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03x05 - Pageantry

Posted: 12/25/20 10:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Path"...

Do you recognize that... that place?

Is it on our campus?

What is this about, Sarah?

He had inappropriate... urges.

What if all of this was built on the cravings of a very sick man?

I took the medicine last night.

I was on one path and you were on a different one.

Best and final.

You're accusing Stephen Meyer of molesting you?

Uh, yeah.

Cal blackmailed me.

I help Eddie accept him into the fold, and he doesn't say a word.

What do you want?

I want what I had.

I want to be out in front, speaking for The Movement.

We all know Eddie Lane's story.

Okay. We're going on the road, visiting veteran centers in Minneapolis and San Diego, and, uh, also consecrating a new one, in Memphis, and the apex, Philadelphia.

What do you need me to do? You will be the opening act, warming up the crowds for Eddie.

Oh, we all know Eddie Lane's story.

The struggles, the loss, doubts.

Most of us can relate.

Drew us to him from the very beginning.

You said you wanted to speak for The Movement, right?

We both know this isn't what I had in mind.

That's what drew us to him from the very beginning.

Eddie Lane's come a long way.

And now, by virtue of The Light's... grace, we get to be a part of his every triumph.

I see we're also hawking juice and, uh, glorified dirt now.

We are helping nourish hearts and minds from the inside out.

I think you should try them.

You've given up all of your other clients for this.

The Movement is the only client I need.

The most devout are usually those with the most Damage.

♪ What?

Sometimes you seem, uh... familiar.

"Eddie Lane's come a long way."

This is for you.

♪ You can't get enough Eddie Lane's come a long way.

And now, by virtue of The Light's grace... we all get to be a part of his... every triumph.

Ladies and gentlemen, Eddie Lane.

♪ Can't get enough God, it kills me that I'm going to miss it.

You know how much it breaks my heart that I'm not going to see you in that play, right?

I know.

But Mom is going to tape it and I'm going to watch it a hundred times.


Hey, is your mom around?

Yeah, hold on.

Mom, Daddy wants to talk to you.

You know I love you the most.

I know, I know. Fiercely and forever.

Um, now's not really a good time.

That's all right.

Well, tell me more about the play's rehearsals.

Is anyone messing up on their lines?

Yes. Rose is.

Are you? - No.


All right, okay. I know, little guy.

Almost there.

Almost where?

Could you grab his Sophie?

This is never gonna end.

I don't understand why you weren't just honest with me the first time.

You looked so cute in that little apron.

You were so excited about cooking me dinner, I couldn't just spit it out, right then and there.

Could you please keep it a bit quiet?

Please? Thank you. - Sorry.

Aah! - Ah, right, good.

Are you okay?

It's not burning him.

He's climbing. He's climbing.

Good job! Good job.

I'm in love. That's beautiful.

Good getting burned.

So, let's get the kinks out of the anointment next.

What do you say?


I want my Eddie on the top of the stairs.

Beautiful. Wind!




Eddie, it's you.

I don't understand.

What's happening to me?

The Light chose you, Eddie.

You are the chosen son.

You must keep The Light inside of everyone alive.

Wait, don't go!

Lead them to The Garden when the time comes.

I'll be waiting.

Okay, and the light gets brighter and brighter here, enveloping Steve, our Eddie walks downstairs, and... - What's going on?

What's happening?

Where's Steve? - It's Eddie.


Summer, we have to go.

Why? What's going on?

Did something happen?

I'm sorry, but she's... she's not doing the play.

She's not doing... - What?

We have to go.



I don't understand - Sorry, she's not doing this.

Let's go.

I'm rehearsing h... Put your hands down.

No Christ, no Light!

No Christ, no Light! You're gonna burn in Hell!

No Christ, no Light!

Get out of Memphis!

And take your g*dd*mn religion with you!

Now, we all know Eddie Lane's story.

Right? The struggles, the loss, the doubts...

Most of us can relate.

It's what drew us to him from the very beginning.

That Light-infused face mask is really good.

You should get it.

And now, by virtue of The Light's grace, we get to be a part of his every triumph.

No Christ, no Light! We get to be part of...

Of each other's triumph.

You know, because... when this... when this community is united, nothing can stand in our way. Right?

As... as pioneers of a righteous cause...

Because we are the righteous.

We have The Light.

We are The Light.

Let me hear it. We are Light!

We are The Light!

This isn't part of the script.

We are Light!

They love it.

And that strength...

That strength is a reflection of who we follow, and who we follow is Eddie Lane!

Thank you. Thank you.

Um, I want to, first off, thank all of you for coming out today, and every other day, when no one's taking attendance.

Your efforts are inspiring. They really, really are.

Um, I'm supposed to shepherd the ones who are lost.

Restore their faith.

Ensure their place in The Garden.

That all sounds a little crazy, right? I mean, hey, it did to me.

But I am here to tell you...

That it is true.

The Light... The Light chose me.

To lead you.

And doing so is the greatest joy of my life.

I can't sit here any longer and pretend that everything's all right. Everything's not all right.

Mom, I explained. Please.

You know, I just don't think it's right for...

For kids to enact something that they don't understand.

But I do understand, Mom.

Look, the play, it's not accurate.

You've rewritten everything that happened.

I've done no such thing!

Felicia getting burned first, Eddie's doubts, his time away from here...

Okay, I may have taken some creative liberties, but I hardly think...

No, no. People are more complicated than you're portraying them, Mom.

I did the play.

Seven times. It's the best part about summer. Bonding with these kids...

They're a part of your community, your family...

She has to complete the play to be able to take her vows.


Is that true? - Yes.

Every child has to complete the story in order to take their vows at 16.

Great. She can do it next year.

Wait. Okay.

I'm just... I'm trying to understand.

Are you really concerned that she isn't ready to handle the material?

Because I've been working with her very closely.

She isn't simply saying the words.

She knows their importance. She's living them.

This is just exactly... And no offense, Hawk, but she's the best Steve we ever had.

Mom, please, can you please just trust my instincts as a parent?

But it's not fair.

Honey, I know it's not fair, honey.

Sometimes life isn't fair, and I'm...

Listen, Summer, I'm not trying to be...

I'm not trying to hurt her. I don't get it.

At all.

I'm worried, sweetie. Help me understand.

Mom, there is nothing to be worried about.

I know you experienced something very traumatic some months ago.

Maybe the v*olence in the play is servicing your Damage, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

No, it has nothing to do with that.

Then what is it, Mom? What's going on?

Please, what the hell is...

I don't want her idolizing Steve!

I don't want her idolizing anyone.

We're done here.

Hey, Cal, can I borrow you a minute?


Um, listen... I know that this may be a humbling experience for you...

No, no, it's, uh... glad to be of help.

Any way you see fit.

That's good, and I...

I appreciate that, but this tour is just a little different than what you are used to, so there's...

No, there's no need for...

For grandstanding.

I'm not following.

"The righteous cause?"

The call-and-response?

Oh. This isn't a fascist rally.

I know, I just thought that people needed a little, uh, buoying after braving protesters and...

Yeah, no, I-I see that, but, um... that's just not how we do things now, so ease up, you know.

Stay on book.

Sure thing. - All right.

Shall we get our room?

Oh, what, we get our own? We don't have to sleep at Eddie's feet?

You know, you k*lled it in there.

He should be thanking you.

I'm going to take a walk.

Thank you.

Hey. Got your room key.

Mm. The old traditional kind.

36, it's upstairs.

Great. Thank you.

You okay?


Listen, I know this tour wasn't the best timing for you, family-wise, you know, with your daughter's play.

Yeah, well, what can you do?

You know?

Yeah, Cal... Cal was great.

He was... he was good.

Yeah, Cal. You know.

It's not going to happen again. He was just... a little over the top.

I had a talk with him. It's gonna be fine.

Okay. You know, best to get the kinks out of the way before Philadelphia.

We want the message to be yours.

Mm. Hey, um... thank you, for... keeping me sane through all of this, or at least trying to.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Really appreciate it.

Ah. It's your mom.

Don't want to ignore mom.

Hey, thank you.

This is Vera Stephens.

Leave a message, and I'll return your call.

Everything okay?


You're still seeing spots, shadows.

It's time. We tried it your way, but now...

I can't even be in a doctor's office.

There's no way I'm having surgery.

If we don't remove the eye, the melanoma will spread, and it will k*ll you.

Have you talked to Vera?

She'll talk some sense into you.

She's not here.

She's on the road with the son, spreading the word.

You haven't told her.

We can't afford distractions.

Please know that we are beholden to you and to her for all you do.

You won't go through this alone.

We will be there.

I will be there.

As much as you'll let me.

We need you with us on the other side of this.

We can't start over without you.

Oh, come on.

I can get that.

Oh, hey, um, it's... Used to stock these old fossils for a while. Uh...

Yeah. You got to hit 'em just right.

Well, well, well. Um, thank you.

Very much.

I appreciate it, my friend.

So, I saw you speak back in Memphis.

What you said about The Light.

It really got to me.

That's good to hear.

I wanted to tell you so, but... y'all cut out before I had the chance.

Eddie Lane.

Daniel Givens.

Nice to meet you, Daniel.

So, uh, what brought you to the new center?

Uh, it's my kid, actually.

She's not doing so great.

I want to make it all better for her all the time, but...

I can't seem to be able to do anything right.

I got two myself.

I know the territory.

Her mom left us.

She woke up one morning, said she couldn't stay, had to go, had to live her life.

Turned around and never looked back.

Poor kid just couldn't get over it.

That's terrible.

I'm really sorry to hear about...

Oh, God, you know, I hate... I hate to do this to you, Daniel, right now, but I got to take this.

You know, I can get someone to talk to you.

If you'd just talk to my little girl, I think it'd do a lot of good. I would like to do that, but in the meantime, Sharon would love to help you. Okay?

Hopefully, you and I will run into each other again.

All right?

Hi. Sharon Walker.

I'd love to sit down with you.

I'll wait.

Well, he might be a while.

Come on.

We're all family here.

I'll bet you are.

It doesn't make any sense.

She's... she's not engaging with us at all.

Just put your mom on the phone.

Hey. What's going on?

Something else is going on.

Completely unreasonable.

Hawk, just hand her the phone, please.

Oh, Eddie asked me to help.

Okay, well, what can we do for you?

No, I don't... no, no, no, no.

I'm... I'm fine. - What...?

Dad wants to talk to you.

Maybe we can... we can help you.

No... no, if... No, I'm fine.

I see you're... you're uncomfortable.

Just let us talk to you... No, it's all right.

Sir, all we want to do is...

I don't want your help!

Okay, okay.

It's okay.

Hey, I guess Hawk's gotten you up to speed.

Not in any way that explains why you would pull Summer from The Awakening.

You know, the play is supposed to be our story, our truth, but it's never really been that, has it?

It's taken me a while to figure that out.

The whole thing's a farce, and I don't want our daughter to... Wait, wait, wait.

Is that what you believe?

That the play is a joke, that all of this is... what? No, of course not.

It's not... it's not a joke.

You know what? It doesn't... it doesn't matter.

Of course it matters what you think, Sarah.

It matters to me. What is it?

You know, if you want to have a say in our daughter's extracurricular activities, then you should come home.

Oh, my... I would love nothing more, and you know that. But this isn't an extracurricular activity, Sarah.

You know what? I'm not going to go another round tonight.

If you want a say, come home.

Look, I don't know what the hell is going on with you, and obviously, you're not going to tell me, but how dare you pull Summer into it?

Put her back in the f*cking play.


Sarah... ♪

Yeah? Okay, we'll take those.


Oh, that's not in your future.

Take it off.

How about this?

Oh, well, you'll grow into it.

You know, we deserve some treats, putting up with all that crazy, right?


Okay, we'll take these... and that.

There you go.


Dad... Hello, baby girl.


Hey. We've been looking for you.

Um, yeah, I just... want some, um, alone time.

What's going on?

I have these new photo ops to run by you.

Mm. Nothing too time-consuming, or, um, requiring a massive detour, so don't worry about it.


I've lost Eddie.

Oh. Sorry.

It's just, uh, family stuff.

Do you want to talk about it?

No, not really.

I just... God, I'm so frustrated.

My wife... ex...

Sarah is going through something right now, and I just don't know what to do, and it's affecting our kids, and... uh...

If you want to go home, then it'll be fine.


What, just cancel the tour, cancel Philadelphia?

No, no, no, no.

You don't have to...

Well, not... not entirely.

Oh. We'll have Cal do it.

Oh, he would love that.

Get behind the wheel.

Eddie, Eddie, I'll make sure he stays on message.

Look, people will be disappointed, but Cal will give a good speech, and they'll have a good time, and he'll never be you.

Look, if I bail, there's gonna be something else.

There's always something else.

Someone else, you know, someone will get let down.

Yeah. I guess you have to choose who you want to let down, then.


Whatever you decide, we'll... we'll make do with it.

Okay. Just let me know.

But why didn't you tell me when you first saw him? I could've easily...

Because I wasn't sure if he was real, and I kept hoping that he wasn't and that I was just losing it because I've been so tired.

But why are you meeting with him?

Like, what are you hoping to gain from this?

He won't stop following me until I hear him out.

You know, if you don't want to come, you don't have to.

No, I just... I don't want to see you get hurt.

I won't.

This is a chance for my dad to see me, really see me.

Sober, with Forest, doing so well.

And... what if it doesn't go the way you plan?

Well, um... I guess I'm used to it.

Nothing goes as planned with you, Cal.

It's gonna take time. Mm-hmm.

Yeah, there is no plan, is there?

You could try having a little faith.

I believe in you, baby.

I mean, I loved watching Eddie Embrace our son, and I-I love watching you fluff him out there every night.

I've always been here for you.

I'm just... now, I'm not sure if you're trying to convince me that things will be different, or yourself.

♪ Mom must be so pissed.

Doesn't matter.

You know, when I was a kid, the play meant everything to me.

I knew every single word of it, and now Summer does, and she's being taught to revere a man that...

Might have made the whole thing up?


Sarah? Are you having doubts?

You know, maybe you were the lucky one.

Leaving when you did? - No.

I gave up a lot when I left.

I'm still paying for it. I-I am never going to have a real relationship with my mom, and my children barely even know what their grandmother looks like.

All I'm saying, Sarah, is just be careful.

You know, this isn't something you can just walk away from.

You can't just undo this.

♪ I know.

Look, we made our choices, and our children, they're just going to have to figure it out for themselves.

Trying to force a child's hand never really seems to work out the way you want, anyway.

Just ask Mom and Dad.

♪ Yep.

With my Eye, I see you anew.

I do too.

No, babe, that's not right.

You're supposed to repeat what I said.

Okay, I'm sorry. No, it's fine.

Just... okay.

Uh, may I?


Okay. Here.

And right here.

Okay? Now you're ready to be clean in each other's Eyes.

Thank you. - Uh, actually, um, can I ask you something?


Once we do this, the Damage we've caused each other is gone, right?

Well, not quite that simple.

This isn't a cure-all for issues you're having in your relationship, but setting your intentions, here, now, together, it's a start.

Right? Okay.

All right.

Hey, Cal. What are you doing?

I'm heading out to find Mary.

No, I mean with them.


And stepping in last night.

I asked Sharon to help with that man, not you.

Right. Well, respectfully, that man could not be helped.

Everybody can be helped.

You know, Eddie, I am 10R.

We made a deal about how you would come back.


Look, I will stay for Philadelphia, but Cal's off the program.

You gotta find something else for him to do there.

I don't mean to bother you.

Uh, no, hey, look, I'm sorry about last night.

My... my son called, and I just...

I really didn't mean to disappoint you.

So... let's talk about your daughter.

How's she doing?

Not good.

Would you help?


Of course.

I would love to try.

♪ Does now work?


♪ I will wait I will wait ♪

♪ For them ♪ I don't know what to say

♪ I will wait, I will wait, I will wait ♪

I'm sorry I pulled you out of the play.

It was the wrong thing to do.

It's okay, Mom.

It was just that I never questioned as a kid, you know, anything that my mom and dad ever said or did, and it wasn't always the best way to be, so I'm glad you stood up to me because it made me think and it made me know that you're gonna be a grown-up one day and you're gonna have your own thoughts and your opinions, and so I'm really proud of you for that.

I know some of it didn't happen exactly the way Grandma's got us doing it, but what's important is true.


It's beautiful out here. Thanks.

Is your daughter home?

Should be, real soon.

I've been fixing to get the air in that truck looked at.

Oh, no, uh...

Oh, where are my manners?

Can I get you some water, or juice?

Yeah, whatever you, uh, you got would be great. Thank you.

Surprised she let me take that.


That's my Chelsey.

Usually always running around, or holed up in her room.

Too busy to spend much time with me, either way.


I get that. That's the way my...

My boy is, and I fear my...

My daughter's gonna be hitting that...

That phase very soon.

Um... is there a restroom I could use?

Oh, up the steps, to your left.


Thank you.

Please don't touch that.

Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to, uh...

All right.

It's just as she left it.


♪ I suppose there's no use in keeping this up.

See, my girl's been gone 12 years now.

♪ Okay.

You mean...

She left wanting to do some good.

She met a man who promised her everything, and wound up taking it all away.

Um... He took her away from me.

Convinced her the... sun, moon, "Light," whatever the hell it was, was talking to him, and it said they needed to k*ll themselves, 'cause the quicker they did, the quicker they'd get to some f*ckin' wonderland.

Daniel, hey, I didn't hurt your daughter, okay?

♪ I know that.

I do.

♪ What did you do to me?

I can't let you hurt someone else's kid.

Makin' 'em think some Light talks to you.


♪ May not've had that cyanide, but we make do around here.

You know, I didn't mean to scare you yesterday.

I read about your Meyerism tour a while ago, and I...

I just didn't want to...

I didn't know how you'd feel about me just turning up...

Hey, you sure that boy isn't hungry?

Yeah, he's fine.

Our nurse, Shelby, actually says that he's overachieving on every level.


Yeah, 90th percentile and all that.

And you?


Sober. Happy. Totally happy.

Are you still living on that field?

The compound? No.

We actually got a great apartment in the city.

Cal and I.

And he didn't feel like coming today, huh?


Well, he's a very busy man.


And last time I saw him, he threatened to k*ll me.

You think that he'd might wanna make peace with his father-in-law.


You are married, aren't you?

In every way that matters, yeah.

Oh, Mary, you don't want that kid growing up without the consecration of man and wife.

Since when did you give a shit about that?

Since I spent some time in jail.

Yeah, I know, it was a minor offense, and I...

Was blown way out of proportion, but I'm glad it happened, because I got straight in there.

Thanks to the Lord, and... Okay.

He really helped me.

He helped me see things clearer, helped me see things right, and I know... I know what you're thinking.

I would be skeptical myself, but thanks to the grace of the Lord, I really have found peace, and love, and forgiveness.

And Mary, I am praying for you every day.

I am praying for your soul, and for Cal's, and for this baby's, that you find the Lord too, that you embrace him with all of your...

I don't need your f*cking prayers.

Okay? 'Cause I am whole, and I am complete, and you are a horrible, awful, piece of shit who deserves to rot...

Oh, baby, girl... Don't call me that.

Okay? Ever.

I'll never see you again.

And I'll forget you.

And I know that you won't forget me.

Okay, guys, change of plans.

We're gonna rest here another night and set out first thing in the morning, okay?

Do me a favor. Just tell the others as well.


Is something happening?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What do you mean?

Could it be happening?

Eddie disappeared five hours ago, and it's just not like him to go anywhere without telling me.

I'm... I'm trying to keep everyone calm, but I just... - Okay.


It... it can't happen yet.

We're not ready.

You don't think...

There were these protesters yesterday and... ugh, shit, if something's happened to him, I don't know what to do.

Hey, gotta call you back.

No, Vera, don't...

Mary, Mary. Where's Cal?

Here, isn't he? - No.

Eddie's disappeared. No one's seen him for the last couple of hours. He's not answering his phone.

Cal's not answering his phone.

The last I saw them, they were together.

I'll try Cal again.

Don't you want to call the cops?

No, absolutely not.

They can't do anything for 24 hours, and they're only gonna harass us about who we are and what we...

Could you please get the baby to be quiet?

I know, I know. Come on, Cal.

f*ck. f*ck.


Um, I left his diaper bag.

What the f...

Hey! Hey!



♪ Oof!

♪ Please, call back, call back, call back.

The Light... Hear my call, please, please, I need your strength...

Our Father...

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy Kingdom come, ♪

♪ Hey! Hey!

Daniel! Hey!



Eddie, Eddie, no, no.

Wait, wait, wait. Eddie, Eddie.

Eddie, no, no, no! Eddie, Eddie!

No, no, don't... Don't, don't.


I shouldn't have gone.

To my dad.

So stupid.


It's okay.

No, it's not. I, um...

I left the diaper bag in the diner.

I think my dad took it.

We'll get another diaper bag.

Had his stuff, like his Sophie.

Oh, no.

We'll get a new one.

Why'd you save him?

I didn't do it for him.

♪ But he owes me now.

♪ He owes me.

He owes us.


♪ Who we are is who we follow, and who we follow is Eddie Lane.

Speaking for him today, for your Movement, is Cal Roberts.

Please help me welcome him.

Thank you.

I am so proud to be here today, speaking for Eddie, and, uh, and for myself, also.

We believe that every soul can be saved, from suffering, from pain, and we believe...

The ninth rung should be Protector.

A defender of our faith, helping to ensure our safe passage to The Garden.

The tenth rung should be Augur. Able to see without sight, able to know without having to bear witness.

Meyerism is born!

♪ What about the last three rungs, Steve?

♪ Through the tangled roots of doubt ♪

♪ On a river with no currents ♪

♪ Where skunk cabbage blooms in dark ♪

♪ In this cave I'll be your servant ♪ In this cave, I'll be your servant.

♪ I will wait for them I will wait, I will wait ♪ Dad?

♪ I will wait for them - Are you okay?

I drove all night.

I had to drive through the night to get here.

What happened?

Honey, I'm here.

I just want to be here.

Let's just talk about the rest later.

Sit, sit. - Sarah...

I'll be back before it's over.

I just need to check something out.

♪ I will wait I will wait for them ♪

♪ I will wait, I will wait, I will wait ♪

♪ For them

♪ I will wait, I will wait, for them ♪

♪ Through the tangled roots of doubt ♪ Through the tangled roots of doubt... ♪

♪ On a river with no current ♪ On a river with no current...

♪ Where skunk cabbage blooms in dark ♪ Where skunk cabbage blooms in dark... ♪

♪ In this cave I'll be your servant ♪ In this cave I'll be your servant...

♪ We say good-bye

♪ And leave it all behind

♪ No need for fear ♪ Our fates were divined

♪ All our pain is gone

♪ And the love is so strong

♪ We believe we believe ♪

♪ In our Light's grace

♪ And we climb the ladder

♪ Blessed to every race

♪ In this Garden reunited

♪ Everyone under one Light

♪ Let eternity get going

♪ Celebrations be started

♪ We are all singing ♪ For the open-hearted

♪ Let eternity get going

♪ Celebrations be started

♪ We are all singing ♪ For the open-hearted

♪ Let eternity get going

♪ Celebrations be started

♪ We are all singing ♪ For the open-hearted

♪ Let eternity get going

♪ Celebrations be started

♪ We are all singing ♪ For the open-hearted

♪ Let eternity get going

♪ Celebrations be started

♪ We are all singing