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01x05 - Breaking Ranks

Posted: 12/17/20 21:18
by bunniefuu
Focus. Focus on letting go.

Letting go? Rather hold on, if you don't mind.

Enough jokes. Focus.

I'm trying.

Do or do not. There is no try.

What does that even mean?

How can I do something if I don't try to do it?

Well, see...

Actually, that one always confused me too.

But Master Yoda sure used to say it a lot.

I really thought this Jedi stuff would be more interesting.

No wonder the old religion died.

Come on, kid. Do something. Amuse me.

Use the Force!

Does he have to be here?

He's annoying, but there will always be distractions.

You need to learn to focus through them.

Here. Let's try something else.

When do I get my own?

Having a laser sword doesn't make you a Jedi.

Gets me closer.


There's a control on the side that adjusts the length to your height.

I think it should be a little shorter.

Okay. Close your eyes.

Let him have it, Chopper.

Be precise. Keep the blade up.

That's it, kid. Use your body to slow down that trash.

No. You're not focusing.


What the...


Got him!

You weren't focused.

Tough to focus when I'm falling to my death.

You wouldn't have been falling to your death if you were focused.

You're undisciplined and full of self-doubt.

And whose fault is that, Master?

It's difficult to teach.

He means it's difficult to teach you.


You made the Holonet.

The stolen TIE fighter was later used to attack a transport full of innocent workers.

You liar! We set 'em free.

Citizens, this is Senator-in-Exile Gall Trayvis.

I bring more news the Empire doesn't want you to hear.

What's a Gall Trayvis?

The only member of the Imperial Senate with the courage to speak out publicly against the Empire.

One of the Republic's greatest peacekeepers, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, is alive.

She has been imprisoned unlawfully somewhere in the Stygeon system.

As citizens, we demand the Emperor produce Master Unduli and grant her a fair trial before the entire Sen marking another successful planetary liberation, utilizing the Base Delta Zero initiative.

This Luminara, you knew her?

I met her. Once.

She was a great Jedi Master, brave, compassionate, disciplined.

In fact, she'd make an excellent teacher for you.

There've always been rumors she survived the Clone Wars, but they never came with a specific location before.

We can't pass this up.

Was hoping you'd say that. I'll set course for the Stygeon system.

The rest of you, prep for an op.

You hear that? He's done with me.

He's gonna pawn me off on some stranger.

Welcome to the Spire on Stygeon Prime, the only Imperial detainment facility in the Stygeon system.

And it's impregnable. That's never stopped us before.

Trust me, we have never faced anything like this.

It's a real work of art.

Blast proof, ray shielded, protected by anti-ship weapons, TIE fighters and short and long range scanners.

We can fool the scanners.


But that just leaves an army of troopers and guard posts on all the walls.

Look, even if we get into this beauty, the hard part's getting out.

'Cause, you know, it's a prison.

What about going in low and sneaking onto this landing platform?

Platform has a heavy trooper presence and reinforced blast doors.

Impossible to get in or out that way.

Here. There's only room for a couple guards.

We take them down, make our way to the upper level isolation cells, free Luminara and come back out the way we came in.

Yeah. You'd have to be crazy to try that lousy plan.

Let's hope the Empire thinks so too.

I'm sorry, Chop. We just don't need your damaged logic circuits on this one.

Thirty seconds. Good luck.

Luck? We're gonna need a miracle.

Here are three.

Try to stay focused. Thought there was no "try."

Kid, wait! What are you doing?

Nice and quiet-like.

What just happened? You were supposed to exit with Zeb.

You're lucky every stormtrooper in the prison doesn't know we're here.

Stunts like that put us all in jeopardy.

That is exactly why you need Master Luminara to teach you discipline.

I was just following your example. Yeah?

Well, try to stay focused and follow the plan instead.

I hate to interrupt, but we need the kid to unlock the door.

I got it.

Ezra. Quiet. I'm focusing.

You're welcome.

You did your job. You want a medal?

Luminara's here. I sense her presence, but it's clouded.

Where's Master Unduli?

Detention block CC-01. Isolation cell 0169.

They have isolation cells on the lower levels?

We planned off outdated schematics.

What does that mean? It means the plan changes.

You got a backup plan? Figuring one out right now.

Zeb, Sabine, you're coming along.

Weren't we supposed to hold our escape route here?

Now the turbolift is our escape route. Let's go.

His plan gets worse all the time.

Just hope he doesn't change it again.

I'm standing right here.

We know. We know.


Okay, you're not a TIE fighter.

Hey! Watch it, buddy.

No, no, no.

Sabine's jammer is operating on the same frequency as these creatures.

It's sending out a...

mating call.

You lovebirds are attracting too much attention.

Hope I'm not needed anytime soon.

Maintain comm silence. And whatever you do, hold this lift.

Hey, you! Stop!

You're really not messing around tonight.

There's a lot more at stake than you realize.

Ever seen this Jedi Master?

Don't have the clearance.

Shouldn't you be guarding the Jedi's cell? It's on the next level.

It's on the next level.

You better get moving. We better get moving.

When do I learn that?

Luminara will teach you... much better than I could.

Is it really her? Yes, but something's wrong.


What happened to her? I don't understand.

No? It doesn't seem complicated.

I am the Inquisitor.


Yes, I'm afraid Master Luminara died with the Republic.

But her bones continue to serve the Empire, luring the last Jedi to their ends.

Spectre-3, come in. It's a trap!

There will be no reinforcements.


It seems you trained with Jedi Master Depa Billaba.

How... Who are you?

The temple records are quite complete.

In close quarter fighting, Billaba's emphasis was always on form three, which you favor to a ridiculous degree.

Clearly, you were a poor student.

Is that really all you've got, my boy?

Well, I've got that.

Spectre-5 to Spectre-1. Come in.

Thought so.

They're jamming our signal. They know we're here.

Here in this lift or... Here, period!

They lured us in upstairs at the prison's weak point.

We're expected to exit the same way, so you can bet there will be troopers waiting for us.

We'd never make it out of the lift.

So what do we do?

Well, time for a miracle.

Are you paying attention, boy?

The Jedi are dead, but there is another path...

The dark side.

Never heard of it.

Have you taught him nothing?

Hold your fire!

That's one lift offline.

I've disabled the other two.

There are other ways down, but it'll take 'em a while.

Let's go.

Do you really think you can save the boy?

For his sake, surrender.

I'm not making deals with you.

Then we'll let him make one, shall we?

Your master cannot save you, boy.

He is unfocused and undisciplined.

Then we're perfect for each other.

I do so admire your persistence.

Ready to die?



Does yours do that? Come on! Let's go!

Guys! This way!

You figured out it was a trap? Yeah.

Luminara? Long gone.

Our new exit? Landing platform.

Thought it was impossible to get out that way.

Well, let's hope the Empire thinks so too.

Secure the facility. Full lockdown.

Well, that's not helpful.

Can't do this all day!


I've got it. I...

I'm locked out of the system.


Sorry. Ezra.


Seriously? Yes.

Picture the locking mechanism in your mind.

Excuse me, but can we train Ezra later?

One last miracle here.

Spectre-5 to Phantom.

We're on the landing deck, ready for pickup.

On my way, Spectre-5. And I'm bringing the fleet.

We have a fleet?

We do now.

Does yours do that?

Master Luminara? Gone.

We'll have to find a way to spread the word.

How's Ezra taking it? Not as bad as I am.

I guess he's stuck with me. For now.

Look, don't bother saying it. I'm letting you off the hook.

What are you talking about?

I know you wanted to dump me on Luminara.

Just 'cause she's gone doesn't mean you're stuck with me.

I don't want to dump you.

Look, I just wanted you to have the best teacher.

Well, I don't want the best teacher. I want you.

Not that you're not the best. I... Ezra.

I'm not gonna try to teach you anymore.

If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe I can succeed.

So from now on, I will teach you.

Look, I may fail. You may fail. But there is no try.

I understand, Master.

Let's see if you do.