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02x01 - Day 408

Posted: 12/24/20 18:49
by bunniefuu
JUSTICE ROBERTS: Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.

1, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear...

Glenn, what's going on? Is it the house?

MALE REPORTER: ...calling it a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme.

My retirement money.


Give it some time. It's a bad time right now.

You're poison. No firm will hire you.

I called the fake news the enemy of the people.

And they are. They are the enemy of the people.

We stand in the face of opposition fearlessly.

Now, that's what this firm represents, hm?

[APPLAUSE] Okay, okay.

We still have a firm to operate.

Besides, we don't want to exhaust our founding partner.

You also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.

Feels like something's come detached, you know, like a piece of machinery that doesn't sound right.

The only constant we have is the law.

DIANE: I'm glad I'm here, Adrian.

ADRIAN: I'm glad you're here, too, Diane.

There was absolutely no collusion. Everybody knows it.

Bottom line, they all say there's no collusion.

And there is no collusion.

Hi, I'm Lucca Quinn. Hi.

This is my client, Maia Rindell. Hi.

I'm Federal Agent Madeline Starkey.

And, uh, why don't we have a seat and chat?

I think you knew about your parents' Ponzi scheme.

And I'm going to recommend prosecution by the US Attorney's Office.

Maia Rindell, your dad fled.

You're under arrest.



GOSPEL CHOIR: s I'm on my way I To the kingdom of heaven

♪ I'm on my way I To the kingdom on high

♪ I'm on my way I Singin' glory, hallelujah I Gonna make my new home...


Thank you so much for coming.



I am so sorry. Thank you, Rod.

Michelle and Barack asked me to extend their condolences.

Thank you. They loved your tweet, by the way.

Oh, thank you.

I don't know that it's gonna go over so well at work, but...

It had to be said. Yeah.


Your daddy was a fighter, all the way to the end.

Yeah. It's the end of an era.

Liz, the... that photo.

Oh, yeah. Not my choice. [LAUGHS] Dad liked it, so...

Well, you know, he did have a lot of fun that day.

[LAUGHS] Yeah. Well, that didn't last.

Look, I'm sorry.

And if you need anything, you know where I am.

Yeah, uh, Sandy said you wanted the name?

It just seemed like a good idea for continuity's sake.

You don't think that's false advertising?

Reddick/Boseman without the Reddick?

Why don't we talk about this later?

Yeah, sure, when you take my dad's name off the firm.

Liz... [CHUCKLES] Is this about us?

No. Why do you ask?

Because if it's about a percentage, you know I will talk to the partners.

Mrs. Harding, thank you so much for coming.

Thank you. Thank you.

♪ I'm on my way

♪ Oh, Lord, I'm on my way

♪ I'm on my way

♪ Oh, Lord, I'm on my way I I'm on my way...

MADELINE: Excuse me. Got to get by. Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I know, weird, huh? [CHUCKLES]

1 didn't plan this, by the way.

I just read the announcement in the newspaper and I wanted to pay my respects.

Okay, I can see your incredulity, so let me admit, I was hoping I'd see you here.

This isn't purely accidental.

You want to know why?

I felt guilty.

I was probably instrumental in getting you arrested.

Sure, that's my job, to find the needle of guilt in the haystack of denials, but I couldn't stop thinking about you, Maia.

[EXHALES] I think you're a really good person.

And I have a suggestion.

Okay, this is what I want to do.

I know, I know, I'm irritating, but I can't clear my conscience without trying this.

Your trial is in six days.

You could go to prison for five years.

Now, what are you, 29 years old?

That is a bad stretch of time to be in prison.

You know, when I was in college, UC San Diego...

...l went down to Tijuana with some girlfriends.

And they were put in jail.

For a week.

And they were never the same again.


Do you mind? Hmph!

This is what I suggest...

You tell me everything you know about your father, where he is, where he fled, and I will prevail on the prosecutors to drop the charges.

You will never have to go to prison.

Okay, I know what you're gonna say.

You're gonna say you don't know where your dad is, you have no idea.

But here's the thing, I have some evidence.

And my guess is you don't know what you know.

So tell me everything.

I probably deserve this.

Okay. Uh, I think you should reconsider, Maia.

MADELINE: [ON RECORDING] Okay, I know what you're gonna say.

You're gonna say you don't know where your dad is, you have no idea.

But here's the thing, I have some...

I have some evidence.

And my guess is you don't know what you know.

Did she show you the evidence? No.

It's probably bullshit. But let's get a free peek.

Maybe we can use it at trial, Brady violation.

Do we trust her? No. But we don't have to.

[SIGHS] You okay?

No. Everything's spinning out of control.

That's what it feels like on the eve of trial.

Here's the good news: they're not smarter than us.

So we still on for Monday? Uh, we are.

Good. Barack is worried about the suit.

It's a nuisance suit, Rod. That is public trust land.

Yeah. I know, but we don't want to big foot Cook County to make way for the library. We will move gently.

All right.

We'd better find a seat. Yeah.


I Oh, glory


I Mine eyes have seen the glory I Of the coming of an age I Where sister stands with brother I To bring a soulful change I For the way we see each other...


Liz, I'm so sorry. Thank you.

Listen, I saw your e-mail. Don't worry, I'll be at work next week.

No, take your time.

You need the time.

Ma'am. Uh, yeah.

I... 1 don't need the time. I'm coming in.

[WHISPERS] Let's talk about it later.

Why does everybody want to talk about things later?

Let's talk about it right now.

I need you to take a few weeks out of the spotlight.

Let the other AUSAs handle your cases.

Then we'll slip you back into the regular rotation.

Why? You know why.

The tweet? Like it or not, Trump is our ultimate boss. I thought you were our ultimate boss.

Yeah, and he's my boss, and you called him a white supremacist.

[QUIETLY] Oh, my God.

I just need you to stay out of the rotation for a cycle.

And if I say no? Liz.

I'm your friend. Take the three weeks off, okay?

I Mine eyes have seen the glory I When we stand one and the same I This truth I do proclaim...

COLIN: Diane. Oh, Colin. How are you?

Good. You going to the funeral?

Yes. Um, can you support me with a continuance?

Yeah. It's a new judge today.

Just appointed, you shouldn't have a problem.

Thanks. I'm already quite late.

Mmm. It's terrible, isn't it? I just saw him last week.

You did? Where?

Um, Lake Michigan, windsurfing.

You saw Carl Reddick windsurfing? [CHUCKLES] Yeah.

What? No. Roger Hill.

Reddick? Oh! Oh, that's right.

You're going to the Reddick funeral. Yes, in ten minutes.

Roger Hill is dead? Yeah. Yeah.

Uh, yeah, he was k*lled in a hit-and-run.

Oh, my God. Roger Hill of Hill and Masters?

Yeah. He was crossing LaSalle and a van just... k*lled him instantly.

Oh, my God, that's awful. Yeah, it makes you think, doesn't it?

He was 38.

He was going through a divorce. Oh.

How's Lucca doing? Lucca? Oh, she's well.

She's on the partner track.

Oh. Tell her... congratulations. I shall.

SHERIFF FORD: All rise. The court is now in session.

His Honor, Lyman, presiding.

Can we do something about these steps? They're a little steep.

I'll work on it, Your Honor. And what's with the air conditioning?

What'd you do, turn if off? They're fixing it, Your Honor.

Of course these robes are like an oven. Everybody can sit down.

Well, we have, um...

Today, we have... What do we have today?

FORD: Voir dire, Your Honor.

Ah. A quick motion, Your Honor.

Both counselors would like to request a continuance.

What is all this stuff?

FORD: Um, your docket, Your Honor.

Oh, my docket. Oh. Okay.

DIANE: Howard.

Hello. Oh, hi, Diane.

What do you think about all this?

Not bad for a kid from the Southside. Yes, quite surprising.

You look like you're going to a funeral.

Actually, yes, I am.

This is the reason for the continuance, Your Honor, so counselor can attend this funeral. Whose funeral... Hill's?

No, Carl Reddick's. Carl Hymietown Reddick?

COLIN: Again, we have no issue with this continuance...

He and Jesse Jackson had quite a time enjoying talking about "Hymietown."

That doesn't sound quite right, Howard.

"Your Honor." Hmm?

Your Honor. Motion denied, Counselor.

We will deal with voir dire right now.



I will trust

♪ In the Lord

♪ Till I die...


Carl Reddick was born when Nazis were marching in the streets.

And he died when Nazis were marching in the streets.

Every day of his life, he fought against aggression, totalitarianism, ignorance...

Carl stood with Dr. King.

WOMAN: Yes, he did.

He stood on the bridge at Selma.

I quake when I think of the bravery that took.

And yet, I'm a partner at a firm bearing his name...


[VOICE SHAKING] ...and I know I failed him.

He challenged us to use the law as a force for good.

He saw we were becoming obsessed with money, billable hours, the pragmatic over the idealistic.

[WHISPERS] Damn. What?

The Obama Library.

BARBARA: The law, for Carl, was a shining guide.

I'l talk to him. He knows it's just rhetoric.

BARBARA: It was hope. It was a summit.

He saw that we were looking at the law as a set of rules to be twisted.

The issues today are just as real as the issues Carl faced, maybe even more real.

Carl Reddick would say to us...

"Please don't bury my ideals with me."

JULIUS: Mr. Habercore.

Julius. Amazing eulogy.

Yes, it was.

Made you think. Uh, we're still on for lunch Monday, right?

To discuss the, uh, presidential library?

Well, um, actually... do you mind if I give you a call?

Uh... sure.

You know, Barbara will be at the lunch, too.

She can discuss the ways that we'll be living up to Carl's name.

That sounds good. I'll give you a call.

We're in trouble.

Mr. Boseman, I just got a... Damn it.

Just... later. We have an issue here, okay?

Come on.

Lucca, hi.

Ms. Starkey, how are you? How is your fictional husband?

Oh, I've missed you.

And my fictional husband says hello, by the way.

Hmm. I understand you've been conversing with my client without my permission.

Well, actually, I was doing most of the conversing.

She was a very good girl. She didn't say a word.

Oh. Good. Mm.

She also told me that you offered her a deal.

Really? I'm not sure that's exactly what happened.

MADELINE: You tell me everything you know about your dad.

You will never have to go to prison.

Mmm. Oh, my goodness, I missed you two.

[LAUGHS] Oh, wait. There's one more part.

Oh, okay.

I have some evidence, and my guess is you don't know what you know.

So what evidence are we talking about here?

Because the DOJ supposedly gave us all their discovery.

Oh, no Brady violation.

Oh, no, this just fell into our hands two days ago.

It's why I'm here. And, of course, to pay my respects.

Oh, of course.

A surveillance camera from the Royal World Bank of Dubai.

Have you ever been to Dubai?

[GASPS] Very strange place.

It must be what my ancestors felt when they got off the boat in Manhattan.

And that's just an aside. [CHUCKLES]

Anyway, this surveillance photo was taken of a customer withdrawing $1.2 million from an account set up by your father, Henry Rindell.

Now, Dubai was surveilling this account, but, uh, they let this person slip through their fingers.

We want to find her.

My guess is... if we find her, we'll find your father.

And if we find your father, it helps both of us.

Bated breath, Ms. Starkey. Bated.

We'll need a moment with this.

ADRIAN: Hey, Barbara.

Barbara. Barbara. What the hell was that?

What the hell was what? Your speech.

You're making it sound like we're pissing all over the man's grave.

No, I didn't. Yeah, you did.

I know we're not perfect, Barbara, but I spent four months at Andrew Hart's firm.

You haven't seen dysfunction till you've gone somewhere else.

What are you two worried about?

Uh, Habercore. The Obama Library, Barbara.

JULIUS: He's not coming for lunch on Monday.

What are you talking about?

You talk to him, Barbara. You tell him we are the good guys.

Now, you tell him. Where's Diane?

He's not my client. He's Diane's.

He's all of our client, Barbara.

Where's Diane? Uh...

Oh, hey, uh... Marissa.

Right, Marissa. Where is Diane?



You know, actually...

What was the question again?

Do you think you can judge this case fairly?

Okay, here's the thing.

"Fairly" is one of those words, you know, like "cold" or "hot."

It's open to interpretation. Are you fair, ma'am?

With what? Anything. Everything.

Well, I hope I am. I want to be...

Yes. Good. Accepted.

Yeah, we're fine here, too, Your Honor.

I just have a few questions. Oh, dear God.

Something you wanted to say, Ms. Lockhart?

No, Your Honor. I'm just standing here.

How are we doing with that air conditioning?

Still working on it, Your Honor. Hmm.

So, let's talk about your job, Miss.

[PHONE BUZZING] JUROR: I can't judge whether...


Okay, who is she?

I don't know.

Maia, you have the worst poker face in the world.

Come on. I'm your lawyer.

This could keep you out of jail.


There was someone I knew, uh...

Someone who...

Afriend of the family? No.

Rosalie. Rosalie who?

I can't remember her last name.

Well, who was she?

She was my tennis coach.

You're sure that's her?

I don't know. Uh... That doesn't make any sense. It just...


Oh, shit. Sorry.


Uh, well, when was this?

Twelve years ago?

She was only with us for a few months.


My parents didn't want her to coach me anymore.

They thought...

They thought we were getting too close.

Then why is she picking up your dad's money in Dubai?

I have no idea.

I like BLTs, Your Honor, but I'm not biased against kosher food.

I don't think I have any opinion.

The reason I ask is because, you know, sometimes jurors can't control the kind of food that's ordered in the jury room.

Oh, uh... well, I had a bad reaction to MSG a few years ago. That's about it.

HOWARD: Mm. Me, too. Chinese food.

I'm telling you, I had the runs that wouldn't stop...

Your Honor? Your Honor, we've already accepted this juror.

Yeah, I know. Let's turn to some of the hardships we're talking about.

You say you worked in an amusement park?



Ford? You all right? Hello?


RENEE: Diane?

Oh, good. I thought I was the only one late.

Hello, Renée.

Are you coming from another funeral?

No. Court. Oh.

It's so weird. Two funerals in one day.

Oh, you were at Roger's funeral?

Who? Roger Hill.

Oh, right.

That was awful. Hit-and-run? Yes.

Uh, no, I was at Michael Sommers' funeral, one of our partners.

Michael Sommers? He died?

Yes, last week.

Horseback riding. A stroke.

Oh, my God. What is going on? It's like a plague.

I just came from court. One of the sheriffs had a heart attack.

What? Yes, he's in the hospital.

What is happening?

Probably nothing.

It's like when you take up Pilates, and everywhere you look, there's Pilates.

We are going to a funeral.

We're standing in a cemetery, you just came from another funeral, and there was a third funeral today. That is not Pilates.

You have a good point.

WOMAN: Swing low I Sweet chariot

♪ Coming for to carry me home Diane, I'm sorry.

For? Last year. Not hiring you.

Not extending a hand when you needed it.

It's all right, Renée.

Look, let's get lunch. 1 would love to catch up.

Maybe another time.

♪ Coming for to carry me home Directions to the reception?

Yes, thank you very much. You're very welcome.

Ms. Starkey? We might have something for you.

Oh! Good news. What?

Depends on the offer.

Well, you help us find your dad, we drop all charges.


She helps you find the woman in the photo, and you drop all charges.


Okay. Good talking to you.

Maia, why are you still protecting your dad? He left you holding the bag.

Unless you have a better offer, this is a useless conversation.

He's a bad man.

Listen to this and it'll tell you why.

No, thank you.

It's a wiretap of your father. Listen to it.

If this is discovery, it should've been included.

Maia, we should object to this Brady violation.

Listen to it, Maia, and stop protecting him.

He's not the man you think he is.

Wow, she's gotten a little harder.

BARBARA: Hi, Rod. Excellent eulogy, by the way.

Oh, thank you, though I think I took our firm a little too hard to task.

No, it felt good to me.

I know Carl was disappointed in the firm taking on Chumhum, a company with almost no diversity hiring.

Hey, Rod. Good to see you. Diane. I didn't see you in church.

Yes, I know. I'm sorry. I was held up in court.

But I just wanted to reiterate that our firm is best to handle your presidential library issues.

You need someone who knows how to be both pragmatic and idealistic.

I agree. BARBARA: Good.

Then we'll talk over lunch next week.

Uh, look, you two don't have to worry.

It isn't about your eulogy, Barbara.

The Obamas love Reddick.

BARBARA: I know they do. I mean his daughter.

And Liz is going somewhere else.

I'm sorry? Liz Reddick.

She was let go from the Department of Justice today...

Oh, you didn't know.

Well, she told me. Her Trump tweet.

She's thinking of starting her own firm.

I'll be following her there.

[BELL TOLLS] If you'll excuse me.

You don't have to do this. I know.

She is trying to inflame you.

She's trying to get you to agree to help her without a deal.

Then I won't be inflamed, will 1? [TAPS KEY]

MAN: [OVER SPEAKER] Dish-one. 11/23 - 065.

Back-slash, Foxtrot, eight.


WOMAN: Hello?

HENRY: it's me.

WOMAN: / know you.

Where are you? HENRY: Home still.

WOMAN: Why? I need you here. Hold on.


What are you doing?

WOMAN: Lowering my pants.

HENRY: No, no, not now.

WOMAN: I'm taking you into my mouth. [HENRY MOANS]

WOMAN: I'm wet.

Is that Rosalie? WOMAN: Can you hear me?


I want to f*ck you so bad.

I want to f*ck you right in half.

[SNIFFLES] I think so.

WOMAN: Is your wife in the next room?

Is Maia downstairs?

HENRY: Yes. Having dinner.

WOMAN: / want them to hear you. [HENRY MOANS]

-Iwant... [BEEPING]

MAN: Personal edit. 11/23 - 065.

Back-slash, Foxtrot, eight. Let's turn it off.


WOMAN: Little Henry misses you. I miss him.

WOMAN CHUCKLES SOFTLY] How was his birthday?

WOMAN: He had seven friends over. Oh.

WOMAN: Seven friends for seven years.

HENRY: All right, would you tell him I'm bringing my gift with me?

WOMAN: He can't wait.

WOMAN: Your real family is here. We're the ones who love you.


I don't believe it.

You don't believe my dad has a secret family?

This is too obviously provocative.

This was created to hurt you, to make you react.

My dad abandoned me.

He also stole billions of dollars from people who trusted him, but, what, you draw the line at a love child?

Let me make an actual deal with Madeline.

She wants you not to think, so let's stop, take a breath, and think. No.

[TAPS KEY] HENRY: I'll be there in 48 hours.

WOMAN: We can't wait. We need you.

HENRY: / need you.

He treats me like I'm eight years old.

No, he treats you like you're 28 years old.

I know more than he thinks I know.

Marissa, he's a name partner.

So why doesn't he take me seriously? I'm offering to save him money.

No, you're offering to replace me as an investigator.

Yeah, because I'm cheaper.

And anyway, we could both be investigators.

You keep complaining about how you're overworked.

Okay, are you asking for my opinion?

No, but... yeah.

Talk to him. Go sit him down and talk to him.

Tell him you passed your detective test last week and you'd like some on-the-job training.




He's taking the Obama Library to a start-up.

Which is crazy! DIANE: It's about the Reddick name.

He doesn't care how big the firm is.

He's following the name to a new home.

Because of your speech, Barbara. He's not my client.

Diane was supposed to be with him. Oh, come on!


We need to talk to Habercore about the risks of a start-up.

I'll do that. He can't just expect some small firm to handle these presidential library issues.

I'l talk to Liz. No. That'll just make things worse.


[QUIETLY] We need to talk. About what?

Liz. Oh.

We need the Reddick name. No, she won't sell it.

I know.


[LAUGHS] Seriously?

Wouldn't have to change the letterhead.

Offer her an equity partnership? Name partnership.

We were planning on paying her a percentage anyway.

[LAUGHS] He'll never go for it. They don't get along.

Yeah, well. He's one partner out of 15.

If the other partners think this is an existential threat...

Is it?

Well, we've been using the Obama Library as a selling point for five months now, so, yes, I think it is.

[SIGHS] Well...

[CLEARS THROAT] ...let's see if Liz is open to it.



ADRIAN: Uh, could I get a vodka tonic, please?

Vodka tonic, please.


What happened to my office?

I took down the wall. Gives the room more space.

I liked it. My office.

I know. And the, uh... the windows.

They're new? Uh, yes. lan wanted more light.

Vodka tonics.


Don't get drunk, okay?


Just saying.

You're starting your own firm?

I'm thinking about it. And stealing away our client?

Which client might that be? Rod Habercore.

And the Obama Library. [LAUGHS]

You are such a narcissist.

What, you sign a client, and then you call him yours?

[EXHALES] Why don't you try competing?

Liz, 90 percent of new firms fail within the first five years.

Oh... Look it up.

It is always so good talking to you, Adrian.

You are such a ray of sunshine.



Uh... [CLEARS THROAT] Uh, one second.

Maia, it's Lucca. Jay wants to show you something.

Okay. What are we doing? LUCCA: Go ahead.

MAN: 1130065. Back-slash...

Guys, if this is another phone call from my dad...

Just wait, wait. Listen. [LINE RINGS]

HENRY: Hello?

TRUMP: Hey, what are you doing?

HENRY: Waiting for your call. What are you doing?

TRUMP: I've been very busy, but I miss you.

Who is that?

HENRY: Take off your pants.

TRUMP: Are you crazy? There's people here.

[TAPS KEY] Who is that?

That's President Trump. He called your dad for phone sex.


It's audio manipulation software developed by the FBI.

You feed in 40 minutes of any voice, and you can create a conversation from scratch.

[TAPS KEY] HENRY: Do it under your desk.

No one will know. Tell me what you're doing.

TRUMP: I'm touching myself.

What? Wait, stop it.

Oh, my God. What do you want your dad to say?

Wait, what?

What do you want your dad to say to Trump?

Uh... "I love you, President Trump."


HENRY: / love you, President Trump. I love how your ass looks in jeans.


I added that. That's nice.


You created that whole conversation?

Yep. A brave new world.

Mistrust everything.

TRUMP: Mike Pence is here, too. He wants to talk to you.

I love fake Mike Pence.

PENCE: God, you're sexy, Henry. Tell me what you're gonna do to me.


WOMAN: / want to f*ck you so bad.

I want to f*ck you right in half.

Do you have the telephone call from Madeline?


HENRY: What are you doing? WOMAN: Lowering my pants.


HENRY: No, not right now.

WOMAN: I'm taking you into my mouth.

It's not Rosalie. [TAPS KEY]

No, it's not her voice. They faked it.

Good. Then I have a suggestion.

Liz? Have you, uh, met Diane Lockhart?

Uh, yes. Once, I think. At a bar association dinner.

That's right. Liz, can we talk?

You had a partner. Will Gardner. 1 did.

Yeah. Yeah, he was a good lawyer.

Beat me in a case I should've won.

Yeah. He was good that way. Yeah.

I'm so sorry about what happened. Yeah.

And Alicia Florrick. Yes, she was at my firm, as well.

Yeah. We went to school together.

Oh. Chicago. Mmm.

It's like one big, happy family. [LAUGHS] Yeah.

Liz... [CLEARS THROAT] We want you to join our firm.


In what capacity?

Name partner. Equity partner.

You want my father's name? Yes.

And you. We want you, of course.

An ex-AUSA who was fired...

Quit. DIANE: Quit.

And holds a grudge against her old boss?

Clients like that. Grudges sell well. Huh. To the guilty?

And the wrongly accused.

[LAUGHS] Run into many of those?

Ah, you're not gonna be one of those tiresome prosecutors who has trouble adjusting. [CHUCKLES]

Does... does Adrian know about your little offer to me?

No. Yes.

You two are quite the comedy team.

Uh, Mr. Boseman does not know.

This would be an action taken by the other 15 equity partners.

We would outvote him.

Yeah, I... [SIGHS] I've spent the past ten years in the bureaucracy of the DOJ. I...

I don't know that I want to trade it for another one.

Well, just so you know, we pay better.

Let me think about it. We'll need to know today.

Then I will tell you today.

You're playing this a little abruptly.

It's what she wants. I hope you're right.

We're gonna have to tell Adrian at some point.

Yeah, we will.

MAN: ...was intentional. They know that the driver was angry.

REPORTER: Roger Hill, a local divorce lawyer, was k*lled by the driver of the blue 2012 Dodge van driving at 45 miles an hour.

Police arrested the owner of that van, Stan Greennoble, a Logan Square real estate agent.

The police found angry texts and letters from Greennoble accusing Hill of overcharging him for legal work and losing him Joint custody of his child.

Greennoble was taken into custody at noon outside his business, charged with first-degree m*rder.

k*ll all lawyers! All of "em! k*ll 'em!

REPORTER: “k*ll all the lawyers.” With those words, Stan Greennoble ran down his divorce attorney.

Now a lot of lawyers here in Chicago are asking, can overbilling get you k*lled?

MAN: Look, I understand the anger out there.

Some of my best friends are lawyers.

But every time one of these things happens...


Funerals are hard.

Yeah. But they help.

Another hour in here and people will start laughing, having a better time.

You can only think about death for so long.

I don't know if that's true.

You know, I have something stronger, if you want.



I don't know what that is.

It's mushrooms. It's ground up, mixed with grape juice.

Oh, it's a psychedelic.

It's... it... Sort of.

You microdose it.

Add an eyedropper to your drink, and everything will be clarified.

Your mind on jazz.

I don't like jazz.

What do you like?

Russian literature. Bach.

Then you will love this. [CHUCKLES]

How much?

For you? Free.

I like your smile. [CHUCKLING]

Death and sex.

It connects you to life.

You know, I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning and realize this conversation never happened.

Diane. Do you have a moment?

Uh, not really.

Did you see the news about Roger Hill? They caught the driver.

Yeah, I just did. "k*ll all lawyers."

K*llers are rarely so literate. Mm, it's awful.

But divorce lawyers bring out the worst in people.

Yeah, I guess. Um, a quick thing.

I know you have no reason to forgive me, Diane...

Renée, we're good. Really. You're forgiven.

Wait, I want you to take Michael Sommers' partnership at our firm.

What? He handled our litigation.

We need a partner to lead the department.

You would be perfect.


[CHUCKLES] Are you all right?

Uh, yes.

Um, how did he die again?

Stroke. While horseback riding. Oh, yeah. That's right.

I... I have a job, Renée.

Yes, at a firm half our size.

And a firm, to be frank, that's downsizing.

Trump is changing the rules on no-bid minority contracts.

That's a third of your business.

And one of your partners is actively trying to force you out.

Barbara Kolstad?

Did you not know?


You came back from the dead, Diane. You proved yourself.

You don't have to keep proving yourself over and over.

Come take Michael's spot.

k*ll all lawyers! All of "em! k*ll 'em!

REPORTER: “k*ll all the lawyers.” With those words, Stan Greennoble ran down his divorce attorney.

Now a lot of lawyers here in Chicago are asking, can overbilling get you k*lled?

Weird. Yep.

Are you worried?

About what, overbilling?

No, they caught him, right? So, I guess not.


I don't think Boseman likes me.

Oh, he likes you. He's just stuck with his height.

Tall people are stuck with their height.

You're tall, and you're not stuck with your height.

I hide it well.

My mother would hit me if I slumped.

I want to investigate for the firm. I think I'd be good.

I've passed the PI test. Well, then tell him.

I have. He ignores me.

Treat it like a test.

Okay, you're distracted. What's going on with you?

Is Barbara trying to force me out?


Maybe. She's territorial. She thinks Boseman prefers you.

How do you know all this? I'm a natural investigator.

Why are you worried about Kolstad?

I've been asked to be a partner at another firm.

Twice the size of Reddick/Boseman.

And you're wondering...?

If I should go.

The offer came from someone who betrayed me.

Well, someone who betrayed you once will betray you again.

That's a given.

Yeah, but isn't it better to go with the devil that you know?

I never understood that expression. Why not go with no devils?

I just don't like hustling every day to keep this firm afloat.

[CHUCKLES] Yes, you do.

You love it.

Have you ever taken psilocybin?

Mushrooms? No. LSD, but...

Is that what that is? Yeah.

Are you microdosing, Diane?



Diane Lockhart, on the cutting edge of culture.

I've heard it sharpens the mind.

But maybe that's just a rich person's way to make addiction palatable.

No. Yes.

That is crazy. We want her name.

And you're f*ckin' serious? [LAUGHS]

We could outvote you. Oh, just try, Julius. Just try.

We don't want to, but we could do it.

So try.

I'm quitting unless you allow me to intern as an investigator.

Can we do this another time?

I've been at the firm for one year now.

That's the longest I've worked at any one job.

I've passed a PI test. I am experienced with every firearm.

I don't want to replace Jay. I want to work beside him.

And I need you to decide now, or I'll work with someone else.


How "bout you work part-time as a backup investigator?

My salary plus ten percent. Hell no.

You're still Diane's secretary. Assistant.


After a couple of months, maybe we can...

...perhaps talk about a raise.

Okay. Good.


Okay... [SIGHING] What you got?

Maia has information on the location of her father.

She does? Yes.

And she knows who the woman in the photo is.

Oh, so you're just now remembering? lam. Oh.

And, uh, what do you want for this information, Maia?

Full exoneration. No prosecution.

Queen for a day?

No. Why not?

Queen for a day with you always works out bad for me.

Well, then, I'm going to need a hint of what you got.

The exact location of Henry Rindell.

You know it? Yes.

I don't believe you. Okay.

HENRY: Hello? MAIA: Hey, Dad. It's me.

HENRY: Where are you? Are you on the burner?

MAIA: I am. Don't worry, no one's listening.

You've been in touch with him?

Maia records all of her phone calls. Oh.

HENRY: What do you need, babe?

MAIA: I'm afraid they're closing in on you, Dad.

The FBI is always listening in.

HENRY: They'll never find me here. MAIA: Where's here?

HENRY: / can't have you tell anyone.

MAIA: No one will know, Dad. Did you move from the last place?

HENRY: I'm back in Chicago. Chicago?


Do you know the FBI agent, Madeline Starkey?

MAIA: Yes, Dad.

HENRY: I'm in her basement. Hold on.

MADELINE: Maia, hey. How are you doing?

MAIA: Good. Are you sure it's all right that my dad stays there?

MADELINE: Oh, yeah. We've been having pajama parties. It's great.

[TAPS KEY] Well, I'm glad you're having fun.

Oh, not as much fun as we're gonna have at trial.

I wonder what the judge will say about you trying to trick Maia with a faked phone call.

Well, my guess is that the judge will find that irrelevant.

We'll see. Yes, we will.

Hi, Renée, I've given it some thought. Diane, I was just heading out.

Thank you for the offer, but I... Oh, don't worry about it.

I like the challenge of working with Reddick, Boseman and Kolstad.

That's good, because I went with my second choice.

Your second... choice?

For partner. Barbara Kolstad. But thanks for the consideration.


♪ They're writing songs of love


♪ But not for me

♪ A lucky star's above

♪ But not for me

♪ With love to lead the way

♪ I found more clouds of gray

♪ Than any Russian play

♪ Could guarantee

♪ I was a fool

♪ To fall and get that way

♪ Hi-ho, alas

♪ And also lackaday

♪ Although I can't dismiss

♪ The memory of his kiss

♪ I guess

♪ He's not...

♪ He's not for...

♪ Mer