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05x03 - Eclipse + USMC-1856707 + Step Potential + Chain Lock + Ma

Posted: 12/19/20 07:42
by bunniefuu
This is Codex.

Previously onMacGyver...

A millenarianist doomsday international t*rror1st organization.

You come with me.

Where are we off to?

To meet Leland.

Who is he?

He is Codex.


I'm sorry.

You know, it has always amazed me that the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, and yet for seven minutes, it completely blocks out the Sun's light, plunging everything in its path into darkness.

Great inspiration for the world's underdogs.

Or the world's psychopaths.

Take your pick.


It's good to see you like this, man.

: Like what?

I don't know.



Last year was pretty rough.


First, Codex, then losing my dad, then Gwen.

Yeah, not to mention a global pandemic.


Codex is defeated, Leland is in hiding.


We're back to work at the Phoenix.

Things finally...

I don't know, finally feel right.

You got eyes on the package?

Check out the brunette to my right.


That's Josephine Tramell, known Central Asian arms dealer.

I think we found our buyer.

Taylor, you guys in position?

We are ready and awaiting your command with baited breath, Matilda.

A simple yes or no works just fine, Russel.

Yes, for some people, perhaps, but not Russ Taylor, Matilda.


Did she just mute my comms?

She's been testy since you sent her to D.C.

to handle the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Yes, well, she needs a good reminding who the boss is, doesn't she?

Let me know how that works out for you.

It doesn't bother me that they're on a fake date.

Riley needs to be in range to intercept the upload.

I didn't say anything.

Well, I can hear you thinking.

It's not weird that they're on a date before we've gone on one.

After all these months, you and Mac still haven't kissed and made up since he gassed you and went after Codex?

Yeah, well, the pandemic kind of put a damper on our kissing.

I am not discussing Mac with his babbly-mouth best friend and a mercenary playboy who uses a decommissioned robot as a therapist.

Sparky is a very good listener, actually.

Great talk, everyone.

Opening the package.

Intercepting the upload.

I'm in.

Spearhead's Scylla N12 prototype.

That's a next-gen suitcase nuke.

A theoretical next-gen nuke, and a very long way from a prototype, might I add.

At least it was.

Uh, slight problem.

I've been made.

You think she saw us?

No, but she is getting away.

MATTY: Mac, Riley, stop her.

Desi and Taylor, block the road.

We can't let those specs get into the wrong hands.

Hold on.

You're bringing the telescope?


Leave no man behind.


Well, we have one chance to stop her.

We better not miss.


One minute until Tramell reaches the roadblock.

You got any tricks up your sleeve?

Not sure a roadblock's gonna stop Danica Patrick here.





Sorry it's come to this, Morty.

You named the telescope?


30 seconds, Mac.

Mac, hurry up!


Your suitcase nuke.

Theoretical suitcase nuke.

Y'all mess it up every time.

Those two havebeen bonding lately.



You'd prefer they were barely speaking to each other?


Of course not.

It's just that Desi has plenty of time for Riley, but no time to go on a date with me.

Have you actually asked her out?


Dang it.

You need to fix this.



And I need to fix that.



Step awayfrom the coals, Desi.

Put it down.

Just about to light it up.

I got it.

Thank you.

You're no fun.


Let the professionaltake over.

Come to save the day?


Go ahead.

All right.

You got any beer?

Oh, yeah.

Fire makes a girl thirsty.

Think I got it.



Want to grab a drink sometime?

Yeah, what would you call this?



I guess what I'm trying to say is, like, a...

a proper date-date.

Away from our nosy friends.

You see what I'm saying?


You don't have to give me an answer right now.

Yeah-- Just, later.

Or not.


RILEY: Bozer.

If you ask me one more time if I'm okay with Mac and Desi, your little MC Hammerlip-synch video is gonna be trending on TikTok in about five minutes.

If that's how you want to play this, fine.

But you're not making a great case for actually being okay.

I'm good, Boze.

Whatever I was feeling for Mac was just "Codex is ending the world" adrenaline.


Hey, hey, hey.

Taylor's not here yet.

If we have to wait for Lord Tardy Pants, it won't be pretty, Bozer.

Where are the buns?

Call Angus MacGyver.


Hey, I hope you're getting here soon because Desi is about to go full Hulk.

Angus, I have a tail, it seems.



Black SUV, tinted windows.

I'm gonna try and lose him.

He's right on my tail.



Can you hear us?

Come on, let's go.

I tracked Taylor's phone to these coordinates.

That's definitely his car.

But there's no sign of Taylor.

It's Taylor's phone.

Hello, MacGyver.

Your friend is alive and safe, for now.

We'll return him on one condition.

You bring us USMC-1856707.

You have two hours.

We'll be in touch.

What's USMC-1856707?

One of Taylor's theoretical weapons?

It's not a what, it's a who.

Those are dog tag numbers.

Already ahead of you.

USMC-1856707 is Eric Andrews, United States Marine Corps, served in Vietnam.

He's a black belt, state champion sharpsh**ter, collegiate wrestler and a wilderness survivalist.

Andrews went off the grid after Vietnam, returning to join the Yards, an indigenous group that live in the mountains.

He was known for his deadly k*lling tactics using a chain, which earned him the nickname General Ma.

Looks like the U.S.

government largely ignored him until he resurfaced in Thailand and brutally slaughtered the American attaché and his family.

The military sent in a team to quietly bring him home.

He's been locked up ever since.

Any chance the Feds will let us use him as bait to lure out Taylor's kidnappers?

I'll see if I can pull some strings.

I'm putting the Phoenix on lockdown.

Mac and Desi, get to the prison.

Nickname General Ma, what does that mean?

It's Vietnamese for "monster" or "demon." : Oh, great.


They want us to trade the devil for Taylor.

You're quiet.

I was just thinking about the last time we were headed out to the middle of nowhere to deal with an unstable m*rder*r.

We were with Oversight, breaking up a squabbling Murdoc and Helman.


My dad and I weren't talking at that time, but after that op, we went fishing.

That was a good day.

So, what do you say, after we free Taylor and lock Andrewsback up...


...would you want to, I don't know, go fishing with me?


You're gonna have to do better than fishing for our first date-date since Codex.


Where are you guys?

Well, with the Phoenix on lockdown, we're working out of Taylor's fancy hangar.

Any update on Andrews's release?

Bad news.

Despite my reassurance that he would be closely guardedand promptly returned, the FBI director denied my request.

I don't disagree.

Y'all saw what that guy can do with a chain.

If we don't show proof we have Andrews, they'll k*ll Taylor.

Riley, any luck tracing the kidnapper's message?


I got to wait until they make contact again.

Okay, well, nobody says we can't talk to Andrews, ask who he thinks is behind this.


Definitely a start.


And I'm pretty sure we can cook up a surprise finish.

He's not restrained?


My name is Angus MacGyver.

And I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here.

O-Or not.



Thank you for your patience, allowing me to finish my meditation.

"This is the only path, "and there is none other for the purity of vision.

Follow this path; it will bewilder Mara." Siddhartha Gautama.

The Buddha.

Buddha called the tempter Mara.

Others call it jinn, Iblis, Satan.


Just fancy names for the devil.

We humans love to blame our basest tendencies on a force outside of ourselves, but in reality, that insatiable voice is always your own, warring within you, driving you... take life or to save it.

So, Mr. MacGyver, what brings you to my humble abode?

My colleague...

his name is Russel Taylor.

He's been taken.

His kidnappers demanded you in exchange.

I've never met him.

But then, I've been in custody since 1985 and we traitors don't get a lot of visitors.

Breathing rhythm, heart rate, pupil dilation all indicate he's telling the truth.

Would you happen to know of anyone who would want to secure your freedom?

Maybe old allies in Vietnam?

The Yards?

No one wants me free.

Not even me.

I'm sorry I couldn't help you find your friend.

See, uh, the truth is, you still can.

How would you like to get out of here?

See daylight for the first time in 35 years?

Mr. MacGyver, it has taken me years of practice to quell the rage within me.

I put General Ma to death.

It's in everybody's best interest to keep him buried.

We should wrap this up.

Take it away, Riley.

One minute, folks.

Well, thank you for your time.

Enjoy your painting.

Thank you.

You want to try one of those art classes where you paint and drink wine?


Of course not.

Paint has been used throughout the ages to create the world's most beautiful masterpieces.

But under the right conditions, like when it's combined with bleach and acetone, the paint reveals the toxic side of its personality, as it transforms into chloroform.

Remind me why Riley tripping the alarms was the best plan again?

When Helman breached the black site, I helped redesign the security system, which was adopted by federal prisons around the country.

So now, when it goes on lockdown, no one can get in or out of their floor.

Including the guards-- Right here.


Des, we're in a supply closet.


Thank you very much,Captain Obvious.

What does the closet have to do with your plan?


What did you do?

Just getting some fresh air.


Uh, Bozer, I'm sending you proof that we have Andrews in our custody and he's alive.

Copy that.

Riley jammed the Feds' comms to buy you a head start.

I'm monitoring the situation and I'll keep you updated on the pursuit.

But for now, lay low.

What-- Who is he talking to?


I can still sh**t you while I'm driving.

Sit back.

Mr. MacGyver, please take me back to jail.

I'm a very dangerous man.

I don't know how long I can resist the urge to k*ll you.

I don't know who took your friend or why they want me.

I'm telling the truth.

I believe you.

I just don't really care.

What you did back there, with my paints, you could use that for good.

Instead you knock me out and kidnap me?

Well, that's kind of his specialty.


It's a compliment, okay?

You're good at knocking people unconscious.

: Okay.

I thought you forgave me.

Is that why you say no to all my date ideas?

No, I did forgive you.

I just don't like fishing or painting.

Oh, you betrayed her.

Oh, betrayal is a difficult one to forgive.

Especially with all that rage bottled up inside you.

Like a powder keg about to blow.

Oh, really?

Cause you've been such a ray of sunshine lately.

Buddha has a mantra I think would be very helpful.

"Speak not harshly..." You know what?

Enough armchair philosophy.

Shut up.

Both of you.

Read this.

Would you mind coming a bit closer?

Close enough?


My name is Russ Taylor.

Respond to this message with confirmation that you have USMC-1856707.

Or you watch me die.

Sending the picture of Andrews.

And I'm running a trace.


MacGyver, like I said, I'm sorry about your friend, but please, can you take me back to the prison now?

The kidnappers replied with the time and location for the exchange.

It's an abandoned auto repair plant in Vernon.

Guys, check this out.

The software used to record digital video adds half a second head as a buffer.

I recovered a piece from before Taylor started reading.

I got an image of the kidnapper.


That's Roman.


But if Roman's alive...

Then Codex is somehow involved in his kidnapping.

What does Leland and Codex want with you?


I did some digging into Andrews' time in Vietnam and I found this.

Check out his commanding officer.


Leland was my C.O.

in Nam.

Then years later, he shows up.

He said he had a gig working for people who gave him a purpose.

Had this mantra.

"What was is lost, but from death comes life"?

Sounds about right.

Said he wanted me to join.

But I refused.

What does Leland want from you now?

Last time I saw him was 1985.

I-I don't know.

The year you were arrested.

I'm guessing it's not a coincidence?

You are correct.

Leland tracked me down in Nam.

He needed my skill set.

It was a high-profile target.

Innocents were involved, so I said no.

That's where I drew the line.

Leland carried it out himself, but then pinned it on me.

Up until that point, the U.S. government left me alone, but...

they couldn't ignore Leland's bloodbath.

But brought you in instead.

It's taken me many years to let go of my anger at his betrayal.

Look, whatever you're asking for, I assure you, I can pay a lot more.

And I assure you...

...I can't be bought.

Greetings, Russel.

Lovely to see you again.


My offer still stands.

I'd take it if I were you.

Leland is notorious for terminating his employees once they've outlived their usefulness.

I'll take my chances.



why am I here, hmm?

If you're trying to recruit me again, I hate to break it to you, but my answer now, and always, is a big fat no.

When Gwen blew herself up to save her sister's spawn...

she had something of mine on her: a scepter.

We scoured the wreckage to no avail.

Which means that Phoenix must have taken it.

None of this is ringing any bells, darling.

Good thing I brought along a toy to help jog your memory.


Matty, Riley, we got a problem.

This is Mac and Desi.

And these are FBI patrol cars.

They've locked in on a signal inside of their car.

Their comms are off, I encrypted their GPS.

It's impossible to hack.

Which means there's only one place that signal could be coming from.

All right, cough it up.

The tracker.

Well, a-a few years back, they gave me a root canal.

I thought it was strange, given that I always had perfect teeth-- I'm a diligent flosser.

You didn't think to mention they put a tracker in your tooth?

Of course not.

It's my only hope to get back into FBI custody before I do something I'll regret.

Uh, two blocks up, three blocks to the right.

No, no, no, no, no.

Please, not the dentist.

I don't need a dentist for what I have in mind.

I was once like you.

Holding in all my anger.


MacGyver's hurt you deeply.

The only way to heal is to let it out.

Now, one practice I find very helpful is using feeling words to express yourself.

Please, can-can I show you?

I'm feeling very angry... kidnapped me.


I'm fearful that the urge to take these zip ties, wrap them around your throat and watch you gasp for air as the life drains out of your eyes...

is too great an urge to resist.

Oh, life is precious.


I know that expressing your emotions can be difficult at first, but please, try.



like your crackerjack quotes makes me so irate, I want to carve out your transmitter tooth with Mac's Swiss Army knife just so you'd shut up for five minutes.

Well, that wasn't very difficult, was it?



MacGyver, we've been practicing using feeling words to express ourselves.

Would you like to try?

Hell no.

Here we go.

I-I must warn you, I-I can't predict how I'm going to react.




Chains, they were always my favorite.

Much like a reformed m*rder*r might use meditation to override the signals in his brain telling him to k*ll, a jammer functions by emitting a stronger signal, effectively overriding the RDIF signal transmitted from Andrews's tooth.

Okay, that should keep you and us off the Feds' radar.

And this will make sure you behave.

They lost the signal, but there's a car approaching.


From that way.

Get down.

Stay down.


We're clear.


My bad, I just, I panicked.

Thought that was the move.

Next time, take me out to dinner first.

Well, um, what are you doing in an hour?

Maybe after we rescue our boss and get rid of this pesky third wheel.


No, no, no.



Come on!

I'm angry-- no, furious-- that you let him get away.

How is this my fault?

You're the one who kissed me.

So, Russel, where's the scepter?

And do me the professional courtesy of telling the truth.

We have ways to suss out if you're lying.

Even if, even if I tell you, what are you gonna do about it, huh?

This little charade just proves how weak you've become.

To save your life, your friends are bringing me someone very dear to me.

And I can assure you, wherever you have hidden the scepter, he can retrieve it.

Now, I know you don't care about much in this world, but even the best of us can be blinded by those we love.

Hit squad just arrived in Revaca.

If you touch her, I swear, I will gut you both!

It'll still be too late for her.

So, what's it gonna be?

The Department of Defense has the scepter... a secure vault at Fort Belvoir.

Thank you, Russel.

Thank you for telling the truth.

Stop, stop!

Don't move, don't move!

No, seriously, stop.


Don't move.

I don't even know how you made it that far, but...

look, you see that downed wire?

It could still k*ll you, even if you don't touch it.

When you step, if your feet land in different voltages, the step differential will k*ll you.


The long way of saying, do not pick up your feet.


I will pick up my feet unless you promise to take me back to prison.

I mean it.

I'll end it here.

I promise, we're gonna take you back.

Once we get Taylor, we're gonna send you right back to jail.

I'm not gifting a w*apon like you to Codex.

Trust me.

Trust you?!

How can I?

You kidnapped me to take me to the brother who betrayed me.

And your rageaholic girlfriend keeps threatening my life.

I vote we let him fry.




They didn't say he needed to be alive.

If he dies, Taylor dies.

Codex wins.

You care more about Codex than you do saving your friend's life.

Wouldn't be the first time.


: Sorry.

How can I believe you won't betray me-- a stranger-- as you did the woman you love?

You know what?

You're-you're actually right.

In my pursuit of Codex, I lost my way, and...

...I did anything to defeat them.

Even sacrificed the woman I love.

But if you've taught me anything today, Eric, it's that even the most lost of souls can find their way back to the light.

So, if...

If you give me this chance, I'd like to prove to you that I won't make the same mistake twice.

It's important in a charged situation-- whether it's with your angry ex or a crafty k*ller-- to ground oneself.

While you might think touching metal may amplify a shock, in fact, the opposite is true.

The electrical current is diverted through the metal instead of the body, diffusing the danger.

All right.

I've lost a lot of people I love to Leland, and I'd like to make sure that I don't lose another.

So if you're really the new man that you claim to be, prove it.

Come with us and help me make sure that my friend survives.

Will you give him a second chance?


And no more death threats?

: Des.



All right.

Angus, Desiree.

Glad you could fit me in your schedule.

Always a pleasure rescuing you, Russ.

Where's Leland?

Leland sends his regrets.

You'll be reunited shortly.

You put me through all this, the guy doesn't even show up?


Roman, we held up our end of the bargain.

Let's do this.

Walk slowly.


...and easy.

The FBI has picked up Andrews' chip.

They're a few miles out.

Okay, just surrender when they get there and I'll deal with the Feds.

Bozer, you got to see this.

I had techs pull the old DXS files and digitize the CCD footage from those embassy murders in Thailand.

I assume that's Leland.


There's more.

Andrews was there.

He's been lying the whole time.

Where did you get that?

From Leland.

Welcome home, brother.

Mac, it's a trap.

Andrews lied.

He did the job in Thailand.

Andrews, no!

Thailand-- what happened?


Come on!

No more lies.

Yes, I worked with Leland.

It was only to take out the attaché.

No children, no family.

I would never agree to that.

I was blinded by him once.

I-I won't be blinded again.

Mac, I'll prove to you I won't make the same mistake twice.

Hate to interrupt this little chat, chaps, but, Angus, I don't think we can last much longer.

Working on it.

Many things blind us.

Anger, betrayal, even love.

But sometimes, a little blindness can work to your advantage.

For instance, when you're surrounded by hostile operatives, by mixing water with a little paint, you can create a fog that will cause the world around you to disappear.


I'm not asking you to k*ll anybody.

Buy us a few minutes until the Feds arrive.

If I do this...

I may not come back.

If you don't, we're not gonna make it.

He's like the Angus MacGyver of death.


Go, go, go!


Hands up!

Hands, hands, hands!

Hands, hands!


Andrews, Andrews.



It's over.

I can take you back to prison just like I promised.

But you're gonna have to put that chain down.

"Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven." No, no, you're not Milton's Lucifer.

You don't have to do this.

I'm sorry, Mr.


We try to change, but the w*r always rages on.

Today, General Ma wins the battle.





Stop right there!

Let me see those hands.

Don't move!

Stay where you're at!

Don't move!


My two favorite fugitives.

Thank you for securing our release.

Did they manage to recover Andrews?

Unfortunately, no, but luckily, Leland misjudged his old friend.

And while Andrews may still be out there, he's not Codex's w*apon.

And what about Leland?

Does this mean that Codex is back?


Not as they were.

How do we know that for sure?


we have the scepter.


You said you gave up the location.

Yes, I used an old psyops technique to mislead my interrogators and told a partial truth.

When the world shut down during the pandemic, the Department of Defense sent everything they had from Codex into a vault at Fort Belvoir.

But when the world opened up again, I had everything transferred back here to the Phoenix.


That's great.

What is it?

Well, we assumed that it was decorative, but the lengths that Leland went to to kidnap Taylor and free Andrews tipped us off to its importance.

It holds every Codex file, hard drive, financial record and document, dating back hundreds of years.

All of that from an old, rusty stick.

And without it, any plans that Leland had to reform Codex are now dashed.

So is this the end of Codex?

Well, Leland may still be out there, but, uh, without this little gem, we can ensure that Codex will never rise again.

And if they attempt to try, we'll be ready.


All right.

All right.

Before you all scamper off, um, there is one thing that I feel I need to say to all of you.

Oh, man, come on.

I promise-- no, please.

I will be brief.


Well, you all risked your lives without hesitation to save me, and for that, I would like to thank you.

I'm deeply grateful.

That's beautiful.

So, can we talk about a raise?


I see you got a bunch of jets.

I mean, yes, we can, but no.

The answer's no.


Let's skedaddle and, um, leave these two lovebirds to discuss the date that, uh, Desi's been avoiding.

I'm not avoiding...

That's a great idea.

Don't screw it up this time.

Hey, did you...

...mean what you said to Andrews?

About giving me a second chance?

Yeah, I want to.

But honestly, I'm afraid.

I had front-row seats to the w*r that raged in you last year, and I can't do that again.

Date me?



Lose you.

Des, I know it looked like I was lost, but... were there the whole time, guiding me back home.

Dinner first.

Where are you taking me?

I'm starving.


As long as I don'thave to catch it.