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02x04 - Episode #2.4

Posted: 12/27/20 07:57
by bunniefuu
Two boys k*lled four years apart.

You saying they've been lobotomised?

This is new.

They're all different symbols for defending against evil.

In here is 20 grand!

Be my guest!

Back off!

You're going to give me custody of the children.

Otherwise, I'll tell everyone about your blackouts.

Do you recognise these men? He's been here.

He was wondering what the press were doing outside his house.

This is an abuse of police power!

Are you worried your boyfriend abusing the baby? - Leave me alone!


Help! Please! Stop!

Please stop! Stop!

Drive! Drive! Have you been in an accident?

Please go fast. Let's belt you in.

Oh, my God! What happened to your hand?

What happened to him? Is he OK?

He's bleeding.

We need to get him to a hospital, Gerry.

Oh, shit! We've got to get him to a hospital now, Gerry.

No! No! No! No!

Margaret? What are you...

We've got to move now. We can't.

He might be dying. Call an ambulance.

I will but we have got to go!

I think he's stopped breathing.

Hello? My name is Margaret Sheppard.

I'm driving with my husband and we picked up a boy.

♪ The rise and fall of your god ♪

♪ Will tell me the story of your city ♪

♪ The rise and fall of your faith ♪

♪ Will show you the things That I've been missing ♪

♪ Let this w*r begin ♪

What's up?

Reg Reynolds' bookcase in his study taken by forensics, this one on the left is from the first time he went in, and this one is the second time he went in after I got att*cked.

What's the difference? There's a binder missing.

Someone's removed evidence. "Silver Lining".


Silver Lining, what does that mean to you?

Something to do with Reg Reynolds.

Swiss Coast's sixth album.

And the name of the world tour. What year?

What happened in 1986?

Well, we had our first number one hit single since 1977, Below Lower You.

Sorry, what are they looking for?

A binder labelled "Silver Lining" that disappeared from Reg's flat the night you came back from Cardiff.

And you think I took it? What happened in 1986?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Reg, when you were getting in the ambulance, you mentioned... a girl.

Was that her?

Debbie Canavan.


I mean...

I don't know.

That was a connection made by the press.

If you read the article, you would know that the girl went straight home. Yeah, I did read the article, and she went out again later that night.

Did you have a party after that concert, Reg?

Did you invite her?

Possibly, yeah erm...

Why don't you and me go outside to have a private conversation, Reg?

Just us.

About what?

Missing children and your connection to them.

Do I have to? I don't know. Does he?

You're not under arrest.

But it's in your best interest to answer our questions.

But you don't have to if don't want to.

'There's a reason someone stole that binder.'

What's Reynolds got to say?

He's refusing to discuss it.

We do know she went backstage and met the band, no history of running away.

She came home after the concert and disappeared later that night.

You think she went to Reg's? Yeah, I do.

So, I am reopening Canavan's case, and using it as part of our investigation.

'So, you think Debbie Canavan's a girl he was afraid we'd find?'

He's good that one, the blue one.

Karim, yeah. Comes four, five times a week.

Good kid.

How old is he?


Do you need a sponsor?

About that... Come here.

Our biggest sponsor needs to be a role model, and after that business with the fan, we need --

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you need to distance yourself.

I'm getting a lot of that lately. So, do something about it.

Like what? Let the press win?

They'll just keep coming after me.

They'll be like those lions that have tasted human flesh.

I think that is just a myth. Ah, you know what I mean.

If they win...

I lose.

You're already losing, Vince.

'We will be reviewing the terms of our contract...'

.. and we'll guarantee a set number of hours per month...

.. so our employees won't feel we are treating them unfairly.

End quote.


And I want that out today.


I've got to go, baby.



I've got to go.

Hey. Is your mother home?

No, not yet.

Ah. Er...

You must be Edward. I'm DC Alex Butler.

I work with your mum.

I was supposed to go through some witness statements with her, but I'm clearly early.

Erm... you mind if I come in and wait for her?


You here alone?


You said you had another incident yesterday.


Do you know what triggered it?


My husband threatened to take my children away from me.


So, let's start there, then.

Find a comfortable position.

We're just gonna do some breathing like we did before.


This is a really nice house.

Is this yours?

No, that was my little sister's.

What, Emma? I thought she was older than you.

No. Juliet.

She died when she was just a baby.

I'm so sorry.

I had a son.

He died.

Very, very young.

Can I get a glass of water, please?

Yeah, sure.







'The kids stay with me and Becky because they don't want to be with you.'

You haven't been a proper mother to them for years.

They probably don't want to admit it but...

I think they actually hate you.

It doesn't matter what you do, you'll lose them anyway.

You're like a disease.

I just need to get rid of so I can start afresh.

What are you doing?

I could tell you but you wouldn't remember anyway, would you?


I'm breaking out.


.. two... one.

Is that you?

Are you f*cking with my head? No.

I told you, I can't do that.

That was your memory of what happened.

That can't be true.

He used me.

I think your mum's forgotten.

Can you do me a favour?


She said the reports were in her bedroom.

Can you show me where that is, please?


Hello? - Marcella, it's Mark. Where are you?

I'm on my way home. Why?

Erm, doesn't matter. I'll call you later.

All right.

It's true what I said.

I did have a son.

He died yesterday.

Your mother k*lled him.

She hated me.

I did nothing to her.

My son paid the price.

And now you will.

Let's wait for her.

I want her to watch.

I want her to feel... powerless.

Just like my Nina.

You're not even my type.


Police! Don't move! Police! Stay where you are!

No, ma'am, no!

What the f*ck have you done?!


You blacked out again, didn't you?

What happened to him?

What's the last thing you remember?


Phil coming out of the house.

Well, the police got there before he could actually... do anything.

Doctor gave him something to help him sleep.

He'll be out until tomorrow, so there's no reason for you to stay.

This man Phil... he's part of your investigation?


They had to change the locks.

Come on, let's get you inside.

How did they know that Phil was in?

Someone called it in. Who?

It was an anonymous call.


Give me the knife.



I spoke with Rav.

Did you know that she's had a miscarriage?

Who? Nina.

Phil's girlfriend. No.

Some journalist had broken into the hotel room and harassed her.

Do you know what that means?

No, no, no, no. Don't... Don't do this to yourself.

It's my fault. I wish the baby dead. - No.

It's my fault.

DS Backland.

He had a cut on his abdomen when he came in.

And these more or less fell out.

It's definitely hers.

You OK?

Yeah. - Cos you don't have to be here, you know?

How is he?

Apparently, it's touch-and-go.

When can we talk to him? He's in an induced coma.

For how long? They don't know.

Well, if we wake him up? They're not gonna wake him up.

Not yet.

OK, right, listen up, everyone!

The boy in the car is Adam Evans.

He was reported missing five days ago when he didn't return home from a friend's house.

You OK? Mark, on.

Thanks. What do we know about the train crash?

OK, so the boy, Adam Evans, he's been missing for five days --

What about the other two?

Well, the car was registered to a Gerry Shepard.

We don't have a positive ID yet but it was him and his wife Margaret who died in the crash.

Either of them a doctor? No.

Any medical training? Retired schoolteachers.

Lived in Chester.

One son in London, no previous convictions.

But it could be them.

Forensics were at their house comparing DNA.

How did they end up on the tracks?

Best bet is, they tried to beat the train.

Adam's been missing for five days, so they must have kept him somewhere.

Which way did they take to get to the crossing, and why did they move him?

No ANPR data on the car, but I'm tracing their phones and credit cards.

That might give us something. I've cleared it with the hospital.

We need to collect evidence from Adam. and we need to seize his clothes.

Is there anything else? Yeah.

The train driver saw a blue lorry at the crossing but it wasn't there when the police arrived.

Find everything you can about it, and I want to know everything about the Shepherds.




D? OK.

Not D?

Oh, shit! Joel! Joel!

Joel, it's OK.


Joel, I'm so sorry! I'm sorry.

They're coming. They're gonna help you, OK?

I'm sorry, I don't... Give me some space.

I don't know what happened.

So, what's he spelt so far?

Well, it's not really like... words, you know?

I think maybe he's forgotten how to spell.

Or he has nerve twitches that are totally random.

I don't think so. I know you don't.

But he isn't able to do what you think he's doing.

But there won't be any more spelling today, and I'm sure you have other things to do.

Yes. Thank you.

Hello. You're through to KidsCall.

Hi. Hi.

Did you see the press release? Yes, I did. What happened?

Well, I had a talk with George, and realised I had to do something.

I know you tried to tell me for a week.

I'm sorry.

Are you OK with this?

Well, I'm not happy about it, but...

You're not gonna change anything, are you?

Review doesn't mean change.

Guaranteed hours, how many? One?

What's important is... that they leave us alone.

I keep things the way I want them.

You can continue with your work. It's win-win.

If you don't change anything, you don't care about me or my foundation, and your apology, like your press release, is not worth shit!

I did it for us.

I've been...

You've been what?

Huh? You just said, "I've been..."

Oh, erm, thinking.

I've been thinking.

Maybe we should tell what happened?

No, maybe we shouldn't.

I think we'd feel better if we told.

How long have we known each other?

40, 45 years.

And have I ever, in all those years, let you down?

Have I not done everything for you? - No.

Yeah, and is this the thanks I get?

You sending me to prison?

I'd say I was alone, just me.

There's no way you're gonna be able to stick to that story.

No chance.

We've been very good at keeping secrets, you and I.

Let's not change that.

It's just... just an idea.

'Hello, my name is Margaret Sheppard.'

'I am driving with my husband and we picked up a boy, and he's bleeding and...'

When was this?

Emergency services operator got it at 10:36.

When they crashed. f*ck it!

They picked him up. It wasn't them.

Right, well... the last time their credit card was used was when they checked out of a hotel in Epping.

And according to Reception, they didn't have a child with them.

What time was that? 09:54.

And then they crashed here 40 minutes later, yeah?

Adam escaped somewhere between here and here, and then got in the car.

Can we narrow that search? I'm tracing the phone, so I'll know their route tomorrow. - OK.

Where you going? To see that car.

Do you want company? Erm, no.

Hey. Have you got a minute?

Sick Labrador on its way up.

I talked to the bank. They said no.

Yep. I'm sorry.

OK, so if the bank won't help, We'll go somewhere else.

How? We're already massively in debt.

Has Maya said anything about your raise?

No, nothing yet, but don't hold your breath.

It's not fair. It shouldn't be about the f*cking money.

Yeah, but it is.

So, we'll get some. I'll rob a bloody bank.


OK, let's say... right, that we do manage to get enough.

What if it doesn't work again?

How many times are we going to get our hopes up?

Till we succeed. The last time...

I was really worried about you.

I'm not sure we should go through that again.

You want to stop.

We have to at some point. Maybe this is it.

I've got work to do.

Hey, it's me. I'm just checking in on you.

Is Daddy there?

Good. Right, well, I'll try and pop in later.

OK, bye. I love you.

Thanks. OK.


Can you get the 999 call up from Margaret, please?

Yeah, sure.


Have you got it? Yep.

Right, listen, the train driver said that he sounded a horn?

Yeah, he did. Listen.

'Hello, my name is Margaret Sheppard.'

'I am driving with my husband and we picked up a boy, and he's bleeding and...'

There's no train horn. I don't hear a horn.

Play it again, Mark.

There was a blue lorry at the crossing.

Look. Flakes of blue paint and damage at the rear of the Shepherds' car.

Forensics can't explain it.

'We need to find that lorry.'

Don't you see?

We've got it wrong.

The lorry driver wasn't a witness. He pushed them onto the tracks.

That's the crash we're hearing.

Gail, can I have a word? My office.


I've talked to Joel's family about how involved you've become with him.


They're worried that what you're doing is causing him distress.


No, I'm not pressuring him to do anything.

I think he wants to.

He had an epileptic attack.

The first one in quite some time.

Yeah, but he's had them before.

That's not the point.

The family want you to stop.


This could be a chance for them to finally talk to him.

You won't be looking after Joel any more.

Flavia will take over and you'll get one of her residents.

Jab. Where's the jab?

Double up.

Double up on the jab.

All right, break!

You got great technique, but your feet are a little slow.

And when you throw in that right, you're not moving your head, so with your left down low, you're gonna get clipped.

Let me show you. Watch.

Here, give me a hand with this.

And then glove up.

I'm a little out of shape, so er... hundred quid if you'd be a bit of a punchbag.


Agh! Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey.



I guess I got tired of being a punchbag.



Thank you for coming in. That's OK.

Erm... about your request for a pay rise.

You just can't grant it right now, right?

I'm sorry. But we do appreciate everything that you do here, and I'm aware you're looking for extra money.


So, erm...

I have a proposal for you.

'So she agreed to the raise?'

No, she didn't.

She offered me a lot of money if I'd help her with something.

And you said yes? Right?

Even if I could end up going to prison for doing it?

How much money are we talking about?

Enough to pay off our debts and try again.

I said I'd think about it.

Hey, Karim.

Come here.

You want a lift? Where you going?

Where do you live? I'll drive you home.

All right, cool, thanks. Yeah? Good.

Were you all right in there?

Been better.

All right, here we go, buddy. Ready?

Let's go. Where do you live?

You're leaving? I've cut my trip down to a week, and Edward's fine with it. He's got Becky.

No, he has me, his mother.

I know what you did to me in that kitchen.

You tried to make me look crazy.

What happened, Jason? When did you start to hate me?

I don't hate you. You called me a disease.

Grace, you cheated on me, you got her pregnant.

And I lost my baby.

It's me who should hate you.

I still want those papers signed by the time I get back.

I want to see my kids. Yeah, of course.

Emma? Edward? Your mum's here.

They'll be moving back in with me.

Jason wants them to stay here. Well, Jason just left.

I've taken time off work to be at home with them while he's away.

Can you do that? Emma? Edward?

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry that this has happened.

I'm so sorry.

He said that you k*lled his son. No, of course I didn't.

Darling, that's just crazy. He's sick.

You're coming home with me. No, we're staying here.

This is normal. We don't want to go.

Emma, please. Marcella?

Just stay out of this!

We love you. It's just... you seem a bit out of it, so...

Things aren't working out, so we're staying here.

No, you're coming home with me. We're staying here.


Mum, just...

It's a lot for them to take in.

Give it a day or two. I'll talk to them.

Marcella? We've got a haulage company reporting one of their trucks didn't reach its destination.

Colour matches, the driver Kevin Hoss, no previous convictions but I've put out an obs for his arrest and an action marker on PNC -- Fine.


Can you come and have a word with me outside?

Sit down.

Why did you call me?

When? Last night.

You called me and asked me where I was. Why?

I was just calling to discuss some stuff I'd been working on. - What?

Just some stuff about the concert in 1986.

I don't know. Obviously, it didn't matter.

'Emergency operator. Which service, please?'

'Police. There's something horrible happening to a young boy.

He's being att*cked in his home...'

You're not the only one with access to the archives.

That was you.

No, it wasn't.

You've been watching me. I haven't.

You've been watching me, you sick f*cking pervert!


I'm sorry.


You know I can get you fired for this.

These are the details of my ex-husband.

And his girlfriend.

I want you to dig up everything on them.

Hello, Joel.

Come on.

I know you want to tell me something.


Can I have a beer, please? Yeah, of course.

We just heard from the hospital.

Adam Evans... also shows signs of sexual abuse.

Yeah, right, well, that figures.

He's been missing for five days.

His injuries are two weeks old if not more.

So, what does that mean, the abductor never sexually assaulted him?

You're trying to rule out sex as a motive?

It means he kills because he wants to or because he thinks he has to.

'k*lling is a conscious choice.

He's rational, he's smart.

Even if he has to improvise, he won't be careless.'

'And he's not gonna stop.'