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03x11 - Bad Faith

Posted: 12/25/20 10:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Path"...

Why would you choose a religion that would never choose you?

It's not just about the religion, Hawk.

It's about my family. I-it's everything.

I will lose everything!

Three women are accusing you of groping them.

You go.

I can't run a session like that.

Yes, you can help him more than I can.

It's time for the real work to begin.


What happened with Steve... Eddie will end this.

I don't want it to end either.

All the memories are in there, in the cave with he painted flowers.

I just need to find it.

Sarah and I have decided that, uh... she will no longer be a part of The Movement.

Take this.

It's what The Light revealed to me.

I'm just asking you to sit down with her.

She has a different story of the beginning and the end. - Where is she?

She came out of surgery.

I'm worried something's happened.

Tell her I want to talk to her immediately, okay?

So she doesn't know that Eddie dies.

Lilith is my mother.

You're telling me that Steve is your father?

He's gonna die soon. I saw it.

This was amazing, because three months earlier, I myself had had a dream about a man carrying a pregnant woman through fire.

So, when I overhear this man...

This custodian in one of my hotels, a man I have never spoken to or met in my life...

Talking about a man saving a woman from fire, it was abundantly clear to me... that something remarkable was presenting itself to me.

Two days later, I attended my first Meyerist meeting.

There were hundreds of people there.

I was overjoyed and shocked.

There were villagers, shop owners, young kids, and even a few stiffs in suits like me.

That night... was the first time I saw images of this mythical American... Eddie Lane.

And when I was first introduced to The Ladder...

From that moment on... all I have ever wanted was to climb.

But, um, we've never done any outreach in Asia... none. - I know.

Believe me, I know.

I've long been skeptical of these missionaries preying on our people.

When I first encountered Meyerism, I was looking for the scam... the illusion, the explanation, the strings.

Every so often, things just happen.

It happened... because it cannot be stopped.

The message is spreading... which is why I... invited you all here tonight.

This is my resort property on Kuta Beach.

I would like, with your permission, to convert it into the first Meyerist Center in Asia.

The logistics are under way.

I was too giddy to wait, I must admit.

And if we stay on schedule, I would like to unveil it to you...

To the world... on the next hunter's moon, next month.

I'll go.

I mean, look at these beaches.


I would like our countrymen... to learn everything that Steven Meyer learned from The Light.

Um... well...

Everything, um, learned from The Light belongs to Eddie Lane now.

Anything to be learned will be taught by Eddie.


To The Light in Bali.

To The Light in Bali.

My mother always told me that The Movement's growth would lead to its collapse.

So you're saying that Bali is a bad idea?

No, um...

Look, Vera, you're not under your mother's thumb... anymore.

Yeah, I know that.

It's hard to hear someone be so 100% certain about something so terrifying.

Ah, I get that, but, hey, look, whatever happens is going to happen.

I mean, I didn't have anything to do with introducing Meyerism to Bali, but here we are.

I mean, we're going to f*cking Bali.

All right?

Come on.

Hey, Eddie.

Do you... do you think we'll recover?


Yeah, I know. I'm...

I'm sorry. It's just... y-you look at me differently.


Look, I just don't know how to look at you and not make it... you know, different.

You know, I don't know how to keep talking about this or not keep talking about this.

I'm just... processing.

That's all. Okay?

That's just gonna take some time.

Okay? So just give me that.

It's gonna be... great.

Yeah. It will.

It will.

Come here.

We're both wiped.

You have the AL tomorrow. Let's just get some rest.

Yeah, that'll be good.


I think there's someone in there.

Wait, wait, wait.

Stay here. Okay?

Yeah. - Good.

♪ Jesus!

Hawk! - I'm sorry.

I-I thought... - What?

I need your keys.

I was looking for your keys to the Prius lot.

Why didn't you ask first before breaking in?

'Cause I thought you'd say no.

Say no to what?

I got a letter. It's from Caleb.

Well, I mean, it's not... it's "from Caleb," but it's not from Caleb. It's...

Hey, Hawk. - Hi, Vera.

Look... I can tell that you're... very torn up about whatever's happening with Caleb.

But you have to promise me that you will not do anything like this again.

Yeah. Okay.

Okay? - Yeah.

Just... read it.

I mean, there's no way he wrote that.

"I ask you as a friend to respect my decision to better myself."

"My commitment to The Light of this World, Jesus Christ."

What the f*ck is that?

He's in trouble there, Dad, and I have to go help him.



I need a car.

Five minutes means five minutes.

500 bucks means five minutes.

How long did you say since she's been here?

I have no idea. Where are you going?

Hey! Hey, hey, hey.

Can you get in the mailbox?

Are you f*cking kidding me, lady?

I'm serious. Don't push me on this, lady.

Lady, I swear to God...

Are you listening? Hey, I'm over here!

We're done. That's it.

Time's up.

I'm talking to you. Listen to me.

You're out. We're done.

Let's go.


Now! Right now! Out!

All right, so this is what's on the schedule for the next couple days.

We rescheduled that podcast thing, so don't worry about that. Uh-huh.

And I'm still getting some blowback about the arbitration contracts.

So, if that flares up for whatever reason, just give me a call.

No, if anything comes up, I'll call you.

Not because I need to know anything about it, but just...

I don't want you to feel that you have to put out these fires on your own.

Not that there's gonna be any fires, but just if there are. I understand.

All right, then.

Um, should be gone just a day, two tops.

Just you and Hawk? - Yeah.

Nice. - Well, it's, um... it's Caleb-related.

His folks sent him to one of those Christian re-education places.

Oh. That is horrible.

It's... that's criminal.

Yeah, well, it should be. Yeah, it should be.

I don't know what we're really getting ourselves into, but, uh, Hawk's pretty adamant.

You know, he has to talk to him, has to try.

That's really admirable.

Yeah, I agree.

No, I mean... I mean of you.

Oh, well, no. - It is.

It is.

Even change you believe in is hard.

You know, I'm impressed... father to father.

Thank you.

That's nice of you to say.

Oh, one last thing.

It's the only special instruction.

Vera is taking an accelerated AL.

You know, I was gonna facilitate, but, you know, she needs this.


It'd mean a lot to her.

And to me, too.

Of course.

Look... Cal, I... trust you completely.


I want you to know that.

All right.

Thanks, man.

Hey. What do you want?

He wants me to take things over for a couple of days.

Okay, but you're still gonna make it to Washington, right?

N-no, actually, no. No, I can't.


This is a f*cking joke, right? Harbaugh is expecting us.

I-I know. I'm sorry, but this is, um...

You know, I-I have to stay.

No, you're choosing to. You're choosing to stay.

You're choosing Eddie over us.

Well, I'll call JP, okay?

I'll call Harbaugh and, uh... and whoever else you think I need to call.

I'll handle it. - Oh, you will?

Okay. - I will.

And, uh, you know, I'll grovel, Mary.

You know, I'll them that, as inconceivable as it might sound, the actual Movement needs my actual attention.

Well, I'm still going.

Um, no... Well, I mean, I don't know...

I don't know if that's a good idea.

Harbaugh is... No, and you there on your own?

Well, I don't think it's a good idea for you to do anything on your own right now, especially here, what with all the memory recall and the weird drawings of mysterious caves.

♪ What about Forest? Use the nursery.

We live in a collective community, remember?


I've been calling you for hours.

Didn't Hawk tell you that we're driving out to Maryland?

Yeah, it's... it's not about that.

Is he with you now? Yeah. He's in the store.


Is something wrong?

Vera isn't who she says she is.

Look, I know, okay?

She told me everything. Wait. You know?

Look, it's really complicated, Sarah.

Well... what did she say she was doing?

She apologized, okay?

And we are trying to move forward.

Wait. She apologized, and you didn't think to tell me?

I've been obsessed with Lilith for months.

Look, I only just found this out myself, okay?

Am I supposed to tell you everything?

Why is she here?

She's becoming a Meyerist, okay?

Can we just talk about this later?

Hawk's coming.

Her mother is missing, Eddie.

Look, I don't know anything about her mother, okay? Just let it go.

Who's that?

Your mom says hi.

♪ What did she want?

Just divorce stuff.

It's fine.

Really, it's fine.

It's about Vera?

♪ Mm-hmm.

Is it real?

What? - You and her.

Yeah, it is.

You don't seem too happy for a guy in love.

♪ Well, neither do you.

♪ Is that why you came?

Get away from all that stuff?

No, I came because I want to try to help you out, if I can.

All right?

It's just... things have been hard lately with Vera.


You just never really know someone, I guess.

You don't know Vera?


All of us, we just have so much stuff.

Sometimes that stuff can make you fall deeper in love with that person.

Other times, that stuff... doesn't make you love them any less.

It just... makes you love them differently.

And that is harder than it sounds.

Isn't this meant to be in total darkness?

Hence the term "Absence of Light"?

Yeah, and typically, there'd be 20 people with you.

You're doing the hard-core version.

But, you know, this is just a backup.


So, um... people see things, hmm?


It's happened, for sure.

Visions, out-of-body experiences.

Whatever has been pushed down deep into your psyche... it can come out.

There's a lot in my psyche.

You don't have to do this.

Oh, no, I do.

I need this. I... have to face things once and for all, and I need to break the connections with...

I wish Eddie was here.

I'm sorry. I...

I didn't mean... No, it's... it's fine.

It's fine.

Of course you wish Eddie was here.

You know?

I-I wish Eddie was here.

So you wouldn't have to endure this...

This exact awkward moment that you're experiencing right now?

A woman whispering to the tree about her boyfriend? - Yeah.

Exactly. That is exactly why.

Did it help you?

You know, when... when you did this... your AL?

Did it... did it help you face some of the past?


I... I literally have zero recollection of my own AL.

Isn't that weird?

I-I've been to the site dozens of times.

I've made the trip with others, but... but I can't...

I can't sift through that to find my own experience.

That, uh... that saddens me, to be honest.

I'm sorry.

I-it's... it's there somewhere, right?

Everything is.

Yeah, everything is.

♪ All right, I trust you will... focus your meditation between now and sunrise tomorrow...

No matter what you end up doing with this... this campfire, but, you know, just in case.


No, I, um... I want to commit.

Are you gonna let me see her or not?

I know she's here.

She's probably in Eddie's cabin.

That may be, but you're not on the visitors list.

Oh, my God. This is ridiculous.

No visitors that aren't on the list.

It's not ridiculous. It's for everyone's safety.

You know what? I have been a Meyerist my whole life.

Except for right now.

Right now you're not a Meyerist, and you're not on the list, so...


I need assistance.

I got an intruder on the compound.

Vera? Vera?

I want to talk to you!

You can't be on the property, ma'am!

I'm not going anywhere until I talk to Vera!

Vera! Get off...

Leave me alone! Get off of me!

Take your... don't... Vera!

Vera! Vera!

We believe that life, at its essence, is a series of habits, rituals, routines.

We do not believe that wayward souls respond in any meaningful way to fear or pain or t*rture or... anything you might've seen on "Dateline." - Hmm.

Waywards require structure...

Social structure, family structure, romantic structure.

This keeps their minds on God's goodness...

Which is right in front of them...

And not on the D word's sinfulness, which is around the corner in some dark alley somewhere.

What denomination are you?

Catholic. - Oh.

That's... okay.

Practicing, I assume?

Of course. - Of course.

And when would you say Hawk's proclivities began to reveal themselves?

Um... It's, uh... it's hard to say.

It's all so hard to talk about.

It's so icky.

Um, I only started acting... on it recently.

But you have acted on it.

The more that is there, the more there is to undo.

We can get into all these specifics later.

So a couple of months, you said?


Any particular reason for that, would you say, off the top of your head?

A death in the family? Trouble between Mom and Dad?

Well, actually, both.

Hawk's mother and I have been separated for a few months now, and... Well... lookee there.

Now, you listen to me, Dad.

This is not your fault, okay?

There may be reasons, but there are no excuses.

Right, Hawk?

Of course. - Right.

Hey... Clayton, um... do you think that you and I could talk privately for a moment?

Of course. Of course.

Hawk, you mind giving us a second, buddy?

There's a chair right outside in the hallway.

Certainly. Thank you.

Thanks, kid.

No sweets for you, young man.

Not yet.

This is set, so... ah, without any further ado.

Just really try to be with the guy or gal sitting across from you.

Eye contact, everyone.

Remember that? - Yeah.

And not to get all fortune cookie on you, but being present is really important.

It's true.

It's easier not to think about the "what else" or "who else" when you're just right there, with the person in front of you.

But most importantly...

Have fun. - That's right.

Now, as far as homework goes, that isn't half bad, right?

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Don't want a four-leaf clover ♪ I'm Caleb...

♪ Don't want an old horseshoe ♪

♪ I want your kiss 'cause I just can't miss ♪

♪ With a good-luck charm like you ♪

♪ Come on, and be my little good-luck charm ♪

♪ Uh-huh, you sweet delight - Hey.

I'm getting you out of here. Come on.

No, look, I-I can't. I can't leave.

You have to stop this, Hawk. Really, you have to...

Just come on. Let's go.

No, seriously, stop this, Hawk.

Come on. - Don't, Hawk.

♪ Don't want a silver dollar ♪ Don't do this. What is wrong with...


You're leaving! I'm staying!

♪ Who are you? - Caleb?

♪ It's okay. - Hey.

He's leaving.

♪ My good-luck charm... ♪ Let's get out of here.

♪ I want a good-luck charm ♪

♪ A-hanging on my arm Hey.

♪ To have, to have, to hold, to hold tonight ♪ Why are you doing this?

To tune ourselves in to the frequency of the Lord.

To hear His message loud and clear.

♪ Tonight ♪ You're deluded. - Am I?

Or are you?

Okay, thank you.

Uh, I see our wonderful staff waiting for me to wrap it up, and, uh, well, honestly, I can't compete with sand dabs.

So... I'll say this in conclusion.

The fight that the Americans for Reproductive Freedom is waging against the dark forces in our society...

Forces that are hell-bent on dictating what women can and cannot do with their own bodies...

Is one of the most important and righteous fights taking place in our nation today.

It's a privilege to have the AFRF's support.

And as both a congressman and a citizen, it's an honor to offer them mine.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

And without further ado, the sand dabs.

Thank you all. Good night.

Wonderful remarks, Congressman.

Thank you for being here.

Oh, it's my pleasure.


Your associate mentioned to us that you haven't written down any of your speeches since the eighth grade.

Is that true?

♪ It's true. Phillips Middle School.

I was running for student body president.

Why, though?

Well, I lost the campaign, and I blamed my speech.

And he has not lost a campaign since.

Ah. - Also true.

I just didn't like the feeling.

But enough about me.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you so much.

♪ You will thank me later. You know you will.

That is so arrogant. You know that, right?

You know that you're shouting at a woman in a hotel hallway?

Want to think it through?



That... right there.

You talk to me like I'm such a piece of shit, and you're just, what, some fully actualized...


What are you doing?

What the f*ck is wrong with you?


A waitress from a women's rights dinner, and I don't know shit?

What's she saying?

That doesn't matter.

What are you doing? "So nice to meet you.

"Thanks for supporting a woman's right to choose.

Let's get the vote out in November."

I'm gonna hold on to this, okay?

Till tomorrow, because you literally cannot be trusted.


f*ck it.

I'm ordering room service, though, and I'm gonna drink some more, so get ready for that.

Fine. You're not leaving this room.

I'm ordering room service.

I know I'm not leaving the room.

And I'm not leaving either. f*cking fantastic.

Hi. Uh, can I get the, uh... the petite filet, please?

And... something red, please.

And order me some f*cking fries.

And some fries, please.

Thank you. Yes, room 820.

What's going on, Sarah?


What is going on, Cal?

All I want to do is... is talk to Vera, and yet, here I am.

Why won't anybody let me speak to her?

It's between the two of them, Sarah.

It's personal. They're figuring it out.

Well, good for f*cking them.

Do you think that this is about

"don't mess with my man" bullshit?

I don't... I have no idea what this is about.

Clearly you don't.

This is about Lilith... Vera's mom... who's missing.

You left Meyerism... yeah?

Why is this so important to you?


I guess it started with The Hypoxian Cleanse.

And The Hypoxian Cleanse started with Lilith.

It's hers.

She was trying to help cure Steve of his pedophilia.

Do you know that I used to think that I had every imaginable angle of Meyerism figured out?

And I'm devastated.

And I guess that's why I'm trying to latch on to something that's real...

Something that is actual... And hold on for dear life, because...

I've been seeing a therapist.

That's good. Who?

Out there?

I am really glad to hear you say that.

Why now?

In a way, I feel exactly the same way as you.

But instead of losing my perspective because of contradictions and half-truths, I feel, uh... ♪ Blinded by...



I'm realizing that I'm... I'm disappearing from my own life's story.

The pages are blank. In what ways?

Once I started to realize how much of my own life I couldn't remember... um...

How much had been, you know, blocked out... um...

The foundation started to crumble.

♪ And this therapist, is, uh... he or she helping you?

No, but mostly because I lie to her all the time, so...

Oh, yes, that would hamstring any potential for whatever they call it... a breakthrough.

Yeah, apparently.

Steve didn't develop The HC himself?


I found this film at my mom's of Steve in the cave, and...

Lilith was instructing him to Cleanse.

And there were some notebooks that were still there.

All right, sorry, y-you said...

The notebooks? There were some still...

Yeah. In a cave?

Yeah. Here... out by the bend near the river.

Is it a cave with painted flowers?


I'm real.

Not in a hallucination.

Where's your mother?


Well, I haven't...

I haven't spoken to her in weeks.

You think you're gonna get something out of this?

AL? Playing Meyerist?

You won't.

The Light won't illuminate anything within you because there isn't anything within you.

You are hollow, empty, and a liar.

Sarah, she... she isn't who you think she is.

I've lied to a lot of people.

I've lied to you, and I'm sorry.

I've lied to Eddie. I don't care.

Lilith... she's dangerous.

She's not just deceitful.

Do you... do you know what she believes?

I do. - No, you don't.

Just because it isn't all warm and fuzzy doesn't make it wrong.

She believes that Eddie will die... for her prophecy to be fulfilled.

♪ What?

Eddie has to die.

That's what she believes.

♪ Why?

Well, he has to bring Meyerism as high as it can go, and that's what I was helping to do until I just couldn't anymore.

The faith has to spread to as many people as possible and...

Well, The Movement will crumble without Eddie, and... the world will crumble without The Movement.

♪ I don't know why. I don't understand.

That's what she told me. Do you believe that?

I've decided not to.

Yeah, but Lilith, she will go to her grave convinced that Eddie will go to his... and usher in the end of days.

Where is she?

Need anything else? Coffee, pie, a milkshake?

No milkshake.

Just the check would be great, thank you.

Such an assh*le.

I mean, I try to get him out of that freak show, and he hits me?

I mean, f*ck him. Hey, stop it, okay?

Yeah, you're right.

I'm the assh*le.

I deserved to get punched in the face.

It's... - No.

This has nothing to do with you and Caleb.

I know you don't want to hear that, but it's true.

Okay? This is all about Caleb and his father.

Yeah, but his dad's wrong. Anyone can see that.

Look, Caleb wants his dad to be so good so badly.

And he wants to trust him, follow him, believe in what he says.

We all want that to a certain extent.

I am... I am so sorry I was rude to you.

It's all right, sweetheart. I hate milkshakes, too.

Look, it takes a lot of courage to admit that our fathers have led us astray.

For any of this to make sense, for it... not all to feel so aimless...

We want to trust our parents have steered us in the right direction.

So sometimes we go to some pretty insane lengths, clearly, to make that so.

It's been too long.

It's been hell since you first... brought me here.

I need to... be cleansed of your entire...

Of your entirety.

You're too hard on yourself.

You're what stands between me and my past.

I need to cleanse myself of you.

I shouldn't feel guilty... but I do.

I shouldn't feel pride... but I do.

I shouldn't feel shame, but I do.

I shouldn't feel love...

But I do.



I often wish I was a kid again.

I think we all do... just with better childhoods than the ones we actually had.


Someday you'll have to tell me about yours.

Hey, I... I'm sorry about last night.

I'm sure you say that to all the girls... and their lawyers.

No, we, uh... we had fun.

Hey, let's go get some breakfast.

You can pay me back for the fries.

I will pay you back, but I think we should stay here.

Morning-after pancakes is not a good look, PR-wise.

Ah, you're right. Okay.

Well... a room service life.

Well, it's what you signed up for.


How'd it go?

Did Caleb come back with you?

No, he, uh... he stayed.

Oh, that's, um... that's awful.

Hey, um... Eddie, I, um...

I wanted to tell you something.

My mother... I had her put away in this...

No, don't. Look... you don't have to tell me.

Okay? Not now.

You can tell me later.

Look, it's just been a very... long night, and I don't want to be mad at you anymore.

I am extremely mad at Steve, and...

I don't know what to do with that.

I'm sorry.

It makes me sad.

Yeah, me too.

All of it.

♪ Mm. - Let's just...

Be us, okay?

Just for a little while.

Just here... now, us...

Mm. - And not them.


I just knew you would find me.

I'm so indebted to you.

You never told me that Vera was your daughter... or that Steve was her father.

I know.

And that was terribly wrong of me.


I wanted you to know the work, not what was happening in my personal life.

I wanted to believe that The Light spoke to you.

It did.

And I think you know that.

I don't know anything.

Then you wouldn't be here.

You wouldn't have tracked me down.

I think you need to set things right.

I do need to set things right.

Vera put me in here, and she's the only one who can get me out.

I think you're right where you need to be.

No, you need...

You have to do something about this.

If not, you're no better than them.

You're no better than Steve.


Get me out of here!

Hey. - Ah, he returns.

Welcome back. Um... Not much to report, but, uh, I can give you a debrief on what you've missed if you'd like.

Something happen, Cal?

Happen... - To you...

With Steve.

How... um... You don't have to tell me.

♪ No, I, um... ♪

♪ Pray with me?

♪ You still want to be a Meyerist?

I shouldn't.

But I do.