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02x02 - Day 415

Posted: 12/24/20 18:50
by bunniefuu


REPORTER: The S&P 500 has soared nearly 270 percent.

This week, the Federal Reserve will be a prime focus for investors.

Policymakers or not...

PAUL RYAN: /ran has been bullying their neighbors, they've been destabilizing the region, they're basically...

ANNOUNCER: Side effects may include nausea...

REPORTER: When asked about the tweet, White House officials insisted the president was joking, saying mermaids do not exist, therefore Trump's reference to talking with one...

REPORTER 2: Meanwhile, North Korean leader, Kim...

[ROARING] The body you've...

REPORTER 3: Dan Oxenbold, a partner at the law firm, Oxenbold and Jensen... Got it!

...was m*rder*d today... Found it, Diane.

It's true? Looks like it.

The gunman was taken into custody at 8:30 this morning after he was caught on camera in what police called a targeted k*lling in broad daylight.

WOMAN: /t was crazy. I was just on my way to work.

I was walking down the street, and some guy came out of nowhere and shot him.

The next thing I knew... Oh, my God.

...and everyone starts running.

Complete chaos. Again?

Just today. Well, did they find him?

...recently declared bankruptcy after losing a hearing over a patent dispute, a loss he blamed on his lawyer. Dear God, it's like a plague.

This appears to be a copycat of the hit-and-run k*lling of Chicago attorney Roger Hill two weeks ago.

According to police documents, the suspect in that case, Stan Greennoble, now in custody, was angry about overbilling...

We'll discuss this in the staff meeting.

...before running down the much-loved lawyer.

k*ll all lawyers! All of ‘em!

k*ll 'em! All of "em! k*ll 'em!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And I hope to contribute to the legacy of my father.

Thank you, Liz. Today is a new day right here.

We're still getting some things in place.

You'll notice some walls need painting. Some chairs are missing.

We just opened up the 22nd floor, so you'll probably see some cranky associates down there.

[LAUGHTER] But the key...

...we're growing. WOMAN: Yes.

Don't you think we should have a moment of silence for Dan Oxenbold?


I don't know how many of you knew Dan.

He was shot down yesterday. So, let's just offer a moment here.

Good. Rest in peace, Dan.

One bit of new business.

We may find that some older clients drift away due to the loss of Carl.

Maybe you could talk to Carl's clients?

Oh, sure, sure. What about Dan Oxenbold's clients?

ADRIAN: What about them? They don't have a lawyer anymore.

Why aren't we going after them? I'm not sure we're ready...

It's a little harsh, don't you think? Can't we wait until after the funeral?

Yeah, sure, if we wanna lose them to someone else.

He has one client that's not gonna go long without a lawyer.

Who? Joe Swoboda.

Heating oil business. One hundred and thirty-three million in assets.

Why isn't he gonna go long without a lawyer?

Given that I used to work for the Department of Justice, there is certain information I cannot divulge.

But there's a case building against him?

Again, given my previous job, I cannot divulge information that would subject me to a disbarment hearing.

And yet you would advise soliciting this client because he will soon have an increase in billable hours?

Yes. ADRIAN: Okay.

I'll give him a call. Why don't we have Liz do it?


Not bad. At least you have a desk.

So, what do you need?

Maia Rindell.

Okay. Her prosecution starts today.

Right now, in fact.

You used to be the prosecutor, so I know you can't mention any specifics.

But Maia Rindell is my goddaughter and I just...

I just wanted to know... what to think about her case.

You know the difference between this office and the US Attorneys' Office?

No. We have walls. Actual...


Okay, I... I developed the strategy on that case, and it is tough.

It's a slam dunk. I'm sorry, but they know she's a little fish.

They're just going after her so they can get to her father.

Maia doesn't know where Henry is. They don't believe her.

Look, if I were her, I'd plead out.

She might get one year.

I don't think she can do that.

Well, then I'd reject the prosecution's motion for continuance.

Colin Morrello got all of my cases dumped on him.

Force him to fight now and he may stumble.


I didn't say anything.

One other thing. The prosecution is holding back a witness.

A surprise witness that will devastate Maia's case.

I don't imagine you can say who that is.


LUCCA: One second, Your Honor.

What? Fight the continuance.

Why? We're not ready. They're not readier.

How do we know that? I can't say.

Your Honor, this is the third continuance requested by the prosecution.

At a certain point, we need to go to trial.

We're ready. We've been ready for a while.

I'm sorry, Your Honor, but this is not my case.

Liz Reddick retired. And I inherited her caseload...

Wait a minute. She didn't retire. She was fired by Donald Trump.

COLIN: What? She was not fired... no.

This has nothing to do with Donald Trump, Your Honor.

Liz Reddick chose to resign. Before Donald Trump could fire her.

Oh, please, Lucca, will you stop playing the judge's politics?

I'm not playing anything, Colin. Wait, wait, wait, stop.

Were you two fighting in my court a year ago?

What? No. This court? I'm not sure.

I'm not going to spend the next few days listening to you two screaming at each other.

Uh, shake hands.

The world is angry enough without you two bringing it in here.

Go ahead.

Good. Ah, ah, ah! Now look each other in the eye.

We're all professionals in here.

In fact, let's say that. "I respect you..."

BOTH: I respect you. We're all professionals in here.

Good. Now, let's live it. Now, regarding your motion.

This is, in fact, your third continuance, Counselor.

And as much as I have issues with our current reality star president, I overrule your motion purely on the grounds of the speediness of justice.

I hope whoever's texting you knows what they're doing.

Your Honor, I share your concern about our president.

And especially about the nepotism of Ivanka and Jared.

It's upsetting how they get around the usual rules regarding nepotism.

That's why I move that Reddick/Boseman be excluded from representing Maia Rindell. What?

Ah, ah, no. We just shook hands. If I could finish?

Liz Reddick used to be the prosecutor on this case, and now she works at their firm.

Your Honor, there's a Chinese wall at a firm...

Yes, like the Chinese wall at the White House.

How effective do you think that is? Your Honor, there is no connection between the issues at the White House and this case.

You just said there was. With the firing of Liz Reddick.

Not with the rest of it. Okay, thank you. I just...


Oh, my God. This world.

Um, sorry. Uh, Ms. Quinn has been on the case since the beginning, far pre-dating Mrs. Reddick's move to her firm.

On top of that, the defendant does have a Sixth Amendment right to choice of counsel, so again, I overrule the motion. Okay.

Can we get started now, or do we want to fight about what to eat for lunch?


DIANE: He was a good man. What?

Your lawyer, he was a good man. Oh, yeah. I didn't sh**t him.

Oh. I didn't think you did.

I mean, we argued. I don't like to be overbilled, that's all.

Just so you know, we don't overbill, sir.


Do you know Liz Reddick from the Department of Justice?

[ENGINE RATTLING LOUDLY] She just joined us.

She just joined us! Ah!

Mr. Swoboda, I'm so sorry about your lawyer.

It's a bad time to be without one. Am I being indicted?

Obviously, Liz can't share any of that information.

But it would be a good time to have a lawyer.

SWOBODA: And you're the best one to help me?

Oh, without a doubt. Why is that?

I mean, you can't use anything you know about the case, right?

You got to sit on your hands. Yeah. But here's what I can do.

I know how the other side works and how they think.

I know what their pressure points are. I know how to f*ck with them.

[CHUCKLES] Okay. But here's my problem. You've got competition here.

Hey. You, other lawyer. Over here!

Liz. Tim.

What are you doing here, Tim?

You think you're the only ex-prosecutor looking for clients?

That's funny, ‘cause I distinctly remember you saying you were going to work for the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Changed my mind. You wouldn't be here peddling information about grand jury proceedings, would you?

Your competition? Yep. Tim Shefflin.

Piece of shit, but he's a good lawyer.

It's okay. It sharpens the mind.


Of course.

I can take the next one. No, no, no.

These elevators take forever. You'll be here till Thursday. Come on.

So how personal is this?

Excuse me? Your prosecution.

[ELEVATOR DINGS] How much is it about us?

That's right. I've been crying myself to sleep ever since we broke up.

Anybody else, and you'd be plea bargaining.

Anybody else, and you'd have your client tell us where Henry is.

So are you f*cking her? [CHUCKLES] Okay.

LUCCA: She looks at you with these big Thumper eyes.


Not the first word that springs to mind. See you in court, Counselor.

What was that about? Just some trash talking.

They have a surprise witness.

And we know this from your secret texter?

Mm-hmm. Is it Liz Reddick?

I can't say.

Who's the witness? They don't know.

Well, then they're not much help, are they? Let's focus.

How long have you been a teacher at Lake Forest, Ms. Heinberg?

Twenty-five years.

And how did you come to invest in the Rindell Fund?

It was through Maia. She was a student in my sociology class.

I remember one day the topic was income inequality, and she suggested that I invest with her father.

I feel like such a fool. [SOBS]

Did Maia ever apologize to you, show any remorse?

No. Not a word.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Hi. Hi.

My mother was a teacher, actually, so I remember how hard...

Objection. As fascinating as Ms. Quinn's biography is... relevance.

Sustained, but the tone there? Just on the edge, Counselor.

My apologies, Your Honor.

Is there any compensation to your job other than money, Ms. Heinberg?

What do you mean? Are there other ways you are paid?

Yes. The joy of seeing a young mind grasp a new concept.

And what about the free Botox treatments?

Objection, relevance. It goes to credibility, Your Honor.

Well, I'm intrigued how we get from teaching to Botox.

So, uh, cautiously overruled.

You did receive free Botox treatments from the mother of a student who was a dermatologist, did you not? She offered it.

Did you receive gifts from other parents as well?

Objection. Vague. Then let me clarify.

Did you receive season tickets to the symphony, an apartment in London for the month of July, a guest house on Martha's Vineyard for the month of August...

Some parents are deeply appreciative of the learning environment.

Right. So appreciative, that they swore out these affidavits.

Here you go.

Affidavits stating that they felt pressured by you to offer these gifts.

That it was a quid pro quo for your glowing letters of recommendation.

That's not true. And I'm deeply offended by the implication.

I don't think I'm implying anything, ma'am.

I'm asking questions. And now I'm done.

Do I get to defend myself? No, that's not how this works.

She gets to defend herself. You are excused, ma'am.

Call Amy Breslin to the stand.


The surprise witness? I think so.

What will she say?



They just sprang the surprise witness on us.


How do you know? Because the surprise witness couldn't possibly be on the stand right now.

Why not?

Because the surprise witness is...

COLIN: You and Maia Rindell have lived together for, uh...

Was it three, was it... four years?


Is it fair to say that you two are in love?

I think it is.

And you live in a 2,000-square-foot apartment on Lake Shore Drive, with a rent... of...

COLIN: You got that? Yeah.

No, I... I've got it.

COLIN: Is that right? Yeah.

Oh, wow. $4,500 a month?

Uh, we used to live there. We don't anymore.

Oh, that's too bad, sounds nice.

Is there a reason for the move? We can't afford it.

Because Maia's parents were paying most of the rent?

We will stipulate that Maia's parents paid 80 percent of the rent while she was at law school and studying for the bar.

Thank you, Ms. Quinn.

And you went on vacations with the Rindell family twice a year...

Spain in the spring of 2016, Italy in December...

We will stipulate that they also went on vacations together.

Why don't you let me ask my questions? Okay, wait. Cool our heads.

Why are we on this tour of their lives, Mr. Morrello?

Well, Maia was receiving

$300,000 a year of her parents' money.

Money for vacations, cars, luxury apartments, and all of this money was stolen directly from middle-class people like Ms. Heinberg.

JUDGE: Yeah. Go ahead, you can proceed.

Did your father want to invest in the Rindell Fund, Amy?

AMY: Yes. And was he allowed to do so?


He wanted to cash in his IRA and invest...

...$140,000 in the Rindell Fund, but you were told by Maia that that wasn't enough.


Even though her high school teacher was allowed in the fund for less than half that amount. Objection. Is Mr. Morrello testifying?

Yeah. Sustained.

Amy, is it possible that Maia was protecting your dad by warning him off the fund?

Objection, speculative. I'll rephrase.

After Maia turned down your father's money, did you ask Maia if something was wrong with the fund?


And what did she say?


Maia didn't say anything.

[STAMMERS] Sh... she nodded.

COLIN: Meaning there was something wrong with the fund?

AMY: That's how I understood it.

COLIN: Thank you, Ms. Breslin, for your honesty.

Oh, one more question.

Did you and Maia ever discuss marriage?


COLIN: Would you like me to repeat the question?

Uh, no. Yes, we discussed marriage.

COLIN: Who proposed to whom? AMY: Maia proposed to me.

COLIN: Had the indictments already been issued for her family at that time?

LUCCA: Objection. Relevance. JUDGE: Seems relevant to me.

The prosecutor is suggesting that marriage was proposed to keep Ms. Breslin from testifying. Spousal privilege.

Uh, yes, the indictments had already been issued.

COLIN: And you turned down the proposal?

1 did. COLIN: Why?

AMY: It... it's complicated.

COLIN: Were you worried that Maia had an ulterior motive for proposing?

I don't know.


I should testify. No.

That's what they want. They'll k*ll you.

I think they already k*lled me.

You could take the one year.

No, I can't. I was already in there for two weeks.

I know, but five years, Maia? They have a good case.

Ah, you're back. Good. Let me show you to your new office.

I know where it is. Nope, it got moved.

You think we have a copycat situation, where clients will start threatening their attorneys?

I think it's a version of the old lawyer joke.

How do you save a lawyer from drowning?

You take your foot off his head.


HOST: But seriously, though, how much of a problem is this?

MAN: Obviously any time someone resorts to v*olence, it's a problem.

HOST: But lawyers in particular... [KNOCK ON DOOR]

You're coming with me. I'm coming with you?

To drink. And I will not be denied.

I need to know what this place is all about.

[CHUCKLES] Um... Give me ten minutes.

MAN: There's also some of that brought on by the lawyers themselves.

HOST: Until you need them, right? MAN: Exactly.

He's a son of a bitch, but he's my son of a bitch.

JULIUS: Maia, you can find a cubicle.

It's still a hot desk system, so keep your laptop with you.

And here we go. Lucca, your new office.

My office is right across from you. Sounds good.

I thought you'd be more unhappy.

Would you excuse me?

Hi. You wanna include me in on this?

Um, it's just a thought.

About Maia's case? Yes.

But you can't tell me? I was talking about Amy's testimony.

Diane, this is silly. You're telling Maia, and Maia is telling me.

Let's just cut out the middleman.

Is all this information coming from our new name partner?

Amy's not the surprise witness.

She isn't? Who is?

What do you know?

The Rindell Foundation. I drew up the papers of incorporation.

They're gonna come after me for my work on the Foundation.

That is not good. No.

The advantage that this gives us is we know it's coming.

We prepare your testimony? Yes.

And I act surprised when they subpoena me.

That's a start.

I will call Colin, ask if he can do any better than a year.

I think I might have another option.

What? I can't say right now.

Diane Lockhart's office.

Uh, she'll get back to you.

I need help. f*ck, yeah. What?

Uh... The FBI, they gave this photo to us.

Now, this woman, she picked up a million dollars from one of my dad's overseas bank accounts in Dubai.

[WHISPERS] Oh, my God. Seriously? Mm-hmm.

[WHISPERS] The FBI don't know who she is, but I think I do.

Okay, who is it? Rosalie Richetta.

Richetta. I'm taking some notes, okay? Between us, right?


She was my old tennis coach hired by my parents.

And I think she's helping my dad.

You want to locate her to locate him? Yes.

He has evidence that will prove I am not responsible for the Foundation.

Make that clear if you speak to her. It's not about my dad returning, okay?

It is not about him giving up his freedom.

It is about the evidence that will keep me from going to jail for five years.

It's the least he can do. I'll find her.

Thank you.

I remember her talking about living in Little Village.

But she's not there anymore. Got it.

Hey, if I can, I'm keeping you out of prison.

Thank you.


LIZ: You're sh1tting me. DIANE: No.

Will Gardner would've taken ten years? He probably would've taken 15 years.

Oh, my God. We had a bad case.


Oh, man. Well, he was a good lawyer.

Oh, he was. He was badass.

Yeah. Hey, how come we never fought each other?

Well, you were afraid. [LAUGHS]

Okay. All right.

I need to ask you this. I'm ready.

Why are you slipping us information?

Why? Yeah.

You don't need to. We only want you for your name.


Oh, you know, I made my life the US Attorneys' Office.

Mm. Ten years. Ten f*cking years.

Can you believe that? Yes, unfortunately, I can.

[SIGHS] They suck you dry.

Yep, they do.

And then they just... poof, you just don't exist to them.

I wrote a tweet. Mmm.

Reasonable people should not be allowed near tweets.

I avoid them like the plague. Hmm.

And now I am gunning for them.

And I'm gonna destroy ‘em.

LIZ: Oh, it's terrible, huh?

Yeah. Everybody's dying.

LIZ: People die.

No, I mean... I just don't know what's going on in the world anymore.

I read the news, I watch the news, and it doesn't make any sense.

It's not just bad. It's insane.

You know, every generation has its different insane.

No, that's just to make us feel better. But this is insane.

George Orwell wouldn't know where to start today.

Yeah, well, what can we do about it, you know?

I don't know. Take a break, give it up.

Find another worthy occupation.

Pastry chef. [BOTH LAUGH]

Yes, yes. All right, you and me. The two of us, pastry chefs.

Well, at least it, you know, brings people pleasure.

Yeah, you know, people aren't sh**ting their pastry chefs.

Dark night of the soul.

Who knew it can go on for weeks?

I This cruel country

♪ Has driven me down I Teased me and lied... [DOOR OPENS]

I Teased me and lied [DOOR CLOSES]

I I've only sad stories I To tell to this town

[SIGHS] I My dreams have withered...

I was under oath.


What do you wanna do?

Give me a category for the question.

AMY: About us.


I'm sorry.

I was telling the truth. I was always...

1 did not nod.

Ye... yes, you did.

Amy, it's just the two of us here.

1 did not nod.

AMY: Then I'm a liar.

Then I should just leave right now.

I mean, why stay with someone who lies to put you in prison?

I On the waters so wide I The waters so wide I Steal from the bed of some good friend of mine I My dreams have withered and died



I I've only sad stories I To tell to this town I My dreams have withered and died I My dreams have withered and died


I love bounce houses. Me too.

Takes me back to being a kid.

Don't you wanna just go in there and push the kids out and jump around?

Uh, which one's yours?

The one at the back, Timmy.

Timmy, don't push.

I'm Esther. Marissa.

Hey, did you have a sister who used to teach tennis?

I did. Rosalie. Do you know her?

Yeah. My parents hired her. She was great.

She was. She is.

Where is she now? Everywhere.

Overseas. It's a very long walkabout.

I want a long walkabout.

Well you shouldn't have had kids. [LAUGHS]

Does she ever get back? Rosalie?

No. But I'll tell her you said hi. She calls once a week.

Great. Then I have a favor to ask.

Oh? My girlfriend's name is Maia Rindell.

Rosalie used to coach her too.

And she needs Rosalie to get in touch with her.

Maia has a warning for her father and Rosalie.

The Feds are on to their location.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

That's okay, your sister will.

Tell her they're in danger and to call this number.

It's a burner number, so it can't be traced.

Who are you? Marissa.

Thank you for testifying on such short notice, Ms. Lockhart.

1 didn't have much choice. I was subpoenaed.

Your Honor, again, this is prosecution by ambush.

We are not prepared for this surprise witness.

Yes, and as I said, you will have time if you need it.

Please continue. COLIN: You drew up the documents incorporating the Rindell Foundation as a 501C3.

Is that right, Ms. Lockhart? Yes.

And what was the stated purpose of the Rindell Foundation?

To provide medical and educational assistance in the Third World.

That's a worthy goal.

Do you know how much medical and educational assistance the Foundation provided to the Third World?

1 do not. Would it surprise you to know that it delivered zero?

No dollars, no goods. Objection. Counselor is testifying.

Yes, and quite well. Overruled.

Did Henry Rindell ever ask you to draw up an addendum to the Rindell Foundation Incorporation?

He did.

And did you have any issues with this addendum?

I did. Why?

I thought it was questionable, ethically.

It mixed funds from the Rindell Fund with those of the Foundation.

In fact, it allowed Mr. Rindell to park funds in order to avoid SEC investigations.

Why did you draw up this addendum?

I was ordered to. By whom?

It was just a signed memo.

She probably didn't know what she was signing.

Ms. Lockhart, who ordered you to mix the funds?

The memo was signed by Maia Rindell.



JUDGE: Um, everything all right, Ms. Rindell?

Uh, yes, Your Honor. My apologies. An emergency.

Oh, okay. Uh, well, we'll take a short recess.

Yes, that was me.

Yes. Wait one second.

It's Rosalie. Rosalie? Not her sister?

No. Rosalie.



Yes. How are you doing?

I... good.

I mean, no, not really.

How's your second serve?


Probably about the same. I haven't played in a long time.

Then you should get back to it.

I might.

Hey, where are you living these days?

Do you mind if I don't answer that? It's kind of tricky here right now.

I understand.

But, uh, I need something from you.

I need to speak to my father.

I haven't seen your father in years, Maia.

Rosalie, that is not true. Itis true.

The FBI showed me a photo of you in Dubai taking money out of his account.

Look, I know my dad isn't coming back any time soon.

1 just really need to talk to him.

I have to get off the phone now, Maia.

No, no. Wait. Listen to me.

The FBI told me something that will help you both.

Something that will help you avoid them.


I'm here.

I wanna make a trade with my dad.

I need a piece of information from him that will keep me out of prison.

Now, I'm gonna give you the number of another burner cell and I need my dad to call me tomorrow morning at 11:00, Chicago time. And if he doesn't, then I'm gonna let the FBI find both of you.

Ms. Lockhart, could you read the CEO obligations in these articles of incorporation?

"Oversee board of the directors, any fundraising and financial management, oversight of infrastructure and foundation budget.” And these articles are in fact for another nonprofit.

Correct? It appears to be.

But the language itself is almost exactly the same as from Maia's foundation? Yes.

Now, this is a memo signed by the other nonprofit's CEO.

Could you tell me what it states?

That nonprofit funds should be mixed with the sponsoring body's for-profit funds.

I'm sorry, objection.

What is this, another nonprofit? Why are we looking at this?

We're trying to show that the memo, signed unknowingly by Maia...

Objection to "unknowingly." I'll withdraw.

That the memo signed by Maia is not all that unusual for a nonprofit CEO.

Well, it seems like a long way around, but sure, overruled.

Now, Ms. Lockhart, what is the stated purpose of this other nonprofit?

Could you please read there?

"To supply South American countries with legal assistance and education.” Aworthy goal, yes? Yes.

And according to this document, has the Kerry Foundation yet fulfilled this goal? Yeah, okay, got it. Got it. I got it.

Thank you. I don't.

It's a foundation of which I am on the board.

We have actually not done all that much and I'm responsible for us meeting once in six years.

And yes, I signed that memo without looking at it.

Your Honor, we mean no offense. No, none taken. I...

We should've done better.

Yes, but, Your Honor, your nonprofit was not used to park money from a Ponzi scheme.

Yes, but if I'm honest, I wouldn't know it.

Thank you, Your Honor. No further questions.

It appears you didn't need additional time to prepare for this witness.

We just lucked out.

JUDGE: Counselors, does the prosecution rest?


Your Honor, we have one more witness.

But it requires transporting her from Greenville.

JUDGE: So she's incarcerated?

Yes, Your Honor.

It's the defendant's mother, Lenore Rindell.

What could your mother say?

I really don't know.

Did she ever mention anything that was incriminating?

If she's testifying against you, that means they've offered her a deal.

If they've offered her a deal, she has something to say that can hurt you.

You want to know all the details of running an investment fund?

[LAUGHS] No. No, I...

I just want to know if there's a problem.

LENORE: There's lots of problems.

We should be prepared to attack her credibility.

You have no idea what she's going to say?

The people who invest with us believe your father walks on water.

He wants them to go on believing that.

What does that mean?

He offsets his losses.

Offsets them how? I don't know how.

She told me there were problems.

What sort of problems?

A system to offset losses.

But no details and nothing else.

What do I do?



That was just Joe Swoboda on the phone.

The heating oil king? And?

He's coming on board.


BOTH: Ah! LIZ: Yeah.

Not bad, Ms. Liz.

First week. I can retire now?


You're not what I expected.

I'm getting a lot of that. Keep it up.

Oh, hey.

I wonder if we should keep our eyes out for bringing on another partner.

Why? Diane Lockhart. She's thinking of leaving.

What? What? Yeah.

All these deaths now, she's thinking of retiring.

She never said anything to you? No.

Oh. Well, maybe I have it wrong.

Don't say I said anything, let her bring it up.

But, uh, she said it was her dark night of the soul.

Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. Yeah, okay.


It's a little late, ain't it? Hey, how's Ford doing?

Better. Second heart attack. He needs to go easier.

Say hello for me. will.

You know this is unorthodox? Yes.

And if you say no, you say no.

Who do you want to see?

Lenore Rindell. She was just transferred from Greenville.

Okay. I can give you ten minutes with her.

Let's hope that's enough.


I swear or affirm that the testimony I'm about to give is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

JUDGE: Thank you, ma'am. You may sit.

Could you state your name, please?

Lenore Rindell. And what is your address?

Oh, FCI Greenville, Satellite 2.

COLIN: And that's the female minimum security prison in Greenville?

Yes. How long have you been incarcerated?

Two months. You pled guilty to fraud?


And the defendant here is your daughter, correct?


And you're aware that she's on trial for fraud as well?

Yes. Ms. Rindell, do you have any testimony to share with the court regarding your daughter's guilt?

I do. Good.

And just so the defense doesn't have to ask you these questions, did the Department of Justice offer you a reduction in sentence in trade for this testimony? They did.

And what was that offer? I am now serving an eight-year sentence.

That sentence would be reduced to time served.

Thank you. Now, could you please tell the court what you told your daughter regarding the Fund and the Foundation on July 6th, 20167?

I don't remember telling her anything.

Ms. Rindell, did you not specifically inform your daughter that the Fund and the Foundation were being run illegally?

No. When did I do that?

Ms. Rindell, did you not warn your daughter that she was at risk of going to jail?

I know what you're talking about. We were planning a vacation.

Avacation? To Vail.

Somebody must've thought I said jail.

COLIN: Ms. Rindell, you... hmm.

Are you aware that making false statements under oath is a crime?

Yes. And that any arrangement regarding your sentence is dependent upon your testimony?


No further questions, Your Honor.

[MOUTHING] I love you.

JUDGE: Anything from the defense?

No, Your Honor.

Thank you, ma'am. You are dismissed.

What do you think?

I think my dad has a lot of issues, but lateness isn't one of them.

So if he hasn't called... [PHONE RINGS]




HENRY: Hello, sweetheart.


It is so good to hear your voice, Maia.

Yours, too.

I'm sorry about the way this all went down.

None of it is what I wanted. I know, I know.

I love you, Maia. I love your mother.

I want to help you in any way I can.

Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. I know.

What is it about the Feds you wanted to say?


They offered a deal, Dad.

If you turn yourself in, they'll let Mom off with time served and I wouldn't be prosecuted...

...if they had you in custody.



I thought it was something about my location, Maia.

The Feds have a picture of Rosalie in Dubai?

Uh-huh. Uh, yeah.

And another one in Italy, too.

Uh, do they know exactly where in Italy, dear?

No. No, not yet.

How far off, Captain?

MAIA: Mom's in jail, Dad.

And she is really suffering.

She had a chance to get out if she testified against me.

But she wouldn't, she... I miss you, Maia.

I miss you both so very much.

Then turn yourself in.

Do you remember when I broke my arm in third grade, and... I was crying so bad?

And you said... you said to me that you would do anything to take my pain away?

Do you remember? Well, you can.

Dad, you can. You can take my pain away and Mom's.


Maia. Maia, you don't understand.

They'll crucify me. There's no negotiating with them.

They're... I'm sorry, Maia.

But I have to go. I love you very much. Please believe me.

[MEN SPEAKING ITALIAN] Hey, hey, hey! Caima!

Be calm. Take it easy.

I'm innocent! [SHOUTING]

HENRY: No, no, no, I'm innocent! [IN ITALIAN] I'm innocent!

Maia! Maia, call the consulate! They're arresting me!

Maia! Maia! Maia, I didn't do...

Bye, Dad. [IN ITALIAN] I'm innocent!
