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02x03 - Day 422

Posted: 12/24/20 18:50
by bunniefuu

Is that the Gossip? No, that's the Slut.

She's not a slut. She's a flirt.

How many guys on the show has she hooked up with?

How many guys are on the show?


She's not gonna fool anyone with those glasses.

Here. Bring this to Diane.

What is it? Nothing.


ANDREA: Okay, uh, reality, you know, as in real, as in it happened and we just filmed it.

DIANE: Your argument is that reality shows are actually real?

No, my argument is that we don't control the cast.

They behave and we observe.

They are as they appear. Just like Donald Trump.

Wait a minute, he wasn't on our network.

Excuse me. Let's get back to the questioning. Please, please. Melanie.

Your show put us in that penthouse.

It gave us alcohol, and it told us that ratings were dependent on us pushing the sexual content...

So you did push the sexual content? Let her finish.

Then your cameramen kept filming while I was violated.

Your show was more interested in making good TV than protecting me.

Thank you for that excellent speech.

Come on... Let me ask you this, Melanie.

You were violated, you say.

But you don't remember you were violated because you also claimed you were unconscious?

MELANIE: As I said, the show gave us alcohol and very little food.

Who is that guy? MARISSA: I can find out.

Yes. No, get Jay. I'm fine.

ANDREA: The only reason you know you were violated was because one of our producers stopped the sh**ting.

Not until the next day.

So why aren't you suing Blake for four and a half million?

He was the cast member who violated you, right?

Why are we the ones so honored?

I think that Blake was a victim, just like me.

Melanie, he had sex with you while you were unconscious.

That's what you claim.

I'm still not sure why he's not in handcuffs. As a woman, that's what I would want.

But I guess we're the deep pockets here, so...


ANDREA: Do you recognize this contract, Ms. Clark?

I do.

And... would you mind reading for me this... highlighted portion right there?

"Cast Member acknowledges that the Show, Chicago Penthouse..."

Would you like me to finish? That is not what happened here.

"Chicago Penthouse does not encourage sexual behavior..."

Of course you encourage sexual behavior.

"...and is not responsible for any emotional or bodily harm that results from engaging in such behavior with fellow cast members."

Who was that?

Food delivery. He was on the wrong floor.

Where was his food?

1 don't know. I think at reception?

Should I go check?


Hey, you were great last season. Thank you.

You're not getting four and a half million dollars.

The sex was consensual. You just heard it wasn't.

No, what I just heard was a woman who was tightly scripted.


"Your show kept filming while I was violated."

Melanie does not talk like that. Come on.

Maybe not on your reality show, where she's scripted to be a bimbo.

Instead of here, where she's scripted to be a Vassar post-grad student?

All right. What's your offer? Eighty grand.

The k*ll fee for not showing the episo...


You know you have no case, right? No, you know what our case is?

What? Your fear, Ms. Stevens.

Oh, I'm really scared now. This contract.

You hand over all your rights, and you can't sue for any reason?

All standard in the industry. And that's why you'll pay.

You are scared to death we will rip this apart in court.

If a judge throws out your contract, reality TV has to play fair.

You have misread your power.

Uh, one thing, Ms. Stevens.

You can call me Andrea.

Andrea? Yes, Adrian.


Here's our official request for all the footage from the day in question.

That's proprietary. You want to bet?




I'm so sorry.

I didn't realize how much on edge you were with what's been going on this past week.

I mean, a couple of lawyers get k*lled, and you all think that you have targets on your backs.

I was gonna throw those files directly at you, but, uh, I was afraid you'd wet yourselves.

Brian, could you pick that up, please?

I may need to use it again.

All right, now, with respect to this evidentiary request, uh, could somebody please explain to me the footage and what's involved?

Yes, Your Honor, this material is proprietary...


One at a time. You. Go.

Hi, Your Honor. Andrea Stevens.

Thrilled to meet you. Oh, thank you. Likewise.

Uh, the footage shot by our producers is sometimes extremely personal.

This is proprietary material that shouldn't be casually exposed.

In fact, it could embarrass, potentially, our contestant, so...

These contestants agree to broadcast themselves over 30 countries.

But now that a lawsuit has been filed, the defense wants to protect their privacy?

What is this show?

It is a reality show called Chicago Penthouse.

Oy. And the goal of the contestants is to find a romantic match among the other contestants.

And if they don't, they get k*lled?

[LAUGHS] That would be interesting. No, they get sent home.

Exhilarating. [CHUCKLES]

All right, let me see if I understand this thing correctly.

There's tons of footage of these contestants?

And the producers retain the right to use any or all of this footage for broadcast?

Is that right? That's exactly correct. In fact...

And somewhere within all of this footage is evidence of an alleged as*ault?

Correct. Right.

Well, that would be, uh, material evidence, now, wouldn't it?

No, actually, what I think is that... You know what I think?

What I think is that you, Ms. Stevens, should give them the tapes.

And while you're at it, supply the court with duplicate copies.


That's a legal term. Yes, Your Honor.

Okay, well, uh, I'm about to bang my gavel, so if, uh, anybody wants to take cover under their desks, now's the time.


That's a video depo dump.

The whole season, 24-hour-a-day video from a dozen cameras.

And they sent them over with no time code or description.

It's gonna take weeks to go through all of it.

I'll do it.

Uh, it's up to you.


Okay, guys! To season 14!


MARISSA: Okay, that's Sheryl and Tina and Johnny, the one in the t*nk top.

Everybody hates him because he's a snake.

k*ll me now. Next tape. This one's too early.

JAY: So here's what I don't understand.

You seem like a semi-half-intelligent person.

Thank you.

How can you watch this? You like football, right?

Oh, come on, you can't equate this with football.

Let's talk about chronic traumatic head injuries.

I'm not criticizing what happens to the people on the show.

I'm just criticizing what happens to the viewer.

MARISSA: Don't you have a guilty pleasure?

Don't you watch YouTube videos of guys diving onto ice or watch horror movies or read comic books? You mean graphic novels?

Oh, my God. Seriously? And you make fun of me?

Graphic novels are a new literature.

[LAUGHING] Right. Like Steinbeck. What a hypocrite.

Oh, wait. Wait, there. That's the last wrap-up circle.

How do you know? They're pairing up.


BLAKE: Yeah?

These are two camera angles.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! You need some help, little lady?

Well, that confirms the drunkenness.

Oh, my God, turn on the bubbles!

I love jets!

BLAKE: Wait, wait, wait, I don't have a swimsuit.

MELANIE: / don't even own a swimsuit.

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday Okay. That's not good.

It's still not consent.


Isn't this on network TV?

Yeah. They pixelate it.


Uh, this goes on for a while.



Now it's consent. She just instigated.

MAN: Cut it. MAN 2: Cameras off.

Why are they hiding this?

I mean, if it's not good for us, why are they hiding it?

It could be something else in the footage.

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday...


I'm bored. That's my line.

Everybody expected me to be in jail, so I have nothing to do.

Are you going to your dad's arraignment?

No. I think I'm done.

It's weird. A year ago, everything was normal.

We'd have a party every Easter.

Well, you can come to my house for Pesach this year.

I'll even hide a few Easter eggs for you.

You know, I might take you up on that. We should get drunk at lunch.


Who are you? A different person.

A different genre of person. Oh.

What? I don't know. Feels a little weird.

MAIA: Whoa, whoa, whoa!




MARISSA: Don't move.

We don't want it to go airborne. Wait, what... what is this?

I don't know. It could be...

What, baking powder? Uh...

No. Looks too brown.

"I'm bankrupt. I've lost my wife. I've lost my kids. All because of you."

Oh, f*ck. It says it's ricin.

That... that's as bad as anthrax.


Can you reach the glass?


No, no, no, no, no! Stay there!

There is ricin in this letter.

MARISSA: It says, "k*ll all lawyers."

Oh, God. Just like the other two K*llers.

Jay, clear the floor.

I'll call 911.

Everyone, exit the building!

Come on, let's go, let's go! Leave the floor now!

This is not a drill! Come on, let's go!

Out. Come on. Let's go. Get up, get up.

Tell everyone there's a possible chemical threat.

Get up, get out!

Let's go, let's go, let's go! Come on.


Jay, tell the building engineer to turn off the HVAC!

Right. On it. Let's go. Let's go, let's go. Come on.

We should breathe lightly, just in case.





Kristen. What's wrong?

Marissa found a letter. A threatening letter.

From a client? To Diane.

They think it's ricin. Ricin?


Lucca. Stay there.

What are you doing? Don't move.

Lucca, one tiny atom of this stuff, and you can be dead.

Yes. And if you keep talking, you're gonna breathe it in.

So shut up.

Okay. Now, this isn't gonna look pretty.

JAY: Emergency response is coming. They don't want you to move.

They're worried you'll send the spores airborne.

Thanks, we know. Where did the envelope come from?

MARISSA: No stamps. LUCCA: The mail room.


This isn't a drill! Clear the floor now!


LUCCA: Excuse me.

Let's go. Go, go, go, go.

LUCCA: Oh, my... Jay! Jay!

We have a possible chemical attack situation.

Do not touch your faces, do not touch your clothes.

Wait at the base of the stairs for the emergency responders.

Let's go! Come on!



What's going on? Chemical scare.

What? Where? Our floor.

From a client? One of mine.

Your husband is here.


Oh, God, I hope they're being good.

They just... they shut down the air conditioning, and we evacuated.

Good, good. Hey, keep these people down here.

Isolate anyone who exhibits any symptoms.

We've got the hazard material team going up now.

We still have employees up there.

I understand. A mobile medical team is on the way.

[INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER] Do you have a minute?


Are you all right? Yeah. I was...

I wasn't here. I was at lunch. All right, good.

That's good. Okay.

MARISSA: Okay, here it is. Ricin.

Do you want to hear?

MAIA: I don't know, do I?

MARISSA: Symptoms can begin any time between one day and two months after the exposure.

MAIA: Oh. Like a pregnancy test.

MARISSA: At least we won't have to pee on a stick.

Oh, no. What?

I think I'm gonna sneeze.

Don't. It's involuntary.

Press your tongue between your front teeth. It works.

[EXHALES] Okay, I think that did it.

Oh, if we don't die, I'm gonna get so drunk tonight.



MAN: Hey there. How are you two doing?

MARISSA: Really good.

Just another day at Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart.

So, I'm Drew Lovatto, the Hazardous Materials Unit.

Nice to meet you. Marissa Gold.

Maia. DREW: Hey.

So we're gonna take this all very slowly, okay?

Now, do either of you have any symptoms... trouble breathing, coughing, skin irritations?

I almost sneezed, but I've gotten it under control.


I'm gonna put these masks on your faces first.

The napkins were a great idea.

That a good fit? Perfect. Can I keep it?

Sure. No Darth Vader impressions, though.

Damn. Okay, now, don't move yet.

I see there's powder on the desk, your lap, your arm, and your hand.

Is it anywhere else?

MARISSA: Not that we can see.

So first, I'm gonna move you away from the desk, okay?

I'm gonna need you...

Marissa. Marissa.

I'm gonna need you, Marissa, to stand very carefully in one minute.

But first, I'm gonna roll you back away from the desk, okay?




I'm gonna get that powder out of your lap very carefully.

Really? We hardly know each other.

I'll be gentle.

I need you to stand very carefully, very slowly.

You ready? Yeah.

And... stand.

Okay, good. Stay right here.

Now, I need you... to turn your hand over, dump the powder in the bag.

MARISSA: You've done this before?

DREW: Yep. Once.

Okay. Now I need you both to step into these bags, remove your clothes, leave them in the bottom of the bag.

In front of you? I'll turn around.

I'll need you both to put these on.

Done, Drew. Okay.

If we survive this, we figured we should get drunk tonight.

You want to join us? Let's focus on surviving this first.

Would you excuse me?

Did you really just ask him out?

I know. Weird, right? If I'm gonna die... [SIGHS]

Baking soda. What?

You do not need that. Oh... God! [GROANS]


That's it? Yup. I'll get out of your hair.

Saving the world one box of baking soda at a time.


You take care. I'm glad you didn't die.

Hey, how about that drink?

You know, that celebratory "we didn't die" drink.

Sounds fun, but I got to work late.

Well, if you change your mind, we're gonna be in the downstairs bar at 8:00.

Got it.

Wow, you are forward.

"I'm bankrupt. I've lost my wife, I've lost my kids... all because of you.

You overcharge me and go on to your next case.

Well, not this time. You're going to hurt just like me.

This is ricin.

Consider it in lieu of my last payment.”

"Lieu" is spelled L-O-O.

Signed, "A Client."

We'll run fingerprints on this, but there's something you can do for me.

ADRIAN: What? I need a list of your clients.

You know we can't do that.

Just so you know, the suspects are your clients, or at least Ms. Lockhart's clients, and I can't fully help you unless I know their identities. lan... our attorney-client privilege prevents us from doing that.

ADRIAN: And for really, really good reason.

Some of our clients might have future dealings with your department.

You can get permission from them.

Any client who wrote that letter wouldn't agree to put their name on it.

And that would narrow down our suspects.

ADRIAN: Which we couldn't tell you.

Look, someone is trying to k*ll you.

This is not a joke.

I'm here to help, I am not your enemy.

But I can't do anything unless you work with me.

You know that's true.

LIZ: We can't represent our clients at the same time that we're having the police investigate them.

Yeah, everything makes sense.

Look, all I know is you were ten years at the Department of Justice, and I didn't worry about you once, and you've been here for a month, and here we are.

It's an unusual time. No, I don't think it is.

I'm doing what I want.

Stay safe. Okay.

This is f*cked. -ltis.

But he's right.

We can't give him the client names, he can't help us.

LIZ: Look, I'm new here, but maybe we should be looking at what we charge clients.

What we charge clients is competitive with every other law firm in town, Liz.

Which is maybe why clients are so angry with their lawyers.

Are you really blaming us? We're the victims here.

Oh, come on, we are far from victims.

Why don't I do some research into Diane's clients?

How many are there?

Uh, 43.

Any of them upset about our billing or losing a case or whatever?

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, right.

Look, I'll get the letter back from the police and compare it to other correspondences.

There was somebody here yesterday.

A bearded man, delivering food.

Marissa talked to him. I'll keep you updated.

ADRIAN: Now, we need to get back on the phone with Andrea Stevens.

We don't want to be seen as being weak here.

You okay?

Oh, yeah.

Still want to become a pastry chef?

It's looking more and more appealing.

Is there anything I can do?

No, I just... I just have to shake this off.

Why don't you go home? Take the afternoon.

If there's ever a day you could take a break, it's after a ricin scare.

I mean, maybe later. I'm good. I have the depo.

I'll handle it. Go.

MARISSA: He really was Just delivering food.

He had nothing to do with this. Diane's getting a little paranoid.

With good reason. You seem good.

Yeah. I tend to rise to these occasions.

Are you questioning the mail room? Next stop.

Can I help? No. You take the reality show footage.

I'm on it.

I had wall-to-wall cops in here. They messed up my whole system.

It's gonna take me three, four hours just to get caught up.

What's this? The threatening envelope came inside.

Looks like it was hand-delivered here, then one of your guys brought it up to Diane's office.

Wasn't one of my guys.

Doesn't everything go through the mail room?

Everything from the outside.

This doesn't have a signature, no time stamp.

This came from inside the building.

Oh, my gosh, I am so sorry. I heard.

About? About your troubles here.

I mean, it seems like you have some enemies, huh?

If it helps, we could take this case off your plate, come to some sort of settlement. Sure.

Four point three million. Mm, not quite what I had in mind.

But 95... no, 95,000 would do it. [LAUGHING]

Listen, you don't want to have another unhappy client on your hands, do you?

Shall we?


What are you doing?

Oh, Diane asked me to sit in. She's not feeling up to it.


Are you thirsty?

Yeah. Can I get you something to drink?

Maybe, or... I really don't know.

Or maybe not, you know?

Where was this video taken?

It was at the bar at the penthouse.

ANDREA: They look pretty comfortable with each other, don't they?

That is speculation about Melanie's state of mind, hours before the as*ault took place. Alleged as*ault.

And you know there's no judge here, right?

I'm just preserving the objection for the record.

Of course. Preserved.

Did you speak with Melanie after this 3:00 encounter, but before the later one? I conducted an OTF.

And what is that? That's an on-the-fly interview.

I had a great time with Blake.

CHESTER: Yeah, I'm sensing that you and Blake have good chemistry.

MELANIE: Yeah, you could say we're getting along.

CHESTER: Sorry, sorry. Uh, use his name, please.


Blake and I have great chemistry.

He seems down to have a good time.

Definitely someone to spend some quality time with.


So, you're turning our client into a puppet, and then you blame her?


What's wrong? I found something in the video.

I'm starving. Can we talk about this later?

I don't even get what you're asking me.

CHESTER: Oh, I think you know exactly what I'm saying.

I mean, Melanie, you talk the talk, but I don't know.

I don't understand.

CHESTER: You give a good sound bite, honey, but TV is a visual medium.

I need the video to back that up.

You don't think that this is visual?

CHESTER: Now, that top sums up the problem.

You are a camera tease, Melanie.

Melanie, you want to stay on the show?

Then you gotta show us something.

What did you mean by that? I just meant that, uh...

You know, she was talking a very big game, but, uh, in reality, she... she wasn't exactly...

Putting out? Excuse me, who is that?

One of our investigators.

Could you ask her not to question my client, please?

Sure. As soon as your client starts answering the questions.

Look, everybody knows that our show's ratings go up or down based on us being provocative.

That does not mean we condone r*pe. Strong words.

ANDREA: I'm sorry, I'm really confused here.

I thought your whole argument was that she was unconscious.

Now you're arguing that we forced her to strip and receive oral sex.

I'm just... confused.

Please, I'm starving. Can I even get a sandwich?

CHESTER: Yes, after the wrap-up.

But look, they just put out the tequila buffet.

So, what is... what is the tequila buffet?

All our... all our contestants know that we had that.

Yeah, but what... what is it? I'm just curious.

It's, uh, about a dozen different high-end tequilas, for comparison's sake.

And no food for six hours? Just sh*ts of tequila?

Look, we haven't done anything wrong. This is show tradition.

Yes, and we're not forcing the contestants to drink, so please.

Is it part of season 15?

I'm sorry, what?

If you did nothing wrong, is the tequila buffet part of season 15?


Thank you. Yeah. Yeah.



Diane, it's Jay Dipersia. Do you have one second?


Do any of your clients have offices inside the building?

Our building? Why?

I spoke to the mail room.

The letter sent to you came from inside the building.


Well, there's, um...

...a real estate firm. We did taxes with them.

And, um, yeah, a tech start-up.

The, uh, CEO, Alec Crichton. We handled his divorce.

Okay, good. Any issues with either of them?

No, not that I remember.

The divorce, of course, got heated. He lose custody of his kids?

Yes. Huh. Okay.

I'll question them. If anything occurs to you, call me.

Uh, yeah. Goodbye.

All right.

ANCHOR: President Trump has defended his decision to end cost-sharing reduction subsidies by pointing to stock price gains...

The idea of a... a prequel just didn't interest me, until I found another way in.

When you're a detective, you can do anything.

Grab ‘em by the p*ssy. Anything.

And a lot of people think it's about Trump.

But it's really about a certain mindset.

[GRUNTS] New York's a swamp, and I'm cleaning it up.



I With the devil I ride I With the devil I ride...

ANCHOR: This will be the third week the pot-bellied pig occupies the Map Room.

Though the president insists Petey the Pig is a welcome distraction, many critics worry the animal defaces the office of the presidency.

We want to hear from you.

Should the president keep a pig in the White House Map Room?

Go online...


Uh, I like her. She just says what she thinks.

I know. But do you trust her?

I don't know. Does that matter?

I'm not gonna marry her. [CHUCKLES]

My God, can you imagine that marriage?

Liz and Boseman?


Ugh. What did they even see in each other?

I don't know. Probably danger.

He called me one of his investigators today.

Who, Boseman? Mm-hm.


Or as I call him, Adrian. Very nice.

I think we're getting closer, he and I.

And by that, I mean he knows my name now.

I will drink to that. [CHUCKLES]

It's odd that we're in such a good mood, given that we were almost k*lled today.

Well, we're the generation of living dangerously.

Mm-hm. Hey, you're still here!

Drew! Drew!

[BOTH CHUCKLE] God, you guys are sloshed.

No! No.

We are just really happy to see you.

Alive? BOTH: Yes!

Here, sit, sit. These are tall chairs.

[CHUCKLES] Uh, what are you drinking?

Whiskey sours. More than one sour.

Mm. Not a singular sour.


One more? All right.


Oh, shit. What?

I need you to come with me to the bathroom.

Now? Yes.

Don't leave.

Why? Why? Come here.

Oh, there's no lock. Here, just lean against the door.

He's here for you.

What? He's here to see you.

No! Yes. You invited him tonight.

Yeah, but for you... f*ck you!

I invited him for you. I'm not interested in him.

Yeah, I know. But he doesn't know that.

Okay, well, uh, do I go home?

No. No, I don't want you to. We're having fun.

Then what do I do?

[SIGHS] Hint that you're gay. [LAUGHS] What? How do I do that?

I don't know. Oh, my God.

I am going back to the bar. [LAUGHS] No!

Out of the way. Maia! Wait!



Hey. I ordered you two more.

Two more each?

No. That would be irresponsible.


I'm gay.


What should I... say?

Uh... Congratulations.

We're not gay. Not the two of us.

I'm just gay.


You're really handsome.

[LAUGHING] Oh, my God.

Okay, I'm gonna go home.

No, no, stay. We should all stay.

Hey. You guys want something harder?

Yes, I'm offended! I didn't r*pe her. Why don't you tell the truth, Melanie?

Please, refrain from addressing my client.

You could always ask your client to step out.

I want to be here for this.

ANDREA: Okay. Blake, why did you leave season 14 of Chicago Penthouse?


Because she said I assaulted her, and then the producers kicked me off.

ANDREA: Did you have any sexual contact with Ms. Clark?

Yes, but she was into it.

I swear to God, I am not the kind of guy who does something like that.

ANDREA: So the sexual contact was consensual?

BLAKE: Yeah. Melanie asked me if I wanted a surefire way to make it to the final round. I said sure.

I mean, I'm not stupid. I'm trying to up my brand.

The sex was her idea? BLAKE: A hundred percent.

She knew how to make a spectacle, and she knew that would mean more camera time.

You know what pisses me off? I'm not accusing you, Blake.

1 did not do anything wrong. You were all over me, Melanie.

You pulled me into that hot tub. It was a drunken hookup.

And I have zero memory of that.

Well, I do. That's the whole point.

Okay, okay, okay. Enough.

No, it's all right. Look... [CLEARS THROAT]

You didn't get me drunk. You didn't drug me.

You didn't hold me down and force yourself on me.

And I didn't say no.

But at some point, I lost the ability to say no.

And your problem is you're so sure you're not one of those guys that you fail to realize that, on that day, in that moment, you decided to finish what you thought I had started.

You became one of those guys, Blake.

Yeah, I heard about that. Jesus. Anthrax.

You guys all right up there? Yeah.

Ricin. Just a scare. Oh.

I understand you're one of Diane's clients.

Oh, yeah. That stupid bitch.

Excuse me? [CHUCKLING] Oh, no, not Diane.

She's a sweetheart.

No, my ex-wife. She's the reason I needed Diane.



What is it?

Oh. I don't know yet, you know?

It's still trying to... become something.

I don't know what I'm thinking until I write it down.

[CHUCKLES] This is all your writing?

Yeah. Looks like a serial k*ller, doesn't it?



Lori Akerman.

I was a production manager on Chicago Penthouse.

You were? And why were you fired?

Because I saw what I thought was non-consensual sex, and I shut down the production.

That seems like a strange reason to fire you.

Ms. Stevens makes it sound like the show was just being responsible.

And yet here I am, out of work.

I think there's a misunderstanding here.

You were not let go because you... Ms. Stevens, please.

What did you see that concerned you?

Melanie was in no state of mind to be making any kind of decisions, much less sexual ones.

She was barely conscious. And why didn't you stop it at the time?

I was doing interviews with other cast members.

I knew Melanie was drunk, but I thought that she and Blake had separated by then.

No further questions.

Ms. Akerman, uh, first of all, I am so sorry about your unemployed state.

Thank you.

How many prior production shutdowns have you been involved in?

This is my first. And prior to, uh, Chicago Penthouse, you worked on Daytona Beach and Dorm Room After Dark? Yes.

So, what happened on Chicago Penthouse that was worse than those other shows?

I already said. Non-consensual sex.

I see.

And how did you feel about Blake Masters taking a prominent role on the show?

I... How did I feel?

Yes. Didn't you disapprove of his casting?


There were no African-American female contestants on the show.

Is that correct? I am not involved in casting.

You weren't concerned about depicting too many interracial relationships? No.

Here are some affidavits from several producers on Chicago Penthouse attesting that you were expressly concerned about the prevalence of interracial relationships. Objection.

Really? Why? Relevance.

Actually, my guess is you're worried this is very relevant.

LORI: You're taking me out of context.

I was talking about audience perception. I'm not a r*cist.

Ma'am, didn't you shut down the show because Blake was black and Melanie was white? No.

And this is why you allowed drunken sex between white cast members and not interracial.

What's that? Atest.

Find anything? Not yet. You?


This is the real detective stuff, huh?

Every printer and copy machine leaves a unique signature of microdots on every page it prints, like, a fingerprint for that printer.

Here's the one on the letter you opened.


Now, these are two printed pages from Diane's clients in the building.

So we'll see if the letter came from their printers.

First, the real estate client.

MARISSA: No match.

Now the other one.


I thought it would be the real estate guy.

Maybe he printed it at home. Or at a copy store.

Or maybe he has more than one printer.


Okay, good luck.

Hey, what are you doing?

There was a third camera.

Look, this is from the next day.

There's a locked-off camera above the hot tub.

Uh, hello? Why aren't you excited? lam.

It's from this floor.

What? The letter to Diane.

It's not from a client in this building, it's from this office.

Why can't you let me have my moment? Why do you have to show me up?



There was a third camera recording the as*ault, Your Honor...

Alleged as*ault, Your Honor.

And the defense has failed to turn it over.

You know what I don't understand?

What happened to Simon and Veronica?

I mean, they were getting so close during the season, and then, nothing.

I mean, uh, does that ever get explained?

I'm not sure, Your Honor, but I can ask the producers for you, if you'd like me to.

And Courtney. I mean, why did she get expelled?

It makes no sense. She was the nice one.

Your Honor, the missing footage...

Right. Ms. Stevens?

Where is it? I'm sorry?

Did I not make my discovery order clear?

Oh, um, right.

The producers decided against using the spy cam footage this season, and they forgot it was even there. Right.

Yeah, that could happen to anybody.


Find them. Now.

Yes, Your Honor. Thank you, Your Honor.

Hey. What's the matter with you?

I just ruled in your favor. Don't I even get a smile?

Excuse me, Your Honor?

I mean... you should smile more.

Yeah, I don't know when it happened, that women stopped smiling.



What? What is this? What is it?

What is she doing?

Uh, your co-counsel is laughing. Am I missing something here?

No, Your Honor, we've been stretched really thin, recently.

Oh, right. I heard about that whole baking soda scare.

[LAUGHING LOUDLY] Diane. Diane, Diane.

Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Your Honor.

Is she all right?

She's just pleasantly surprised, Your Honor.



Uh... are you okay?

[CHUCKLES] Am I? Yes. Why?

You were laughing in there.

Yes, the judge was funny.

Oh, God.


Are you still microdosing?


This is what I'm like when I'm not.

Are you sure?

Listen, did the president put a pot-bellied pig in the White House Map Room?

Uh, excuse me?

No, was there a story today about Trump adopting a pig named Petey, and keeping him in the White House?

I... No.

You're looking at me like that's insane.


JAY: Hi. Hi.

You wanted to talk to me? Yes.


So our Wi-Fi keeps track of when people in the firm log out.

We're all in the same server.

Did you know that? No.

See, that's your ID number. Okay.

It shows, at 10:23 a.m. yesterday, you were the very last one to log out.

Makes sense. We're behind on the Lanthimos brief, and I've been working through lunch, and pretty late.

Right, but you see, everyone else logged out because, of course, there was a chemical scare, and we all left the building.

Well, I guess I forgot to log out.

No, you're logged out automatically.

You just stayed later than everyone.

Well, like I said, I've been pretty behind.


Why weren't you afraid of the ricin?

It turns out it wasn't ricin.

Right. But no one knew that.

You sent the letter to Diane, didn't you?

I... 1 don't know what you're... Here's the thing.

You're going to jail. -No, I...


Unless you go apologize to Diane.

Tell me why you did it.

[CRYING] There's been so much work.


They wanted the brief in on Friday, and I can't get it in on time.

I... was so afraid of being fired, I just wanted a day.



[PATS LEG] Okay.

Uh... I just need you to sign something.

That was cold. What?

Telling him to sign or you'd turn him over to the cops, then you turned him over to the cops.

I don't work for him. I work for the firm.


Well... what am I looking for?



She passed out.


Oh, I think you're gonna want to... want to watch this part, Ms. Stevens. Yeah.

Andrea. Mm-hm.

And here's where it gets... exciting.

[SIGHS] Take it or leave it.

I'm not authorized to go any higher.



Three point two million.



Mm. All right.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Did you hear?

What, Trump is keeping a pot-bellied pig in the White House?

[CHUCKLING] No, Diane.

Dipersia, he caught the fellow who sent you that threatening letter.

Who? One of our associates here.

Wanted more time to write his brief.



His brief... [LAUGHING]


You all right?

Look, look, um...

I know the last few weeks have been hard.

But are you really serious about leaving the law?

[SNORTS] Am I what?

Serious about leaving the law.

Liz said you've been having some difficulty with Carl's death, and...

...these copycat killings.

DIANE: Really?

No, I'm good.

Good. We can't afford to lose you, too.

Adrian, these last few weeks, it felt like death was everywhere. That's all.

But now...

You're seeing life again.

No. I just don't care.

What did Tennessee Williams say?

What is the secret to happiness?


That's what I feel.

Well, good job, anyway.

We are $600,000 richer.

And with Trump, we won't be taxed as much.


I think we should have a party for the new offices.

Introduce ourselves to the community again.

That sounds terrific. Good.

Let's do it.

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

♪ It's your birthday

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

♪ It's your birthday

♪ It's your birthday It's your birthday

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

♪ It's your birthday, happy birthday

[KNOCKING] I It's your birthday, happy birthday Hey. LIZ: Hey.

How's everything? Good.

And f*ck you.

♪ Happy birthday

♪ Now, whose birthday is it?

♪ It's your birthday It's your birthday ♪