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01x16 - Chocolate Cake

Posted: 12/20/20 08:19
by bunniefuu

Say I love you?

I don't love anyone.

I don't even love myself.

- Jack Pappas?

- Yeah.

Are you Duncan's,uh-- ?

I'm his sister.

I'm Shawna.

You expecting someone about this high,huh?


Still want to do this?


Let's roll.

Even though you know about me,you'd still let me go out with Grace?


I would.

We love you.

And that's why we want to make sure that you have the best home possible.

The best family possible.

I'm your mother.

You're my son.

They got him.

Your father, he's been arrested.


Possession of dr*gs.

They got him.



- Grace?

- Yeah.


Uh,you said that.

I just didn't know if you heard.

Um,Ricky and I aren't seeing each other anymore.


Hey,you must have heard.

You know his father's around?

Well,I heard that.

But what does that have to do with you?

He just doesn't want me to get hurt.

And I met the guy.

He's really creepy.

Yeah,well,he's not around anymore.

He went back to prison.


Are you sure?

I'm sure.

You didn't have to tell her that.

So you're talking to Ricky?

Am I talking to Ricky?


Then how'd you know?


Uh,Jack told me.

He's the one that sent the guy back to prison.

Uh,he saw him buying dr*gs, and called my dad.


His dad was buying dr*gs?

That's terrible.

Uh,yeah,except it violated his parole and got him out of Ricky's life.

So maybe you and Ricky can go out again.

Yeah,maybe we can.

Thank you,Adrian.

You're such a good friend.

I knew I'd feel better if I called you.

Good night.



How are you doing?

I'm fine.

I'm a little lonely.

But fine.

- Good night.

- Night.

Why'd you do that?


You're in love with her?

What does that mean, really?

"In love"?

Well,to her,it means she wants to marry you and have your babies.

And to you, being in love means that you want to have sex with Grace.

And that's all it means.

And I guess since she's not having sex with you, you're not in love.

You have to have sex to be in love.

That's not true.

We had sex, I'm not in love with you.

Shut up.

Oh,I bet I know who that is.



I was just wondering how you're doing.

I'm fine.

I heard your father is no longer around.

Well,he's not dead.

He just went back to prison.

Does that mean we can see each other?

I don't know,Grace.

I'm still kind of dealing with a lot of stuff.

Maybe I could help you with it.

Did you want to come over tomorrow and we can just talk?


Tomorrow night?

I can't.

I have a date with Amy.

We're gonna talk about the baby.



Well, if you want to call me after you talk to Amy,you can,okay?



That's a very nice offer, especially considering this past week.

Good night.


because that is the last time you're getting any from me.

I doubt it.

I swear.

I was getting tired of you anyway.

And there are other places I can go,you know?

Good night.



Ricky's going over to talk to Amy tonight.

So I thought maybe you'd like to come over for a while.

You know,I haven't seen you in a long time.

I can't.

I'm busy.

What are you doing tonight?

I'm mentoring.

I'm making the world a better place for humanity.

You really believe that?

That's what the brochure says.

I'm trying to make myself feel better about not dating on a Friday night.

Hey,what are Ricky and Amy talking about?

They're not,like, getting together,are they?

Amy and Ricky can't be seeing each other tonight.

My experience with what normal women do is limited to Ashley and Alice.

So I don't know if I'm any help to you here.

She would tell me if Ricky was coming to see her.

I mean,she would,right?

Yeah,he's going over there tonight.

Ricky told me.

Amy didn't tell you?

Maybe she forgot to tell you.

Or maybe it isn't true.



What's up?

You tell me.

Tell you what?

People think that Ricky's coming over to see you tonight.

I was going to tell you.

Yeah,he's coming over to talk.

When were you gonna tell me?

Right now.

How long have you known about this?

A couple of days.

Oh,very mature.


Like you're mature.

Marriage sucks,huh?

Can we talk in your office?

I just found out that Ricky and Amy are seeing each other to talk about the baby tonight.


And I knew nothing about this.

I just,I don't want him anywhere near her.

Well,that's his baby.

No,that's her baby.

Their baby.

I mean,don't you think I should be included?

That I should have some say in this?

You're not really married.

I'm more of a father to that baby than he is.

And so it begins.

So what begins?

Fighting over the kid.

- You know what?

- No,what?

This is actually where you could be really helpful.

Okay,So you call in Amy and Ricky, oh,and me of course,into the office.

And then you mediate whatever discussion needs to be had at this point.

And what makes you think that's part of my job?

You're a counselor.

Counsel us.

I'm not a family counselor.

I'm a student counselor.

We're students.

This is not about being students, this is about being......not students.

I could help with getting a tutor,selecting a college, extracurricular activities.

This is all about an extracurricular activity.

It's not what I do.

No,it is what you do.

You're the one who got me involved with Amy in the first place.

I am not.

You told me to call her.

Face it,counselor,you're in way too deep to back out now.

This is better anyway.

Uh,you're a neutral party.

With leanings toward me.

You know,because we have history.

We go back.

I know you,you know me.

Then you know,I should not be giving anyone relationship advice.

How's the missus?

She's good.

Thank you for asking.

So's her mother.

The two of them are looking for a house today.

For the three of us.

That's cozy.

What happened to me?

I could've had class.

I could've been a contender.

I could have been somebody.

Instead of a bum, which is what I am, let's face it.

It was you,Ben.

That'sOn the Waterfront?


You came in here your first week of school with your personal problems.

And I made the mistake of trying to help you.

And now you're married and having a custody battle at 15?

I'm not cut out for this.

I'm a cop.

My girlfriend,now wife, made me quit the force because it was interfering with our lives.

You're not a narc,are you?

A what?


I'm just a cop.

With teaching credentials and a background in psychology.

I had a hard time choosing a major.

All I ever wanted to do was help people.

But you know what?

Helping people doesn't pay.

And I'm no good at it.

And I have the exact same flaw that gets people into trouble in the first place.

I can't say no.

So could you get Amy and Ricky and me together for a meeting?

You wanted to see me?

I'm in the wrong business.


Did you try to drag Molina into my personal business?


You know, I thought it was a good idea.

The three of us meeting in a neutral setting with a professional mediator.

I know what there is to mediate between Amy and me.

But what's there to mediate between Amy and me and you?

It's not my baby,but she is my Amy.

And I love her,and I love that baby.

And I-I want to be part of the decision-making process.

So come on over to Amy's tonight.


I wasn't invited.

Well,I'm inviting you.

I don't think Amy would like that very much.


What would you like to do,Ben?

Would you like to be over at Amy's house when I go over there to talk to her?

If that's what you want to do, then you should do it.

You gonna let Amy make all the decisions for you for the rest of your life?

That's a long time not to have what you want.

Just ask Mr. Molina.


I'm hoping to wrap up this conversation with Amy around 10,at the latest.

What do I care?

You care.

No,I don't.

Especially not since we're not having sex anymore.


You don't mean that.

I mean that.

I have to go.

Where you going?

A guy's coming over.

What guy?

Wouldn't you like to know?


I have to go.

Wait a minute.

What guy?



Not Jack.

Jack is making the world a better place for humanity.

He doesn't have time to come over.

I have to go.


Good night.



Come on in.

So,what'd you want to talk about?

Your dad leaving my mom.


It seems that's a possibility anyway.

Well,I had no idea.

It's not because of me,right?





- Hi,Grace.

- Hi,Ricky.

Did you want to come over?

My parents took Tom and Tammy out.

So no one's home.

But that's okay, because they trust you and me.

So you can come over if you want.

I can't.

I have to go over to Amy's.

Oh,you're still going?


Well,tell Amy I say hello.

If you want.

Yeah,I will.

So you were just calling to tell me you're still going to Amy's?

I was just feeling a little anxious.

I thought I'd ask you to pray for me.

Yeah,of course.

And if it's not too late, maybe I could come over afterwards.

It won't be too late, no matter what time it is.

No,if you wanna talk,come on over.

All right,well,I'll call you first.


Oh,and I'll bake you cookies.

Chocolate chip?

You like those?



I'll see you later.

All right.



I don't know what's keeping him.

Other than he did have to take the bus home from his job.

Oh,I didn't know he had a job.

Uh,we don't have parents.


He has to have a job.

Yeah,he didn't mention it.

It's because he thinks it's stupid.

What's his job?

- He bags groceries.

- That's not stupid.


He doesn't make a lot, but every little bit helps.


It's him.

Where are you?

All right.

Yeah,he's here.

I'll tell him.

They asked him to work extra hours.

So you can go if you want, or I can entertain you until he gets home.

I mean,I don't have any place I have to be.


So,uh,entertain me.

So,what are you wearing?

I don't know.

It doesn't make any difference.

It's not like I'm dressing up for Ricky.

I'm just trying to find something comfortable.

Everything's getting so uncomfortable.

So you're looking for comfort?


You're not dressing up for Ricky?


Ashley,what's your point?

My point is,is I hope you don't make the same mistake twice.

Not that you could exactly.

What is wrong with you?

What is wrong with you and Ben?

I'm not interested in Ricky.

I don't want to talk to him.

I have to talk to him.

He has to go along with the adoption or there's no sense in even interviewing couples.

If he doesn't go along with it?

I'll just drop out of school, get a full-time job, put the baby in daycare, and embrace teen motherhood.

Sound good to you?

You're so dramatic.

I'm pregnant.

I'm 15.

You're pregnant and you're 15.

You're not the only pregnant teenager.

Stop feeling so sorry for yourself.

I am not feeling sorry for myself!

I'm doing the responsible thing by trying to find two adults who can provide my baby with a stable home and loving family.

If you'd done the responsible thing six months ago...


The baby.

Be careful.

I do not feel sorry for myself!

I'm trying to do the right thing.

And in trying,I have to get the baby's father's permission.

So I am forced to talk to Ricky.

But you're not forced to talk to Ricky alone,Amy.

Help me up.

Come on,Amy.

You know you're a little interested in Ricky.

No,I'm not.

You're all dressed up for Ricky?

And making him appetizers?

Yes,because I too want to have his baby.

I'm going out.

I'm just making snacks for Amy.

Going out?

You can't go out.

You're not the boss of me,George.

We're getting a divorce,rember?

You can't go out with Ricky coming over.

And why not?

What do you mean,why not?

It's not like they're gonna have sex and get pregnant.

Besides,you'll be in the garage.


I have plans.

To do what?

You're not the boss of me either.

I don't have to tell you my plans.

You don't have plans.

Yes,I do.

I'm going over to Donovan's.


After he's worked for you for so long?

That's a first.

Is Leon gonna be there?

Who's Leon?

His partner of 10 years.

They consider themselves married.


Yeah,he's gonna be there.

Are they setting you up on a blind date?

I'm married.

To what's-her-name?


You can date.

Are you going out on a date?

I'm just meeting someone for a drink.

That's a date.

It's Reverend Stone.

You're dating Reverend Stone?

There's a match made in Hades.


No,he just wants to meet to talk about couples who are interested in adopting Amy's baby.

You're going ahead with this?

Yeah,if it's what they want.

Let's leave it up to those two, because they've been making excellent decisions.

I'm out of here.


So who's the makeup for?

Oh,God,it's not for Ricky,is it?

It's for Reverend Stone.


I thought he was happily married.

We're meeting to talk about couples.

You know,for Amy's baby.

Amy wants me to meet with him first, then she and Ricky will meet.

You mean,if he agrees to the adoption?

Yeah,if he agrees.

So I'm chaperoning?

Well,that's very kind of you to offer, but I think that they'll be fine.

And if she tries to k*ll him, I should just call 911?

She's won't try to k*ll him.

She just jumped me.


Because I vote no on the adoption.

Ashley,you need to be supportive of Amy.

If Amy decides she wants the baby adopted,that's her decision.

- It's her life.

- It's my nephew.

Tell your sister that the appetizers are ready,okay?




Uh,does Amy know that you're coming over?

Uh,I don't think so.

Because tonight-- Ricky's coming over?

I know.

I just came by to offer her my support.



Come on in.




- Ben?

- Please.

What are you doing here?

I'm coming.

Let me stay.

Please let me stay.

Don't beg.

I told him he could come.


I don't care if he's here.

I don't care if all your friends and family are here.

I'm not gonna change my mind.

I don't want the baby adopted.


Then it's yours.

I'd take the baby, but,uh,can I do that legally?

Yes,you can.

But,how's he gonna take care of the baby?

The same way I was gonna take care of the baby.

Drop out of school and get a job,and get daycare.

I'm not gonna do that.


What are you gonna do?

Have you really thought this through?


The idea just occurred to me.

But I like it.

This way,Ben and I can continue to be in the band and go to school dances,and do all the stuff normal high school students do.

Go to college and have a career, while you raise your son.

Did you know?

No,I didn't know.

- A boy?

- Yes.

So he's probably better off with you than me anyways.

Although the best home for him would be with two adults.

I don't know.


Well,why don't you two talk it over and decide and let me know what I should do.

We already knew about you,you kno He told my mom a long time ago.

We just didn't think you'd show up out of nowhere.

Yeah,it was kind of spur of the moment.

You never wanted to know who your father is before now?

Not really.

Well,why now?

Why not now?

You need money?

Not really,no.

Mm,my mom does okay.

She's really good with what money we have.

She's already got my college paid for.



You just don't look like the college type.

Looks are deceiving.

Does your mother look like you?

I look more like my father, don't you think?


What's your father like?

He's military.

Career military.

My mother got tired of moving around.

And tired of him cheating on her.

So I'm just trying to do some recon for her.

She thinks your dad and mom are gonna get together.

Well,you don't have to worry about that.

Um,my mom's not interested in settling down.

She's a-- She's a very independent woman.

She's never been married.

Besides,Ruben's a little too tightly wound for her.

But,anyways,um,enough about our parents.

Let's,uh,talk about you.

What do you like to do?

I like to take long walks on the beach in the moonlight, and make love in the sand.

I'm just kidding.

We're not taking walks on the beach.

You're like my sister.

No,I'm not.

We're not related.

Your my stepsister.

Stop saying sister,stepsister, anything sister,okay?

You're making me feel icky for being attracted to you.

And I am attracted to you.

Are you attracted to me?

We're not attracted to each other.

We can't be.

Why not?

Because we can't.

I'm not gonna have sex with my own sister.

I told you,I'm not your sister.

We're not related.


And don't get ahead of yourself.

I'm not that easy.

If you want this,you're gonna have to work for it.

Work harder.

This is so good.

What is it?

That's Leon's specialty.

Chicken étouffée.

It's delicious.

Thank you.

I love to cook.


I love to eat.

Good,because I made a triple-layer chocolate cake with caramel icing.

Get out.

Yes,he did.

It took him all afternoon.

You guys are such great cooks.

Man,who wouldn't wanna live here?

You gays.


I'm sorry,Leon, maybe I shouldn't make assumptions.

Are you,uh,you know,out?

Way out.

Yeah,I thought so.

You know,George,not all gay men are good cooks.

But Leon is.

I'll say.

Are you ready for dessert?

Or another helping of that étouffée?

Don't fill up on the étouffée.

You have to have some of Donovan's cake.

You can take the leftovers home.

I'm not going anywhere.

Give me 10 minutes,I'll be ready for the second round.

We ordered the fight on pay-per-view tonight.

You do like boxing,right?

Marry me.

I do know several couples at the church who are looking to adopt that I think you should meet.

You and Amy.

Should Ricky be involved in the meetings?

I'd wait.

First impressions are very important.

And I'd save Ricky for later in the process.


Well,tell me about these couples.

Well,I'm not saying they're right, I'm just saying they're looking.

There' s the Lavenders.

They've been married almost 30 years.

How old are they?

Older than most,but ready.

Uh,they've spent a lot of the time seeing the world.

They didn't want to settle right down and have children.

But,uh,the world's quite a big place,you know?


Lavender may be a little too old to play baseball with his son.

But,uh,he has season tickets.

On the third-base line.

Box seats.

That counts for something.

Yeah,I guess.


And then there are the Carpenters.

Oh,they 're fun.

We get a big kick out of them at church gatherings.

They are,uh,expert karaoke singers.

And he's quite the didgeridoo player.

The Lavenders sent that back when they were down under, hanging with the Aborigines.

The lung capacity of this man is incredible.

The world is full of such interesting people.

So the Lavenders and the Carpenters are friends?

Well,not really close.

The Lavenders just knew that the Carpenters were looking for a didgeridoo.

So is there anyone else?


They're a little young.

How young?


Oh,that's not so young.


No,it's 12 years older than Amy.

Yeah,well,they,uh-- They've been married seven years.

Uh,they got married in college on a whim.

Not unlike you and George.

He's a professional wrestler and apparently suffers from some sort of injury.

But the thighs on this man, I mean,are like tree trunks.

And,uh,she's just a little wisp of a gal.

So,you know,that may be the problem.

His tree trunks or her wispiness?

Are you against the adoption?

Well,I'm not against adoption in general.

It's just that,um...

Um,maybe there's something we should talk about here.


I have to make a confession, I promised Ashley that I'd speak to you and George about reconsidering your divorce.


I don't want to pursue an adoption if you two are gonna get together and the family's gonna remain intact.

Because then you might feel like you wanna keep the baby.

But we're getting a divorce.

Are you sure?

I'm absolutely sure.

I couldn't be surer.

I will seek a couple in earnest then.


You're welcome.

I can't take the baby, I'm in foster care.

I didn't even know if that's allowed.

And I don't have time for a baby.

Yeah,but it's better you than some couple we don't even know.

I mean,at least if it were you, Amy and I,we could help.

We could babys it on the weekends, so you could still go out.

Just on weekends?

I don't think so.

You and Amy should keep the baby.

Legally,there is no me and Amy.


Or else we would take the baby.

Yeah,you're conveniently married when you wanna be, and then you're not married when you don't wanna be.

Like when you don't want the baby.

I want the baby.

- But-- - But what?

It is your baby.

No,no,no,it's Amy's baby.

I'm the father, but she's having the baby, so the burden of responsibility is on her.

Well,I think that Amy has decided not to accept this responsibility that's been thrust upon her.

Pardon the expression.

So now it's your responsibility.

Look,I didn't thrust anything on anyone.

That's ridiculous.

I can only handle so much responsibility.

I think we all know that.

I'm beginning to see how Amy landed on adoption.


Still-- Still,she could keep the baby if she wanted to.

In her defense, I think that she wants to, but she can't.

What do you want to do?

You've made yourself a part of this.

I don't know.

You don't know?

Why'd you come here?

Because you invited me,ha.

I invited you because you didn't have the nerve to just show up.

No,it's not a matter of nerves.

It's a matter of consideration.

I'm considerate of Amy's wishes.



You're here against her wishes,aren't you?

Yeah,and it's because I'm jealous of you.


Revel in it.

You're jealous of me?

I got news for you, I'm jealous of you.

Because you've got a choice.

I don't.

You don't have to stay around.

You don't have to take care of the baby.

You don't have to have discussions with Amy.

But I do.

And my advice to you would be to get out.

You're 15,Ben,this is your first girlfriend.

You actually don't want to go out with any other girl for the rest of your life?

And what happens if she breaks up with you for me?

Or for some other guy?

I mean,after all,she didn't tell you we were getting together tonight.

And you know,deep down inside, that means something.

She's the one who called me.

You know,I didn't call her and ask to come over here.

Just like I didn't ask her out for coffee at band camp.

She asked me.

Where's Ricky?

he went home.

What did the two of you decide?

Well,I guess it's-- It's not about Ricky and me.

It's about Ricky and you.

Oh,do you think so?

Listen,I was talking to Mr.

Molina today-- Oh,jeez.

It got me thinking.

You and Ricky are always gonna be tied together by this baby, and that's a pretty strong tie.

Heh,a baby.

And maybe at some point, you and Ricky will want to get together.


Amy,as much as I wanna be the father to your baby, that's not my baby.

I should have no say in whether or not the baby's adopted.

That's for you and Ricky to decide.

Maybe I should just back off for a while, give you some space, and let you talk to Ricky without me giving you a hard time about it, because you need to talk to Ricky.

And I realize that if you keep this baby, you're gonna need to talk to Ricky throughout the baby's life.

And I think I can handle that,but-- You're gonna have to be completely honest with me.

And I don't think you were completely honest with me about Ricky coming over to talk tonight,so...

I should be going.


Good night,Amy.

I'm sure whatever you decide will be the right thing to do.

I love you.

I love you too.

It's tough.

I want to be a father to my son, but let's face it,I may not be the best guy to parent a kid.

No,I think you'd be a good father.

You have such a good heart.

I don't think that's enough when it comes to being a parent.

I'm not ready.

I need to finish school.

I need to have a job.

Being a good parent's also being a good provider.

What could I provide?

Besides,I've still got a lot of issues to work through.

A lot.

You'll get there.

I just wish that while I'm getting there that Amy could keep the baby.

It's a boy.

Can you believe that?

Yeah,a boy,we're having a boy.

And then we're giving him away to two responsible adults to take care of him.

I don't know.

It doesn't seem right,and yet neither Amy or I are fit parents.

Do you talk about it in therapy?

I've been avoiding therapy.

Why's that?

Ah,it's too much work lately.

I don't wanna remember things.

I wanna forget.

But can you?

Can you ever really just forget everything that happened?

When I'm with you,I can.

That's why I love being with you.

The hours that we spend together take me away from all the pain I'm in.

You're really special,Grace.

I just wish I was good enough for you.

Don't say that.

Oh,come on,you know my story.

I don't know if things could ever really work out for you and me.

Could you ever see us married with a couple of kids?



Even knowing about how I grew up?

You can't help that, you can only help what kind of person you are.

And I think you're a wonderful person.


I have to go.

It's late.

Foster parents will be worried about me.


Hey,there's someone at the door.



Stay down!

Sorry,kid,I tried calling you.

Your mom asked me to check on you.

She tried calling you on her layover.

Are you okay?


Yeah,this is kind of awkward.

Um,maybe you should leave.


I'm okay, I'm sorry you came over.

But you can go home now.



Okay,we weren't doing anything.

We were just talking.

With your shirt off?

It's hot in here,don't you think?

What does that mean?

You know what it means.

This is my stepson.

This is your stepbrother.

Technically,but not really.

What are you doing here?

Mom wanted me to drop by and check things out.


And everything checked out.


Good night.

Call me.

So I was thinking,maybe I could come and live with you.

You have a problem.

Do I?

Do you sleep with every guy you meet?

No, and all we did was sleep.

Well,and make out.

But he is cute.

I forbid you from ever seeing him again.


Well,that's powerful statement.

Not powerful enough to actually keep me from seeing him, but still,a strong statement.

You've never had a daughter,have you?

Adrian,do not see him again.

Well,I might see him tonight if you don't stay here.

But,if you do stay here, then your wife is gonna think there's something going on with you and my mother.

But evidently your wife doesn't know that.

Or she wouldn't have sent that cute boy over to find out.

Why is it that I can get hardened criminals to listen to me,but you won't?

Because they've broken the law and I haven't.

He's not my real brother.

I'm going home.

But we're gonna talk about this again and again,until you get it.

And if you want me in your life as your father, you better start showing me a little bit more respect.

Well,why don't you just add "missy" to the end of that?

You better show me more respect,missy.

Good night.

Good night,Daddy.

Oh,and say good night to my brother.

Oh,hey,man,sorry I'm late.

I had a couple extra hours at work,I had to take it.

So,what you two been up to, besides making the world a better place for humanity?

We were just talking.

Yeah,Duncan,we were just talking.


Looks as if you were doing a little bit more than just talking.

I guess I'll just go ahead and let you two continue doing whatever you was doing.

Good night.

I am the worst mentor ever.

Eh,he's not that bad a kid.

He doesn't need that much mentoring.

He just needs to get out once in a while.

Oh,man,this is gonna change everything.

I still want to continue to build a relationship with Duncan.

I'm just-- I'm really into you.

I think you're gorgeous and sexy and smart.

And you smell good.

And this isn't just like a passing thing for me when I feel this way.

I'm a serious kind of guy just to let you know.

Completely monogamous.

When I fall,I fall hard.

And I have fallen.

And this was great.

And you were great.

I just hope this isn't gonna make things awkward between us.

It's not gonna be awkward for me.

I have a boyfriend.

You're in high school.

I was just having a little fun.

I mean you're good-looking, but you're in high school.


Yeah,I'm gonna go.

See you next week?




So no one wanted the stuffed mushrooms?

No time for mushrooms.

Lots of fighting going on.


You want the blow by blow?

I think I do.


Amy got in a fight with Ben and Ricky, and then she went to her room.

Then Ben and Ricky got in a fight,and then Ricky left.

Then Ben went and told off Amy, and now she's just moping around in her room because Ben won't pick up his phone.

What were they fighting about?

You're kidding,right?

Take a guess.

No one wants the baby.

Amy doesn't want him.

Ricky doesn't want him.

Well,Ben wants him, but only if Amy wants him, and even he admits he can't take care of him.

And you're telling me this because you think your father and I can get back together and I can take care of him?

That Judas Priest.



Judas Priest is a band.

I didn't even know they had bands back then.

Maybe if you meet with Reverend Stone,you'll learn something.

No,thank you,especially after heted me out.

Ashley, your father and I are not going to get back together.

And your sister wants to find a home for her baby.

You have to accept those things.

I don't wanna accept either of those things, because you and Dad should be together, and Amy should take care of her baby.

And you should mind your own business.

You're 13 years old.

You don't know what's best for everyone.

You don't even know what's best for you.

Oh,and you do?

That's where I'm drawing the line.

Right there.

I have been extremely tolerant of the way that you talk to me and to everyone else And that's because I know how much pain you're in.

And you know how I know?

Because we are all in a lot of pain.

And yet,no one talks to anyone in that sarcastic tone of yours except for you.

And I think I know why.

I think it's because you don't want to admit how much you're hurting.

And I'm sorry,Ashley.

I'm sorry that things have turned out the way that they have.

I'm sorry that your father and I can't stay together.

I'm sorry that your sister is having a baby at 15.

But you can't talk to me like that anymore.

I'm serious,I've had enough.



I won't talk like that anymore.

And I really don't know what's best for you or for Dad or for Amy.

And I admit it.

I'm hurting.

Just not nearly as much as the three of you.

The three of you are idiots.

I know.

Can we get you some more?

I love to cook for people who eat like you.

Me too.

I just can't believe it's taken us 10 years to have you over.

I'm so happy you're here.

Happy to be here.

You queens live like kings.

You must be good with your money to live like this on your salary.

Oh,I just work for fun,George.

I love working at the furniture store.

I've learned so much from you.

Like what?

Don't buy the white couch until they start making white dirt.

Yeah,that's a good one.

Dads love that.

Uh,you know,I have money.

We're financially stable,Donnie and I.

I designed a line of organic baby clothing years ago that caught on, and it's still going.

Hey,I know someone who might be needing some of that.


Oh,Amy,she's such a lovely girl.

Yeah,she's thinking about adoption,you know.

Yeah,you had mentioned that.


You know Leon and I would love to be parents.


Good luck with that.

I think we're gonna need more than luck.

- Ah,we're gonna need-- - An understanding family.

A what?

George,do you think Amy would ever consider letting Leon and me adopt her baby?


What are you doing here again?

I saw a light on.

Are you okay?

No,I'm not okay.

But I still want you to be okay.

Because you're the only nice girl I know.

So listen.

Don't wear your heart on your sleeve, because someone's only gonna come along and rip it in half, throw it to the ground and stomp on it.

The mentoring isn't working out?

Life isn't working out.

And I'm torn.

I know I shouldn't say anything because it's just none of my business and I should just stay out of it.

But you're such an innocent, decent,trusting,human being and Ricky's not.


I'm just gonna say it.

Ricky's still sleeping with Adrian.

I just want to put some stuff in the refrigerator.

So it doesn't go bad.

Chicken étouffée.

Oh,don't be sad,baby.

Hey,I might have some good news for you.

I might have a couple who will adopt.

You're against adoption.

Not if it's the right couple, and I can see my grandson.

You can see your son.

Ricky didn't agree to anything.


Doesn't want the baby adopted.

And he doesn't want to take care of the baby.

My son needs to be loved by two adults who can provide everything for him that I can't.

Yeah,two people who love each other,and are mature, and have jobs and savings and a home of their own.

Two guys who can cook and are fun to be with and love children, and are pretty good athletes too.

Did you just say two guys?

Did I?

Do not tell your mother.

If she doesn't come up with the idea,she will not go along with it.

I know you love her best.

I know her better than you do.

What two guys?


And the other one.

- Heh.


- Yeah.

- Really?

- Really.

All we gotta do is get Ricky on board and lead your mother to them.

Bread crumbs.

It's Grace.



Is Ricky there?

I- Is Ricky here?

I know he's there,Adrian.

Will you tell Ricky his phone is ringing?

I don't know.

What phone?

I don't hear anything.

You're a really bad friend,you know that?


Tell Ricky he's a really bad boyfriend.

But you know what?

I still love him.

And once he works through his issues so that he doesn't have to avoid his pain by sleeping with you, he'll realize he loves me too.

Will you tell him that?

Tell him yourself.

Grace,look,we're just talking, Adrian and me-- Ricky,it's me.



- Amy?

- Amy?

Is everything okay?

Everything will be okay.

Everything will be fine once you decide that the decision to have the baby adopted or not adopted is my decision.

And if I decide to have the baby adopted, I will decide who the parents should be, and you will go along with that, because it's not your life that has changed or will change,it's my life.

And I don't even know if you really care about this baby or if you're just trying to impress Grace or Adrian or someone else.

I don't even think you know how you really feel about this child or if you really feel anything at all.

But I do.

And,uh,if you think you love this child, and you too want the best for him, let me do this my way.

Don't you want what's best for your son,Ricky?

Look,in my desperation to figure this whole thing out, I asked you to come over, just to see if there's any possibility of the two of us raising this baby together, helping each other out, just for the sake of the baby.

I realize that there are a lot of different types of families and we didn't have to be married to be a family for this child.

We could just be friends, do this together as friends.


We're not friends.

And it's just not what's best for him,you and me.

And you know that.

And I fully accept responsibility for letting things go too far with you on that one night at band camp.

And I also fully accept the responsibility of making all these decisions.

So please, just go along with me.



Whatever you want.