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03x03 - Cut and Run

Posted: 12/25/20 11:00
by bunniefuu
Right on schedule. Rick's soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend.

God I love being right. So? She's paying a lunchtime visit to his best friend. With wine?

I believe the word you're looking for is "nooner".

People are the worst.

What is up with you? I'm just...

My mom's been super clingy since Slammergate.

And I'd to go to meet her in an hour. So what?

So what? Don't you remember our last "date"?

The mother/daughter blow-outs?

At least she's trying.

Yeah, it's creepy. She's attentive and thoughtful...

What a monster! She's up to something.

So why don't you just talk to her? Find out what's going on.

That is a bad idea.

There's so many ways that could go wrong.

Alright, then... Pomegranate!

Are you having a stroke?

I'm sorry, I never remember the concussion protocol.

Back in my hockey playing days, me and the boys would often meet new... let's call them acquaintances.

And if and when relations with said acquaintances would go south, we would call in a code word.

A signal for, "I need help!"

Pomegranate. Exactly.

Yeah, that's not gonna be our thing.

(phone rings) Ah! That's her.

Sorry, I gotta to bail. Say hi to Nora for me.

I am her favourite. Keep it up.


(rock music)

Hey, mom. Sorry I'm late. Oh, that's okay!

What happened to seeing a movie?

I thought Liam Neeson was your "jam".

I thought we'd go for a walk. You know, just...

Hang and talk. Talk and hang. In Yorkville?

What do you have against Yorkville?

It's exclusive, snobby. No!

My hot yoga studio is over here.

They're so nice and everybody knows my name.

Oh! So just like Cheers, but without the fun.

That is not a cappuccino. Of course it's not.

It's a chai soy latte.

It's very good for you. It's fantastic.

It promotes good health and peace of mind.

Yet tastes like sad Christmas and regret.

You know, your astrological sign says you drink too much coffee. Ah! There it is.

Mom, I'm not broken. I know that.

So stop trying to fix me. Don't be ridiculous.

I would never try to fix you.

Cosmetic surgery? Mom!

Come on.

(phone rings) Mom!

I knew something was going on. Are you having work done?


And there is nothing wrong with cosmetic surgery.

"Jay sreekrishna", Priya. Jai Sri Krishna, Nora!

Your Gujarati greeting is excellent. Well, thank you.

Are there any developments?

I'm afraid not. But I can get Dr. Haldar.

Please. Are you a regular here or something? Do you have a punch card?

What the hell is going on, mom? Language, dear.

Hello there!

Hello, Dr. Rohit Haldar, this is my daughter, Angela Everett. Thanks for coming.

We're a little disorganized around here.

We've had to cancel all our appointments.

I don't understand.

Well, with our computer files hacked, and the hackers asking for a ransom...

Oh, this is about a case.

See, that chai latte is making you smarter already.

Nora speaks so highly of you.

You'll take the job? Of course she will, sweetie.

Fist, I have to consult with my partner but... I'm sorry. Sweetie?

Oh, I totally forgot to mention it.

Rohit is my boyfriend.

Hey! So get this.

Rick, our client, shows up at the house so I am thinking "uh-oh", right?

Uh-huh. Shade? [But then his girlfriend gets]

[down on one knee and proposes to him.]


Turns out the best friend was helping her with the proposal.


What? Pomegranate.


♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies 'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you, watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

I was inputting notes on yesterday's procedures when my computer froze. And that message appeared.

"You have 24 hours to put $50,000

"in cash on a marked bench in Russell Park or your client files will be released."

Your IT guy couldn't help? Said it was out of his league, and that we should go to the police. But I can't do that.

Why? Because of the clients.

This is Corey Rollins, my surgical intern.

He's going to be one of the greats.

Someone tell my boss. He only lets me do procedures on synthetic skin. Practice makes perfect.

These are the P.I.s Nora suggested.

What about the clients? Wealthy socialites, actors, star attorneys. They find out their privacy's been compromised, we'll be out of business faster than you can say "nip tuck". So... Mr. Shade, Ms. Everett, what do you think? Pay the money.


Yeah. Ransomware is pretty common, but... there is not way it can be cracked.

Except... Hackers usually demand payment in bitcoin, or some other form of untraceable payment.

That's true. Whoever did this, they seems like amateurs. And they're clearly local.

We'll look into it for you.

That's the best news I've had all day!

I told you you're in good hands with Shade and Everett.

It's Everett and Shade, mom. It is?

Oh! Huh. Ha! Ha!

With less than 18 hours, we're really gonna have to get our move on. Whatever you need.

Hey there, Sunesh. Hey, Dr. H.

Priya's getting married.

That's her brother, Sunesh.

Oh! Congratulations. Timing could not be worse.

Hey. A wedding's a very important event.

So is being hacked. We should focus on the case at hand.

Sorry. Everyone's on edge. Can you think of anyone who would want to extort money from you?

Or ruin your reputation? No!

There's no one. Okay. We'll be in touch.


I can't believe we're reduced to taking a case from my mother.

Whose successful plastic surgeon boyfriend is about to cut us a big fat cheque!

I'm cool with it. Hey, guys! Oh, oh, oh!

You two move fast. So do you, mom.

What's it been... a couple of weeks with this guy?

Six months. In a row?

Wow! Soon you'll be exchanging keys.

Please say you'll tell me if a strange man has a key to your house. Of course. Also, Rohit has a key to my house.

He said he didn't have any enemies. But he does.

One. Vada Vasquez.

Vada Vasquez? The performance artist?

Ex-client. Check her out on the Instagram.

The Instagram. It must be a new thing.

Why would mom hide her boyfriend from me?

Maybe she was hiding you from her boyfriend.

Ha! Ha! Kidding. No, you're right.

She criticizes everything I do, how I look.

She still teases me about what I wore to my senior prom.

Which was?

To the grave, my friend.

Anyway... Okay.

Performance artist, Vada Vasquez.

She is angry. Listen. "Dr. Rohit Haldar is the enemy of women. The gatekeeper of their bodies."

That's a little extreme. So are her tattoos.

And her scars.

Oh! She recently injected her eyeballs with ink.


You're not bothered by any of this?

People have a right to express themselves.


What exactly are her green eyeballs expressing?

Deforestation. For four days I will sit on this log.

Images depicting the ravaging of Mother Earth will be projected onto my body as I cry.

Cool. Powerful.

Right? My tears will be crystallized into salt, and sold to promote a greener planet.

What Webzine are you from again?

Uh, Performance Buzz Monthly. - Ah!

You guys do good work. Uh...

Your ink injections, they were done by Dr. Haldar, yes?

No! Rohit Haldar is a con man of the patriarchy, cutting women according to his male gaze and forcing them into an iron maiden of conformity.


Is that why you're trolling him online?

He refused to do the injections.

Said it wasn't ethical. But you know what's not ethical?

His malecentric censoring of my body.

That'd piss me off too. I'm not pissed. Truth?

He inspired me. For my next show, the skin on my shoulders will be replaced by transparent synthetics.

There's a doctor who'll do that?

Yeah. And the best part?

It's Haldar's ex-partner, Dr. Lillian Lee.

(engine roaring)

Thanks for agreeing to consult with us here, Dr. Lee.

It's not at all uncommon. You're first-timers, and coming down to the clinic can be a little intimidating.

Your work is certainly life-altering.

That's our motto at the Rebirth clinic.

The body is an evolving sculpture. We mold it to express our clients' inner selves.

You would look adorable with elf ears.

Ha! Ha! Thank you. But we were thinking more in the arena of...


For me? Or for you, dear? Why not both?

We often tailor couples' physicalities to suit each other's erogenous zones.

Ha! Ha! Elf ears, uh? Yeah.

You know, it's funny, 'cause the last surgeon that we spoke with wouldn't even discuss extreme procedures.

Dr. Haldar? I liked him. Oh no, no, no.

If you want creativity, the last surgeon you want is Rohit Haldar.

Why's that? We used to be business partners.

You two had a difference in philosophies?

He's so soft with the clients.

Someone can't pay their bill? No problem, take more time.

That's no way to run a business.

No. Especially considering how much money he had to shell out for his son.

A son! I'm such an idiot. At least you still have your looks.

Mom having a boyfriend threw me off.

I didn't even considered there are skeletons in his closet. Will you calm down?

A son is not a skeleton. Billions of people admit to having them.

Says the guy who did a background check on Liam when he started dating Jules.

Okay. My teenage daughter. Your mother.

There's a huge difference there. Yes. There is.

One of them makes good choices. And the other doesn't.

Okay, but let's not vilify our client before we talk to him. (phone rings)

I hate it when you're reasonable.

Matt Shade.

[Hello, Mr. Shade, this is Adele Ricci from the Ellard]

[International Exchange Program.]

Is Jules okay? [Yes, Jules is fine.]

[We adore her. But we are obligated to inform the parents]

[when a student misses curfew.] She did?

Where was she?

[She lost track of time. I wouldn't worry.]

[It's a first offense and these things are not uncommon.]

[But we hope it won't be repeated.]

Absolutely. It won't be. Ever.

[Good day then, Mr. Shade.] Yeah. Thanks for calling.

Okay. Breathe.

Jules is young. She's in Italy. It's bound to get a little wild.

No. Jules doesn't do "wild."

I'm sure this was just a mistake, and she'll tell me all about it when I talk to her tonight.

Right. Yeah.

It's not like she's an adventurous teenager in a fun foreign country with her super cute boyfriend.

Jules is smart, and she's a responsible young lady.

On the verge of becoming a woman.

You take that back. No one can. It's biology.


(rock music)

Yes, I have the cash.

Are you close? Did you hear that?

Do you think he's going to meet the hacker? Maybe he's scamming his insurance company. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

I'm calling mom. And ruin a good thing for her?

Maybe there's nothing to tell. Come on.

Check it out.

Maybe it's his sister.

In what world? Game of Thrones?

Angie. We don't know the whole story yet.

You want the story? Rohit's a big fat lying cheat.

And I'm about to take him down so hard, he's gonna need surgery just to pry himself off the floor.

[It's not just the feeling of the cobblestones, ]

[it's the smells! Damp plaster from old buildings, ]

[candle wax, tomatoes and truffles...]

[And the sounds! Guarda i tuoi passi, signorina.]

My Italian is a lot rusty, honey.

[Watch your step, miss.] (laughter)

[Everything sounds so much more beautiful in Italian.]

[So what's new with you?] I got a phone call from the director of your program. [Look, Dad.]

[It was nothing, okay? I was at a restaurant, ]

[and the waiter asked me if I wanted wine with my dinner, and...]

[Liam and I kinda said yes.] Hold on. You were drinking?

With Liam? What kind of restaurant serves wine to 16-year-olds? [The Italian kind.]

[Dad, 16-year-olds can drink here. It's not... ]

[Mr. Shade?]

[Hi. Let me explain. My parents let me]

[have a sip here and there at home.]

[So I ordered the wine.]

[Just one glass. And we shared.]

Anything else you'd care to share with me, Liam?

[We missed curfew, sir.]

[Which was entirely my fault. It won't happen again. I promise.]

No. It won't. [Dad, that's not exactly...]

[I smell something burning.] [The carbonara!]

It's the middle of the night there!

[Dad, everyone eats late in Europe. I love you. I gotta go.]

(phone rings)

Hey! What's up?

[My favourite girl is four thousand miles away, ] and her boyfriend is plying her with alcohol.


They're drinking wine with dinner.

Ew! Boyfriends are the worst.

[Wait. Did you find out anything about Rohit?]

The woman we saw? I traced her license plate.

Turns out her name is Uma Haldar, and if that last name sounds familiar it's because she's been married to Rohit

[for 36 years!] Oh boy.

I was right, Shade. He's our hacker! [Wait.]

Slow down, Angie. People who commit crimes generally don't hire PIs to investigate said crimes.

Yeah. Except he didn't. Nora did. And I bet you Rohit was hella surprised about it. [Just because he lied]

[to your mother, doesn't mean he's our hacker.]

He lied about everything. Tell him, Zoe.

Our research bender turned up a mother lode.

Seems Rohit put up bail three times.

[And he had a criminal lawyer practically on retainer.]

Hit him with the zinger.

He paid for a drug rehab program. Twice.

Wow. You're gonna tell Nora? [Well, yeah!]

I mean, I'm gonna try to. She's on her way here right now.

Listen, don't worry about the Jules' thing.

[Okay?] Don't worry about Jules?

They're making carbonara!

[That's like a gateway pasta for... for... ]

What? Dessert? Take a breath, Shade.

(door opening) Oh! My mom's here.

I gotta go. I came as fast as I could.

Sit down, mom.


Look, I don't know how to tell you this, but I want you to know that I am here for you, okay?

Angie, you're scaring me.

Rohit's married.

I'm so sorry.

(laughter) Are you... laughing?

Oh, sweetie!

It's just that you're just breaking this to me so gently.

Of course, I know he's married. You're dating a married man?

Well. Technically.

Rohit and Uma's parents arranged their marriage for them.

They were friends and they thought over time that their feelings would deepen but they never really fell in love.

They stayed together for their son.

Waiting for the punchline.

They've been apart for over ten years.

Unless they need to sign a paper, or Uma has car trouble like she did today, he never even sees her.

Fine. Okay! Sure!

What about all his other secrets then?

The bail. The criminal lawyer.

The drug rehab.

Angela Susan Everett! My boyfriend hires you to stop a hack ransom, and you investigate him?

I'm trying to protect you.

Oh please.

You're always questioning my choices, my boyfriends, my lifestyle, my everything. I do not!

You're doing it right now! Fine!

Then where was he last Thursday, uh?

A cosmetic surgery conference.

Is that so? Huh-uh!

'Cause his credit card statement says he was at the Great Lakes Casino.

Explain that one.

Well, what do you have to say?

Were you at Great Lakes Casino? Yes.

You lied to me?

Nora, you know about my son's past.

He was a troubled teen. dr*gs, arrests, rehab clinics.

That explains the lawyer and the bail.

But he cleaned himself up, got a degree in education - and now he dedicates his life to troubled youth.

So where does the casino come in?

He held a charity fundraiser there.

For that youth clinic I told you about.

I thought you'd feel uncomfortable considering... My gambling addiction.

It was stupid of me not to tell you.

No. No, I completely understand.

I can't believe I... jumped to such a ridiculous conclusion.

We'll just head back to work.

You know, I think you owe Rohit an apology.


No. It's... It's fine. Yes!

Kidnapped! What are you talking about?

Why didn't you tell me. Someone has been kidnapped?

Mommy, I tried telling you... No one's been kidnapped, Mrs. Joshi.

Rohit's computers got hacked.

The only things being held for ransom are his client files.

I've had to do all the paperwork by hand.

Which is why I've missed so many wedding appointments. Thank goodness everyone is safe.

Mommy! Stop being so hard on him.

Your brother let us worry all the way here.

Your fiancé's sister was sick about it.

Not especially.

Anyway. No more wasting time.

Priya, it's time that you choose your sari pattern.

Mommy, I actually want to wear white to the wedding.

All white?

That's bad luck!

You know that Anika and Devan's parents are very traditional.

My mom's face is literally going to fall off.

(laughter) You should both be ashamed.

After all these years, our two families will be joined.

I know. I'm sorry.

Let's go.

Okay, guys. We are running out of time.

In a little more than an hour, that hacker is releasing those files.

I have a confession. I withdrew the ransom money.


Good! I think we should make the drop.

And let the hacker get away with fifty grand?

I just said we should make the drop. We're not gonna let the hacker keep Rohit's money.

Nora wanted to come.

That must have been a hard no. It was.

But I love her spontaneity.

You have some of her... impulsiveness in you. Not even remotely.

What about that "protest dress" you wore to your prom?


I will give you my first born...'s boyfriend if you tell me more.

Rohit is not going to tell you a thing about that...

A garbage bag and duct tape dress. I have so many questions.

My best friend in high school could barely afford a pair of jeans, nevermind a bedazzled poof of tulle.

So we made statement dresses, and a pretty wicked entrance, I must say.


That's some big heart, lady. Nora told me she was shocked when she saw you in it. Oh yeah!

Her jokes about a banana peel corsage were hilarious.

She also said she was so proud to have such a brave and independent daughter.


Hang on. We got a cyclist.

(tires screeching)


Who the hell are you? I work for Lightning Couriers.

Sure you do. We got a call to pick up a package in the park and deliver it to someone at a café a few blocks away.

I'm hungry. You hungry? I could eat.

Guys! I just got a text from Priya. Look.

"Nice try. Ransom's now $100,000.

Twelve hours. I'll be in touch." They must have spotted us.

There goes breakfast.

Sorry, man.

How could you let this happen? Okay, we don't have the client files.

But the hacker doesn't have their money either.

And we have twelve more hours.

Well, pop the champagne. I'll put on my dancing shoes.

I'm sorry.

You know me in a crisis.

He's not in any danger, is he? A physical harm?

Rohit? No. I don't think so.

Mom, do you love him?


The courier's story checks out. And he was hired using a prepaid credit card. Untraceable.

He obviously saw you at the stakeout. Or he followed you.

The courier said that someone, presumably our hacker, was at the café. But that was blocks away from there.

Maybe he had a partner. Someone watching the bench?

Uh, that's weird.

What? What time did the courier show up? Around 9:15.

Why? Because according to Rohit's phone, Priya's text message came in just before 9.

I guess Rohit didn't notice.

So the hacker knew it was a setup before the courier arrived? How is that possible?

I can think of one way. Time to call the exterminator.


You really think the hacker bugged this office?

Gosh. Rohit and I met here after hours more times than I can count. I hate to think what else he heard.

Ha! Ha! Thanks for that image.


You bird dogs remember the basics?

Yeah. Outlets, light switches, lamps. Paintings, plants, desks.

Super. Let's catch us some bugs.

Let's do this.

(pop song)

(pop song)

Well? Lobby and waiting room is clear.

Hallways and exam rooms are clear.

It's not clear in here. Oh-oh.

Looks like we found some dirt.

(fast beeping)

Hello, you.

God! Whoever MacGyvered-up this mess needs a serious talking to.

So our hacker's no computer genius.

God no.

Any newb could've picked either of these hacks off the internet.

What do you mean "either"? Technically, you have two.

So the first part of the device allowed the hacker to gain control over Rohit's network.

The other part allowed the hacker to activate the ransomware remotely.

So they installed the hack in person, but didn't activate it until they were outside the office?

Correct. Which one is the bug?

There's no bug, mom.

No one was listening in. Okay. Okay.

You know, I'm ready to disconnect this thing when you are.

Wait. Wait, wait.

Can you retrieve the files but still make it look like the hacker controls the network?

Uh... Do coders like Reddit and Mountain Dew?

Here is a list of people who were at Haldar Harmony in the days prior to the hack.


Staff, clients, technicians...

This is a lot of people to interview.

If the hacker had access to Harmony, maybe they had access to Rohit's schedule too.

Good point. The day before the hack, Rohit was at the casino fundraiser.

That's a perfect opportunity to plant the hacking device.

No clients that day, and most of the staff had the day off.

The only person who came in was the laser technician.

That sounds promising.

Still doesn't explain how the hacker knew about the stakeout.

One lead at a time. Let's go. Alright. I'm gonna meet you guys later.

I got a little Italian situation I have to take care of.

Shade. It's good to meet you.

Yeah. You too. Thanks for meeting me last minute.

That's a hell of a handshake you got there, Matt.

All those years of stick-handling, hey?


Liam uses any excuse he can to tell people he knows you.

Your home is beautiful. Wait 'til you try the wine.

Logan! Sorry. We have a hobby vineyard.

He's always looking for tasters. Please.


Ha! Ha!

Thanks. Alrighty.

Wow. That's really good!

How old are your vines? They're only five years.

We got lucky.

Look, Matt, we let Liam have a glass every now and then.

I heard that you were a little put out about Jules drinking wine with him.

I was more surprised.

We respect your boundaries.

I've spoken with Liam. It's not gonna happen again.

Look, Liam and Jules are both good kids.

It's just, with no parents around, maybe they're influencing each other in ways that are less then positive.

It's so easy with young love. Or like.

Strong, strong like.

Matt, we think Jules is just the bee's knees.

But I think she may be pushing Liam a little bit beyond his comfort zone.

His comfort zone? Jules likes the night life.

I get it. It's Italy.

But if you could talk to her, that would really put our minds at ease.

They've missed curfew twice now.

Twice? Ms. Ricci only mentioned the one time.

Yes, well, that's the only time she knows about.

Liam tells us everything.

Yeah. I was here last Thursday.

Okay, when you fix the laser machine, how much fiddling do you do with the network here?


I talk to Chip. Chip talks to the network.

Who's Chip?

For a machine that does the finest incisions, VT-1030 sounds so impersonal.

Oh! Okay.

Why don't you walk me through exactly what you did with Chip?

Okay! I run a diagnostic, the machine recalibrates like so.

Then I check the digital log. Digital log?

Yeah. Every time Chip's activated, he records the date, time, user number.

That information is saved to a database.

Huh, that's weird.

Someone manually deleted an entry from two weeks ago. Can you retrieve it?

Chip can do better than that. He can print it out for you.

What kind of cosmetic surgery takes place at 11:00pm?

I checked Rohit's schedule. He was with my mother that night.


Watch it, carbonara. Wait.

If Rohit's the only surgeon at Harmony, then whose code is this? Rohit's intern?

Corey Rollins. I assume he's allowed to use the laser.

Only for surgical practice.

Check out the data. Blood type, allergies... This is a real patient.

So he performs a secret surgery, then deletes the entry.

But why hold the clinic's files hostage?


To open his own practice?

He was complaining that Rohit won't let him do anything.

I think it's time we paid our young surgeon-in-training a visit.

You think I'm the hacker? I would never do that to Rohit.

Come on.

You're ready for the big time and he's still "Wax on, wax off."

It's not like that. I have nothing but respect for him. Really?

Is that why you're doing surgeries on the side?

Not getting paid enough?

It was one procedure, and it wasn't for money.

Sure it wasn't.

So were you sneaking in your own clients or just stealing Rohit's?

You're gonna steal his staff too? Maybe his receptionist?

You leave Priya out of this!

She had nothing to do with the hack.

Or she had everything to do with it. Huh-uh!

Corey, are you and Priya having an affair?

Is that why you're so mad about the wedding?

It's not an affair.

We're in love!

And it happened long before the charade of that arranged marriage.

Whoa. Record scratch. Arranged?

Priya and Devan's grandmothers were best friends.

Apparently their dying wish was to see them together.

Priya never took it seriously.

Devan was a family friend.

If she doesn't want to marry the guy, why doesn't she just tell her parents?

A matchmaker compared their birthdates and said they were a perfect match.

Everyone got so excited, Priya didn't know how to back out.

The surgery you did...

What is a "thenar crease"?

It's the lifeline.

As in "phone a friend" lifeline?

Like palm of your hand lifeline.

We need to talk to Priya.

Hold on a second.

What am I missing? Think about it.

Priya loves Corey, but she's stuck in a prearranged marriage.

So she goes to him and gets him to do a surgery on her hand What for? Best guess?

To scare off her future in-laws, Devan's superstitious parents who believe he and Priya are predestined to be together.

She scars her lifeline so they'll call off the wedding.

But what does all this have to do with the hack ransom?

If I'm right, everything.

So for an arranged marriage, this could be pretty serious stuff.

Not if it's kept under wraps.

But someone finds out and goes after Rohit because they think he did the surgery.

Exactly! Which means the hacker has to be someone in Priya's family. Or Devan's.

All we have to do is get everyone in one place.

Yeah! Like that's going to happen.

(Indian music)

I think we are seriously underdressed.

I think that's a serious understatement.

Hi! We're so sorry. Is this the wedding?

It's the official engagement party. Devan's parents came from India today. He's over there with Anika.

Sunesh, go fill the drinks! Are you here about Dr. Haldar's case? We stopped the hack.

His files are secure. We can come back later.

No, please stay. Priya will want to hear the news from you.

But you'll have to wait until after the engagement rings are exchanged. Come!

(in a foreign language)

Devan Pandey, the Joshi family welcomes you.

Priya Joshi, the Pandey family welcomes you.

And I welcome all of you to this auspicious occasion.

I've been a matchmaker for many years, and I have never seen such a perfect match.

Even their planets were lined up at their births.

And according to their lifelines and loveliness, they will live long and prosperous lives.

(in a foreign language) What is it?

I don't understand. Priya's lifeline, it's been changed!

What? But how is this possible?

Priya, do you have something to say?

Only that she loves Devan.

Right, Priya?



I'm sorry.

Your daughter casts shame on our family!


This superstitious stuff has gone too far.

Superstitious stuff? Go after her, Devan.

I'm sure she's only nervous. You can fix this.

I can't. I'm sorry.

I never wanted this marriage either.

What? I'm in love with someone else!


The planets were aligned. I tell you.

The planets were aligned.

I gotta say, as far as engagement parties go, this one is pretty great.

No! It's your fault! It's your fault!

Everybody seemed genuinely surprised about the altered lifeline.

Yeah. But the hacker has to be here.

It's the only explanation that makes any sense.

Guys, I'm so sorry about the drama.

You haven't seen Sunesh, have you?

Sunesh. We haven't seen him since we told Mrs. Joshi we solved the case just a few minutes ago.

The ransom. He was there when Rohit said he was gonna go to the bank withdraw the money.

He also overheard us saying we were gonna sting the drop when we were at the clinic. That's why we never found a bug.

Oh. Hey, mom.

Wait, wait, wait. Slow down. Okay.

Don't worry, we're on our way.

Nora was on the phone with Rohit when he was closing up at Harmony then the phone died.

Rohit still has the ransom money at his office.

Sunesh knows about it.

Are you kidding me? I'm coming with you, guys.

No, Priya. You don't understand.

I have to. This is all my fault.

(dramatic music)

Wait here. We have to wait here.

We shouldn't have let them come.

I wasn't gonna come between a mamma bear and her cubs.

(knocking) Rohit?

Rohit? I'm in here!

Hey! Are you okay?

Someone pushed me in the closet. I think they're still here.

I didn't see their face.


We know you're in there, Sunesh.

Let go of me!

Take it easy! Sunesh!

If you hadn't have scarred my sister, none of this would have happened!

What scar? Have you gone completely insane?

Dr. Haldar did nothing, okay? It was Corey who did the surgery.

I lied to you. What surgery?

Priya had the lifeline on her palm shortened.

Sunesh picked her up that night, thinking she was just working late.

But he heard about the surgery and he blamed you.

Man, I messed up.

You really did. It's just...

When you changed your fate, you changed mine too.

Priya! Rohit!

I'm so dead! Sunesh. Please.

Just talk to us, okay?

What do you mean by changing your fate, too?

Everything's okay.

No one got hurt. Nothing was stolen.

You're the hacker, son?

You're not the son I know.

This is a travesty. Mom, leave him alone.

It's not his fault.

It's mine.

You think the lifeline on my hand just changed on its own?


I scarred it on purpose. Why did you do that?

An arranged marriage worked for you.

You assumed it would work for me.

I'm in love with Corey.

The white boy? I prefer Scottish-Ukrainian.

You came. I love you.

I'd never let you face this on your own.

I just don't understand this.

Look, I thought that if I compromised my lifeline the Pandeys would call off the wedding and I wouldn't embarrass you.

It doesn't excuse what your brother did.

But it does explain it.

Sunesh, why don't you tell them what you told us?

(clears throat)

My whole life, you've been telling me I'm a disappointment.

I guess I started to believe it.

Then I met someone who makes me feel exactly the opposite.

I love her, and she loves me.

I was going to ask her to marry me, but all that's ruined. Why?

Because her family won't have anything to do with me now.

You are a Joshi. An excellent prospect.

Who is this girl?

It's... It's me.

Anika? Anika?

When Sunesh told me that Priya was totally sabotaging the engagement, I knew that mom and dad would never allow us to get married.

We were going to run away. It was my idea.

But we needed money.

Look, I told her I'd take care of it.

I wanted to do something noble for once.


Mom! He hacked your boyfriend. I know! But it was for love!

My boy.

Dr. Haldar...

I am so sorry.

What I did was stupid.

I have no right to ask you to forgive my son, but one father to another, I ask you, please.

Our kids mess up and we pick them up. 'Cause we love 'em.

Yes, we do.

Everyone, there is so much food in the house.

Please join us.

I am sure that Sunesh and Anika may want to discuss an engagement.

A long engagement.

Do you like Indian food?

I make a mean dal. (laughter)

We'll see about that. Yes, ma'am.

You know, it's funny. It seems like no matter where people are from, parents and kids drive each other crazy.



Now, that's love.

I'll get the car.

I'll meet you at your place?


He's a good man. Yes, he is.

And that butt, you could bounce a quarter off it.

You're ruining this.

[Dad, I didn't miss curfew. I missed two curfews.]

I heard. [Just let me get this out.]

[Everything here is incredible.]

[But a couple of weeks ago I discovered BioClub, then Lala Lounge, ]

[then 720 Caffè.] Please tell me those are restaurants, galleries. [Clubs.]

[Where some of the best DJs play.]

[The way they layer]

[sound and music, I can feel the vibrations in my whole body.]

[It's a total art form, and when I hear it, ]

[it's like I'm a whole new person.]

[Does that sound dumb?]

No, honey.

It sounds amazing.

[Thing is DJs don't usually start until after curfew.]

[I would've told you but I didn't want it to end.]

Well look, honey, I don't like the idea of you going to clubs at night without an adult.

[I know, dad. I'm sorry.] But...

Maybe I can talk to Ms. Ricci about extending your curfew a couple of nights a week. [Really?]

With a real chaperone, not just with Liam.

[I will. I will! Ti amo, papà.]

Now that's some Italian that I understand. I love you too, honey.

[About Liam... You kind of owe him an apology.]

Uh, yeah, well...

He's in the kitchen. I'll get him.

Honey, you're breaking up! Honey, I'm losing you!

That was serious fun!

My arms actually hurt from carrying all those bags.

Do you want a beer? Oh. Darling, I think we've earned ourselves something a little classier. Don't you?

Box wine? That's my girl.

So, Corey and Priya got engaged. That's great news.

I mean, I guess once the secret was out, there was nothing holding them back.

Speaking of...

Why all the secrecy surrounding your very cute and super successful boyfriend?

Well, I figured if I'm gonna be a screw-up, I might as well do it without an audience this time.

You're not a screw-up, mom. Besides, based on what you and Rohit just went through, I mean, maybe this is the real deal.

You think?

What about you? Hey.

I know it's last minute, but you two wouldn't wanna go see a DJ spin tonight with me, would you?

Are you using words you don't know again?

Jules is suddenly into the scene.

No. I'm going to tap out. Come on.

Call Rohit! We'll make it a foursome! I have questions.

You know what, so do I. Like, what exactly are his intentions?

Exactly! Exactly!

You're not serious.

Ha! Ha! You guys!