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01x15 - That's Enough of That

Posted: 12/20/20 08:16
by bunniefuu
Don't do anything stupid,Ricky.

Don't hit the guy.

It's okay.

-It's never gonna be okay.

-Yeah,probably not.

My father is not a law-abiding citizen.

He doesn't care if there's a restraining order.

Here's my dad's number.

He'll help you.

I want to consider adoption.

I'd appreciate you going along with that.

I found something for you to do for your community service.

How'd you like to mentor a kid?

Yeah,I'll do it.

You know how much some families would pay for a healthy,Caucasian baby?

I gotta go.

No-- Whoa,whoa.

No,you can't just have sex like that and leave me here alone.


Then again,I think you say that every time I leave your house, so maybe you can just not say anything for once.

Are you angry with me?

After that?

I'm not angry with you.

You're angry.

Yeah,well,I'm angry with someone else.

Good night.

No,wait,please,just wait.

Who are you angry with?


No,not Grace.

Good night.




How can you be angry with anyone after what we just did?

I just can,all right?

I have to go.


This is as close as I've ever felt to you.


In there.

Just talk to me,please.

I don't feel like talking to you.

It's personal.

More personal than sex?

Yeah,a lot more personal than sex.

Come on,Ricky.

Look,just don't run away tonight,okay?

Just talk to me.

Just tell me what this is about.

You can tell me.

I can't.

You can if you want.

I'm not gonna tell anyone.

Whatever it is, I'm not gonna say anything.

Don't you know me better than that by now?


And you don't know me either.

Well,then let's get to know each other.

Okay,you want to get to know me?

You want to know who I am?

The reason I'm in foster care is not just because my dad smacked me around and smacked my mom around.

It's not just because they were both drug addicts, and abandoned me over and over again.

It's because my dad used to come home after a long day of hanging out and getting high to teach me a little lesson in how hard it is to be a man in this world.

That's what he called it: "A little lesson." Every night,I'd be in bed with my door closed, just begging God that he wouldn't come in my room for one of his little lessons.

But night after night after night, there he was.

And when I couldn't take it anymore, when I hated him enough, when I really didn't care if I lived or died, I told my teacher at school and she told someone, and then they told someone else.

And eventually,but believe me, not quickly,eventually, he went off to prison.

But guess what?

He's back, and he's hanging around.


He went to see Amy and then he came around when I was with Grace, so lock your doors, because he'll probably show up here too.

Not that he's interested in you or Grace or Amy.

No,he's just interested in me.

In hurting me.

He actually wants me to make someone pay for my baby and then give him the money.

Then he'll leave me alone.


Ricky,I'm so sorry.

Let me help you,okay?

I-- I can talk to my dad.

He can help you.

No one can help me.


Everything okay?


What's wrong?

Ricky was just here.


Did you know?

Did I know what?

That his father was in prison for sexually abusing him and for dr*gs and for God knows what else?

I can't discuss that.

But you knew.

I knew.

Then put him back in prison.

Honey,I can't.

He's on parole.

And as long as he follows the conditions of his parole, there's nothing I can do.

I don't believe that.

Have the cops follow him around.

Make him break the conditions of his parole.

As an officer of the court, I cannot mandate any law-enforcement agency to spend an exorbitant amount of resources on one individual who,if he's following the parole agreement, he's not an apparent danger to anyone.


You believe that?

He's not an apparent danger to anyone?


I'm doing the best I can,honey.

What are you doing?

What's it look like?

I'm shaving.

I can see that,but why are you shaving in my kitchen?

I'm tired of shaving with the garden hose.

My skin's getting chapped.

George,there are three bathrooms in this house.

Yeah,and three women.

[SIGHS] Good morning.

- Morning,Buttercup.

- Good morning.

do you think it's okay if I go to a friend's house after school?

A friend's house after school?

You have a friend?


You're not thinking the same thing?

I think it's wonderful that you have a friend and that you're getting out of the house and doing something with someone outside the family.

So,what's her name?

What makes you so sure it's a her?


So it's a boyfriend friend?

No,it's a gender-non-specific friend.

What's going on?

Your sister has a friend.



Why is it such a surprise that I have a friend?

I'm a very,very friendly person.

All right,well,um, I'll just-- I'll be in the car.

So I'll pick you up after last period,okay?


Sounds good.

- I can pick her up.

- No,you can't.

You're working,George.

At least I hope you are.

I can still pick her up.

I have a doctor's appointment.

She said I might be able to find out the sex of the baby today.


And then you'll tell me.

I'd love to have a boy.

I got two girls, so a grandson would be great.

You know,or a granddaughter.



She's leaning towards adoption.

You know that.

That's already been decided?

No,it hasn't, but I think it's what she wants.

What she wants or what you want?

I think it's really what she wants,George.

She isn't sure she wants to know if it's a boy or a girl.

Is this because of Ricky?

She doesn't want Ricky and his dad coming around?

Did you scare her with that?


I didn't.

It's about nothing except for the fact that Amy thinks that this might be the best choice for her baby.

Let's go,let's go.

I got things to do today.


Me too.

What's with the camera?

We're finding out the sex of the baby.

And according to the information I got from the Internet, this is a moment that should be recorded for history.

- By?

- By...?

Amy's borrowing your camera,right?


I'm gonna be there with her.

You're gonna be there when she finds out the sex of the baby?


Of course.

You know how they find that out?


It's called a sonogram.


And she's gonna be laying on a table with her whole stomach exposed.

Have you seen Amy's stomach before?

Well,that's kind of a personal question,isn't it?

Not as personal as you being there and seeing her stomach.

-They can cover it.

-They don't cover it.

It-- It'll be fine.

I mean,it's-- It's just a stomach.

No,it's not.

It's a very intimate moment between the mother and the baby, and usually the father of the baby.

And it's very emotional.

I mean,given Amy's situation, I would think she'd feel really vulnerable at a moment like that and would be much more comfortable with her mother there than you.

- She wants me to be there.

- You sure?

- Yeah,I'm sure.

- I don't recommend it.

It'll be fine.

I'm not worried about you as much as Amy.

I can't imagine that she would want you there.

She's my wife.

I know,I know.

We're not married legally, but we might as well be.

We're in love and we're in this relationship for life.

And this is a big part of that relationship,today, finding out the sex of the baby.

I have to be there.

Amy wants me to be there.

Just like she wants me there for the birth.


We'll see about that.

We'll see about what?

Come on.

Let's go,already.

Be there for the birth.

Come on.

What do you call this again?

Earl Grey.

It's not bad.

I have coffee.


That's okay.

When in Rome...

Well,I'm very happy you stopped by.

I wish my wife were here to talk to you.

She's,uh-- Well,she's been wanting to talk to you.

But neither of us wanted to intrude on the situation.

I don't know why not.

The whole world has intruded.

It's not like it's a secret.

So,what do you think Amy is going to do?

Is she thinking about adoption?

Ricky said she's thinking about it, but I'm not sure he's totally onboard with that right now, especially since his father has been coming around looking for money from the adoption.

Bob the child molester is looking for money for the baby?

Maybe Ricky didn't tell Amy,but yes.

Bob said he'd help out financially.

Bob has no money.

Bob the child molester is also Bob the drug addict.

That son of a-- I want to-- We do too.

But we all know we can't.

Do we?

Maybe that's just the tea talking.

Adrian's father-- Do you know Adrian?

I know him.

What about Adrian?

Is her father a child molester too?


He's the DA.

He got us a restraining order, and he's asked the police to keep an eye out.

What,in case anyone kills Bob?

Let's not resort to v*olence.

Let's not put ourselves on Bob's level.

Let's put Bob down a level.

Like six feet under.

He wanted money for the baby?


Juergens,Bob will not last long in the real world.

Sooner or later,he's gonna do something that will violate his parole and he'll go back to prison.

Should we do something to Bob before Bob does something to go back to prison?

There's nothing we can do.


There's gotta be something we can do.

I'm not gonna sit around drinking Earl Grey, waiting for Bob to go back to prison.

Don't do anything stupid,George.

Yeah,story of my life.

So that's why he showed up at the batting cages.

He wants money from the adoption.

So you and Amy have decided to have the baby adopted?

No,at least I haven't.

I don't want anything to do with an adoption, which is only gonna make Bob angry.

I mean,he's an angry man already.

Look,I wouldn't want to ruin your morning, so I'll spare you the details of what my father did to me.

Ricky,you can tell us anything.

Don't worry about our morning,okay?

It's not okay.

I was sexually abused, and Bob got sent to prison because of me, so I don't think Grace should be around me.

I don't think it's safe.

...Ricky,uh, Bob was sent to prison because of Bob.

Didn't have anything to do with you.

You know that,don't you?

Yeah,I know that.

Intellectually,I know that.

But still,sometimes it gets turned around in my head somehow.

Look,I'm working on my problems.

I'm in therapy.

I've been in therapy for years.

And I know I'd never do anything to hurt Grace.

But I can't say the same about Bob.

I can't say he wouldn't hurt her if he had the chance.

I think he just wants to get back at me.

I just don't know how he plans to do that.

So I'm not gonna come around for a while and I was wondering if you could explain that to Grace.

I can't.

I just can't.

I really love her,but I don't want her to get hurt.

But Bob is very unpredictable.

Ricky,are you sure you can't tell Grace this yourself?

We can tell her, but she can hear what you have to say without any judgment.

She can.

Yeah,because she's a Christian.

You're all Christians.

I wish I could be a Christian.

I wish I could believe what you believe.

I wish Jesus would just take away my pain and suffering, but I spent too many nights praying for Bob to leave me alone to believe that prayer ever works.

No,I think you better tell Grace that I can't see her anymore.

Not right now,anyway.

Look,I have to go.

I'm sorry.

I have to go.

No pity,okay?

I don't need pity.

It'll change the sex.

I'm not-- It's not pity.

It's just that-- I don't know,I just-- I think I understand you a lot better now.

I doubt it.

Besides,I'm not looking for understanding.

I know what you're looking for.

And you're not gonna get that from Grace.

I'm not seeing Grace.

I went over to her house and told her parents that I'd stay away from her.

And I'm gonna stay away from her.

Because of your dad, or because she really isn't what you want?

Or because rejection in any form is just gonna make her want you more?

I'm not that complicated.

Yes,you are.

Hey,don't make too much out of what I told you about my dad,okay?



He wants to make money off the adoption.

He wants Ricky to give him a commission on selling Amy's baby.


That's why he showed up.

He wants to get a cut of the money.

Nobody's getting any money for Amy's baby.

Apparently people do that.

They pay for hospital costs and taking care of the mother.

Sometimes there's some sort of cash bonus involved, disguised as an expense.

Reverend Stone didn't say anything about that.

That's not gonna happen.

How do you know it's not gonna happen?

How do you know that there's not gonna be money under the table to Ricky?

With Bob in the picture, adoption is a dirty business.

You're the one who wanted her to do this,not me.

It doesn't have to be a dirty business.

It's not supposed to be a dirty business.

It's supposed to be a wonderful way of providing a child with a-- A stable and loving family and giving two people a chance to have a child who would ordinarily not be able to have one.

It's just people like Ricky's father that make it into a dirty business.

We won't have anything to do with him or anyone like him.

How are we gonna know?

We'll know.

George,don't do anything stupid,please.

Amy is gonna need you.

You need to be here for Amy.

Don't do anything stupid.

What kind of a man abuses his own son?


A very sick man.

Someone who needs some help.

Oh,I'll help him.

George,let the authorities handle this,please.

You know,if Bob did what he did to Ricky, then Ricky could do what he did to the baby.

That's not fair.

And it's not true.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Just because Ricky was abused doesn't mean he's gonna do the same thing.

Ricky can be different from his father.

Get out your dreamcatcher, because you're dreaming again.

*dreamcatcher* So,what time is your appointment?

Same time as usual.

As soon as I can get there after school.

So am I riding with you and your mom, or should I have my dad's driver drop me off, or how does that work?

Oh,and I have a digital camera,but don't worry, I won't take pictures unless you want me to.

Uh,you want me to be there,right?

You said you wanted me to be there,didn't you?

No,I said I wish you could be there.

Well,I can.

N-no,I wish you could be there.

Like-- Like I wish we were married,legally.

Like I wish this was our baby.

Like I wish a lot of things.

So you-- You don't want me to be there.

It's kind of personal.

Yeah,I-- I know.

But still...

But still think you should go?


Ben,I -- I don't know.

I mean,you've never even seen my stomach before.

I know.

It'll be the first time I see your stomach.

I'm sure it will be awkward, but I want to be there for you.

I want to see the baby.

I want to be there with you when you find out whether it's a girl or a boy.

And,yeah,at first,it'll be awkward, but we'll work through the awkwardness.

We love each other.

I don't think so,Ben.

I-I don't even know if I want to know if it's a boy or a girl.

I'm not even sure I want to be there.

I know it's gonna be a very emotional moment for you, and that's why I want to be there for you.

But just think about letting me go.

Just think about it.


I don't want to think about it.

I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I don't want you to be there.


I just think it would be awkward.

Are you gonna let me go to birthing classes?

Again,I think that would be awkward.

So you don't want me there when the baby is born.

In the room when I'm completely exposed to the world?


I-- I'm not even sure I want my mother to be there.

We don't have to make these decisions now.

I mean,we have months to think about it.

But please,just consider the possibility of letting me be there when the baby is born.

I-- I mean,I can stay up by your head, all the way up by your head and I won't look at anything you don't want me to see.


I'll-- I'll think about it.

I love you.

I love you too.




I knew if I called, you'd tell me not to come over.

Yeah,I probably would.

- Since you're here...

- Really?

I always wondered what this house would look like on the inside.

It's very you.


Well,I bought my own furniture this time around.

That's a great rocking chair.

Where'd you get that?

My husband bought it for me when I had Grace.

This would be a great idea for a baby gift.

What's up,George?

Oh,we gotta talk.


Ricky's dad.


I want to k*ll that guy.

- Me too.

- No,George, I don't mean that literally.


I do.

What do you mean,literally?

I mean,I hate what he did to that kid.

Yeah,and Ricky could do that to his kid, and his kid is my grandson or granddaughter, and I can't ignore the fact that his father is circling around.

Ricky came by to say that he can't go out with Grace anymore.

He doesn't want to put her in jeopardy.

Your daughter could be my daughter's baby's stepmother.

We're a long way from that.

A long,long way.

Grace is going to college and then to medical school.

George,what do you want?

I want to know how we're getting rid of Bob.

Don't you two have a plan to get rid of him?

Rid of him?


We're gonna leave that up to the authorities.

I won't do that.


We have to.

You're no better than Anne.

I hope your next wife shares your point of view.

Well,I can only hope so.

Thanks for nothing.


Don't get out.

All right.

I want to talk to you.


I'm taking Amy to the doctor today to find out the sex of her baby.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

And I also found out that you're trying to get money for Amy's baby.

So,uh,I don't know.

Maybe it's the doctor's appointment, or everything else that's happening, but that news just kind of upset me.

Well,it's not just her baby.

There's a father,and that's my son.

So it's actually your daughter's baby and my son's baby.

So who knows?

Maybe someday, we'll be in-laws.

We are never gonna be in-laws.

And you're not gonna go anywhere near my daughter or your son or their baby.

You got that?

Because if you do, if you go near her or him or the baby, you're gonna regret it.


Regret it,you say?

Listen to me.

I'm a woman on the verge.

My 15-year-old daughter is having a baby.

My husband is having an affair.

I'm getting a divorce after 16 years of marriage.

I gotta get a job.

And my mom has Alzheimer's.

And I can't take it anymore.

I can't take it if one more bad thing happens to me, like if I find out that you're sending couples over to try to adopt the baby and you're somehow making money off of it.

So,what are you saying,Anne?

Are you saying--?

I don't know.

Are you threatening me?

Not nice to thr*aten people.

I'm not threatening you.

I don't even know how to thr*aten a man like you.

But I figure you're afraid of me.

I figure you're afraid of everything and everyone, because what kind of a man hits his own wife and child?

I'll tell you what kind.

A coward.

What kind of a man preys on innocent children?

A coward.

Yeah,that's right.

You're a coward.

I bet you get high so you can forget that.

That you're a coward.

Am I right?

Just don't go near them, any of them.

Just go away.

Go far,far away.

Hey,were you looking for me?


I've been looking for you all day.

I'm sorry,Grace.

I just don't think we should be seeing each other right now.

Okay,but that's just for right now,right?

It's for as long as my dad is around.

My parents told me.

They told you?


Really,I appreciate that you don't want me to get hurt, but I'm not scared to be around you.

Well,you should be.

Well,I'm not.

Ricky,I love you.

I love you.

What do you want me to do?

Say I love you?

I don't love anyone.

I don't even love myself.

But you said you were in love with me.

I say a lot of things,Grace.

But you're in love with me.

I know you're in love with me.

Aren't you in love with me?

Okay,well,even if you're not in love with me, I hope that we can at least be friends.

I'm gonna pray for that.

That we can be friends.

And,Ricky,I'm gonna pray that nobody ever hurts you again.


call me So your sister has a friend?

Yeah,she probably has lots of friends.

Do you know who the friend is?

She gave me an address and a phone number but it's probably fake.

Should we find out?

No,probably not.

I trust her.


Well,not completely, but I don't think she'll get into any trouble.


Not after what I did.

I kind of ruined her life too.

You didn't ruin her life.

Or yours.

Your life's just gonna be different.

And so is hers and so is mine and-- And your dad's, but not ruined.

Don't do that to yourself.

Or the baby.

Life's just a big adventure.

And yours is a really big adventure right now.

But that's okay.

Everything's gonna be fine.

I think it's a girl.

You do?

Well,I think I want the baby to be a girl.

Why's that?

Bob abused Ricky and Ricky's a boy so-- So maybe if the baby's a girl and Bob and Ricky are here then they wouldn't touch her.

Oh,honey,it doesn't work that way.

So even if the baby's a girl--?

Let's just hope that whether it's a boy or a girl that no harm comes to it.

And anyway,maybe Ricky can break the cycle of abuse.

Well,Ricky's father was probably abused and his father's father but...

But anyway,maybe Ricky will agree to the adoption.

Maybe he'll just wanna stay away from the baby.

Maybe we should both stay away.

Maybe we should just let the parents be parents and do what's best for the baby.

I don't think I want to know,Mom.

Not right now,anyway.

It's okay.

A lot of people don't wanna know the sex of the baby, for various reasons.

Just make sure that you tell the doctor that.

And I think I want to do this alone.


Whatever you feel comfortable with.

But I'm there if...


That's Jesus.

Oh,is it?

Is it a photograph?

I thought it was some painting by some Caucasian who wanted to see the son of God as light-skinned with blue eyes.

Yeah,you're right.

He kind of looks like me, don't you think?

Or you look like him, depending on the ego.

You waiting to see my dad?

I am,but some crabby old woman in support stockings told me that he's stuck in traffic on the freeway.

That's the church secretary.

Stuck in traffic,huh?

I needed to see him too.

You know,I can't wait around,can you?

You want a ride home?

No,I think I'll wait.

Must be important.

Yes,it is.

Well,if you must know, I wanted him to stop my parents from getting divorced and now something else has become a priority.

Okay,Ricky's dad got out of prison and he showed up at our house in his lime green muscle car.

I just don't want anything to happen to Amy, the baby or even Ricky.

So I just thought he might have a hotline to,you know, that guy,or know a judge or something.

A lime green muscle car?

What was he in prison for?

Car theft?

I don't know but it's very important that he go back to prison.

Okay,it was for abusing children, but that's all I can say.

I don't know if my dad can help you with something like that.

Yeah,I just thought I'd ask.

Because,you know,I'm just-- I'm just scared my dad is gonna do something stupid.

All right,some kid over in gangland is waiting for me to show up to mentor him into success, so,uh,I better get going.

Good luck with that.

Good luck with my dad.

You know,my ex-husband looked a lot like that.

Think that's why I married him.

I thought he was that good.

Turns out he's not.

You know,um,Reverend Stone isn't here.

He's stuck in traffic.

That guy is always stuck in traffic.

He drives like a turtle.

Will you tell him that Veronica stopped by to see him?

Don't know if I'll see him,but okay.

I can't wait around.

I'm a cocktail waitress over at Kevin Ryan's and we're short on help this week and I need the tips.

Can't get my ex-husband to cough up the child support.


Stone was supposed to help me with that.

So are you hiring?

Are you looking?

Well,I am looking for a job.

But I don't know if I'd be too hot at cocktails.

I mean,I'm not really a people person and I don't drink.

That's perfect.

Are you over 21?

What,you wanna see my ID?


I'll-- I'll get you in.

Come on,let's go.




Restraining order.

Probably shouldn't be this close to a school either.

But I wanted to ask you something.

Girl or boy?

The baby.

Is it a girl or is it a boy?

Because I got a line on a couple who would pay 100 grand for a healthy white male infant.

So I'm hoping it's a boy.

I bet you do.

Look,I'm under no misconceptions here.

I know I'm not getting your vote for father of the year.

But that's all water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.

I can't change the past.

You want me to go away, I want to go away, but I can't.

I don't have the funds.

So think of it as a finder's fee.

You give me what I want, I'll get out of your life.

It's the only way I can get out of your life.

Can't get out of your life without the money.

And keep me posted on whether it's a boy or a girl.

I think Amy has her doctor's appointment today.

See you.

Adrian,I'll have to call you back.

He was there,Dad.

He was there in the parking lot at school.

Ricky called me.

Honey,I'll call you back.

No,talk to me.

Do something.

Five minutes.

I heard that.

Well,then you know I'm working on it.

You're not working on it fast enough.

I'm working on it.

There has to be something you can do.

I want something done right now.

I understand that.

And I sympathize.

But sometimes we just have to let the situation play itself out.

And if someone gets hurt in the process?

We can't arrest a man for no reason.

The man abused his own son.

And he went to prison for that.

Look,how frustrating do you think it is for all of us in law enforcement?

We work hard to send these guys away and then the prisons can't hold them all.

They just get turned out again and then we have to go after them again, while we also go after all the other guys out there who are yet to be caught.

But I do my job.

I'm trying to do my job anyway.

Well,you better do your job as a father too, and keep that Ricky away from Adrian.

She's a nice girl.

I know she's a nice girl.

And so is her mother.

We're here,okay?

Jack Pappas?


Are you Duncan's,uh...?



Are you?

No,I'm his sister.

I'm Shawna.


Jack's here!

You don't look like the kind of guy who would get in trouble for fake IDs.

They told you that?


They also told me you probably had nothing to do with it.

Oh,I had something to do with it.

Either way,um,thanks,Jack.

Duncan's not allowed to have friends in the neighborhood and he needs to get out once in a while.

It's no problem.


Sorry,I was on the phone.



You was expecting someone about this high,huh?

Well,kind of,yeah.

You still wanna do this?


Let's roll.

See you in a sec.


You don't wanna do that.

I don't wanna do what?

Look,don't mad dog the dealer.

Just drive away.


Don't be stupid.

I gotta make a phone call.

No,no,no,no,no,not with me in the car.

Look,you drive out the neighborhood before you make any phone calls.

Better yet,mind your own business.

All right?

Now,let's ride.

Hey,so how'd it go?

I didn't go.


She didn't let me.


She doesn't want me there for the birth.

That's good too.

This isn't funny,you know?

I'm trying to be a man but it's hard when people won't let you.

Lots of ways of being a man,son.

Every book that I've read has said that the husband,father,partner,whatever should be there for all these things.

Well,that's when the husband, father,partner,whatever is intimate with the woman who's giving birth.

As far as I know you're not intimate with Amy.

I hope.

Look,she's a 15-year-old girl having a baby.

You're a 15-year-old guy.

You're not a married couple.

You haven't seen each other naked.

You haven't made love to each other.

You haven't been with each other for years.

You're just getting to know each other.

And it's just not appropriate for you to participate in certain things.

What certain things?

Certain things like anything that may make your Amy feel uncomfortable.

I'll tell you what, next time you go to doctor's office for a checkup, ask Amy if she wants to go with you.



It's George Juergens.

What are you doing for dinner?

I don't know,George.

What are you doing?

You feel like grabbing a steak?

Have some drinks?

You got plans for dinner?

I'm just gonna wait for Amy to call.

Okay,well,you can do that on your own.

You're on,George.

What the heck are you doing?

Um,I'm just,uh,looking for some loose change.

All right,well,get back out there.

You're doing great,kid.

Yeah,we might have a...


tad little problem.

Amy,I'm so sorry.

I got tied up with a difficult delivery.

But mother and baby are just fine.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

They told me I could go home but I just want to get it over with.

Get it over with?

This isn't an "over with" kind of visit.

This is easy.

This might be your favorite visit ever,in fact.

Just so you know,um, Amy might not wanna know what she's having.

If it's a boy or a girl.


Okay,well,come on back and we'll talk about it.


Why would you get a job?

Just trying to do my part.

Your part in what?

I don't know,supporting the baby?


You don't have to support the baby.

Your mother's just trying to teach Amy a lesson about being responsible.

Now,she's gonna be so responsible she'll probably have the baby adopted.

I know,I just don't really want that to happen.

So I was just trying to earn some extra cash,you know?

Yeah,I know.

But you're underage.

You could have this business shut down.

I-- I didn't realize that.

You know,I've only been here a couple hours and I've already made a hundred in tips.


Well,you can't earn money because you don't have a work permit.

So you're gonna have to pass those tips along to Veronica.


Well,I don't know what to do here.

I don't want anyone to get in trouble.

Here,just take it.

Oh,well,I-- I can't just...


Thank you.

You know,I should give you something in return.

How about a free dinner?

Then I'd have to tell my boss and then I could lose my job...

I can't afford to lose my job right now,so...




Good to see you.

I didn't expect to see my daughter here.

She used her fake ID to get a job.

Well,at least it went to good use.

How about a steak?

Oh,I called her mother to come and get her.

She should be here in a bit.

Well,in the meantime, can I get you two gentlemen a drink?


What's going on?

I want to talk to you,Ricky.

Okay,I know I hurt Grace's feelings and I'm sorry.

I can't help it.

You can't help a lot of things,Ricky.

Sit down.

You can't help it if your father is a sick man.

You can't help it if he did horrible things to you.

You can't.

It's not your fault.

You didn't ask for it.

You would never ask for it.

You never wanted it to happen,Ricky.

But I imagine sometimes you doubt that.

So you keep going to therapy.

You work at it every day.

And then you realize that sometimes you're just like every other guy.

You wanna have sex because you're attracted to some woman and you love her.

Then you realize that sometimes you want to have sex because your father violated you and you want to act out.

You want to abuse somebody else, anybody else, any other woman,any other girl that you can convince to have sex with you.

But you don't do that,Ricky.

Because you know that if you did do that, you would just be doing to somebody else what your father did to you.

Till you learn to love yourself, because you're a good person.

Ricky,deep down inside, you are a good person.

What happened to you was not your fault, but what you choose to do to other people, that's your responsibility.

Son,you have it within yourself to change yourself and to stop the cycle.

You can stop the cycle.

I believe that.

I believe in you.

Now,that's not to say that I'm not a little nervous with you hanging around my daughter, but I believe that you can stop the cycle of v*olence in your family if you make the decision to do that.

What makes you think you know anything about this?

What makes you think you know anything about my life?

Is this something you learned in med school?

Something you read in a book?

No offense,but I don't think you know anything about it.

No offense,but I know everything about it,Ricky.

I know everything about this.

You see,my brother was a big baseball fan and our next-door neighbor somehow always had extra tickets.

Well,our next-door neighbor was sexually abusing my brother and one day he k*lled himself.

How'd you find out about the neighbor?

On the su1c1de note.

That was the first time any of us knew anything about it.

You see,my brother was afraid that if we knew about it, we wouldn't love him anymore.

So that is why I am glad that you have chosen to talk to somebody.

And if you ever need to talk to anybody about this,you can talk to me.

You can talk to Grace.

No judgment ever.

I promise.

Even though you know about me, you'd still let me go out with Grace?


I would.

You just don't do anything stupid.

So you don't know anyone who could even scare the guy a little bit?


I just want someone to sneak up behind him in a dark alley and beat the stuffing out of him.

- I don't know anyone.

- No one?


And even if I did, that's not the answer.

Well,come on,we have to do something.

Unfortunately,George,we have to wait for the authorities to do something, you know,otherwise we're just criminals, just like he is.

We're not criminals who abuse our children.

No,we're not.

We're not criminals,period.

We've got our children to think about,Ben and Amy.

I mean,the kid wants to be in the room with her when she gives birth.

Oh,no,I-- I-- I don't think so.

No,I don't either.

He's sitting around the house pouting about it.

I just hope he comes to his senses and realizes there's only so much he can do.

Everything okay?


Well,I'll be darned.

Oh,hey,hold it down a little bit, I'm getting a glare.

Yeah,that's good.

I'm Amy.

I'm your mother.

Your birth mother.

And,uh,this is your grandmother, the mother of your birth mother,my mother.

She was with me when we got to see you on the sonogram.

And,uh,we love you.

I love you and-- And my mother loves you.

My boyfriend and someday-husband,Ben, he loves you.

He's making this for you right now.

My dad loves you and my sister loves you and my whole family loves you.

And all my friends love you.

And that's why we wanna make sure that you have the best home possible, with the best family possible.


I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to make sure that happens for you.

To make sure that you get all that life has to offer.

Because that's what my parents did for me.

And because...


you're my son.

*it's a boy* I've been calling you.

I know.

I had a visitor.

Did you check your messages?


You didn't check your messages?


They got him.

Your father.

He's been arrested.


A possession of dr*gs.

Jack saw him buying dr*gs.

He called me,I called my dad.

They got him.