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02x13 - Day 492

Posted: 12/25/20 07:20
by bunniefuu


Your Honor, Mr. Lock, he set his TV show in Chicago.

He could've set it anywhere... New York, New Orleans.

Anywhere, but he chose Chicago, and he was promised a 30 percent tax break...

But only if he used post-production facilities in Illinois.

[CHUCKLES] Mr. Lock only moved his post-production facilities to Los Angeles for reasons of diversity.

Oh, come on. Maybe the City of Chicago cares less about diversity than Marshall Lock.

His Los Angeles facilities are majority African-American owned, and that is far better... [EXHALES]

Damn it.

She has to go to the bathroom, doesn't she?

That is far better than the...

[SHOUTING] ...all-white facilities in Chicago!

She is very good.

Do you need a moment, Counselor?

Uh, I don't know what you m-mean.

Yes. Yes!

Recess! f*ck!

f*ck! Recess, yes!


Damn it! Two weeks early?

I have the Muncer case in pretrial, and I have the v*olence Prevention Committee.

No. Shut up, okay? You are giving birth.

You need to stop talking about work and focus. Okay?

Who are you calling? Your OB-GYN.

How do you have his number? This is your phone.

Oh, shit, no, no, no.

What? He's in Mendocino.


Call Colin.



[PHONE BEEPS] Morrello residence.

Down with Trump.

I need to speak to Colin Morrello.

He's not in right now. And I'm a little busy.

What? No, no, no. I am calling for Lucca Quinn.

She's giving birth. Excuse me?

Lucca Quinn is giving birth.


I have it in my calendar. It's two weeks from now!

I thought we agreed she was inducing.

Is that Francesca? Yes.

Tell her to get Colin. Okay, Lucca wants you to call Colin.

Tell her I'm coming right now. And Colin is in DC until next week.

Helga, help me, I'm gonna be a grandmother.

Bitch! She hung up.


Call Diane. Diane?

Tell Diane... Okay.

...that I will be unable to make the v*olence...

The v*olence Committee. Oh!

Okay. Jesus!

I thought it was in two weeks.

Uh-huh. Well, we all did, but it looks like the baby didn't agree.

Yeah, don't... don't worry about it, just keep us in touch.

What's wrong? Lucca is in labor.

[GASPS] What? When did this happen?

Just now. Maia called on her way to the hospital.

Listen, can you take Lucca's place on the v*olence Committee?

No, I have to get to the hospital.

Not you, she means me.

Yeah, I'll head right over there. [EXHALES]

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Oh, no problem, you seem very busy out there.

Oh, just the unexpected. [CLATTERING]

Are you all right? Uh, yeah. Yes, I'm fine.

One of our lawyers is, uh, going into labor.

Oh, my God. Oh, no, not her.

Her, uh, her best friend. [LAUGHS]

So two female FBI agents? Is that unusual?

Uh, no, not these days.

So you want to hear me say terrible things about my husband?


No, it's just a standard background check for anybody applying to the FBI.

It's pretty routine, painless.

Well, good. Fire away.

Do you know Mr. McVeigh to be an honest person?

I do. He is the most honest person I know.

And during the course of your marriage, have you and Mr. McVeigh maintained the same residence?

No. He is a country person, and I'm city, so we have lived apart, but we moved in together permanently last week.

And in the last six months, has anyone else stayed at your residence?

Uh, no. A friend's daughter came when she was visiting colleges.

And my goddaughter, Maia Rindell, spent a few days.

Maia Rindell? Yes. Henry's daughter.

She stayed with me during the scandal.

I hope that's not a problem. It shouldn't be.

You think of anything else, just give us a call.

Oh, and that's all?

Yes. Like we said, painless.


LIZ: Hey.

Is Lucca really giving birth?

Yes, I just got the call.

Uh, listen, do you have a minute?

Something wrong?

Uh, maybe.

Uh, Kurt was offered a ballistics job by the FBI.

Oh. And I was, uh, just interviewed by two agents as part of a standard background check, and I'm worried about one of my answers.

Okay. Which one?

Um, can I borrow a dollar?

I need a consultation.

I am now your lawyer.

The two FBI agents asked me if anyone had, uh, stayed at my residence.

And I answered a friend and Maia.

Are you worried about the scandal?

No, someone else stayed there, too.

A man, overnight.

No, that's why we left our card, Ms. Lockhart, thank you for calling.

So who else stayed with you?

I, um... I had a party last year with a dozen friends and, uh, co-workers.

And they stayed the night?

No, I just thought I'd mention them.

And, um, a neighbor of mine had water damage, and I let her stay at my apartment while I was out of town.

Julie Rayborn. Rayborn.

Oh, and, uh, and a friend of mine, um, stayed one night.

Um, Tully Nelson.

Okay, um, has Mr. McVeigh met either Ms. Rayborn or Mr. Nelson?

DIANE: Uh, no, not to my knowledge. Well, thanks for clarifying.

We should be finished with our work today.

No problem. Bye.

You're fine.

WARREN: k*ll all lawyers.

That's been the anthem for six months of copycat K*llers and assaulters.

Well, today that ends.

That's great to hear, Warren.

Three inches to the left, I'd be dead.

I know, my God.

That's one of the reasons Rahm wanted you on this committee.

Mm. And it's good to see you too, Julius.

JULIUS: Ha, thank you.

WARREN: The mayor has gathered together the best people, Republicans and Democrats.

A judge, a journalist, a drama teacher, all to decide how to spend ten million dollars, and finally address this problem of lawyer killings.

Warren. Yeah?

With no oversight?

None. Rahm believes you put the best people in a room together, and let them do their thing.

So don't be intimidated by the other powerhouses in this room.

You've had experience being a victim.

Share it. Use it.

Gentlemen, I think some of you know Adrian and Julius from Reddick/Boseman.

And I think you know His Honor, Trig Mullaney, a recent Trump appointee.

And Ted Willoughby from the Fox show, Ted and Friends.

Howdy. A fellow pundit.

And beloved drama teacher, the top educator of 2018, Neil Howard Sloan-Jacob.

I Good morning good morning I To you and you and you [COUGHING]

Anyway, I will let you all get to it.

Warren? Warren. Yeah.


These are the powerhouses? Yes, why?

You don't think they're lacking?

Adrian, that's a federal judge, a top TV journalist and an award-winning educator.


Look, if this is about partisanship... No. No, no.

You get me a smart Republican, I'd be thrilled.

Warren, I know these three. They are functioning idiots.


I never thought of you as an elitist, Adrian.

Come on, man, I...

But, you know, if they are functioning idiots, it should make your job easier.

Convince them. All you need is a majority.

Three votes to two. You've got this.


Lucca Quinn? Lucca Quinn.

WOMAN: I'll be with you in a minute. Oh, my God.

WOMAN: Ma'am. Miss!

[BABY CRYING] Excuse me.

Hi, um, my friend is giving birth.

Lucca Quinn, you know where... She's right there.

Okay. FRANCESCA: ...calming music.

LUCCA: Jesus, God, where is the epidural?

1 got him, I got Colin.

How's he doing in DC? Don't you dare take that.

All right.

Can you show Marissa how to use a door?

Hello, Colin? Where are you?

I'm headed to the airport, what do you think...

[HORN HONKS] Sir? Sir, could you go around, please?

This lane is not moving, sir.

f*ck! I'm out of town for 18 hours, and that's when you choose to go into m*therf*cking labor?

God, it's good to hear someone swear other than me.

Sir, this lane is moving. Why would we be in this lane?

f*cking hell!


m*therf*cking cocksucker!

f*cking assh*le!

Fucker! f*ck! f*cking, f*cking cocksucking...

...ass-licking, ball fondler!


GRACE: Thank you for letting us come to you, Mr. McVeigh.

Ballistics asked to expedite your background check.

They want to put you to work fast. [CHUCKLES]

So here we are. No problem.

Do you know Maia Rindell? Yes.

Did you have any investment in the Rindell Fund?

No, but I probably benefited through community property.

[LIGHT CHUCKLE] Understood.

Do you know Julie Rayborn? No.

She's a neighbor who stayed overnight here.

ANNABELLE: Do you know Tully Nelson?


Did you have any contact with him when he stayed here overnight?


Do you know when he stayed here?

No. Was it more than one night?

I don't know.

Does this apartment have more than one bedroom?



LIZ: "Conspiracy carries a life sentence. If you want my help, leave a flower pot in your office window and I'll meet you at your parking space.”

You don't know who gave you this? No.

Conspiracy to what? I don't know.

This is sort of crazy.

It's... it's like someone's trying to make you paranoid.

It has to be somebody who can see my window.

If it's not a prank.

We're too high up for anybody to see us from the street.

Have you ever noticed two people in the window there, the two windows at the end?

They wear Trump masks. What?

They dance, and have sex wearing Trump masks.

[LAUGHING] Are you sure?

No, I think that's an insurance firm.


Diane Lockhart.


Can you, um... can you ask me that again?

GRACE: Yes, we were wondering if you can drop by here in an hour or so.

We have just one more question.

Um, sure. Can you ask me on the phone?

Unfortunately, it's probably better in person.

We can arrange it at your convenience.

[QUIETLY] I'll go as your lawyer.

Um, sure. When do you want me?

Thank you so much for coming in, Diane.

Certainly. You're welcome.

This is Liz Reddick, my lawyer.

Hi. You don't need a lawyer.

This isn't meant to be adversarial.

Good. Then we should be fast.

We really only have one question for you, Diane.

It's something that came up during our background check.

This friend who stayed in your apartment, Tully Nelson?

We've discovered he's made threats against the president.

Uh, what threats? He's threatened the president's life.

GRACE: We know you didn't have anything to do with that, Diane, but we wanted to give you a chance to give us your take.

Uh, excuse me, let me just interrupt for a sec.

Is this a background check of Kurt McVeigh, or Diane Lockhart?

Mr. McVeigh's wife slept with a man who threatened the president, she then invited that man back to her apartment, the apartment she shares with her husband.

That impacts Mr. McVeigh's background check.

Well, I'm glad this isn't adversarial.

Where are you getting your information?


Okay, well, you can submit your questions in writing and we will take a look at them. Thank you so very much.

This is a subpoena, Ms. Lockhart.

Oh, you're f*cking kidding me.

We'll need you to testify at a grand jury hearing today against Tully Nelson.

Just a background check, huh? [ELEVATOR CHIMES]

We now know conspiracy to what.


That carries a life sentence.

[WHISPERS] Let's not talk here.



We have an opportunity here to stop these killings.

The key is to be smart. I have a proposal.

Can I just say first, I think we're overreacting.

There are more people k*lled by k*ller bees each year than by g*nf*re.

What? What? What? What? I know, I was surprised, too.

A Global News study showed that only 3,000 people were k*lled by g*nf*re...

That is not true. That is not true.

It's scary how many of these things you see on the Internet that are faked.

You know, even the lawyer hit-and-run, that was done in a studio.

No, it wasn't. Roger Hill was k*lled by a car.

NEIL: Yeah, can I just say something here?

g*ns are not the answer. I mean, last year, we did Annie Get Your g*n for the spring musical and we replaced any reference to "g*n" with "puppies."

And it worked just as well, maybe even better.

Two curtain calls.

I just don't think you need g*ns to have drama.

I agree.

Last six months, three lawyers shot by g*nf*re.

All those g*ns have been used in previous crimes.

All those g*ns would've been subject to an illegal g*n buyback program.

My proposal, we use the ten million dollars to buy back illegal g*ns.

So we pay the criminals?

No. We buy back the illegal g*ns.

Why don't we use the money for a great ad campaign?

"I heart lawyers," you know?

Something like that. That's fun.

With big, smiling photos of lawyers on billboards and a jingle.

NEIL: Ooh, uh...

I I love lawyers I love lawyers I They are... Uh, what rhymes with that?

-Um... Foyers. Employers!

I I love lawyers I They're employers Ah.

I Not just destroyers They love everyone

[VOCALIZES] See, see, I like that.

It's not negative like a buyback.

NEIL: No, it's not. It's better. Truth, liberty...

These clowns are gonna outvote us.

Yeah. We need to get to him.

I'll meet you at the bar association.

TRIG: [LAUGHS] That's good. That's fun, right?


Okay, good. I'll see you in ten.

Okay. Bye.

Thanks. Who was that?

My mom. She's on her way. Your mom! Oh, she's here.

Yes. In town to help. Glory be.

Someone turn off that f*cking music!

I can't wait to meet her. We'll have so much to talk about.

Agh! God!

Okay. Breathe. Just breathe. You can do this.

Think of something else. Focus on something else.

Like what? Are you leaving?

Am I what? Francesca says you're leaving.

That you're moving to DC. What?

FRANCESCA: Mm-hm, she was offered a job by Obama's people.

Isn't that wonderful? It's organizing for... Wait, what is it?

Action. I'm... I'm not sure I'm going.

Well, yes you are. You told Colin you were.

No, I said I was considering it.

When would you leave? I don't know.

I don't know if I'm going.

Mr. Habercore was very excited about it.

Okay, can we deal with this later?

I Fuzzy, fuzzy, cute, cute I Fuzzy, fuzzy, cute

WOMAN: Were you followed?

No. Are you sure?


Who are you?

Do you want my help?

Do I need your help?

They're out to put you in prison, so you tell me.

Who's they?

You think all the problems you've been having are accidental?

Your investigator, now you. It's all connected.

They know your firm's leading the way on impeachment and the pee-pee tape.

Trump's obsessed with the pee-pee tape.


So, what do I call you? Deep Throat?

No, I don't do deep throat.

Just double penetration and girl-on-girl.

You're a porn star? Former.

I direct now. Oh, my God.

Look, dismiss me if you want, but Trump doesn't give a damn about men in suits.

Mueller, Cohen, he eats them for breakfast.

He cares about me.

He's terrified of me.

It's high school.

He's terrified of anyone who's seen him in the nude.

Okay, so why do you need me?

Because I'm covered by a nondisclosure agreement.

You're not.

So what do I need to do?

Follow the women.

I don't understand.

You want to defend yourself, you need to find their weakness.

It's the women.

The affairs, the prostitutes, the love child.

Follow the women.


My car's this way.

A porn star told you to follow the women?

I know.

I've spent the last six months in a haze of not knowing what was crazy and what was not.

I still don't know.

Did this porn star tell you why to follow the women?


So I'd have something to use against them.

But he's not going after you. He's going after Tully Nelson.

Lucca's at the hospital? Yes, two weeks early.

Is she okay? So far.

And you were served?

By the same prosecutor who went after you.

What do you need? You were there for me, I'm here for you.

There may be something between him and a woman.

Can you look into it? [CLEARS THROAT]

We're ready for you, Ms. Lockhart.

Good. I think you know Mr. Dipersia.

Yes. Hello.

Diane. Hello, Tully.

Are you testifying?

Can we talk for a minute?

Look, I'm so sorry about this.

This is the new America. f*cking fascists.

Listen, did you take the fifth?

No. I had nothing to be ashamed of. Tully.

Look, we have to start standing up to this bullshit, not hiding behind legal loopholes. Ms. Lockhart?

All right, here's the thing. I waived attorney-client privilege.

Oh, my God. Everything I said I am proud of.

It's either a joke or I stand by it.

Now go give them hell, gorgeous.


PATRICK: Ms. Lockhart, hello.

Hello, Mr. Basehart.

We just have some questions about your client, Tully Nelson.

He's already waived his right to attorney-client privilege.


So you're obliged to answer my questions, is that not so?


Did Mr. Nelson on two occasions mention wanting to assassinate President Trump?

Yes. He did?

And did you not think it was important to report these threats to the authorities?

No. Why is that?

Well, for the same reason 1 didn't report Johnny Depp when he talked about assassinating the president during the, um, film festival in Glastonbury.

It was a joke.

[CHUCKLING] And how did you know it was a joke?

Because Johnny Depp said it was. No, Tully Nelson.

Oh, for the same reason.

I asked Tully if he was joking and he said yes.

Okay. That makes sense.

Let me play a tape for you, Ms. Lockhart.

TULLY: Are you up? DIANE: Actually, yes.

Why the Beretta?

TULLY: Ah, you know g*ns?

DIANE: This is not a g*n. It's a p*stol.

And I know it's illegal to modify the milsurp magazine for a 92S.

Where did you get that?

That is a recording of you, isn't it, Ms. Lockhart?

That is an illegal recording of an attorney consulting with her client. In her bedroom?

Excuse me, but the location of that recording is not relevant.

What is being discussed here, Ms. Lockhart, is a conspiracy to assassinate the president.

That's why we have a warrant. It was a joke.

And you have no right to use that.

If it was a joke, then why this?

DIANE: You are discussing a crime with your lawyer.

TULLY: No, no, no. I am discussing politics.

DIANE: v*olence is not politics.

TULLY: Oh, really?

[b*ll*ts CLICKING]

Isn't that the sound of you removing b*ll*ts from Mr. Nelson's magazine?

And if you truly thought he was joking, then why would you remove his b*ll*ts?

You taped us? -No, I...

You taped our conversation?

No, I... I didn't. They have us talking.

They have our conversation in my bedroom.

No, it wasn't me.

You've been bugged. Check your phone.

It's your phone or your apartment, but it wasn't me.

[QUIETLY] Let's go.

JAY: Her name is Aubrey Klebahn.

She attended lowa Glidden-Ralston High School.

This is Basehart's assistant.

She was working at Hooters in DC when Basehart hired her.

Yes. She was with him in the grand jury room.

She worked with him for a year, then she tried to leave, but he gave her a raise and moved her to Chicago.

Is he married? Yes. Three kids.

Basehart goes home on weekends.

And where does Aubrey live?

In an apartment five blocks away from Basehart.

Good, but we'll need hard evidence.

JAY: I'm on it.

So... [EXHALES] this the plan?

Blackmailing him? Yes. Why?

Uh, it just seems a little sleazy.

They're out to destroy us.

If ever there was a time for situational ethics, it's now.

Where are you going?

To buy a burner.

Thank you, Mr. McVeigh. We just have a few more questions and we'll wrap up your background check.

There a problem? No.

When there's more of us, that's good news.

You don't have to talk to us individually.

Has your wife ever made a contribution to an organization dedicated to the overthrow of the US Government?


Whew, that's good to know.

Tell us about the g*n you gave to your wife.

[SIGHS] Why? We just want to get a fuller picture.

Was it a Smith & Wesson 6-47?

Mr. McVeigh?

What's wrong? [SIGHS]

It wasn't illegal. That's not our question.

I have no more answers for you. Sit back down, sir.

No. You want to give me a job, give it to me.

You want to find out about my wife, ask her.

Your wife is about to be indicted.


I don't like to swear, so, understand, this is purely for emphasis...

Get the f*ck out of our house.

No, I mean it. Get the f*ck out of our house!


I think we should talk.

I agree. Where are you?

I'm at the apartment. I'm coming to you.

No, wait there. I'm coming to you.

All right, see you then.

President Trump, first of all, how are you this morning?

See, we're told to address President Trump as often as possible.

He watches every day.

Mr. President, if you're watching us right now...

First of all, you're looking really good, sir.


And I'm not just talking about your border strategy.

Oh, yeah, she's a real nympho. Yeah?

They're trying to outvote you, Howard. It's a...

It's Neil. Neil.

Neil. It's a trick.

But I like the billboard idea.

And the singing. I Uh-oh, you're gonna get sued Look, we vote together on this buyback thing, we can be out of here in time for the 8:00 curtain.

WARREN: Adrian. Thanks.

ADRIAN: Uh, excuse me. Good timing.

I think we've reached a consensus. Neil's voting with us.

Great, but Rahm thinks you made a good point.

We need another smart voice on the committee, and particularly a woman, so...


She's NRA, Warren. Yes, but she's smart.

Keira, this is Adrian.

Mr. Boseman, how are you?

I heard about your terrible time. I'm glad I can help.

Is this Lucca's room? -ltis.

I'm Francesca.

It is so good to meet you.

I was just wondering whether your family is from Tanzania or Nigeria.

I have no idea.

Well, I think we're gonna become fast friends.

I just got back from a luxury safari in Tanzania.

The nicest people.

Here she is! Safe and sound.

Hi. Dr. Harper called from Mendocino.

He asked me to step in. I'm Dr. Coulson.

Oh. You're not Lucca's mom?

No, that's me.

I don't think I understand. Put her out of her misery, Mom.

Danny, we have someone who needs visual evidence.

Hi. Danny Quinn.

Of course. [LAUGHS]

Well, now I see the resemblance.

I mean, not that there needs to be a resemblance.

So if I could interrupt. We need fewer people in here.

I'm out of here. Me, too.

No. No, no, no, no, please.

MARISSA: We have to go to work anyway.


Okay. All right, here we go, everybody.

One, two, three! m*therf*cker! Cocksucker!

It's what they do in Australia, and I don't like Australians.

It's a buyback program! They have them everywhere.

Have you even been to Australia? They all hate Trump.

JULIUS: What? And ever since their buyback program, there have been twice as many sh**ting deaths in Australia. JULIUS: What?

Can I calm things down by saying something here?

NEIL: Please.

I share Adrian's concern for these copycat murders.

He's a good man. He has skin in the game.

But this isn't just about g*ns.

One lawyer was k*lled in a hit-and-run, another was supposedly hung...

The majority were shot. If I may finish.

We need to help lawyers defend themselves.

That's the bottom line.

Now, I liked your ad campaign, especially the jingle. [LAUGHS]

[CHUCKLES] But if we want to make a difference, we need to spend this money to arm and train lawyers.

Oh, my God. Every time, it's more g*ns. More g*ns.

No, the answer is training and arming lawyers.

This isn't about g*ns. This is about self-protection.

Which is ten more million dollars spent on g*ns.

I'd love to show you gentlemen what I mean.

We trained a few people last month.



[CLEARS THROAT] Now these are CZ Scorpions, much more firepower than lawyers would probably need.

Are those the instructors? Yes.

It was a very hot day, so they had to make do.

Justifiable. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I also want to show you this briefcase, which opens to offer a bulletproof shield.

Hey. Whoa, that is so clever.

Now just think of every lawyer with one of these.

And this... Oh! a Heckler & Koch MP5K, all reasonably priced. I'll check the chamber.


Hmm. There you go.

[GIGGLES] Yeah, take it.

We're f*cked.

I think we...

[WHISPERING] Shh. Don't talk.



I think I'm being bugged.



They may ask you about someone named Tully.

I need to tell you... No.

Actually, I do. No... you don't.

We're starting over.

LUCCA: Epidural.

Epidural. Epidural.

Those are pretty words.

One word, love. Epidural.

One word.

Are you and Mom intentionally not fighting ‘cause of me?

No, we don't... we don't fight anymore.

Why is that?

So, I hear that you helped your brother.

That was a bad segue.

What are those two scheming about?

So your son knocked my daughter up?

Well, that's just the way it happened.

Your daughter was just sitting there with a little parasol. [LAUGHS]

So, they're not getting married? I know.

No, that was a question. Right.

They are not getting married, but it's fine because it's a different time. Oh, why is that?

Why is what? I don't understand the question because they don't need to get married.

Why not? You know what?

I think you are gunning for a fight here, and I am not sure I understand why.

Because when I arrived... What? Yes. you asked me what I thought of the movie Black Panther...

Oh, that was a good movie. ...which I haven't seen.

Have you seen Get Out? You should. And then you sang to me... a tribal Tanzanian song.

You're welcome. I'm a linguist. And your son, who did get my daughter pregnant... Yes. Mm-hm. isn't here to see his son's birth, so that's probably why.

Oh, well, your daughter, okay... Yes. is two weeks early, and my son is racing here right now.

Yes, and you should have some empathy and some compassion for my daughter. You know what?

Let's just let our hair down. Okay, fine, that's fine.

Go ahead, bitch, go ahead. What do you want to know?

PATRICK: Thanks for coming back, Ms. Lockhart.

No problem.

Fire away. Appropriate words.

Do you have a Smith & Wesson model 6-4?

I do.

Or rather, I did. Good, so...

You did? Where is it now?

One of the partners at my firm was shot.

A few days later, I took my Smith & Wesson to the police to have it melted down.

Don't you want to know why?

I wanted nothing more to do with g*ns.

I saw what one did to my partner.

Recently, did the Democratic Committee hire you as their law firm?

Attorney-client privilege prevents me from answering that question.

Did the DNC decide against hiring your firm because of something you said?

Attorney-client privilege prevents me from answering your ridiculous question.

In meetings with the DNC, did you argue for violently overthrowing the government?

I have never argued for the violent overthrow of my government.

DIANE: [ON RECORDING] I'm just done with being the adult in the room.

JULIUS: Okay, then, take to the streets.

Man the barricades. Because if that's what you really think, you've given up on law. DIANE: You don't know.

I have a Smith & Wesson 6-4 in my desk, and I'm this close to taking to the streets.

PATRICK: Is that your voice, ma'am?

1 would like to consult with my lawyer.

I was worried about that. But, you know.

Uh, yeah, I know what you're saying, but don't worry about it. I'll take care of that. Yeah.

LIZ: Ruth.

Uh, I need a minute. We'll talk in the car.

Give me a minute.

Can I talk to you? What's wrong?

I think you may have a mole.

Somebody has been leaking the audiotape of our impeachment pitch to a prosecutor.

Why do you say that?

Diane Lockhart was just dragged in front of a grand jury, and they played the tape to her.

Okay, I'm gonna tell you something that's gonna make you angry for a second, but I want you to remember: keep your eye on the goal.

What goal? November.

Taking back the House and the Senate.

Ruth, what's... what's gonna make me mad?

I gave the tape to the prosecutor.

You gave the audiotape to the prosecutor?

Your partner was making some unsavory statements about assassination that were going to embarrass us. So you gave them an even worse tape?

Lower your voice.

We needed to show that we won't stand for that kind of talk.

She was conspiring with a client to hide an assassination attempt. He was joking!

Oh, yeah, and how will that go over with the press? Seriously, joking?

Instead, the Democratic Party looks heroic.

We heard dangerous talk from a lawyer, cut off all of our contact, and turned over everything we knew to a prosecutor.

You f*cked her. No, we acted responsibly.

She f*cked herself.

I'm sorry for your friend, Liz, but I want to win.

The Democrats need to stop being such pussies.

We have to win.

Get the door.

Hey, hi, hello. Hi, hi, hi.

Uh, Lucca Quinn's room? Right here.

Thank you.

Where is the epidural?

DOCTOR: We need you to push. That's why we curb the effect.

You... you... you m*therf*cker!

You bring... you bring the dr*gs back!

You cocksucking assh*le!

Ma! Colin, there you are!

How are you, dear?

Lucca's family's religious. Did you know that?

What? Okay, stop, Ma.

I think he's the father. Colin, they curbed the epidural.

Can you believe that? They don't tell you that in any m*therf*cking class or book! It's all right.

MRS. QUINN: What does it matter if the baby is baptized?

If you don't believe in God, then what harm can it do?

Because it's stupid! As opposed to dressing him in an Ankara Dashiki, and playing The Lion King.

That is culturally appropriate. Hey, hey, hey, Mom!

All right, hey, stop! Everybody out!

Please, out. Ma, out. [OVERLAPPING CHATTER]

You... Hi. Colin. It's nice to finally meet you.

You have to leave now. Thank you.

They want an evangelical baptism. Mom, that is just not true.

What do you mean that's not true? Yes, it's true.

You're not even religious. How do you know?

Can we focus here? Can we focus?

Let's get ‘em out of here. You're rude, too!

Maybe we aren't gonna hear anything tonight.

How many hours of labor so far?

Fourteen. Ay-ay-ay.

God, we are a depressed bunch.

Maybe we should start drinking now.

Oh, here we go. Some good news.

Lucca? No. Bad news.

We were looking into Basehart and his assistant, Aubrey.

The affair? Yeah. We talked to Aubrey's roommate.

Basehart didn't move her to Chicago to carry on an affair.

He moved her to Chicago...

...o break up one.

MARISSA: Apparently, the rumor was Trump was sleeping with her.

[ALL GROANING] JULIUS: You know what?

Yep. Basehart was being a good guy, getting her out of DC and away from the White House.

Damn, I don't know what's worse, having nothing to use against him now, or realizing he's a good guy.

Okay, I'm cracking one open. I think we need it.




Hello? COLIN: Hi, Mr. Boseman, hi.

Colin Morrello. Uh, Lucca wanted me to call you and tell you that... we have a son.

[ALL CHEERING] That is so good to hear, Colin.

Hey, hey, we're all here waiting. DIANE: Yeah.

COLIN: Well, you guys can go to sleep now.

Joseph Quinn-Morrello was born at 1:15 a.m.

Six pounds, five ounces.

Looks like a cross between Don King and Karl Marx.


Congratulations! Congratulations, Colin.

JULIUS: All right, good news. MARISSA: Yeah. Finally.

To Joseph Quinn-Morello, born six pounds, five ounces.

[LAUGHTER] JULIUS: Hear, hear.

May he make a change for a better world.

God knows we need it. Hear, hear.

Good thing nobody showed up to our party.

We've got 20 cases of these.

All right, let's get to it. Come on.

COLIN: He's beautiful.

I know.

Our parents are crazy.

No, your mom is crazy.

Well, your mom gives her a run for the money.


[WHISPERING] I don't think I'll like DC.

Give it a year and I bet you will.


We should go home.


You know, a year ago...

...we were looking out at a blacked-out Chicago, and I was depressed, and you said to me that the only constant that we have is the law.


We're not a country of men and women, we're a country of laws.

Do you still believe that?


That took you a while.


It's been a very odd year, Diane.

Yesterday, I read that an undocumented pregnant woman was sent back to the country where she was born.

There were death threats against her there, and within six months, she was m*rder*d.

It was the law to deport her, but...

I mean, it wasn't...

Just. Exactly.

What does it matter if we're a country of laws if the laws aren't just?

So what option do we have?

Placing justice above the law.

Doesn't justice define the law? Mm-mm. Conscience does.

It has to.

So then, it's okay to break the law?

If it offends your conscience...


I think I know what I need to do.



Ted Willoughby is on your committee.


Can you give him a scoop?

Four to two, the motion passes!

The Help Lawyers Defend Themselves Act.

Hey, good job! Yeah.

Well done.

Who will write the proposal?

I'd love to, but I have school.

Court for me... You know, I have to head to the gym...

Okay, I'll do it.

Yeah? Great. Hey, great.

Thanks. All right.



Seriously? You want to?

Here's the thing about that group.

Nobody took minutes.

Nobody will read the proposal.

You can't. Can you?

Sure, I can.

No, no, this is not a Hannity situation.

Michael Cohen is not my attorney.

He's... he's more of a role model.

Yeah. Okay.

Hey, Ted. Oh, hey, man.


I gotta say, I think it's real bullshit the way they're going after Trump for this relationship with this Hooters waitress.

I know. Ex-Hooters. And it never even happened.

And I have evidence that it never really happened.

Ooh, they just push you out the door, don't they?

I'd rather be at home anyway, Mom.

So, Colin, huh?

Well, that sounds critical.

No, he just seems a little more white bread than your usual guys.

He's a good guy. Yeah.

Who wasn't here when you were in labor.

Mom, why are you poisoning this? Oh, look who's here.

[GASPS] Oh...


[GASPS] Oh, beautiful.

I'm going to give you some advice, Lucca.

Oh, this'll be fun.

It's the garage door test.

The garage... Yes.

My mom gave it to me, and I'm going to give it to you.

If you want to know if a relationship is working, when you drive home from work and you open the garage door, are you happy when you see his car parked there, or are you disappointed?

I live in an apartment. Don't be contentious.

If you see his car parked on the street, are you happy or sad?

Do you want to come home and be alone or be with him?

Mama, I don't like coming home and seeing anybody there, ever.

Well, then there's your answer. What?

That I should be alone for the rest of my life?

No. Wait until you're happy to see someone's car.


That is such Southern Californian advice.

But it's not wrong.

Are you and dad getting divorced?

I love you.

COLIN: How you feeling? You all right?

Yeah. I'm just tired.

Something my mom said.

What? Nothing.

Well, Maia and Marissa called, said they wanted to stop by the apartment, see the baby.


I can try to get rid of them fast.

No. I want them here.

I just realized I want them here.

Hi. I know we're not supposed to bother you, but we couldn't stay away. Oh!

I promise we'll go really fast. We just wanted to take a peek at him.


MAIA: You're a dad. Oh.

Congratulations. COLIN: Thank you.

MAIA: Look at you.

Look how special. MAIA: You're so beautiful.

What I don't like is how mainstream media keeps pushing these fake affair stories.

Oh, my gosh. Isn't it awful? Liz!

TED: Like this new one about President Trump and an ex-Hooters waitress.

Funny thing is I was just leaked a photo of this waitress with what some people consider her true lover.

What? Yup.

This is Patrick Basehart, a prosecutor in Chicago.

He even transported her to be with him.

Look, I don't want to tell the president what to do, but if I were him, I'd fire this prosecutor.

I know it's not a good idea to judge before we get all the facts, but it's kind of disgusting...

What do you think?

I think he's going to fire the prosecutor.

TED: Upsetting is the word that I've always used.

Why isn't he stepping forward?

What are you doing?

Meeting her. Why?

This past month, I've been feeling at peace and in control.

And I realized that's not enough. Why not?

Because people are out to get me.

It's time to fight.

Ladies. It's, uh, staff meeting.

DIANE: We're on our way. LIZ: Okay.

ADRIAN: Good afternoon, good afternoon.

TED: This just in from The New York Times.

Tony Munde, a Chicago freelance reporter, was k*lled on the way to work by an unknown gunman.

The note left on his body read, "k*ll all reporters.” Wow. Just like the lawyers.

Lawyers have to be heaving a sigh of relief.

That's right. Time will only tell if this means that reporters are now under as*ault.

President Trump just tweeted, "Sad news. Mainstream media needs to learn. #TheStorm.”

"The storm.” Uh, he's referring to something he commented on...

It was when President Trump met with top military brass back in June.

TRUMP: You guys know what this represents.

REPORTER: Tell us, sir.

Maybe it's the calm before the storm.

REPORTER 2: What storm, Mr. President?

You'll find out.


I I love lawyers I They're employers I Not destroyers They love everyone I They fight for you They fight for me I They fight to let the free stay free I That's why I We love lawyers Yeah, we love ‘em I Not just employers We love them and everyone I I love lawyers They are employers I Not destroyers I They are lawyers I They love everyone I Oh, yeah