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04x01 - The Other Side of the Sea

Posted: 12/15/20 12:34
by bunniefuu

It's dangerous here...

Fly away...

...somewhere... far away.


Huh? What's my brother doing here?

- Good!
- Huh? What's my brother doing here?

You're still talking!


Time to run! Hold on!


Colt? Status report?

It was a direct hit.

The Eldian unit at the front got blown away.

And the trench?

It's hopeless! We can't dig any farther!

We can't? You're calling the sh*ts?
An Eldian, giving orders?

Watch your tone with Commander Magath, you mutt!

But... at this rate...

Falco, are you drunk?

He must've hit his head good.

Do you remember this w*r we've been in for four years?

Who... are you guys?

Wait... Huh?

Wasn't I flying around with a sword just now?

Like, whoosh!
And there were Titans that I-

Guess I'll just have to explain everything from the start.

Listen up good, Falco.

This battle is the climax of a w*r that's lasted four years.

If we can take out Fort Slava...

Well, technically, if we sink the Mid-East Allied Forces fleet in its port...'ll spell victory for Marley and end the w*r.

But unless we take Fort Slava sitting on the high ground, it's hopeless to attack the port.

Why can't the Marley fleet just do it?

Seriously, Zofia?!
You have faith in the fleet?!

It took those imbeciles four years to control the seas!

It took those imbeciles four years to control the seas!

And guess what?! They lost half their damn ships doing it!

Now they're telling us they're too chicken to attack till we take the fort?!

Screw 'em all! They're pricks!

Udo, you're gonna squeeze Falco's head off.

Whoops! Sorry!

So what's the deal? Why'd they send us Warrior candidates to the front lines?

To judge us, obviously.

To pick which one of us will be the next Warrior.

The time is coming.

Commander Magath chose the front lines to be our final test.

He knows what's on the horizon.

The plan to conquer Paradis needs a main player- the successor of the Armored Titan!

"The Other Side of the Sea"

The Armored Titan...

I wonder which one of us it'll be...

Really, Gabi? Sounds to me like you're saying none of us come close to you.

Because you don't, right?

Well, Gabi does have us beat.

As far as our grades go.

No. There's more to it than grades, Udo.
I keep telling you.

The difference between us is that I'm prepared.

To shoulder the fate of us Eldians...

...and to slaughter that island of devils who've done nothing but make us suffer!

I'm gonna win this battle and prove that the Eldians left in this world are good Eldians!

I refuse to lose till I free everyone from the internment zone!

Um, what exactly are you doing?

Pretty cool, right?

It won't work, Commander Magath!

We can't destroy the railroad without the machine g*n slaughtering us first.

They've got soldiers along every inch of the trench.

To top it off, the fort can bombard us whenever they want.

If we stay here too long, they'll just shower us with shells!

Do you have a better idea, Colt?

We should let Jaw and Cart loose.

Galliard and Pieck will get it done.

They'll wipe out the trench and bunker in a flash.


If we play our cards wrong, we lose.

Commander Magath, "that" showed up.

What's "that"?

That. An armored train.

It's equipped with four massive cannons in total.

They're the Allied Forces' new w*apon-anti-Titan cannons.

If one of those mm rounds hits a Titan, it'll k*ll it in a single hit.

Even one of the Nine.

But both of our Titans are incredibly fast. The odds of hitting their nape-

And if they did?

We would lose a Titan and a Warrior...

...with no guarantee that we get their powers back.

That's right. Just like our plan nine years ago to retake the Founding Titan resulted in us losing the Colossal and Female Titan.

The perceived hit to Marley's military might is what sparked this w*r, putting the Paradis Island Operation on hold.

What is it that makes our motherland Marley so great?

The Power of the Titans.

Correct. Our nation won't last if we keep losing 'em.

The Power of the Titans is absolute, and it must always remain that way.

Prepare the Eldian unit for attack!

Yes, sir!

Commander Magath! But that's-

What's the matter, Eldian?

Are you not warriors who swore loyalty to Marley?

This is a chance for the Eldians here... serve our motherland with honor.

All creatures drink of joy at nature's breast...

Everyone up! Prepare to attack!

C'mon! Stand up!


Your mission is to as*ault and destroy the enemy railroad!

The su1c1de squad will rush the bunker and disable the machine g*n!

Listen up! Let your actions purge the disgrace of being spawn of the devil!

This is your chance to be honored by our great motherland Marley!

Prove yourselves worthy!

Yes, sir!

You Warrior candidates are to stand by.

The -strong Eldian unit must destroy the rail at whatever cost.

As long as that armored train is patrolling the fort, the Armored and Beast Titan can't do what they came for.


Colt. As the chosen successor of the Beast Titan, learn what it means to lead already.

Perfect. We can destroy the train, too.

Please, let me take a shot at it.

- Huh?
- Ta-da!

If you'll let me, I can disable the armored train all on my own!

Hey, Gabi!

How much do you think Marley's spent training you all these years? Hell no.

It's true... I am exceptional compared to Falco and the others.

There may never be another Warrior as talented as I am.

Not to mention one this cute.

But if I succeed, we won't lose the whole unit of Eldians!

And if you fail?

You lose just one promising candidate and seven hand grenades.

If you think I'm more valuable than Eldian soldiers, I totally understand.

You love me so much that you'd rather sacrifice the lives of soldiers over me-


Go ahead.

Gabi, don't-

I swear! I will prove to you that I'm worthy of inheriting the Armored Titan!

What are you doing?

For this to succeed...

...please allow me to remove my armband.

Very well.

Hey, someone's coming this way.

It's a woman. Girl, actually.
I think she's surrendering.

No, wait. She might be Eldian.

It looks like something's wrong with her.
She's dragging her leg.

What if she's Eldian?
sh**t her before she turns into a Titan.

Screw that. If you wanna sh**t her, you do it!


What the-?


Wait for it!


She ain't moving.

Who cares? sh**t her!

Now's my chance!

She really did it!

Galliard! Hurry up!

Dammit! You Marleyan cowards!

This is why you bastards...

...all deserve to die!


Falco, don't!

Galliard! Huh?

The armored train has been disabled.

We'll now commence the airborne as*ault.

Remember to stick to the plan.

Zeke will be our spear... and Reiner will be our shield.

Damn, that hurts!

Why'd a Marleyan like me get shot at?!

- What are you doing, Falco?
- You Eldians are supposed to soak up the b*ll*ts!

- Can't you tell?
- You Eldians are supposed to soak up the b*ll*ts!

He's in no shape to fight us anymore.

Udo, gimme a tourniquet.

- Here.
- Stupid kids.

Screw the enemy.

Is that supposed to be your selling point?

You really think obeying the laws of w*r will earn you the spot of Armored Titan?

It's not gonna help, you know.

Like I care?


He's saying something.

Interpret, Udo. Say I stopped his bleeding and that he'll be fine-

"Don't touch me."

"I'll be tainted."

"You devil," he says.


Hurry up!

Get away from the fort!

Don't get caught in it!

It's begun.


No! Stop!

Truly devils...

Our Marleyan ancestors were eaten, just like that.

By you Eldians.


The kinetic bombardment went well, but due to the altitude, roughly half died on impact.

A lot of the anti-Titan cannons are still operational.

Twenty-eight... Twenty-nine... And now I know their locations. But still...

More walls?

I'm sick and tired... of walls.

- It's the Armored!
- k*ll it!


Anti-Titan shells that penetrate even my armor?

What the-?! What hit me?!

An armored train? There's another?




You son of a whore!


They got it under control?

Our defeat brought about this w*r, Reiner.

Isn't w*r a terrible thing?

Finally... With this, the w*r will be over.



With their fleet destroyed, the Mid-East Allied Forces signed a peace treaty with Marley.

The w*r spanning four years ended in a Marleyan victory.

But as the world learned that the era of Titan domination was coming to an end,

Marley was pressed to obtain the Founding Titan as quickly as possible.

Oh, no...

Thanks to the incredible bravery of the Marley army,

Fort Slava has fallen at last!


That's our Marley army for you!

"Titans are not absolute." Marley was shown this painful reality.

Victory providing a brief joy, the warriors return to their hometown of Liberio.

"Midnight Train"

Next episode: "Midnight Train."