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02x07 - Denial

Posted: 12/27/20 08:43
by bunniefuu
Look, I don't know how they got there.

They just appeared on my desk.


Do you think maybe it's, like, a...a joke?

Look, whoever you sent these knows what we did.

It's not a joke.

It's a threat.

Honestly, all I could think of is...that maybe it's Chantal.

You know, maybe she was awake that night, and this is just her, like, weird way of trying to mess with us.

Yeah. I don't know.

I don't know.

Well, have you asked her?

[ Breathes deeply ]

No, Dory.

I haven't asked her.

I don't really talk to her anymore. Okay?

Okay. I -- That's good to know.

I was just wondering.


Look, I have to go.

What -- Oh, well, no.

We have to figure this out.

-Please, Dory.

-Yes. We will.


-I promise. Okay?

Okay, Dory. I'm really sorry, but where are you going?

I'm going to get a -- a cavity filled. Okay?

I booked the appointment a really long time ago, and now it's today, so...

But you're dressed so nice.

I am? I -- [Scoffs]

I just threw it on.

It's, like, a wrap dress.

But you're in all black.

I mean, you're going to get spit all over it.

Listen, we'll take care of this later. Okay?

Whatever you do, don't tell Elliot and Portia.

They'll just freak out.

Okay. Yeah.

I'll be in touch.

We must protect them.

We must protect the little ones.

Have fun at the dentist!


♪ Obedear, the sky is low ♪

♪ Watch fluent seamen rig their rudders ♪ Hey, Pamela.

Hey, Greg. How was your sister's graduation?

It was, uh...

[ Inhales sharply ]

You know what, buddy? I got to go take care of these papers.

[ Clears throat ]

Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Go do your thing.

Yeah. He's a monster.

He's, like, embarrassing.

Oh, wait. Shh, shh, shh, shh.

He's here. He's here.

Okay. All right. What was that?

What the hell is going on?

Pft. Nothing.

Nothing is going on.

So you weren't just talking shit about me?

You just so happen to hush as soon as I got here like a bunch of high schoolers?

[ Sarcastically ] No, Julian.

We think you're really cool.

-Oh, do you?

-Yeah. We do.

We think it's really, really cool that in your spare time...

[ Normal voice ] you're writing articles about lying b*tches.

Yeah, because when a woman has been abused, like, she must be completely getting it wrong, like, she can't be trusted to tell the difference between a good time and v*olence.

Okay. No. No. No.

That is not at all what I was trying to say.

You make me sick. Shut up.

Okay. Look, look. That is not at all what I was trying to say.

If you just give me a chance...

I can't. I can't.

I can't. I'm sorry.

I just...

I can't listen to this.

-No. Just let me explain.

-I need to switch desks.

Uh, would somebody switch desks with me?

I need to get away from this person!

There are a lot of empty desks.

You don't need to mansplain to me about the desk situation.

Okay. Okay. If you just give me a chance to explain...

Julian, we need to talk later.


Thank you.

You're trash.

[ Taps desk ]

♪ I know your type ♪

♪ You're that guy in the middle of a crowded room ♪

♪ When you laugh so loud, all eyes on you ♪



I'm surprised you called.

Are you?

What's on your mind?

Was it you?

What do you mean?

Come on, Chantal.

Don't f*ck with me.

Was it you?

I'm serious.

Okay. I don't know what you're talking about.

I kind of like the way that you're looking at me right now, but I really...

I really don't know what you're talking about.

I received flowers at my work.

There's a note in them.

I don't know who they're from.

Were they from you?

[ Scoffs ] Um, no, but now I'm kind of pissed because you called me here just to tell me that somebody at work is crushing on you?

That's, like, "Wow. Big deal, Drew." Not!

I'm really fragile right now.

You hurt me.

Did you even read that article that Julian wrote about me?

Ugh. He's such a misogynist.


I wonder, do you, um...

Do you think maybe you hoped it was me that sent the flowers because you feel like we made a mistake cutting off our relationship too soon?

What? God. No.


Okay. I just want to know who sent the flowers.

That's all. Okay?


It was me.

I was the one who sent you the flowers.

Is that what you wanted to hear?

You assh*le!




[ Sighs ]

So, like, I guess I fear the medication.

What is it you fear about the medication?

Well, I consider my mania a gift.

I'm an artist, and to be an artist is to be split open, which is hard for a lot of people, but so what?

I have my dark times, my blue days, but I'm actually a really happy person.

Can I just say that I don't trust anyone who says that they're happy?


-You have to suffer to survive.

I'm telling you this. You --

Happiness does not exist.

Elliott, I saw you react to what Paz said.

Would you like to share your response to that?

Oh. No.

Okay. Would you be willing to share your fears?

I mean, it's very important for me to share my spirit, and I can be very passionate, and a lot of people can't handle that, and I can't handle it when that's threatened or tamed.

I don't like that.

Carla, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

I just think he's saying nothing.

Does anyone know what he's talking about?

I don't even know what he's talking about.

-Carla, get out!

-Okay. Fine! Fine!

You're all liars!!

Guys, I'm so sorry for breaking the circle.

I apologize.

[ Vehicle passes ]

♪ Whate'er I do, where'er I be ♪

♪ Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me ♪

♪ He leadeth me, He leadeth me ♪

♪ For by His hands, He leadeth me ♪

♪ His faithful follower, I would be ♪

♪ For by His hands He leadeth me ♪

♪ He leadeth me, oh, blessed heart ♪

♪ Oh, words with heavenly comfort fraught ♪

♪ Whate'er I do, where'er I be ♪

♪ Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me ♪

♪ And He leadeth me, He leadeth me ♪

♪ But by His hands, He leadeth me ♪ Oh, my God. I am so sorry.

I didn't tell you it was beach themed.

You look crazy, and a little distracting.


Can somebody give me a lei, please?

Can you give me a lei?

Thank you, Tommy.

Here you go.

When he was 22, he went to Hawaii, and he just couldn't let it go.

I think he left part of himself there.

It looks great in here.

I mean, the decorations, it really feels like Hawaii.

Party City. You can get everything there.



Look, Deb, I'm so, so sorry.

I just... I -- I -- I never wanted to think that this could, you know, even be possible.

I think we're all in shock, right?

I don't even know why I'm asking this, but, I guess, just...

[ Scoffs ]

I mean, like, did the cops even know what happened?

Do they have any leads?

It's just so crazy, you know?

And I'm so upset.

Who knows?

They won't tell me a g*dd*mn thing.


"Part of the investigation," right?

As far as I can tell, they could give a shit, but, you know, I got Crystal digging around.

There's no freaking way whoever did this is going to get away with it.

That's for damn sure.

I just can't believe it's all real, you know?


I feel like giving you a hug.

Would that be okay?

Yeah. I'd love it.


Yeah. I'll give you a hug, honey.


I know that Keith was just crazy about you, and you know something?

I know that he is happy that you're here.

I do. [ Sniffles ]

Thank you.

Thank you for bringing joy and light to his life.


[ Chuckles ]


You know what it is?


Ron doesn't trust himself.

His first instinct is always his best, but whenever anyone ever challenges him, he questions everything and goes with the safe bet, and it's not working.

No, you're totally right, like, as a director, you're right.

It's so weird you brought him up because, like, I know this has nothing to do with his talent, but today, he, like, insinuated that we're sleeping together, and I was like, "No.

That's so high school."

-You and I?

-Yeah. I know.

As if I would ever sleep with any of my actors.

Some people, man.

Yeah. Some people.

[ Chuckles ]

Why can't everybody be just like you?

[ Chuckles ]

You're perfect.

I'm not perfect.

Just ask my mom.

♪ I can't live without ♪

[ Sighs ] Wow.

I need a minute to recover from that.

♪♪ Okay. Tell me more.

We're just...

My mom and I are very different, like, because I think she, like, wishes I was more of, like, a Merrill Lynch woman, which kind of, like, hurts.

[ Chuckles ]

I think --

I think she thinks I'm, like, silly, and kind of, like, impractical, and, yeah, she thinks I'm stupid.

[ Sniffles ]

She doesn't love you.

No. I -- I know --

I mean, I think she loves me, like, I think it's kind of a different kind of love, like, because...

It's not love, and it's not fair.

You're right.

It's not fair.

You know what you have to do, right?


♪ These dark hopes ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ Remove her from my life?

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ Quintin: When you say, "Everyone expects me to have all the answers," that's a lot of responsibility, isn't it?

Mm. Yeah.

And what happens when you don't have the answers?

Well, I mean, I can always find a solution.

You know, not necessarily the right one, but, you know, I pretty much always have a point of view.

I don't...

I don't experience doubt.

Okay. Can you give me an example?



There was a situation recently with some friends.

It was very...intense.


Umm...One of my friends was att*cked... by a seal.

A seal?


I didn't know seals att*cked people.

Yeah. They can be very territorial.

So sorry, but, please, go on.

Yeah. So, she and the seal had this scuffle, and it was, like, being very aggressive with her, and so my other friend had to, like... k*ll the seal.

Oh, my God.


So, she k*lled the seal...

[ Chuckles nervously ]

...and the thing is there's, like, very harsh punishment for hurting the seals in, um, Seal Bay.

So it became this thing of, like, do we call the water police, or do we get rid of it?

And everyone was looking to me with their, like, big, dumb eyes, like, "Elliott, you know, you're our leader.

Tell us what to do."

And, so, I was like, "I think we should get rid of it.

I think we should break his legs and put him in a suitcase and bury it."

[ Birds chirping ]

But it's, like, that was just something that I said in the moment.


But the problem is the seal was tagged, apparently, and, um, people think something weird happened, clearly, and now they're looking into it.

It's all just a huge f*cking mess, and the seal has, like, a daughter -- a daughter seal, and she, like, just found out, and she's, like, devastated, and she's grieving.

The point is I don't like taking on the responsibility of solving all my friends' problems.

It's not as fun as it looks, so...

[ Sighs ]

Of course not.


And how old were you when you came out?

I am so sorry, but, Elliott, you've got a phone call.

We're in a session, Janelle.

He said it was an emergency, and it couldn't wait.

-Ugh. I can't believe this.

-He's called like eight times.

Go. Right in the lobby, sweetie.

-Come right back.



-And don't talk to anybody else.

[ "Don't Bother Me" by Olly Anna plays ]

♪ Hand on my drink ♪ Hi.

♪ Just doing me ♪ Hello?

-Hey, Elliott.

-Drew? Oh, my God.

What's going on?

Is everything okay?

Look, did you send me flowers?


Please tell me you sent them to me, 'cause I'm having a full-on freakin' panic attack here, Elliott, and explain to me the joke, 'cause I don't get the joke!

Drew, I'm at rehab.

I did not send you flowers.

And now that I think about it, why didn't you send me flowers?

-You swear to God?


Look, why are you freaking out?

Look, I don't want to --

I don't want upset you at rehab, okay?

I'm sorry.

Well, too late for that, Drew!

Okay. Uh, look, get better and come back happier than you are, okay?

And, for the love of God, don't tell anybody what we did.

You understand?


-What? Drew!

[ Line beeps ]


[ Sighs ]

Hey, Crystal.

Oh, hi.

How you doing?

Not good.

I'm at a funeral, and I have Crohn's, so I can't eat any of this.

Yeah. It's just -- it's -- it's devastating.

I can't believe you came here.

I know that, uh, Deb is soft on you, but you got some balls showing up.

Well, I'm sorry if my presence makes you uncomfortable...


...but do you, like, know what could have happened?

I mean, what do you think happened?

What I know is what I know, and it's not looking good for somebody.

I could tell you that.


[ Sighs ]

How can I help you?

It's well written.

Thank you.

But you must see how this doesn't look good for me.

One of my staffers is an abuse denier?

I didn't intend for this story to be anything bigger than the story.

Hey, this is one woman.

I certainly didn't mean to imply that all women who are in abusive relationships should be questioned.

I promise I'm not that guy.

I'm a good person with very high moral standards, and sometimes it doesn't make me popular, but it...keeps me real.

[ Breathes deeply ]


You're on thin ice.

Thank you. Thank you.

[ Chuckles ]

Thank you.



I just have one more question.

Yeah, what's up?

Is it true?

[ Chuckles ]

Is what true?

Is it true?

[ Chuckles ]

I'm sorry.

I'm not following.

Is it true what they say?


Um, if you're implying about a certain racial stereotype, then that would be...



An abuse of my power?


Well, maybe it's not that bad out there.

Maybe someone else will hire you.

Let's see what the Internet has to say.

Oh. This person isn't as forgiving as I am.

He says, "I pray to God that this woman-hater's balls get trampled on by high heels."

Oops. [ Chuckles ]

Oh, and there's another person on here that just keeps retweeting your address over and over again.

I don't know. If you care about this job and your reputation, perhaps you should just let go of your hang-ups and answer the question.

Is it true?

[ Sighs ]

It's true.

I know. [ Giggles ]

And then last year, I tried again in my dad's garage, and I turned the car on, and I was waiting there, and I was like, "Wait a minute.

Why haven't I passed out already?"

And I realized it's because my dad's garage door has a hole for his stupid dog, and the exhaust got out, and I'm like, "Oh, my God.

I can't even k*ll myself correctly."

It sounds like a cry for help, because if you really wanted to die, you would have checked the door.

I did want to die, Carla, but there was a hole for the doggy.

Paz, could you pass me the butter, please?

Seems like you're pretty upset, so it might be true.

Could you pass the butter, please?

You know what your problem is, Carla...

Of course, baby.

-Thank you.

-You don't like yourself...


-...and you like to bring everybody else down because of it...


-...because you're a small, little...

[ Sobbing ]

Okay. Something got stirred up.

This is probably your fault.

[ Sobbing continues ]

-Do you want to talk about it?

-I'm so ashamed!

I'm so ashamed of the things I've done.

I can't pretend I don't care anymore.

I can't.

Oh, my God!

I've done so many terrible things!

I'm so, so, so, so scared.

That's okay.

That's okay, because you know what that makes you?

That makes you a freaking human being.

I'm so full of shit!

-[ Sobbing continues ]

-It's okay.

I can't live like this!


[ Sobbing continues ]

♪♪ Girl: Hi.

♪♪ Hi.

Are you Kaitlin?

[ Chuckles ]

I'm Dory.

I know who you are.

Oh. All right.

Well, hi. [ Chuckles ]

My dad said you were a good detective, too.

Can you find who k*lled him?

I'll do the best I can.


[ Indistinct chatter ]


♪♪ Portia, this is a fried chicken place.

[ Chuckles ]

It's close to your work, and it was my intention to make this as convenient as possible for you.

What -- What's this about?

I mean...

[ Chuckles ]

And who is this spectator?

Is this your boyfriend?


He's my friend.

He's my best friend.

What kind of best friends hold hands like that?

Hi, Mariel.

My name is Elijah.

[ Clears throat ]


For heaven's sake.

..."it's time for our relationship to come to an end.

I've been happy for a very long time."


"I have been unhappy for a very long time.

We have a toxic dynamic where I'm constantly receiving the message from you that I'm unloved and unappreciated.

I forgive you for the pain you have caused me, but you are no longer a person I wish to keep in my life."

Good job.

Thank you. Thank you.

Is this because of you?


Portia came up with this on her own.

I really hope you learn how to express compassion and show love.

Portia, I'm your mother.

Like it or not, it's not a relationship you can quit.

You are not my mother anymore.

♪♪ It was wonderful to meet you.

[ Lock disengages ]

[ Horn honks in distance ]


[ Breathing heavily ]
