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01x01 - The Recruit

Posted: 12/17/20 20:45
by bunniefuu
[mysterious music playing]

[electronic beeping]

[electronic scream]

[dramatic music]

I told you this mission was dangerous!

[worried beeping]

I don't know where Commander Dameron is, but he'll be here. I know it.

Sure, he'll get here.

I just hope that we'll be here long enough to see him!

Lock it up, you two. Let's get out of here!

We can't retreat.

New Republic Command says we have to deliver the intel to the Resistance.

Well, we don't even know what this intel's about!

Well, we're being shot at, so it seems pretty important.

We can't even touch him!

Fine, I'll deliver the intel.

You guys report back to base. That's an order!

Promise you'll be right behind us.

I've got this.

Our First Order friend here, he'll wish he never met me.

[worried beeping]




Did they make it?

Did they jump to hyperspace?



All right! Great!

-[banging] -[C4 beeps]

Power's down?

Well, how long is it gonna take to get it back?

[dramatic music]


How long?


[heroic fanfare]

[excited beeping]

You're too young to die? I'm too young to die!

And they can't put me back together!

[conciliatory beeps]

Come on!

-[dramatic music] -[g*nshots]

Whoa! Poe Dameron!

["Star Wars" theme plays]

Hold tight, kid. I got you.

[TIE engine screaming]

[electronic beeping]

[laughs] I know, BB-8.

I can't believe the kid's still in one piece.

This TIE's a real ace... but I'll take care of him.


[alarmed beeping]

No, we can't just sit here.

If you can't get the engines back on, give me the weapons.

I've got an idea.

[Kazuda] Commander Dameron!

Kind of busy right now, kid.

[Kazuda] I've got an idea. Bring him this way!

I've got a surprise.

[targeting system beeping]

I see what you're thinking.

[Poe] Just say when.

-[targeting system beeping] -[engines accelerate]


[suspenseful music]

[electronic zapping]

Whoo-hoo! That got him.

[disappointed beeping]

Next time. We'll get him next time, BB.

Great work, kid. What's your name?

-Kaz. -[Poe] Well, thanks, Kaz.

Come on board and we'll patch up your ship.

On board?

On board what?

[majestic music]


[C4 beeping]

It's unbelievable.

I never thought I'd see one of these, let alone be on board.

It's a classic.

[electronic chirping]

This old girl saw action from the Battle of Scarif all the way up to Jakku.

I can't believe I'm really here on a Resistance ship with Poe Dameron!

You're the pilot everybody talks about back home!

You're a pretty good pilot yourself.

You scored a hit on that red TIE. No one else has ever done that... except me, of course.

Well, it's a... it's a lot easier when you've got good teamwork.

[cynical beeping]

You know, we could use a pilot like you.

Someone who improvises.

Ever think of signing up?

Signing up?

For the Resistance.

Wow. I mean, yeah.

I thought about it... a lot.

But... my father wouldn't approve.

He's a senator.

Has this whole plan for me.

[curious beep]

You sure about that?

I've got an eye for this sort of thing, and whatever that thing is, you've got it.

[intercom beeps] Commander Dameron, General Organa requests your presence immediately.

General Leia Organa?

The one and only. Hey, how about that intel?

That was the whole point of all this, right?

[Leia's Theme plays quietly]

Tell the general that I--

I think she's the bravest person in the whole galaxy.

Yes, she is.

Also, tell her I said hello.

"Tell the general I said hello"? Ugh, Kaz.

What were you thinking?

[both beeping]

Cut the commentary, you two. Just show me where the refresher is.

[BB-8 beeping]

Hey, C4, where's BB-8?


He went to talk to Poe?

Hm. Which way did he go?

[excited beeping]

Fine, then stay here.

I'm just gonna have a look around.



[whispering] I think it's her.

She's right behind this door!



[curious beep]

Were you spying on me?

Me? Spy?


Look, this is all gonna come at you pretty fast, so listen up.

That intel you gave us, that was a message from a secret source.

It confirms what we've been afraid of.

The First Order is planning a full-scale attack on the New Republic.

Then we have to do something.

We have to stop them!

My orders are to find out where that attack is going to come from and when.

And I'm gonna help.

Whatever the job is that you give to ace pilots.

You know, the ace pilot job.

-Can you believe this kid, BB-8? -[negative beeping]

Yeah, he believes me!

BB-8 knows the Resistance needs Kazuda Xiono!

Please, Poe.

I've got whatever that thing is!

You said it yourself!

And I grew up in the New Republic.

It's my home. It's everything I know.

I want the chance to fight for it.

Okay, Kazuda Xiono.

You want in, you're in.

I've got a mission for you.

Yes! Alright.


But first, I have to contact someone, if that's okay.


We have to scramble the signal, so it can't be traced.

Good luck.

Yes, who is this?


It's Kazuda.


Where are you?

Why can't I see you?

I had to scramble the signal because I'm with the Resistance.

The Resistance?

Those extremists?

What have you gotten yourself mixed up in this time?

I'm not mixed up in anything.

I was on a mission, and we got att*cked by the First Order.

I need to ask you something.

As usual, you always need help. My help.

I help you get into the Academy, I help you get into the Navy, I help you get everything you want.

So what is it that you want this time?

Nothing, Father.

[sighs] I think I need to do this on my own.

[door opens]

I'm in.

So, what's my mission?

[intrepid music]

We know the First Order has got a hidden base somewhere out in Wild Space.

If they're building up their military, they need fuel and supplies.

Sources tell us that somebody on Castilon is helping them.


We're on the edge of nowhere.

You'll blend in and get to know everyone out here, earn their trust, find out who's loyal to the good guys, and who isn't.

Wait, like a spy?

I'm gonna be a spy?

But I'm a pilot!

Trust me, kid. You'll be both.


The Colossus.

It's one of the few supertanker fuel depots left from the old days.


The Colossus.

I've heard stories about this place. It's a hangout for star pilots.

Ex-Empire, ex-Rebellion, pirates... anybody who wants to go fast.

That's right. Some of the best pilots in the galaxy are here, racing, gambling, just waiting to get into trouble.

Somebody here is working for the First Order, and we're gonna find out who.

[BB-8 chirping]

[man 1] No, wait! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

I changed my mind! I'll race! I'll race!


[splashing sound]

-What was that? -What was what?

The throwing and the falling over there.

Don't think about it.

[indistinct yelling]

[squawking over intercom]

[triumphant yelling]

Gotta find my contact.

If anybody asks, you're a wannabe pilot looking for a job as a mechanic.

-Got it? -[squawking]

Got it.

[whooshing sounds]

Whoa! Look at them go!

Like I said, the best.

When I was a kid, that's what I always wanted... to be the best... and in my mind, that's what I was.

Kazuda Xiono.

The best starfighter pilot in the galaxy.

Hello, Kazuda Xiono, best starfighter pilot in the galaxy.

It is so nice to meet you.

Hello, Poe Dameron.

It has been a lengthy amount of time since I last encountered you.

Right. Great.

Kaz, this is Neeku.

Neeku, this is Kaz.

He'll be hanging around for a while.

From what exactly will he be hanging?

He, uh...

Yeah, okay, never mind.

We're headed to Aunt Z's. Come on.

Best starfighter pilot.

Yes, he is the best pilot around, better than all of the other racers here.

Top pilot in the Western Reaches.

Famous in 15 systems.

Best pilot in the Mid Rim.

Why, he's the greatest pilot in the known ga-a-laxy, Bolza!

Hm, never heard of him.

Well, if it isn't the greatest pilot in the galaxy.

Oh, Aunt Z, there's no need for that.


I didn't mean you. I meant him.

Uh... thanks?

Ah, this is Aunt Z, proprietor of this fine eating establishment.

Aunt Z, we are looking for my boss, Jarek Yeager.

Poe Dameron.


You showing up always means trouble for me.

I knew you missed me.

Whatever it is you need, I'm not interested.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Yeager, this is Kaz.

Oh, I think just about everybody here already knows the best starfighter pilot in the galaxy.

Hello. [laughs]

Yeah, sorry about that. That's a just a misunderstanding.

I think Poe's the one who has the misunderstanding.

Okay, let's have a little talk.

Kaz, stay here and stay out of trouble.

BB-8, keep an eye on him.

[affirmative beeping]


-[angry chirping] -What the...

-Oh! [grunting]

Kazuda, that is not a seat.

Ow! Alright!

Ow! Okay, alright, alright!


Maybe we should just go stand over here, away from everybody.

How about a game?

That will k*ll some time while Poe keeps me in the dark about everything.

So, what are the stakes?

How about 100 Republic credits?

[man] Ah!

500 says I crush you, Nerko!

You're on!

[concerned beeping]

[dartboard beeping]

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Hold on! Hold on!

Triple the bet says you can't make another perfect shot. [dart crunches]

Well, too bad I'm out of darts.

Oh, here, use mine.




[frightened chirping]


Well, technically, that's a bullseye.

[laughs] This should be good.

You, kid.

Greatest pilot in the galaxy.


How about we talk this over like rational people?


Or not.

We go back a long way, you and me, but I told you, I don't want to get involved with the Resistance.

And I don't want anything to do with some spy mission.

That's why I brought Kaz.

He can work for the Resistance so you don't have to.

You never change, do you?

Always fighting for a cause.

The Empire's long gone, Poe.

I'd leave them where they belong, in the past.

I'm not fighting for the past, Yeager.

The First Order is real, and it's a threat to the whole galaxy.

I'm fighting for the future.

Well, I'm done fighting.

Pay up, kid.

That's 1,500 creds you owe me.

Well, I don't have that much on me, but if I could contact my parents...

Step aside!

I've fed people to the fish for less than that!

Oh, and I believe you.

Look, I'll pay for the jacket, but if my head is crushed, I can't exactly transfer the money, right?

But you still owe me 1,500--

I said step aside!

-[yells] -[Kaz] Ah!

[growls angrily]

-[belches] -[worried beeping]


[worried beeping]

-[growls] -[resounding clang]


[BB-8 beeps]


I'm not asking you to get involved. Just help Kaz out.

Give him a place to stay.

I promise you, he won't be any trouble.


[glass squeaking]

Oh, no.

-[yelling] -[blows landing]

Who started this?

Let me guess.



[yelling and blows landing continues]


Enough! Everyone calm down!

Aunt Z, you couldn't stop this?

Stop it?

I was too busy taking bets on how fast that kid would get his head squished.

Bolza, what happened here?


This skinny gorg threw a dart in my back end!

Look, I can explain. This all started because Neeku told everyone I was the best starfighter pilot in the galaxy, which just isn't true.

Allow me to fathom this, Kazuda.

Am I correct in realizing that you are not the best pilot around us?

You took what I said and just... you ran with it.

I did not run anywhere.

See? You're doing it again.

I'll just be outside, pondering the weight of your deception.

-[somber music] -[door opens]

You said he wouldn't be any trouble, Poe.

Neeku, listen, I wasn't--

I wasn't trying to mislead you. I mean... maybe I'm not the best pilot around here, at this particular platform.

Or, you know, maybe I am.

We don't know.

I mean, I haven't raced anyone here, so it's within the realm of possibility that I'm the best.

Yes, of course.

You deserve a chance to prove it!

Then you won't be lying!

Prove it?

Wait! Hold up!

Everyone, everyone, attention!

Kaz wants to challenge in tomorrow's race!

I do?

A new challenger?

Indeed. I have fixed your problem.

You can prove, once and for all, to everybody, that you are the best pilot in the galaxy!

[negative beeping]

I never said that, not like you heard it, and I'm not here to race!

But I believe in you, Kazuda, and if you say you are the best, then I believe you are the best, and then everyone will know what you and I know, when you fly in the great race tomorrow.

That you are the best.



Who's betting against the kid?

[all clamoring]

So how do I get out of this?

There's no getting out of it.

You challenged, you race.

But there's got to be a way to explain.

Explain it to Aunt Z.

She takes bets on every race.

You don't race, she doesn't make money.

She doesn't make money, she has Bolza Grool

-[Jarek] throw you over the side. -[growls]

Um, yeah.

I think I saw that part.

Kaz, you got a weird way of blending in.

But hey, maybe making a big crazy spectacle of yourself is the best way to get to know everyone.

I'm out of here. Let me know what happens.

What? You're leaving me here?

Hey, hey, just do what we talked about.

Send me those reports.

Yeager will put you up.

I haven't agreed to that.


Look, I meant what I said.

You've got something special. I see it, and eventually, Yeager will, too.

This race might be your opportunity to prove yourself and get in good with these pilots.

And how exactly do I do that?

Just try not to, uh, crash and die.

The rest will work itself out.

I'll do my best.

I know you will.



Keep an eye on this kid, BB-8.

I think he's capable of big things.

[skeptical beeping]

Well, I think so, at least.

[heroic fanfare]

[theme music playing]