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03x07 - The Gardens at Giverny

Posted: 12/25/20 10:23
by bunniefuu
Previously, on "The Path"... The letter... there's a second author.

It doesn't work with someone else.

If there is no Light, then what else is there?

Now I love him.

If the prophecy weren't fulfilled, and I was happy, would that be enough for you?

Yes, but that's not how things will end.

Who's Lilith? I've never heard of her.

I think, originally, she was a patient of his.

Of Steve? - Yeah.

She was disturbed.

Are we really opening the center in France?

Leaving in a couple days to consecrate it myself.

Hey... Help! Call someone.

My father is dead, and I don't know if any of this is real. I don't even know if The Garden is real.

"Can you believe there's a garden more beautiful than this?"

You see, The Light, it chose me.

All who decide to follow me will find their place in The Garden.

I need you to give me back my faith.

Holy shit.

We're not ready for this.

Jean-Paul. - You must be Vera.

So lovely to meet you. Thank you.

You helped me find a way to do a great service.

Oh, well, I think Meyerism gives us all a purpose.

Can't wait for you to meet Eddie Lane.

Eddie, this is Jean-Paul, the man responsible for all this.

Oh, no, no, I'm not responsible.

You made this happen by giving me a reason to endure.

This house was once a place of darkness, and...

I am just so grateful that now it will be a home of Light.

Thank you.

Thank you for coming from around the world to explore Meyerism.

We are thrilled to consecrate this side as the official home of European Meyerism and to appoint a Guardian to tend to this corner of the world, because this is just the beginning.

But first, I think we all could use a nap.

Well, come on in.

Oh, my God. I mean, this is the most beautiful room I've been in in my entire life.

And it's all French Renaissance.

It... it all... Just the chairs alone, I...

Tell me again exactly what Eddie said.

I told you a dozen times. No, once more.

All right, he said, um, he said he wanted me to... Us... to come to France, 'cause he wanted to thank me for saving his life.

Oh, my God! This is going to be ours.

He's going to appoint you Guardian, we are going to live in a castle, and Forest is going to be bilingual.

Hello, Guardian of The European Meyerist Movement.

How does it feel to be in charge of such a large corner of the world?

Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

No, he has to give it to you.

He owes you everything.

He owes you his life.

How are you feeling?

Um... good.


Well, get some rest. You'll need it for tomorrow.

Eddie, I don't think that I'm in any state of mind to lead a workshop.

Look, sometimes when we're... grieving, teaching and helping others is the best thing... Did you read the journals?

I have. - And?

I mean, if this Lilith wrote "The Ladder" with Steve, it could mean that Steve never climbed The Ladder.

I mean, they are dated 1973.

Not necessarily, so...

And why doesn't anybody remember her?

My mom, Felicia? It's like she was kept hidden or erased from memory.

There's gotta be some clue, something here that's gonna help me find her.

Wait, you xeroxed the journals?

Because finding her is the only way that we are gonna know this is real.

What about me standing in front of you, telling you that it's real?

That what I experienced with Steve, with The Light... is real?

Maybe Steve isn't the man you think he is.

Nobody is, Sarah.

Unless there's something that you're not telling me.

Look, when you asked me to help you believe again, I looked to The Light, and what I saw... was Hank.

You know, I thought about the stories he would tell: coming to France as a young man, The Gardens of Giverny.

And I knew in my soul that if I brought you here, you would leave with your faith intact.

♪ Get some rest.

♪ Hey. - Hey.

It's amazing, isn't it?

Thank you so much, Vera, for finding this place.

You're amazing.

You're welcome, but I didn't find this place.

I mean, I just answered a phone call from this desperate young man who... loved you and just wanted to get involved.

Have you thought about who you wanna appoint Guardian?

Still trying to figure it out, but I am taking your advice into consideration, like always.

I think if we wanna keep growth on track, then she's the best person for the job.

I get it.

Hey, Vera, I was hoping you could help me out with something else.

I was wondering if you could help me find someone.

It's this woman who's come in and out of The Movement since the very beginning, but all I have is her first name:


Look, I know, I'm sorry, it's just Sarah has been looking into her, and she's hit a bit of a dead end.

Sarah seems to think that she may have something to do with the formation of The Movement.

Why does she think that?

Well, she found some journals of Steve's, and some of the passages were written by Lilith.

Have you... have you seen these journals?

Yeah, I read them, but... this Lilith person just... sounds a little crazy.

Why do you... why do you say that?

Ah, it's just something in her language, you know?

She has this obsession with punishments.

Just a darkness. Do you think I could see these journals?

It might just help me find her.


You know, it's really thrown Sarah, so...

Do you mean thrown her faith in... in Meyerism?

♪ Okay, um... I'll... I'll see what I can do.

All right.

♪ Have mercy on my soul Whoo!

♪ I am lost ♪ But I will still follow

♪ And walk back into ♪ Your arms again

♪ Into the kingdom

♪ Where the light shines on you ♪

Hey. Arnie Phillips.

I haven't seen you here before.

Um, yeah, it's just my first time.

Who do you know?

Uh... Jesus.

Sorry, that was a... that was a joke.

Um, I'm a friend of Caleb's.

Oh, yeah? - Yeah.

How do you guys know each other?

Uh, he rents a room at the building where I work.

What building is that?

It's the Meyerist Center.

♪ Just a sec.

♪ Thank you so much.

God bless you.

Hey. - Hey.

That... that was awesome.

Well, thank you.

I, uh... I was a little nervous, seeing you out there, but I kept going.

Yeah. Uh... what are you guys doing now? Are you...

Uh, well, usually, we hit a diner after the show.

Soda, fries. It's a, you know, kinda...

Just good, clean Christian party.


But, you know, maybe... Maybe we could another time...

My mom's in France for a week.

To find The Light, we must lose... ourselves.

We must lose our bodies, our egos.

We must lose consciousness to gain consciousness, and...

♪ Sometimes to find The Light, we must lose The Light.

♪ What brings you to The Movement?

She says that she's sad all the time.

No joy, no, how do you say... Meaning.

And never a relationship, only sex from the internet.

Different partners.

No intimacy.

♪ We need to find the original wound, the emotional... hole.

♪ Help me locate it. Guide my hands.

♪ There, there, there.

Yeah, yeah. I feel it.

I feel the emptiness.

He is so good.

The very best.

Is it true The Light cures addiction?

That's our specialty.

♪ Thank you so much for coming here today, uh, for this product orientation.

I can't wait for all of you to try these products yourself, so you can check out the benefits.

What we put on our bodies, what we wear...

Fabrics, recycled, organic...

Is just as important as what we put into our bodies.

Um, I, um...

I, um... I'll just... I'll be back.

Could you please take this?

Hey, Mom? - Are you there?

Is it great? Tell me everything.

Yeah, it's beautiful, truly.

I can't believe it's really happening, the third corner.

Has Eddie decided who will be Guardian?

Not yet.

He will, um... he'll announce at dinner tonight.

But you told him who we want it to be?

Mom... I'm sorry. I know you have.

Why does it matter who The Guardian is?

The Guardians of the four corners will know the wrath of the future.

So it's personal?

Like a... a vendetta?

Anyway, there's a bit of a problem.

Eddie asked me to find you.

Find me? - Yeah, apparently, Sarah, his, um, his ex-wife, found some old diaries of... of Steve's, and she thinks you wrote "The Ladder," or a part of it.

Apparently, it's made her question everything.

Mom? Are you crying?

It's just my whole life, I never thought I'd be recognized or vindicated.

Wait, so this isn't a problem for you?

No, it's a huge problem.

It's also, with all my suffering, the... the crowned princess of The Movement is on to the truth? So what, you want me to arrange a tea for the two of you?

No, no. But how much does she know, and... and does she know how Steve received my visions?

I don't know, it's not like I could ask her all these questions.

Of course.

Vera, I love you very much.

I love you too, Mom.

And let me know who Eddie chooses as Guardian.

What exactly did Felicia do to you?

You know what she did to me, what they all did to me.

♪ Enchante.

Um, yeah, I've been... - Hey.

Thank you. Uh, drug-free for almost two years. - Wow.

Well, I used the heroin and the cocaine for many years.

Now I'm just trying to get off the prescriptions altogether.

Mm-hm. - Uh, I would like to introduce you to my friend, Clement, if you don't mind.

Please. - Yeah.

♪ Hey... You were great today.

A bunch of people came up to me, told me how inspired they were by your workshop.

Good. Will you excuse me?

Hey. - Hi, can I talk to you?

Uh, yeah, yeah. Excuse me.


♪ What's going on?

Doesn't this fill you with dread?

Um... - You have to tell Eddie the truth about Steve.

I don't know what you're talking about.

We can't continue to grow like this and ask people to believe in something when we both know who Steve was.

Who Steve was?

Your mother, before she died...

Was... was sick.

Uh... I... I... whatever you... you...

You think she might've told you, um... this is mine.

Don't you dare... don't you dare use that to deal with your crisis.

I know you're grieving, and we all loved Hank, but that is mine, and I have to ask you to respect that.

Eddie, it's time.

"Be crumbled, "so wildflowers will come up where you are.

"You have been stony for too many years.

"Try something different.


You are all wildflowers.

You know, I'm so grateful to Jean-Paul for donating his family's estate to The Movement.

This is now a home for all wildflowers to grow.

Tonight, I want to introduce The Guardian who will tend this corner of the world and help spread European Meyerism.

She has been there from the beginning.

She climbed the mountain with Steve and burnt her hands for the message.

Felicia Pickard, I hope that you will accept.

I accept.

♪ You should have left him in the ground.

Bonjour, Sarah. Ca va?

I'm sorry, I don't speak French.

Marcel Stendhal.

I enjoyed your workshop yesterday.

Uh... I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.

Oh, I was only there to observe.

I did not participate. - Mm.

I have an interest in transcendental spirituality, so when I hear The Meyerist Movement is in town, I want to see.

You are suffering.

I apologize.

I... I'm blessed and cursed with insight.

My father died recently. Oh...

I am so sorry.

To lose a parent is to lose a limb.

One of the shocking passages of life.

Perhaps I can help. I doubt that, I...

What did you just do?

Tried to relieve some of your suffering.

It is deep.

♪ You're a hypnotist.

I help the mind to do what the mind wants.

I could help you to integrate the grief so it is just part of who you are and does not overwhelm, if you like.

Thank you, I'm... I'm okay with my grief.

Au revoir.

♪ Eddie, what do you think?

It's gonna be a full moon tonight...

Have you seen Sarah this morning?

Yeah, um...

I think she got into a cab about a half hour ago.

Eddie, um...

I know it's not my place, but...

Actually, I think it is my place, so I will.

There are people who've begged, borrowed, and probably stolen to come here to feel your Light, and it feels like you're just shining your Light in one direction. Look, I understand, but I've put all of this above my family for months now, and they need my attention.

Okay, so thank you for holding down the fort.

Eddie, where are you going?

There's... you have a workshop today and... and a sit-down with Jean-Paul.

I promised him. Why does Jean-Paul get a private sit-down? Because he donated this estate to The Movement, to... to your Movement.

This is how the world works.

Even the Pope sits down with his biggest donors.

Well, that's not how it works here, okay?

All the borrowers and beggars should get the same as Jean-Paul.

How am I supposed to do my job?

What am I supposed to tell people today?

Tell them that I will see them at the ceremony.

What do you think?

Oh, how many dresses did JP give you?

I mean, he said I could have whatever was in the armois.

He's glad to be getting rid of them, that his mother preferred them to her own children.

Glad you're laughing.

I'm not.

It's kinda funny, though. I... I mean, I... I come to France, you find a lover, and I, uh...

I... I... I lose my mind.

He's not my lover.

He's a guy who's got a lot of money, and he's taken an interest in us.

You. - Us.

And you haven't lost your mind, okay?

Eddie has.

Felicia, she's gonna bore the Europeans to tears, make them fall asleep, while she goes on and on about climbing the mountain with Steve.

I don't know, maybe Sarah's right.

I should just drop a f*cking b*mb on the whole thing.

Is that what she wanted with you yesterday?

Speaking of...

I don't understand. What did I do to offend?

What's going on, JP? Eddie has left for the day.

We were supposed to have a private counsel.

And where'd he go? He's just gone.

He'll be back tonight for the Consecration Ceremony, but no private counsel for me.

Hey. - Eddie.

How did you find me?

Oh, I know you.

You know, my dad always used to say he knew what The Garden would look like, 'cause he'd already been there.

The Gardens of Giverny.

Yesterday, during the workshop, I... felt nothing.

I thought maybe if I came here, I might.


Do you feel something?


I mean, I know my dad... lived and once walked these gardens, but I don't feel him.

I don't... feel The Light.

But I'll keep trying, I promise.

Well, maybe you should stop trying so hard.

Come on.

We had slaves, and these fields were full of them, working the land.

r*ped by my ancestors.

My father was also a r*pist.

Every year, another illegitimate child crawls from the woodwork. You must really hate him.

No, no, no, I... I loved him, and I wanted his love more than anything in the world.

But the only time he...

He showed me affection...

Was on Friday nights.

My... my parents would entertain, and, um, I was quite a good pianist, so my... my father would blindfold my eyes, and have me play Chopin for the guests.

As... as they applauded, he...

He would pat me on the back, and at that moment, I... I just felt like...

Yeah, like, uh... like you existed.


He erased you, and now you are erased.

But we can undo that damage.

I didn't know there was a way to feel anything but the peace from dr*gs, until I found The Ladder.

Mm-hm. Perhaps if I gave more, Eddie will know my dedication.

What else could you possibly give?

Well, we... we have real estates all over the globe and a hotel chain in Dubai... No, no, no, no, no.

You're... you're not to give anything but yourself, yourself to the work.

Yes, of course, you're right.

I... can I confide in you? Yeah.

Eddie... uh, the... the thing that has happened, which is unfortunate, and... and not his fault, um, people... treat him like a God... Well...

And so, uh, he's become accustomed to that, and, uh, unfortunately, it is what he responds to.

Then perhaps I should do something special for him tonight at the ceremony.

Yeah, well, I... I... I can't tell you what to do, JP.

Yes. I mean, no, I... I understand.


Well, then I shall leave you to prepare.

Uh-huh. Thank you, my friends.

What was that?

A little fun at everyone's expense.

Oh, look at this.

You hungry?

I am now. - Yeah?

Sarah... - We should get back.

Yeah, but I don't want this to end.

But it has to, and you need to get back for the Consecration.

Look, I want another shot at us...

Eddie... - But I need you to find your way back.

You understand what I'm saying?

Because what's the good of eternity if you're not in it?

♪ Hey. - Hi.

Come in. Sorry, um...

Wow, smells good. It doesn't.

Um, I... I burnt it.

Um... I'm sorry.

It is okay.

Um, I brought some wine.

Thank you.

♪ Ooh

From our garden, we plant in yours.

We mix our earth with yours.

So, you've had two girlfriends?

Uh, yeah.

Um, Ashley and Noa.

Uh, Ashley, I was in love with, but, uh... - But?

She wasn't a Meyerist, and at... at that time, um, we didn't mix.

Right. - What about you?

You seem... - What?

You know... Experienced...

You seem experienced.

Um... okay.

Uh, what I'm trying to tell you that I'm... I'm not gay.

At least I've never thought of myself that way.

I... I just kinda... liked who I liked, and...

Then I liked you.

So, I'm... I'm just trying to say that I... I have no idea what I'm doing.

You're gonna have to show me.

Uh... um... I'm not... experienced, but...

But I am gay.

I've known for years.

Uh, it's just kinda something that doesn't really fly in my family.

If my dad knew, he would lose his shit.

The only experience I've had is with one other super closeted guy at the church.

Once in a while, he asks me to meet him.

We mess around.

But he, like, doesn't look at me.

And then, uh, after, I... feel horrible about myself.

I mean, why do you do it?

Young and stupid.

I wanna feel something.

I'm sorry.

Is it Arnie Phillips?

Yeah, how... how'd you know that?

He was... he was, like, on me at your concert.

Oh, my gosh.

Hey... - No, if...

Look, I wouldn't have gotten involved with him if I knew that, like... Knew...

I could... meet someone good.

Someone real, you know.

♪ So, you would like me to help you with your grief?

I want you to help me find someone.

I... I don't understand.

A woman, Lilith.

I've read her diaries a hundred times, and I know that there's something I've overlooked.

Now, you say that you can help the mind do what the mind wants, and I know there's something I'm not seeing.


Have you tried to lucid dream?

I can help you to dream of this Lilith.

Your subconscious will provide what it knows, but you will still be able to exert some control over the dream, so that you will be able to look for these details that you might've missed.

♪ Doing okay?


Seems like everybody's having a good time.

Yeah, it's going great.

A lonely feeling, though, isn't it?

Look, Cal, I...

I need to talk to you about my choice for Guardian.

I figure you have your reason.

It's just Vera thought it would be good to have you on the ground, in the States.

So do I.

I'm glad we can put the past behind us.

Hey. - Hey.

So, after Cal gives his opening speech, you can say a few words, and that'll be fine.

Well, I have a very special thing to do.

A very special thing? Yeah, surprise.

Oh, I don't like surprises.

Why don't you just walk me through it now?

Well... - Can I talk to you?

Uh, excuse me. - Yeah, sure.

Sure, yeah.

Why did he want me here?

Why did Eddie make me Guardian?

Uh, why don't you ask him? I've tried, but...

He seems to be constantly occupied.

He must've thought you were the best person for the job.

I have family, children and grandchildren, in the States.

There's a reason he put me here.

Is... is he punishing me for advising against growth?

Uh, I don't know Eddie's every thought. Um... It seems like he discusses everything with you.

I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can...

I can help you.


Did you know a woman named Lilith?

Both Sarah and Eddie have already asked me.

I said I didn't.

Well, Eddie asked me to find her, so I'm... I'm just doing my job.

Don't. - What?

Find her.

So you do know her?

She was an early follower.

She was disturbed, so we had to let her go.

I promised Steve I wouldn't talk about her, but I'm letting you know, since you are very good at your job.

How was she disturbed?

Felicia, you're asking me not to find someone that Eddie asked me to find.

She claimed Steve stole the religion from her, but I was there when he received it, so I knew she was unwell.

But that's not what made us cut her off.

It was when she hurt her child.

What did she do?

Burned her, badly.

The poor girl is probably scarred for life.

She had to be hospitalized.

How... how do you know her mother did that to her?

The burns on the child were the marks of an old practice.

Lilith would sear The Light into Possibles.

Steve found the practice dangerous, and abolished it.

Vera? - Yeah, um...

Thank... thank you so much for this information.

Thank you.

Everyone, please... - Sorry.

♪ Tonight, I have special tribute to the man, the God who walked through fire, so that I could hope for a miracle, so that we could all hope for miracles.

Are you feeling quite asleep now, Sarah?

♪ Yeah, very good.

Sarah, you are dreaming now of Lilith, but you're quite aware that this is just a dream.

Just a dream.

You are in this dream to find something.

You know where to look for it.

Come in.

Hello, Lilith, how are you today?

Good, Dr. Meyer.

Have a seat.

♪ Did you bring your visions?


♪ You mustn't let the dream frighten you, Sarah.

"I dreamt of a Ladder. I climbed to the top, "and as I looked over the last rung, I saw Light

"cleansing the world.

"It spared most from the pain, but those who spread the false word felt its wrath."

I wanted to give him the pleasure to do it again for you tonight.

What the f*ck is he doing?

♪ Climb! - Climb! Climb!

Climb! Climb! Climb!

"And when it was over, few remained.

"They came out of their shelter to build the world again, a better world."

♪ And when I woke up, my hands were bloody and raw.

♪ Climb! Climb!

Climb! Climb! - Light the way!

You're the one!

Shut it down. What do you mean?

No, shut it down. But I don't...

I promise you, this is not what he wants.

Climb! Climb! Climb! Climb!

Climb! Climb! Climb!

You are here to find something, so go find it.

Go find it. Go find it.

♪ There are no boundaries in a dream, so ask the dream, "How do I find Lilith?"

Okay... okay.

Okay, okay, hurry up and grab your swimsuit.

We'll be late for camp.


Are you guys having a sleepover?

Yeah. Yeah.

Do you need help finding it, sweet... Oh.

Oh. Oh...

Uh, I... I can... I can explain... Nope, nope, no need.

I'm Gaby, Hawk's grandmother.

And this is Summer. - Summer.

Pleased to meet you. - Yeah.

Pleased... pleased to meet you guys, uh...

I'm... I'm Caleb. Caleb. Hello, Caleb.

I bet you guys are hungry. Are you hungry?

Uh, are you... Yeah, uh, I could s... sorta kinda, uh, eat.

Great. We'll just be late for camp today.

I am making pancakes.

Thank you. That... that sounds awesome.

Pancakes. You like pancakes?

Yeah. - Great.

Thank you.


Don't go, okay?

Don't... give up on this chance.

Look, I know if you follow through that you will find your faith again.

I can't participate in the way we're growing, especially not even knowing exactly where we came from.

And I find it hard to believe that this is what The Light would want from us: juice, moon glow powder, theatrics.

Hey. You okay?

You have to let her go.

Eddie, people need you.

I need you.

What happened last night?

I'm so sorry, I...

I wasn't there. I heard about...

What do you mean you weren't there?

Isn't that your job to be there, to make sure that kind of crap doesn't happen?

You know, we're all working really hard while you're off chasing your ex-wife.

There would be no show without any of us, without me, so show a little f*cking gratitude.

This isn't a show, Vera.

Maybe that is why The Light isn't working, because we have become a f*cking circus, selling bath and body crap.

Yeah, that crap pays the bills.

And it gets the word out there and takes the stink off the cult.

You know, I don't want it anymore.

We don't need a Secular Liaison.

This Movement is for the faithful.

S... so what, are you... are you firing me?


I guess I am.

How did you let me do that to Eddie?

Huh? Huh? You knew he would reject me.

You let me be a fool to him. No, no.

No, you let yourself be a fool to him, not me.

No, that was all you, JP.

And... and you will keep doing it.

Until you confront the original wound, all right, until you confront your father, and... and stop... stop pining for his love, letting him blindfold you, and... and... and do tricks like a street urchin, your life will be a series of humiliations at your own hand...

Until you do the work.

You're right.

You... you're so right.

♪ I really liked working for The Movement.

You're very good at your job.

I didn't even want the job at first, and my mother convinced me, and now I love the job, and I lost it.

My mother's gonna be so pissed.

Oh, you still answer to your mother?

Eh, not anymore. Oh, did she die?

Mm... To me, yeah.

I think my mother's crazy. I get it.

My dad was crazy, so I had to k*ll him.


But, um, I get it, 'cause I just realized one day that I had to walk away, otherwise he was gonna drag me down.


You know what, here...

Oh... oh, okay. Okay, that's it.

Is to not getting dragged down.

Well, I can drink to that.


Mm. - A little early, no?

Ah, it's France.

Uh, may I have a word? - Yeah.



I just saw JP. Was he totally pissed?

No, no, no, quite the opposite.

He loves me. He wants me to help him.

The answer...

The answer is not to blow up The Movement.

It's to use it to find more JPs and make them my followers and then take them with me when we leave.


I think that this is a cause of a celebration.

Dance with me?


♪ Dance with us?

Cal, get back in here.

Come on.