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04x01 - Episode #4.1

Posted: 12/25/20 09:26
by bunniefuu
I am Uhtred, son of Uhtred... born a Saxon and rightful heir to the great fortress Bebbanburg.

For many years, I fought for King Alfred of Wessex...

... and for his vision of the kingdoms as a single union... England.

But my loyalty was never rewarded.

You are not the best of fathers.

My children were taken from me and my son handed to the Church.

Finally, we made peace... although the reconciliation was brief.

The King is dead and so together we pray for his soul... for his successor Edward.

The new king has much to learn.

Wessex appears to be in a land of chaos and doubt.

God is with us.

However, Alfred's widow, Lady Aelswith, alienates men who were loyal to him.

You were the King’s priest and, as such, you no longer have a role.

And Lord Aethelhelm has ambitions of his own.

Why was I not told that Edward had been married previously?

Aethelflaed's marriage has also not brought harmony.

I want her dead.

She holds a place in my own heart.

Brida's great love Ragnar is dead.

She has made a new alliance with the Dane Earl Cnut.

You should be under furs, woman, with me.

And I want to enjoy all of you, while there's time.

Whilst the warrior Haesten schemes to gain influence.

I also have scores I must settle.

Throughout all my victories, defeats, loves and losses, I have stayed true to my conviction... that I will one day return to Bebbanburg and overthrow the man who will stop at nothing to have me k*lled... my uncle Aelfric.

Destiny is all.

Bastard Scots! k*ll them!

Slay them all! Don’t spare a single one of them!

Sons of whores!

They’re weakening. Forward!

We have them! Advance!

Don’t let them escape!

Advance, you cowards! k*ll them all! Do not let them escape!

What in God’s name...


Retreat to Bebbanburg!

Open the gates!

Open the gates!

Open the gates!

Go! Go!

Open the gates!

How many did we lose this time?

Over half, Lord.

Then we need more men... or it'll be our heads on the ramparts.

Will they go back across the border? They'll gather reinforcements in Scotland, keep attacking till they whittle us down to nothing.

If they take Bebbanburg, they have a gateway south.

They want all of Northumbria.

Lord, where do we bury the dead? Leave them for the scavengers.

On your feet!

The last men standing.

My greatest fighters.

Or the most fearful, the ones who cowed and hid and ran?

The Scots will return!

They want to take our land and see us gone.

So unless you want to end up rotting on a sl*ve ship, I suggest you find the stomach to fight.

To fight!

Or leave!

Go on, leave now!

There is no place for doubt... or weakness.

I will never surrender to invaders!

My men can be destroyed! The villages starved!

They can dig a trench a mile wide!

But while I live, these walls will not be breached.

This fortress will not fall!

I will never yield my birthright, nor seek peace with those who attack us.

We fight on, until they are all butchered.

It’s time we're heading south, Osferth.

We fight on for Bebbanburg!

For Bebbanburg!



No one knows I'm here.

The people that know will not betray us.


Who is there?

It is Aldhelm. Lady Aethelflaed's absence has been noted by her husband.

She should leave here before she is discovered.

Stay with me.

I cannot. Yes, you can.

If Aethelred sends soldiers, we will fight them.

Please, he has tortured you long enough.

I know, but men should not die, so I can love you, Uhtred.

Men have died for less.

Not the ones who serve me.

I will not be the cause of bloodshed.

Aethelred would seek Edward's help. We would be outnumbered.

So, you'd take chastity while your husband is chasing another woman?

We both know that's different.

Do not return to him and be humiliated.

You are more than that.

I know.

And, hopefully, in time, things will change for us.

I will go to Winchester to comfort my mother and come back here as soon as I can.

Your men will return from the north soon.

Lady, you know, I do not speak in envy, but, please.

Your husband would take great pleasure in punishing you for adultery, should you give him the excuse.

He takes great pleasure in punishing me for whatever I do.

So, I must try to live with a little happiness.

Besides, I have good men to protect me.

And I know you do not speak from envy.

Any word from Finan? Nothing, Lord.

Do you want to give up your gods for your life?

Do you want me to show you mercy?


No. Mercy is for Christians. What will you do?

Good boy. If they capture you, you do exactly this.

Hey, careful, Cnut!

It means they like you.

They're good boys, Cnut. You're blessed. Yes.

Come, they’ll have taken down the camp without us.

To the settlements until the winter.

We must hide you away, while the men go to w*r.

Any of you caught humping a Saxon will be ex*cuted on our return.


Arse-Licker. You are the man they call the Arse-Licker?

I am Eardwulf of Mercia, commander of the King Aethelred's guard.

His latest new commander.

I heard you wormed your way back from a family disgrace.

And that your father lost his lands for humping his horse?

I heard there was a Dane who was willing to betray his kinsfolk for money.

You are steel-eyed for a turd.

Perhaps we are fated to work together, Lord Arse-Licker.

They've been loading ships for three days.

Leaving land they fought so hard for?

It's unlike the Danes to slink away.

Where is Cnut taking his men? Irland.

A cousin Sigtryggr is being held c*ptive by the natives.

That will take at least a winter. Will they come back?

The women are going to local settlements, so, there will be warm tits to return to.

Why do you tell us this?

Because, unlike you, I'm not rewarded for my service.

You should have licked more asses. Perhaps.


I no longer want w*r.

I'm too old to sleep in the dirt.

I want silver and Lord Aethelred has it?

Makes his own coin?

How ambitious.

How is the weasel? Still a man of wisdom and honor.

Who promotes an ambitious soldier... brave.

Who rewards loyalty.

I hear he takes your sister as his whore. Then you heard wrong, Dane.

She's not a whore and he does not take her.

This is good work. Thank you, my Lord.

There's a boat down river, Lord.

Women of Coccham!

We are back!

They know, Finan. They can smell you from here.

You look like shit.

What have you done to my ship? Now, that was Osferth’s fault.

What news from Bebbanburg? Good news, Lord.

My Uncle Aelfric is dead and you have his balls to prove it?

No, but he is being att*cked by the Scots pushing south.

He lost half his men in the most recent as*ault.

So, Bebbanburg's weakened? For now, yes.

Until he finds more men.

Or is slaughtered by the Scots.

So, we could take it.

With an army... we could take it.

Well, perhaps. It will not be easy.

How many men does he have? Barely 40.

Can he raise a fyrd? Oh, God, no. Local lords think he's...

That he's a turd, yes. And they're right.

We should not delay. No.

Go before he buys more men.

We head to Bebbanburg before the Scots return.

The gods are telling us to strike and take back what is mine.

Now, Lord, it'll take ships and men.

The venture could cost you all your silver.

Finan, if we take Bebbanburg, we'll have all the silver we ever dreamed of.

You will all be rewarded for your service, even you baby monk.


How many men remain here? Not enough.

We will ride to Winchester and raise an army.

It's time for Wessex to repay all that I have given.

What are they doing with Father's books?

Lord Aethelhelm wants this room given over to planning our defenses.

Apparently, it has the best light to work by.

Be careful!

That is my husband's Chronicle.

Take it to my quarters.

His legacy, all the learning... is no one to keep a record of our times?

They keep a record... of building fortifications.

See, this one tells us how 20 men can fashion a palisade in under a day.

It is all for our own protection.

Mother, I'm so sorry. Please, do not pity me.

I have a better life than many widows.

And my new rooms are comfortable... if rather near the kitchens.

Every time I return, there is a new insult.

I am not certain I believe it.

Are the men that bring the news to be trusted?

Lord Aethelhelm. My King.

What did you hear?

Well, simply that Cnut is leaving for Irland to help a cousin, Sigtryggr, who's besieged there.

Then it must be true. Danes are known for their kindness and loyalty.

We ignore this news until the scouts confirm it.

Continue to fortify along the border.

When the Danes break the peace, we will be ready.

I will inform the whores.

Quicker than the monks at spreading news.

We are resolved. Every man who can wield an ax should be building defenses.

Mother? What news do you talk of?

Perhaps I could offer the wisdom of experience.

Take comfort that all is well.


Come and lie with me, Eadith. God wants me to be satisfied.

He gave me this desire, so...

So, I am sure there is a servant girl you could hump.

I've had every servant girl from here to Ceaster. It is you that I want.

And it is me you shall have... when the time is right.

Come on. Do not make me force you, Eadith. You set a man on fire.

Do not be surprised when you get burned.


Lord Eardwulf, we were not expecting you until nightfall.

Forgive my intrusion, Lord, and to you, sister, but I bring important news.

Have us brought wine. My Lord.

What is your news, Commander? I met a Danish spy and he revealed that Cnut is taking his warriors from East Anglia and heading to Irland, leaving their women and children in undefended settlements.

Who else knows of this? No one. I paid him well.

Did you see them leave? Yes.

They're dismantling their camp and packing their boats.

A cousin is under attack in Dyflin.

If they're leaving East Anglia, then it's empty and ready for us to conquer it.

And if I enlarge our land, then Mercia no longer has to bow to Wessex and Edward.

Troops can be readied when you want them, but I would suggest that we leave quietly, before the Ealdormen can disapprove. This is an excellent plan.

It appears the relics of St. Oswald are already working in my favor.

I'm collecting all the bones of our beloved Saint... as a good omen to signal to the Mercian people that I shall restore their lands to greatness.

I'm sure they'll be impressed. It's my gift to the common folk.

Monks are leaving imminently with silver to bargain for his heart... and the winds are clearly blowing in our favor.

Thank you for all that you've done. It's impressive.

Anything I do, I do for Mercia.


You could teach your sister a lesson in generosity.

Our game is not finished.

Are you talking horseshit? No. I met a spy and the news is true.

The man is inflated enough without you encouraging him. I'm trying to keep him happy.

As should you. Just hump the desperate bastard.

I hump him and he loses interest.

If we want all this to continue, then we must not overplay our hand.

Do you want to return to being landless and ridiculed?

You hump him, if you do not believe me. I tried. He did not bite.

Will you hurry, Sable!

Ah, the monks.

I'll fetch your silver. You leave for Northumbria immediately.

St. Oswald’s heart? Bloody long way to go for a piece of dried offal.

Still, a few taverns to stop at along the way.

Northumbria’s a piss-hole place to waste a journey on.

Did you meet this Arse-Licker? I did.

Word will spread that you leave for Irland.

And he believed you?

He wants to kiss his master's backside. He believes what he wants to hear.

Then we shall attack Mercia, while their backs are turned.

We sail to the estuary before dawn, head upstream and keep the boats apart to avoid any scouts.

When we reach Mercia, we as*ault Aegelesburg in two bands and I will k*ll their little Lord.

Too timid to attack the boy king in Wessex?

The boy king in Wessex has been building defenses.

And the fool in Mercia has been following his cock.

We k*ll Aethelred, Wessex is honor-bound to come to Mercia's aid.

We lure out Edward from behind his walls... and fight on our terms and take the country.

As so many others have failed to do.

What did you do to tame her?

I treated her with respect and gave her love.

After you slaughtered the man she cared for.

I pity the bitch.

Do not give me a reason to k*ll you.

My friend.

All right.


I hear Uhtred is downstairs. Were you expecting him?

Uhtred? No, not until summer.

Are you sure it's him?

From the reaction of the novices, I'm fairly certain.



You have made quite an impression.

And you have not changed.

He has. Are you still writing this great work?

St. Cuthbert is capricious. He eludes me daily.

A master takes his time.

You look like a man with good news. I am.

And we will need to sit for it and we will need wine.

It is indeed worth waiting for.

Aelfric will finally see a reckoning.

Yes, never has a man deserved it more.

He is now weakened and without allies.

Has he no heir to assist him? He did.

A son... but the heir Wihtgar was banished.

He died last summer in the southern sea. You can starve him out.

Surround the fortress.

What was your plan?

My plan is that you join us... both of you.

Oh, I think my fighting days are over, Uhtred.

You, then?

You don't want an old man. Beocca, you're not old.

And you have mourned Thyra long enough. She would not want this sadness for you.

Throw it off and return to Bebbanburg with me.

I cannot.

Without me, the nuns would have no one to minister the sacraments.

And the life of St. Cuthbert will not write itself.

Take the fortress. I will join you, when the hard work is done.

Then we will hold a feast there in your honor.

You deserve to go back, Uhtred.

Yes, to restore your family to their rightful place.

I want to make a home for my children to return to.

Are they well? Your children? Stiorra thrives.

She lives at Aethelflaed's estate.

My son, I do not see. Alfred's influence has made him holy.

What news of Wessex?

Wessex... thrives.

Defenses are being strengthened against the Danes.

Edward's son is now walking.

The King's wife is to be crowned a queen.

It is unusual to honor the girl, whilst the widow Aelswith lives, to say the least.

But Aelflaed has an ambitious father.

Yes, Lord Aethelhelm is ambitious.

But King Edward just accepts this ambition from an Ealdorman?

Let's just say we feel his father's absence.

Finish your prayers. It is nothing of concern.

Walking like a fat man, friend.

It is my massive balls, Uhtred.

Too much palace food and sitting on your backside.

Perhaps. I fight less than I did. There will be fighting yet.

Do you know something we do not, Lord Uhtred?

Lord King. Steapa.

I only know that Danes do not like peace.

Did you hear Cnut is now heading to Irland to rescue a cousin?

No. I heard he has brought his sons over from his homeland, which means he has ambition here.

And what brings you to Winchester?

I'm here to make you an offer.

I can help you fulfill your father's dream of a united land... if you give me men to retake Bebbanburg.

Is Uhtred Ragnarson trying to negotiate?

It is a good idea.

If the bastard Scots are making incursions, they will return in number.

He takes the fortress. It becomes your foothold in Northumbria.

I take Northumbria and I unite the four kingdoms.

Small matter of conquering East Anglia, but that is mainly cattle and people that look like cattle.

Your father knew it could be done, one country, one king.

Since when have you cared for my father's vision, Uhtred?

Since it coincided with what he wants, by the sound of it.

It works for the both of us.

Unless you want the Scots to gain a stronghold to attack you from?

Aelfric cannot hold them off like I can.

I control the fortress. You control the country.

Give me 100 men, it will take a week.

Two hundred, I can take it in a day...

It would certainly fulfill an ambition.

But given the ongoing threat from the Danes here in the south, is it wise to distract ourselves... gallop to the frozen north for what is, in essence, a family feud?

Uhtred has done much to distract the Danes from Wessex.

Yes and we are all very grateful for his service.

But surely his oath was to see the King on the throne.

A duty that is now performed.

What is the point you are making, Lord Aethelhelm?

I'm merely saying that there is no debt on either side.

No debt... Lord Uhtred is free... to take what he wants.

You to defend what you have... which is the innocent people of Wessex from the marauding heathen.

By cowering behind walls and waiting for the Danes to attack?

No, by not being forced to fight before we are certain to win.

There are good reasons to go softly and strategically.

That is how you got where you are, Lord Aethelhelm.

Lord, take this moment your God is offering you.

Your father had a dream...

And my father also knew when to say no to Uhtred Ragnarson.

I am no longer the boy who can be bent to your will.

This is not saying never, but now is not the time.

"Now is not the time."

Years, I've waited. Years, I've given my sword.

Years, my home has been denied to me.

"There's no debt."

Winchester is a snake pit.

We will think of another plan.

Do you think our band can take the 40 men at Bebbanburg?

Two on one? Ask me when I'm drunk. Come on, Finan.

Our men are three times the fighters Aelfric's are.

I know. It's just unbreachable walls and boiling tar that worry me.

Not to mention the Scots waiting to take it for themselves.

Is the plan off, then?

Are we just staying here to get drunk?

The plan is unchanged. We head to Bebbanburg.

Take the fortress, then we get drunk.

Just us... without an army?

You don't need an army to k*ll one man. We k*ll Aelfric, the gates will open.

None, Aidan? None, Lord. We have tried.

Offer them three times what a mercenary would normally receive.

I do not think silver will tempt them.

Are they afraid of the Scots? No, but they think that we are doomed.

There is another way, but you will not like it.

We have had word that Aethelred of Mercia is sending monks...

What does that turd want with us?

The heart of St. Oswald.

I know it is a precious relic and that it has been at Bebbanburg for generations, but it may be our only course.

Aidan, I am a devoted Christian, who fears his saints.

Bebbanburg was my reward from God for my constant and unwavering piety.

Yes, indeed.

Send out to whatever hovels the common people live in.

Round up the farmers' sons.

Will that work, Lord? The farmers are not well-disposed to us.

It will work if you hold a knife to the mothers' throats.

Look around you, Eardwulf. Lord?

Soon, all that you see will belong to Mercia.

Cnut's mistake for leaving will be our glory.

It's getting in to Bebbanburg, that's the problem.

I say we just turn up and ram the gate.

Or we just ask nicely to be let in.

Next idea.

We are not dressing up as nuns. I wasn't going to say that.

But you were. No, I wasn't.

Lord Uhtred!

Thank you for offering your men to clear the stables.


Lady Aethelflaed will meet you in the garden.

Do not turn me into a brothel-keeper.

Oh, but you enjoy the savage life. Uhtred!

Do your novices not know that?


Lord Uhtred. Lady Aethelflaed.

Forgive me for not meeting you at the palace.

My woman Sable is at my husband's estate.

And she has learned something that will be very useful to you.

It is all being done very quickly and I am not one to spy or spread rumors.

But Lord Aethelred is collecting the relics of St. Oswald.

Why is this important?

Because, when St. Oswald's body is reunited in Mercia, the land will be returned to greatness.

It is important to our people. Why is it important to me?

Tell him of the monks, Sable. Oh, yes.

All that remains to be gathered is the heart of St. Oswald, which your uncle... Of course.

Aelfric keeps it at Bebbanburg.

It's no doubt some dog liver my ancestors bought.

Nevertheless, a treasure to the Mercians.

Lord Aethelred has sent a pair of monks up north to strike a bargain for it.

Do you know when?

They should reach Grimesby by Sunday, then Bebbanburg on the day of Ascension.

When is Ascension? Ten days before Pentecost.

Two weeks from now.

Intercept these brothers and you could gain entry into the fortress.

I will need a priest who can accompany these monks.

I am sorry, but I can provide nothing more.

I cannot defy my brother.

I hope your brother values your loyalty.

I hope you win what you have longed for.


What if you die doing this?

Then you will be the last woman to hump Uhtred of Bebbanburg.

Is that your way of promising to be faithful?

Do not answer that.

If we leave now, we should make it to the monastery by nightfall.

We will need another beast, a small one.

Hump the horseman's wife if you have to.

I'd rather hump the horse.

Why the extra horse, Lord? It's for a priest.

Which priest? One I hope will be glad to see me.

Well, well.

Finally back to Bebbanburg.

Beocca... if you want to come, I will carry you there.

Ride with me. We will rest when you need to.

I will fight with you on my shoulders. You do not need me for this, Uhtred.

You're ready to face this alone.

Fulfill your father's birthright.

Restore Northumbria to greatness.

The pride should be on your shoulders and yours alone.

You deserve this.

I will repay all the debt I owe you three times over.

You will live like a lord in Bebbanburg.

You owe me nothing, Uhtred.

Anything I ever did for you, I did from my own heart.

May the Lord bless you and keep you in this adventure.

Thank you, Father.

Goodbye, pure and holy abbess.

Goodbye, you bloodthirsty heathen.

Take this.

Turn it into hack-silver and pay for bribes along the way.

Keep each other out of trouble.

k*ll them all!

No! No!

Look how he worms his way in, with the King's guard.

Why do that if you do not seek influence?

I do not trust him.

In the past, he has suggested to me things that are most unchristian, in regards to the other heirs to the throne.

Do you mean the firstborn you had banished so your son could make a better marriage?

I mean the children who were conceived without holy union.

The first marriage was legitimate.

There are priests who will swear on the Book to it.


you chose Lord Aethelhelm's daughter as a match, because he had silver that Wessex needed.

You chose her over a woman your son loved and who had borne him children.

You cannot invite a serpent into the garden and be surprised when it slithers on the ground.

Did I not have you removed from the court, Father Beocca?

Yes, another one of your rash judgments.

It is unwise to remain somewhere you are not wanted.

And yet you choose to stay here, too.

Perhaps we are not so different.

This bitterness is not her.

Her role is diminished and she is veiled in grief.


It can make a person less than they should be.

I should know.

Seize the land to the north until you reach the sea.

And then we will see which Saxon kingdom is the greatest.

And who should kneel to whom.

Which one?

It's not him.

It's him. Go!

Hey! Get off! Who are you! He's a sinner, Father!

Where are we going?

Hello, Father. Men, this is my son. Young Uhtred.

I don't use that name. It belongs to a priest k*ller.

I'm here to guide you back to your family.

The Church is my family.

It's not. You were placed there without my permission.

Praise be to King Alfred for that.

We are leaving this place and you are coming with me.

Am I? Yes, you have no choice.

Take off the woman's garb. Wear this.

And, uh... I have a gift for you.


Impressive beast.

Hey. I did not realize how much you'd grown.

Ride to Coccham with us. In time, we will find you a proper horse.

Why would I go to Coccham?

To collect the ship that will take us north... to reclaim your birthright and mine.

To seize back what was lost and unite our family.

I'm taking you to Bebbanburg. Never heard of it.

He doesn't seem to like you much. That's Alfred's legacy.

The man torments me still.

Let me guess. I'm to be banished again.

Would I let that happen, Beocca? I would say keep yourself indoors a while.

I am to be silenced.

I'm sorry. Lady Aelswith wields power where she can.

I will drop in and bring you news until she has calmed herself.

You are a good man, Father Pyrlig.

A good friend to me and to Wessex.

Before you go...

to advise a king is a great honor.

But it can also be a curse.

Sometimes found myself at w*r with my own conscience.

I want you to know you have my blessing. To do what?

Whatever must be done to protect King Edward.

Ah. The King grows wiser by the day, true.

He has all the makings of a great leader, I'm sure.

But time may be against you.

Those around him have ambition.

And it is not the ambition of the King, or of his father, who we both loved.

So, you do what you must.

It's sturdy enough.

Do we not need something more... agile?

We're not taking pelts to sell to Frankia.

Do you want Aelfric to know that we're coming?

I suppose not.

Pelts it is.



Are you kidding?

Do you have room for half a man more? I flee the wrath of the Lady Aelswith.

As do we all. I'm sure we can make space for you.

I'm afraid I'll be not much use to you as a fighter.

Happily for you, I am desperate.

We'll require more ale, for sure.

Did Hild send you to keep an eye on me?


It was entirely my decision.

You were right. I've allowed myself to get old too quickly.

I shall leech off their youthfulness... revive myself.

What is the real reason?

Word reached me... of the abduction of a young deacon.

So, I felt I should, uh...

You came to help me be a better father.

Well, there is that.


Come, get on the boat with us.

What use do you have for me?

Why do you drag me to something for which I'm not made?

Because I see the man that you will be, not the boy that you are.

I know what it is to be ripped from one life to live another.

And I know that it will make you stronger.

Perhaps my faith is being tested.

Perhaps that's what it is. You see this?

This was my father's.

One day it will be yours.

It is fate. It doesn't feel like fate.

It feels like penance.

Get your saintly arse on the bench, Osferth.

Let's go. He gets sick traveling backward.

I do not. I just like to see where we’re going.

To Bebbanburg!

Raise the sail!