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02x02 - Episode #2.2

Posted: 12/27/20 07:56
by bunniefuu
Leo Priestley, found dead, buried behind a wall.

We found Leo today. Registered sex offender Phil Dawkins.

You're still a paedophile.

The owner of the flat on the other side of the wall is a Reginald Reynolds.

You didn't tell 'em anything, did you?

Who are you talking to? No-one.

Jason's getting married.

What type of employment contract have you got?

Zero-hours. Vince fix it now.

Get help. 'Cos if you don't, I won't allow you anywhere near the children.

Apart from this case affecting you personally, how have things been lately?

The kids are back home. Well, they're back at their old school.

How are things with Jason?

He knows.

And now he's threatening to take away my kids.

Hmm. I see.

There must be... something that you can give me, something I can take.

I can't have this any more.

Problems like this don't just come out of nowhere.

The first time this happened was when Juliette died of cot death.


And you were the one who found her.


What do you remember about that evening?

I don't...

I don't remember much.

Well, it might be a good place to start.

This isn't a physical problem.

It's about accessing your memories.

You're gonna have to try and go back.

Hi. There you are.

Jane. Samantha's mum, from school. I thought I'd check in on you.

I was there when you... the incident.

Yeah. I thought it was someone else but it's all sorted now.

Edward said she's his stepmother.

Erm, she's seeing my ex-husband, yes.

I've gotta go. Just thought I'd check you're OK.

I appreciate it but I'm fine.

Help! Help! Help!

Help! Help!

Help! Help!


♪ The rise and fall of your God ♪

♪ Will tell me the story of your city ♪

♪ The rise and fall of your faith ♪

♪ Will show you the things that I've been missing ♪

♪ Let this w*r begin ♪

Were you out last night? No. Why?

You look like you were out last night.

I wasn't out last night. I just didn't sleep very well.

I got you a tea. Aw, thanks, Mark.

Anyone seen Rav?

Mmm. Not yet.

OK. I just got back from forensics.

They found six different types of DNA at Reg Reynolds' flat. - Mmm.

Mostly his own, obviously.

Alan Summers as well. It's not that surprising.

There's no match for three of them on our database.

Wait. Alan, Reg and three unknown. So that's only five.

I know. We got a match for the sixth. - Who?

You are kidding me.

This is the building where we found Leo Priestley's body behind a wall.

Are you expecting some kind of response to this on my part?

It turns out that Leo was placed in the wall from the neighbouring flat...

.. where we found your DNA.

Yeah, I've been there. It's Reg's flat.

Why didn't you tell us you knew him?

I know the connection between me and your case would not have been in my favour. So you decided to lie to us.

Yeah, well, you're never gonna think I'm innocent no matter what I do.

How do you know Reg?

We met a few years ago, we got to talking.

My big confession is I like his band.

We became friends.

Where were you the night before last?

I was at home.


I really wouldn't lie to us again.

I was with my girlfriend.

Oh. You've got a girlfriend. Mm-hm.

I thought you lost interest once they reach puberty.

That doesn't mean I wanna live alone or that I don't appreciate the value of a relationship.

Does she have children?

No. Does she know?

About me? Yeah.

I think we should check that alibi, don't you? - Mm-hm.

You can do that without telling her what you suspect me of.

Yes, we can. But I can't guarantee she's not gonna find out.

Hello? - Madame, we have authority under section 18 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act to search this address.

But why?

Phil, has it got something to do with Phil?

Yes, it has.

When's it due? In three months.

Is it his? Yeah. Of course it is.

You all right? It's just a cramp, it's nothing.

You do know what he did.

What, do you mean the boy? Joshua. Yeah. I know about that.

And you still chose to have a child with him.

I love him. People can change.

I know that he still considers himself to be a paedophile.

Did he tell you that? Yeah, he's completely honest with me.

Honesty doesn't necessarily make you a good or even a decent person, though, does it?

You don't know Phil. I know that he's a child abuser.

And you're giving him a kid. Can you take that?

But I hope you're right. What do you really want?

We're investigating the abduction and m*rder of Leo Priestley, a nine-year-old child.

You're OK taking Taylah today?

Yeah, work ain't called me in so...

What's this? Photos of Taylah.

Yeah, I can see that. Where'd they come from?

On telly there's, like, loads of kids in ads for baby food and nappies and stuff.

So I rang a baby model agency but they won't even see us without photos so --

What'd they cost? Not much.

And I think she's got a really good chance. - How much, Gail?

99 quid. But I took a payday loan so don't worry.

That's gonna be 150 quid with interest.

What the f*ck were you thinking?

We'll get way more than that if Taylah gets a modelling --

She won't! She never will.

You just doubled what we gotta pay at the end of the month.

You gotta stop being stupid, Gail.

Can't afford it.

Go on, go to work. You're gonna be late.

Right. I'm off to the office. Will you be all right here today?

Sure, yep. Where were you last night?

I was here, wasn't I? No, you weren't.

So have I been out?

I have trouble sleeping.

Could you drop by my flat later?

I was hoping you could...

.. pick... pick something up for me.

You mean something like this?

Oh. What would I do without you?

Hello, Joel. How are you today?

"He clapped his hands three times, the usual signal of lovers.

But nothing. Not even an echo returned an answer.

And then he thought, with some displeasure, that the young woman had perhaps fallen asleep..."

The toys and stuffed animals around Leo haven't lead anywhere.

It's cheap mass-produced stuff from China.

Wholesalers sell them up and down the country.

Can we find out if Phil Dawkins is a customer of any of them?

There's too many of them, according to Mark.

Right. We've got... Phil Dawkins, he knows Reg Reynolds, who used to throw parties attended by minors.

He also gave drawing lessons to little boys.

Phil's alibi checked out for when you got att*cked and Reg was here.

Alan had time to get back from Wales. - Mm-hm.

There's three unidentified sets of DNA at Reg's flat.

Yeah. Three.

I don't think we're looking at a single offender.

Alan's not home. That's all right, I'm here to see you.

Do you know Phil Dawkins?

Phil Dawkins. Phil. Er, yes. Yep.

How did you meet? We erm...

Oh. I... I don't remember.

You know he's a paedophile. He was in prison for 15 years for abducting and sexually abusing a young boy.

No, I didn't know that.

We found DNA of three unidentified people in your flat.

Who regularly visits there?

I don't know. Men. Men like Phil Dawkins.

Are you nervous? You look nervous.

I'm not feeling very well. Erm...

Well, that's a shame but I'm gonna stop asking questions.

What happened in your flat?

Hmm? What are we gonna find?

I don't know. I mean... nothing.

What are you not telling me?

Reg, why don't I believe you?

What are we gonna find in your flat?

f*ck's sake.

What happened? He's had a panic attack.

Reg? Hey. What happened?

All right.

OK. Just relax. We need to go.

Hi. What did he just say to him?

The driver thinks he heard Reg say something about the girl.

He said something about finding the girl.

Even if he did mean a girl -- and we're not sure of that, considering the aphasia -- it could be anyone, anywhere. No, I was questioning him about what I might find in the flat before he had the panic attack.

Cadaver dogs have gone over the entire place.

There is no other body there, no girl. Nothing.

Get a warrant, go over the place again. - Thank you.

And we're letting Dawkins go. What?

His DNA is all over the crime scene.

Not quite. It's not on the body and it's not behind the wall.

Yes, but the flat. - He's got a good explanation for why it's there.

The search of his house found nothing.

He's got an alibi for when Marcella was att*cked and he's been ruled out for Leo's abduction.

At least put him under surveillance.

I can't. I haven't got the money or the manpower.

What if it is him? And what if he hurts another child?

If it is him then it's your job to prove it, isn't it?

Why didn't you tell me your girlfriend was pregnant?

You obviously found out anyway.

What are you doing? Making plans for the future?

Yes, but not in the way that you're insinuating.

Incest has never held any attraction for me.

You're sick. Yes. I am.

You shouldn't have children. You shouldn't be allowed.

We've complied with every regulation that applies to this situation, DS Backland.

"Going down."

You know, I'm gonna miss so much of my young son's life.

I'm never gonna be able to take him to school.

Never be able to go to a playground. Never be able to meet his friends.

Don't take away the little that I've got left that will make life worthwhile.

So, what do you think?

Well, it depends on where you're going.

I'm going with you. Oh. Really?

Yeah. We've had a lot of shit thrown at us lately.

I think we deserve a fun night together.

I don't think tonight's the night for that, Vince.

I'm gonna be working. I can take one for the team.

I just don't think it's a good idea, darling.

No. You're probably right.

I'll... I'll stay home, watch a match.

I honestly think you'll enjoy that more.

Yeah, I'm sure I will. Yeah.

Right. We got some more information from the pathologist on Leo.

Sexually abused before death occurred and they found sedatives in his tissues.

Enough to k*ll him? - No. The cause of death is still unknown.

Do we know when he died? Shortly after he was abducted.

But here's the big news. They found these.

What is that? We're not sure exactly.

They're wooden discs of some kind.

They were found by the pathologist, not forensics?

Yeah. Because they were found inside his body.


What are you doing here?

Did we decide that you were staying with me tonight?

How are you feeling?


What's the matter?

It's my fault Leo died.

No, it isn't. I left him.

Edward, it's not your fault.

I got scared.

What do you mean you got scared? When did you get scared?

I shouldn't have left him.

It's all right, it's OK. It's OK.

It's all right.

It's OK.

Thank you so much for coming 'cos as our biggest donors, it is you who have made it possible for the Whitman Foundation to have aided over 60,000 children and young people last year alone.

But... young people are still sleeping rough on the streets and for so many, their everyday reality is bullying, domestic v*olence and abuse.

Which is why, with your help, the foundation will be opening a third Kids Call Line, staffed 24 hours a day by our fantastic volunteers.

That's not all that we're doing -- Mrs Whitman. Mrs Whitman.

You're really helping young people, which is wonderful. - Thank you.

Whilst your husband is exploiting them.

Temporary jobs, zero-hour contracts.

Don't you think that might contribute to the problems young people have?

There are a host of different factors --

sl*very might be one of them. Thank you, I'm OK.

My greatest apologies for the interruption.

Why don't we get back to why we're really here? Shall we?

Again, thank you all for coming and for donating.

Thank you for being here tonight.


Avoiding her is not gonna work, you know that, right?

Yeah, I do. So, what do you want?

I spoke to Edward today about Leo's abduction.

He said something, he said that he got scared.

And? - So I went to go and read the original witness statement and in it -- - Wait, what? You went to the police station?

Yes. Isn't Edward at yours?

Yeah. I went to go and get some takeaway.

I popped out for five minutes. To check his witness statement.

Yes. In it, he said that he told Leo that he was going to another friend's to go and play videogames and that he left Leo to walk home alone.

And? - Well... why was he scared? What was he scared of?

What are you trying to say? It doesn't add up.

Or maybe you should try being more of a mother with him and less of a detective.

Edward? Edward.


What do you have to do to get a drink around here?

Excuse me.

Ah. Vince.

Tom. Right?

Tim. The chairman.

Maya said you weren't coming.

There's already been some unwanted attention on your business.

And to be honest, your presence could distract from what we're really trying to achieve here.

You know what? Live with it.

Excuse me! Excuse me.

I'd like to say a few words.

I am Vince Whitman, CEO of Red Cow Gifts, and married to the wonderful Maya, who devotes all her time to helping young people... and children.

Do you know what I do?

I give young people jobs.


A chance to work their way up, make something of themselves.

Like I did. Entirely legally, I might add.

Which is more than can be said for some of you lot.


I'm sorry.

I've sent the car to forensics. Thanks.

It's the same toys we found around Leo.

So that's two boys k*lled, four years apart.

Right. Do we know who this boy is?

No. Where were our suspects this morning?

Leanne's working on it now.

I got the car. Owned by a Smita Sagel.

Stolen? - No. She left it at a car dealership last week to be sold.

Where? BLB Autos in Mile End.

I've been calling 'em but no answer.

Right, let's get down there now.





He's dead.


The DVLA have no record of any new owner.

I've done a PNC check, there's no current insurance linked to the vehicle.

What about CCTV from the dealer's?

They had an old shitty one hooked up to a VCR in the office.

It got destroyed in the fire. So we're saying someone bought a car, crashed it on the way to dumping the body, went back to the dealership in the hope that the change of ownership hadn't been registered.

It hadn't. I've been checking credit card transactions but if he used cash, we've got no chance.

Leanne, how'd you get on with our suspects?

Reg was in the hospital until ten when Alan came to pick him up.

Alan was alone before then. Dawkins was with his girlfriend. Again.

Reg hasn't even got a mobile. Alan Summers didn't connect to a mast other than the one outside his house until 9:30, when he was driving to the hospital. What about Phil?

Can't locate it. It's been switched off since last night.

So what are we gonna do? Bring them all in? - On what grounds?

We have got nothing that disproves their alibis and no new forensic evidence, but we have got another dead young boy.

I wanna know who he is, when he was abducted and make sure it's the last one we find, please.

I thought all this would stop.

Me too.

Maybe I should book another check-up with the midwife.

No, I've just been sick.

Are the police gonna come here again?


You know I had nothing to do with what happened to that boy.

Hello? "Nina? Marcella Backland."

Hi, DS Backland. "I need to talk to your boyfriend."

He's not here. - "Do you know how I can get a hold of him?"

No, I don't know where he is. "His phone's turned off."

His battery must've died, I guess.

Yeah, I'll tell him that when he gets back.

"Make sure he calls right away, OK?" Of course.

"It's important." Bye.

I don't like her.

Neither do I.

Is he all right?


What's happened? Nothing.

That's the problem, innit?

Couldn't do it.

Have you eaten anything?

Don't worry. I nicked 'em so it didn't cost us anything.

I'm sorry I keep messing up.

She is really cute. Mm-hm.

Bet she could sell a shitload of nappies.

I bet she could.

I've gotta get to work. You OK to take her?

You sure? Yeah.


See you later. See ya.


Yeah. That's right.

So who's your favourite uncle, then? Huh?

All right.

I erm... I don't know what to say but I'm really sorry and thank you so much for not taking it any further.

Jason's told me everything. I understand. It's fine.

What are you all doing here?

We thought that we'd all have dinner together.

We never eat together any more. Well, tonight we are.

Whatever. Edward. Edward.

So you didn't tell him we were coming?

No, I thought it'd be a nice surprise.

If he won't eat with us, we're not staying.

Go and ask your brother if he wants to come home with us.

Why can't he stay here? - He can. I'm just asking what he wants to do.

This is...

Do you have any idea of what to do about your condition?

Why? - A friend at work knows a therapist who uses hypnosis.

She has treated dissociative amnesia before.

I know you're trying to help -- Successfully, as I understand it.

If you'd like her details.

Darling, you know you can stay with me if you want to.

No, I'm going with Dad. - Mum, why are Juliette's things in your room?

Are you pregnant?

No, of course I'm not pregnant.

Becky wants to have children.

Yeah, of course she does.

Come on. Come here.

I nearly forgot. We've been talking. Becky wanted you to have this.

You don't have to come.

I'm coming.

Oh, I'm coming.


Save the f*cking date? Yes, I'll save the f*cking date.

"Yeah." Mark, it's me.

Can you do me a favour? Will you do a check on a Rebecca Marani?

"Who's that?" Does it matter?

Has she got anything to do with the case?

Yes, she has something to do with the case. Rebecca Marani.

"All right, how does she spell it?" - Erm...

Mike, Alpha, Romeo, Alpha, November, India. Got it?

Got it. "Good, thanks."


Let's clean you up.

That's better. Let's get rid of this.

OK. Here.


Why do you want to stay at Mum's?

She's never home. I want to be alone.

She kicks the shit out of Becky and now she's getting the old baby stuff out.

She completely lost it.

I'm glad we're gonna move.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Here you go.

See you tomorrow. Night.