used in Love Magic, it is thought to promote elevated arousal.

Not that you two seem to need that.

Rose or honeysuckle can be added for a lasting commitment.

To ensure an enduring love.

How much is all this gonna cost?

$100 for the reading, $50 for the enhancements.

We'll just take the palm reading, if that's okay.


All right.

Dominant hands, please.

You both have strong heart lines, you see?

You have a very deep connection.

I can see that.

I do see, though, I see breaks.

I see detours and interruptions.

Does that make sense?

Your relationship got off to a rocky start.

One of you was involved with another.


She broke it off.

We've been happy ever since.


I see... doubt in you.

A secret.

Something... Something you've tried to bury.

It wasn't the neighbor who dinged your car.

I knew it was you.

You're a terrible driver. That's no secret.

It's not that. It's, uh...




The other woman moved on.

I think you need to take a long, sober look at your life and your relationship and you need to decide...

if this is what you want.

We're done.

You can put your money in the box.

Wait, that's it?

I'm afraid so.

Good luck to both of you.

I have somewhere to be.



What the f*ck?!

f*cking naked in here!

In my apartment!

You paid for it with my money.

That makes it mine.

I told you things.

So what?

I told you things.

Who gives a f*ck?

You know what this place means to me.

Your obsession is unhealthy.

f*ck off.

And I'll take my key.

Once they walk in the door, then you try to make them feel comfortable.

But you got to get them in the door.

You think I can watch you do a reading?

Or would that be weird? It's not weird.

Let's just get the place up and running first.


Did your mom say she was heading out?

Not to me.

It's Linda. Leave a message.

Hey, it's me.

I was wondering where you were.

Nick wants, uh, pizza.

I don't know if you made other plans.

Anyway, call me.

It's Linda. Leave a message.

Hey, it's me.

You forgot to shut the water off.

It's fine.

Just... call me.

Hey, sorry to keep calling.

I'm just checking to see what time you'll be here.

Don't want your dinner to get cold.

Give me a ring.

Oh, yeah.

Food's ready.

Thanks, dude.

It's Linda. Lea...

Plate, please.

What? You don't want any pizza?

Go ahead. I'll be back soon.

Call me if your mom shows up.


Thank you.

Dad? Dad.

Hey, sweetheart.

What you doing here?

I left him.

Left who?

My husband.

I waited till they all left to go to the Galleria, then I packed my stuff, slipped out the back.

I had to walk, like, miles to get to the bus stop.

You caught a bus?

If I took an Uber, they'd know where I am.


Come inside.

Come on in.

Thanks. Sure. Watch yourself.



Nice bag.

Uh, take a seat.


I don't know where the lights are.

Uh, you want a soda?

I'm good.

No soda.

You want... whatever the hell this is?

I'm okay.

No charge. I own the joint.

I heard. The whole mall?


The whole mall.

I like your bags.

Match my shirt.

Oh, yeah.

Do you live here, too?


No, no, no.

No, this is not what you'd call a mixed-usage.

No residential units here.

Where do you live?

In Encino.


A nice condo.


More of a one-bedroom.

More of a loft, actually.


No, no, Daddy.

You're not gonna send me back?

I have to.

Why... Why can't I be banished, too?

What about LaLa or your grandma?

But you said...

I don't care what I said.

I can't save you.

Not yet.

You have to call Grandma.

I'm not allowed to.

I'm sorry I have to tell you this, but I don't think my wife likes you very much.

Don't take it personally.

Maybe she just hates all dolls.

I don't know.

Yes, I admit it, there is a lot I don't know about my wife.

Maybe that's what makes our marriage strong.

There are avenues still left to explore.

Mysteries to uncover.

I don't know about you, but I am sick of f*cking mysteries.

Okay, okay.


Yeah, she doesn't have a monopoly on the mysteries in our family.

I've certainly put her through some serious mystery shit of my own lately, but I've got a plan.

It's a good plan, and it is working.

Why doesn't she have any faith in me?

You do, right?

No answer?

Well, f*ck you, then.

You know what? I'm with her now.

I'm gonna throw you back in the trash.

I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it, all right?

I would never do that to you.

At least not until I figure out what the hell you're trying to tell me.

Give me a clue, a hint, a spoiler.

That, uh, that raven was a nice touch, though.

Scared the shit out of me.

As did you, my little friend.

I tell you what.

Let's make a deal.

You tell me your secrets, and we'll go straight to American Girl and get you a little friend.

I had to make up quite a story to your mother-in-law.

I had to tell her that you had to go see an old friend.

On this day of all days.

You can imagine how suspicious she was.

You have to stop this kind of behavior, Drina.

Shame on you.

I'm sorry.

You know, I come from a big family.

My Great Grandma Lucy, back in Lake Charles, she had 10 kids, and... and one who passed.

But after lucky number 11, man, she was done.

But, you know, she was Creole and she was Catholic, so the church says no-no to any kind of birth control and no to divorce, either.

But hell, no one was telling Granny Luce no.

So right around the time when, you know, her egg would drop, she'd give Grandpa a little something extra in his balivèrn.

That's what the Creole call the moonshine.

One minute, poor Grandpa, he would be all in the mood.

And then the next, he was face flat on the dirt floor.


And, man, Granny would keep that up for at least three days.

And then she didn't have to worry about it again until the next month.


She got out of things her way.

It's just a thought.


Uh, do you know where she is? Huh? Do you know where she is?

I... No, I don't. You don't?

I have called every emergency room within a 20-mile radius.

The LAPD, they put her in the database, but this officer kindly informed me that, even if they do find her, they can't make her come back home.

I don't know. Maybe I'll just go home, crack a few beers, and, uh, start calling morgues.

Charlie, you have done everything that you can.

Now is the time to go home and take care of your son and... and yourself.

I mean, we're all on our own private journey.

Sometimes it's with ones we love.

Sometimes it's alone.

Did you just quote Paz to me?


See you around, Doctor.

Oh, my God, what is that smell?

Rateski goi.

Blood sausages.


Rita, I didn't know you, um, cooked.

Only on special occasions.

Well, I'm sorry, but, um, I'm on a cleanse, and the boys and LaLa, they're at their cousin's, so you don't have to worry about making extra for any of us.

Oh, no. But this isn't for you and me.

This is for the special occasion.

We Machvaia cook the rateski goi to stimulate fertility in the newlyweds.


My people... don't.

Are... Are you sure that's... that's clean?

My great-grandmother made it for my grandmother, who made it for my mother, and my mother made it for me and Tibor.

And look.

Look at the color, symbolic of, uh...

Hmm. Uh-huh. Yes.

Yes, I... I get that.

It's just... Tony is the pickiest eater.

He's such a picky eater. I don't know.

I'm sure he will do the right thing.

He'll do his duty, particularly because the ritual includes a taste of wine.

Which has the added advantage of giving a young man some confidence.

That's... That's good.

I am gonna go tell him to get ready.


She has so many.



Now, that wasn't so bad. Was it?

It was better than I thought.

Thank you. That was excellent.

You're welcome.

I know you don't find it so tasty, but you only have to eat it once in your lifetime if tonight...

We appreciate the effort.

And now, the best part of it...

A toast to the newlyweds.



Here, to tradition.

To family.

To us.

Bottoms up.



Well, it's time.


For my first time, Tibor and I were so nervous. Mm.

Our family were all outside the door, waiting.

For hours.

It took so long that our mothers started to gossip.

Oh. Oh, that wasn't helpful.

What about you? How was your first time?


Um, well, I guess you could say Tony was eager.

Yeah, all that build-up just... gone in sixty seconds.

Done. I think...

My grandmother had a similar...

I think it's been long enough.

Let's go.




Like father, like son.

One doesn't always bleed.

I mean, it doesn't happen all the time.

You know that.




It won't come out.

You don't... You don't have to do that.

I tried soap, and it's not coming out.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay.

We really are family now.

Take a shower.

It'll make you feel better.

Hey, uh, Dad?




So, Mom didn't come home last night.

I know.

How am I gonna get to school?

Sorry, bud. You got to take the bus.

Uh, I need to head to the shop.

She's pretty pissed at you, huh?



I don't know.

Well, you guys sure do fight a lot.

Not any more than most.

But you still love each other, right?

Yeah, we do.

So that just makes everything okay?

No, it's just...

Relationships are difficult and people are complicated.

And when you mix them together, things just get more complicated.

Just like the, uh, the $500 candle?

The tougher it is, the more it's worth.


You better get going.


I'm not f*cking paying that.

You gave me a price.

I said per phone line.

Not total.

Yes. f*cking total.

I'll be taking a bath on that deal!

Charlie, just in time.

Is this what it looks like? f*ck yeah.

Talking over a dozen stations, three shifts around the clock.

Calls from all over the country.

Fonso tell you his last phone bank was raided by the LAPD Task Force?

The charges were dropped. We're good.

No, no. We're not good.

I don't want this in my shop. What?

You think your f*cking card tricks are gonna pay the rent?

I'm doing you a favor.

I want this shit out. Now.

Hey, hey, what the f*ck, man?!

That's enough.

What the hell was that?

I don't work for him.

I don't f*cking work for him anymore!

I know that!

He knows it, too.

He thought you'd be down with this.

If you're not, no biggie.


This is about something else, isn't it?

It's Linda, isn't it?

She gave you shit about the new shop.

Am I right?

Don't worry bout that, Charlie.

She'll be fine. This is just business.

It's not fine.

She's gone.

She's gone.

Here's the thing.

Did she tell you she was leaving you?

No. All right, take it from me.

When a wife dumps you, she wants to tell you.

She wants to enjoy seeing you squirm.

My first couldn't wait to tell me to f*ck off.

Or in my case, "Vete pa' la chingada."

Men, we're stupid, right?

Women need to spell it out for us.

We'll find another spot for Fonso's phone shit.

I'll talk to him.

I'll also make sure he's not in there planning your m*rder.


Good luck, man.


None of the matter and energy that we are made of is original to us.

It is as old as the universe.

In fact, we are made up of particles that may have existed in a stegosaurus or a shogun's sword or Queen Victoria.

Even our consciousness is part of something else.

So, when we die, pieces of us become part of the universe, and then those all share a message with us.

So just as water does not fight the concept of evaporation, neither should we fight the concept of death.

You're not afraid of dying.

You're afraid of not living enough.

Fight that.

That is what the universe is trying to tell you.

Are you listening?

I am listening.

I sense a seeker who has something to share but was not ready to share last night.

You're talking about Nora, right?

I'm pretty sure it's your turn.

I won't force you to share.


But then, if you don't want to share, I have to ask why are you here?

I'm not really sure.

Well, what if you were sure?

Then what would you say?

Maybe I'm looking for something.

As we all are.

What something?

Is it something you lost?

Something to make me feel better.

Like a cigarette would right now.

If your staff hadn't taken them.

Smoking would quiet a voice, but it wouldn't make you feel better.

Look, trust me.

Let's try something.

Don't quiet that voice.

Close your eyes.

Listen to it.

Are you listening?

I am listening.