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03x06 - Messiah

Posted: 12/25/20 10:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Path"...

Best and final.

You're accusing Steven Meyer of molesting you.

Yeah. - What do you want?

I want to be out in front, speaking for The Movement.

Why are you meeting with him?

What are you hoping to gain from this?

He won't stop following me until I hear him out.

I am praying for you every day.

I don't need your f*cking prayers.

I left the diaper bag in the diner.

And my dad took it. We'll get a new one.

Musa's moved all their stuff out.

It probably has nothing to do with you.

Then why isn't he answering any of my texts?

I don't know. Well, he hasn't reached out to you at all, has he?

I believe in you.

You know, I'm just a vessel for The Light.

You don't feel like just a vessel for The Light.

I took the medicine last night.

I was on one path, and you were on a different one.

You weren't lost, but you weren't coming back.

Okay, so, the water damage made a lot of this indecipherable, but I think that I finally figured out... what this could possibly be.

And I think that we are looking at the very first draft of The Ladder.

And I believe that there's a second author.

What? - Um, so right here, The Light is not described as a benevolent force, but, "A fire that cleanses and burns."

The woman... from the video, Lilith.

Well, possibly. Look at this.

I mean, Sarah, even the handwriting is different.

No, but if she helped him write this...

It doesn't work with someone else.

What? - The story.

Look, I know you think it's ridiculous that Dr. Steven Meyer climbed a ladder of fire and received the rungs, but...

It's no more ridiculous than parting the Red Sea or turning water into wine.

They're the foundational myths of every great faith.

It's not supposed to be a myth.

You know, never once in my life did I ever question truth.

If there's no Light, then what else is there?

There's doubt, Sarah... and fear of death.

And there is this urgent... immediacy to life.

Listen to me.

There's a life you haven't lived yet... with sushi and college.

It's too late for that. Is it?

Sarah, I know this is painful right now...

But there's so much that's miraculous on the other side.

This wasn't just research for you.


You did this for me.

It's work I love.

Yes. I wanted you to know what you'd found.

I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. I underst...

How's your first week of work?

It's nice to be on this side of the desk.

Well, let us know if there's anything you need.

Oh, and there's someone here in the lobby.

Do you have time for a walk-in? Sure.

Hello, Mary.

You don't look happy to see me.

Last time I saw you, you held my head underwater.

That's right. You were angry when you left.

Weren't you? What are you doing here?

I'm here for help. That's your job, isn't it?

You help people with drug problems.

Harold... I take 20 painkillers a day, and still it hurts just to get out of bed.

My body is broken, Mary, and all I've got to show for it is a couple of measly rings.

Listen to me... Granted, they're worth

50,000 each, but those rings cost me everything.

And I always noticed Small Saul looking at them... coveting them.

Small Saul? - Yeah.

I mean, if anyone took those rings, it was him.


I didn't say they were missing.

I got you.

What's wrong? - I'm so sorry.

Harold. What... Hey... No, no.

Hold on. Ho... ho... ho... oh...

It's so good to see you.


And Forest too. - Yeah.

Wait, no. Hey, what the hell are you doing here?

I stole his rings, and then, um, I...

I sold them, but I lost the money.

Wait, what... what?

I left them in the diaper bag.

My dad took them. Sorry, what... what are you...

But I'm tracking my dad. I'm gonna get the money back.

Wait, Mary, what the hell have you done?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. - Shh.

♪ I don't care about the money, Mary.

You and I are going on a treasure hunt.

Yes, we are. Me and Daddy.

I see Peru was transformative.

You left a gardener and came back a handyman.

I'll have you know, I built the very first dorm on campus.

Uh, yeah. No, I know.

That's the one that collapsed, right?

Lasted eight months.

I just thought Summer would enjoy a tree house.

I had one growing up, and, uh...

Eh, maybe she's too old for it.

I just feel bad about missing her in her play.

She's gonna love it.

You, uh, you want some help?

I think the Guardian of the Light has more pressing matters.

Uh, no.


Are we really opening a center in France?

Yeah. I'm leaving in a couple days to consecrate it myself.

This is huge, Eddie.

You know, I was thinking that I'm gonna need someone to go out there in a few months, you know, check on the progress.

You and Gaby up for the job?


You know, you should grip further down.

What? - On the hammer.

Oh. You're holding it like this.

A little further down, you get more leverage.

See? Hear the difference?

Well, you have your method, I have mine.

Fair enough.

Hey, don't tell Gaby about France.

I want it to be a surprise. You got it.

Taking a break already, huh?



Hey. Hey, hey. Hey. Oh, shit. Hey. Hey.


Call someone.

Hey, Hank. Hey, Hank.

Hank. Hey.

I've never been with a heathen before.

Do you feel corrupted?

I feel... good.


Mm. Do you hear something?

What? - Mm.

Let me check.


If you could call the outpost in France...

Yeah, I've already let them know we need to postpone.

God, I was supposed to teach a workshop tonight.

All classes have been canceled.

In fact, I've cleared your schedule for the rest of the week, Eddie.

You don't... you...

You don't need to focus on anything but this.


I should head inside.


I know you have to be a rock for the community right now, but you really don't need to be that way with me.


Well, if you need anything, anytime, I'm... I'm here.



I'm just, uh...

Just lucky to have you is all.

As the owl protects The Garden... we offer Hank these wings... to carry him home... To be his guide...

And to help watch...

Did I... did I miss it?

Hank waited for you.

I never heard my... Mm, mm, mm...

You're here now. That's all that matters here.

Sarah, we were about to start the blessing.

I was hoping that you would lead it.


We believe in The Light.

We believe Hank Armstrong will live his light in The Garden.

We believe in The Garden, for all this was revealed to Steven Meyer as he ascended The Ladder and received the rungs.

We now invite Hank to leave this earthly form behind, for in ending... We begin.

And in sorrow... - We rejoice.

And in darkness... There is light.

Sure this is the place?

This is the address she gave us.

I'm glad you weren't a part of this, 'cause if my lady had kept me in the dark, played me the way Mary played you...

Wait for starter p*stol.



Ah, still undefeated, eh?

Ah. Who's next?


Last month you bought two championship rings.

Now, those rings are very valuable to my friend here.

If I beat you...

We get them back.

I like you.

But I am middleman.

I sold the rings.

But I will tell you who I sold them to if your friend can beat me.

Deal. - Hey, no. No deal.

No deal. I need you to remain in control.

I will handle this.

You're a businessman.

Okay, so I'm gonna make you a proposition.



You are weak.

But your friend here is perfect physical specimen.

If he wins, I will give you address.

If I win... We sh**t you in the head.



♪ Aah!


♪ Flowers cast off their petals ♪

♪ And the trees shed all their leaves ♪

♪ The sky began to weep with rain ♪

♪ But The Light said, "Do not grieve." ♪

♪ There's a world beyond this world ♪

♪ With warmth and love and song ♪

♪ Hank is in The Garden now

♪ At home where he belongs ♪ Whoo!

Oh, it's beautiful, sweetie.

That's great. - Whoo!

Sarah, you want to share your CO?

Uh, not right now.

Come on, Sarah. It's your turn.

It's okay, Russel. - No, no.

There's an order to this. I said no.

Uh, I can go, if... if that's okay with everyone.

This should be good.

Yeah, no. Of course.

I mean, he was your father.

You don't have to be a Meyerist to share.

Thank you. I-it means a lot for me to be here.

Well, uh, a-as most of you know, um, my father... Dad and I didn't speak for a long time.

And, um, when he finally reached out to me after all those years, I was furious.

But I was also so happy, because faith or no faith, I still... I loved Dad so much.

So I-I agreed to meet him, but only if we did it at the racetrack.

And, um, I never bet on horses before, but I was just trying to punish him by picking a place that I knew Meyerists would hate.

And the thing is, we ended up having the best day.

And then a few weeks later when I asked him where he wanted to go, he said the track.

And month after month... That's a great story, Tessa.

Uh, who'd like to go next? She's not finished yet.

We're here to celebrate Dad's life as a Meyerist, not talk about the times he broke the rules.

Can we not argue right now? She's grieving.

Look, Hawk is right, okay?

Tessa, please.

That's what I was worried about.

Do you have something you want to say, Nicole?

For someone who didn't pick up her phone as her father was dying, you have a lot of nerve...

Okay, that is enough. Screw this.

Hawk, sweetie...

Yeah, Sarah...

Where were you?

It's none of your business where she was, Russel.

Tessa, you can leave. f*ck you, Russel.

He was her father.

And I'm sorry if that was inconvenient for you.

I'm sorry that... that Tessa had the audacity to ask questions.

You know, I know that you just want to sit there and play your cute little songs.

But our perfectly healthy father just died of a heart attack, and I'm sorry I don't have a celebratory offering.

I am pissed off. - Then leave.

Gaby. No, these aren't cute songs and stories we tell to make ourselves feel better.

These are our sacred rites and traditions.

And I plan to honor every one of them.

Your father was a Meyerist.

We know that, Mom. No, I don't think you do.

Hank loved you with all his heart.

But your lack of faith shattered him every day.

Hank and I made an oath to each other and to this Movement for all time.

And anyone who disrespects his faith desecrates his memory.

Is that understood?


Who's next?

Hey, Hawk.

Uh, Joy sent me a text about your grandfather.

Damn it, Joy.

God, I cannot believe she would use his death to lure you.

No, no, no, look, I should be the one apologizing.

I-I led her on and completely disappeared.

I'm... I'm sorry about that.

We don't wear dark colors.

It's literally the only thing we don't wear.

I honestly didn't, like, mean anything by that.

I just figured, you know... No, no, um...

I'm sorry. Uh, you... you look...

How are you holding up?

Hey, hey, hey.

It's okay.

It's just like, what... What's going on in there...

God, man, it's the last thing my grandfather would've wanted.

I mean, he didn't care if...

I mean, if we were pissed off or overjoyed.

I mean...

Yeah, he just didn't want his family... to bicker.


Sorry. - No.

Come on.

Hawk... let's go do something he would've loved.

Please. - f*ck you.

Come on.

♪ I'm driving.

We're not canceling France.

We're merely postponing it, okay?

Okay, but we're so close.

It's all finally happening.

The third corner... And we'll get there.

I promise. - Okay.

Okay, it will happen. It is happening, okay?

But Eddie's father just died.

I thought it was his ex-wife's father.

They were close.

Eddie and his ex?

Sweetheart? I'm right, aren't I?

You've fallen for someone who loves someone else.

Um, if it's any consolation, I won't postpone a thing when you die.

In fact, I'll go out dancing while your body's still warm.

There are rare moments that you remind me of your father.

Like, Steve was capable of such... quicksilver cruelty.

That you fell for him. Like a fool.

But out of my greatest mistake, my greatest joy.

And I just don't want to see your heart broken.

Yeah. Eddie is not Steve, and I am not you.

I understand that. No, I love him.

Does it matter?


D-does my... does my happiness... does it...

If the... if the prophecy were unfulfilled and... and the world wasn't cleansed but I was happy...

Would that be enough for you?


But that's not how things will end.

Hey. I wanted to just apologize, okay, about tonight.

Yeah, I let things just get out of hand and...

I've been seeing someone.

I was... with him when my father, um...

Sarah, that's... that's okay.

He's a professor of religion.

He's been helping me explore incongruities in our faith.

Wait, he's been helping you question?

For how long? - Two months.

What kind of incongruities? They don't matter.

That's not why I'm telling you this.

Okay. - I'm telling you this because I've been doing a lot of digging and upending and...

And now my father is dead, and I don't know if any of this is real.

I don't even know if The Garden is real.

Is it, Eddie?

Or is my dad just some... some ash?

He would be so f*cking ashamed of me.

No, Sarah. Hey.

No, no, no, no, no. He's proud of you.

He loves you so much.

Look, when I had doubts, did Hank ever stop loving me?

No. And it was only because I was lost that I was able to find my way back home.

And you will, too.

Timur may have given us a fake address.

Stay in the car.

Roger that.


Harold. Harold.

Harold, I told you to wait in the car.

Hey, I know this guy. All right, Harold.

Total assh*le! Harold, Harold.

Harold! Harold, come on.

Come on.

Wait, no, no, Harold. Oh, no!

Okay, okay.


Oh, whoa, whoa... I've got an alarm.

The police will be here any second.

Okay. Yeah, okay.


Holy shit. These are my rings!

I know they are. No, you stole them from me!

No, Harold, Harold, he didn't know the rings were stolen, right?

Obviously, you didn't know that you had stolen memorabilia, right?

If you did, uh, the... the police wouldn't be on their way.

Okay. So I propose a deal.

You will give Harold the rings.

Excuse me? And in exchange...

In exchange, he's gonna take you to a game, right?

Cal, we never talked about that.

No, you're walking out of here with those rings.

And then you're gonna take this guy to a game, because he worships you, right?

Because he should.

Yeah, because you're Harold f*cking Linus, two-time world champion, right?

And you'll have the rings to prove it.

I want dinner, too! - Huh?

After the game, we get a steak dinner.

You're f*cking pushing it. Hey, whoa.



All right. Nice doing business with you.

You're not gonna go back on your word, are you?

Like you did with your contract?

No, come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on.

What did you just say? Harold.

Apparently $7 million wasn't enough.

Harold, Harold, Harold, Harold, Harold!

My grandfather used to take me out here.

He'd point out all the constellations.

Every single one of them.

And this one night, he...

He just started crying.

And he couldn't stop.

I asked him...

Why he was crying.

He just looked up and...


"Can you believe there's a Garden more beautiful than this?"

Yeah? - You the professor?

I'm sorry?

I want to talk to you about Sarah Lane.

Ah. Okay.

She told me that she was exploring incongruities in her faith. - Mm-hmm.

I was hoping that you could illuminate.

Ah, well, that didn't take very long, did it?

Excuse me? - Yeah.

You're, what, the leader or something?

You here to tell me to stop filling her head with lies?

'Cause let's... to be honest, it's pretty ironic coming from someone like you, isn't it?

Hey! Hey.

What the f*ck is your problem?

Get your f*cking hands off of me.

Sarah just lost her father. What?

And now you're tearing apart her faith?

Okay, I'm sorry. I didn't know that about her father.

I didn't know that about her father.

I'm very sorry to hear it. Calm down, calm down.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

Listen, Sarah came to me.


And you destroyed her.

Stay the f*ck away from my wife.

See, there's something I can't seem to shake.

If Steve never climbed the Ladder and received the rungs, if this is just some story that someone helped him write, then there is no Garden.

Do you believe that?

Sarah, your father...

He lives on in so many ways.

He lives on in his children, in his grandchildren, in the lives that he changed.

He... Sarah, he literally lives in you.

Thank you for the flowers. Sarah.

The burial's later this afternoon.

There's some things I should do.

Is there anything I can do?

I'll let you know.


Listen, your leader came to my house last night.

You didn't tell me that he was your husband.

We're separated.

Okay, well, just be careful there, okay?

'Cause he's clearly... Eddie's a good man.

I'll be thinking of you, Sarah.


You have a second?


I just, uh, left a man outside an emergency room in Ridgewood, uh...

You left him? Assuming he survives, he'll, uh, likely identify myself and an associate of mine as the suspects.

And you're telling me this because...?

I want you to make this problem go away.

Why should I help you?

Well, if I got to prison, The Movement would look bad, so...

You've been threatening to expose The Movement's founder as a pedophile, but you don't want us to look bad.

This is my home.

I'm sorry, Cal, but you're on your own.

Now, if you'll please excuse me, I have things to take care of before the burial.


You haven't heard?

Hank Armstrong died of a heart attack.

Yeah. My nonsense is the last thing our community needs right now.


If I help you out of this problem... you have to hand over everything you have on Steven Meyer.



You know, what that man... what he did to you...

I'm sorry.

I don't know why some of us get fathers like Hank and some of us get... monsters like Steve.

Yeah, well, most of my life I didn't realize that's what he was, you know?



Told me I was his greatest joy.

How much for three?


Cheaper than I remember.

You want higher quality, you can pay for it.

I don't need higher quality.

Hey, you.

Hey, Dad.

Where's my money?

All gone.

I spent it all.




Hey, how'd you know where I was?

At first, I didn't, and, um...

Well, then I remembered... that one night when I made you $200.

More money than you knew what to do with.

You gave me 20. - Mm.

And then you took the rest to Atlantic City.

Put it all on red.

That's right.

Then you came home...

And you said, "I'm gonna need that 20 back, baby girl."

And then you came here.

No, no, no, no. - Shh.

Just gonna top you off.

Remember how I used to top you off?

I... remember.


I told him I was your sister.

Figured he couldn't tell the difference between an Indian and a Pakistani.

Who are you?

An associate of Harold Linus.

m*therf*cker can rot in jail.

Him and his friend both.

Mm, yes, yes.

That's... that's one way this could play out.

Do you know that young Russian gentleman you bought the rings from?

How do you think he'll respond when he finds out that you dimed on him?

What are you talking about?

You turn Harold in, I'll place an anonymous phone call to the police.

They'll raid the young man's apartment, and, well, he'll go to jail for a very, very long time, and I'll make sure that he finds out that it was you who put him there.

Tell me, do you think he'll make you suffer before he has you k*lled?

♪ Here's another way this can go.

I'll bring in the officer, and you tell him that you have no idea who jumped you, and when you heal, Harold will take you to that game because Harold Linus is a man of his word.

Bring the officer in.

Good choice.

You're garbage, lady. You're a garbage human being.

Coming from you... No, I know I'm pathetic.

But I'm just lonely.

There's actually something wrong with you.

I don't understand.

He gave it to me as a gift.

I just, um... assumed after everything, you'd want me gone.

Wait, is that...

Is this why you took the rings?

You wanted an insurance policy in case I left you?

I figured after I stopped being useful, you'd be done with me.

Look, um...

You... you're not a commodity to me.

Um... and I need you, Mary, not because you're useful.

Uh... you know, 'cause I need you.

I'm sorry. It's okay. It's okay.

I'm so... Hey, hey, hey, hey!

I just... I want to make you feel good.

No. Well... well, I mean, what do you want?

What do you mean? I mean what do you want.

Like, um...

Like how do you want to be touched?

No, I'm sorry.

It sounds stupid. No, um... no, it just...

No one's ever asked me.

I need you, too.

You disappeared last night.

Where'd you go?

Just wanted to be alone for a while.

I know about you and Caleb.

So, what, you're gay now?

We are not talking about this right now.

It's so good to see so many familiar faces here today as we honor one of the best men that we've ever known.

You know, I'm sure most of us remember the moment that... we met Hank.

See, I was... I was nervous.

You know, and, of course, everyone gets a little nervous when they're about to meet their girlfriend's father for the first time.

But for me, it was a hundred times worse...

Because I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Sarah was the one.

But Hank, he was... he was so kind to me.

You know, I remember him putting his hand on my chest, and he told me... "I can s"...

"I can see your heart is good."

You see, Hank... he believed in me from the very beginning.

And we honor him by honoring his example.

You see, The Light... it chose me.

And for those who disobey my word turn their backs on The Light.

But all who decide to follow me... like Hank...

Will find their place in the Garden.

♪ You carried me ♪ Through the fire

♪ In the truth ♪ To The Light

♪ You will carry me to The Light ♪

♪ You will carry me ♪ To The Light

♪ We're only as strong as the bonds that hold us ♪

♪ Hand in hand ♪ Whatever the future brings

♪ I'll carry you ♪ You carry me

♪ We will carry each other

♪ To The Light, oh, Light ♪

♪ Carry each other to The Light ♪

♪ We will carry each other to The Light ♪

♪ Oh, Light

♪ Carry each other to The Light ♪

♪ I'll carry you ♪ You carry me

♪ We will ALL: ♪ Carry each other

♪ To The Light, oh, Light

♪ Carry each other to The Light ♪

♪ Am I? Am I?

♪ Ahh, am I?

♪ Am I?

♪ Ahh, am I?

♪ Am I?

♪ Ahh, am I?

♪ Am I?

♪ Ahh, am I?

♪ Am I?

♪ Ahh, am I?

♪ Am I?

♪ Ahh, am I? Am I?

I need to believe that everything that you said today is true.

And I need to know that my father's in The Garden.

♪ Am I?

I need you to give me back my faith.

♪ Ahh, am I?

♪ Am I?

♪ Ahh, am I?