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01x03 - The Schtup List

Posted: 12/24/20 18:43
by bunniefuu

Hi, Uncle Jax.


How are you these days?

Good. Very good.

Glad things are going so well for you, Mom.

No, Maia. Maia, uh...


Maia, darling, that is not what it looked like.

Tell me what it looked like, Mom.

Because my dad is in jail for something he didn't do and you're f*cking the man who put him there?

Don't you use that language with me! [GASPS]

I'm trying to talk some sense into him.

Oh, really? See, what kind of sense requires him to take off his shirt?

What kind do you think?

Oh, my God, seriously?

You're telling me you're doing this for Dad?

Okay, good to know.

Don't... don't tell Dad, please.

It will k*ll him.

Oh, my God.



Okay, it is done. We've removed one piece of metal.

Looks like shrapnel. MAN: Good. How big is it?


Three centimetres by one. You're doing fine, Yusuf.

Can you move the camera closer? Roger.

Can you ask the dentist to suture it up and close the hole.

A couple of bites should do it. Just tie and repeat.


Good, the shrapnel is gone.

You'll need to keep track of the blood pressure and the fever spikes.

Okay. For the second lesion, sew towards yourself and keep tension on the stitch.



Is everything all right there, Yusuf?

It's Syria, Doctor, clearly, no.

We thought we heard a sound, a rumble?

All good here. Just watching a dentist save a life.


Sounds like it's where you are, Doctor.

With your Chicago m*rder rate, I'm worried.

Keep monitoring. We don't want changes. I'll try to check in.

But I might be out of circulation. Dr Randolph Picot?

YUSUF: What is wrong? What is this?

You're under arrest. Please, place your hands behind your back.

I'm in the middle of an operation... Please, place your hands behind your back.

BARBARA: Salaries charged as expenses, 13.8 million.

Actuarial gain on defined benefit pensions, 3.1 million.

Partners capital, 3.4 million.

And we're still waiting for one capital contribution.

But with that anticipation, the profit for the financial year available for division among partners, 8.5 million. Good. Then we're doing great.

Congrats. One problem.

Of course. Ventura Bridge.

The cell phone tower company, they haven't paid their retainer yet.

That's gotta be an oversight. Maybe. But without their retainer, we're down $12,600,000.

That means all the equity partners will owe $300,000 more this year.

ADRIAN: It's an oversight, y'all.

Ventura Bridge is a no-bid contract going back, what, five years?

There's money in hand. Don't worry. I will make a call.

BARBARA: You better. Or we're all out $300,000.


Diane Lockhart's office.

No, she's in a meeting right now. Can I take a message?


"May I take a message"? What?

"May I take a message"? Thanks. May I help you?

[CHUCKLES] You did a bit of investigating the other day, didn't you?

1 did a bit of investigating? I understand what those words mean, but you'll have to give me more context. I like your shoes.

You went out and got the names for the class action.

Oh, yeah. I just... I worked at the mall and it seemed easier to just go talk to some friends.

Hmm. I'm the investigator.

Oh. I stepped on your toes, didn't I?

Well, it was a one-time thing. Don't worry. Marissa.


I have to get that.

Diane Lockhart's office, how can I... may I help you?

I know I shouldn't be interrupting you, but a Dr Picot is on the line.

Yes, it's his malpractice case. Tell him I'll call him back.

No, no, no. He was arrested. What? When?

Just an hour ago. Why?


I need to see my dad.

See, I'm your lawyer.

And I'm trying to save you from an indictment.

I still need to see him. I need to warn him.

I think he's being set up.

By whom? My Uncle Jax and my mom.


Here's the thing. I'm going.

Wait, you're going now? No, no, no.

I'm going with you to visit your dad.

No, I don't need... That's non-negotiable.

Maia, there will be a moment when you tell a client for your own good, "You have to do what I say". This is one of those moments for you.

So I'll allow you to visit your dad in prison, but I'm gonna be there.

And I'm gonna hear everything you say to him and everything he says to you.

So it's subject to attorney-client privilege.

Do you understand?


DIANE: Oh, Dr Picot.

I'm Diane Lockhart, your malpractice lawyer.

This is quite a situation you've gotten yourself into.

Yes, I know, t*rror1st sympathiser. Won't my rabbi be surprised?

And you were conducting open heart surgery in Syria?

Medical personnel have been so depleted in Syria that Doctors Without Borders is providing technical support, uh, via Skype to non-doctors there. I see. Well, good.

So this is merely an initial appearance to secure pre-trial release.

So it should go fairly smoothly. So you're clearly not a flight risk.

Well, I do have a fishing cabin in Ontario, but it barely has a toilet.

I like you, Doctor. I think you're funny. But the court doesn't do well with funny.

Got it. Zip it.

Did you know he was a t*rror1st? Excuse me?

Your patient in Syria, did you know he was a t*rror1st?

Are you two together?

Because I want her there, that's all. It's still your case, Diane.

It's an initial appearance.

I don't need hand holding with an initial appearance.

Who said anything about hand holding? Lucca wasn't doing anything.

And she has experience in federal court.

[SIGHS] Barbara, I was a name partner at the town's biggest firm.

Yes. And I'm a name partner at this firm.

I'm not questioning that. At your firm, Diane, did you sometimes overrule the judgement of junior partners?

So this is a lesson in humility?


The prosecutor is Colin Morrello. He is their top AUSA.

It isn't wrong to have you two working together, okay?

Okay. Good luck.

Right. Bye.

Why are you really doing that?

What do you mean? I want them to work together.

Mm-mm, no. Barbara, it's a power play.

Now, I know that sound in your voice when you got some kind of hidden agenda.

She got Lucca's office. I don't wanna lose Lucca.

She needs to feel needed. Here's the problem with power.

You got to take it from somebody to give it to somebody else.

Thank you, Sun Tzu. Barbara, be nice to Diane.

Don't rule it over her like that, huh?

Do I question your leadership? All the time.


Uh-huh. Okay.

I'll behave. Good.

Now, what's going on with our Ventura Bridge retainer, is it coming?

Yeah, we're having lunch with the CEO today. We'll get to the bottom of it.


Be nice.

Good morning, Your Honour.

Good morning, Mr Morrello. Always a pleasure.


The government asked the defendant be detained pending trial, both as a flight risk and a danger to the community.

What kind of danger... He's a doctor with no record.

I seem to have struck a chord over there, Your Honour.

Yes, idiocy has a way of doing that.

Okay. Thank you. Little cordiality here.

Continue, Mr Morrello.

18 US Code 2339A prohibits anyone from providing material support to t*rror1st organisations.

When Dr Picot operated on a known t*rror1st...

He didn't operate, Your Honour. He assisted in an operation over Skype.

Not just assisted. He supervised. He is a trained heart specialist, one of only three in America who could've performed that operation.

Your Honour, the AUSA left one important word out of 18 USC.

No one may "knowingly" provide material support to a t*rror1st.

Our client had no idea who the patient was in Syria.

All he knew was that he was a human being in need of medical assistance.

I have a quote here from Dr Picot to Médecins Sans Frontiéres, "I have operated on g*ng members in South Central and serial K*llers.

How can I draw a line with t*rrorists..."

I see, so the AUSA now wants to imprison our client for his thoughts, not his actions. I thought Her Honour would enjoy a little context here... Okay, okay.

This is about a pre-trial release. That's all.

It's not the Supreme Court, it's not The Hague. Therefore, I rule.

The defendant is ordered released on an unsecured bond of $2,000. [GAVEL BANGS]

An executive dining room.

My goodness, the cell tower business must be good.

You should know. You're handling our contracts.

We were handling them. There seems to be a hold-up this year.

Try this bread. They bake it every morning.

My office is upstairs. I smell it all day.

All right. Come on, Ron, what's going on?

We haven't gotten our retainer.


It's not just up to me.

I have a board. They all have a voice.

But we're a no-bid contract, Ron.

You get a tax credit for 20 percent of our work.

Are you unsatisfied with our work?

Then what?

Things have changed. What does that mean?

Do I really have to spell it out? I think you do.

A new administration, a new president.

But they're not pulling back on tax credits for hiring minority-owned businesses.

Yes, but you are not the only minority-owned business.

So who else are you talking to?

[SIGHS] Look, come back in at four. Talk to the board.

Explain your bid. I'm sure they'll listen.



Go ahead. I'll take the next one.

It's what I said against Trump. I spoke at a rally.

Mm, no, a lot of folks spoke out against Trump, it's...

Then what?




It's Andrew Hart.

I thought he went out of business.

He runs a 12-man operation on the Gold Coast.

12 men? [LAUGHS] Is he f*cking kidding?

We have 80 lawyers here. It's minority-owned?

Yes. They just moved here from DC.

So it's about their government connections?

My guess... something more. Like what?

Andrew Hart is one of the few African-American businessmen who ran a Trump PAC.

Wow. So we're going bankrupt because we didn't pan into Trump?

His pulse is weaker, Doctor. His fever has spiked.

We gave him IV fluids, but his blood pressure is falling anyway.

RANDOLPH: Okay. It's okay, Yusuf.

Tell him to give the patient more IV fluid.

He's gonna have to reopen the incision. It will be swollen.


Uh, okay. Hold on, I need to translate.

Wait. Hold on, Yusuf. Call me back when you've done all that.

Why? I don't know how they tapped the last Skype. I need to get to a more secure place. I'll call you back.

Wait. What...

Yusuf, are you there? Yes. Where are you?

I'm outside. I might be moving. Where are we?

The patient is intubated and the chest is open, Doctor.

Now, what should he do?

Uh, make sure there's no new bleeding.

It could be a laceration in the heart that we missed.


Okay. We're gonna take this nice and slowly.

Doctor? One second.

Doctor? Okay.

Tell him to leave the drain, wash around the heart with antibiotics and close up. There isn't much time. I couldn't hear.

Call somebody else. He has six hours. You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you.

[SIGHS] How've you been, Dad?

Sorry, it's just important that Maia have her lawyer present.


I'm good, and you? How are you, Maia?

Just act like I'm not here.

I'm good. I'm good, too.

Can we, uh, get a little space here, Rupert?

Sorry. As your lawyer, Henry, I can't advise it.

So, I heard you got a new job. Yeah. Yeah. It's good. I like it.

Oh, I knew you would. And Mom told me that you got a big case.

Mom was here? HENRY: This morning, yes.

I told her you'd be coming today.

Did she say anything? About?

I don't know. Anything?

Well, uh, just that you and Amy are getting harassing calls.

Hmm. That you're enjoying this new law firm.

And that you were worried about Mom's cancer scare.

Anything about Jax?

I really don't think we should go there.

It's okay, Rupert.

Just that he still blames me for this Ponzi scheme.

That's it? Yeah.

Why? What else?

Do you re...

Do you really think that Mom is... helping you?

Helping me with...?

Well, is she standing by you or, you know, is she standing by... Jax?

Why would Mom stand by Jax?

Well, I don't know.

But is that something... that worries you?

You have any reason to be worried?

We should end this. Okay.

[WHISPERS] Get Jax's personal computer.


Let... let's go, come on. RUPERT: Henry, no.

Henry, no! Come on. Let's go.

Thank you.

Goodbye, Dad. Goodbye, sweetheart.

[CAR ALARM CHIRPS] Maia, what did he say?

Maia, what? Nothing.

He just said, "I love you".

Oh, come on. All right. Let me see.

Whatever he asked you to do, Maia, you can't do it.

There's no privilege here.

A spouse can be prevented from testifying, but you can't.

I don't understand. We're acting like this is over.

They're just playing a little hardball with us.

So we lower our bid by ten percent.

They rely on the government for low lease rates for their cell towers.

They don't wanna piss off the Trump administration.

Why would they piss off the Trump administration with us?

Because we're us, you guys.

Because of all the police brutality cases.

So, what do we do?


Who voted for Trump? [CHATTER STOPS]

We argue prior restraint.

They're saying he can't operate even before they prove...

We don't have to go there. They haven't presented evidence on the patient's identity yet... Okay, then we should argue both.

Lucca, you're second chair. Yes.

I know how to go after this guy.

He's not the problem. The problem is the law.

It's both.

Okay, you go first. Why?

You distract him.

LUCCA: Authorised pre-trial release. COLIN: Not the same matter.

LUCCA: The prosecution has taken it upon himself to negate arresting him again is prior restraint... Seriously?

May I finish, Your Honour? Do you two know each other?

COLIN: Your Honour, the defendant can no longer argue ignorance.

He knows the patient is a t*rror1st now.

JUDGE: How does he know that? Yeah, how?

Miss Quinn. COLIN: He knows because he was here three hours ago when we argued he was a t*rror1st.

But with what evidence? We didn't hear any evidence.

That evidence is confidential. And here we go.

COLIN: Yes, unfortunately, this country still has enemies.

Sorry to inconvenience you, Miss Quinn. He's 19. He's not a t*rror1st.

A Baghdad market was just blown up by a 15-year-old.

Terrorism doesn't honour age, sir. Dr Picot, how long does this young man in Syria have to live? Four hours.

JUDGE: So I have until five to decide this case.

All right, then, I will hear evidence on Dr Picot's pre-trial release.

You already granted this release. This operation can...

No, no, no, no.

You have three and a half hours to present evidence.

Stop arguing and get me the evidence.

Marissa, it's an emergency.

I need a witness from the medical licencing board right now.

Yeah. Where do you want him or her, this witness?

Okay. I'm on it. I'm on it.

What do you need? The investigator.

Oh, I don't know who that is. He's about this tall, black...

That's not very helpful, is it?

I'm Marissa, by the way. Maia.

I work over there. No, I know. Nice to meet you.

I work for Diane, but when she's out, tell me if you need anything.

What are you doing at four?

It's okay if you voted for him. We just need someone for a bid.

Sorry, sorry, hi. Do you have a minute?

Why? You wanted me to tell you when I was needed to do something investigative.

I just was needed to do something investigative.

Wow. We have 80 lawyers and 50 staff and not a single one voted for Trump?

Or not a single one wanted to admit it.

Maybe I just lie, say I voted for him.

Barbara? You've got a moment?

What's on your mind?

There won't be any repercussions, right?

Seriously? Oh, my God.

Wait. You voted for Trump?


Then you will pitch for us. Oh, I hate this.

I know. But it's for the firm.

Look, I, uh... I don't get ostracised, right?

I don't get isolated?

Look, Kanye voted for Trump. No, he didn't.

He said he would have if he did vote. Right.

Well, no one's gonna know but Adrian and myself.

Really? Did he say why?

Conservative politics. Oh.

Well, Kanye voted for Trump. No, he didn't.

But he would have if he had voted.

Well... we have our spokesperson.

Listen. I promised him he would not be ostracised here.

Of course not.


Mike, an eight ounce, extra onions. I'm headed to court.

How much time you got? Ten minutes.

That's cutting it close. Here. Have half.

No, I'm fine.

Judge said 3:00. You're not gonna make it in time.

He's right. I need 12 minutes.

Go ahead. I like extra onions, peppers.


You're losing. This one's a slam dunk.

Good. I like helping men with their self-esteem issues.


Good lawyer? Very talented.

So how far does the smile get you?

The... The bad boy Tom Cruise smiles.

Do the judges go wild for it?

That and a good argument. No.

I think you've always relied on the cute little metrosexual thing.

The, "Oh, my God, the law is just something I stumbled into” shit-eating grin.

Wow. The powers of perception. Thanks.

Whoever wins buys the other a drink.

Won't you be busy with your good blonde lawyer there?

Oh, I'll make time. Let me think about it.

Thanks for the burger.

This is melodrama, Your Honour. Why is it melodrama?

If this man does not get the help he needs, he will die.

Oh, my God. That is an assassination attempt.

COLIN: We're preventing him from making a t*rror1st well. That's all.

This is a t*rror1st who could be responsible for the death of thousands.

Your Honour, we have a witness. Thank God.

Let's swear someone in, please. Thank you so much.

Actually, it wasn't me, it was...


Mala Kulkarni. I am president of the Medical Licencing Board of Illinois.

Then can you tell the court what this is?

It is the section of the Illinois compiled statutes that deals with disciplinary actions against doctors.

And under the list of grounds for revoking a medical licence, could you read number 16? "Abandonment of a patient”.

And what does that mean?

Once a doctor has agreed to care for a patient, he or she must follow through.

Unless he can find an adequate substitute.

And if he doesn't? He loses his licence.

Your Honour, the State is putting Dr Picot in an untenable position.

If he doesn't continue this operation, he will lose his licence.

We have a rebuttal witness, Your Honour.

Colonel Spencer Mara.

I command Madigan Army Medical Centre out of Lewis-McChord, Washington.

Dr Mara, are you familiar with treating patients during combat conditions?

-lam. And once you start treating a patient, do you always stay with them until the end?

MARA: You try, obviously. But sometimes it's not safe.

Sometimes, you are needed somewhere else urgently.

But you wouldn't expect to lose your licence over it, would you?

No, not given b*ttlefield conditions. Your witness.

You're aware, Dr Mara, that the Geneva Convention requires the proper care and treatment of enemy fighters?

I am aware. By those rules, wouldn't Dr Picot be required to treat his patient?

The Geneva Convention only applies to cases involving enemy conflict between states.

Not my question. Objection, Your Honour.

The witness should be allowed to answer.

Agreed. Go ahead. MARA: This is not an armed conflict between states. The patient is an !sis fighter, and therefore, he is an enemy combatant.

I see. So this is different because the patient is an !sis fighter?

MARA: Exactly. Uh, don't you mean by that, Dr...

I think the doctor can speak for himself, Counsellor.

How do you know the patient is an !sis fighter?

Doctor? I may have misspoke.

But you know the patient is an !sis fighter?

Doctor, answer the question. I do.

And how do you know the patient is an !sis fighter?

MARA: From the AUSA. Your Honour, the government's witness just opened the door to the patient's identity.

!sis is a generic term, Your Honour. No, it is not.

And the prosecution's witness has just argued that he's a member of !sis.

We need to be shown how he knows this.

JUDGE: [LAUGHS] She got you there, Mr AUSA.

The kimono is opened. Who is he?

Uh, we... we'll need a few hours to gather this information.

No, no, no. Dr Picot's patient will be dead in two hours. Who is he?

He is Tariq Aboulafia. JUDGE: Thank you. A citizen of Syria?


The United States.


I was wondering if you'd ever come by.

Here I am.

When was the last time you were here? Uh, Christmas.

Oh, that's right. Chocolate-covered strawberries.

Hmm. What can I get you, Maia?

Answers. Well, I was thinking more a beer, but I can probably manage a few of those, too.

What'd your dad say?

You're responsible for the Ponzi scheme.

He caught you. That's why you went to the feds and blamed him.

He and Lenore were unsuspecting victims...

How's that not the truth? You know the truth, Maia.

You watched your parents all those years.

Your dad wanted to be seen as some genius of finance.

Those articles in Fortune, I never wanted them, he did.

The last thing he wanted to admit was it was all luck.

He was no genius at stocks.

You throw a dart at a board, it'd be more accurate.

So when the bubble hit, he kept sending out statements that he was still winning.

That's the real truth about your dad.

He didn't wanna steal people's money. He just wanted to be seen as a winner.

Why are you sleeping with my mom?

I'm not sleeping with your mom. f*ck you.


Go ahead. I'm not going anywhere.

JAX: Yeah? Hey.

I'm a little busy right now.

No, no... Okay.

I don't understand. What is this regarding?

It's regarding a very important matter regarding your suit.

Sorry for saying "regarding" twice. Uh, my suit? I'm confused.

Diane Lockhart has some important information for you regarding the Rindell matter. She's not my lawyer.

I know, but she has information for you.


Can you put her on? Actually, just one second.

First, I need you to write something down regarding Diane.

Do you have a pen? Um, okay.

This is very important. Please write it down exactly.

The numbers eight, seven, three, one, zero, nine, lower case h, capital letter R, capital letter...



MARISSA: letter U, then the numbers nine and three.

Why don't you repeat it back? What is this about again?

Diane wanted you to have this code before you two talked.

Why? I, um... why?

I wasn't told all the whys and wherefores, but it seemed very important. One second. What do you need?

You. Me? Why?

We got the name of the patient in Syria.

His family lives in Chicago and they won't talk to me.

Why won't they talk to you?

Okay, one second.

Diane needs you to hold a second and she wants to talk to you.

Tell her to call me back. I have a guest here.

No, wait, wait, here she is. Diane, he's on right now.

No, seriously, he's on the phone. He has a guest. He's getting impatient.

Okay, I'll tell him.

She's just hanging up with the feds and they have important information for you.

JAX: I'm hanging up now. No, I'm hanging up.

Tell her to call me back.

No. Then I'm sorry. Goodbye.

Sorry. Who was that?

Diane's assistant. Hmm.

Where were we? I have to go.

You mention that you voted for him.

I am not just gonna say I voted for Trump.

Why not? Because I am not defined by that.

Then say why our firm represents a cross-section of opinions.

Uh, yeah, one Trump supporter, 98 Hillary supporters.

You don't know that.

Hey, Julius, did you actually give Trump money?


Hello. Hi. Beautiful stuff you have here.

Thank you. What are you looking for?

You, I guess. Do you have a minute?

Are you with him? No.

Yes. This is about your son.

Tariq is in Syria and he needs your help.

This is my son, Tariq. He is not a t*rror1st.

This is the patient's mother... May we finish?

Yes, you may. Mr Morrello, you'll have your moment.

Why was your son, Tariq, in Syria?

He... he wanted to convince his brother to come home.

DIANE: His brother? And what is the name of his brother?

Aimar. And this would be Aimar Aboulafia?

A t*rror1st on America's most wanted list?

So Tariq's brother, Aimar, would seem to be the t*rror1st the US is after, not Tariq?

Tariq flew to Syria to try to stop him.

He's not a t*rror1st. He's a student here.

He is studying chemistry.

And he flew to Syria with an airline ticket?

WOMAN: Yes, to bring him home!

DIANE: Your Honour, Dr Picot should be allowed to continue Tariq's surgery because the person he is helping not only is not a t*rror1st, he is trying to persuade a t*rror1st to come home.

Mr Morrello, anything?

Yes, Your Honour, one second, please.

US Code 2339A prohibits anyone from knowingly providing material support of any kind to a t*rror1st or t*rror1st organisation.

Unfortunately, by Miss Aboulafia's admission, that is exactly what Tariq did. LUCCA: What?

Your Honour. This is a new level of desperation.

What support are we talking about? The aeroplane tickets.

He wanted to bring his brother home.

Yes, which is supplying material support.

Oh, my God, the sophistry here is amazing.

Your Honour, Code 2339A is content neutral.

In fact, the Supreme Court decision in Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project made it very clear that the good intentions of the Law Project made no difference as to their culpability.

All that mattered is the material support itself.

These airline tickets are clearly material support.

Unfortunately, I agree.

[ALL ARGUING] This is not...

No, I may agree with you on the spirit, but not the letter of the law.

Holder v HLP is a Supreme Court precedent, and that is how this court rules, despite what my verdict means for the poor man in Syria.

The defendant is hereby detained until trial.



Yes, we need Dr Picot.

Unfortunately, he's being held, Yusuf.

The patient is not doing well.

I know, we're still working on options.


What's going on? WOMAN SHOUTING]

There is someone here. He is threatening the staff.

Threatening with what?

Unless we operate, he will k*ll someone.


Uh, Yusuf, can you turn the iPhone toward him? The threatening man?

Why? Please, can you turn the iPhone?



That man right there, that's the patient's brother, Aimar.

He's threatening the medical staff. If the patient dies, he will k*ll them.

Your Honour, this court must consider the balance of hardships.

The risk of Tariq Aboulafia giving a plane ticket to a t*rror1st are low and distant. The risk of an entire medical staff being slaughtered by a t*rror1st are high and immediate.

The balance of the hardships demand that this surgery proceed.

[SIGHS] Mr Morrello, anything?

Good job. You, too.


No, no, no, don't thank me. Thank Ju... Julius pitched.

ALL: Julius! Julius pitched.

Can I help you?

You didn't vote for Trump.

Excuse me? You didn't vote for Trump.

You won the bid, but you can win anything if you lie enough.

Uh, not that it matters, but I didn't lie.

Then you are in for a very lonely life, my friend.

[CLEARS THROAT] I'm a little busy, my friend, so, uh...

They'll thank you for winning the bid for them.

They'll shake your hand, they'll slap you on the back, they'll applaud, and that will be it.

You'll take the long walk back to this office, and people will stop coming by.

They'll stop needing your help.

Okay. Thank you. Goodbye.

For the day when that happens...



Good job. Thank you.


You think you're my type. You're not.

Hmm. Why am I not? You're too slick.

I mean, look at you. The hair, the gel.

That's not gel. My hair just settles that way.


Look, I'm gonna do you a favour.

I'll choose someone for you from the bar, okay?

Someone appropriate. I can't wait.

Who do we got? -Hm...

[CLEARS THROAT] Not him. He's a...

Oh, I quite like him, actually. Ah, oh, there.

Adorable. Ah. In the middle.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

The blonde. Mm-hmm.

[CLICKS TONGUE] I'm not mad at that.

Yeah, she's perfect.

Where are you going? Home.


Give me one second.


COLIN: Are you serious? When?

Michael, can you turn that up? COLIN: Why wasn't I told?

NEWSCASTER: In a major victory for US-led coalition forces, the airstrike k*lled Aimar Aboulafia, an American born leader of the Islamic State.

According to the White Helmets, first responders on the ground in Syria, the airstrike also k*lled... I didn't know.

Didn't know what? Aboulafia was raised in Chicago.

He was linked to t*rror1st activity in Iraq as well as Syria, but he has been considered... They wanted the delay in court.

I was used, too, just like you. What are you talking about?

They wanted to draw the brother out.

They wanted to get him to that clinic.

...reportedly k*lled in the drone strike were Aboulafia's brother and 34 hospital personnel.


Oh, you did it. Yeah.

What is it? Something to destroy Jax.

And Mom?

I don't know.


MAN: We're watching.