11x10 - My Struggle IV

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The X-Files". Aired September 1993 - March 2018.*
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Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
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11x10 - My Struggle IV

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The X Files...

It's all part of a conspiracy dating back to the UFO crash at Roswell in 1947.

The aliens brought not only technology... they brought the seeds of our destruction.

Civilization is in its final stages.

I have seen it.


I know how it begins.

Tell me what you saw. A plague will be released.

And then it starts a pandemic.

The Smoking Man is behind it.

You can't stop what's begun. You've always had your enemies.

My enemies are legion.

This is no ordinary contagion.

This is an alien pathogen.

He wants to exterminate humanity. What's your enterprise?

The colonization of space.

Transport all humanity off planet or only a chosen few?

k*ll him. You're his son.

He won't be expecting you. And why k*ll Mulder?

Mulder would k*ll me. Scully will never take your offer.

You have to stop the Smoking Man.

He can't act without William.

Who's the father? William is my son.

Mulder, William is the key.

My name is Jackson Van De Kamp.

That's what my parents called me when they adopted me 17 years ago.

My original name was William, I've come to learn.

That's what my birth mother called me.

Dana Scully.

I've never really met her properly, but I can feel her in these...

Is this a message for me?

Violent episodes in which I can feel us connected... to the future in ways I'm just beginning to understand.

Or am I sending a message to you?

I don't know my role in the future.

But I'm beginning to understand that as well. I have visions of it.

It's a world of confusion, and pain and loneliness that I can't escape... nor can I prevent.

But I want no part in the suffering.

I've known happiness.

I had a happy childhood.

Until I grew older, I had a life where I could dream of anything that I ever wanted to be.

But even then, I knew that I had... powers.

Special powers.

When I turned 11, my powers grew.

I got in a fight with Jerry Marriot.

He was this bully who used to pick on smaller kids who couldn't defend themselves.

So I sent him to the hospital.

I had to change schools many times. The kids would catch on that I was... different.

And then I just kind of became a criminal.

So I was sent away to a school for bad kids.

It devastated my parents, but I just couldn't help myself.

Yeah, I guess that's why I've been lashing out.

I talked to psychologists, and I would just make up stories.

Tell them what they want to hear.

I'm so scared that I'm gonna... I'm gonna find out one day that...

I'm my father, all of a sudden.

But then this man came from the government to talk to me.

I could tell something was up, so I decided to just cool it.

And I had to come home.

But every day, there was this car in the street with these guys in it watching our house.

And I was smart. I didn't make any mistakes... until I decided to play a stupid joke on these two girls.

My whole world came crashing down.

My parents were k*lled by those men on the street.

Oh, no.

They're hunting me now.

They found me.

I'm afraid they'll k*ll me too... if they catch me.

What I need right now is answers. Jackson?

About who I am, about how I can get my life back.

You seem like a nice person.

I want to ask my real mother questions.

But the truth can only come from my father.

A man I've only seen in my visions.

But who I know I already hate.

But I need you to know, Fox... when I gave you life...

I never fathomed a moment when I would need to end it.

I don't think you can do it.

Hi. I'm an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

You have a guest here, a young man in his late teens.

Checked in this evening. Paid me in hundreds.

Is the boy a criminal?

No. He's not.

The boy is my son.

Have you seen the internet? Seen this load of BS Mulder's spewing?

I haven't seen it. What is it?

Well, he's going off about a conspiracy on this Tad O'Malley show.

About a conspiracy to wipe out humanity.

Death will hunt you down. That's a quote from Mulder.

A quote from a Federal agent, Mr. Skinner. I can't speak for Agent Mulder.

You're his superior. You're supposed to be in charge.

I am in charge.

I'll see if I can find Agent Scully... You find her.

And you shut her down.

I'm closing the X-Files. I want Mulder and Scully's badges.

A motel manager reporting a military-style incursion.

What if it's not just fake news? I don't care if it is true.

That's someone else's problem. We're not gonna see panic in the streets.

Skinner. I promised you a global contagion.

I'm about to deliver on that promise.

All I asked of you was to find the boy.

So if I find him, will it stop?

Just find me the boy, Mr. Skinner.

Sir, I've left you three messages.

Why aren't you answering? I've been getting my ass chewed.

Well, it's Mulder.

He needs your help.

He needs a hell of a lot more than that, Agent Scully. Where is he?

He's with our son.

They're being pursued.

He needs your help. I need your help. I've been told to shut you down.

What are you talking about? I've been asked to take your badges.

Who said that? Kersh? Is he in there?

Dana... He doesn't understand what's happening.

Mulder has lit a fuse that you can't put out.

He's made outrageous public statements on an internet site.

That wasn't him.

That was me.

And they're not outrageous.

Where are they?

I can't help you, Agent Scully... if I don't know what's going on.

I'll put you on speaker phone. Who's on the phone?

This is Monica Reyes. I think they've got your son, William.

Just tell me where he is, Monica.

Tennessee. Being transported by a private jet.

Tail number NGDJG, landing in Maryland in two hours.

Which airport in Maryland? Braddock KTCA southeast terminal.

This may be your last good chance.

When you say last good chance, what exactly do you mean?

The person who controls your son is the person who controls the future.

He's not on that plane, Mulder. You have any reason to distrust her?

Is there word on the boy? Nothing. Nothing to report.

I don't know how I know. I just know that he's not on that plane.

But what if he is on the plane? What if this is our last good chance?

Just come back alive.

Come on, come on.

Damn it.

Don't move. Stop there.

Face away.

Hands behind your head.

Behind your head!

And here I thought you were a liar.

Your secret space program.

You should really do a better job at protecting your ass.

How the hell did you get in here? You can't keep this a secret for long.

I'm unarmed, if you wouldn't mind.

I'm only here about my boy.

Well, we couldn't catch him.

And I mean that quite literally, Mr. Mulder.

Why does everybody want my son?

You still don't understand, do you?

Your son has what everybody wants, what people would k*ll to have.

I see him. I see him! Move!


Go! Get him!

Going up!

Pull out.

Cut him off!


Heads up!

Move, move.

Go, go, go.

Stay with him.

He's jumping over!

Mulder, you haven't been answering your phone.

I had some payback to... pay back.

But you were right, Scully, he wasn't on that plane.

Look, I found something on the web. I think it's how they found him.

There was a lotto cluster in northeastern Tennessee.

Eight recent winners in a 10-mile radius. Where was the last winner?

Okay. Anything else?

Hi. You had a winning lottery ticket sold here last week?

Don't talk about that. I was about to take the register when the kid bought the ticket.

So you saw the kid who bought it?

Told Deidra the winning numbers like he's got inside information, hands her the ticket.

Says he'll split it with her. He did too. So he came back. When was that?

This morning. Deidra took the money and quit on the spot... which is why I'm cleaning toilets. You have security cameras?

Oh, my God. You're not gonna take back that money, are you?

I'm just looking for the boy.

William. You can't help me.

The person who controls your son... Nobody can.

I promise global contagion. Controls the future.

I need the boy.

It was him, wasn't it?

I'm looking at him. He cashed in and hitched a ride with a trucker.

I'm two hours behind him. I got the direction he's headed.

They're heading northeast. That's exactly what I'm thinking.

We need to find him before they do.

Everything depends on it.

Every last thing in the world. I'm gonna find him.

I am tired of looking at him on video.

Need the key to the bathroom? Is it open?

I think it's open.

Keep going, okay?

A young fellow like you needs to be careful.

Trust on the road...

I can take care of myself okay.

I've been a trucker for 40 years, seen it all.

The driving can drive you mad.

Yeah, filling the time, thinking about trouble.

What kind of trouble do you mean?

What kind of trouble are you looking for?

Hello? It's Dana Scully.

I'm just about to go on here. I want you to listen to me.

Can I call you right back? You're looking for a conspiracy? Here it is.

You know why nobody's gonna mess with me?

Because I have super powers.


Like one of them, uh, X-Men.

There's going to be a contagion.

A virus is going to be unleashed. People's immune systems will be decimated.

Did you say unleashed?

Where are you getting this information? A man-made contagion... from an alien pathogen.

How the hell did you do that?

Same way I do this.

You realize how crazy this sounds? Death in the streets, Mr. O'Malley.

Are you prepared to go on air?

Can I say that you're my source?

A federal agent is your source.

Will Agent Mulder go on record?

Agent Mulder's our only hope.


You search for truth.

I've seen the future.

This is the truth that kills you. William.

William. Mulder.

Mulder? I lost him.

He scared the truck driver. You don't want to know.

Mulder, I've seen it. He got out.

You're in grave danger. No, I'm too close now.

I... I think I know where he's going.

You're not listening. You're not listening to me.

I've seen how it ends, Mulder.

He probably hitched another ride. I'm not that far behind him.

Mulder. I got to go.


Thanks for stopping.

No trouble at all.

Long way from nowhere. Where you headed?


I'm passing right by there. Get in.

I bet you went to see her first.

I just have to talk to you, Sarah. How come you didn't call her?

Hi, Maddy.

You're up past your bedtime.

Look, I had to ditch my phone.

Like we believe that.

Look, I can explain everything. Please, it's cold. I...

My parents are coming home soon, so...

Do you remember me, Brianna?

Yeah, I think I know why you're here.

Has he been here?

Look, we broke up. Has he called?

We don't talk anymore. I need you to be honest.

Who's at the door, Brianna?

I really have to go, sir.

He's been here, hasn't he?

He's in big trouble.

I need to know where he is.

Well, you're asking the wrong girl.

I can't believe you, Sarah.

I can't live like this.

What are you talking about?

If this is gonna be my life, I don't want to live.

You can't talk like that, Jackson. What?

Jackson. I haven't even heard the name Jackson in months.

You have no idea what I've been through.

Maybe... Maybe you need to go to the police.

I can't. The police k*lled my parents.

Are you sure they're the ones who k*lled your parents?

Yeah, because I'm some kind of freak. Stop it.

You are not... a freak. Yes, I am.

No. Okay, yeah. You've seen what I can do, Sarah.

They want me for that. Catch me, put me in a cage.

They want to poke me, and prod me and keep me in a laboratory.

So, what are you gonna do?

I could die.

I could jump off a bridge, or... What can I say to stop you?

Say you'll come with me.

I can't do this alone. Please. I'm so sick of being alone.

That's my parents.

Please, I can't.

I can't talk now. I have money.

I have, look, I have so much money.

Okay. We can go anywhere.

I can meet you somewhere.

Meet me at that motel.

The Timberland?

Okay, I will.

Just go. Okay? Out the back.

Okay, promise? I promise.

Now, don't do anything stupid before I get there, okay?


Sarah, I need to know where he is.

I don't know what you mean.

He's on the run. I can help him.

Why should I believe you're telling the truth if he doesn't even believe it?

Because I'm his father. That's why.

I don't believe you're his father.

I'm trying to sleep. What do you want?

My name is Mulder.

I'm your father.

I know it must seem strange to you... but I've been looking for you forever.

Okay, so how'd you find me now? Doesn't matter.

I'm here.

You're taller than me.

I held you when you were a baby. Maybe you did, but I don't remember that.

You're angry.

And I understand.

I don't think you do understand. There's a lot I have to explain.

It's not safe for you here, okay? Go. If you trust me, I'll protect you.

I know you know who I am.

You hid from me and from your mother.

Yeah, because I'm a danger to people. I can help with that.

You can't help me.

Nobody can help me. These people, they're never gonna stop coming for me.

I've seen the future, all right? I have visions.

I know what happens if they catch me, all the people who are gonna die.

Your mother has those same visions.

Then why don't you see them?

Look, I don't want to live in that world.

Maybe I can stop it. If I didn't exist...

It's not your fault. Yes, it is.

Then let me help you stop it. You can't.

All right? Because you die too.

We still want the boy alive.

No one has to die here, William, especially not you.

You have to live. I know you think you're helping me.

But you're not helping me. You're helping them. You're just helping them find me. Okay?

Okay. It's too late. Listen. You gotta go.

I'm not leaving. Get back there, get down.

Get out the back. Get down.

No, stay away from the door.

Move. Get down.

Let me see your hands.



The hell is going on here?

I can't help you, Agent Scully, if I don't know what's going on.

Mulder. You can't believe what just happened.

You seeing this? I lost him, Scully.

He's gone. Just tell me where you are.

I'm still in Norfolk.

Mulder, I'm coming down there.

He won't listen to reason.

He'll listen to me.

I know he will.

I gotta go.

I'm supposed to rein you in.

This isn't about the FBI, sir.

This is about our son.

I'll drive.

We have been working around the clock here... to bring you breaking news of a global contagion.

Death will hunt you down.

That's its name, says our FBI source... as his superiors label it fake news. Shocker.

Now, follow me here.

We have eye witnesses at a motel in Norfolk, Virginia.

And a motel manager reporting a military-style incursion.

Federal agent. I want to talk to you.

Four individuals in a military vehicle... assaulting a motel room occupied by a teenager.

That is our FBI source on camera... after he witnessed the execution of military personnel... in a bloodbath so insane... it can only point to a conspiracy, the likes of which the world has never seen.

Let me talk to Sarah. I said she can't talk.

He's not answering.

He's making news again. Kersh is blowing up my phone.

Why are you violating his direct orders, sir?

Right now, we need to find your son.

But why would you risk your whole career?

I think I've been pretty clear about that.

Who were you on the phone with outside of Kersh's office? Who was that?

There's something you need to know.

Something you may not want to hear. It's about your son and who his father is.

I need to know where William would go, where he might go to feel safe.

I'd probably say the harbor.

Okay, where at the harbor?

We'd all go down by the docks.

Do you have an address, or a street or a landmark?

I... I don't know.

Probably the old sugar factory.

Hearing this about William must come as a shock.

I didn't want to tell you. I wanted to find out the truth...

That was Mulder.

Right, hold on.


Don't run.



It's me.

I just saw him.



That's Skinner... Wait.

He's here. I know. I just saw him.

He doesn't want to be found. I just want to talk to him, Mulder.

I talked to him. He told me everything. What he's afraid of...

I know what he's afraid of.

Just stop. It's no use.

What do you mean?

I'm asking you to let him go.

What are you talking about? Nothing we can do.

We can protect him. No, we can't protect him. No one can.

He knows that you love him.

How can he know that?

How can he possibly know that?


Stop him.


William. William.




He's in the next building. Go!

You really don't give up, do you?

But then you have so much to lose. It's what we have in common.

We have nothing in common.

I need the boy.

The boy is mine.

The boy would rather die first.

Now that he knows the truth.

That I'm the one who made him?

That I'm William's creator?

You'd sh**t your own first-born son?

Shot my second-born son once.

But I need you to know, Fox... when I gave you life...

I never fathomed the moment would come... when I would need to end it.

I don't think you can do it. Then you don't know me very well.


He's gone.

He's gone, Scully.

He shot him.

He shot me.



He wanted us to let him go.

He wasn't meant to be.

William was our son.


Scully, he was our son.


William was an experiment, Mulder.

What are you talking about?


He was an idea... born in a laboratory.

But you were his mother.


I carried him.

And I bore him.

But I was never a mother to him.

I wasn't.


William was...

But for so long...

I believed.

What am I now if I'm not a father?

You are a father.

What are you talking about?

That's impossible.

I know.

I know it is.

It's more than impossible.
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