13x10 - Pyramids of Mars - part 2

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderators: Kitty Midnight, Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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13x10 - Pyramids of Mars - part 2

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Two

Original Air Date: 1 November 1975
Running time: 23:53


DOCTOR: Shush.

SCARMAN: Take up the generator loops.

SCARMAN: Place them in position at the compass points. Activate at ground strength.

DOCTOR: Quick, hide.

SARAH: Where have they gone?

DOCTOR: To set up a deflection field around the house. He's obviously planned every step.

LAURENCE: Who, Marcus?

DOCTOR: No, Sutekh.

DOCTOR: Sutekh is breaking free from his ancient bonds. If he succeeds, he'll destroy the whole world.

SARAH: You mean Sutekh is still alive?

DOCTOR: He destroyed his own planet, Phaester Osiris, and left a trail of havoc across half the galaxy. Horus and the rest of the Osirans must have finally cornered him on Earth.

SARAH: In Egypt?

DOCTOR: The wars of the gods entered into mythology. The whole of Egyptian culture is founded upon the Osiran pattern.

LAURENCE: I'm afraid this is beyond me.

SARAH: It's beyond me, too.

DOCTOR: Ah! Found it.

SARAH: What?

DOCTOR: The lodestone that drew the TARDIS off course.

LAURENCE: That's not a lodestone, that's just a sarcophagus.

DOCTOR: No, it isn't. It's the entrance to a time-space tunnel.

SARAH: Leading where?

DOCTOR: To Sutekh.

(The Doctor activates a cartouche on the case and it starts to do its multicoloured effect.

SARAH: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Keep back!

SARAH: Doctor! Doctor, come on. Wake up, please.

LAURENCE: It's no good. He took the full force of the blast.

SARAH: They're bound to come back soon. We're trapped! Where are you going?

LAURENCE: There's a priest hole here somewhere. Marcus and I discovered it when we were boys.

LAURENCE: There. It isn't very large, I'm afraid.

SARAH: No, well, he is though, so come and give me a hand.

CLEMENTS: Holy Moses.

WARLOCK: Is that you, Laurence?

WARLOCK: Marcus! Marcus, my dear fellow, you're back.

SCARMAN: Why are you here?

WARLOCK: Huh? What's the matter? For goodness sakes, old chap, don't you recognise me?

SCARMAN: Warlock.

WARLOCK: That's right. We've all been dreadfully worried about you.

SCARMAN: I came to find the other Scarman.

WARLOCK: The other? You mean your brother, Laurence?

SCARMAN: The human.

WARLOCK: Look here, old chap. If this is some kind of macabre joke?

SCARMAN: Where is the other Scarman, Warlock?

WARLOCK: Laurence went up to the house. That Egyptian servant of yours took a potshot at me! Laurence and the Doctor and some very plucky young girl went off to deal with the brute. They've been gone a devil of a time, mind you. I hope nothing's amiss.

SCARMAN: Who is the Doctor?

WARLOCK: One of Laurence's friends, I imagine. Some sort of scientist.

SCARMAN: Why does he interfere?

WARLOCK: Interfere? Now look here, Marcus

SCARMAN: All humans inside the deflection barrier will be destroyed.

WARLOCK: For heaven's sake, Marcus, what's wrong with you?

SCARMAN: Destroy this human.

WARLOCK: No, no, no! Laurence! Laurence! No!

CLEMENTS: Murdering swine.

SARAH: He's coming round.

DOCTOR: A parallax coil.


DOCTOR: I never expected that. A simple trap. Blew up in my face. Clever.

LAURENCE: He's delirious.

SARAH: No, shush.

DOCTOR: Never underestimate Sutekh. Thinks of everything.

DOCTOR: Where are we?

SARAH: Hiding.

DOCTOR: Where?

LAURENCE: A priest hole.

DOCTOR: In a Victorian gothic folly? Nonsense.

SARAH: You're so pedantic at a time like this. Does it matter?

DOCTOR: If only I knew the exact physical location of Sutekh. Where was your brother's expedition bound?

LAURENCE: Saqqara, I think. He wrote to say he'd discovered a blind pyramid in that region and believed it contained a mastaba.

SARAH: What?

LAURENCE: An underground burial chamber.

DOCTOR: Saqqara. Too vague, yet it might be our only chance.

SARAH: To do what?

DOCTOR: Sutekh is controlling operations here by mental force. With the equipment at the lodge, I could transmit a jamming signal.

SARAH: And block his power?

DOCTOR: With an etheric impulse projected along precisely the right axis, yes. Otherwise

SARAH: No good.

DOCTOR: The Egyptian's ring!


DOCTOR: It's a sl*ve relay. Calculating the reverse polarisation should be child's play. Why didn't I think of it?

SARAH: Shush. Listen.

SCARMAN: Remove this carcass. (sniffs) There are other humans within these walls. Seek and k*ll them.

SARAH: He's coming over.


CLEMENTS: Professor Scarman!

SCARMAN: Seek and k*ll.

DOCTOR: All right, all clear.

LAURENCE: Where are we going?

DOCTOR: Shush. To find that Egyptian.

SARAH: We can't search the whole priory. There's no need to. Look.

SCARMAN: Follow me.

SARAH: What do you think they're doing?

DOCTOR: I'm not sure yet.

LAURENCE: This is exceedingly interesting, Doctor. It appears to be some kind of machinery.

DOCTOR: You're right. Yes, that's resonating tuner. Part of an anti-gravity drive. Oh! They must be building a rocket.

SARAH: Egyptian mummies building rockets? That's crazy.

DOCTOR: They're not mummies, they're service robots.


DOCTOR: Machines.

SARAH: Machines? All right then, why are machines building rockets?

DOCTOR: So that Sutekh can escape from the power of Horus.

SARAH: Where's Sutekh now?

DOCTOR: Exactly where Horus left him seven thousand years ago. Trapped beneath a pyramid and powerless to move.

LAURENCE: Great heavens! This is unbelievable. Totally unbelievable!

DOCTOR: You're going to say it transcends all the normal laws of physics.

LAURENCE: I am, yes. I mean, it does. It's preposterous!

DOCTOR: Isn't it. I often think dimensional transcendentalism is preposterous, but it works. Would you like to look around?


DOCTOR: Please.

SARAH: Well now we are here, why don't you tune up 1980 and we can, well, leave.

DOCTOR: I can't.

SARAH: Ah. Why can't you?

DOCTOR: Because if Sutekh isn't stopped, he'll destroy the world.

SARAH: But he didn't, did he. I mean, we know the world didn't end in 1911.

DOCTOR: Do we?

SARAH: Yes, of course we do!

DOCTOR: All right. If we leave now, let's see what the world will look like in 1980.

LAURENCE: I say, this is like something by that novelist chap, Mister Wells.

DOCTOR: 1980, Sarah, if you want to get off.

SARAH: It's a trick!

DOCTOR: No. That's the world as Sutekh would leave it. A desolate planet circling a dead sun.

SARAH: It can't be! I'm from 1980.

DOCTOR: Every point in time has its alternative, Sarah. You've looked into alternative time.

LAURENCE: Fascinating. Do you mean the future can be chosen, Doctor?

DOCTOR: Not chosen, shaped. The actions of the present fashion the future.

LAURENCE: So a man can change the course of history?

DOCTOR: To a small extent. It takes a being of Sutekh's almost limitless power to destroy the future. Well?

SARAH: We've got to go back.


DOCTOR: Keep below the level of the window.

SCARMAN: Three humans within the deflection barrier have been destroyed. There are others.

SUTEKH (OOV.): Eliminate them.

SCARMAN: The servicers are searching for them, but assembly of the rocket is being delayed.

SUTEKH (OOV.): Destruction of the humans must not be allowed to delay the completion of the m*ssile. That is of paramount importance.

SCARMAN: Your orders will be ex*cuted, Sutekh. I will recall two of the servicers to the rocket assembly.

LAURENCE: I can't believe that my brother. He and Doctor Warlock were the closest of friends.

DOCTOR: Well, if you can stop thinking of him as your brother it'll make it a great deal easier for you.

LAURENCE: But he is my brother!

DOCTOR: From the moment he entered Sutekh's tomb he became subject to Sutekh's will.

LAURENCE: What does that mean?

DOCTOR: As a human being, Marcus Scarman no longer exists. He is simply the embodiment of Sutekh's power. He's given the paralysed Sutekh arms and legs, a means to escape.

SARAH: If Sutekh is so totally evil, why didn't Horus and the other Osirans destroy him?

DOCTOR: It's against their code. To have k*lled him would have meant that they were no better than he, so they simply imprisoned him.


DOCTOR: A forcefield, controlled from a power source on Mars.


DOCTOR: Yes. That's where the signal was beamed from, remember?

LAURENCE: But how?

DOCTOR: When your brother stumbled into Sutekh's tomb, the monitoring system on Mars detected the fact and triggered off an alarm signal.

SARAH: The rocket those robots are building!

DOCTOR: Yes. Will be aimed at the power source on Mars. If those warheads reach their target, Sutekh will have released himself.

LAURENCE: To destroy the world.

DOCTOR: Not only this world. Anywhere that life is found. Right. All I need now is a magneto.

LAURENCE: A magneto. Of course.

SARAH: What are you going to do?

DOCTOR: If I can block the mental beam, Scarman will collapse.

SARAH: You mean die?

DOCTOR: Well, he's not alive now in any real sense. Only Sutekh animates him. Deprived of his outside contact, Sutekh'll be as powerless as the day Horus left him.

LAURENCE: Here you are, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Splendid.

LAURENCE: What was that?

DOCTOR: Quick, Sarah, switch on the power.

LAURENCE: No, no, you'll destroy my brother!

DOCTOR: Switch on!

SUTEKH: Stop them!

SARAH: Doctor! Doctor!

SARAH: Doctor! Doctor!

The Doctor
Tom Baker

Sarah Jane Smith
Elisabeth Sladen

Gabriel Woolf

Marcus Scarman
Bernard Archard

Laurence Scarman
Michael Sheard

Dr Warlock
Peter Copley

Michael Bilton

Ernie Clements
George Tovey

Ibrahim Namin
Peter Mayock

Vik Tablian

Nick Burnell, Melvyn Bedford, Kevin Selway

Assistant Floor Manager
Paul Braithwaite

Barbara Kidd

Christine Ruscoe

Film Cameraman
John McGlashan

Film Editor
M A C Adams

Incidental Music
Dudley Simpson

Jean Steward

Philip Hinchcliffe

Production Assistant
Peter Grimwade

Production Unit Manager
George Gallaccio, Janet Radenkovic

Script Editor
Robert Holmes

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Ron Koplick

Studio Sound
Brian Hiles

Theme Arrangement
Delia Derbyshire

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Ian Scoones
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