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01x05 - The Children from Tehar

Posted: 12/17/20 20:47
by bunniefuu
[sweeping music]

[electricity crackles]


-[chittering] -Who turned out the lights?


Oh, sorry, Bucket. It was dark. I didn't see you.


Aww. What did you do to Bucket?


Oh, what did I do? I'm the one with the smashed face.

[Neeku] Come in, Kazuda.

Do you read me? Kaz, are you there?

Yeah, I'm here, Neeku.

How do you like the new comlinks?

Aren't they great?

[voice echoing] Now I can talk to you whenever I want.

Um, you don't need to do that, Neeku.

I'm right here.


Well, it was dark, and I did not see you.

Wait! Don't get any closer!

[feedback whines]



Did you hear that? Ha!

-What? -Yeah, everyone in the galaxy heard it.


I suppose we cannot stand too close with these.

You should probably stand as far away as possible.

[Imanuel] Residents and guests of this station, this is Captain Doza with an important announcement.

Please refrain from using any unnecessary power, as we're rationing our fuel supply for the next 100 hours.

[sighs] Alright, let's shut down and grab some drinks at Aunt Z's.


As long as you're buying, I'm in.


[indistinct chatter]

Well, if it isn't my favorite customers.

Let me guess, three waters?

Or are you actually gonna spend some credits this time?

Three Cirilian Sour Pastes, Aunt Z.

On Tam.

Why, isn't this fun, my friends?

-Yeah, it's fun. -[all grumbling]

Really, really, really fun.

[electricity crackling]

I feel like I'm blinking with my eyes open.

Without any power, I can't get anything done.

How long is this gonna keep up?

This isn't accidental.

I know who's behind this.

Captain Doza.

I think he's one of them, sitting up there in his high tower.

They have power up there. We don't.

What are you talking about?

Isn't it obvious?

You see the ships coming to visit him at night?

Doza is part of the First Order.

[all grumbling]

[heroic fanfare]

Finally, I thought the power was down for good that time.


You really think Doza is behind this?

What would he get out of it?

I cannot see Captain Doza being a part of the First Order.

Then again, I have never met anyone in the First Order before.

Hmm. That I know of.

We need to get into that tower and see what's up, BB-8.

-The tower is up. -What?

-The tower. -What about it?

Is up. The tower is up.

-I know. -Then why did you ask?

[sighs] Hype Fazon!

-Is up? -Is here.

-[whistling and cheering] -[laughs]

Hey, everybody, look who it-- oh, you know who it is.

[groans] Great.

Can you imagine what it's like to be an Ace pilot?

As a matter of fact, yes. Yes, I can.

[laughs] Oh.

-Hey, little man. How you doing? -[beeps]

Being an Ace is not all fun and games, Kaz.

They also have to help bring in shipments, patrol the skies.

It can be dangerous.

Ask Tam. She knows Hype better than anybody.


Hype used to be a good friend, till he became an Ace.

Then he forgot all about me.

Trust me, that guy is only interested in one person, himself.

So can you introduce me to him or what?

You're unbelievable.

You're right. Better if I introduce myself.

Thanks, Tam.

Hey, you're Hype Fazon.

That's what they tell me.

Kazuda Xiono. Friends call me Kaz.

You've won every race this year.

And last year, too.

Wait, you're the kid who raced Torra, right?

That girl's a prodigy. Pretty gutsy choosing to race against her.

Yeah, well, I didn't know that at the time.

But I'm working my way up under Jarek Yeager.

Yeager, eh?

Now that man can fly.

You have one of the best modded-out G30s I've ever seen.

Custom boosters, cut wings.

Eh, you have an eye for racers.

Huh. So, um...

I've heard you and the other Aces help bring in shipments.

What's that like?

Just protocol.

They're bringing a fuel shipment now.

So why aren't you out there?

Doza and I have, uh... an understanding.

What's that?

He understands when it's them, I'll be here.

Wait, them? Who do you mean?

The First Order.

-Did you hear that? -[beeps]

We've gotta get inside that tower.


So what happened?

You were right, that Hype is all ego.

Hey, um, I have to, uh...

-charge BB-8. -[beeps]

Power's getting low, heh, even for droids.


Talk to you later.

[engines whooshing]

[Freya] Pick up your visual scanning.

With the power out on the platform, we'll have to bring her in manually.

Follow my signal.

[engines whooshing]

Transport TY-700, this is Ace pilot Freya.

Pick up my signal and follow us home.

[male voice] Copy that, Ace leader.

[engines whooshing]

-[caws] -[groans]

Get away, get away. That's my dinner!

Hey, did you hear?

Because of the power outages, there's a curfew tonight.

Everyone needs to stay inside.

Uh-huh, yeah. Sounds good.

That doesn't look like the First Order.

That looks like a standard fuel tanker, BB.

We'll finally have power again.


What are you doing out here?

Oh, nothing. Nothing!

Huh. The Aces.

[engines whooshing]

Hype told you they were flying a mission.


Ah, I see.

Trying to get an edge on me, studying the Aces.


I mean, yes. I'm studying. [chuckles]

Hard studying.



Maybe Aunt Z was right.

Maybe Doza really is in league with the First Order.

[worried beeping]

Love to find out what the First Order is doing here.

Oh, relax, Kaz.

There's nothing we can do about it.

They're allowed to come here like everyone else.

Um, where's Neeku?


Neeku, where are you?

[Neeku] Oh, I'm just going to ask the First Order why they are here.

Oh, no.

Neeku, stop! Don't do it.

-Don't talk to them. -Oh, do not worry, Kaz.

I know you are shy.

-Neeku. -Hello, First Order.

My name is Neeku, and my friend over there is wondering why you are here.

You're not authorized to be here.

Move along.

Hey, Kaz, I tried to answer your question, but apparently I am not authorized to be here.

What are you doing?

Give me that.

But-- but how are we going to communicate at any given moment, Kaz?



I know, BB.

If only Hype had invited us into the tower.

Hype? He'll never get you in.

When I first got here, that's all I thought about, getting into that tower.

Met Hype. He wanted the same thing.

Of course, he became an Ace.

I didn't.

He forgot all about our friendship.

Convenient, right?

Hype only cares about himself.

-He's arrogant... -Shh. egotistical, rude, terrible friend.

If you can even call him that.

Hi, Tam.

Hype! Hey, Tam was just telling us all kinds of great things about you, like, eh, your outfit is so, so green.

Mm-hmm. So I saw you at Aunt Z's earlier.

It got me thinking, we should talk.

Well, you know where I've been all this time.

Look, why don't you come to the Aces' Lounge?

If it makes you feel better, Kaz can come too.

We would love that. Wouldn't we, Tam?

Great. I'll call up ahead, get you clearance.

See? Hype isn't such a bad guy, is he?

Yeah, keep believing that.

We're in, buddy.


[voice] Welcome back, Pilot Ace Hype Fazon.

We have transmitted clearance for you and your two guests.

[Hype] Thank you, thank you.

This is it, the tower.

You'll love it up here.

I'll show you my trophy room on the way.

Wow, we feel so privileged.

Lower dwellers, welcome to the Aces Lounge.

Here, you'll find the best drinks, the best food, the best views.

If you want it, ha, we got it.


Oh! [chomping]



Um, Hype, is the, uh-- is the First Order up here a lot?

Too often lately, but I told you, I don't deal with them.

That's Doza's business, not mine.

Why not?

So Tam, still racing?

I got a ship I'm working on.

Right, right.

The Fireball. [chuckles]

-[snaps] -See, I thought that was you racing Torra til I saw those moves, and I thought that's not Tam.

Which move did you like most?

When Kaz crashed?

So, that's why you're still working on that piece of junk instead of flying?

I don't need some overpriced, tricked-out ship to win.

Say what you will, you'll never become an Ace without a real racer.

When I'm finished with the Fireball, it will be a real racer, even better than yours.

[sighs] You know what? I'm out of here.

Come on, Kaz. We're leaving.

Uh, Kaz?

Where'd your friend go?

Tam, wait. I was joking.

Tam! Ugh. Where's your sense of humor?

[harsh beep]

[low electronic beeps]


Droid, old buddy!

You're looking great. You lose weight? How's life?

Oh, never mind.

I thought you were a different droid. You're still looking great though.

[low electronic beeps]

Why don't you tell me what you really want, Vonreg?

The First Order would like to offer you our help, [Elrik] protection from the pirates who have been raiding your shipments.

You need us, Doza.

These pirate att*cks are escalating.

Your Aces need help, and you're vulnerable without fuel.

You realize I could report this coercion attempt to the New Republic?

And we, in turn, could report your numerous dealings with the criminal underworld, all of which violate New Republic trade sanctions.

This deal does not suit me, Vonreg.

[Doza] You think you can buy me with a single fuel shipment?

You'll have to do better than that.

We will, I assure you, Captain. But I promise you this, until we have a deal your future will be dim.

This is big.


[feedback whining]

Hey, you. What are you doing here?

Capture him!



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Where are you, BB-8?



-You there! -Oh, jeez!

What is all the commotion out here?


Torra! Hey.

Um, it's nice to see you.

What are you doing here?

Well, um, look, Torra, I--

Wait, don't answer. I know what you're doing here.

-You do? -I do.

-Really? -Really.


[chuckles] Kaz.

I think you've mistaken my kindness for something else.

-[pounding on door] -Open the door!

If my father catches you here, he'll k*ll you.


[pounding on door continues]


This is outrageous. You need to get out of here.


Uh, he went that way.

[stormtrooper] Out of the way.

Follow me.

This is fine. I'm fine.

It's gonna be great.

Well, Kaz seems to be having a great time in the tower.

I'm glad someone is.


How do you know he's having a great time?

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

[low beeps]

[laughs] I bet 20 credits he falls.

[low beeps]

-50. -Ha-ha, 60.

[Aunt Z] Do I hear 80? 80 right there.

-I'll match that! -[Aunt Z] We have 80.

[Aunt Z] Now do I hear 90?



Oh. Okay.



-[gasps] -[Tamara] Ohh.


-That a-way, Kaz! -Oh, that was close.






[all gasp]


-Oh, he's still alive! Whoa! -[all cheering]

I have to jump or they're gonna catch me.

If they catch me, I'm gonna die.

If I don't do this, I'm gonna get caught, then I'm gonna die. I have to--

I have to jump! Wah!

[all cheering]

That wasn't so bad. I think I'm getting the hang of this.

-[lazers firing] -Ahh! [yelling]

[all gasp]

Whoa, whoa! [yelling]


[firing echoing]


Please be open. Please be open!


Locked. Of course.


-[Tamara gasps] -[cheers and applause]

Whoa. I made it.

-[beeps] -BB-8!



That's right, I've got some big news to report to Poe.

Doza's gonna make a deal with the First Order.

It's just a matter of time.


I'm worried too, BB.

If Doza is the First Order mole, we might be in over our heads, but Poe will know what to do.

Major Vonreg, what is the meaning of this?

We found a spy just outside your office. He tried to escape us.

-A spy? -That's crazy.

That was just one of my friends who was visiting me.

Why was he not with you?

He was trying to leave the tower. He probably got lost.

I do not appreciate you coming to my platform and falsely accusing my citizens.

Don't you think I know everything that happens here?

You heard my daughter, it was a friend visiting.

Nothing more.

It is time for you and your troopers to leave.

Very well, Captain Doza.

What was with that crazy stunt, Kaz?

You could have gotten k*lled.

Why were those troopers after you?

I, uh, sort of found myself in an unauthorized area.

Long story. I'm just glad to be back.


To this place?

Eh, the tower's not all that wonderful.

Trust me on that.

Well, welcome back to reality.

-[groans] -Where we have to work for a living.

Hey, Neeku, almost forgot I had this on me.


Now we can speak to each other whenever we so desire.

Yeah, at least when we're not in the same room.

[electricity humming]

Ah, finally.

Yes! Now we can get back to work full-time.

[Neeku] Captain Doza did it.

Yeah, he did it alright.

Who are you?

[heroic fanfare]

[theme music playing]